Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 116: Tastes Like Old Dick

Cornwind Evil: Swap the genders and this is Sine.txt


RubyChao: "i just saw an ad that was probably supposed to say accident lawyers but it said accidental lawyers and i can’t sotp laughing “just got my law degree aw man this wasn’t what i meant to do how am i gonna get out of this one”"


RubyChao: sk i have to ask
RubyChao: how well is Pit going to handle watching BBB4
SteelKomodo: oh lawd, I have no idea
RubyChao: *utsuho is hit into the stands, Samus' suit absorbs the blow*
SteelKomodo: He'll most likely get drunk, a rare occurrence indeed
Mrgrgr: I'm not planning to enter Josephine so you probably won't get the pitbros shouting at each other how cute their girlfriends are like in the rumble
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: And he'll be shouting COME ON OKUU KICK HIS BUTT
RubyChao: Pit vs. Dirk: Fight Over Yer Girlfriends
SteelKomodo: PFFFFT
Mrgrgr: "MINE HAS A BOW" "YEAH WELL MINE HAS A TOWEL" "a towel?" "yeah I don't know either"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd... Sarahkin fitin over boyfriends
RubyChao: josephine arm wrestles sarah for dirk's honor vs. alex's honor
SteelKomodo: XD
Mrgrgr: "NUH-UH"
Mrgrgr: "YUH-HUH"
Mrgrgr: *sissy slap fight, girly squeals*
SteelKomodo: Hahahaha
RubyChao: oh god imagine okuu getting into a sissy slap fight
Mrgrgr: with her cannon on
RubyChao: josephine topples over with a bruised head
RubyChao: "I think I overdid it D:"
RubyChao: I look forward to seeing about a pairing next year! even if half of my characters are unpairable :V
RubyChao: but i shall have to see what happens
RubyChao: (samus and cleft, for thems wondering)
SteelKomodo: i dunno about pairings for me ATM (except Carol and Sine :U)
Mrgrgr: Utsuho spends the whole year trying to hook samus up with someone, having the idea that samus would loosen up with a bf
Mrgrgr: fails
RubyChao: every single eligible male on the zfs finds themselves blind dating samus
Mrgrgr: "His name is Adam." "Why am I repelled?"
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: "So, have you ever been to AMERICA?" "No." "...Well this is awkward now."
Mrgrgr: "REMEMBUH ME?" "...No."
Mrgrgr: "wait really?" "yeah, never seen you"


RedSpy: Old Dick
SteelKomodo: ...Jesus fuck, what were our ancestors thinking D:
Mrgrgr: Dirk offers Josephine an Old Dick
Mrgrgr: "I know you like big ones so I bought the longest one they had"
RubyChao: i have a joke but i just can't say it
RubyChao: but yeah that's some unfortunate naming


Mrgrgr: I can share my 2015 character idea if anyone is interested
Harpy: meeeee
SteelKomodo: Pls do
RubyChao: YES
RubyChao: i actually have some ideas bouncing around in my head for 2015 but nothing definite
Mrgrgr: So the concept I had was
Mrgrgr: A completely ordinary human with no magical powers or special training who is nonetheless jaded to kobber antics and deadpans all the time due to having been in Manhattan and heard/seen their exploits from afar
Mrgrgr: She's a cashier in a convenience store and stupid things happen in and around it and she's just like "will that be all sir"
RubyChao: i like it
SteelKomodo: Yissss
Harpy: i approve
Mrgrgr: This is my concept of her possible appearance/name
Mrgrgr: subject to change


SteelKomodo: Dirksephine.png


Harpy: RC link me to
RubyChao vibrates intensely
Harpy: I'mma try to stream it tomorrow night or afternoon
Harpy: as if I have anything better to do
Mrgrgr: hahahaha
Mrgrgr: you have made chao a happy virtual pet
RubyChao: *ball thing turns into a heart*
Harpy: oh god do i have to clean up after you
Harpy: i'm bad with tamogachaos
Mrgrgr: chao don't poop


Harpy: also if you want a hard puzzle game, play panel de pon's hard mode
Harpy: if you want to die, play very hard mode
Mrgrgr: I don't plan on it
Mrgrgr: I like not dying
Harpy: well its fun
Harpy: hard mode is anyway
Harpy: never played very hard mode of panel de pon, but I did for Tetris Attack
Harpy: my hands were fucked by the end of every session
RubyChao: >​i like not dying
RubyChao: goops pls ;-;


RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: i want to make my 2014 villain look intimidating
RubyChao: should i kill ariel or samus?
RedSpy: Kill Canadianman
Harpy: kill sammy
Mrgrgr: Killing Ariel is a babby's first villain tactic
Mrgrgr: oh god
Harpy: if you kill sammy, you mean business
Mrgrgr: infinite heel heat
Harpy: and you will piss Carlos and Siren off
Harpy: alternatively, kill siren
Harpy: or kill them both
Harpy: i'll even allow it if you work it out with me beforehand
Mrgrgr: harpy's entire cast killed
Mrgrgr: villain is liquefied by sarahkin
Harpy: last time i checked siren and sammy aren't my entire cast
Mrgrgr: I know, I'm escalating
RedSpy: >​killing Sammy
RedSpy: Does somebody want a punch to the face
Harpy: if they kill sammy, then I am prepared to milk the sads out of her death
Standby for Delfall: but i'm back
Mrgrgr: hi del
Harpy: wb
Standby for Delfall: super sammython 3 million should be a thing btw
RubyChao: ariel invited to see a societybabby
RubyChao: "aw he's cu-"
RubyChao: *throat crushed by gravity*
RedSpy: Your villain should kill Osh
RedSpy: By ripping his arm off
 RedSpy: And using it to punch him in the face
Mrgrgr: That's how Gloria wins their next fight
Standby for Delfall: osh can only die if dragonforce is playing in the background and he takes a suitably important villain with him
Standby for Delfall: that's just how it is
RedSpy: I like how you think Del


RubyChao: so what happened to kobber
Draco: He died. The wizard boss of the campaign was hurling fireballs at the biggest concentration of party members, which happened to include Kobber. The first one took him into negatives with one shot and the second finished him off.
Draco: I used Prestige to purchase a resurrection for him though, so now he's Bird Jesus.
RubyChao: hail kobber


Riots in Sunday Schol joined the chat
Riots in Sunday Schol: FUCK
Riots in Sunday Schol changed name to Riots in Sunday School
Riots in Sunday School: Okay that's better


SteelKomodo: I was watching Top Gear
SteelKomodo: faulty lorries and horse dongers


Draco: "Sims can no longer 'Try for Baby' with the Grim Reaper."
Draco 8|
Draco: Did you hear about the Grim Reaper's new job as head of disaster control? He was just made the head of FEMA-r.
Draco: You don't find my jokes humerus? I thought they were real rib-ticklers.


Saberwulf: Finally found a picture of how I described Artemis' eyes and it looks dumb


Gooper Blooper: the person on tumblr who drew this said the mage's name is pudding
RubyChao: >​PUDDING
SteelKomodo: PUDDING
Riots in Sunday School: PUDDI
RubyChao: every day Tridenbabbies get closer to canon
Gooper Blooper: it's a ticking time bomb


Gooper Blooper: "Zeph had a feeling that somewhere, Celestia’s science-sense was tingling."
Gooper Blooper: *celestia intensifies*
SteelKomodo: i knew she would :U
SteelKomodo: oh god, if she actually meets Beck
Gooper Blooper: Considering Celestia is going to be on the ZFS this year, that's a "when"
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: "GET AWAY FROM ME D:"
RubyChao: maybe celestia can make samus' suit not be made of paper and tape
RubyChao: pffft yeah right
Gooper Blooper: celestiatech is tonka tough


(Regarding Labyrinth of Touhou 2 and recruiting new party members)

RubyChao: Parsee you can't get for a while
Harpy: what the fuck does she want
RubyChao: Her recruitment condition is "Have at least 12 characters total" which won't be possible until 3F at the earliest
Harpy: she's just jealous because she doesn't have any friends


Jumpropeman: Shaq Fu remake, possibility of a Space Jam 2 on the horizon. It is good time to be an ironic fan of bad basketball tie-ins


Giant Robot Del: widow maker and cinnamon
SteelKomodo: ...:3
Saberwulf: Haha, that's cute
Buttzilla: D'awwwwwww
Draco: What would other Sarahkids be named? Oregano?
SteelKomodo: Marzipan :U
Draco: Oooh, that's a good one.
Draco: Caramel?
Harpy: the next triplets would be called bacon lettuce and tomato


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil:
Harpy: dude wear some pants
Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil: Sometimes good things happen


Cornwind Evil: Schrodinger's Preparation H. You will have a sore and unsore ass at the same time
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Cornwind Evil: Which means you'll just have a sore ass. The product doesn't work


Gooper Blooper: oh god
Cornwind Evil: If anyone wants me to confirm stuff, I will
Cornwind Evil: I saw most of this happen live


Gooper Blooper: an accurate summary of bravely default's fifth chapter
Gooper Blooper: where's harpy, she'll understand
Harpy: i understand so much


Cornwind Evil: Sine: May no other Kobber discover this fact.
SteelKomodo: ...there was a joke, but I've lost it
SteelKomodo: damn
SteelKomodo: oh, to hell with it. *Dirk discovers that fact*
Draco: Draco abuses marriage move-in system to get tax credits by marrying his workers to each other.
Draco: Marriage fraud: almost as much fun - and legal - as buying life insurance policies for the workers in your barely-compliant diamond mine. (>​^_^)>​
The Curse of Del: conrad lives by himself


Gooper Blooper: By the way, Draco, thank you for the Friend Summon you sent me in BD
Gooper Blooper: Agnes attacking with a spear for one damage is going to turn my next hopeless fight around
Draco: No problem, Goops. Happy to help.
Draco: (I will laugh my arse off if that somehow kills a superboss for you.)
Gooper Blooper: If there was a False Swipe equivalent I would so try it


The Curse of Del: dota in a half shell
Gooper Blooper: I wonder which one is del
Gooper Blooper: HMMMM
The Curse of Del: YOU'D NEVER GUESS
Draco: Clearly he's Splinter.
Gooper Blooper: guys
Gooper Blooper: are you telling me we forgot to get a gift for splinter
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: 8I


Harpy: sammystashe


Gooper Blooper: “TM81 (X-Scissor): On the grassy western island, below the large grassy area”
Gooper Blooper: Excellent directions, bulbapedia
Cornwind Evil: You bunch of grassholes


(Samus wins an important match in an episode of WVGCW)

Cornwind Evil: Chao, the answer is obvious
Cornwind Evil: You must have Samus team up with Apollo
Cornwind Evil: THEN SHE WILL WIN
Cornwind Evil: And then the shippers will get on about Samus/Apollo


SteelKomodo: So who wants to hear some British folklore because I'm bored and I've had a can?
Harpy: yes
SteelKomodo: Alright
SteelKomodo: this is a rather obscure one but they based a theme park ride on it so whatevs
SteelKomodo: It comes from the village of Alton in Staffordshire
SteelKomodo: and the story goes the Earl of Shrewsbury was coming back home one autumn night
SteelKomodo: When an old beggar-woman suddenly appeared in the road and stopped the coach, asking for a coin
SteelKomodo: The earl dismissed her rudely, so she uttered a curse - for every branch of the old oak tree that fell, a member of his family would die
SteelKomodo: Of course, the earl laughed and thought nothing of it, but that night there was a storm that broke off a branch from the tree
SteelKomodo: and on the same night, it is said, a member of the family suddenly and mysteriously died
SteelKomodo: Gripped with fear, the earl ordered that every branch of the tree should be chained together to stop them from falling
SteelKomodo: And to this day, the Chained Oak still stands there
SteelKomodo: There you go
SteelKomodo: Moral of the story: don't diss beggar-women
Del: truefax


Del: the bastion announcer recorded a new announcer pick line for wraith king
Del: "The king is dead. Long live the king."
Gooper Blooper: he gives new meaning to that line
Del: them rich molasses


Gooper Blooper: The TPP guy has apparently confirmed Hoenn
Gooper Blooper: the ride never ends
RubyChao: what will they do when twitch plays x/y is over
RubyChao: what then
Gooper Blooper: I would imagine either nothing or he'd just load up random games or hacks for them
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Randomizer run
Gooper Blooper: Touhoumon
RubyChao: i'd watch TPT
RubyChao: *gooper participates in tpt, tries to catch a letty*


RubyChao: "As I passed through the living room, I chanced a look out the window. There were people outside, on a walk or something. I checked my watch and it said 3:00 AM. "That's weird," I muttered."
RubyChao: this guy has obviously never been to new york
Del: haha


Cornwind Evil: DM can't talk today
Cornwind Evil: He called a chicken and a pig "A picken and a chig"


RubyChao: does dj utsuho cause pit to intensify
SteelKomodo: it does
SteelKomodo: you might say he...
SteelKomodo: Pittensifies
RubyChao: pffft
Bravely Repeat: *vibrating closeup of pit's face*


SteelKomodo: Goops
SteelKomodo: remember when you made Celestia do the twist?
Gooper Blooper: I believe that was at Dirk's party
SteelKomodo: thanks to Pulp Fiction, I now know what that dance is
Gooper Blooper: Celestia also spent some time in Dirk's hot tub
SteelKomodo changed name to ApocalypseSK
ApocalypseSK: The horror... The horror...
ApocalypseSK: ...oh god I remember that
ApocalypseSK changed name to SteelKomodo
SteelKomodo: Must have been high on... sugar or something
Gooper Blooper: I intentionally chose a dance with a lot of hip-swinging
Gooper Blooper: lel


M Sheep: "Cornwind Evil: I AM WEARING SHADOW OVERALLS"<-----Can I just ay I love this message
Cornwind Evil: That, Sheep, comes from a playthrough of Final Fantasy X-2 by Chip Cheezum and co


Gooper Blooper: Dark Pit is trying to juggle watching Celestia and bopping along to the beat from the kitchen. Unlike WALL!!, he has the decency not to stare at her ass in the middle of a conversation.
...Okay, I lied. He's totally oogling.
"Holy shit, and I thought I had a nice arse."

Gooper Blooper: never forget
RubyChao: good thing it ran in the family right
RubyChao eyebrows
Gooper Blooper: it's all about
Gooper Blooper: the geeeeeennnnnnes
RubyChao: but which one is dorkier, harpy
RubyChao: i shall counter with my OWN dramatic beginning
RubyChao: "WOAH!"
Instead of dodging, Pit turns and catches Utsuho, preventing a collision.
"You alright there? These guys are tough!"

RubyChao: never forget
SteelKomodo: :3
RubyChao: "Well, you're looking pretty dressed up. So you're doing the blind date thing too, huh? Ariel pushed me into it, said I should loosen up and have some fun.
...Hm. Am I early?"

RubyChao: "Yep. Thought I should try taking this whole romance thing seriously, instead of my usual outrageous flirting.
"Early? I wouldn't know, I'm trying to figure out who my date is from-"

Gooper Blooper: "Thank you kindly for the vote, White Mage. Is there another name I may call you? Calling you by your profession seems kind of rude... I'll try my best."
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, um, well, I normally go by White Mage #3 since Sintendo likes us to be professional at all times, but you can call me Sarah.
I mean if you want to"

lel: saralex confirmed
lel: and it was my proudest moment
M Sheep: and a sugar dusted legacy was born


the poop joined the chat
Bravely Repeat: and now the chat has poop in it
lel: hey shitstain
the poop is everywhere
the poop is all over the carpet

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