Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 114: What's So Funny About Jokes?

Harpy: its time for
Gooper Blooper: it's time to get RIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPED
Harpy: also i'd be interesting in your take in her looks
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: Goops should draw an idiot hair in the shape of Leo Luster
Harpy: your hints today are: black hair, that colorful hairpin, POSSIBLY dress Summoner Agnes wears, blue dress, is a dancer
Harpy: and a shapeshifter obs
Harpy: its shiela clearly
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: Garnet
Gooper Blooper: Xavier
Harpy: lelgarnet
Gooper Blooper: IT'S PIKACHU
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: GOD DAMNIT
Harpy: its actually a jigglypuff
Gooper Blooper: that fucking "Jigglypuff seen from above" was an in joke LEGEND with me and my brother fifteen years ago
Gooper Blooper: couldn't stop laughing
Rock-Hard Fist Nipples: Don't tell Gordon, Goops
Gooper Blooper: nobody must know I loffed and loffed


King Dededel: wulf i think caitlin glass is just straight up anime jonesy's VA
King Dededel: "Maybe I should- learn how to read- plplplpl"
Saberwulf: Hahaha
King Dededel: "Guys, I'm really sorry, but I'm about to puke all over you."
King Dededel: "Your armpit smells, senpai."
King Dededel: Okay basically take the bloopers and that's anime jonesy
King Dededel: in the middle of the weird shit and gauzy effects and explosions, jonesy's lines are actually bloopers
Saberwulf: Tadaaa
King Dededel: and piss-takes
King Dededel: it's fantastic


Saberwulf: List is, of course, incomplete
The Underblooper: oh god Celestia


The Underblooper: This heavy demand for Bravely Default makes me optimistic that the series will be a big seller and Bravely Second will get localized too
Harpy: wait
Harpy: there's a
Harpy: bravely second?!?!?
The Underblooper: They announced a sequel to BD a few months ago
The Underblooper: It's not out
Harpy: eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee​eeeeeeeeee
The Underblooper: (BD has been out in Japan for over a year, hence the sequel talk)
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
The Underblooper: And yes, Akihiko Yoshida is still lead artist
Harpy: oh my god please
The Underblooper: even though he left Square he's still doing the Default series
Harpy: speaking of waddler, we're exchanging moves like doofuses and giving them names
The Underblooper: You can name your attacks?
Harpy: name special attacks, yes. not a spoiler since that comes in so early game it doesn't matter
The Underblooper: You could do that with magic in Four Heroes
Harpy: haha i wish I can do that
The Underblooper: Sarah's Curaga renamed to "pootis"
YAR LOOK AT ME: Can you . . .
Harpy: if you get a copy sure
SteelKomodo: I remember in Gen 1 you could rename Pokemon moves
SteelKomodo: unless that was a dream
SteelKomodo: i wonder why they got rid of that?
The Underblooper: You can't do that, SK
YAR LOOK AT ME: I think it was a dream
YAR LOOK AT ME: But that'd be amazing
SteelKomodo: ah
The Underblooper: The closest thing to renaming moves I know is Chatter's custom voice acting
SteelKomodo: ...why the hell do I remember that being a thing, then?
The Underblooper: I'm pretty sure I've had weird dreams about gameplay mechanics too
SteelKomodo: either I dreamt it or i've lost more brain cells that I've thought
The Underblooper: I can't remember any atm but I know I have
Harpy: that would be amazing if it were real
Harpy: but that would also make most of the competitive game full of explicits
King Dededel: Primeape used Expand Dong
King Dededel: Primeape is getting pumped!
Harpy: gu
Harpy: guh wut
Harpy: i
YAR LOOK AT ME: For shame, Del
The Underblooper: Name Rater rules apply and you can't rename a traded Pokemon's moves, you get a pogey that knows four awesome moves, they're actually Splash, Tackle, Constrict, and Smog
YAR LOOK AT ME: For double dongage
SteelKomodo: ah
Harpy: that's horrifying
King Dededel: super dong


Cornwind Evil: Have you considered watching Fairy Tail, Harpy?
Harpy: considered?
Harpy: I watched up to episode 95
Harpy: Cu Sith wouldn't exist without that particular inspiration
Cornwind Evil: Right. Well, I will not recommend Gantz, that's....too much.
Harpy: whats a gantz
Cornwind Evil: Right. Imagine the bastard offspring of Elfen Lied 's wanton gore and nudity with Neon Genesis Evangelion's plain insanity and disturbing nature. Then put that on crack and toss it in a septic tank. That's Gantz.
Harpy: Oh dear
Cornwind Evil: I started reading it like eight years back when I wanted something different and ultimately stuck through the whole thing, if just for lessons on what not to do in writing
Harpy: welp


King Dededel: "BBQ Sauce: you do realise dota pickup lines are literally the worst idea"
King Dededel: i feel this needs reiterating
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Harpy: my BBQ sauce talks?
King Dededel: i nicknamed myself bbq sauce
King Dededel: for some reason
King Dededel: i have weird chatzy names
SteelKomodo: you do
SteelKomodo: like king dededel, for instance :U
YAR LOOK AT ME changed name to Wootbutt
Harpy changed name to Dont Tizz me Bro


King Dededel: alt universe monk jonesy
King Dededel: tibetan monk jonesy
Saberwulf: haha
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: Jonesy's cousin, Jun Sey
King Dededel: "She's weird. We haven't talked in forever."
Saberwulf: David somehow has selfies with her
King Dededel: Unlike Jonesy, Jun Sey is at complete inner peace and knows kung fu but is a really bad conversationalist
Saberwulf: "I get around"
King Dededel: "David if you've fucked my cousin... actually I don't care. Hope you like yak butter."
Saberwulf: "I AM A MARRIED MAN LASS" he says as a crowd of hookers carries him across the room like a rock concert
King Dededel: "And you're a paragon of married life." *razz*
Saberwulf: pff


RubyChao: "everyone says they want a fairytale wedding but when i show up and curse their firstborn suddenly i’m the jerk"


PAINIS CUPCAKE: gimme a sex
IDEAS: D: Don't sex the painis cupcake
IDEAS: He will eat you
Agnes Oblige: lewd
RubyChao: wow spy wow
RubyChao: #Lewd
Agnes Oblige: lewd lewd lewd
Agnes Oblige: and speaking of lewd
Agnes Oblige: ...i dunno where I was going with that
RubyChao: probably for the best


IDEAS: "What's so funny about jokes"
IDEAS: Words of wisdom from Klump


Mrgrgr: I'm gonna go get some shuteye, nite folks
Ringabel: nite edea
Mrgrgr: mrgrgr
Waddler-D: Night!
Ringabel: May dreams take you to sweet places...and into my arms~
Mrgrgr: ringabel pls


Saberwulf: What lofty title shall yonder murderhobos work under
King Dededel: a bunch of ragged twats with weird weapons and no money


Harpy: the only religion I worship atm
Harpy: is FOOD
King Dededel: hail foods


King Dededel: i'd like it if people did bob ross style lps
King Dededel: turn the game audio down low
King Dededel: and soothingly discuss techniques and strategies


Cornwind Evil: So I had another wrestling dream
Cornwind Evil: This one wasn't as funny
Cornwind Evil: So this time I was at a WWE event
Mrgrgr: uh oh
Cornwind Evil: Modern times. CM Punk was back, he was wrestling Christian, and he was the WWE World Champion again
Mrgrgr: And all was well
Cornwind Evil: And again it seemed to be a 'fan's honor night' because the two were fighting in a falls count anywhere match and fans were all over the actual place where the match was happening
Cornwind Evil: I actually got out of the way because CM Punk wanted to use the corner I was in to charge out of
SteelKomodo: D:
Cornwind Evil: I told him "Hit him!" and Punk gave me a dirty 'Yes thank you Mr. Brilliant Tactics' look
Cornwind Evil: Then Punk tried to give Christian a side russian leg sweep, but he leaned back way too far and badly bashed his head on the ground
Cornwind Evil: So the WWE stopped the match and took Punk away
Cornwind Evil: And I was worried, so I stole Zack Ryder's sword and took a bus home
Mrgrgr: Why was Zack Ryder wandering around with a sword
Cornwind Evil: Why did Zach Ryder have a sword and why did I steal it? Because my dream said so, that's why
Mrgrgr: oh
Mrgrgr: of course
SteelKomodo: Sword Ryder
Cornwind Evil: Also there were Pokemon in the background
Cornwind Evil: Which looked like birds crossed with fighter jets
Cornwind Evil: But they weren't actually at the CM Punk match
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, I get home, which was my old private school from 20 years ago, and I immediately check on Punk, only to find he's been 'detoxified' and is 'resting peacefully'
Cornwind Evil: And then I wake up
Cornwind Evil: And then I go online to make sure Punk didn't bang his head in real life
SteelKomodo: >​detoxified
SteelKomodo: jesus that sounds like something out of my Most Important Announcement post D:
Mrgrgr: CM Punk always was a rebel
Mrgrgr: he was dealt with and is now a happy and productive part of the WWE Universe
Mrgrgr: *Punk staggers out with a Cena shirt and Batista hat*
Cornwind Evil: Now that would just be a nightmare


Mrgrgr: Spend enough time on something and you'll get it right
Saberwulf: I thought goops said splenda enough time
Saberwulf: Chatzy adverts
Mrgrgr: the joke is sugar


Cornwind Evil: Why are we suddenly discussing the Book Of Erotic Fantasy


Waddler-D joined the chat
Waddler-D: Hey guys.
Waddler-D: Huh? >​_>​
Waddler-D: Found you? >​.>​
Waddler-D: Were you hiding? >​_>​
Harpy: *stuffs all BD related shit into a drawer* I DIDN'T DO NOTHIN
Harpy: No, i'm blatantly on skype
Harpy: ohohoho
Waddler-D: XD
Saberwulf: Harpy found hiding among the tabletop smut
Waddler-D: o_O'
Harpy: also i'm going to sleep around- WHAT
Waddler-D: Well..!
Harpy: i had nothing to do with that
Saberwulf: Tis a joke, milord
Cornwind Evil: "also i'm going to sleep around"
Waddler-D: I'm kidding Harpy, you've...
Waddler-D: Really? >​_>​'
Harpy: ...CW that is not necessary


KarpyHuro: "dislikes: frilly things"
KarpyHuro: viola, carla can't be friends with you


Lewdly Default joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey goops, what's with the username?
Lewdly Default: Lewd things happened in BD today
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Lewdly Default: Agnes had to get some clothes made so she visited a tailor
Lewdly Default: Who was a great guy aside from the dirkisms
RubyChao: "dirkisms"
RubyChao: oh god
Lewdly Default: I was waiting for a "taking your measurements" sequence that never came
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: what sort of dirkisms were there
Lewdly Default: Instead he commented on how it'd been so long since they'd last seen each other and oh, how Agnes has grown
SteelKomodo: I need to write them down
Lewdly Default: "grown"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Dirk becomes a tailor, Pit facepalms so hard his face shoots out his head and across the world
Lewdly Default: He got as far as calling her "plump and jiggly" before the other party members told him to shut up
Lewdly Default: Agnes, oddly, didn't seem disturbed
RubyChao: agnes no
Lewdly Default: She WAS disturbed later when the clothes were finished and he asked for a kiss goodbye
Lewdly Default: "unacceptable"
SteelKomodo: Dirkgnesephine *SHOT*


Lewdly Default: I see Spy didn't elaborate on ATV vs Dragonite in the chat here
Lewdly Default: I didn't see it live, I'm reading a recap elsewhere, but holy shit
Lewdly Default: Here's what happened
RubyChao: yeah it was pretty much the definition of #lolgen1
Lewdly Default: Lance defeated Zapdos by having Zapdos defeat itself via Take Down recoil
Lewdly Default: ATV (a level 36 Venomoth remember) was all Red had left
SteelKomodo: also D:
Lewdly Default: So he sends out ATV, it's clearly all ogre
Lewdly Default: Dragonite won't attack ATV
Lewdly Default: Instead he keeps using Barrier and Agility
Lewdly Default: This is because Barrier and Agility are Psychic-type attacks, and the AI was going "PSYCHIC BEATS POISON" without realizing that Barrier and Agility are not offensive attacks
Lewdly Default: ATV uses Poisonpowder
SteelKomodo: also XD
Lewdly Default: many turns later, Dragonite is KOed by Poison and ATV gains a level
Lewdly Default: Sadly this strategy would not work for Blue, so ATV was defeated the first turn of the final fight
Deltopia: hahaha
Lewdly Default: I knew there was a reason they kept that moth around


Delemental: plants vs zombies garden warfare is apparently good but i don't know how many of these sites got paid by ea to say that
Saberwulf: all of them


┗(◕_◕)┛: The Daily Diva is . . . Utsuho!
┗(◕_◕)┛: (It's always Utsuho)
SteelKomodo: (according to Pit at least :3)
RubyChao: (Dirk repeatedly disagrees)
SteelKomodo: (XD)


EEEEEEEEEEEVERYTHIIIIIIIIIIING changed name to Seriously why am I watching th
Seriously why am I watching th is show I just can't stop
Seriously why am I watching th changed name to The Ghostbusters


Mrgrgr: 2014 plot: okuu gets a haircut
Fashionaaabluh: turns out angelbros like girls with short hair
SteelKomodo: :3


Mrgrgr: sk is challenged to decide whether his otp is pitsuho or dirksephine
Mrgrgr: flees with a smokebomb instead


Draco: On a lighter note, I had a cookie shaped like a goat earlier.
Saberwulf: Cookievid


Twinkle Twinkle Brockle Snar: >​friend mentions they can sing Simlish
Twinkle Twinkle Brockle Snar: I'm doing it. I'm requesting Boo Nits


SteelKomodo: I have randomly decided the Pitbros have just learned telepathy
RubyChao: that'll be interesting :V
RubyChao: how will they get it anyway
SteelKomodo: We shall see!
SteelKomodo: Wonder what thoughts Pit will find in Okuu's mind. :U
RubyChao: "Don't think about Pit dramatically posing - DAMMIT"
SteelKomodo: XD


Saberwulf: My secret skill: Interpretive dance
Saberwulf: (that's a joke I can't dance)
Harpy: honey, even I can't dance
Harpy: you're in good company
Saberwulf: hooray
Harpy: oh god I said honey shit
Saberwulf: Someday I'll learn to swing dance, SOMEDAY
SteelKomodo: i can only dance when drunk
SteelKomodo: and then not very well :U
Saberwulf shakes fist
Croco: You're turning into Grandma, Harpy. =U
Harpy: i tend to use affectionate terms with everybody
Saberwulf: I need to start using honey more
Harpy: apparently this includes "fuck" "dick" "asshole" and "cunt"

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