Monday, March 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 115: Team Buttsephine

(SteelKomodo is streaming a video game and RubyChao is offering tips)

RubyChao: push the blocks into the pit
RubyChao: i.e. the three-space high pit
RubyChao: then jump over it
Gooper Blooper: alternatively, push the raven on top of the pit
Gooper Blooper: They'll start making out and it'll let you slip by in the confusion
Gooper Blooper: feathers everywhere
RubyChao: instead of pointing out hair on his shoulders or something, dirk points out black feathers in pit's wings
SteelKomodo: oh you crazy people
SteelKomodo: look what you get up to behind my back :D
Gooper Blooper: the pairings, dufe


Harpy: what is that cowboy bebop song called, the one that plays during the 2nd or 3rd episode where Ein shows up. the one that happens during the "why did you use a dog whistle you idiot" scene
Saberwulf: that is bad dog, no biscuit
Harpy: "i spent all my money on you, baby, and I want it back"
Harpy: is that
Harpy: is that the actual name of the song
Saberwulf: yes
Harpy: oh my god yes
Gooper Blooper: amazing


SteelKomodo: oh yeah I saw a guy get thrown off my train this morning
Gooper Blooper: Not while it was moving, I hope
SteelKomodo: had the wrong ticket and was threatened with arrest for fare dodging
SteelKomodo: no it wasn't goops :U


Gooper Blooper: After much brainstorming and consideration I have the basics for my main ZFRP plot of 2014
Gooper Blooper: much is subject to change, but if everything goes like I have it at the moment, this could be some serious shit
RubyChao: "welcome to the after-afterlife"
RubyChao: "population CHAOS AND ALL THE FIENDS"
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: i mean D:
Dungeon Del: it only gets worse
Gooper Blooper: Tiamat with eleventy-billion heads
RubyChao: tiamat becomes a hydra
RubyChao: every head you cut off grows five more
Gooper Blooper: Oceanus trying to punch off every head but he just can't
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: He takes this as a challenge
SteelKomodo: how many enemies did the Tridens even maaaaake
RubyChao: barbariccia turns out to have fought helios way back when
RubyChao: wait i already used that joke
Dungeon Del: acid trip tiamat
Gooper Blooper: realtalk: this time around there are no plans for the villain to be "AND THEY MET THE SARAHKIN A DECADE AGO"
Gooper Blooper: because I've done that three years in a row jesus christ
Dungeon Del: hahaha
Dungeon Del: new villains new plans
SteelKomodo: ah
SteelKomodo: phew
RubyChao: villain confirmed for meeting widow maker a decade ago
RubyChao: wait that doesn't work dangit
Gooper Blooper: I already mined Widow Maker's past too
Gooper Blooper: aaaaagh
RubyChao: wait i've got it
SteelKomodo: it's Captain Krunch
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't know, Harpy
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem's ultimate villain is an easy choice
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: The guy who upstaged him
Gooper Blooper: He's the real reason JRM says Beheeyem sucks so much, I would wager


Dungeon Del: "other m's terrible story did a great job of hiding its terrible gameplay"
Dungeon Del: goons tell it like it is
SteelKomodo: pfffft


RubyChao: i should really get around to writing worldbuilding
RubyChao: arrrgh why does writing require writing


RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: It seems Season 1's episodes were more grounded in the series, while Season 2 had a lot of gimmicks
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: Diddy Kong advocates beating the crap out of an ape while he's having a phobia-induced panic attack
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: Jeez Diddy why are you such a bad influence
Gooper Blooper: diddy more like dick
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: If there was a Donkey Kong Country Saturday Morning Drug Special you know he'd be dancing around in giant piles of monkey cocaine


Harpy: *bangs knee on cabinet*
Harpy: ow
RubyChao: gj
Harpy: ruby
Harpy: i thought you were my friend
RubyChao: i am
RubyChao: that doesn't mean your minor accidents can't be entertaining sometimes
Harpy: welp
Harpy: i'm fine, just more hungry
Croco tips the cabinet over.
Croco: Your honor is avenged, Harpharp.
Harpy: thank you croco
Croco: You're welcome. Thanks for your purse.
Croco flees into the maze.
Harpy: my purse doesn't have much money in it
Croco: It has these tasty mints though.


(Daniel Bryan gets the shit beat out of him at the end of Monday Night Raw)

Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: At least Triple H got kicked in the face
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
Cornwind Evil: No
RAPADOOOOOOOOOO: What happened this time?
Cornwind Evil: Bryan got beat up but the story seems to suggest it's going the right way
Cornwind Evil: I will hope
Cornwind Evil: YES!


Saberwulf: Huh, longest book ever written is 13,095 pages long
SteelHeadache: welp
Saberwulf: That's a lot of goddamn words


Harpy joined the chat
SteelHeadache: ey harps
Harpy: but i'm a violin
Dungeon Del plays harpy the violin
SteelHeadache: why are you a violin, harpy?
Harpy: Because I don't feel so...harp-y.
Saberwulf: That's a terrible pun
Harpy: i know and I'm pretty sure like 20 different people I know sensed that and groaned in unison
Harpy: one may or may not want to kill me


Del Punk: how the fuck are there 6 "works" for a old british tv show about a fat pink toy cat on ao3
Saberwulf: nerds
Del Punk: also how the fuck is there a charity for fanfiction
Del Punk: no wulf you don't understand my mum watched that when she was a kid and she is fifty now
Saberwulf: N
Saberwulf: E
Saberwulf: R
Saberwulf: D
Saberwulf: S
Del Punk: fifty year old creatures that resemble jabba the hut and work as train conductors
Del Punk: they must be the culprit
Saberwulf: SDREN


SteelKomodo: get on here you jerks
Croco: Will there be CAKE?!
SteelKomodo: maybe
Croco: I can't not take that chance.


Gooper Blooper: you know what's fun?
Gooper Blooper: Recycled voice acting!
SteelKomodo: what is?
SteelKomodo: do elaborate
Gooper Blooper: In BD you have to go into this dungeon and find a bunch of kid prisoners
Gooper Blooper: You find them in groups of two and every time you find some you get some dialog
Gooper Blooper: Which starts with Tiz saying how many are left and then the same lines repeated
Gooper Blooper: "THE SHIELDBEARERS ASKED US TO COME AND RESCUE YOU" "THANKS" is now branded into my head


Del Punk: wulllfff where are you, i need my writing validated by internet strangers


Del Punk: can i rename this chatzy to Bravely Default Hour
Del Punk: or is that a premium feature
Del Punk: serious question actually
Harpy: sadly no
Harpy: actually maybe
Gooper Blooper: previous chatzy incarnations include Godzilla Hour, Pokemon Hour and VGCW Hour
Del Punk: grr
Del Punk: that was a cool feature of skype
Gooper Blooper: *mrgrgr
Del Punk: renaming group conversations
Harpy: but then we'd get unsavory types wishing that the white mage still wore panties and putting in random agnes porn in here


Gooper Blooper: the complete script for shrek
Croco: Wooooooooooooooooooooooo​oow! =D
Saberwulf: "Allstar - by Smashmouth begins to play."
Saberwulf: Legendary
Del Punk: and thus a legend begins


Cornwind Evil: EXPAND DOG
SteelKomodo: what
Cornwind Evil: EXPAND DONG
SteelKomodo: oh
SteelKomodo: #CoconutCreamPie


Gooper Blooper: "Zoe slid out of the car like soft serve." I love this
Saberwulf: Zoe is much like David in that her spine is made of laffy taffy


Gooper Blooper: bbl
Saberwulf: kk
RubyChao: kk
SteelKomodo: kk
Del Punk: kkkk
SteelKomodo: kkkkkkkkkk
RubyChao: klk
Saberwulf: FLCL


SteelKomodo: del, did Oracle of Ages ever have a dungeon like that? One that was just so full of BS you wanted to cry?
Dungeon Del: i remember the dungeon on crescent island being an arse
Dungeon Del: but it's been ages since i played so
RubyChao: >​ages since you played
RubyChao: dohoho
SteelKomodo: DOHOHO


RubyChao: "Dalek Holmes, have you determined who the killer was?"
"Astounding! Who was it?"

SteelKomodo: damn it Dalek Holmes


RubyChao: piet
RubyChao: according to sk they are arguing over Okuu's cuteness vs. Josephine's butt
SteelKomodo: not just according to me, chao, it's canon now :U
RubyChao: :V
Bulba changed name to The Joke Is Literally Butts
The Joke Is Literally Butts changed name to Bulba

RubyChao: Team Buttsephine and their eternal rivals, Team Cutesuho
RubyChao: it's worse than aqua/magma fights
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: alternatively rename Cutesuho to-
RubyChao drops dead
SteelKomodo fetches popcorn and watches Goops and Chao duke it out.
SteelKomodo: what?
Gooper Blooper: Team Magma plans to cause an explosion of butt that covers the earth and forms new continents
RubyChao: Boobsuho (i apologize very much) (blame the Pit Theory)
RubyChao: let's be real who didn't want to side with team magma
RubyChao: hoenn was way too wet
Gooper Blooper: it's the never-ending debate
Gooper Blooper: the lewdebate
RubyChao: "Up next on Debate Yer Mates, Pit Angelos vs. Dirk Pat!"
RubyChao: both of them use their girlfriends as examples to support their points
Gooper Blooper: "Josephine, if you could come onstage please"
Gooper Blooper: "dirk why"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: this is glorious
Gooper Blooper: never let Dirk know about Bravely Default's Bravo Bikini
RubyChao: what is that
SteelKomodo: oh god what
Gooper Blooper: it's the thing that resulted in the infamous "censorship" of the English version
Gooper Blooper: Remember that pervy tailor I talked about? The Bravo Bikini is his "greatest masterpiece"
Gooper Blooper: Agnes tries it on offscreen and says "This is clothing? But the fabric... *grows panicked* there isn't any!"
RubyChao: ...oh cripes dirk must never know about this bravo bikini D:
Gooper Blooper: the bravo bikini isn't shown onscreen (because Agnes refuses to wear it)
Gooper Blooper: but then it turns out Edea kept it and she wears it to lure an NPC for plot reasons
Gooper Blooper: Ringabel points out it doesn't fit but she wears it anyway, highlighting her confidence
RubyChao: edea why
RubyChao: oh, okay. good for her, i suppose?
Croco: Bravo Bikini? O_o
SteelKomodo: Dirk would probably die happy if ever he laid eyes on it
Gooper Blooper: if he laid eyes on Josephine in it, you mean
Gooper Blooper: ACCEPTABLE
RubyChao: what if okuu ended up in awkwardly skimpy clothing. would pit survive.
SteelKomodo: Eeeeh... I'd give him a 50/50 chance :U
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP: The Hot Springs Episode
Harpy: Juan would be embarrassed on their behalf
RubyChao: "dirk. dirk why are you wearing just a speedo." "gotta give the LADIES a good show~"
Harpy: all of you are not ready for Sammy in a Bravo Bikini
RubyChao: this has been terrible dirk impressions
RubyChao: with ruby
Gooper Blooper: Sammy's confidence limit break
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: if she wears that
Harpy: she's probably at full power w/o Alpha
SteelKomodo: spy I think we established he wouldn't :U
Croco: Agnes should totally wear the Bravo Bikini 2hot 4 'Murica.
Gooper Blooper: agnes 2prude
Gooper Blooper: she's kinda like a young nun or something
RubyChao: dirk rushed to the hospital with critical blood loss from the nose
Harpy: She is, Goops
Harpy: she lived in the temples all her life and was raised to be a nun
RubyChao: as he slips into unconsciousness he whispers
RubyChao: "worth it... totally worth it."
SteelKomodo: ^ Dirk.txt
Bulba: Osh in a Bravo Bikini
Bulba: Goodbye, everybody's eyes
Gooper Blooper: Oceanus in a Bravo Bikini would just be the Oceanus we see all the time but with some fabric straps on
Bulba: Good point, Goops
Harpy: don't let Ringabel know
Croco: I recognize that name. I'm not sure where from, but it does....RING A BELL. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Croco is murdered.


Gooper Blooper: oh by the way
Gooper Blooper: an old character is slated to make a possible return in 2014 after a long absence from the spotlight
Croco: It's Widow Maker!
Gooper Blooper: IT'S KOFFING
RiotKomodo: IT'S PIKACHU
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: It's a jigglypuff seen from above
RiotKomodo: GOD DAMN IT


RubyChao: reading a topic about other m in 2009 and seeing all the hype
RubyChao: :(
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: Its just like Lapland New Forest
Gooper Blooper: Lapland Zebes
RiotKomodo: :<
Croco: Still not as bad as Lapland Nukem.
RubyChao: in ZFRP canon Other M is actually a fanfic Ridley wrote
RubyChao: he created it to trash samus's reputation
Gooper Blooper: perfect
RubyChao: "AND THEN THE HANDSOME, STRONG, AMAZING SPACE DRAGON BURST THROUGH THE WALL! And of course Samus was so terrified and awed by his awesomeness that she couldn't do a thing!"
Gooper Blooper: yes good


Harpy: tadaaaa
Saberwulf: woooo
Harpy: warning: there's about one horrible image in there, so please don't eat while you read it
Saberwulf: I can look at war photos while eating so I'm good
Saberwulf: desensitizatiiooooonn
Harpy: wulf you're a special sort


Gooper Blooper: "Furret appears to be based on a ferret."
Gooper Blooper: thanks bulbapedia
Harpy: thanks bul- dammit


Croco: My secret awesome new RP character: it's Draco again


RubyChao: except for robot and frostbite none of my characters have had companions
RubyChao: unless Dr. Nerique had some secret wild adventures in his youth!
RubyChao: He didn't.


SteelKomodo: I don't get the crystal coconut thing at all
SteelKomodo: like, occasionally it does things of it's on will which suggests it's sentient
SteelKomodo: so why would it grant K. Rool's wish if it supposedly knows he's evil?
Harpy: because it just don't give a shit


SteelKomodo: so I was getting a cider when I heard this perfume commercial
SteelKomodo: and I dunno who the maker was but I misheard it as "the new fragrance from Capcom"
SteelKomodo: and I thought to myself "who wants to smell like Zangief, honestly"


Gooper Blooper: "For what it's worth, it's said within WWE that current plans have John Cena and Daniel Bryan being pushed as the #1 and #2 guys in the company after WrestleMania XXX, now that CM Punk is gone. No word yet if this means Bryan is winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title."
Gooper Blooper: jhon census finally getting his chance to be the top guy


RubyChao: this is a real thing
Gooper Blooper: yes it is
Gooper Blooper: can't let barkley have all the fun


Gooper Blooper: 2014 setup
SteelKomodo injects tanker of insulin
Gooper Blooper: weapons-grade daww
SteelKomodo dies of reverse diabetes


CyberDel: "I just remembered my dog thinks the tv is real and barks at it
So theoretically I could watch dog watch watch_dogs"

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