Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 330: You Talkin' About... DIA?

Mobile Hanz entered for the first time
Moving Sheep: Oh god, it's MOBILE
Moving Sheep: SHOOT TO KILL
Mobile Hanz: I bought one of those bootleg game boy shaped NES emulator systems and I’m a little bit perturbed because it got delivered to Alaska for some reason instead of Ohio?
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: quite the mistake
Moving Sheep: That does seem odd
Mobile Hanz: Last time I ever order vidya games from China
Gooper Blooper: Well, the Ice Climbers better appreciate their new Game Man
Moving Sheep: Learn your states, China!
Gooper Blooper: "state name begins and ends with a vowel, close enough"
Mobile Hanz: It’s a shame because it looked kickin rad
Mobile Hanz: I have reached out to the customer support and I expect rectification post haste.


Jumpropeman: so earlier today I went outside around 11 am to put my gamefly game out for the maillady, but I didn't realize that the particular pair of shorts I'm wearing has a huge hole in the back seat
Jumpropeman: I hope the busy street we live on enjoyed the view as I took my time with my butt to them
Moving Sheep: going to need my fainting couch


Mighty Action Del: Chatzy rooooaaads
Mighty Action Del: Take me hooooome
Mighty Action Del: To the plaaaaace
Mighty Action Del: I belooooong


Harpderp: "life sized velociraptor, only on amazon"
Harpderp: th
Harpderp: thanks ad...
ivel: so you're getting it right
Harpderp: no...


Gooper Blooper: so today I beat Mighty Switch Force 2 and was rewarded with two surprises
Harpderp: hi JRM
Jumpropeman: all the babies you kicked came back with a vengeance
Harpderp: oh god
ivel: babyzilla
Harpderp: only bears can save us now
Draco: Babera
Gooper Blooper: First, a long time back there was some mention of "Patty is a cyborg?!", and MSF2's ending reveals exactly what Patty is
Harpderp: chun li
ivel: thicc?
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: Patty is a lady
Draco: With lady parts
Gooper Blooper: She's basically Labrys. A complete robot wearing artificial skin and a wig
Harpderp: :O
RubyChao: i did NOT expect that
Harpderp: i've been completely swerved
Draco: It's true. Labrys IS Patty.
Gooper Blooper: There is a tiny picture of her true form in this forum thread if you scroll down
Gooper Blooper: Needless to say, I will be keeping her full human in RP
RubyChao: i'm not surprised, it'd be a bit much to drop that in after an entire year
Jumpropeman: those thighs NEED to be real for RP to survive
Gooper Blooper: And the second surprise was
Gooper Blooper: Last year, I canonized that out of all my cops, it was Patty in particular who really enjoyed joining up with the Funky Cops and going to the disco with them
Gooper Blooper: Then the credits for MSF2 started playing
ivel: she actually hates disco right
Gooper Blooper: It was canon the whole time and I didn't even know
Harpderp: ...please tell me patty commissioned the funky cops for that later-
Draco: *dances*
Harpderp: good shit
Draco: Almost as good as Gamera vs Guiron
Harpderp: ssssh don't let them know, drac
Draco: Let them know what? I said nothing. BI
Harpderp: :I


 Gooper Blooper: Got an email from Rachel, she wants to show me a website that offers "99 free spins". Must be an online casino
Harpderp: RACHEL NO
Jumpropeman: she misses vegas a lot goops
Draco: We're not in Vegas anymore.
Gooper Blooper: It's okay Rachel, I do too
Gooper Blooper: but that's okay, because we made our own vegas, with cyberpunk and hookers
Harpderp: sdfjiogfol


Jumpropeman: I recently had a dream where a Pokemon game had Dora the Explorer as a Starter Pokemon choice
Jumpropeman: naturally I wanted to pick her but I couldn't get the game working
ivel: who were the others
Jumpropeman: BIG CHUNGUS
Jumpropeman: that's not an answer to ivel
Jumpropeman: it was just a bunch of normalish pokemon, some new some old
Jumpropeman: I think Giratina was an option
Gooper Blooper: "Go, Caterpie!" "GO GIRATINA"
ivel: ah yes, Giratina as a starter


Jumpropeman: THESE THIGHS
Draco: Dang, Jo's been part-timing.
Draco: What I'm getting Goops next year
Jumpropeman: "I HAVE MONDAYS"
Jumpropeman: he's too powerful


Mighty Action Del: What *is* chatzy
Mighty Action Del: We just don't know


Harpderp: the tales of vesperia remake is out
Harpderp: meaning
Harpderp: time to fuckin get it because i already preordered
Harpderp: then end up wanting to RP some rando mage in cyberpunk city- wait shit
ivel: she's called Dia
Harpderp: did you mean: half my roster?
Moving Sheep: "random mage"
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
Moving Sheep: DIA
ivel: I dunno if I'd say half your roster is rando mages
Harpderp: throw a dart at my roster and half the time you're
ivel: see, Sheep gets it
Harpderp: 75%
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
Jumpropeman: you mean a random mage like
Jumpropeman: perhaps
Jumpropeman: Dia
Harpderp: you people
Harpderp: i say mage and you say dia
Harpderp: what if i meant Sonia?!?
Harpderp: THEN WHAT
ivel: then we riot
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
Moving Sheep: CARLA
Gooper Blooper: neither of those moe pink marshmallows are random tho
ivel: you should see how random Dia is
ivel: so random
Harpderp: carla would fit in cyberpunk city, bein a robot and all
ivel: anyway magic abilities doesn't mean mage :U
Harpderp: yeah
ivel: Gino has magic, he ain't a mage
Harpderp: sometimes it means
Harpderp: a sorcerer
Harpderp: LIKE BRANDO i mean wait.
ivel: or a warlock
Harpderp: all my psychics are sorcerers
ivel: like Kevvy
Harpderp: is kevvy a warlock?
ivel: I say he is
Harpderp: i don't have the comparison down
Harpderp: i know wizards are nerds and sorcerers are just born with it
Harpderp: wizards need maybellene
ivel: Almaric would welcome Kevvy among his kind
Harpderp: but warlocks are ????
Harpderp: guess i should play one
Harpderp: and find out
Harpderp: anywhoooooo
ivel: usually Warlocks are evil wizards
ivel: I was calling Kevvy evil
Harpderp: i'm sorry what
Harpderp: first of all
ivel: but the joke was ruined
Harpderp: how dare you
ivel: ;;
Moving Sheep: Evil?
Harpderp: shit i'm losing my train of thought here
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
ivel: Kevvy, yes
Moving Sheep: Maple The Cat?
Gooper Blooper: No, we're talking about Taffy The Cat
Harpderp: meet my new rando mage- yes, exactly - some random ass fairy wearing pink
ivel: still Dia
Harpderp: who shoots hearts and rainbows
ivel: ...still Dia
Harpderp: i almost said pia
Harpderp: i'm allowed to have my girls wear pink fam
Harpderp: except kisha
Harpderp: kisha's banned.
Jumpropeman: new concept for a character
Jumpropeman: a cat whose name changes every post
Harpderp: you say that as if i haven't already claimed it
Harpderp: ;U
Harpderp: (thanks continuity errors)
Moving Sheep: Tom The Cat?
Moving Sheep: Was a Harpy character?
Moving Sheep: All along??
Harpderp: yeah right down to the suffering
Moving Sheep: Please, when has Tom suffered
Harpderp: tomorrow... snow
Harpderp: joy
Harpderp: here's hoping it isn't too bad: did have some plans for tomorrow that didn't involve loafing like a potato
Moving Sheep: A squishy potato?
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
Moving Sheep: DIA
Gooper Blooper: possibly
Harpderp: ...
ivel: no, that's Harpy herself
Harpderp: ..... IVEL.
Gooper Blooper: Harpy and Dia are the same person
Harpderp: dopldfjklgk jdfjgl
Moving Sheep: Diapy
Harpderp: PLEASE
Moving Sheep: Diarpy
ivel: Harpadem
Gooper Blooper: Of course, this means Ivel is actually Gino
Moving Sheep: Diarpy the gambler
Moving Sheep: Givel
Harpderp: "oh i guess this isn't too bad... NOT LIKE IN SC"
Moving Sheep: Ivno
Harpderp: i mean
Harpderp: you're not wrong about that
Gooper Blooper: 3 inches of snow overnight is a mildly annoying weather event up here in Vermont
Gooper Blooper: looks like you'd still be good for travel during the day
Harpderp: yeah, more concerned for how things are on ivel's side
Harpderp: because... the bay bridge.
ivel: sweet potatoes for the sweet potato
Harpderp: IVEL
Harpderp: goals for tomorrow: buy more hot cocoa because that was delicious
Harpderp: -dinos
Harpderp: -belated gift for dad
Harpderp: so basically being a child at most opportunities :U
Jumpropeman: my goal for tomorrow
Jumpropeman: -Punch Nerds
Harpderp: don't punch me
Harpderp: NO IVEL
Gooper Blooper: sumi look out
Moving Sheep: Punch nerds?
Moving Sheep: You talkin' about
Moving Sheep: D I A
Gooper Blooper: D I A


Harpderp: pitohui...
Harpderp: itohui
Harpderp: tohui
Harpderp: tohu
Draco: Pitsuho
Harpderp: Plz
Jumpropeman: i think you mean
Jumpropeman: pitohui
Jumpropeman: patohui
Jumpropeman: patchohui
Jumpropeman: patchouli
[OCEAN MAN]: Majapahit
Harpderp: It all makes sense now
[OCEAN MAN]: Does it?


Gooper Blooper: This is what scientists USED to think Spinosaurus looked like
Gooper Blooper: the fossils were incomplete, you see
Gooper Blooper: he's so excited


Jumpropeman: In case you want to know more about your pal Jumpropeman, I was the kind of kid who attempted to make Ash's comment in the first Pokemon movie about vikings being from Minnesota congruous with the greater Pokemon series lore
Moving Sheep steeples fingers
Moving Sheep: Go on~
Draco: Ash Ketchum, fan of American football.
Gooper Blooper: Old Pokemon stuff doesn't always mesh well with new Pokemon stuff
Gooper Blooper: elephants etc
Jumpropeman: such as the Cerulean City gym having animal fish in it in the cartoon as well
Moving Sheep: I have no memory of that!
Moving Sheep: Not that that means anything!
Jumpropeman: and the Weepinbell card where a normal bird is resting on its head
Jumpropeman: watch
Jumpropeman: in Gen 26 we'll finally get
Jumpropeman: Greenbir
Jumpropeman: the green bird pokemon
Moving Sheep: What
Moving Sheep: I want to know
Moving Sheep: is
Jumpropeman: where's the caveman?
Moving Sheep: When is Pikachu's incredible affinity for catsup going to finally show up again
Draco: When folks remember that the manga canonically named Pikachu after Jean Luc Picard.
Moving Sheep: If I remember right, he couldn't get enough of it in one episode
Jumpropeman: I've got good news sheep


Moving Sheep: So, against my better judgement
Moving Sheep: I'm watching Boruto
Moving Sheep: And whenever I see this kid pull out shadow clones I keep wondering how that doesn't kill him
Gooper Blooper: I feel like a lot of what sheep watches can be started off with "So, against my better judgement"
Moving Sheep: Wasn't there a whole deal waaaaay back in the day
Moving Sheep: where Shadow Clones were a forbidden technique because of all the chakra it uses
Moving Sheep: and it only worked as Naruto's go-to because his one saving grace was being a bloated, orange chakra pinata?
ivel: yes
ivel: Boruto inherited it
Moving Sheep: Boy should have been called Pandora
Moving Sheep: since he got all the gifts
ivel: I don't think he has better judgement after all, Goops
Moving Sheep: :I
Moving Sheep: So rude
ivel: am I wrong? :U


RubyChao: koakoakoakoa
Jumpropeman: for some reason that koa things was blocked for me due to having "sensitive content"
Gooper Blooper: that twitter's background, tho
Jumpropeman: and keep in mind
Jumpropeman: I have that block turned off
RubyChao: Weird
RubyChao: it's just koa with some nice leggy legs
Jumpropeman: maybe the japanese there says like
Jumpropeman: Racial slurs
Draco: Maybe.
Jumpropeman: "Little Devil Moving"
Jumpropeman: how DARE they call her LITTLE
Draco: I took a screenshot of it for you, JRM.
Jumpropeman: SCANDALOUS
Jumpropeman: I can view the image after clicking to view sensitive content :V
Draco: Ah.
Jumpropeman: "This media may contain sensitive material. Your media settings are configured to warn you when media may be sensitive. " Meanwhile
"Hide sensitive content
This prevents Tweets with potentially sensitive content from displaying in your search results"
Is not checked in my settings
Gooper Blooper: Oh, THAT'S what you meant
Gooper Blooper: I see that all the time, some artists just like to leave it on by default
Gooper Blooper: I once saw a twitter account where all the pics were marked sensitive, but sometimes it was just food the artist was eating or photos of animals he saw at the zoo
Jumpropeman: "Mark media you Tweet as containing material that may be sensitive " is a setting on twitter so yeah, it's probably that person's whole twitter is "sensitive"
Gooper Blooper: and sometimes it was porn he drew
Gooper Blooper: a surprise in every tweet
Jumpropeman: and sometimes
Jumpropeman: it was porn he saw at the zoo
Jumpropeman: because if you think about it
Jumpropeman: those animals ain't wearing nothing at all


Jumpropeman: "SkyTime was publicly chosen to be the number 1 game and has found love from all the people that have played it."
RubyChao: the number
RubyChao: one
RubyChao: game
Gooper Blooper: my god, you simply MUST play it!!
Jumpropeman: IT WAS NUMBER ONE!


Harpderp: the universe tried to ruin my day today
Harpderp: it failed.


Moving Sheep: Harpy??
Harpderp: me after someone steals my food


Harpderp: "If toy dinosaurs are made of plastic and plastic is made from oil which is created by the condenced remains of dinosaurs (and other ancient things like plants) does that mean the toy dinosaur is made of real dinosaurs??"
Gooper Blooper: it's the circle of life
Harpderp: i have a real cerato on my desk RIGHT NOW
Jumpropeman: that's concerning harp
Jumpropeman: make it wear a muzzle at least
Harpderp: all it does is sniff and then fucks off
Harpderp: i'm good
Jumpropeman: but that does raise another question
Jumpropeman: first off- nice one harp :V
Jumpropeman: second one- does that mean the toys in toy story are alive because their plastic bodies contain the souls of the dead dinosaurs being reanimated in their new forms
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: No wonder Rex is neurotic
Gooper Blooper: he's having a crisis
Harpderp: time for someone to make a real grimdark fic outta this
Harpderp: because i won't


Jumpropeman: I had a dream with a new RP character in it that I'm very tempted to make real. It's an old man who is super tiny, like, smaller than Inch High even, but he has a super long magical sash that he has full control of that connects at his neck and is wider than even he is and it's so long that it enters rooms much sooner than he does
Gooper Blooper: so basically you would RP as a sash with a little old man attached to the end
Jumpropeman: yup :V
Jumpropeman: it basically hits the jrm staples perfectly
Jumpropeman: Absurd proportions, old, ridiculous
Jumpropeman: now if I could only change him into a dumb girl too
Gooper Blooper: obviously the sash is sentient and is a dumb anime girl
Gooper Blooper: character idea: an anime girl with one hand replaced by a little old man
Gooper Blooper: the man hand is somehow homeless while the rest of the girl is not
Jumpropeman: when she goes to sleep at night, she just hangs her hand out the window


Moving Sheep: I fully endorse Tiny Old Man With A Really Big Sash for ZFRP
Harpderp: sheep approved
Harpderp: get on it, JRM
Jumpropeman: it is tempting, but it's not very technological sky city
Gooper Blooper: give him tiny cyborg parts
Moving Sheep: What if
Moving Sheep: The really big sash with a tiny man on the end
Moving Sheep: had a tinier man inside him because the tiny man we see is actually a giant robot for him
Jumpropeman: and that tiny man inside
Jumpropeman: is actually a bunch of immortal gut bacteria riding around in a metal stomach
Moving Sheep: And that immortal gut bacteria contains the thoughts and memories of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, preeminent daimyƍ, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Sengoku period.
Jumpropeman: finally, a simple character concept I can latch onto!


RubyChao: jrm when is Postman Pat Plot
Jumpropeman: right after Patman Post Plot


Jumpropeman: I can't remember why
Jumpropeman: but as a kid I combined Super smash Bros Melee fighters together in a drawing
Jumpropeman: known as Dr. Luishitwopuff
Jumpropeman: a drawing I hope I didn't throw away because obviously now it needs to be in RP
Jumpropeman: I can't remember how jigglypuff factored into the mix
Moving Sheep: the curly hair
Jumpropeman: alternatively I'll just RP this
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Jumpropeman: "" ...*clicks hesitantly*
Gooper Blooper: some people love video games
Gooper Blooper: and some people
Gooper Blooper: love
Gooper Blooper: video games
Harpderp: oh
Harpderp: oh my.


Jumpropeman: look at this game cover
RubyChao: you feeling
RubyChao: hysterical?


Jumpropeman: just found a twitter called Luigi World Order, where you might think they tweet about Luigi, but it's mostly retweets of makeup giveaways
Gooper Blooper: Maybe older tweets are more normal, I've seen twitters break down into just being retweet mules before
RubyChao: oh i remember a twitter like that
RubyChao: started as quoting funny posts from marioboards
RubyChao: degenerated into trying to rig sports polls
Gooper Blooper: when you don't wanna use twitter any more but need an account to participate in other things


Jumpropeman: now then, what else can I get a nice detailed analysis from sheep on...
RubyChao: have him analyse
RubyChao: Bread
Moving Sheep: I don't have particularly strong views on bread
Moving Sheep: except for their sugar content
Moving Sheep pickets Big Sugar


Jumpropeman: found that old gaming chestnut
Jumpropeman: where I backtracked to get to a savepoint because it had been too long without one
Jumpropeman: only for the very next area to have one if i had just gone a little further


Jumpropeman: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Grinch's 23andMe webpage is gone
Moving Sheep: Jrm raining on this parade
Draco: WOT
Jumpropeman: so we no longer know the Grinch's genetic history
Moving Sheep: that is such a STRANGE and somehow disturbing..crossover? tie-in? media stunt?
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: that is
RubyChao: really weird
Moving Sheep: This is worse than Birdemic.
Gooper Blooper: so this is the true grinch leak


Jumpropeman: don't tell anyone who likes pokey cards about this
Jumpropeman: they might lose money
ivel: hey harpy
Jumpropeman: IVEL NO
ivel: IVEL YES


Mighty Action Del: I pronounce thee
Mighty Action Del: Woomy and veemo
Mighty Action Del: You may squid the kid
Mighty Action Del applauding bubbling noises


RubyChao: general cleft is proud
Jumpropeman: now that's a nifty picture
Moving Sheep: It's a good picture
Draco: Nice.
Gooper Blooper: Ooh


Jumpropeman: "An old legendary hero, Sepsiman, was called to save the world from the evil hands of Kokoman, who wants to spread the Koko Cola disease around the world, making everyone Koko Cola Zombies!
Kokoman was too strong, Sepsiman is defeated by him and his disciple Kokogirl, the entire world was covered in Koko Cola, but one girl survived, she was immune to the cola disease! Quickly Sepsiman approaches this girl and gave her the power to transform into a "soda girl" with his Sepsi bracelet.
WHAT HAPPENED?! Instead of a soda girl, she cleansed the toxins of the Sepsi Soda and became VITAMIN GIRL! Sepsiman life it's a stake anyways... sad."

Harpderp: why am
Harpderp: is
ivel: you're Sepsigirl
ivel: I mean, vitamin girl
Harpderp: i could make a joke here...
ivel: do it
Moving Sheep: I hope JRM actually reviews that one
Harpderp: ACTUALLY
Harpderp: nevermind it wouldn't work, i'm a girl
Harpderp: time to give people their vitamin B
Jumpropeman: right now I'm going through keymailer in the search of vamlumtimes appropriate games
Draco: Sips_ Man
RubyChao: i gotta admit vitamin girl does look cute
Harpderp: wow she is
Harpderp: cute
Harpderp: wow...
Harpderp: *immediately slipping into useless bi mode*
Gooper Blooper: vitamin girl 2019 protag
Jumpropeman: she can be King Vitaman's daughter
Moving Sheep: Vita Maria
RubyChao: i'd be down for that dumb joke, jrm
Jumpropeman: and now here's a video game where you date girls based on web browsers
Jumpropeman: firefox is... get this... a FOX LADY
Jumpropeman: I would have been disappointed if she wasn't honestly :V
Gooper Blooper: It's one of those things where it's low-hanging fruit but at the same time, you gotta have it, y'know?


Moving Sheep: "God Tube"
Moving Sheep: The longer Dragon Ball goes on
Moving Sheep: the closer to the abridged series it becomes
ivel: pffffffff
ivel: that part was
ivel: certainly out there
Moving Sheep: I keep forgetting God Tube is a thing
Moving Sheep: and it shakes me to my core whenever it comes up
ivel: haha


Draco blinks.
Draco: Wow. A comic book store I follow on Facebook has a big He-Man toy collection for sale. For the modest sum of $16,000 or a modest $2000 a month, you can own this collection of the same muscular body in a variety of colors with different heads and I guess there are some of the vehicles and playsets too. ALL IN THE BOX.
Draco: "Total VALUE for the collection comes in at about $20,000.00. Price for the collection will be $16,000.00. Time payment of minimum $2,000.00 per month acceptable. We can also deliver the collection within a reasonable distance."
Draco: My god, I can't WAIT to blow my entire live savings on 30+ year old toys from a poorly animated cartoon!
Draco: This one really sticks out for some reason.
Draco: Oh man, if I were still a kid, I'd want ALL of my action figures to have BATTLE STILTS.
Draco: 3 Toys In One!!!!!! (Or as I like to call it: You can play with the hatch open OR shut! You can also set it on random things with the hatch open and shut!)
Draco: I'd riff the entire thing, but it's a friggin' huge page.


Brinehammer: Hey ya'll!
Moving Sheep: OH GOD IT SPOKE-I mean
Moving Sheep: hi
Moving Sheep casually pops finger guns and leans against wall
Moving Sheep only to misjudge the distance and fall over

Draco: Hello, Brine.
Draco buries Sheep where he lay.


Cracker Goodyear: I woke up recently
Cracker Goodyear: With this phrase on my mind for some reason
Cracker Goodyear: "Time is a cube."
RubyChao: oh fuck
RubyChao: oh FUCK
RubyChao: OH FUCK
Draco: Interesting thought.
Jumpropeman: uh oh
Jumpropeman: but chao
Cracker Goodyear: ...and I referenced something, it seems
Jumpropeman: Earth has 4 simultaneous days each rotation. You erroneously measure time from one corner
RubyChao: you've never heard of timecube?
Moving Sheep begins pushing a line of four balls off a cliff
Jumpropeman: we've talked about time cube in chat before
Cracker Goodyear: I thought the four balls on a cliff had to do with clocks....
Moving Sheep: That one does, yes
Jumpropeman: cornwind has talked about time cube in chat before :V
Cracker Goodyear: And much like Hillary's emails I don't get the details
Cracker Goodyear: "Ray described himself as a "godlike being with superior intelligence who has absolute evidence and proof" for his views"
Cracker Goodyear: See this is how you can tell this guy's onto something
Cracker Goodyear: That humility, it's amazing


(Draco links to screenshots showing Jill Stingray's cameo in Yiik: A Postmodern RPG)

Draco: I don't know what's going on but it has Jill in it so Goops might want to see it?
Moving Sheep: Oh no
Moving Sheep: Oh nooooo
Moving Sheep: Those are screenshots from that one game I linked in here last night that everybody seems to find insufferable
Moving Sheep: I think
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: they are
Moving Sheep: oh noooooo
Moving Sheep goes through an array of facial expressions
Moving Sheep: I'm so concerned Jill is in Yiik
Moving Sheep shaken


DMG: random thought
DMG: if everyone loves Anime so much, why did they never make an Anime 2
DMG: actually, ignore that, my random thoughts are incredibly dumb
ivel: Anime 2 would never be as good as Anime
DMG: yeah, I realized that after I said it
iKomodo: Lol


Harpderp: i got a chrimmus gift and
Harpderp: oh shit
Harpderp: its a crepe maker
Harpderp: i never had a crepe in my life
ivel: now you can finally
ivel: give a crepe
Harpderp: ...
Harpderp: plz.
Moving Sheep: Now Harpy can be a crepe!


Jumpropeman: in the latest "not actually a surprise", I have considered RPing Oogway from Kung Fu Panda in the past


Brinehammer joined the chat
Draco: Hi Brine.
Jumpropeman: yo brine
Brinehammer: Hey ya'll. Sorry, thought it was empty in here.
Jumpropeman: we're like bats
Jumpropeman: we hang from the ceiling quietly until something potentially disturbs us
Brinehammer: Wait, the ceiling? I've been hiding in the vents like some rube this whole time! =[
Jumpropeman: that explains why the air had a light salty smell lately...
Jumpropeman: -.- naturally, right after my bat joke, now there's a bat in the basement again. I thought we had sealed it up properly to keep them out
Brinehammer: He's not locked in with you... You're locked in with him.
Jumpropeman: I think I found its entry point, the only problem is right now the bat is chilling right next to it so I can't seal it up.
Jumpropeman: also
Jumpropeman: I'd prefer him to be on the other side of the entry point before sealing :V


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: good job cirno! you passed the test you created!


Harpderp: i return
Harpderp: cuter than ever


Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: in chutes and ladders
Jumpropeman: no one forces you to go down the chutes
Jumpropeman: there's no Chutes and Ladders Commission keeping us honest


RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: i think my "favorite" part of the toonami rescheduling
RubyChao: is how they left black clover in between the shows i want to watch
Moving Sheep: Big Favorite
Jumpropeman: it's how it gets all its views
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of back when I watched Battlebots on Comedy Central and there was a period where they pushed super hard that Crank Yankers was gonna be on after it with ads every commercial break
Gooper Blooper: because if you liked fighting robots, you'd love ugly puppets prank calling people
Jumpropeman: man, Crank Yankers has to have aged incredibly poorly
RubyChao: it's true jrm
Moving Sheep: They're practically synonymous
Harpderp: but whyy
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure 95% of its jokes were about the puppets prank calling people being A) mentally challenged B) a gay stereotype or C) a race stereotype
Draco: They were like bread and butter, mashed and potatoes, combat robots and prerecorded prank calls acted out by puppets.
Gooper Blooper: the early 2000s were a different time
RubyChao: >70 episodes
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: time for a marathon
Moving Sheep: I'm probably being silly about this, but it causes me actual irritation that they're puppets
Moving Sheep: The slapdash mix of audio and visual trappings displeases me
RubyChao: "With the exception of a few outside sources (including previous material from Jim Florentine and the Touch-Tone Terrorists), all the calls are made from Nevada. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 makes it illegal in most states to record telephone calls without both parties' consent. Under Nevada law, only one of the parties has to give consent (i.e., the caller), so prank calls can be recorded without the consent of the prank victims. One result of this was the series' schedule of creating and airing new episodes was fairly sporadic due to most of the celebrities living in Los Angeles, having Los Angeles-based jobs, and so were only periodically able to go to Las Vegas to make calls. Adam Carolla, for example, took his radio program to Las Vegas once or twice a year, and while there would record new calls for the program."
Jumpropeman: chao I paid my dues back when the show had new episodes
Jumpropeman: when I get to the pearly gates
Jumpropeman: they'll see I did my time in purgatory here on earth
Jumpropeman: watching Crank Yankers
Gooper Blooper: XD
Cornwind Evil: The one funny Crank Yanker I saw was someone calling up acting like a bizarro game show host and the guy on the other end sounded like an old farmer and he just sort of old man quiet baffled through the whole call.
Cornwind Evil: Like, the guy kept tossing out nonsense and he just sort of "Yes" and "No'd" his way through it.
Cornwind Evil: I distinctly remember the caller talking about the prize as "big sweaty piles of cash"
Cornwind Evil: You know a person is completely baffled when someone calls offering a chance to win cash (and doesn't toss out danger lines like credit card or bank info) and their ultimate end response is to hang up.


Jumpropeman: yoooooooo
Gooper Blooper: dat Paper Kirby
DMG: man I used to love that show
Harpderp: welp
Moving Sheep: How may I help you, King Dedede?
Jumpropeman: man, dedede's voice is still so great
Gooper Blooper: The Sakurai Grunts are good, but Southern Dedede will always and forever be the best possible voice for that guy
Gooper Blooper: it fit so goddamn well
RubyChao: ^
DMG: I also can't help but notice that some of the villagers are Dr. Eggman
RubyChao: i remembered you summing it up as texan dedede being the dub doing something weird with a character
RubyChao: and everyone is just "sure, it's good"
RubyChao: yeah, 4kids uses the same voice actors a lot
RubyChao: you'll notice Dan Green in so many roles
DMG: yeah
Gooper Blooper: everyone makes fun of 4kids and there are a lot of good reasons to do so
Gooper Blooper: but those fuckers gave us Texan Dedede
Gooper Blooper: so we'll always have that
Harpderp: texan dedede
Harpderp: bes


Jumpropeman: so you know that mail motto the USPS has
Jumpropeman: neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds
Jumpropeman: apparently "minor inconvenience" is not part of the motto


Jumpropeman: GUESS WHAT GUYS
Jumpropeman: because if there's one thing dinosaur science can't do, it's agree with itself
Jumpropeman: newer research has supported the idea that it is indeed separate from apatosaurus enough to make the distinction
Moving Sheep: Time to flip and grill up some Brontoburgers in celebration
Draco: Uh huh.
Draco: Sure it is.
Moving Sheep: They're dinolicious, Draco!
Jumpropeman: I hope soon we discover the Iguanadon's thumbs are actually a pair of spiked nipples
Moving Sheep: Can you milk an iguana, JRM?
Jumpropeman: well you can milk snakes, so I'll put down "yes". Next question
Moving Sheep: Where's the beef?


Jumpropeman: help
Jumpropeman: I'm drowning in Arabs
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: are you playing Unearthed The Trail of Ibn Battuta
Jumpropeman: if only
DMG: need a translator?
Jumpropeman: today on Twitter, I got 370 new followers, most of them random Arab users
DMG: huh
Jumpropeman: they don't appear to be bots either, although to be fair I've just checked out random profiles and not all of them
Jumpropeman: they tweet actual content, have discrepancies in follower/following count rather than being identical
Jumpropeman: the current theory is A) this behavior is typical of twitters who buy followers, which I haven't done, but maybe I'll get a message soon like "If you want this to keep happening, pay money!" or B) I always follow back, so maybe I got added to a list of easy followers or something
RubyChao: maybe the game hoard is just really popular in the middle east
Jumpropeman: if that's the cause
Jumpropeman: then I hope a saudi prince finds my patreon soon
DMG: The prince of Jordan runs his own twitter, follow him maybe?
Jumpropeman: sure, why not :V


Jumpropeman: cheng'de plot ended up being more like "one crab fights every army"
Harpderp: I'M SORRY JRM
Harpderp: but huge hermit deserved it.
Jumpropeman: are you kidding harp
Jumpropeman: I loved it
Harpderp: one crab vs the world
Jumpropeman: Scrab Pilgrim
Gooper Blooper: I built up Huge Hermit for years without much of a payoff and then he got one completely by accident
Gooper Blooper: Now he can retire in peace
Gooper Blooper: knowing I was fuckin sobbing while writing the last post he appeared in :V
Harpderp: complete with a tearjerking finisher


RubyChao: i'm reading a series of adventure books
RubyChao: and i gotta ask
RubyChao: why does every single ancient conspiracy default to "kill a lot of people" as the best solution
RubyChao: it seems messy
DMG: because it's the best solution
Jumpropeman: it probably worked before phones


Jumpropeman: too bad we didn't have a Witchcart redemption plot
Jumpropeman: she could replace Celestia
Gooper Blooper: *enters Witchcart's Ghost into BBB9*
Draco: She could replace Celestia anyway.
Harpderp: no.
Draco: ok


DMG: link


Gooper Blooper: "a family doesn’t have to be a mom, a dad, and a kid. a family can be a greek goddess who shops at hot topic and has three bodies, a woman who transformed herself into the embodiment of her own vengeance, and their adopted small clown dressed as the american flag"
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: and their pet meteor dog


Jumpropeman: "Twitter CEO says Mark Zuckerberg once killed a goat with a stun gun and served it to him for dinner"
Jumpropeman: "Adults sleep better while being gently rocked. In an overnight study, participants fell asleep faster, slept more deeply, and woke up less in beds that rocked them throughout the night."
Harpderp: hey hun.
Harpderp: :U
Jumpropeman: gonna serve harp some tasered goat, ivel?
Harpderp: no
ivel: mom's neighbor does have some goats
ivel: I'm sure they wouldn't miss one
Harpderp: g-goat
Gooper Blooper: *Rexy intensifies*
Jumpropeman: harpy, if you don't move in with ivel soon, I am going to instead
Jumpropeman: I want to be in chicken and goat land
Jumpropeman: If I bring my bats with me do I get to join a club
ivel: we have room for you too jrm
ivel: you can sleep with the chickens
ivel: there's room
Jumpropeman: I'll do my best to play my new role
Jumpropeman: egg production may be slow
ivel: it's okay, I'm sure you'll fit right in

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