Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 332: GarfieldEATS

Jumpropeman: *Rings the Fallout 76 bell* New news: despite claiming all post release DLC will free and only cosmetics would be microtransanctions, there are now stat boosting outfits available only for a limited time, including the Silver Shroud outfit
Jumpropeman: you think he keeps the development team locked in a bunker where they can't see the feedback from the rest of the world
Gooper Blooper: oh good, it had been a few weeks since I'd heard about a fallout 76 fuckup
Jumpropeman: also
Jumpropeman: apparently
Jumpropeman: the outfits now have lost their buffs
Jumpropeman: so if you bought it for the buffs
Jumpropeman: sucks for you :V


Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: Tsk. Barely missed Goops.
Jumpropeman: I'm still missing goops
Jumpropeman: but he'll be back tomorrow
Draco: Or will he?!
Draco: >=D
Jumpropeman: did you cut his brakes too?
Draco: Even better: I rearranged his Garfields.
Jumpropeman: you've taken things too far, draco
Jumpropeman: i mean, murdering a guy is one thing
Jumpropeman: practically a prank really
Jumpropeman: but you're destroying a man's soul
Bree: no no, he only rearranged the garfields. he didn't damage or take them
Bree: that would have been truly heinous
Jumpropeman: we'd have a regular Garfgate scandal on our hands then
Jumpropeman: or Gatefield perhaps?
Draco: I'm not a monster.
Jumpropeman: To celebrate the 45h anniversary of the Watergate Scandal, the hotel had some fun changes: "In addition to the room 214 makeover, hotel guests receive room keys that read "No Need to Break-In," while the hotel's main phone number refers back to the original break-in date (844-614-1972). Rather than hold music, hotel callers hear speeches by President Richard Nixon. And in each room are pencils engraved with the message, "I stole this from the Watergate Hotel.""
Draco: lol


Gooper Blooper: 53 hours in on Disgaea 5
Gooper Blooper: this is a long goddamn game
Bingo Champion: suffer
Bingo Champion: nerd


Jumpropeman: "Fallout 76 Player Banned After 900 Hours For Having Too Much Ammo"
Draco: Saw that. Even Bethesda can't believe someone would spend time playing Fallout 76.


Jumpropeman: *slams down staff* I HAVE REVIEWED PORN
Draco: And?


Kars And His Attack Squirrel: "Bowser's fate at the end of the cartoons is never actually disclosed, as his final appearance (not counting "Mama Luigi", which takes place in a flashback) in A Little Learning shows him trapped in his bedroom, which is rapidly filling with lava."
Kars And His Attack Squirrel: I can't believe Bowser is fucking dead.
burly catgirl: nah, he's just completing his transformation into dry bowser


Jumpropeman: I contacted the developer of King of Texas last night
burly catgirl: is ven declared king of texas now
Jumpropeman: and they gave me three steam keys for it!
Jumpropeman: why three?
Jumpropeman: who knows!
Gooper Blooper left the chat
burly catgirl: is texas a monarchy now?
Draco: In case you want to play with yourself.
burly catgirl: *snrk*
Draco: Oh wait, this isn't a porn game, is it?
Jumpropeman: well it is a visual novel...
ivel: I thought that was the h-games
burly catgirl: odfilogjlhgkh
Jumpropeman: ah, it appears to have an AO +18 patch to download too
burly catgirl: oh man we're about to see some
burly catgirl: pixels.
Draco: HAWT
burly catgirl: time to sleep
Jumpropeman: night harp
burly catgirl: nite
RubyChao: i'm off to bed
RubyChao: night
Jumpropeman: everyone leaving
Jumpropeman: afraid I'll give them a key to King of Texas
Draco: Bye Chao. Bye Harpy.
Draco: Bye sanity.


Busty Coconuts: i have no idea why i chose this name


WOOMF: Wait, hold the fuck up
WOOMF: when did Smite get a switch port?
Buttercup the Conquerer: when we weren't looking


Jumpropeman: sheeplot
M Sheep: please


WOOMF: so I was reading old chatzy madness
WOOMF: and rediscovered the fact that I typed ‘badass gator wingman’ at one point
WOOMF: that is a good combination of three words right there


(Years after SK had come up with his own Pokemon region based on Great Britain, guess what gets announced?)

RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: congratulations sk u did it
SteelKomodo: did what?
RubyChao: because that definitely gave off the aesthetic and general landscape of an England region to me
SteelKomodo: I KNOW
RubyChao: also c'mon no other nation in the world except maybe france is as tied to the tales of sword and shield
RubyChao: they knew what they were doing
SteelKomodo: FUCK, I shoulda used those titles for my fangame project
RubyChao: too late now :V
SteelKomodo: rip me


WOOMF: i am amused by all the new pokémon memes
WOOMF changed name to GRASS MONKEY
Gooper Blooper rolls around and spouts british slang


Bree: south park update: we've successfully filled out our entire character sheet!
Bree: our last choice was to choose our alignment and religion
Bree: since Pastafarian was not an option, we are a Rastafarian instead
Bree: and our alignment is Chaotic
Bree: and then, like every other time we decided character sheet stuff, some rednecks showed up to beat us up for not identifying in a way they think is acceptable
Bree: but we helped a gay fish's mother get into heaven by guiding a rainbow-farting unicorn through the gates of valhalla
Bree: so we did a good deed this day


Gooper Blooper: beat Disgaea 5!
Gooper Blooper: it only took me like 60 fuckin hours
Draco: It would've been quicker if you hadn't been lovin' the ladies at the same time. ;V
Gooper Blooper: that wasn't what I meant by "fuckin hours", friend
Draco: I know. ;p


MobileDraco: link
Battlebots Champion(?): oh its just baragon, whatev-
Battlebots Champion(?): *listens*
Battlebots Champion(?): *sobs* BARAGON DID NOTHING WRONG
Battlebots Champion(?): I'M SO SORRY
ivel: link
Battlebots Champion(?): everything bad i said about baragon?
Battlebots Champion(?): i take it back
Battlebots Champion(?): i take it all back
Battlebots Champion(?): she tried her best
ivel: including that Baragon did nothing wrong?
Battlebots Champion(?): it is the movies that are to blame...
ivel: you said everything
Battlebots Champion(?): i said everything BAD :I
ivel: lel


Cornwind Evil: HEY jrm HOW much Patreon do i need to make you play a game
M Sheep: All the Patreon
Draco: One MILLION dollars.
M Sheep: You need to be a shareholder with more than 50% stocks
Cornwind Evil: Here's a half-filled 2 Liter bottle of Dr. Pepper.
M Sheep: :I
M Sheep: >:I
M Sheep: Ain't no such thing as a free Dr. Pepper, my friend.
Jumpropeman: *edits the Patreon tier for request to be 100 dollars*
Jumpropeman: it's 20 for a request, although if I don't have the game or can't access it we might have to work something otu
Bree: what game do you want to make him play
Jumpropeman: it was the "otu" typo wasn't it! My professionalism down the drain ; o ;
Draco: Indeed. BI
Cornwind Evil: I wanted to see HIS reaction to the South Park RPGS
Draco: As penance, 15 Hail Marys and play a game you like? IDFK
Jumpropeman: I do own Stick of Truth! But I got some news about Fractured But Whole...


DMG: Kingdom Hearts DLC: Mickie and Minnie get a divorce


M Sheep: It's always amazing just how many dirty dishes apparate from the ether after food making
M Sheep: I blame knives
Draco: Way to go, Sheep! Stick it to 'em!
M Sheep: just spread jam on that toast and you're spent until the next dish load, eh, knife?
DMG: I'd love to learn to cook more, I've had pretty good results in the past, but I don't have access to any cooking tools
RubyChao: all you need is a pot and the ability to set things on fire
RubyChao: i believe in your pyro!
RubyChao: (don't do this)
DMG: I have nowhere to even set things on fire
Draco: Ask your neighbor. Set fire to their lawn.


Jumpropeman: I'll never get over Beckett Pokemon Collector's Gen 2 Pokemon designs
Jumpropeman: that were like, drawn based on memories of the Pokemon
Jumpropeman: but then they kept using them even after the official reveals were made
M Sheep: Oh man, I only just barely remember that
Jumpropeman: Magcargo having a bunch of purple eggs instead of a shell
Jumpropeman: lucky for you sheep
Jumpropeman: I uploaded them all to my imgur years back
Jumpropeman: https://imgur.com/meePbwo
Jumpropeman: https://imgur.com/MSTtssr
Jumpropeman: https://imgur.com/LSAVFto
Jumpropeman: https://imgur.com/b8tziUM
M Sheep: You're doing the Lord's work, JRM
Jumpropeman: BIG NATU
Jumpropeman: ULTIMATE BORB


RubyChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1wAVpcvIrQM
Draco: ....what the heck?
Draco: I've seen better animated flipbooks.
ivel: oh god
ivel: that (lack of) animation
ivel: what
ivel: what even
ivel: so that's what it's called
ivel: so, time to watch that with Harpy


RubyChao: isn't this viola, not tenshi
Brando: does viola have muscle
Brando: did she get ripped while nobody was looking
RubyChao: this Dolby result
Brando: dolby's hiding all those ducks.
Brando: the duck hunts spill out of her backpack
Bree: dolby confirmed 33% ducks
Brando: dolby, this needs
Brando: to stop
Gooper Blooper: Dolby screams "BONUS DUCKS" and dumps her backpack's contents of a hundred rubber ducks onto the floor


Gooper Blooper: why does everyone have to be a useless bisexual
Gooper Blooper: can't we have some effective, productive bisexuals


M Sheep: Thank you, Jrm, for stepping into the chat. Because it reminded me I forgot to my Game Hoard plug not only today but yesterday.
Jumpropeman: you're an advertising machine!
Jumpropeman: too bad you're plugging it over on IHateVideogames.com, but the effort is still appreciated
Jumpropeman: really, thanks though :P
M Sheep: I doubt it's doing more than drumming up a couple clicks every so often >_-
M Sheep: but I keep throwing them out there
Jumpropeman: every little bit helps
Jumpropeman: a jenga tower is made of a bunch of individual blocks after all, although I probably shouldn't be comparing my site to something famous for going down
Draco: Compare it to something that soars gracefully!
Draco: Like the Hindenburg!
Jumpropeman: nah, I need something really sturdy, like the Bridge over the River Kwai
Draco: There we go. X)
M Sheep: Over on another forum I occasionally frequent, the site's a bit divided by an older, Something Awful forums-eque crowd and a younger manga and anime crowd. Both groups have an interest in video games, is the connecting thread.
M Sheep: The sub-board thing carrying topics more catering to the younger section of users is called "The Bridge Over The River Kawaii".
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: clearly Obladee's favorite bridge
M Sheep: It's a fair cop
Jumpropeman: "The Nintendo Switch Is Getting an Exclusive Detective Conan Skateboarding Game"


Brando: the cooler porygon
M Sheep: It's in 3-D
M Sheep: of course it's cool
Gooper Blooper: 3D 20 years ago was SUPER COOL
Brando: that is a pretty cool effect
Brando: its not GB exclusive!
Brando: i think
Gooper Blooper: Correct! It was a promo card
Gooper Blooper: TCG2 has a lot of weird cards in it
Gooper Blooper: a lot.
RubyChao: You
RubyChao: Me
Brando: i
Brando: i just died laughing
Gooper Blooper: you vs the porygon she tells you not to worry about


RubyChao: reminder that stealth rock is the entire reason Charizard is considered bad in the metagame
Gooper Blooper: Stealth Rock is so dumb and is a major reason I stopped playing Pokemon online
Gooper Blooper: the entire metagame completely revolves around it and it never gets nerfed
Brando: stealth rock is stupid strong
Brando: not that i worry about it tbh
Brando: i don't play competitive, i'm a wimp
Gooper Blooper: they actually made it even stronger in Let's Go
RubyChao: >stronger
RubyChao: how
Gooper Blooper: Rapid Spin and Defog were both removed from the game
Gooper Blooper: so once stealth rock is up it's up forever
Brando: oh my god
RubyChao: rest in shit fuckboys
Brando: how do you fuck up that badly
Brando: in the great words of victoria
Brando: "bleargh"


Jumpropeman joined the chat
M Sheep: Hello, Jumpropeman
Draco: Helloropeman
Jumpropeman: hold on... I never said my name >BI
M Sheep: It was written in the stars
M Sheep: by a dancing comet
M Sheep: whirling out beyond the reaches of where what is known meets the maelstrom of what could be
M Sheep: also, you left your name tag on
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: popped in to
RubyChao: to
RubyChao: to
RubyChao: to
M Sheep readies the Buscemi dart
RubyChao sweats
RubyChao pulls on his shirt collar
RubyChao realizes that he's written himself into a corner
RubyChao as a result, there's only one way out
RubyChao after growing a mustache, leaves the country

M Sheep: You know what
M Sheep: I'm not saving you with a dart
RubyChao moves down south
M Sheep: You write this drawn out gag out
RubyChao settles down, and begins raising javelinas
M Sheep: see how much work it is
RubyChao finds that he really does have a knack for this javelina thing
RubyChao on a warm summer's day, stands out
RubyChao it's been 10 years since the farm started
RubyChao the javelinas are energetic, the money is rolling in, Pedro just arrived for the first shift
RubyChao life is good.

Draco: Just another Thursday night in Chatzy.
RubyChao: so did you guys enjoy
RubyChao: the shocking swerve
Jumpropeman: *yodels to rustle the javelinas*
M Sheep: >:I
Jumpropeman: Home on the Range 2: It's Pigs Now
RubyChao: it can when it's not you, sheep
M Sheep: booo
M Sheep: booooo
M Sheep: I demand a recount
Draco adopts Junko, sends her to Culinary school, and happily walks her down the aisle as she marries Ariel Sierra.
Jumpropeman: *tears up betting slip of Junko x Chatalie*
M Sheep: Like something out of my nightmares
Jumpropeman: "It
Jumpropeman: you know what
Jumpropeman: I was gonna quote something
Jumpropeman: but now
Jumpropeman: you just get that
Jumpropeman: "It"
Jumpropeman: thanks a bunch enter and shift key
Jumpropeman: I hope you all find this quote equally as hilarious as the NASCAR hot take I was about to devastate you with
M Sheep: There's more to comment on in NASCAR than how they took another left turn?
Jumpropeman: sorry sheep, I've been sworn to secrecy
Jumpropeman: all those chuckles that are building up inside you
Jumpropeman: wasted
M Sheep: Going to have to chuck them into the chuckle barrel
M Sheep: pickle them for later
Jumpropeman: unrelated
M Sheep: There's a lot to unpack in this one comic panel


Jumpropeman: I see Cirno has infected our forum
Jumpropeman: I'm so sorry
Gooper Blooper: It was the darndest thing
Gooper Blooper: I don't know why, but I suddenly felt like doing a new emote, and I picked cirno
Gooper Blooper: so there she is
Draco: There she is.
Bright Changeling: (9)


Bright Changeling: no one can stop me
Bright Changeling: i am here
Bright Changeling: to say
Bright Changeling: alkjfljdfljljkdfljflj
Draco: wao
Draco: So eloquent.
Bright Changeling: just like the rest of my RP


RubyChao: Concern
Draco: Depends on what kind of bodies and where they were found.
RubyChao: well, if the rest of the twitter is an indication
RubyChao: they were found in the FREEZER after 4 YEARS!


M Sheep: I've got that "It's like a hologram" song from DK Country in my head
M Sheep: But with the hologram part replaced with: "It's like a Diadem"
ivel: I heard holograms
M Sheep: No, it's Diadems all the way down
Bright Changeling: dia's not really here?
RubyChao: she won't be
Bright Changeling: *looks at hands*
RubyChao: when i finish retconning her out of zfrp
Bright Changeling: m... my-
M Sheep: Chao's turned his back on the ZFRP universe
RubyChao: she has been completely replaced with my own original character Demida
Bright Changeling: chao this friendship is about to come to an abrupt end because you will catch these hands
ivel: I'll catch those hands
ivel: with my own
Bright Changeling: why are you defending this heinous act
ivel: to hold your hands :U
Bright Changeling: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME
M Sheep: I say Diadem
M Sheep: There's no need to be down
M Sheep: I say Diadem
M Sheep: Leading some Planar Clowns
M Sheep: Dia's name slots surprisingly well into a large range of songs.
ivel: not that one though
M Sheep: *slinks back into the darkness*
Bright Changeling: are we going to randomly insert dia's names in songs just to see how well it fits
Bright Changeling: yeah it needs to be two syllables
Bright Changeling: dee-ah-dem
Bright Changeling: I say DIA
Bright Changeling: I SAID DIA
Bright Changeling: JKLSGJGLKJG
ivel: I don't remember that part of the song


Lil Miss Derpadoo: and now i have the urge to play TCG again
Lil Miss Derpadoo: god
Lil Miss Derpadoo: damn it
Lil Miss Derpadoo: DIA IS NOT DONE
Draco: Oh no
ivel: Diadem is Diadone
Lil Miss Derpadoo: Dia will shake down the big bad for the secrets to those sealed decks
Gooper Blooper: Doug Diadem, Owner Of The Diasdale DiaDome


SpeepSpeepImaBeep: Dungeon porn kermit.


Jumpropeman: Crazy Kong, suitable for the Unexpanded Vic 20
Jumpropeman: aka
Jumpropeman: Unexpanded Dong
M Sheep: Wow
Jumpropeman: "The title screen of the game features either the text "Crazy Kong" or "Monkey Donkey" written in girders dependent upon which version is running."
M Sheep: WOW
Jumpropeman: "Although commonly believed to be a bootleg version, the game was officially licensed for operation only in Japan when Nintendo couldn't keep up with demand at home"
Jumpropeman: of course, the company that made Crazy Kong went on to make Crazy Junior, but they didnt have Nintendo's permission that time
M Sheep: Huh
M Sheep: Hm
Jumpropeman: the wild west of early video games
Jumpropeman: like how Ms. Pac-Man was made without permission
Jumpropeman: but it was so good Namco was like "yoink, it's our game now"


MobileDraco: Just popping in to report that I had a dream where Chao and I snuck into a library to borrow books he'd read a lot, then I hopped into the elevator to outer space to hang out with Harpy and Ivel
Lil Miss Derpadoo: Why am I in outer space?
Lil Miss Derpadoo: why is ivel in outer space?
Del Juniors Varsity Baseball: The question is
Del Juniors Varsity Baseball: Why aren't I in outer space
Del Juniors Varsity Baseball: Damn
ivel joined the chat
ivel: because you're out of this world
ivel: ;)
ivel: ;)
ivel: you're not on to see this yet but ;)
Lil Miss Derpadoo joined the chat
Lil Miss Derpadoo: Plz
Del: Battle Texan: Unplz


MobileDraco: link
ivel: Draco's thing is Harpy
DMG: I think it's safe to assume that Draco's thing is almost all of us
DMG: I do the same shit
Brandoo Cuckoo: am i being called out
Brandoo Cuckoo: i am being called out
ivel: you're not wrong DMG
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
RubyChao: draco's link
RubyChao: is 100% and totally me
Brandoo Cuckoo: "you're entering into useless bisexual mode again hun"
Brandoo Cuckoo: -ivel, 2019, after i saw two cute girls on battlebot teams
MobileDraco: lol
ivel: the match went to the judges and Harpy was just distracted by cute girls instead of the results


DMG: I named my Kyogre Wailord, but that was because I named my Wailord Kyogre


Brinehammer: Nobunobunobu


Gooper Blooper: >Brine got an Oda keychain
Gooper Blooper: now what do I do with this Oda keychain I was going to give him
Brandoo Cuckoo: it was bound to happen
Brandoo Cuckoo: oh
Brandoo Cuckoo: dang
ivel: give it to me instead
RubyChao: give it to Draco
Gooper Blooper: (haha no it's a different style, he can have it anyway)
Gooper Blooper: twice the nobu


Del: Battle Texan: Let's go is pretty good
Del: Battle Texan: I don't miss wild battles at all
Gooper Blooper: I think Let's Go is a good fit for you and SK since you're kinda lapsed fans of pogeys
Gooper Blooper: It trims out a lot of stuff but it's mostly stuff only the hardcores like myself cared about
Del: Battle Texan: I mean I'm trying to get moon going again
Del: Battle Texan: But yeah
Gooper Blooper: That was their master plan after all
Gooper Blooper: 1: Get old former fans' attention with Go
Gooper Blooper: 2: Make Let's Go to bridge the gap
Gooper Blooper: 3: Wave around an angry Scottish girl and hope that gets people to buy Pokemon Swoosh
Brandoo Cuckoo: we need pokemon swish
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon swish and swoosh
Gooper Blooper: (I've seen gen 8 abbreviated as "SWSH". I immediately read it as "swoosh" and call it that now because it amuses me)
Gooper Blooper: (we can't call it "Pokemon SS" because Soul Silver got there first)
Gooper Blooper: SWEAR ON ME MUM


RubyChao: "RubyChao is using Hunters and Pinball by 2020"
RubyChao: took me less time than that


WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: The original Resident Evil 2 had a semi unique setup where you could play a character in two different scenarios apiece.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: Generally referred to as the A and B scenarios. It basically changed around where some items were and put new bosses in and changed the plot accordingly
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: However, only in Scenario B would you be confronted by Umbrella's T-103 Tyrant, who somehow got the nickname of "Mr. X"
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: Now, in the original, Mr. X would show up at several scripted places, but only there. If you ran past him and through a door he ceased to be a problem and I think if you went around a bit and then went back to the area, he'd be gone.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: But in the remake? You get Mr. X no matter what scenario you're playing as. And this time, he ain't scripted. Once he appears, he will literally chase you through the whole area. If you escape him, his character model will literally zoom through the map until it arrives at a room close to you, at which point you'll hear his footsteps and have to try and hide/avoid him.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: Shooting him is mostly pointless.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: At best he'll fall down to one knee and you'll get some extra time to run away. You can't kill him.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: You have one mercy: X cannot follow you into save rooms.
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: However, there is ONE other way to get Mr. X off your back.
MobileDraco: Dying
WAKARU KA ORE NO CHIKARA?: Unlock the rocket launcher weapon. At which point his AI does this.
Brandoo Cuckoo: thats amazing
Brandoo Cuckoo: emily is in RE2's remake?


RubyChao: f-zero has six games
RubyChao: it has as many timelines as zelda
RubyChao: how did they do this


Gooper Blooper: and now, a battlebots comedy in two parts
Gooper Blooper: This commercial dates from 2001 or so
ivel: pff
Brandoo Cuckoo: that bud light's pretty heavy on the hits
Gooper Blooper: Now, here's the thing
Brandoo Cuckoo: too bad it's fucking disgusting
Gooper Blooper: "Inflictor" was an actual Battlebot they piled a bunch of decorations onto to make it look more dangerous. It was actually Tripulta Raptor, a superheavyweight
Brandoo Cuckoo: i'm tilting my head from this design
Brandoo Cuckoo: how u grab soda w no arm
Gooper Blooper: The things on the front are a big ol grabbing mouth, basically. Sorta like World Peace if you remember them, Harpy. Anyway, Tripulta Raptor later got redesigned and became a heavyweight robot called Preda Raptor
Brandoo Cuckoo: world peace? more like world in pieces
Gooper Blooper: And ten years later
Gooper Blooper: they had a rematch
Brandoo Cuckoo: wu
ivel: ..
ivel: ...........
Brandoo Cuckoo: this exists
Brandoo Cuckoo: ...
Brandoo Cuckoo: i
Brandoo Cuckoo: i got swerved
Brandoo Cuckoo: i thought i had it
Brandoo Cuckoo: but i didn't
ivel: SAME
Brandoo Cuckoo: i now need to move into the mountains and rethink my entire life
ivel: guess we're changing Harpy's moving plans
Brandoo Cuckoo: i'm coming back down a druid
ivel: I'll send your stuff
Brandoo Cuckoo: i would not survive mountain living
Brandoo Cuckoo: i am a soft suburb gal not a rugged mountain climber
Brandoo Cuckoo: also i'm 0% fit
Brandoo Cuckoo: what even is my life right now


Brandoo Cuckoo: dad singing spanish music loudly as he does chores, bro is "exercising" and he's like "we need better music for this"
Brandoo Cuckoo: immediately plays battle music for superstar saga
Brandoo Cuckoo: part of me is going to miss that
Brandoo Cuckoo: the other part of me knows i'm going to be the family meme for ivelfam.
Brandoo Cuckoo: and that is an acceptable substitute.
ivel: well someone has to be


RubyChao: the curse guy who got named in funky plot is from f-zero too
Bree: don genie?
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: he's big
Bree: I was literally about to ask "is he fat?" because with a name like that he should be
RubyChao: hehehehe
Bree: I was not disappointed. boy is he ever fat.
Bree: his car is even called the fat shark


Jumpropeman: "Fun fact: originally the design for Bayonetta's Link costume had it more buttoned up and wearing Link's white undershirt because they thought Nintendo wouldn't want the outfit oversexualised.
Nintendo rejected it and sent it back with instructions to remove the shirt and show more cleavage, because the proposed design would be out of character for Bayonetta"

RubyChao: A+
Bree: ~sexy~ link


Gooper Blooper: "Enter this contest for your chance to get a Steam key for King of Texas!"
Gooper Blooper: I can barely restrain myself from entering multiple times
Jumpropeman: they gave me multiple keys for some reason
Jumpropeman: so I was like "I guess this is what I'm meant to do"
Gooper Blooper: now you just need to find some people who appreciate terrible games as much as you
ivel: terrible games you say?
ivel: nobody can ever be as interested as jrm though
ivel: I'm almost certain nobody can actually appreciate terrible games as much as him
Jumpropeman: and nobody can ever be as interesting as me either ;D
ivel: the most interesting ghost in the world


Jumpropeman: the King of Texas giveaway is providing some interesting material
Jumpropeman: one way to get more entries in it is to answer a question, so to have the person slightly look at my site, the question is "What is the highest rating The Game Hoard can give a game?" Some people have checked and put the right answer, but there's some fun wrong ones
Jumpropeman: Someone put A++, another put 5/5, and those make some sense, they're pretty basic, but then we have... 481. Just that number. For some reason.
Draco: Pffft
Draco: Was my answer wrong though?! You said Diaper Baby Bros. got a 481/55. :I
Jumpropeman: I forgot to tell you that I changed the number to 484 because Rosalina's Diaper Adventures was even better
Draco: OH. Well, I guess I was wrong then. D;


Jumpropeman: I totally forgot the Mii have amiibo
Jumpropeman: the brawler radiates this odd slight sadness
DMG: he's seen things no avatar should see
DMG: he looks dead inside
Jumpropeman: he stands in Mii Plaza, Hitler to his left and a dick face to his right and he wonders what the point to it all is
DMG: he stares into the face of both shrek and batman, faces that should not be possible but here they are
DMG: and yet in the mirror all he sees is a blank face, with almost no effort put into him


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hey goops
Jumpropeman: hi gooper
Jumpropeman: been holding onto this until you came in
Gooper Blooper: thanks


Gooper Blooper: >JRM possibly becoming a day person
Gooper Blooper: this would probably help with RP :V
Jumpropeman: I GUESS
Jumpropeman: waking up just in time for plot worked half the time!
Gooper Blooper: the other half of the time, this happened
Jumpropeman: that made me google the hotel mario ost out of curiosity
Jumpropeman: i did not expect this level of jam
Jumpropeman: truly, having elvis on the cover was well-deserved
Jumpropeman: *stockholm syndromes myself into liking the song*


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dybn0gHIRlM
 ivel: wasn't that in one of those Sugar compilation vids
Gooper Blooper: it was, but the same guy also posted it seperately to capitalize on the steamed hams meme when it was new
ivel: nice
Del (Fire/Fighting): Well Seymour, I made it
Del (Fire/Fighting): Despite the sugar
Gooper Blooper: I love the extended instrumental. Chalmers is finally out of words for this situation.
ivel: oh god there's more
Draco: My roast is ruined!
Gooper Blooper: his entire account is like this
Gooper Blooper: it's amazing
Draco: YOU'RE amazing.
Gooper Blooper: aw :3
Gooper Blooper: (wait til you get to the Liver And Onions video)
Jumpropeman: I recall that Doug hated liver and onions
Jumpropeman: but you'll never guess what happened at the end of that episode!
ivel: does he have steamed hams
Jumpropeman: nah, his dog imagines that Doug is a giant ice cream cone, which really wraps up the episode's conflict in a nice bow


Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=uXcTrIDw1Sg
Jumpropeman: that is some high quality corndog footage
Jumpropeman: and reminds me that I found this the other day
Jumpropeman: the merch i never expected
Gooper Blooper: Ha!
Gooper Blooper: Man, those custom fumos look really good
Draco: Funniest-looking Touhou doll ever
Jumpropeman: well it is a FASHION doll
ivel: way to spoil Remiliaplot
Jumpropeman: the world of fashion is hard to comprehend


Jumpropeman: "Toad is often seen as a humble character with his appealing smile and innocence."
Jumpropeman: Mario wiki musta not heard HE'S THE BEST
Draco: Nobody heard. Because Toad no longer exists. BI
Draco erases Toad from history.
Jumpropeman: nooooooooooo
Jumpropeman: the Mushroom Kingdom diaper industry is ruined
Gooper Blooper: Toad's personality is humble, caring, kind, loving, loud, stout-hearted, mischievous (sometimes), fun-loving, joyful, happy, generous, friendly, active, energetic, optimistic, and eager.
Jumpropeman: reserved (formerly), quiet (formerly)
RubyChao: god dammit
RubyChao: i had blocked that out
Draco: :I
Gooper Blooper: Mario Wiki needs to learn from the experts
Draco: Burn the wiki.
Draco: To the ground.


ivel: link
Gooper Blooper: fetuses aren't allowed to play oxenfree
Jumpropeman: once you're born though, its added for free to your Epic Games account


Gooper Blooper: now that harpy is here she can vote in JURASSIC WORLD MARCH MADNESS https://jurassicoutpost.com/vote-now-jurassic-world-dino-battles-march-madness/
Brandoo Cuckoo: carnotaurus vs ceratosaurus
Brandoo Cuckoo: i swear if cerato doesn't win
Brandoo Cuckoo: i will cry dino tears
ivel hides his vote for carno
Brandoo Cuckoo: osnap
Brandoo Cuckoo: ivel you traitor
Brandoo Cuckoo: cerato is the one tru dino
Jumpropeman: that reminds me goops
Jumpropeman: Nickelodeon has an official mobile game where you can play as their characters in a fighting game where everyone has pretty much the same basic move combo and you can have Leonardo the Ninja Turtle beat up Angelica Pickles. It's called Super Brawl Universe
RubyChao: ohhhh my god
RubyChao: i need to see a video
ivel: It's basically a Nick version of similar games I think
ivel: I saw it
Gooper Blooper: That sounds wonderful JRM
ivel: pretty sure it's the same gameplay as some other licensed games though
Gooper Blooper: you better review it
Jumpropeman: now, why would Jurassic World remind me of this you ask
Jumpropeman: on a video I was watching of it, this comment appeared: "Yeah, And better if T-Rex Junior, Velociraptor Blue, Stiggy the Stygimoloch, Indoraptor Ripper, Trike Junior/Youngster Triceratops and Anky Junior/Youngster Ankylosaurus are included in the game with each sound from Jurassic Park/World and also maybe Rayman, Rabbid, Ronnie Anne, Lynn, Luan, Lana, Skipper, Rico, Po and some Digimons can join S.B.U"
Brandoo Cuckoo: welp
Jumpropeman: I have no idea why this guy thinks Jurassic World is connected to Nickelodeon
Gooper Blooper: the "put goku in" guys have a new game to demand characters for
Jumpropeman: but I'm also amused by the fact he knows these dinosaur names
Jumpropeman: Trike Junior/Youngster Triceratops
Brandoo Cuckoo: do they even exist
Brandoo Cuckoo: i'm sorry wut
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the video doesn't even get the network right
Draco: I voted with my heart and picked Mosasaurus.
Brandoo Cuckoo: nobody fucking wins against mosasaurus
Brandoo Cuckoo: it just doesn't happen
Jumpropeman: I also appreciate the opening shows Korra getting invited to THE SUPER BRAWL and "Elsewhere" Aang also gets it, despite being somehow a kid at the same time Korra exists
Brandoo Cuckoo: they were left off to give everyone else a chance
Draco: Ah.
Gooper Blooper: I think he just made those names up, aside from Blue and Stiggy
Brandoo Cuckoo: alternate dimensions
Gooper Blooper: Ripper is a fan name for Indoraptor, I've seen it elsewhere
Draco: Wow. Um. That's a game.
Brandoo Cuckoo: do you know how much paperwork they had to go through to do this
Draco: The Planeswardens were livid, but Nickelodeon has enough money to cut the red tape.
Jumpropeman: seems like SBU is also the kind of game where your character just gets more powerful over time. Saw some videos where one characters spends the whole battle barely denting the other only to get instantly owned when the higher levelled character attacks
Brandoo Cuckoo: "okay but the end result better be good"
Draco: Who had the great idea of making it so a Ninja Turtle could hit a literal baby with a sword?
Brandoo Cuckoo: a literal baby


RubyChao: "Matt and T.K. exploring nearby houses for a computer, only to find that almost no one knows what a computer is." you can tell this was written in the year 2000


Jumpropeman: Danny Trejo is Boots in a live action Dora movie
DMG: I couldn't ask for anything more
Jumpropeman: its not yet April 1st it seems
Jumpropeman: the comments point out Boots is not wearing his boots
ivel: I'll only accept this if he's still called Machete at some point
Jumpropeman: I hope there is a scene where we see him acquire his famous footwear
Jumpropeman: and Dora says something like "Hey, I like those boots you're wearing, Nameless Monkey! ...Wait a minute! Boots! That's your name now!"
DMG: I hope Danny Devito plays swiper
DMG: or the map, I'd be down for that
Draco: Danny Devito as Dora, you mean?
DMG: Danny Devito as everybody other than boots, you mean?
Jumpropeman: Dora Devito
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: XD
Brandoo Cuckoo: welp


Jumpropeman: my dad bought me a big plush bat while he was in Austin
Jumpropeman: and he also got me one of those wax figurines from the Zoo, of a bat of course
Jumpropeman: my room is becoming a regular bat cave, thankfully with no more real bats hopefully
But Verily: big batty
Jumpropeman: the best part of getting the wax bat though was when my brother and his wife were up here and we were talking about the bats, I told her that there was still a bat downstairs but it was safe and I could show it to her, only to show her the figure :V
M Sheep: It only becomes a true bat cave when you have a giant penny.
M Sheep: and maybe a dinosaur
Jumpropeman: time to kill the Penny Plunderer "by accident"
But Verily: rexy perishes due to bats
RubyChao: i love how the giant penny is so iconic but nobody remembers the villain
RubyChao: so most adaptations just give it to two-face
Tommy is OP: Pfffft


Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=A67ZkAd1wmI
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: that back twist animation
Draco: I actually bought that song on iTunes.
DMG: have you seen the live show?
Draco: No.
DMG: it's somehow even creepier
Draco: The 3D models are bad enough, but the way everything bounces is torture.
Jumpropeman: This is Swedish Anime
Jumpropeman: oh my...
Jumpropeman: the live version masks
Draco: Swedish Anime bounces in all the wrong ways.
Jumpropeman: the red shirt girl
Jumpropeman: looks like Momo
But Verily: i feel like i crawled back from early 2003
But Verily: and screamed
Draco looks up live Caramelldansen.
Draco closes it immediately upon seeing those masks.

But Verily: i cannot handle.
DMG: I mean at least the dancers are pretty decent
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, sailor uniform has a cabbage patch head
Draco: They look like serial killers waiting to leap off stage to start stabbing audience members.
DMG: I couldn't help but notice that the one with the pink hair has a slight issue with staying on beat
Draco: The dancing itself isn't bad, I'll grant you that, but the masks...the masks are HORRIFYING.
But Verily: *looks at the masks*
But Verily: terrifying.


But Verily: the 90s has come back
But Verily: time to imagine the nostalgia elementals in disgustingly 90s outfits
But Verily: dolby rolls up in a hoodie that screams "i had pokemania and it never left, its like pokerus but cooler"


RubyChao: "English releases of Bonanza Bros claim the Villain Protagonist thieves are just testing security systems or helping police recover evidence. This doesn't explain why your character appears in prison clothes complete with ball and chain on the game over screen."
Jumpropeman: helping police recover evidence... of your own crimes!
Draco: lel


Jumpropeman: >halloween candy bowl full of green apples
Jumpropeman: I had no clue Satan was in this game


Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: Pictured: Dr. Kalcyon. (No)
RubyChao: nyuck nyuck
RubyChao: i actually have a semi-accurate reference picture
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: If only he wasn't just a brain....
RubyChao: he looks kinda like this, but with some differences to the details
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahaha
RubyChao: nice
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: Great minds etc etc


Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: "Believe me, the klutz and Officer Thunder Thighs" I'M SORRY HER BODY TYPE DOESN'T APPEAL TO YOU MR LITERALLY SHAMED BY AN EGG
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: ....shaped like an egg.
Jumpropeman: EGG SHAME
Draco: It's MISS Literally Shamed By An Egg.
Gooper Blooper: Those two were the ones being shamed by an egg
ivel: methinks the egg doth protest too much


4 Days Until Move pulls her soul back into her body
4 Days Until Move: wha-
4 Days Until Move: ...
Jumpropeman: music plays immediately, page jumps around, a video plays
Jumpropeman: all for a garfield food app
4 Days Until Move: *shoves soul right back out her body as she astrally projects herself into bed*
Jumpropeman: oh god now the song is playing in three different ways like a terrible round
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: somehow it's existed since 1978 but clicking on it leads to a clip of garfield shaped foods and then the clip abruptly ends
Jumpropeman: no explanation on its establishment
Draco: Horrifying indeed. :D
Jumpropeman: "Jim Davis Says “Since 40 years, no one has ever come to me to create a Garfield-shaped pizza and quick mobile app restaurant chain called GarfieldEATS”"
ivel: I was expecting it to redirect to The Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: maybe because, Mr. Davis, that's a very specific phrase
Draco: I wonder WHY nobody has done that for the first 30 years.
ivel: ...
ivel: my browser froze up for several minutes
ivel: lovely
Jumpropeman: did you open the garfield site
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: JRM
RubyChao: Garfield Loves Weekends Say "yes" to free lasagnas, pizzas & Garficcinos...you will be notified by a push
Jumpropeman: I told zero lies about the site
Jumpropeman: hold on
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna turn off my adblockers and plunge in
Gooper Blooper: "Garficcinos"
RubyChao: same
Gooper Blooper: we'll never see JRM again
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: did you click on the read article
RubyChao: you'll love how it dispays
RubyChao: GarfieldEATS app enables you to watch, play, order, read, collect, redeem, track, manage, chat, share and much more All-in-One app; we call “entergaging” - entertaining + engaging. Total entergagement can also be calculated as per the Mazri Formula below:
Total Entergagement = (Reactions + Views + Clicks) / Time x Average Retail Price

ivel: and while it's amusing to think garfieldeats caused that, it was annoying
Jumpropeman: not sure exactly where you found a REad ARticle to click
RubyChao: it's down under the entergagement one
ivel: there, closed steam and discord, maybe that'll lighten the load on my laptop
Draco: I'm breaking out in hives just hearing the word "Entergaging".
Jumpropeman: I do enjoy I can download both the brochure and a manual separately from the site instead of it being displayed there
Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: this song is getting painful
Jumpropeman: I'm pulling out
Gooper Blooper: so
Gooper Blooper: when's garfield plot
RubyChao: i'm honestly shocked we've never actually done garfield stuff in rp
Jumpropeman: no dialogue during the plot, everything is drowned out by DOO DOODOODOO DOO DOO-"I'M JIM DAVIS" "FEED ME DON'T LEAVE ME"
Gooper Blooper: reminder I considered RPing as Garfield
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: Entergaging sounds like a section of Pornhub I would not ever be going into
Gooper Blooper: Garfield confirmed for The Curse
Jumpropeman: I'll RP as the pig in the innertube
RubyChao: goops i would support that
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: the duck wore the innertube
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: Sine DID 'write' that story when she drank the Snapture Ready
Jumpropeman: ah of course
Jumpropeman: naturally, the Heroes Wiki would have a page on Wade Duck
Gooper Blooper: because when I think hero
Gooper Blooper: I think Wade
Gooper Blooper: and his sentient inner tube
Jumpropeman: not comfortable with the second duck head's position here
Thwarted By Skrull Sabotage: And his insane cowardice
Jumpropeman: or the expression they both have
Draco: Yeah, it was Wade who wore the inner tube.
RubyChao: i remember wade duck ENTIRELY from scary scavenger hunt
RubyChao: did you guys know
RubyChao: scary scavenger hunt 2 was my first ever exposure to a jumpscare
Draco: Orson was the pig. Sheldon was the chick in the egg. Bo and Lily were the sheep. I think the other chicken was Booker?
Draco: And then Roy the Rooster.
Jumpropeman: *bows to Draco's superior knowledge*
RubyChao: 3:37
Gooper Blooper: The female sheep's name was Lanolyn, IIRC
Draco: Ah. Thank you.
Gooper Blooper: time to google and see who's right
Jumpropeman: that's a clever name for a sheep!
Gooper Blooper: It was Lanolin
Jumpropeman: oh, well, if you're just gonna come out and spell it the same
Jumpropeman: not as clever


Blasted Jewish Magic Hats (Cornwind Review) joined the chat
Jumpropeman: sorry cornwind, chat has a strict No Hat Speech rule
4 Days Until Move: hi
4 Days Until Move: i pinballed
4 Days Until Move: i also derped and made another dnd char.
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: How does one ACCIDENTALLY make a DND character?
4 Days Until Move: i am accidently the hype.
4 Days Until Move: for a concept.
4 Days Until Move: and oops.
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: The sad thing about my name is that it was once taken wholly seriously
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Though JRM's comment made me remember that Jumpropeman the character started without having a hat
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Can you imagine him just not having a hat now?
4 Days Until Move: he had no hat?
Jumpropeman: the jingle specter once had a naked head
Jumpropeman: there was a bet in the betting corner where he got a hat
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: He had no hat, he had no job, all of JRM's things, come from being a Kob (ber).
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Also remember how Sine started out never taking off her helmet and concealing her gender?
4 Days Until Move: remember charizard?
RubyChao: remember when sine was actually called Cornwind Evil in the brawl pre-show
Jumpropeman: remember the alamo?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when the Lord showed up every day for like five weeks?
4 Days Until Move: remember when i RPed?
4 Days Until Move: :v
Jumpropeman: nope harp
Jumpropeman: I thought you were joining us this year!
Jumpropeman: were you that Nepeta person?
4 Days Until Move: its my first year here man
DMG: remember when I RPed?
4 Days Until Move: its been so long
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when Sine showed Zephyrus a messed up horror film and people in chat thought she was doing a sexy dance for him?
Jumpropeman: nope
Jumpropeman: because there was no chat
Jumpropeman: but I remember I made the joke on forum :V
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when I was going to use the Emperor from Warhammer 40K as a main villain?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when I was going to have Galactus show up?
ivel: Pepperidge Farm remembers
Gooper Blooper: Member when my response to Sarah getting last in a drinking contest was to kick off my first major plot
RubyChao: yes to both cornwind
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when I thought Cray Fish beating Mantisy was a good thing?
RubyChao: also go for it jrm
RubyChao: remember when i didn't rp
4 Days Until Move: remember when alex died?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember the lost Ghost Sarah bit?
Gooper Blooper: remember when Alex split in half
Gooper Blooper: into a janitor half and a knight half
4 Days Until Move: i remember
4 Days Until Move: it wasn't exactly the best
4 Days Until Move: but it was the rule of cool
Gooper Blooper: and we went to hell to save the knight half and the dead ghost of Bubble Man helped us
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when everyone in the bar got amnesia?
RubyChao: remember when i killed off honoka, forever
RubyChao: wait, no, that hasn't happened yet
4 Days Until Move: no
4 Days Until Move: *sharpens knife*
4 Days Until Move: *puts knife away*
Jumpropeman: remember the 90s?
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: who's ready for my next plot
Gooper Blooper: I remember
4 Days Until Move: remember who you are...
RubyChao: a kamen rider gives a major character a nightmare of everyone in the bar dying
RubyChao: which gives them amnesia
ivel: I reeeeememberrrr
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when the Prometheans attacked Columbia and it all went so terribly wrong I invoked a retcon?
RubyChao: yes
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Say do you remember that guy Larry next door?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Well he always was the neighbourhood clown
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Like that time he took my pants off and took those color pictures and posted copies all over town?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Or that time he dumped toxic waste on my lawn?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Or those wacky prank phone calls from midnight till dawn?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: What a crazy kid Larry was, always fooling around!
Jumpropeman: You remember the time I sang La Cucaracha for Paul McCartney?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Remember when the Cenobites showed up and I wasn't the one who used them?
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Though in retrospect I don't think any of us could use them
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: They're not exactly RP friendly.
RubyChao: i dunno
RubyChao: jrm did just fine
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: Yeah but see he used them as straight villains and ACTUALLY....
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats gets shoved in a box.
Jumpropeman: a LEMARCHAND'S box specifically
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: If anyone solves it I'll come out and ramble about horror films
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: I am an angel to some and a demon to others in my own way
Jumpropeman: like a nerdier Yami Yugi


RubyChao: So now that all of my new season 9 characters are revealed in some way or another
RubyChao: who are people most excited for from my cast, either new or old
4 Days Until Move: baker!
4 Days Until Move: :V
Gooper Blooper: Nova
Draco: Honoka
Jumpropeman: ghost hitler
RubyChao: how did you know i was rping ghost hitler as my new villain
Gooper Blooper: finally, Teddy Roosevelt's Ghost gets the plot he deserves

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