Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 118: Mo' Pairings, Mo' Problems

SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: i'm playing with the correlation diagram thing again
Harp: why
SteelKomodo: help D:
SteelKomodo: i don't know
Harp: stahp
RubyChao: oh god sk
RubyChao: what horrors have you unleashed
SteelKomodo: well I got this
SteelKomodo: (this will not affect RP at all I swear)


Deld Away: oh boy homestuck music
Deld Away: you guys really are a buncha nerds
Deld Away is screaming at the kettle


Cornwind Evil: My god, the metaphor in Animal Farm is so thick I'm becoming dumber.
Gooper Blooper: two legs better


Saberwulf: this is the fucking coolest thing
SteelKomodo: that's weird as hell D:
Del, Marine in the City: ART(?)
Saberwulf: ART(!)
Del, Marine in the City: ART(?!?!)
Harp: biology(.)
SteelKomodo: Animation(!!!)


Gooper Blooper: Early this afternoon my grandfather called and didn't sound too hot. He said he needed to get to the hospital. I can't drive and my mom was at work so I couldn't help, but he said he'd drive himself
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper: My mom happens to work at said hospital. She said he never showed up
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: D:
Gooper Blooper: I called his house, no answer
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: . . . D: ?
Gooper Blooper: I walk to his house, terrified
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: He's on his porch, having just gotten out of his car, holding a bag of wendy's
Del, Marine in the City: oh christ
Gooper Blooper: he said he felt better
Gooper Blooper: god dammit gramps
RubyChao: ...welp
Del, Marine in the City: damn it goops
Del, Marine in the City: ffffffffffffffffffffffff​fffffffffffffffffffffff
Harp: your grandpa is weird
Harp: he should have bought you a frostie
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: Damnit Grandper Blandper
Gooper Blooper: "Sorry I caused you so much worry!"
Gooper Blooper: "I got chicken nuggets!"
RubyChao: did he have any wendy's for you
SteelKomodo: God damn it, Nappa Grandpa Goops
Saberwulf: hahahaha
Saberwulf: That's ace


Saberwulf: Mushi-Shi isn't available on Netflix instant, this is an outrage
Saberwulf: I mean it's on the funimation youtube but still
Saberwulf outrages
Gooper Blooper: SABERWULF used OUTRAGE
Antimatter Gooper Blooper blocks Wulf with a Sylveon
Gooper Blooper: SABERWULF became confused out of fatigue!


RubyChao: >​thracia 776 is the hardest fire emblem by far
RubyChao: >​there's a patch to make it harder
RubyChao: must... resist...
Harp: ruby i swear to shit
Harp: no
Harp: ruby plz
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: Ruby
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: No
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: That is not the way
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: Thracia 776 . . . randomizer mod
Gooper Blooper: *Chao learns how to hack, makes the hack harder*
Gooper Blooper: *he buys BD just to fight the bonus boss*
Harp: spy stop being fuckin evil
RubyChao: fight final chapter-level enemies on the first chapter
Gooper Blooper: First mission is level 1 character surrounded by four clones of the final boss
Gooper Blooper: it's the best game ever


Harp: what is the flower diver even weak against, like
Harp: my god they buff then they kill and kill
RubyChao: they are very weak to terror, silence, death, and debuffs
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: DEA-
Antimatter Gooper Blooper left the chat
Red Spyatt joined the chat
Red Spyatt lights lantern

Red Spyatt: We're here
Red Spyatt unlights lantern
Red Spyatt left the chat
Red Spyatt joined the chat

Red Spyatt walks down chat with a different lit lantern
Harp: stahp
Red Spyatt is wasting quite a bit of petrol and batteries
Red Spyatt doesn't give a shit

Harp: spy you will invoke the wrath of cornwind
Harp: its like if you say HIS name 3 times
Gooper Blooper: that one spongebob episode where patrick turns the lightbulb over the egg on and off over and over
Cornwind Evil: Why do I suddenly have a foot long beard


(RubyChao begins watching Scooby-Doo WrestleMania Mystery)

RubyChao: >​WWE City
RubyChao: i am 45 seconds in and already gawking at this movie
RubyChao: this will be very fun i predict


Cornwind Evil: The Deer Lord is angry at this week's VGCW cancellation
SteelKomodo: D:


GB X-Treme joined the chat
GB X-Treme: sup my young parsons
GB X-Treme: I too am so on the go that I drink my yogurt from a tube


GB X-Treme: Ariel Sierra: Ace Activist
GB X-Treme: featuring thrilling sign-making and petition-circulating action
RubyChao: final case villain is mr.
RubyChao: x
RubyChao: also known as Mr. Enter X
RubyChao: or would it be Mr. Linebreak X?
GB X-Treme: Mr. Period
Draco: Zephyrus should face Mr. X in one-on-one combat.
SteelKomodo: Mr. Comma
Draco: Comma Chameleon
RubyChao: in a shocking twist, gooper's 2014 villain has not met any of his heroes before... just a villain
RubyChao: that's right it's Mr. X's younger brother Mr. Y
GB X-Treme scraps all plans, starts over


GB X-Treme: you'll never guess whose inbox this is
Draco: It's Dr. Bulgrave's.
Draco is ready for his prize.
RubyChao: oh, ariel


RubyChao: did i ever show you guys the creepypasta about Serris from Fusion
GB X-Treme: There are still video game creepypastas on the Creepypasta Wiki?
RubyChao: well this one is on a different creepypasta wiki :V
GB X-Treme: oh thank goodness, a backup
GB X-Treme: Someone should reupload K Rool Country
RubyChao: they should
RubyChao: i need to be spooked again by the utter terror that was King K. Rool Country


GB X-Treme: Remember Growl, that Ariel-flavored video game I blogged about a year ago?
GB X-Treme: Retsupurae did a rongpurae of the arcade version
Cornwind Evil: Someone makes a video game of Ariel's enviromental efforts
Cornwind Evil: After a whole bunch of executive meddling it ends up like Growl
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Wow Ariel, I never knew you were grenade proof.
SteelKomodo: XD
GB X-Treme: If only the society had used grenades
GB X-Treme: they would have bounced off Ariel harmlessly
Cornwind Evil: Phineas was a worm all along
Cornwind Evil: You never found out
GB X-Treme: It's a metaphor, actually
GB X-Treme: it represents him controlling everything behind the scenes
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
Draco: The early bird gets...THE WORM.


RubyChao: the real debate between the pitbros
RubyChao: which is the better suffix
RubyChao: -sephine or -suho
SteelKomodo: Also I say -sephine and -suho are as good as each other
GB X-Treme: -sephine has seniority, -suho hasn't had as much use
RubyChao: Utsephine and Josesuho
Draco: Those are now canon.
GB X-Treme: fusion dance
Draco sets them in stone.
GB X-Treme: ribbontowel
GB X-Treme: butt jokes
GB X-Treme: etc
RubyChao: throw potions
RubyChao: they explode with the force of a sun
Cornwind Evil: Throw EXPLODING potions
GB X-Treme: new Growl playable character
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I do not understand why everything must inevitably explode.
SteelKomodo: Carol: because explosions are cool! Well, Michael Bay thinks so, anyway.
GB X-Treme: stuff blowing up
Draco: Michael Bay presents Growl: A Michael Bay Film - Written and Produced by Michael Bay for Michael Bay Studios


GB X-Treme: chaogames.gif
RubyChao: pretty much


RubyChao: "Usually I'd click yes to join the Rockets because it would never really let you, but this time it did. From here on forth I was able to throw Pokeballs at other trainer's Pokémon. I never tried it out until the gym with Lt. Surge. There I caught his Raichu. His face was in sorrow. Guilt rose up into my chest when a whole team rocket gang came in and stole all the Pokémon in the gym and began to raid Vermillion City. They stole all the Pokémon there. Due to the Rocket's success in Vermillion, I was awarded a medal by Giovanni himself. This occurred at every gym until Lavender town."
RubyChao: "I noticed at the Hall of Fame it was called the Hall of Shame. Instead of showing my party that had won the Elite Four, it showed all the lives I've ruined and taken. It also showed all the Pokémon I stole and killed.... As each one passed by, I began to cry. My Rival showed up, Lt. Surge, and many others began to pass by. I felt sick, sick to my stomach."
Del, Marine in the City: AND LAUGHED AT YOU
RubyChao: "Approaching the two will make the white text on the bottom of the screen to change to say "We killed them, Eddy! I know you idiot! Oh my goodness, think of their families! No, you moron, think of the quarters.". After a few seconds, the textures of the room will be replaced with pure black and the text "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR SINS.". Then the game will freeze for a little bit, and put the player in a new room."
RubyChao: I'm going to have nightmares
vgkhgg: Damnit Eddy you just pissed off God
RubyChao: "I then broke open the box, and out came, sure enough, a sandwich. Something wasn't right, and I thought to myself: "Holy shit, this is just like a creepy pasta". So, I took out the disc, broke it into little pieces, burnt it, then threw the remains in the garbage disposal."
RubyChao: "I didn't want to have to watch Marisa brutally annihilate anyone else so I paused the game and turned away from the screen for just a moment. Even though it was paused, I could continue to hear the music and the sound effects as if the game was still going. I turned and realized that it was. It wasn't paused and Marisa was controlling by herself. I watched helplessly as Marisa dodged everything Yuuka desperately threw at her and within a quick minute, Yuuka was nothing but a red, pixelated blood smear in the background. Marisa danced around in glee as the credits rolled."
Harp: marisa plz
Del, Marine in the City: what
RubyChao: it's the evil self-controlling protagonist
RubyChao: par for the course in creepypasta vidya
Del, Marine in the City: it's crap
RubyChao: yes it is del


Gooper Blooper: The Brawl Targets was a cheap way of extending playtime
Gooper Blooper: There were only five levels, but every character could do all five
Gooper Blooper: so it was FIVE TIMES THE FUN
RubyChao: (it was actually 1/5th times the fun)


Harp: Shiela- happy, explore-y mario-wannabe
Harp: will spear you shamelessly
Gooper Blooper: lewd
Harp: not like that
RubyChao: wow goops
RubyChao: i'm so ashamed of you, stealing potential jokes before i could make them
RubyChao: how do you sleep at night
Gooper Blooper: Terribly, thanks to your creepypasta


Gooper Blooper: *checks amazon again to see if they have the new godzilla toys*
Gooper Blooper: Some asshole is selling the giant godzilla for 130 dollars
M Sheep: but, Goops, it's a GIANT Godzilla!
Gooper Blooper: But Sheep, it normally retails for 50 dollars!
Gooper Blooper: It's two feet tall but still, 130 bucks for a toy
Gooper Blooper: nope
M Sheep: Yes but if I make the BUZZ WORDS large enough its WORTH MORE
Gooper Blooper: I'll just have to be patient and wait for a chance to go to toys r us in person
Gooper Blooper: I need to save up some monies and the shipping would be insane for something that big anyway
RubyChao: but it's a GIANT GODZILLA
M Sheep: you list five exclamation points after that, and it's worth 150
Gooper Blooper: it LOOKS like godzilla, but due to international copyright laws, it's not
M Sheep: Now I'm hearing the theme from the old Godzilla and Godzooky cartoon
M Sheep: but all mentions of Godzillaaaaa replaced with Big Fellaaaa
Gooper Blooper: remember that time draco RPed as Godzooky
Gooper Blooper: he's ZFRP canon
M Sheep not sure how he feels about this
RubyChao: what isn't ZFRP canon, though
RubyChao: (besides other m)


Its a Me, Delio: its a me
Its a Me, Delio: delio

RubyChao: oh god i just had a great mental image
RubyChao: who wants to know
M Sheep: Was it of a skeleton with a bushy pink mustache and eyebrows with a hawaiian shirt?
M Sheep: because I dreamed about that last night
RubyChao: no, but that's a hilarious mental image too
RubyChao: >​sheepdreams
Gooper Blooper: I love great mental images
RubyChao: was the skeleton horrifyingly nightmareish
M Sheep: No, in fact it was anime-ish
RubyChao: anyhow, samus attends a zfrp wedding. not only does she attend in full armor, but the bride chucks the bouquet at her
RubyChao: it bounces off her armor and into someone else's hands
RubyChao: samus has no time for getting married
Harp: hahaa
Gooper Blooper: The impact destroys her suit
Harp: guuuuurl
Gooper Blooper: Like, the timing, imagine this
Harp: i imagined it
Harp: the best
Gooper Blooper: it bounces off, someone catches it, wait three seconds
Gooper Blooper: silence
Gooper Blooper: suit breaks
M Sheep: The rest of the dream was about a guy being interviewed about a character in a movie he was playing
RubyChao: you made it even better, goops
RubyChao: what was the character?
Gooper Blooper: I didn't imagine one, let's say it was utsuho
RubyChao: i meant at sheep
RubyChao: but are you trying to imply something with utsuho
Gooper Blooper: she'd be sitting next to samus and would thus likely be the receiving end of a bouquetcatch - oh okay
Gooper Blooper: >​implying implications
M Sheep: He was either some kind of hit man or serial killer called the Toadman. A paunchy bald man with really bright eyes who wore a green-brown trenchcoat. The dream flashed to the scene near the beginning of the film where he becomes the Toadman. He and some skinny blad guy who might have a younger Clint Eastwood got into a knife fight on top of a horse drawn wagon. And it wasn't a cinematic knife fight either, it was desperate and dirty. The skinny guy manage to shove the other guy off, where he hits and falls through the branches of the tree.


RubyChao: "hey alex we should have a second wedding!" "why" "so we can invite all our friends! ALSO CAKE"
RubyChao: and then sarah vibrates at the thought of CAKE
Its a Me, Delio: it won't beat jonesybus wedding
Its a Me, Delio: because father squid
Gooper Blooper: are you asking for a challennnnnnnnnnge
Its a Me, Delio: father squid has been a great help to jonesy actually
Its a Me, Delio: YES I AM GOOPS
RubyChao: take up the gauntlet, goops
RubyChao: you know you want to
Gooper Blooper: double deuuuuuuuuce
M Sheep: Have your weddings...you have yet to experience
RubyChao: just make sure Gloria gets her time in the spotlight this year regardless of any marriages
RubyChao: or
RubyChao: i will make sure you put her in next year
M Sheep: SHEEPWEDDIN-no, that's just never going to happen
RubyChao: >:I
Gooper Blooper: Chao tries to make Gloria get married to kill two birds with one stone
Its a Me, Delio: hahaha
Its a Me, Delio: i want to see sheep write a wedding
RubyChao: Utsuho is hired by a Mysterious Contractor to spend the entire year trying to hitch Gloria up with someone
Gooper Blooper: corpse bride
RubyChao: Random men find themselves dumped at a table with her and supplied with books
M Sheep: "I think the wedding cake winked at me..."
Its a Me, Delio: sheeps writing reminds me of the series of unfortunate events books
Its a Me, Delio: except without the constant reminders that EVERYTHING SUCKS
Its a Me, Delio: and good
M Sheep: yer makin me blush
M Sheep: but yeah, most of characters aren't really romance plot material
Gooper Blooper: Purnima x widow maker
RubyChao hides the OTP bug fanfiction under the rug
M Sheep: My Big Fat Elohim Wedding
Gooper Blooper: Joe's Boygas is the caterer
RubyChao: Dr. G. Nerique attends a ZFS wedding
RubyChao: He is the quintessential ordinary uninteresting wedding guest.
Gooper Blooper: every crowd scene needs extras!
Gooper Blooper: He can be the Recurring Extra that gets fans for being recurring
RubyChao: He isn't already?
Gooper Blooper: like that guy in the hawaiian shirt from Pokemon
M Sheep: truthfully, though, I don't know if Purnima could have a healthy romantic language with someone-and I'm doing it again
M Sheep: #everythingthatItouch
M Sheep: language?
M Sheep: what the heck hands
M Sheep: how did that even happen
Its a Me, Delio: that is actually a good way to describe it
Gooper Blooper: That's why Wids only considers her a friend
Gooper Blooper: "you kidding, that bitch is nuts"
M Sheep: I mean, besides being insane, she needs some growing up to do
Gooper Blooper: The climax of Sheeplot is marked by Purnima emerging from her cocoon
Gooper Blooper: and she opens her mandibles and sings the song that will end the world
M Sheep chuckles darkly
M Sheep: I mean
M Sheep: what
Gooper Blooper: but there's lots of sparkles, flower petals, and confetti so it's okay




M Sheep: You guys and your finished plot and fresh new faces
M Sheep grumbles in corner
Gooper Blooper: all around me are familiar faces
Gooper Blooper: worn out faces
Gooper Blooper: worn out faceeeees
Its a Me, Delio: conrad ain't familiar >:I
RubyChao: yes he is
RubyChao: he's been around for two years now
M Sheep: Is Conrad coming to rp?
RubyChao: :V
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: Conrad's Coming To Dinner


Draco: I finished rebuilding Norende! Game over, right? =D
Gooper Blooper: now you play the actual game, draco
Draco: ...actual game? I thought Bravely Default was a Sim City game. D=
Its a Me, Delio: it's a better sim city than sim city 2013
Its a Me, Delio: lol
Its a Me, Delio: i just lol'd at my own joke, kill me
RubyChao: lol
RubyChao shanks Del
Its a Me, Delio changed name to Dedleter
vgkhgg turns Del into diaper baby

vgkhgg: The circle of liiiiiiiiife
vgkhgg: Sure, we skipped the old man step, but shanks do that
Dedleter changed name to Babby Conrad


M Sheep: I tell you it took me a headache to cement Squid's age when we jumped from the eightites to the nineties in one year
Gooper Blooper: Sheep, do you know my headcanon for that which a lot of people seemed to like?
M Sheep: What?
Defence of the Del: condensed time
Defence of the Del: a decade happened in a year
Gooper Blooper: I had the idea that "The Eighties" and "The Nineties" were not actually the 80s and 90s but were instead alternate-universe (compared to the real world) years that condensed a decade of pop culture into one year
Gooper Blooper: It explains everything except going from Reagan to Clinton
RubyChao: it's simple!
M Sheep: ...Alright, give me a minute to wrap my head around that
RubyChao: The Eighties Year was an election year!
RubyChao: Clinton was elected, thus became president next year
M Sheep: After which, it will also probably be my canon
Gooper Blooper: yayyy


Draco: Also, I recently received a check for $3 in the mail from my insurance company as part of a settlement for a lawsuit I didn't know I was a part of.
SteelKomodo: ...$3?!
SteelKomodo: is that all?!
Its a Me, Delio: a whole $3
Draco: Oops. I typo'd.
Draco: It's not $3. It's $3.02.
SteelKomodo: D:<


Cornwind Evil: So Harpy joined my D&D campaign
Cornwind Evil: As a reward I gave her the decapitated head of a princess
PartyKomodo: lolz
Harp: i suspect that it will try to backstab me later
Harp: my character doesn't know that though
Cornwind Evil: Ah Harpy....you know my RP
Cornwind Evil: Would I be that...OBVIOUS? >:D


Delelel: well this has to be goops
UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND changed name to Gooper Blooper

Gooper Blooper: (EDBW was on last night and we all missed it)


Draco: I never realized until now that Tails' real name is a pun. :\
Draco: :I
Gooper Blooper: miles per hour
Gooper Blooper: ekans is snake backwards
Gooper Blooper: the bushes are clouds etc


RubyChao: "She stole the DVD case popped the DVD out, and put it in my DVD player. I told her, "Kayla you better be ready for the last episode on the disc." That's all I said before we watched this. All the episodes were normal until we came to the dreadful episode 99."
RubyChao: why would you subject your friend to the lost episode
SteelKomodo: Because
SteelKomodo: because
SteelKomodo: faaaaaaaart
RubyChao: "Every day! Getting murdered by countless people jsut trying to be amused!" "Are you amused know? HUH?! HUH?! KNOWING THAT A BEING IS ENTERNALLY SUFFERING FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT?!"
RubyChao: poor crash bandicoot
Draco: At least he's not in a horror game.
Gooper Blooper: chao must be so happy that there's a creepypasta wiki that has no standards
RubyChao: i am
RubyChao: it's like heaven


RubyChao: "Since it is Thanksgiving, heres a Thanksgiving pasta. This is the true story! well I made up a couple of parts but 90% is true. Now coming back to this its way past thanksgiving. Happy late thanks giving."
Harp: i can make a better creepypasta
Harp: its called
Harp: "zombies ate my neighbors"
Harp: as written by Sammy
Gooper Blooper: I like how their writing skill actually deteriorates more and more throughout the sentences
Gooper Blooper: Thanksgiving >​ thanksgiving >​ thanks giving
Gooper Blooper: "isf chrixstmas now aadn stry done. heppy vry late thunks guffing."
SteelKomodo: Dirk writes a creepypasta
SteelKomodo: Pit starts drinking
SteelKomodo: Or, wait... Pit writes a creepypasta
SteelKomodo: "It was then I realised... The hot spring was COLD!!!!!"
Gooper Blooper: IT'S NOT HOT
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
RubyChao: he shows it to utsuho, she freaks out and runs away
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: "These events took place during August 2003. What you want to believe is up to you. This is a warning as these stories appear everywhere. On forums all over the internet. Softwares like these exist. Viruses like these exists. You are never safe."
RubyChao: you are NEVER SAFE
Harp: *like these exist
Harp: sorry but grammar
Harp: goops
Harp: i am 2spooked
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker and Sammy doing creepypasta dramatic readings
SteelKomodo: XD
Harp: its like telling ghost stories around a campfire
RubyChao: ...oh god, dirk finding pitsuho fanfiction
RubyChao: infinite mocking
RubyChao: it really is, harpy
SteelKomodo: "Hey, it's scary to me!"
SteelKomodo: also pffffffffft
Harp: i know there was a photoset on tumblr
Gooper Blooper: Pit finds dirksephine fanfiction
Gooper Blooper: reads it aloud
Harp: where someone was telling about toast and how it had no butter
SteelKomodo: "So did you finally stoke her-" "SHUT UP"
RubyChao: oh god xD
Harp: and then his friend is like "dude we meant to tell ghost stories, not toast stories"
Gooper Blooper: "And that butt was the greatest, most magnificent-"
Gooper Blooper: "PLEASE STOP"
Harp: Sammy would go on
SteelKomodo: Damn it Goops beat me to it
Harp: Buttsephene
RubyChao: eventually they just both read the fanfics at each other
Harp: ...must resist urges
RubyChao: it ends with josephine and utsuho showing up after both of them have collapsed from embarassment
Harp: i wonder if there's some saralex fanfiction
RubyChao: "...What happened?"
Harp: wait yes there is
Gooper Blooper: it's 2cute
Harp: its called "levia's alternate universe"
SteelKomodo: Where is this chat even going
Its a Me, Delio: i leave you jerks alone for ten minutes
Its a Me, Delio: and look what happens
Gooper Blooper: there ain't no getting off the train we on
Harp: del i'm sorry
Harp: but
SteelKomodo: Deal with it B)
Harp: we're goats
RubyChao: it's the pairings, del
Gooper Blooper: but wulf isn't here
RubyChao: you can't stop the pairings
Harp: i want to do the pairings, yes
Gooper Blooper: harpy must not fail this year
Gooper Blooper: it is of the utmost importance
RubyChao: it turns out there's fanfiction for every pairing in ZFRP.......
RubyChao: ....except Spysaria
Harp: Siren demands dates
Harp: Sammy just want a big box of shortbread cookies
Gooper Blooper: that's quite a change from you saying she was unpairable a while back
Its a Me, Delio: no pairings here
Its a Me, Delio: my rule this year is
Its a Me, Delio: mo pairings
Its a Me, Delio: mo problems
Harp: i always change my mind
Gooper Blooper: but del, last year you said "we need more pairings"
RubyChao: the full text was probably "we need more pairings but i ain't makin' them"
Its a Me, Delio: I CHANGED MY MIND

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