Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 117: Cenamazing

M Sheep: Like, oh hey, a robot that orders coffee, that's funny because robots and no actual way to drink it, right?
Gooper Blooper: not with sheep around it's not
M Sheep: No, turns out, that's mildly concerning, and EYE WIRES AND EXISTENTIALISM
Gooper Blooper: In truth, Sheep, you do comedy excellently, it's just it never stays comedy
Gooper Blooper: Purnima is hilarious when she's not dangerously unhinged or being so depressed and sad you want to hug her
RubyChao: exactly!
M Sheep: Well, how about anime sparkles, that's a funny trope!
RubyChao: jack was funny until it turned out the reason he didn't act like a robot was terrifying
M Sheep: and then Purnima happened
M Sheep: I'm literally the Riddler in that one story where he tries to go clean and then finds out he can't stop leaving clues
Gooper Blooper: you can only go clean when Sheeplot ends
Draco: Sheep, make DnD4 Purnima so you and I can form an adventure team to rival Harpy, Cornwind, and Del. BU
Gooper Blooper: it's like the old cop getting dragged back for one last case, except it's the same case every time
M Sheep: THIS. YEAR.
M Sheep: Totally going to happen you guys
Gooper Blooper: "found some more files on the old sheep case" "just when I thought I was out that bastard pulls me back in"
lel: M sheep I believe in you
Gooper Blooper: \o/


he bigger boo: Guy just scarfed my Espeon
the bigger boo: Then switched in a Dragon while it used nothing but Fairy-type moves
the bigger boo: I think that's the opposite of what you wanted to do guy D:
Del: lol
SteelKomodo: lolz
the bigger boo: . . . Aaaaaand another guy disconnects
the bigger boo: When he tries to Earthquake my Solrock
the bigger boo: With his Lunatone
SteelKomodo: wtf
the bigger boo: You know, the near-identical Pokemon that both have Levitate
the bigger boo: At least Solid Solrock prevails over Liquid once again
SteelKomodo: lolz
Del: solid solrock
Del: liquid lunatone
Del: revolver ohsawott
Del: vulcan murkrow, psycho mantine
SteelKomodo: ekans dilos
Del: decoy octillery
Del: solid snivy
SteelKomodo: yissss


Del: "hello graham
i am having another problem with dongs
in that
i have downloaded Schlongs of Skyrim
and all the pictures are very graphic

Del: "A pop up loads: “Outfits and armour successfully schlongified’. Great."
Del: "Running back through the doors of Luxury Suite with the day’s phallus tinctures, we were all set to get out on the sunny patio and begin commanding dicks resize like something out of porn Fantasia, when a blood dragon flew over to the patio and blasted us with fire."
Del: "It turns out RPS has a clear policy on wangs. This policy is Kieron Gillen-written. KG thought dongs were 1) very funny and 2) that they warranted lists."


RubyChao: "My interpretation has always been that the levels in Sonic are normal natural formations. However, we're seeing through the eyes of Sonic, who is extremely fast and acrobatic, and thus sees the world as a series of objects that can be manipulated to move quickly. You're not seeing the world as it actually exists within the universe of Sonic, but rather seeing Sonic's mental route."
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: that's weird but also kinda cool


SteelKomodo: Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark has finally happened
RubyChao: zfrp movie night
RubyChao: ghost shark, mega shark vs. mecha shark, and sharknado
SteelKomodo: ZFRP Shark Week


Tableter: If you look at tak-sin's portrait
Tableter: You can just about see some merbutt
Tableter: This was a very important factor in choosing the portrait
SteelKomodo: was it now :U
Tableter: Yes


RubyChao: so del and goops i must ask what do YOU think of the ordinary knight
Mrgrgr: Interesting concept
Mrgrgr: nobody suspects a thing
Guren No Deliya: he is a very ordinary knight
Guren No Deliya: i am sure nothing heroic will happen to him
Guren No Deliya: fight boner king
Mrgrgr: Just A Knight
Mrgrgr: Nothing Suspicious About Him
Mrgrgr: No Need To Be Alarmed
SteelKomodo: I'm really hoping to see if Del works Wraith Night into RP somehow
RubyChao: who's that knight with the dull gray armor
Guren No Deliya: it'll be a special event sk
SteelKomodo: if at all :U
RubyChao: ...what rhymes with armor
Mrgrgr: not much
Mrgrgr: Googling it gives farmer, charmer, and a bunch of "words" nobody uses
Mrgrgr: the hell's a parmer
Guren No Deliya: that reminds me of the parmo
Guren No Deliya: the strange middlesbrough delicacy
Guren No Deliya: it's chickencheese
the bigger boo: What IS chickencheese
Guren No Deliya: breaded fried chicken with cheese on it
the bigger boo: Ah, okay
Guren No Deliya: chickencheese is an sa meme
Guren No Deliya: where you have chicken
Guren No Deliya: and cheese
Guren No Deliya: and you make a dish with them
Guren No Deliya: it's as refined or studenty as you like
Mrgrgr: And for the second course you can have beefeggs


RubyChao: why did i not see this that is a great idea
RubyChao: widow maker is a friend of the whole sarah family
RubyChao: even the newest ones
Mrgrgr: Wids the honorary aunt
Guren No Deliya: jonesy probly asked the sarahkin/wids to babysit conrad once
RubyChao: "gotta go kill some things with erebus thanks for watching the kid i owe you one"
SteelKomodo: lolz


Mrgrgr: That Scooby-Doo/WWE crossover cartoon is out
Mrgrgr: rappadooooo
Guren No Deliya: that sure is some cgi
the bigger boo: I watched the whole thing Goops
the bigger boo: Have mercy on my soul
Guren No Deliya: did
Guren No Deliya: did scooby doo just say "cenamazing"
the bigger boo: Yes
Guren No Deliya weeps and devours jaffas
SteelKomodo: XD
Mrgrgr: I only just caught that that is what he said
Mrgrgr: fucking glorious
the bigger boo: Saddest part
the bigger boo: Cole was better on commentary with Scooby than he is at most WWE programs


Mrgrgr: fft characters SK paired with
SteelKomodo: woot
RubyChao: touhou character sk paired with
RubyChao: obligatory counterpoint
SteelKomodo: oh god it's Akumasuho D:
Guren No Deliya: sideboobsuho
Guren No Deliya: ladies and gentlemen, i am the worst


the bigger boo: lan pls
Mrgrgr: brilliant deduction
the bigger boo: Although to be fair that'd be a wonderfully dickish strategy
the bigger boo: "This is Aquaman.exe. He's made of wood and will be crushing your elec-type netnavi. Have fun!"
Mrgrgr: It's ghost types vs psychic types in Gen 1 all over again


RubyChao: put josephine in danger, dirk saves he-
RubyChao: wait we did that last year
Mrgrgr: fun fact
Mrgrgr: that plot was specifically designed to further dirksephine
Guren No Deliya: you dog goops
Guren No Deliya: you diggety doge
Mrgrgr: dig diggety dog
RubyChao: does that mean i need to design a plot this year to further pitsuho
RubyChao: the plot is just "GIANT MONSTERS ARE INVADING! And only two people are left to stop them!"
RubyChao: (it was later made into a movie)
Guren No Deliya: pitsuhofic rim


Mrgrgr: "Someone on eBay listed a Ritz cracker shaped like Pac-Man. I bought it, because the one dollar asking price seemed totally reasonable. Sadly, I didn’t factor in the extra six bucks for shipping. Oops. Anyway, here’s my new seven dollar Ritz cracker. It’s shaped like Pac-Man!"


Gooper Blooper: happy st. patrick's day
SteelKomodo: yiss
SteelKomodo: i have an actual excuse to drink :U
Harp: Pit is probably smashed out of his mind today
Gooper Blooper: *insert drunk pitbros here*
Gooper Blooper: ninja'd
Harp: and probably fell into a pot of shamrocks
SteelKomodo: he is
SteelKomodo: they are both drunk as shit, wearing shamrocks and novelty leprechaun hats
Gooper Blooper: Josephine is there
SteelKomodo: and singing whatever the irish have for their national anthem
Gooper Blooper: also drunk as shit
Harp: also
SteelKomodo: yissss
SteelKomodo: drunk makeouts
Harp: i bet pit dove into the chicago river
Gooper Blooper: And yelling random words because she doesn't know the lyrics
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harp: (it was dyed green today)
SteelKomodo: ...XD


Harp: I don't know what to do with her in terms of major stuff
Harp: but carla will return (because lol sonia) in 2015
Gooper Blooper: #lolsonia
Gooper Blooper: calling it now, at least one major antagonist will be turned into food
Harp: bitches better believe it
Harp: "With a sprinkle of Slendersalt and plenty of Tiamat chunks!"


Gooper Blooper: *dramatic chord*
SteelKomodo: oh shit D:


(hey guess what)

Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: Triple H, you better damn well be working me.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: That was unmerciless
Harp: so it was merciful?
Draco: So he was trying to make the ZFRP video game​?
Cornwind Evil: It was in someone's promo, they said the person would be 'unmerciless'
Cornwind Evil: Their mouth got ahead of their brain it seemed


Saberwulf: I just did some Zen meditation and wow, that shit actually works
Saberwulf: I am chill as hell right now
Deld Away: so this meditation stuff works wulf?
Deld Away: on a scale of cucumber to cryogenic suspension, how chill are you
Saberwulf: Ice cubes that have been in liquid for a minute
Saberwulf: So decently chill
Deld Away: that's pretty good!


Cornwind Evil: When you've gotten to the point when you're trying to pseudodrown someone in a soft drink bucket, you've clearly snapped


Gooper Blooper: Yesterday I bought a cheap little plastic lantern. Now I can pretend to be Bray Wyatt by turning it on and off repeatedly
Gooper Blooper: we're here


Sad News Spy: The Hero's Journey V2: How To Break A Character A Little Too Hard
Gooper Blooper: with special guest Ariel
Sad News Spy: Written by G.P. Bloopr
Sad News Spy: Co-authored by R.D. Spy
Sad News Spy: Special forward by R.B. Chao


Gooper Blooper: new stupid comic
SteelKomodo: that was stupid
Gooper Blooper: I should hope!
Harp: *reading stupid comic*
Harp: ariel plz
SteelKomodo: XD
Harp: that baby also looks deformed as hell, take an art class, dude
Gooper Blooper: that babby
Harp: that ocean
Harp: doesn't even look like an ocean
Sad News Spy: Real Dialogue
Cornwind Evil: That sounds like a line from a Sheep story
Cornwind Evil: "That ocean doesn't look like an ocean."
Gooper Blooper: dun nuuuuuuun
Cornwind Evil: And then the ocean was Gutsman's ass
SteelKomodo: dun uuuuuuun
Harp: i'm terrified
Cornwind Evil: An ocean of asses
Cornwind Evil: Dirk first thinks he's in heaven
Cornwind Evil: Then realizes he's in hell


SteelKomodo: babby beck
SteelKomodo: beckby
SteelKomodo: THE BECKBY


Tableter joined the chat
Tableter: I just realised 60% of chatzy madness is pairing jokes
Tableter: It would change if i could type properly
Tableter: Arg
Tableter left the chat

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