Friday, March 7, 2014


-Present Day-

The dandelions were always first.

Helios, looking out the window by his easy chair, saw the small, weak-looking sprigs of yellow sprouting from patches of dirt where snow had melted. He smiled. Spring was on the way, and not a moment too soon - he and Celestia had grown utterly sick of being kept indoors by cold temperatures and bad weather.

It was nearly time to enact his plan. In fact, he mused to himself, there was little reason not to enact said plan immediately. He wasn't sure he could bear to wait much longer anyway. He got out of his chair.

In the next room, Celestia was cheerily working in the kitchen, singing a little ditty to herself as she took a pan of brownies out of the oven. She paused to look out the window and see the dandelions again, which she'd been glancing at all afternoon. Were there more then before? Was spring really, truly happening at last? One could only hope.

Celestia placed the pan on the counter to cool, then felt a pair of arms gently hug around her waist.

"Guess who?"

"Widow Maker!" Celestia stated.

The two mages shared a laugh. "So, how goes the baking?"

"Excellent! Another pan of brownies done!"

"Good to hear." Helios eyed the pan, salivating internally at the thought of Celestia's homemade brownies. He looked back at Celestia, and got ready to unleash his surprise.

"Celestia, I know we've been talking about 'renewing our vows' and so on... and there was something I wanted to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Well, I just figured... You've always gone full force into whatever you set out to do. You make the most of everything and always give it 110 percent. So it's only natural that we go all the way on this, as well."

Helios pulled the small box out from his robe and got on one knee. The box opened, revealing a shimmering necklace.

"Celestia, let's really renew our vows. This spring. Make it official. And go on the best darn honeymoon anyone will ever have."

"Oh, goodness!" Celestia stammered out. She was caught completely off guard by the surprise.

"Would you do it all over again, Celestia? Will you remarry me?"

"Yes! Goodness, yes!" Celestia laughed, embracing her husband.

-Later That Day-

Helios looked down at his plate. His dinner was accompanied by two brownies. Some things never changed.

"So!" he said, smiling broadly. "Have you got any suggestions for where we're going?"

"Easy." Celestia said between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. "The ZFS King of Beasts."

Helios looked confused. "Huh? Really? Not Mysidia?"

"No, the ZFS is perfect!"

"Why's that? It seems a bit dangerous..."

"I'm convinced my family eats danger for breakfast at this point." Celestia said, grinning underneath her facial mist. "Besides, if it wasn't for our friends on the ZFS, we would never have gotten back together. It's the place where we reunited. I can think of no better honeymoon."

"Heh, I suppose you're right. So who will be in charge of Tridenland while we're away?"

"I'll be having Skeiron take a leading role in my absence, and he can message me if I'm needed for executive decisions." Celestia said. "Might get Widow Maker to help out during the warmer months, as well."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll start spreading the word, if you'd like."

"Put some earplugs in before telling Sarah, honey."

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