Saturday, March 22, 2014

The GB Ensemble: MinorPalooza

The old Ensemble was getting too clunky to manage, so I'll be abandoning it in favor of the Character Profiles topic on our forum. Here are the profiles of minor characters that I did not deem worthy of inclusion in the main post.

-Characters listed on the forum post (look there for their profiles)-

Ariel Sierra - Activist and archer
Baltan and Kauket - Alien duo sent to study another planet
Barbon - 2012 replacement bartender
Beheeyem - Fite Club owner and operator
Biollante/The Martian - A giant monster with the mind of a once-scorned zoofighter
Browny - High-tech cop tasked with cleaning up the streets
Celestia Canicco - Mechanic, baker, loving mother, people tend to compliment her patoot
Clippy - Well-meaning but mostly unhelpful "bar assistant"
Construct 8 - Sarah and Alex's bodyguard
Dr. Bulgrave - Former mad scientist struggling to cope with advances in technology
Electra - Queen of Manhattan's nightlife and owner of what was once Barbon's bar and Fite Club
The Four Fiends - Evil demigodlike monsters that sought the elemental crystals
Garland the Chaotic - A powerful Mysidian knight/summoner with a grudge against Sarah's family
The Great Conehead Brigade - Three horny idiots in armor
Gloria Encarta - Powerful summoner, lover of books
Helios Canicco - A miracle returned him to his wife
Hella Jeff/Sweet Bro - Non-euclidean humanoid druggies
Josephine Bouteille - Self-conscious chemist who learned to embrace herself thanks to Ariel and Dirk
Marlin the Magnificent/New Marlinnium - Former foe of Widow Maker
Mercutio Ferros - Hammer-wielding paladin who worships the goddess Zienna
Missingno - Friendly Eldritch Abomination
Mr. X - Scummy crime boss who abused loopholes and poisoned the environment for profit
Myriam Scuttlebutt - Investigative reporter who likes to hide under boxes
Sakura Atari - Chew toy of the universe, or at least M Sheep's universe
Samhain - A fun-loving Halloween spirit who only appears in October
Sarah Triden - Happy-go-lucky white mage with a blast furnace digestive system
Sheryl - Southern-fried WA-7 droid who is protective of her diner
Shroud - Mysterious wanderer who knows much about Ardea
Silence - Mute, mask-wearing woman built like a truck
Sir Periwinkle - A misogynist knight who kidnapped Josephine for an arranged marriage
Skeiron - Accidentally sentient WarMech unit with a love of levity
The Storm Bikers - A normal gang caught up in an oddball plot
Stormtrooper Squadron - The incompetent but lovable security force of the ZFS
The Swarm - Widow Maker's collection of arthropod pets
Thurg - A follower of Mercutio, also a beastmaster lacking in basic sentence structure
TYP-E - A high-level authority on the ZFS
Tyra Flare - A follower of Mercutio, also a stealthy ninja assassin
Viola Nightshade - Creepy goth girl Pokemon trainer
Widow Maker - A genre-savvy eight-foot mantis with wit as sharp as her claws
X-Demolition/Constructor X - Overly theatric robot construction duo

-Minor and bit-part characters-

Anaconda (Pic)
Origin: Anaconda
Year: 2012
Normally kept at the local zoo, the anaconda escaped one day and started going after the populace. Fortunately, its first target was Sarah and Sakura Atari, and Sarah held it off with a Protect spell until Browny arrived on the scene with backup to recapture the snake and get it back where it belonged.

Arceus (Pic)
Origin: Pokemon
Year: 2013
One of the many gods roaming the afterlife, tending to the needs of the dead. It was Arceus who performed the miracle that gave Helios a new body and a second chance at life. He is often seen alongside Elohim.

Balrog (Pic)
Origin: Street Fighter
Year: 2014
Seen in Las Vegas alongside a sleazy promoter, Balrog was part of a classic carny scheme to bilk people out of money as they paid to fight him for a cash prize - and would drop like dominoes after he'd lost on purpose a while to get a rep for being easy to beat. The scheme came to a screeching halt when he had a violent back-and-forth match with Silence, a bout he ultimately lost even after cheating with a loaded glove.

Beelzebub (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 2
Year: 2011
A high-ranking demon of the underworld who acts as the devil equivalent in Elohim religion. Beelzebub has been used by four different users despite his minor status.

Origin: M Sheep
Year: 2012
A robot invented by Lady Purnima, this machine masquerades as a normal cannonball, and can be used as such. After impact, however, it transforms into a beetle-like robot with chainsaw mandibles to continue the fight. One of them wandered into the bar, and Skeiron brought it to Celestia. After some rewiring of its AI, it now serves as an extra bodyguard for the lab.

Chair (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2011, 2013
A chair from the bar. After being destroyed by a drunken Erebus for the crime of allegedly supporting New Croak over Crystal Pep-Simian, the chair ascended to Chair Heaven.

Chattery Teeth (Pic)
Origin: Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Year: 2011
This terrifying tin toy walked on its own and attacked the bar from the rear, ready to chew holes in everything! Luckily the Five-Mantis Band teamed up with the beetle duo and the tarantulas in The Swarm's finest hour to destroy the abomination before it could do any significant damage.

Chief of Police (Pic)
Origin: Contra Hard Corps
Year: 2012
The Chief is a retired officer who meets with everyone who enters the Manhattan police station. He directs citizens to the officer that can best help them, instructs his men on their missions, and takes care of various administrative functions.

Cooltrainer (Pic)
Origin: Pokemon
Year: 2012
A member of the Cooltrainer elite force. Their orders are to destroy any glitch-type Pokemon that appear in Kanto, to keep the country's economy and traditional way of life intact without their reality-altering and cloning powers messing things up. This Cooltrainer's team included Golem, Octillery, and Magneton.

Dagahra (Pic 1) (Pic 2) (Pic 3)
Origin: Rebirth of Mothra II
Year: 2012
Slumbering on the ocean floor for centuries, Dagahra awoke due to the rising levels of pollution in the world. Attracted to a spot that Mr. X had been using as a garbage dump, the monster was attacked by Garland, who successfully killed it - not to keep the world safe, but so he could summon and control the beast himself.

Deadeye Joe (Pic)
Origin: Contra Hard Corps
Text Color: Bright red
Year: 2012
A small-time criminal with a few cyberpunk enhancements. Attempted to hold the local post office's mail hostage in exchange for an armored truck full of money, but was foiled by Browny and a small group of bargoers. He escaped prison during the chaos Garland's final attack caused, but his attempt to rob Celestia ended in pathetic failure. Browny later tracked him down and arrested him a second time.

Dean Hardscrabble (Pic)
Origin: Monsters University
Text Color: Dusty Rose
Year: 2013
On Baltan and Kauket's home planet, Dean Hardscrabble is the head of the Travel Studies Commission, assigned to review the progress and papers of those who are receiving government grants to travel to other planets. While a hardass, the Dean is not cruel and truly does want her students to succeed, as space travel is considered an extremely valuable privilege no one should lose.

Destroyah (Pic 1) (Pic 2) (Pic 3) (Pic 4)
Origin: Godzilla
Year: 2012
Mutated from microscopic Martian life forms when the Oxygen Destroyer went off during Biollante's fite with Doomrider. The organisms live only to kill, and kill indiscriminately. They're capable of dissolving organics with their venom, meaning the best defense against them is to either be a robot or have REALLY good armor/healing factor. Destroyah was killed in a team effort from Bagan and Biollante in a kaiju dust-up.

Dr. Bartholomew Welward (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012 (blog-only)
Some say death follows Dr. Welward. In reality, he follows death - his specialty in medicine is the study of the dying, with his pet subject being the Black Plague. Starting with the minor Plague outbreak in Gunningshire five years ago, he began wearing a plague doctor mask, first out of necessity and then out of fashion. He is a long-time colleague of Dr. Bulgrave, and one of the closest things to a friend Bulgrave had for years.

Dr. Rabbit (Pic)
Origin: Dr. Rabbit's World Tour
Text Color: Light purple
Years: 2012, 2013
Dr. Rabbit is the world's only rabbit dentist! He travels around in his hot air balloon forcibly kidnapping recruiting people to participate in his Bright Smiles Tours to teach them about the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums. He is incapable of bleeding, seemingly immune to pain, and capable of regenerating from injuries. He also seems to possess minor reality-warping powers, particularly the ability to transport people into a giant human mouth to battle Plaque Monsters. His weakness is an easily-exploitable fear and hatred of junk food. In low concentrations he will teach the eater about sugars and starches, but for gluttons like Sarah he can't take the pressure and generally has to retreat. Despite seemingly being eaten by Destroyah, he resurfaced a year later aboard the ZFS King of Beasts.

Elohim (Pic)
Origin: Zoofights
Text Color: Orange
Years: 2011, 2013
The moth-centipede-alien god from Zoofights 4. Although destroyed in that tournament's final battle, Elohim ascended to true godhood and found inner peace. Revered by many insects, Elohim grants favors to his followers in exchange for their loyalty. Widow Maker is one of his most devoted disciples.

The Excite Biker Gang (Pic)
Origin: ExciteBike
Year: 2012
Text Color: Red for Excite Red, blue for Excite Blue, green for Excite Green
A band of hooligans clothed in red, blue, and green biker outfits. There's only one red guy, and he's the leader. They enjoyed a life of delinquency until Sarah put them in their place, earning a motorcycle in the process she used frequently until it was lost in the Race Yer Mates event. They're a bit more law-abiding now, but Red is still a rebel at heart. With the Storm Bikers out of action, the Excite Bikers just might be able to reclaim their old territory.

Fernando (Pic)
Origin: Pokemon
Year: 2013
Text Color: Yellow/green
Fernando is a Ludicolo who only speaks Spanish. He appeared in Fite Club in 2013 and is notable for being Samus' first (and only) Fite Club victory after two failed attempts. Wanna party?

Fire Breath (Pic)
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Year: 2013
A mysterious round craft about four or five feet tall that is equipped with a flamethrower and fire extinguisher. The Fire Breath drops out of the sky when people in Orvance are in danger and scouts them, waiting for a chance to drop in and add to the attack. As it turned out, Fire Breath was a remote-control drone sent by Celestia to help keep her daughters and their friends safe.

Origin: Starcraft
Text Color: Bright red
Year: 2012
A random, unnamed male Terran Firebat who was originally part of a group of generic marines The Deleter added to one of his RP events to fill out the good guy ranks. However, for this event the only character I brought was Widow Maker, and she was severely damaged very early on. To stay in the game, Widow Maker commandeered this Firebat and rode him around. He made a return appearance in a later mission, but was unfortunately killed offscreen. Widow Maker honored him with a gravestone in the bar's cemetery, which also acts as a tribute to all those faceless soldier units out there who fight and die for justice.

Gamble Man (Pic)
Origin: Mega Man 72
Text Color: Red
Year: 2012
The owner and operator of a casino that has joined up with Tridenland. Gamble Man is very excitable and hawks his establishment like a carny. He's a Zephyrus fanboy.

Garland's Summons
Origin: Final Fantasy 1/2/3/4/5/6
Year: 2012, 2013
Garland had the ability to summon monsters he had slain in combat in the past. The monsters seen were Scarmiglione, Ahriman, Antlion, Omega, Phantom Train, Ultros, Shinryu, and Astaroth. Gloria's summon, Icicle, killed Phantom Train, allowing Gloria to "steal" the summon from Garland. When Garland was fought again a year later, his summon list expanded to include Rubicante, a giant centipede, and the Four Fiends, implying that he shattered their souls as he grew more and more crazed with lust for power.

Giant Fly and Giant Leech
Origin: Original
Text Color: Dark orange for Giant Fly, dark purple for Giant Leech
Year: 2013 (blog-only)
Two unfortunates who decided to go bar-hopping in a city ruled by creatures who don't take kindly to intruders. The leech was murdered, while the fly was merely stripped of his wings and one leg.

Gigas Worm (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Year: 2011
Stag Beetle fought and defeated this monster on the morning of the Zoofights tournament final to win a revival.

Glitches (Pic)
Origin: Pokemon
Year: 2012
A team of glitch Pokemon recruited by Missingno to help beat back Garland's dragons. Glitches seen include but are not limited to Charizard M, Glitcherino, 7PKMNV, and 'Ng'Mp. It is unknown how Missingno got word that the fight was even happening...

Gloria's Summons
Origin: Final Fantasy 1/Final Fantasy 2
Year: 2012, 2013, 2014
Various monsters Gloria uses summon magic to spawn. They are fairly powerful but not very bright. Monsters seen so far include Spider, Icicle, Allosaurus, Slime, Bomb, Death Eye, Blue Dragon, and Phantom Train. Gloria is able to add to this list by killing opponents in combat. The summons Gloria has earned onscreen through ZFRP battles include Phantom Train, Earthrock Trilobyte, a Plaque Monster, Garland, Oceanus, and Platinum Blonde.

Huge Hermit (Pic)
Origin: Metal Slug 3
Text Color: Light blue, no-caps, large font size
Year: 2013
This building-sized fusion of crab and cannon was actually suplexed and pinned by Utsuho Reiuji in a Fite Club duel. He speaks by holding up cardboard signs with short phrases written on them in crayon.

Killbot (Pic)
Origin: Chopping Mall
Text Color: Red and ALL CAPS
Year: 2011, 2012
Killbots are security robots lethally armed to take out trespassers. Three of them prowl Tridenland alongside Celestia's WarMechs.

Hotel Room Clippit (Pic)
Origin: Windows 98
Text Color: Gray
Year: 2012
Not all Clippits are sentient, but some are. One such Clippit was a jaded soul that had seen dozens if not hundreds of people shout him down for his uselessness when he just wanted to show them how to write a letter. As a result, he became cynical and gruff, smoking digital cigarettes and insulting the users. Morgana treated him with respect, however, and he helped her by directing her to the King of Beasts. Hotel Room Clippit hates Bar Clippit because he feels his personality type is the reason Office Assistants are loathed, and he used Morgana as an unknowing messenger to infect Bar Clippit with Missingno. Upon finding that she had been used, Morgana returned and cursed Hotel Room Clippit to a limbo of undeath, unintentionally freeing Missingno and destroying the hotel computer in the process.

Origin: Verbot
Text Color: Code Box
Year: 2012
Julia is a chatbot frequently visited by Clippy, who treats her as a cross between a psychologist and a close friend. Clippy pours his heart out to Julia whenever he has a personal crisis, such as anxiety over the Big Bar Brawl or fear of being fired by Microsoft due to his absence being a major selling point of Office XP. It is unknown if Julia truly tries to help or is completely automated.

Kraken (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Text Color: Dull blue
Years: 2011, 2013, 2014
A former member of the Four Fiends, Kraken was fired by Tiamat for incompetence and replaced with Cagnazzo. After their demise, Kraken wandered the seas in search of a purpose. He found one onboard the ZFS King of Beasts as a vital component of their Kraken water park ride. He is also known to compete in the Fite Club.

Lance (Pic 1) (Pic 2)
Origin: Pokemon
Text Color: Red
Year: 2012
The Dragon Master. Lance trains dragon types and Pokemon that could pass for dragon types, and is the top authority of the anti-glitch forces. He faced a team of bargoers turned into Pokemon with only one member of his team with him - Gyarados. While the sea serpent was incredibly powerful and was able to hold off all his opponents for a time, he eventually became overwhelmed and Lance was forced to retreat.

Lily Limbcake (Pic)
Origin: Zoofights
Year: 2011
The spirit of Lily Limbcake, made flesh with the Necronomitron's power to revive the dead. It assisted it against Zephyrus in a Fite Yer Mates battle, but was destroyed.

Mars People (Pic)
Origin: Metal Slug
Year: 2012
The Fite Club Open House held by the fite club Widow Maker frequents attracted a lot of strange characters the bar was unfamiliar with. This fellow was one such character. He faced Sine Cosine in his match, and lost. The two parted on good terms, with the alien wishing Sine well for Big Bar Brawl II. The Mars People race lives throughout parts of Mars, and many are found in a capital city that is run by Biollante.

Martian UFO (Pic)
Origin: War of the Worlds
Year: 2011
This unmanned flying machine assisted Biollante in a Fite Yer Mates battle. Killed by Zephyrus.

Mecha-Sarah (Pic)
Origin: Original/Final Fantasy Tactics
Year: 2012
Mecha-Sarah marks Celestia's first attempt at intentionally creating an intelligent, sentient robot capable of learning (her previous "intelligent" robot, Skeiron, was an accident). Her original purpose was to serve as a Sarah decoy. Mecha-Sarah started off knowing nothing except a parody of Sarah's personality and some various information Celestia programmed into her. She has a tendency to parrot other people and spout non-sequiturs.

Medusa (Pic)
Origin: Castle Crashers
Text Color: Green
Year: 2013
A denizen of one of the marshy swamps of Orvance. Medusa was used by Shroud to teach the Great Conehead Brigade a lesson, but it got out of hand and some people wound up hurt. Particularly Medusa, who died.

Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Vince McMahon (Pic 1) (Pic 2)
Origin: WWE
Text Color: None for Cole, italics for Lawler, bold for McMahon
Year: 2013
These three provided commentary for the GB Ensemble's second annual Royal Rumble event. While Cole just wants to do his job, Lawler is more interested in hitting up the ladies while McMahon bellows angrily, demanding to see mastodons.

Minwu (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 2
Year: 2011, 2012
A high-ranking doctor at Curaga General Hospital. For a brief period between their arrival in Manhattan and the beginning of Zoofights 6, Sarah and her sisters worked here as nurses, with Minwu acting as their boss.

Mothership (Pic)
Origin: Space Invaders
Text Color: Red
Year: 2013
A red ship that fights with hologram-like artificial Invaders it creates using an internal generator. A member of Beheeyem's Fite Club, it was defeated by Dirk.

Mr. Bones (Pic)
Origin: RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
Year: 2013
Mr. Bones is a top-hat-wearing skeleton that builds terribly boring theme park rides. He appeared at the Fite Club, losing to Victor in a battle on board a slow-moving coaster traveling in a straight line to infinity.

Mr. X's Goons
Origin: Streets of Rage 2
Text Color: Bright red for Souther, red for Big Ben, gray for Jet
Year: 2012
Mr. X's empire was not as large as it used to be, but he had still commanded a fair-sized squad until the end. His three top allies were Big Ben, an obese man with the ability to breathe fire; Jet, a psycho who puttered around on a jetpack; and Souther, a completely insane mutant human who fought with Wolverine claws and graceful acrobatics. Backing them up were a swarm of similar-looking thugs all named Galsia. After X's defeat, the Galsias scattered into the city, Big Ben and Jet were arrested, and Souther got his head punched off by Kayle.

Mr. X's Robots
Origin: Streets of Rage 2/3
Year: 2012
Three bizarre, hopping robots that served Mr. X, although they have only a crude AI and no communication ability. The leader of the trio was Particle, a cyclopean seven-foot brute with extendable maces for arms. Its allies were P1 units, equipped with laser guns and booster wheels. They were disabled in the final fight against Mr. X.

Nuclear Treant
Origin: Original
Year: 2013
The source of the ZFS' persistent greenhouse issues - radioactivity mixed in a bad way with stored cells of the European Onion, a former Zoofighter. On the plus side, taking out this monster resulted in the kobbers getting the perfect leverage to make TYP-E fix Sheryl after he had disciplined her by wiping her personality.

Officer Meekins
Origin: Ace Attorney
Year: 2012
One of the many bumbling, rather useless ordinary human police officers working under Browny. Shouts a lot.

Ogre (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Year: 2013
One minute he was chasing the Great Conehead Brigade, the next minute Fire Breath dropped out of the sky and attacked, and it was all ogre.

Painter (Pic)
Origin: Castle Crashers
Text Color: Grey and ALL-CAPS
Year: 2013
One of the characters working at Beheeyem's Fite Club. Painter was accidentally killed by Hypotenuse when their battle got out of hand. Beheeyem was able to resurrect him.

Paul (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
A lumberjack who is part of a logging company. They were hired by Mr. X to chop down trees to make room for oil drilling. Paul is a laid-back sort who takes things in stride and is used to having his logging projects interrupted by Ariel and her fellow activists. He also has a truly monstrous axe, and presumably knows how to use it. One of his associates is named Jake.

Penny (Pic)
Origin: Original
Years: 2012. 2014
Ariel's best friend. Penny is an activist and is frequently Ariel's right-hand girl in her campaigns. Together, the two of them founded World Progress Alliance, Ariel's activism awareness website. Eco-friendly T-shirts and bags now available for order!

Princess Sarah
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Year: 2011
The king's daughter and your run-of-the-mill distressed damsel. Sarah Triden got her first name from her memory of helping to save Princess Sarah. She thought it was a pretty name, and it was the first that came to mind when she was asked to provide a name.

Refbot (Pic)
Origin: Robot Wars
Year: 2012
A Fite Yer Mates referee. He debuted in the final Fite of 2012: Zephyrus, Oceanus, and Poseidon versus X Demolition and Slime-Inator. He became Jumpropeman's character in 2013, acting as the referee for most of the year until he was killed by Jack during a fite with Sophia.

Samus Aran (Pic)
Origin: Metroid
Text Color: Sepia
Year: 2012
Samus is one of several characters seen at the Fite Club Open House. She faced Erebus and lost. They considered each other worthy opponents and parted on good terms. Samus later reappeared as a character played by The Ruby Chao.

Simon 1994rd (Pic)
Origin: Contra Hard Corps
Year: 2012
A robot that can pull dead fish from hammerspace and wields a ball-and-chain. Can function without his head. Faced Widow Maker during the Fite Club Open House and won, much to Widow Maker's annoyance and disappointment.

Sir Barnaby McManus von Buxton the Third (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012 (blog-only)
This pompous man is essentially the Squilliam Fancyson to Dr. Bulgrave's Squidward. Haughty, arrogant, and kind of a dick, Barnaby was "born lucky" and seems to be successful at everything he tries. Not that he himself does much - he has legions of workers at his command to do the hard work for him. But don't expect Barnaby to attack our heroes - he's perfectly content to gloat about his completely legal and not even that morally wrong gains in as douchey a way as possible.

Slappy (Pic)
Origin: Goosebumps
Text Color: Red
Year: 2012
A highly annoying ventriloquists' dummy who insults everyone and seems to have dark powers. Another Fite Club Open House entrant. He faced Sister Alice.

Socket (Pic)
Origin: Socket
Text Color: Yellow
Year: 2013
A totally radical mascot reject who faced the similarly rad Wheeler in a Fite Club duel. Socket lost.

Snake (Pic)
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Year: 2012
A random snake that Sarah's dad killed in one hit, proving how awesome he is.

Spitfire (Pic)
Origin: Original
Text Color: Green
Year: 2013 (blog-only)
Not much is known about Spitfire, except that she lives somewhere in The Hub and is a member of an organization of sentient invertebrates called "The Valkyries" that rule their district with an iron claw. Any non-Valkyrie invertebrates found trespassing are murdered or worse.

Sponia (Pic)
Origin: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Text Color: Orange
Year: 2013
An ancient OC of mine based on the Spania enemy from the Paper Mario series, resurrected into a Fite Club opponent for General Cleft. Sponia's a friendly sort, and tougher than he looks in battle, but he has extremely poor memory and isn't very smart besides. After a long battle, Sponia got confused and pinned himself.

The Succubus Sisters (Pic)
Origin: Disgaea
Text Color: Hot pink
Year: 2014
Two identical twin sisters, both succubus, who love to have a good time. Mercutio Ferros opposes them and considers them enemies. This lewd duo currently lives in the swamp near Wensdale on the planet Ardea, although they didn't always live there...

Tatzelwurms and Amphipteres (Pic 1) (Pic 2)
Origin: Cryptozoology/mythology
Year: 2013
These dangerous beasts are the size of strong men and live in caves scattered around the planet of Ardea. Tatzelwurms are low-slung beasts similar to a cross between a crocodile and a salamander. Amphipteres are winged serpents.

Tom (Pic)
Origin: Toonami
Years: 2013, 2014
After losing his last job as a host for a programming block of Japanese animation, Tom makes a living as a space taxi driver, ferrying people to places like the ZFS King of Beasts.

Topmaniac (Pic)
Origin: Super Mario Galaxy
Year: 2013
Another Fite Club character. This one managed to pin Samus completely by accident.

Warmech Squad
Origin: Final Fantasy 1
Text Color: Light gray
Years: 2011, 2012
A swarm of robots identical to Skeiron in appearance. They were initially all destroyed when Celestia attacked the bar. However, Draco, ever the gentleman, had four of them rebuilt. These four now work as ticket-takers and security guards for Tridenland and go by the designations Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Delta graduated from "super-minor character" to "minor character useful for only one storyline" after assisting Sine Cosine as she coped with the Mark of the Yellow King.

-Dr. Bulgrave-related characters/machines-

Anguis Summus (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
This mechanical dragon has very limited AI and is more like a vehicle than a sentient robot. It is able to attack things on its own, but Bulgrave can easily override any automated movements with his own piloting.

Caetus Vastitatem (Pic)
Origin: Original
Years: 2012, 2013
Dr. Bulgrave's largest and most impressive machine. The Caetus Vastitatem, translating roughly to "great fish", is a massive, 200-foot-long airship with numerous onboard weapons including a high-powered steam cannon, razor-sharp lower jaw, various ballistic weapons shot from small guns and cannons scattered across the ship, and razor-toothed, self-destructing mechanical insects.

Caudecus (Pic)
Origin: Guild Wars 2
Year: 2013
A new design from Dr. Bulgrave. This burly robot is fairly durable and packs a wallop, but its' AI is too crude to use weapons as anything but bludgeons, and it has no onboard projectiles of any kind. The good doctor crafted these as intimidating and brutal bodyguards, and their drawbacks are due to cost-cutting measures.

Cleptopod (Pic)
Origin: Zoofights
Years: 2011, 2012
The World Creature Wars fighter Octopus Crime was killed in the Zoofights 6 Loser's League Rumble, but Widow Maker took pity on it and had Sarah rescue it and revive it. It was then found by Dr. Bulgrave and upgraded into Cleptopod, a steampunk cyborg octopus with a battery of weapons. Cleptopod assisted Dr. Bulgrave in his efforts to capture Widow Maker and was spared during the final battle between Bulgrave's forces and the kobbers.

Clockwork Mantis (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
A mass-produced two-foot robot type that fought in a massive swarm. They lacked anything too potent offense-wise, though, so they were dispatched fairly easily by Oceanus and Lady Purnima.

Clockwork Spider (Pic)
Origin: Original
Years: 2012, 2013
These small steampunkian robots, with bodies six inches long, are mass-produced by Dr. Bulgrave. They are great at small menial chores such as dusting and picking up stray litter or small objects. They have started appearing in the Zoofights universe, gradually increasing their numbers. They are attracted to Widow Maker and play old music from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. There are also black-colored spiders that are far more malevolent, trying to stab people with rusty syringe fangs. The normal spiders will attack the black ones, but the black ones can force the normal ones to work for them by stabbing their legs into the normal spiders' bodies, linking up to create a hivemind of destruction. After the whirlwind events of the Bulgrave plot, only a few clockwork spiders still exist, all of them the harmless original models. Two are owned by Celestia, and one is owned by Kayle. A few may also still wander the streets of Manhattan. A year later, Dr. Bulgrave resumed production of the spiders to sell as affordable robot pets.

Flame Cauldron (Pic)
Origin: Original
Years: 2012, 2013
One of Dr. Bulgrave's robot servants. The Flame Cauldron was born after Dr. Bulgrave was inspired by seeing newspaper articles featuring Amanda Svilzerian in her Firebat suit. It can send smoke signals, shoot fire and fireballs from its arm cannons, and the stomach grille opens up to belch a giant burst of flame, and possibly even scoop up an opponent and cook them. It appears to be able to command the mass-produced robots. After a long fight of attrition, the combined efforts of Zephyrus and Mach eventually destroyed the Flame Cauldron, who proved to have a bit of an attitude if its ability to flip the bird with fire was any indication. A second Flame Cauldron participated in 2013's war with The Society.

Golden Robo Q (Pic)
Origin: Henry Hatsworth
Years: 2012, 2013
Dr. Bulgrave's new battle suit, created as his first new invention after his release from prison. It features jump jets, rocket fists, and (of course) steam power. Dr. Bulgrave has used this suit in battles with The Rage and a tag-team of Oceanus and Samantha.

Iron Champion (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2013
A large sword-wielding creation used by Dr. Bulgrave against The Society. It fought well against cannon fodder, but was unable to survive its' strongest foes.

Kasai Rex (Pic)
Origin: Cryptozoology/Jurassic Park/Axe Cop
Year: 2012
A living dinosaur captured by Dr. Bulgrave in an attempt to bulk up his army. It was sent into battle soon after receiving some upgrades Gust came up with. Unfortunately for it, Jaxx Tantra decided he wanted to fight it and kill it, and what Jaxx Tantra says goes.

Mammoth (Pic)
Origin: Warmachine
Year: 2012
One of two giant mechas, the crown jewels of Dr. Bulgrave's robotic force. Wields an icy axe. Destroyed by Erebus one-on-one in the Widow Maker kidnapping.

Ol' Rowdy (Pic)
Origin: Warmachine
Year: 2012
One of two giant mechas, the crown jewels of Dr. Bulgrave's robotic force. Wields a giant electric hammer. Participated in and survived the successful kidnapping of Widow Maker, although it was bested by Eshe in combat.

Potens Tritura (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
A steampunk tank with fire attacks and homing missiles. Destroyed in Bulgrave's last stand.

Project 29 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
The "Projects" are a group of mutant praying mantids created by Dr. Bulgrave, with the goal being to create a second Widow Maker (who was Project 28). However, it has proven very difficult if not impossible to recreate her. The rejects at least make good foot soldiers. Project 29 is a hulking monster over 20 feet tall that looks like Widow Maker on steroids. This brute has the highest strength-to-size ratio of all of the Projects. It was killed by the Robot Bros, Zephyrus and Oceanus, in the Widow Maker kidnapping event.

Project 30 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Project 30, an abnormally speedy mutant with grossly elongated mandibles, yellow eyes, and a voice like microphone feedback, participated in the construction site battle alongside Project 31 and the Storm Bikers but was destroyed completely thanks to Chet (played by saberwulf) using the most overkill gun possible on it.

Project 31 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Another one of the "Projects". Project 31 looks more like Widow Maker, but does not share her intelligence. Instead, 31 relies on predatory instinct and flamethrowers for hands to get the job done. 31 was defeated in battle at the construction site by Marcus.

Project 32 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Project 32 is a burly Widow Maker clone with big muscly arms. Unlike Widow Maker, 32 is bipedal, the middle legs almost useless. It was the first of the Projects to appear. 32 boasted immense physical strength, but it was defeated by a furious Widow Maker after it critically injured Sarah.

Project 33 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Ever have one of those situations when you just don't know what to do with something? That's what we at Bulgrave Inc feel like with Project 33. We've all sorts of insect parts lying around down in the Laboratory from Projects that have come and gone, but those Projects took a nasty beating and we're just not sure as to how we should put it back together. So, we used the spaghetti strategy. We took everything we had and we threw it at the wall. What stuck formed Project 33.

Project 34 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Probably the most horrifying of all the Projects, Project 34 is a malformed abomination barely resembling an insect at all, with a second, limbless mantis inside the dome on its head. The two were symbiotic to each other - the small one needed the big one to nourish it, while the big one benefited from the small one's extra attack power - electric and psychic waves.

Project 35 (Pic 1) (Pic 2)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Project 35, at first glance, is a giant, hundred-foot snakelike mantis with demon horns, multiple claws forming grotesque fingers, three eyes, and acid vomit. However, this horror is only the real Project's conjoined twin, taking the place of the monster's tongue. Although the "tongue" was killed by Morgana after a serious struggle, it was revived by accident due to a botched attack by Phantomon. Project 35's main body proved almost indestructible, taking absolutely no damage from the full might of Caetus Vastitatem. Eventually, after Dr. Bulgrave surrendered, he called off Project 35, and it returned to its underground home. It is one of only three surviving Projects, the others being Project 39 and Widow Maker herself.

Project 36 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Yet another of Dr. Bulgrave's "Projects". This one is a hundred-foot-long centipede-like mutant with a hammer on its back and a ninja star buzzsaw six feet across on its tail. It is able to move extremely quickly despite its size, and is the second-fastest Project (30 is the fastest). It was killed by the Robot Bros in the Widow Maker kidnapping event.

Project 37 (Pic 1) (Pic 2)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Giant, grotesque, and maker of mooks, Project 37 looks intimidating and boasts a giant fang and several spined tentacles, but Mach proved to outmatch it by closing up its rear end, causing its constant maggot production to backfire on it. The maggots themselves have burning drool and sharp fangs, and are three feet in length.

Project 38 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
One of Dr. Bulgrave's odder creations (and that's saying a lot), Project 38 is roughly the same size as Widow Maker, and seems to have features based off other creepy crawlies besides mantids. Its' spinning claw hands look like earwig pinchers, the jaws resemble a beetles', and the eyes are on stalks like a snail. 38 participated in the Widow Maker kidnapping, and although it was heavily damaged by Alex the boxing raptor, it survived the ordeal and fled. It returned in the battle at Bulgrave's castle, managing to KO Oceanus before a seriously pissed Zephyrus finished it off.

Project 39 (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
It's a praying mantis. In a jar. I dunno, maybe Dr. Bulgrave never got around to surgineering this one. Now in the possession of Morgana.

Project 40 (Pic)
Origin: Magic the Gathering
Year: 2012
The only mutant Project to have a design not of my creation. Project 40, unlike the other Projects, was produced in multiples as a way to test a pack predator. Their only special ability is a cloaking mechanism similar to Widow Maker's. Aside from that, they're all fangs and claws. The pack, consisting of four beasts, was killed in battle outside Dr. Bulgrave's castle.

Steam Boiler (Pic)
Origin: Original
Years: 2012, 2013
The Steam Boiler is a soldier unit mass-produced by Dr. Bulgrave. They are built for defense and can fire boiling steam from the grill on their "face". They returned in 2013 to help a Steam Boiler in the ongoing battle against The Society.

Steam Stallion (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Another weak mass-produced unit. Tin Soldiers are capable of riding these mechanical horses, which can breathe fire and smoke.

Tin Soldier (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
These bipedal walker-bots are used as cheap, easy-to-produce security guards and servants for Dr. Bulgrave. Their heads can fire thin, not-particularly-strong electric blasts that look sorta like when King Ghidorah shoots his beams.

War Mecha (Pic)
Origin: Original
Year: 2012
Dr. Bulgrave based this robot walker off of Celestia's WarMech units and the Death Machine. It managed to go toe-to-toe with Celestia in combat for a while, but proved weak to her magic. After she added her spells to the mix, War Mecha was left with a fried CPU.

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