Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 335: Cowboy Carrots With Gray Cowboy Hat And Gray Cowboy Bandana

Jumpropeman: to get into the Easter spirit, I've naturally been watching tons of horror related content on the Nightmare Expo youtube channel
Jumpropeman: apparently
Jumpropeman: someone threw a crab at Hungrybox for winning at a Smash Melee competition recently
ivel: wat
Jumpropeman: a real crab too
Jumpropeman: dead at least
ivel: guess they were feeling crabby


Jumpropeman: now this
Jumpropeman: is my kind of horror
M Sheep: Jrm, why
M Sheep: and now I've learned that this guy tried to pitch a show of this to adult swim.
M Sheep lies down
Jumpropeman: It sure is a great club sheep
Jumpropeman: I can get into this right here :)
M Sheep: Some of the elements going on here I do actually really like and think one could mine a lot creatively from it.
M Sheep: Other elements
M Sheep: Oi
Jumpropeman: i like this video just for its oddity, but the others didnt really capture me because its often a mishmash
M Sheep: From what little I've looked at, that one was the better viewing experi-
M Sheep: hold everything
M Sheep: this
M Sheep: madman
M Sheep: looking at some thing for adult swim he put together and there's a section in here where he sampled the song from Fun In Balloonland
M Sheep is having a very surreal experience at the moment
M Sheep: THIS
M Sheep: But maybe don't watch more than thirty seconds, for the sake of sanity.
Jumpropeman: >rated 1.2/10 on IMDB
Jumpropeman: ah, so this is another one of your treasures, is it
M Sheep: It's an odd one. Part footage of a parade with voiceover by a woman who may be very, very deep in her cups, part kind of home movie-esque where a kid and some other kids talk to balloon peo-
M Sheep: There's nothing I can say, no way to frame this movie where it sounds like a sane or enjoyable movie experience.
M Sheep: When Rifftrax did Rollergator, they equated it with Fun In Balloonland
Jumpropeman: wow
M Sheep: Having seen both, I would actually state on the record that Rollergator is the marginally more entertaining experience because, at the very least, while you can't follow what's happening because there is no script and all the dialogue is drowned out by an endlessly looping banjo track, there's always stuff happening onscreen. Fun In Balloonland takes its time to do anything.
Jumpropeman: I really want to watch Rollergator now
M Sheep: The whole thing used to be up on Youtube, but no longer.
M Sheep: You might have to go to Rifftrax and purchase a vod.
M Sheep: Only other thing I can immediately think of is look at the online Pluto Tv's Rifftrax channel schedule and see if it's in rotation.
Jumpropeman: surely someone is selling the real deal
Jumpropeman: like a dvd with a printout cover or something
M Sheep: Amazingly, there's a single copy you could buy off the Walmart website for like fifty bucks if that tickles your fancy.
M Sheep: I have no idea how that's a thing
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: I don't think
Jumpropeman: it is
Jumpropeman: tickling my fancy
M Sheep: There are a lot of places trying to sell this garbage for over forty dollars.
Jumpropeman: Rare, untouched Rollergator, mint condition
M Sheep: Cheapest for a physical copy turns out is 24.95 on Amazon. Cheapest overall is 9.99 digital video on Rifftrax; no idea if you can turn their commentary off.
Jumpropeman: i probably wouldn't mind the commentary
M Sheep: Honestly.
M Sheep: You might as well be able to hear something other than banjos.
M Sheep: To be unnecessarily fair, you do strain to hear things from the beginning but the banjo doesn't become an omnipresent companion until at least a few scenes in.
M Sheep: Chatzy Madness 911: Sheep's Been Talkin' 'bout That Rollergator Again
Jumpropeman: a day without rollergator is... well, that's hardly a day at all!


Jumpropeman: I took the Brawl quiz and
Jumpropeman: man I'm slacking
Cornwind Evil: Chao, discord
Jumpropeman: didnt even break 300
Cornwind Evil: Sparta is shamed by you


M Sheep: Why can't I relax? :I
M Sheep: Been wound up like a top last week and now into next!
M Sheep furiously relaxes
M Sheep: :I


Gooper Blooper: link
Doggos: I MEAN
Jumpropeman: i think that image shows the opposite
Gooper Blooper: crush man's head like sparrow's egg
Jumpropeman: there's been a bird trying to build its nest on the garage's exterior light, but the light is too small so any progress he makes is undone pretty quickly, causing grass to fall down. I think I might call him Sisyphus
ivel: welp


Jumpropeman: Sarah's Final Smash
Gooper Blooper: Just replace the initial punch with a hammer blow


Jumpropeman: link
Doggos: plz
Gooper Blooper: looks like Cirno's win picture if she entered and won a DYM
Jumpropeman: so a preview of this year then
Doggos: :o
Doggos: >:o
ivel: no, this year is the Brawl win


Jumpropeman: the ultimate controller
Jumpropeman: with TWO start buttons!
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Xyra's probably very happy I've been covering so many Xbox One games
Jumpropeman: It went from having just one game to now the second most covered console
Gooper Blooper: I'm still working out exactly how closely tied she is to her console of origin but I don't think it'll be a Hard Girls situation (since she's not a Microsoft employee)
Gooper Blooper: current plan is pretty much just "she loves vidya in general"
Jumpropeman: Xbox just resonates with her for some reason
Gooper Blooper: favorite console is the bone
Gooper Blooper: she's not sure why
M Sheep: Gotta get those bones
M Sheep: so she can make a gaming skeleton.
M Sheep: see because
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
RubyChao: night
M Sheep: it's
M Sheep: it's an Xbone
M Sheep: they call it
Jumpropeman: you drove gooper off, sheep
Cornwind Evil: I am also off
Jumpropeman: and cornwind
Jumpropeman: wow, you really messed up this time
M Sheep: Then my work here is done
Gooper Blooper: one can only sit through so much collar-adjusting and water-sipping
M Sheep: Finally, I can return to the peat bog until another teenager smashes a pumpkin in the wrong place or something


Jumpropeman: "Once upon a time when God had nothing to do and was getting bored, Raphael, an angelic messenger,offered God his forbidden photobook for him to browse through.
When God saw what the photobook contains, his viewpoint expanded and his boredome vanished.
God was struck with a new idea. Raphael's new task is to expand his collection with sexy demons' pictures."

Jumpropeman: if you charged a penny to spellcheck random steam indie games, you'd be rich in a day


M Sheep: "An endless cake buffet is a young girl's battleground"
M Sheep: Alright
M Sheep: dial it back a little, anime


RubyChao: "Phoo Action, a futuristic comedy about a mismatched crime-fighting duo trying to stop mutant terrorists from turning Princes William and Harry into mutants. It was commissioned for a series and a franchise planned around it (it was already based on an existing comic strip), but cancelled before shooting began when the BBC decided the show wasn't going to achieve its "creative ambitions.""
M Sheep: Tell me more about Phoo Action.
RubyChao: i know nothing more, sheep
 M Sheep: Wow, coming by just to wave a tantalizing tidbit under my nose and then you just speed on by, Chao


Jumpropeman: so sheep
Jumpropeman: did you hear
Jumpropeman: that YIIK has a secret third ending
M Sheep: No.
M Sheep: I did not.
Jumpropeman: where a conservative podcaster offers you the Red Pill
M Sheep: why
M Sheep: why, game
M Sheep: ugh
Jumpropeman: unrelated scene from YIIK
M Sheep: Wait
M Sheep: Are you
M Sheep: PLAYING-okay no
Jumpropeman: unsurprisingly
Jumpropeman: he rejected my key request
M Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: every game, sheep
Jumpropeman: every
Jumpropeman: game.
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: if your game fails
RubyChao: it is because games are toys for children
RubyChao: and not because of anything you did wrong


Jumpropeman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLBeYvA66kw
Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: I think the Veggietales wiki
Jumpropeman: doesn't understand the concept of a voice actress
Jumpropeman: "The Onion Girl is a Small Green Onion She Wears a Pinkish Red Eylids And Nose She Wears a Pink Dress with a Butterfly & She Has Yellow Hair"
Jumpropeman: every time I go to one
Jumpropeman: it's just insanity
Jumpropeman: this page, at least on my computer
Jumpropeman: is a vast wall of empty whiteness
Jumpropeman: and then at the bottom they describe the character
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: "Cowboy Carrots with Gray Cowboy Hat and Gray Cowboy Bandana
Cowboy Carrots with Gray Cowboy Hat and Light Green Cowboy Banana
Cowboy Carrots with Gray Cowboy Hat and Light Green Cowboy Bandana
Cowboy Carrots with Green Cowboy Hat and Beau Blue Cowboy Bandana
Cowboy Carrots with Green Cowboy Hat and Teal Blue Cowboy Bandana
Cowboy Carrots with Light Blue Cowboy Hat and Light Green Cowboy Bandana"

Jumpropeman: each of these is an individual page
Jumpropeman: "Appearance
Cowboy Carrots with Light Blue Cowboy Hat and Light Green Cowboy Bandana is a orange carrots beady eyes and noses wears a light blue cowboy hat and a light green cowboy bandana."

Jumpropeman: "Word has it that her hair was deemed too difficult to animate, requiring the introduction of another female lead which eventually became Petunia Rhubarb." You heard the rumors about Esther from Veggietales?
Jumpropeman: I think that's enough Veggietales wiki for now
M Sheep: That sure was something
M Sheep: Not entirely sure what
M Sheep: but it definitely was


Jumpropeman: I'm here
Jumpropeman: TO CINCCINO
Donut: well then
RubyChao: hi jrm
Donut: i dunno what they did to you but okay
Jumpropeman: whenever I do those "name all the Pokemon" quizzes, I tend to forget Cinccino and Minccino
Jumpropeman: because they barely exist
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Hello
cinccivel (ivel) joined the chat
Jumpropeman: !!!!
cinccivel: hey guys-
Donut: ooof
RubyChao: hivel
RubyChao: and hi cornwind
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 4
cinccivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8

Jumpropeman: lucky for you, you aren't paralyzed by my body slam BI
cinccivel uses double slap on jrm
cinccivel asked Chatzy to choose between 2, 3, 4 and 5. Chatzy chose: 3
cinccivel slaps three times!

Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: you don't even have Skill Link, cinccivel?
Jumpropeman: well now I just feel sorry for you
cinccivel has Technician instead!
cinccivel accepts this doesn't help Double Slap much
Jumpropeman changed name to Jumpropemantine

Jumpropemantine: time to crank this battle into overdrive
Jumpropemantine uses Splash!
cinccivel gasps
cinccivel: ;o;
M Sheep uses Master Ball on a Pelliper
M Sheep woke up!

cinccivel: how can I possibly combat Splash?
Jumpropemantine: sorry for resorting to my most powerful weapon so early
cinccivel: I'll just have to use mine!
cinccivel uses Tickle
Donut: : o
Donut: i almost want to write an overdramatic tickle fight
cinccivel: almost?
cinccivel: do it
Donut: but that would mean conquering my one fear
Donut: fucking writing something disappointing :V
cinccivel: I thought your fear was tickles
Donut: read: "still can't fuckin describe things well"
Donut: "how can i make a fite quality blog about tickles."
cinccivel: Tickle Fite
M Sheep: Turn into a hyper-surreal dreamscape where, since nobody can actually what's happening anyway, they aren't sure if it was disappointing or not.
M Sheep: Now, if someone would be so kind as to drop the tombstone where I buried myself
Jumpropemantine: the mythical Leshy figure tickles its victims to death
Jumpropemantine: so
Jumpropemantine: you could use that
Cornwind Evil: And now I'm reminded of that rabbit hole that something harmlessly weird like 'tickle videos' ended up being
Cornwind Evil: Real life, man.
Cornwind Evil: Fiction can't compete sometimes
Jumpropemantine: i watched that documentary the last time you mentioned
Jumpropemantine: it was pretty interesting!
M Sheep: Use The Forbidden Tickle technique; passed on to you by your tragically struck down mentor!
M Sheep: Next on JRM's watch list: A documentary on the professional air guitar scene!
Jumpropemantine: and how air guitar is secretly a coded message between members of a crack cocaine cult
M Sheep: Now you're just talking about your 2019 plot :I
cinccivel: I'll be right back, to totally NOT send a message to someone...
cinccivel: on a completely unrelated note, you might hear a knock on your door soon jrm
cinccivel: it's totally cool
Jumpropemantine: hear a knock? I would think I would hear an air guitar outside of it
cinccivel: why would you if it's totally unrelated?
Jumpropemantine: good point


Donut: >have cereal with water, its good, says one redditor
Donut: i will never trust reddit ever again...


Jumpropemantine: "Sonic Unleashed features 141 Hot Dog Missions"


Jumpropemantine: guess what
Jumpropemantine: today, I found another great garfield app
Jumpropemantine: not quite as good as GarfieldEATS
Jumpropemantine: but who wouldn't want to play
Jumpropemantine: Garfield GO
Jumpropemantine: Garfield's enjoying it!
Jumpropemantine: I'm waiting until they add battling before I pick up Garfield GO
DMG: do you still have to walk to hatch eggs?
Jumpropemantine: that's the only way to get Nermals
Donut: yes, can't cheat with car rides unless you're ivel
Donut: wait
Donut: its about the garfield game.
Donut: OOPS
Donut: also somehow everyone is hatching eggs in the car except for me
Donut: I can't cheat with car rides :I
DMG: it's all about how fast you drive
DMG: also black magic, you need to prepare a proper sacrifice
DMG: you see, everybody forgets the sacrifice


Jumpropemantine: this trailer is so good I'm almost hyped for godzilla now
Donut: thats a spicy trailer
Donut: i like
Draco: Mothra is the real villain.
Donut: >:O


Jumpropemantine: speaking of the now-concluded King of Texas giveaway, I got a few more interesting answers to "What is the highest rating on The Game Hoard" One person put 7, which I might have given because it is a 1 to 7 scale sort of, but someone else put... 7.2. Somehow, the highest score has a decimal point of 2. A suspiciously similar account from the same random part of India said 8.2 is the highest rating. They must have thought they missed the mark a little with their first guess. And then someone just put 4,456
Donut: what
Donut: even are these answers
Donut: its like they don't even read the game hoard :V
Gooper Blooper: I tell ya, you better not be like those OTHER reviewers
Gooper Blooper: I expect you to use all parts of your 1 through 4456 rating scale
Jumpropemantine: maybe when I hit 4,456 reviews I can put them in order from worst to best
Jumpropemantine: somehow Cory in the House tops and bottoms the list
Gooper Blooper: Cory In The House is one of the games you've played that I am sad you played it before the game hoard was a thing
Gooper Blooper: see also: Superman 64, Attack of the Groupies
Gooper Blooper: Ride To Hell
Gooper Blooper: basically I love it when you review horrible piles of shit
Jumpropemantine: don't worry goops
Jumpropemantine: I'll get to Thousand Year Door some day =)
RubyChao: Top Ten Brutal Anime Deaths
Jumpropemantine: please don't murder me


(Regarding the Resident Evil 2 Mr. X video seen in a previous Chatzy Madness)

Cornwind Evil: Sadly, as it turns out, this doesn't actually happen in game
Cornwind Evil: The player was just taking advantage of a certain part of the game that his AI won't walk over
Cornwind Evil: Because if the player walks over it, it's supposed to break
Gooper Blooper: That's disappointing
Cornwind Evil: But you don't have to walk over it
Cornwind Evil: So if you go to the other side, his AI goes up, and then it goes "Have to repath" and hence it looks like he's running away


Jumpropeman: so you know how tons of horror movies have slow, creepy versions of children's rhymes and songs?
Jumpropeman: how long until one of those movies does that to "Johnny Johnny Yes Papa" Or "Baby Shark"
RubyChao: johnny... johnny...
RubyChao: eating... sugar...
RubyChao: telling... lies...
Jumpropeman: open your mooooooouth
Jumpropeman: Ḩ̰̖͓͚͉̩̪̹̜̰̙͎̺̹͎̖̟͌̑͑̇̏̓͞Aͭ̃̐ͣ̓̒҉̛҉̜̜͓̜̰̰́͟ ̸̨̰͎̮̙̺͖̤̟͂̐̂͆̈́͂ͥ͘͢͡H̡̲͔̣̻̙̼̘̬̗̻ͩ̊ͦ̈̐̊̄ͬ̒̈́̑̃̾ͭ͡A̼̪͙̖̖̘̔̓̄͐̔͆̃ͦ̿ͬ̌͞͡ ̵̷̸͚͖̙̭̹̘̟̣̱̪̠̲͇͛̆ͪ̌̽̂ͦͥ̔͋͋ͧ́̚͢Ḩ̨͙͍̣̩̰̱̬̘̖̟͎̫̻̤͂̋͐ͧ̏̓͐̓̐A̷̭͚̻ͣͫͯ͘͟͜͠ͅͅ


Jumpropeman: "Remember us? Because we remember you."
Jumpropeman: I don't appreciate how ominous this email from an old antivirus is titled


Jumpropeman: "Kid Baby: Starchild"
Jumpropeman: pick one youth-related name please
Jumpropeman: I have found four fossil digging games on the ios store
Jumpropeman: that all look exactly the same
Jumpropeman: and yet I can't seem to find which one is the legal version
Jumpropeman: they all seem to be equally copying each other
M Sheep: Is that
M Sheep: common?
Jumpropeman: this is the first time I've ever seen it
Jumpropeman: usually there are of course tons of copy cats
Jumpropeman: but these are literally the same game
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: hm
M Sheep: I wonder what the story is there
Jumpropeman: to complicate this
Jumpropeman: this game is also on steam
Jumpropeman: published by Horse Games, who is not a name any of these ios games uses for their developer
Jumpropeman: all I want to do is dig up bones
M Sheep: You're going to have to dig up the truth first!


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: let me guess goops
Jumpropeman: you're all caught up on chatzy madness now?
Gooper Blooper: almost, I'm 15 logs behind the present day now
Jumpropeman: you're a madness machine!
Gooper Blooper: one more oughta do it
Gooper Blooper: I'm almost out of time, man
Gooper Blooper: the season is starting in less than a week
Gooper Blooper: april days slipping through my fingers like grains of sand
Harpy: sounds about right
Jumpropeman: good point, let's push RP back to june
Gooper Blooper: frantically starting a playthrough of Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds to try and make up for not playing any new goddamn vidya games since Disgaea 5
Gooper Blooper: Chao would kill you, JRM
Gooper Blooper: I know you know he really wants to roleplay as a small girl who likes to bake bread
Gooper Blooper: but I have to emphasize
Gooper Blooper: he
Gooper Blooper: really
Gooper Blooper: wants to roleplay as a small girl who likes to bake bread
Jumpropeman: *bans bread from Olympia*
RubyChao: it's true
RubyChao: i am
RubyChao: very hype
RubyChao: for a small girl who likes to bake bread
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gTtKafCri4s
Jumpropeman: I will not click that video
Jumpropeman: I am refusing to learn about this character
Jumpropeman: someone needs to be surprised when she turns out to be an evil dragon monster
Gooper Blooper: but an evil dragon monster who likes to bake bread!
Harpy: a sad fat dragon with bread


M Sheep: Some of the people I've been shilling The Game Hoard to thought I was JRM :I
Bree: kek
RubyChao: jej
M Sheep: heh
Jumpropeman: JRM Sheep
Jumpropeman: would you ever play a game like Disney's Fantasia though
Jumpropeman: even before you knew it was a mess
M Sheep: I probably would not, no
M Sheep: I need that story, man!
Jumpropeman: the story of mickey's master losing his music in mickey's dream is downright riveting I tell you


Gloomspite Del: I'm ready to fuck up roleplaying again
Gloomspite Del: Yeeeee


Gooper Blooper: Amazon bringing the bargains
Harpy: ...
Harpy: *slowly pulls out a knife*
Harpy: perish


Bree: one way people could help me out
Bree: ...help me name jenny's radio station
Bree: I'm stumped.
Bree: I do have the assortment of letters name for it
Harpy: what kinda station
Gooper Blooper: Slow Weather Jamz (no that's a different less important station)
Bree: kind of an... everything station
Harpy: hm
Bree: this is RP so I'm not gonna limit myself to a particular type of radio station
Harpy: dunno if i can help with a catch all, but then again, >asking me about names when i named a char Narleshowe at one point
Bree: (also, jenny is definitely a fan of slow weather jamz)
Draco: Slow Weather Jamz are great.
Harpy: I dunno if i have a functioning horse in this race :V
M Sheep joined the chat
Harpy: hide me, i'm not supposed to be here-
Harpy: i mean hi sheep
Draco: You have Shelby.
M Sheep: :I
M Sheep: Hello
Harpy: the horse is shelby if i named her some shit like sheldorkadonk
Harpy: that is not a normal horse name
Harpy: this horse
Harpy: is dysfunctional
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Harpy: and should go to a vet
Jumpropeman: VRTY. All-FM. Jukebox 103.5.
M Sheep: Hm. A name for a radio station? I'd end up making it too wordy :I
Jumpropeman: Good Vibes
Gooper Blooper: Olympia's Best Variety!
Gooper Blooper: ^ more of a tagline than a name
Bree: lel, I don't think she has the confidence to call it "best" right now
Gooper Blooper: (I just thought of it because there's a station near here that likes to call itself "THE NORTHEAST KINGDOM'S BEST VARIETY!")
Bree: the northeast...what
Harpy: vermont is a kingdom?
Gooper Blooper: That's the name for my region of Vermont
Gooper Blooper: a group of counties referred to as ~*The Northeast Kingdom*~
Jumpropeman: we didn't notice such a small state was beginning to become an independent nation
Bree: wow
Draco: Goops is the King of Vermont. We've privately been at war for centuries.
Bree: self-important much
Bree: not you but
Bree: vermont :V


Gooper Blooper: 2019 battlebots champion for sure
Jumpropeman: that elephant battlebot
Jumpropeman: is after my own hear
Jumpropeman: t
Harpy: your hear?
Harpy: YOU HEAR?!?!?
Gooper Blooper: that is Nelly The Ellybot
Harpy: nelly is going to perish
Gooper Blooper: the wait for the premiere will be hard but I'll have RP and Godzilla hype to distract me
Jumpropeman: the commentators better say WOAH NELLY! at least once
Harpy: if faruq doesn't make a fucking joke about that i will
Harpy: riot
Harpy: by myself
Harpy: i will picket at the empty battlebox


RubyChao: where's cornwind when i need him
Gloomspite Del: Crnwnd
NEEKO NEEKO NI: windcorn vile
Harpy: tell him i'm watching comic movies and he will rise from the ashes


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: good evening
Harpy: hi mr. boipropeman
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: boip evening
Jumpropeman: boip? What a funny word. Perhaps even worthy of making my catchphrase!
Jumpropeman: *is actually a time travelling past version of myself*
Jumpropeman: as a past version of myself, I can give you all the spoilers for movies that came out years ago!
Draco: Time travel isn't allowed. JRM is banned.
Harpy: hi! V:
Jumpropeman: but do you ban past me or present me


Gooper Blooper: Amazon: "Get yourself a little something" *shows me everything on my wishlist*
Gooper Blooper: amazon pls
Harpy: amazon's eyebrow wagglin
Jumpropeman: well goops
Jumpropeman: if you're gonna build your own jurassic park
Jumpropeman: you gotta have more
Gooper Blooper: Trust me I'm well on my way


Jumpropeman: Into the Spiderverse is on Youtube for 6 bucks just fyi
ivel: that's not the physical copy :U
Jumpropeman: Spiderman Homecoming for 4 bucks
Jumpropeman: just if anyone wanted to watch it I meant :V
Jumpropeman: you can watch Dino King for free though!
Draco: Fair enough.
ivel: good
Jumpropeman: same for Igor
Jumpropeman: a CGI movie that was released and forgotten the next day
ivel: I remember Igor
Jumpropeman: just like that movie about Babe Ruth's bat coming to life
Jumpropeman: Everyone's Hero
Jumpropeman: "Whoopi Goldberg as Darlin; a baseball bat owned by Babe Ruth who bickers over with Screwie"
Jumpropeman: famed star of Theodore Rex, Whoopi Goldberg?!
Gooper Blooper: JRM's down the youtube rental rabbit hole i see
Jumpropeman: because I played the game The Quiet Man, now Youtube constantly wants me to rent the 1952 film of the same name
Draco: Well duh, you just played the video game tie-in.
Jumpropeman: now Youtube rentals wants me to rent Yamasong
Jumpropeman: its almost like google has access to my search history.... naaaaah
Gooper Blooper: yamasong
Gooper Blooper: the youmu musical
Gooper Blooper: youmusical
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to chao calling Youmu "yams" the goddang produce section is #ruined now
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom put sweet potatoes on the shopping list today and all I could think about when selecting yams was that damn 2hu
Draco: lol
RubyChao: i'm very proud of myself
Harpy: kek
Draco: You should be, my boy.


Gooper Blooper: Iodine_comes_to_Olympia.gif


 Draco: Just in case anyone ever RPs the Sword/Shield girl, I hereby declare this t-shirt canon.


Harpy: Dia in a food truck
Jumpropeman: Dia spending months setting up her food truck business through the proper channels
Harpy: don't make me do this to myself, JRM
Harpy: i don't need a plot for that
Harpy: just let me have the food truck ;;
RubyChao: no
RubyChao hurls the food truck off the side of the city
Jumpropeman: sorry harp, I also require scenes of her fueling up, buying ingredients, learning to drive...
Harpy: Dia knows how to drive
Harpy: see: MGM
Jumpropeman: MGM is my evidence she doesn't know how :I
Harpy: >:I
ivel: she doesn't know how, it drives ITSELF HUN
Draco: Dia's, what, 900 years old? She might be TOO OLD TO DRIVE.
ivel: get off the road grandma
Harpy: only when byakuren does
Harpy: bitch
Harpy: seriously tho :V
Draco: Byakuren's turbo-biking over to Parsee's house to ask why she and Cian haven't given her grandchildren yet.
Harpy: :V
Harpy: anyway, would anyone mind dia food truck?
RubyChao: not at all
Gooper Blooper: Of course not! Bring on the Dia
Jumpropeman: and that combining mech
Gooper Blooper: is the food truck the mech
Jumpropeman: it's the head
RubyChao: and they combine into
RubyChao: albert einstein
Jumpropeman: inspiring ;")
Jumpropeman: that's the EXACT face I was trying to make!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Harpy: boip
ivel: bipo
Draco: piob
Jumpropeman: this boip blasphemy is too much!
Jumpropeman: I'M LEAVING!
Jumpropeman left the chat
RubyChao: good, he's gone
RubyChao: now i can talk shit about shimmer all i want!
Draco: YEAH


Whew (-In Avengers Spoilers Bunker-) joined the chat
Whew: That film was very long


Whew: There's a woman at a funeral mourning for her dead husband. A stranger comes up and asks her "I knew the man, can I say a word?" The woman doesn't know him but she lets him go up to speak. The man gets up at the stand, says "Prolific." and then sits down. "Thanks." The woman said. "That means a lot."
Draco: Good one, Cornwind.
Harpy: ...
Harpy: my god.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: i had to look that up


RubyChao: who wants to know
RubyChao: the best part about honoka in rp
Draco: ME
RubyChao: and goops can confirm this one
M Sheep: I do
RubyChao: okay
RubyChao: originally i got all interested in honoka for like... a week. a hype burst
RubyChao: then it wore off and me and goops would sometimes make "haha, so buried, so forgotten" jokes
RubyChao: then i accidentally hit on the idea of Bread
RubyChao: and things just
RubyChao: snowballed
RubyChao: really hard.
Gooper Blooper: we made jokes about Kokoro all the time a couple years back when she kept almost being important but then dumped
Gooper Blooper: Honoka took Kokoro's place for a while
RubyChao: we even joked that Honoka should make a cameo in Olympia specifically so we could make more jokes about it
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: she's going to make a lot more than that!!
Harpy: a cameo, he says
Harpy: it'll just be a joke, he says!
Harpy: ha!
Harpy: HAHA
M Sheep: har
Jumpropeman: well, now that she's the leader of The Curse
Jumpropeman: she has to put in a few appearances


M Sheep: Next up!
M Sheep: Is!
M Sheep: it's black clover.
RubyChao: off to bed
RubyChao: night
RubyChao: suffer without me sheep
RubyChao: i believe in you
M Sheep: Always bet on Sheep suffering.


(JRM lost his tablet pen, so Harpy bought him a new one)

Jumpropeman: thanks again to the amazing Harpomatic
Harpy: no probs!


M Sheep: Hivemind! I require knowing what's actually worth seeing theaters that isn't Avengers.
ivel: Avengers
M Sheep: ivel, please


RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: how many fites are we on
Jumpropeman: 203 total
RubyChao: so which one was the big 2-0-0


Cornwind Evil: "and the entity demanding people buy more anime."
Cornwind Evil: Llarness: SUGGEST, sire! We SUGGEST.
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: "...suggest you BUY ANIME"
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: The store needs a lesson in subtlety


Gooper Blooper: mistakes were made
Gooper Blooper: (I was able to fix it)
Harpy: man, no wonder godzilla can't dance
Cornwind Evil: He also can't talk
Cornwind Evil: So really
Cornwind Evil: The only thing about him is the way that he walks


Cornwind Evil: "my first job was at Gamestop, early 2000's. I stayed for about four years from when I was 17-21; started as a part timer and ended up as a shift supervisor. then-boyfriend later-husband now-exhusband was our store manager for a while. the point is I have seent some shit.
my favorite one: it is a weekday afternoon, so we're slow and short-staffed. it's just the two of us, my boyfriend and I, and maybe a customer or two. someone is playing the Guitar Hero demo, someone is browsing the wall. the door jingles, and in walks a guy with a huge backpack. I give the customary greeting ("hey welcome in, let us know if you need anything) and he doesn't acknowledge or respond. I shrug to my boyfriend, go back to cleaning discs or stripping cases or whatever.
the guy looks around for a few minutes and we think nothing of it. finally he comes up to my boyfriend and gestures for the stack of Post-Its he's using to label games we're putting in the disc buffing machine. boyfriend obliges, guy says nothing, just writes on the Post-It. he puts it on the counter in full view of both of us, and in all capital letters is the following message:
boyfriend and I turn sheet white and realize we are being robbed and this guy has a gun in his giant backpack. we are teenagers with no manager and no silent alarm under the desk and we are fucking terrified. the guy is already putting down the backpack and unzipping it. the other customers are totally unaware and off doing their own thing and we are going to get murdered in a Gamestop at 1:00pm on a Tuesday over the hundred bucks we have in our tiny-ass till and the safe neither of us have the combo for. he reaches in the backpack and withdraws...a light gun for a Sega Dreamcast.
turns out this guy is deaf and wants to sell us a fucking light gun."

Draco: Uff da
RubyChao: oof
Jumpropeman: oh wow


Jumpropeman: "Brom can uses Mr. Felthead to solve all mental illnesses" I just found the most powerful video game character of all time
Jumpropeman: "whenever I fall asleep, I become an elite hacker and sleephack anything I can get my hands on" never mind, this guy is clearly superior
Gooper Blooper: no google results for "mr. felthead"
Gooper Blooper: clearly a AAA title
Jumpropeman: its got a physical switch release, so that's something going for it
Jumpropeman: Flipping Death is the game
Gooper Blooper: "Got this game from my friend. We aren't friends anymore."
Gooper Blooper: "Good thing I didn't pay for this piece of garbage. I would pay to get this♥♥♥♥♥♥off my library though."
Gooper Blooper: "I thought I got this for free but I paid with my soul."
Jumpropeman: what game is this for
Gooper Blooper: Into The War, a terrible multiplayer shooter on Steam that was taken down but still available for purchase for a while in case you wanted to pay money to look at a menu
Jumpropeman: sounds amazing!
Gooper Blooper: It's one of those games that will probably elude you but it sounds like you aren't missing much :V
Gooper Blooper: "Into the trash"
Jumpropeman: navigating the menu is technically playing right? :V
Draco: Menu Simulator
Gooper Blooper: "I do not understand all of these negative reviews, this game just game out. Sure it has some problems, but it is in alpha of couse there are going to be problems. This game has major potential and I am excited to see where it goes."
Gooper Blooper: Posted a month before the developers cut and ran
Jumpropeman: it can't be bad if it never gets finished!
Gooper Blooper: "Hi.
The Culling 2 is a video game. It is very bad."
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: the culling 2 is indeed a mess
Gooper Blooper: "Game is dead on arrival. Played and streamed on release day and could only find one other person ingame. I literally had more viewers on my garbage stream than there were people playing the game. Don't buy unless you wanna run around the map aimlessly, firing guns that shoot like old people fart without ever encountering a single other player."
Gooper Blooper: (I thought it was a good idea today to check in on TV Tropes' So Bad It's Horrible page for video games, since I hadn't done that in a while. It was indeed a good idea.)
Jumpropeman: it's like a treasure trove
Jumpropeman: but opposite
Harpy: Its a junkyard
Gooper Blooper: well, depends on what you're looking for
Gooper Blooper: I was looking for terrible games to smile at
Gooper Blooper: so it is indeed a trove


Harpy: dog is here
Draco: Which dog?
Harpy: Abra
Harpy: shes the dog always with us in our house
Draco: Abra is a good dox.
still sickvel: Abra doxxed someone? D:
still sickvel: bad dog
still sickvel: very bad dog
Draco: She doxxed you.
Draco: Now everyone knows you're Ivel.
still sickvel: 😱
Harpy: : o
Jumpropeman: don't worry Byron Hyronamus at 614 Humpack Drive, Bigcityville Arkansas 50993, Abra didn't dox you at all
Draco: D8


Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3492487
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: what
RubyChao: a
RubyChao: NERD
Gooper Blooper: such a fuckin nerd
Draco: I can't believe you'd show us a nerd.
Gooper Blooper: how dare I.
Jumpropeman: twenty years dungeon
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: FORTY years dungeon
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: infinity years.
Jumpropeman: this man clearly has no moral compass
Jumpropeman: someone get him a moral gps
Gooper Blooper: I cannot be stopped and neither can she
Jumpropeman: for real though, I don't know why you made this, but i appreciate that it exists
Gooper Blooper: I made it for Chao years ago, I forget why
RubyChao: i probably just wanted sumi
RubyChao: and i mean
RubyChao: why wouldn't i
Gooper Blooper: It was this huge grid of resized images I put a ton of work into
Gooper Blooper: then Dropbox announced they were killing public links and that would destroy the Wall Of Sumis, so I screenshotted it and made it into a single picture so it would live on
Gooper Blooper: I also remember updating it several times before then to keep making it bigger
Gooper Blooper: I would have made it even larger if dropbox had stayed up
Jumpropeman: just go plaster it on a real wall
Draco: Sumi is pretty....good.

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