Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 333: Gentle Bear (AKA Lewd Edition)

M Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: I just had a small realization
Jumpropeman: sheep is here
M Sheep: I am here
M Sheep: Sort of
Jumpropeman: but also
Jumpropeman: if Sine was controlled by the Lord pretty much the whole time zeph developed feelings for her
Jumpropeman: that means he really just wanted to bone down with the Lord
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: To be fair, Zephryus would have probably latched on to anyone in that development stage
Blasted Jewish Magic Hats: It just happened to be the woman possessed by the evil darkness
Jumpropeman: aint that just the dating scene in a nutshell, amirightfellas
M Sheep sidles away from JRM
Draco: Confirmed.


RubyChao: is there an Urban Spirit
RubyChao: or City Spirit
RubyChao: or equivalent
Jumpropeman: There is a Village Spirit who never really updated his name when these people started getting too big for their britches
Jumpropeman: I'd probably reinvent its design if I ever had use for it in RP
RubyChao makes plans to talk so much about urban aesthetic you have No Choice
M Sheep: S E W E R S P I R I T
Jumpropeman: it shows up for one post to just tell Chao to seriously chill
RubyChao: i'm excited for this setting okay
M Sheep: I'm excited to learn that Charles VI of France
M Sheep: Known as "The Beloved"
M Sheep: occasionally believed he was made of glass.
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: he was actually a PK mutant?
M Sheep: :I


RubyChao: "The original DVDs of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! starred a Grinch with an unexpected mustard-yellow skin tone. When the special later turned 40, a new restoration tuned the Grinch's fur back to its original green."
RubyChao: reminder that we still need to have The Grinch show up for Devil Ed jokes (honestly I feel like Those Left Behind put an end of sorts to Devil Ed jokes, at least in my mind, thanks to giving Ed a satisfying wrapup and ending)
RubyChao: (so good work, JRM)
Jumpropeman: I almost had the Grinch be a Mystery Fiter
Jumpropeman: but it would have been the Grinch from The Grinch Night instead of Stole Christmas
Jumpropeman: so that he could use his Paraphernalia Wagon
RubyChao: but he has implicitly been in rp
RubyChao: would you VIOLATE your STANDARDS so EASILY!?!?!?!?
Jumpropeman: mystery fiter rules are different than secret fiter


ivel: infro?
RubyChao: typo of intro
ivel: I was hoping Garf had an afro
ivel: I'm disappointed
Gooper Blooper: It's the most persistent typo I've seen in a while
Gooper Blooper: Five "infro" and one "info"
DMG: honestly, I think it's impressive that they spelled it wrong every single time
Jumpropeman: why watch this video
Jumpropeman: when you could watch these intros while waiting for a garfield eats pizza
Jumpropeman: that's entergagement!


Jumpropeman: it seems japanese anime meowth ends all his sentences with a meow
Jumpropeman: I do wonder how that doesn't get annoying for Japanese viewers
ivel: they're used to stuff like that
ivel: they're used to chars ending their sentences in various ways, dood
ivel: you're the weird one, dood
Jumpropeman: i actually think things like final fantasy generally keep the kupos and such pretty spaced well to prevent it from being overwhelming. I imagine in Japan its literally every sentence though
M Sheep: I don't mind it so much, zippydondadillydayo
M Sheep adds to notes "character that adds sentences with cumbersomely long verbal tic"
M Sheep realizes he actually already did this

Jumpropeman: you should write a character who hyphenates after every syllable
M Sheep: said Ettie, who proceeds to tell you her opinion on the thing she just said.
Jumpropeman: Ettie 2019?
M Sheep: who knows
M Sheep: not Ettie
M Sheep: see
M Sheep: because
M Sheep: she sees the past
M Sheep: not what is going to happen
M Sheep: or might


2 Days Until Move: IF people are willing to put up with it
2 Days Until Move: i can use pinball as a test stream to benchmark whether or not i can reliably stream in my new home
Gooper Blooper: if you want to test your streaming ability, you should pick something a little heavier than an 8-bit game
Gooper Blooper: if SNES games don't work well, THEN you can try 8-bit
Gooper Blooper: ...this actually might not be how it works, but eh :V
Jumpropeman: stream atari
Jumpropeman: stream tennis for two
Draco: Leaf Green.
Draco: I never beat that game and I'm really curious how it ends.
Jumpropeman: the leaves wither up and Pokemon Leaf Brown starts
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Leaf Green spoilers: Leaf defeats Giovanni, but decides she's not interested in the Pokemon League and opens a barbecue joint with her Charizard instead


RubyChao: how ready are you and your cops
RubyChao: for Parker and Walker
RubyChao: just doublechecking
Jumpropeman: how is my police chief character supposed to get flustered by them
Jumpropeman: "You're too by the book and keep getting results, dammit!"


Gooper Blooper: TOP SECRET TIP
Gooper Blooper: bet you never knew THIS about mario 2!!!
Jumpropeman: shiiiiiit I've been playing Mario 2 wrong all these years
DMG: I thought that ducking and pressing B was just to make Luigi hump the floor
DMG: boy do I feel like an idiot
Jumpropeman: well that was before they introduced Daisy
Jumpropeman: Luigi made do


M Sheep: Internet keeps cutting out!
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: but i have recently resolved that by using my phone as a wireless hotspot
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: and just using that whenever my net shits out
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: granted, i'm not sure if it costs extra
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: but i'm on an unlimited plan so I SHOULD BE OKAY RIGHT
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: ...i just wouldn't rely on it for anything intensive
Jumpropeman: like downloading a really big picture of Sarah


ivel: huh
ivel: peeps who have Amazon Prime
ivel: since you also get Twitch Prime, you can get a year of Nintendo Switch Online for free apparently
DMG: I have Amazon Prime
ivel: or peeps who just have Twitch prime I assume can
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: twitch prime is linked to amazon prime
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: they're both owned by amazon
ivel: mhm
DMG: yeah, you get Twitch Prime for free if you have amazon
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: get your free shit
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: can i stack it on top of the one i already have? hmmm
ivel: yes
Gooper Blooper: "The deal is open to both new and existing Switch Online subscribers — current users will get the extra months added to their existing plan."
ivel: but we'd have to refresh the family plan
DMG: I would, but I have a family plan with my brothers, so it's still cheaper overall for us to just stick to that
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: i'm going to fuck the stack the shit out of my switch online
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: not use online features
Jumpropeman: it actually doesn't work with family plans
Jumpropeman: single person plans only
Gooper Blooper: This is perfect, I can use the free year to get all the online Pokemon Swoosh trading I need to do done
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: give me your energy-
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: i mean i could throw mine at you too
Gooper Blooper: wouldn't use it right now though so I'll hold off
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: if i can anyway :V
ivel: have to wait till Saturday hun, we'll be out of energy moving your stuff
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: offer's til september
Gooper Blooper: you could! And I'll probably squat on someone's family plan later
Gooper Blooper: but this works for now
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: and me vlogging about literally everything
ivel: I still have some room on my family plan
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: "hello chickens, i am here to stay-" "COCK A DOODLE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
ivel: Bree hasn't joined yet and I think there'd be two more spots
Jumpropeman: how big ARE family plans
Jumpropeman: nintendo must think people get busy
ivel: 8 people counting the head of the family plan
DMG: $35 for 8 people for a whole year is a really good deal
Jumpropeman: one day
Jumpropeman: all of us on the same plan
Jumpropeman: and we play Yoshi
Jumpropeman: together
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: you can't hurt me this way
Jumpropeman: it'll be like a sleepover
DMG: I mean I'mma be playing yoshi tomorrow regardless
ivel: reminder that jrm actually admitted that multiplayer Yoshi was fun
Jumpropeman: Yoshi's Crafted World right?


Jumpropeman: huh
Jumpropeman: apparently when they need a voice actor for Woody in stuff they don't want to hire Tom Hanks for
Jumpropeman: they just get his brother Jim Hanks to do it
M Sheep: Jim Hanks has had a FULL career filling in for his brother
M Sheep: in my admittedly limited knowledge


M Sheep: Meanwhile, on M Sheep Warches: Santa Claus and The Ice Cream Bunny
Jumpropeman: that classic duo
Jumpropeman: breathtaking
M Sheep: Santa Claus and The Ice Cream Bunny is so cheap that it's actually another film with a Santa Claus opening scene and end scene tacked on.
M Sheep: So, what I'm watching right now is also some very stilted live action Thumbelina movie
M Sheep: Which is largely what Santa Claus and The Ice Cream Bunny IS
M Sheep: Though some versions have Tom Thumb instead as the feature with Santa tacked onto it
M Sheep: No wait, I think it was Jack And The Beanstalk
Jumpropeman: is there a Charo frog in it though


Gooper Blooper: I posted pics of my Jill plush on Tumblr today and she was flagged for adult content
Return of the Del: Lewd
Gooper Blooper: I appealed and it was overturned instantly
Return of the Del: Lol
Return of the Del: Good work bot
Draco: O mai~
ivel: reminder their post about banning adult content was flagged
Draco: Probably because you kept posting upskirt photos, perv.
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: jill 2 sexy


Jumpropeman: I have an old Pokemon guide, unofficial, that had images of all the Pokemon in 3D before Stadium hit stateside, but for some reason, they didn't have an Omastar picture, so when they got to him, there's just a big blue box with the words "Camera Shy" there instead


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: question
RubyChao: my new f-zero villain, Don Genie
RubyChao: who wants to know the really stupid thing the anime did with him
RubyChao: that will not be canon to RP
Gooper Blooper: I believe you told me this one
RubyChao: i know i told you and JRM
RubyChao: but not people in general
Draco: Sure.
M Sheep: Yeah, let's hear it
RubyChao: in the anime, it turns out that Don Genie
RubyChao: is actually
RubyChao: Black Shadow in a shapeshifted disguise!! ...despite the fact that a couple episodes earlier, Black Shadow and Don Genie are seen in the same place at the same time by the protagonist
Bree: a guy in a fat suit?
Bree: holy shit sheep got it XD
M Sheep: womp womp
RubyChao: there's also a third guy who is ALSO in the same room at the same time, and is also Black Shadow in disguise
RubyChao: how this works is never once explained
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: he has so much power he can shapeshift and multiply
RubyChao: i feel like Black Shadow in disguise as Phoenix was slightly more reasonable form a character perspective :V


(The last day before Harpy moved out of her childhood home:)

DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: this house is fulla memories
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: but i gotta go make new ones
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: i don't know why i have so much shit for one person
Draco: Huzzah! New memories. :)
Gooper Blooper: it's okay harpy, I have more I bet
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, best wishes for tomorrow!!
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: and i shall also go to bed
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: and do a pm chain in the morning
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: and do the final steps
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: disconnecting my desktop.
Draco: Night Goops.
Draco: Byepy
Jumpropeman: nighto
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY changed name to to a new life
Gooper Blooper: man
Gooper Blooper: that's deep
to a new life: its like i evolved into a butterfree or something :V
to a new life: ...or into BEES?
to a new life: :V
to a new life left the chat
M Sheep: Somebody's chopping onions in the chatzy.
Draco: Harpy evolved to Clefable.
Jumpropeman: there is no cheerleading gif powerful enough to capture my happiness for harps
Draco: Sorry, Sheep. I enjoy onions at 10:00 PM on the dot, so I need to have them ready NOW.


Best Character Development: ivel bought 2 jugs of milk
Best Character Development: 2 gallons
Best Character Development: and i'm like "it takes aeons for my family to even clear one"
Best Character Development: "milk goes fast here."
Best Character Development: he holds up a big fucking glass
DMG: remember, the stronger the skeleton, the harder it will be to survive when they eventually rise up and take over
DMG: skeletons are a real threat, you know
Gooper Blooper: the skeletons already took over
Gooper Blooper gestures at brawl
Jumpropeman: but by strengthening your own skeleton, you increase your chances of being an important member of the future army
DMG: do you really want to contribute to skeleton society?
The Clash: Listen
The Clash: I'm sure we all remember
The Clash: The basic skeleton rules here
Draco: Boner
DMG: makes sense to me


M Sheep: Tonight on Super: Clown Delights in Fat Cat's Suffering


Cornwind Evil: Beach Episode would so sell these
The Clash: Oh man
The Clash: It has a shelf of those


Jumpropeman: I'm trying to resist the urge to eat all these pringles
Jumpropeman: i popped the top and cannot stop


Jumpropeman: I'm a sucker for "ITS EVERYONE" arts
Jumpropeman: I've always wished I could do something like it for RP
Jumpropeman: but I lack the talent and commitment
Boring Character: one day
Boring Character: you'll do it
Gooper Blooper: I feel you
Boring Character: for next year's brawl
Boring Character: the both of you
Gooper Blooper: at least I do the brawl titles
RubyChao: spend the next year after zfrp ends
RubyChao: drawing every character
RubyChao: no matter how minor
M Sheep: >drawing every character
Boring Character: i can help!
M Sheep: I think you mean the next TEN years.
Boring Character: *draws a shitty blooper*
Boring Character: *and florae*
Jumpropeman: 2020: the Brawl where everyone enters. Everyone, every character from 2011-2020
Gooper Blooper: it takes until 2030 to post it
Jumpropeman: that way I'd have to get my sisters to draw them
DMG: I would offer to help in that regard, but I don't currently have a tablet
Boring Character: time to-
Jumpropeman: ...sugar, I just looked at an old document and
Jumpropeman: Schazmander, who appeared in Those Left Behind, apparently their creature was named Brainjack Bessie
Jumpropeman: other iconic characters from this document include
Jumpropeman: Prussian Valet
Jumpropeman: a few berserkers and an Art Critic
Jumpropeman: someone named... Sine Cosine?
RubyChao: i saw "sugar"
RubyChao: and just thought sugarposting
RubyChao: Help
Jumpropeman: and Whiskers, a robot rat that lived inside Owltomaton's heart
DMG: you see, I thought he was calling somebody sugar
Jumpropeman: there was a tapogre named Minycandy that I should have used
Boring Character: aw, sugar, i'm a tamagotchi
Gooper Blooper: there you go, chao
Jumpropeman: I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys about classic character AAAaaaauugh the Rat
Gooper Blooper: now instead of sugar you can think about liver and onions
Jumpropeman: but do you remember Please god make it stop the Rat?
Boring Character: >liver and onions
Boring Character: ooooooo
Boring Character: boy.
Jumpropeman: Stij's cat was apparently an important enough entity to get a note in my notes
Boring Character: i am apparently gonna be inducted into the country girl club as i get down and dirty
Jumpropeman: "Trio of drunken floozies (one's a brunette, killed by Wulf’s black hole vials)"
Jumpropeman: "Man with Shotgun (Tried to kill Erebus during riots, got killed)"
Jumpropeman: more classic characters
M Sheep: I actually vaguely remember those names
M Sheep: but nothing else
DMG: good luck drawing updog
Jumpropeman: "Two Nurse Sharks (healed DMG post-fite)"
Jumpropeman: "Eileen 56890 (supermodel, rode saberwulf’s back, from Maidena Delta)"
Jumpropeman: "Crazed Bond Villain’s Minion who juggled stun batons"
Jumpropeman: another missed opportunity for Those Left Behind
Jumpropeman: "A group of Half Be-Bop Angel-Half Heavy Metal Demons (appeared during the 2on2 Saberwulf match)"
Jumpropeman: "Tired drunk mother (from a saberwulf post)"
Jumpropeman: "Splinter People (guess what? Saberwulf post)"
Jumpropeman: literally the last entry in those notes is the splinter people
Jumpropeman: I somehow gave up on this worthwhile effort there
Boring Character: plz
RubyChao: can i see this
RubyChao: i want to see this
Jumpropeman: I'll pastebin the whole thing
Jumpropeman: here you go
M Sheep: Those Left Behind Part 2: We Left More Behind
Jumpropeman: "Box of Crayfish"
Jumpropeman: just you wait
Jumpropeman: I'll bring back box of crayfish
Jumpropeman: and you won't even realize I did
M Sheep: Probably not, no.
Jumpropeman: "Sarah’s sisters (WM1, WM2, WM4)"
Jumpropeman: who'd remember these girls
Boring Character: >:I
M Sheep: That's, what, Honoria, Moneysephine, and The Skinny One?
DMG: "9 snappers at least"
Draco: Hodor
Jumpropeman: when the bar was starting off, you didn't need that many cameras to watch it!
Draco: Yeah!
Draco: We only needed 8
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: will bbb9 be the year
RubyChao: we finally see optimus in the brawl
RubyChao: (probably not)


Boring Character: i bed now
Boring Character: nit
M Sheep: Harp is a bed?
M Sheep: How can this be?!
Cornwind Evil: Like this
Cornwind Evil turns Sheep into a futon.
Bree naps on FutonSheep

Draco: Sheep is a pillow.
Jumpropeman: gonna head out
Jumpropeman: night firends
Cornwind Evil turns Draco into a couch.
Cornwind Evil turns JRM into a love seat.

Jumpropeman: try not to become a living room set in my absence
Jumpropeman left the chat
Draco: Bye JRM.
Cornwind Evil: Damn it, they told me this was a wand of Future Nature.
Cornwind Evil: It's a wand of Furniture.
M Sheep: booooo
Cornwind Evil is shamed.
Cornwind Evil heads off, dragging the stone of shame.

Draco: Bye Cornwind.
Brinehammer joined the chat
Brinehammer is satisfied nothing is moving and retreats back under the floorboards.
M Sheep continues to be a harmless portrait on the wall


SteelKomodo: i'm still pissed about what happened to paragon
SteelKomodo: fak u fortnite >:I
Big Chatter: i
Big Chatter: read that as baragon
SteelKomodo: harpls
ivel: everything*
SteelKomodo: baragon is a good boy
ivel: lel
Big Chatter: this is a baragon insult free zone
ivel: baragon is baragone
Big Chatter: *ignores stupid shit she said about baragon*
Big Chatter: HOW DARE YOU


Big Chatter: baragon sux lol
Big Chatter: ...
Big Chatter: ivel
Big Chatter: how dare you slander my name
ivel: that was clearly you who said it hun
Big Chatter: :I


Jumpropeman: my favorite trauma center moment was in New Blood when you operate on a nun's torso but to preserve her dignity a blue blanket is awkwardly stretched to just cover her nipples and little else


 Jumpropeman: I didn't really provide the context about the nun in Trauma Center the other day
Jumpropeman: and why it was funny how they tried so hard to cover her chest
Jumpropeman: because Trauma Center is a game where they don't extend these same services to underage women you operate on
ivel: they're not nuns
Jumpropeman: you got me there
ivel: good


Jumpropeman: I wish I didn't have to kill my patient to get a retry
Bed Crasher: awkward
Gooper Blooper: imagine the doctor making a tiny mistake
Gooper Blooper: and then the nurses watch as he just starts ripping the patient apart
Gooper Blooper: "DO-OVER"
Gooper Blooper: "GOING FOR 100% SORRY"
DMG: Featured at this years AGDQ: Open Heart Surgery
Bed Crasher: oh man
Draco: "Clone the patient and let me try ripping him apart again."
DMG: "Nurse, the patient is dead. Find me a new one, I need to get this right."
Draco: "Dammit! I always mess up on their kidneys! I should just remove them and THEN operate!"
DMG: "The intended method is remove the tumor, but that takes too long so we're going to skip it."
Draco: "Normal stitches are boring. I'm making this patient's stitches look like a kitty!"
Bed Crasher: how many QPUs do we have to go through to cure the patient of memeruses
Jumpropeman: "Doctor, you need to use your concentration ability to save this patient's life!" "But... that will reduce my score :("
RubyChao: relevant
RubyChao: "Anime malpractice simulator is the best description of these games anyone's ever come up with."
DMG: "We found that the quickest way to the end of the surgery is to actually kill the patient instead of saving them, so that's what we're doing now."
Jumpropeman: this virus can't spread if everyone's dead already!


Jumpropeman: a whole album of Cory in the House remixes
DMG: good
Jumpropeman: they told Cory to calm down
Jumpropeman: instead, he transcended


Jumpropeman: "Give Award to Post"
Jumpropeman: tapatalk come on


Bree: so, a thought occurred to me
Bree: all businesses opening on olympia have to be cleared, right
RubyChao: i believe all businesses on the upper city do, yes
Bree: how unhappy was lisa basil when approving hina's occult shop
Gooper Blooper: I imagine the Olympia upper brass are probably the most opposed to magitech and other magic stuff due to the vague ominous past events that gave us Green Hell Zone
Gooper Blooper: so she'd probably disapprove and want to block Hina but if Hina was a good girl and followed all the rules then she wouldn't be able to
Gooper Blooper: so she'd just warn Hina that putting that business in this city might not be such a good idea
Bree: hina politely thanked her for the warning and didn't listen at all :V
Gooper Blooper: Hina's used to this
Gooper Blooper: such a strong cinnamon roll
Bree: I'm gonna send hina on curseplot because meta jokes
Bree: she gets rid of curses, geddit
RubyChao: plot twist
Big Chatter: lel
RubyChao: next year, olympia suddenly reverses stances on magitech
RubyChao: thanks to the policies of its new mayor:
RubyChao: (no i'm not doing this)
Big Chatter: :BV
Big Chatter: ...
Big Chatter: :V
Draco: You mean MAYOR YAMAME?!


Big Chatter: "what was i looking at"
Big Chatter: *looks through several tabs, lands on something definitely NSFW*
Big Chatter: "DEFINITELY NOT THAT ONE" *clicks on discord*
ivel: harplewd
Big Chatter: it was too funny not to at least say something about
Big Chatter: i just wanna look at PMD screenshot LPs not
Big Chatter: not
Big Chatter: SEXY LADIES
Big Chatter: >:I
ivel: I mean you wanna look at them too
Big Chatter: butnotrightnow
Gooper Blooper: kek
Big Chatter: nostalgia is stronger than lewd
Big Chatter: almost want to replay PMD again
ivel: what about
Big Chatter: i plead the fifth.
Bree: nostalgic lewd, not to be confused with lewd nostalgia which is just a dolby pinup calendar
Bree: comes with a bonus free poster of odyssey in a tiny bikini! hot hot hot!
Big Chatter: i'll
Big Chatter: buy
Big Chatter: 20.
RubyChao: >dolby pinup calendar
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: it turns out
RubyChao: Dia has one
Big Chatter: &*BVO(G S*UGS
ivel: Maria took the pictures
Big Chatter: GOD FUCKIN
Big Chatter: DAMN IT
Gooper Blooper: I would try to edit Odyssey's sprite so he's wearing a bikini but it would just look like that thing where people wear underwear on their head
Bree: meiling of course also owns one
Big Chatter: MEILING
Big Chatter: NO
Big Chatter: i will end you ivel
Bree: no one can stop meiling from owning lewd art
Bree: this is the hill she will die on
Draco: Not even...SAKUYA?
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: lewd art
RubyChao: of
RubyChao: raymoo
Gooper Blooper: she deserves it
Draco: Who am I kidding? Sakuya probably has more than Meiling.
Bree: especially not sakuya
Bree: chao: yes
Big Chatter: i'm pretty sure there's a lot
RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: it's april
RubyChao: i should do one of those everyone is here blogposts
Gooper Blooper: you should
Bree: sakuya's lewd art ownership depends on your definition of lewd
Bree: sakuya is an artist so she has approximately fifty blajillion drawings of naked people
Bree: there's a ton of sexy meiling paintings up in the attic
Big Chatter: i need to do a lot of things
Gooper Blooper: I'll do one later
RubyChao: on may first?
RubyChao: (kidding)
ivel: a blogpost or a lewd drawing Goops
Big Chatter: ivel plz
Big Chatter: thats sakuya
Big Chatter: :I
Gooper Blooper: well I mean I do take commissions now and again
Gooper Blooper: so the possibility is there
Bree: now that
Bree: would be fascinating
Big Chatter: WELL
Bree: to see goops' best attempt at a sexy nekkid person
ivel: Harpy is dying
Big Chatter: i'm actually melting.


(After Bree mentions her new 2019 character, Jenny)

Gooper Blooper: This is the Jenny I know and love the most, currently
Gooper Blooper: she was almost in RP
RubyChao: "Jenny is a geeky science-fiction fanatic who's the self-proclaimed "wife" of Captain Argon from Starcruiser X, her favorite show."
Big Chatter: oh
RubyChao: i like how mysims was husbando/waifu stuff before it was cool
Jumpropeman: Jenny got that Jill face
Gooper Blooper: MySims Jenny would have been a shoo-in for Nerd Club
RubyChao: man i want to go play more mysims now
RubyChao: thanks goops
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: that's me, reviving people's interests in old games most people don't think about any more
Jumpropeman: hit me with something good goop man
ivel hits jrm with a copy of Bubsy 3D instead
Big Chatter: ivel
Big Chatter: i will go back to that flea market
Big Chatter: grab bubsy
Big Chatter: and force you to play it
ivel: on what
ivel: ;U
Big Chatter: i'll buy the console, too.
Big Chatter: don't underestimate my power
ivel: the place that had it isn't there tho
Big Chatter: i will summon them back.
Jumpropeman: cuz if you don't
Jumpropeman: then I might just end up playing this ColecoVision Dr. Seuss Jigsaw Puzzle game
ivel: can't imagine a better game than that
Jumpropeman: Dr. Seuss' Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler
Jumpropeman: multiple Dr. Seusses own this game
Jumpropeman: that's how you know it's good


RubyChao: it's COLD
Bree: M E A T
Big Chatter: oh god
Gooper Blooper: we have the meats
Bree: this is just a legit video that exists
Bree: probably tons of them
ivel: only 7 minutes?
Big Chatter: should be 23 minutes
Big Chatter: at the very least
Jumpropeman: should be an entire television series
ivel: brilliant, jrm
ivel: why didn't anyone think of that
Bree: looking at the images this bot uses makes me wonder how gordon ramsay hasn't died of food poisoning
Big Chatter: he's like a chicken
Bree: one wonders how many times he barfed over the course of filming that show
Big Chatter: capable of eating anything, the hardy motherfucker, but still fucking angry
Jumpropeman: excuse me harpy
Jumpropeman: gonna have to issue a correction
Jumpropeman: Chickens can't have soda because they can't burp. Source: Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius the movie
Big Chatter: I'm actually curious as to whether or not that's actually true
Big Chatter: like, no joke
Jumpropeman: "There's no official documentation of a bird burp (it's not a common field of research), but most ornithologists suspect that if a bird needed to burp, it would have no trouble doing so."
Bree resists the urge to go ask Azure's boyfriend, an actual ornithologist, right now

Big Chatter: i need ivel's help to have a chicken burp
ivel: apparently it's not that they can't, it's that they don't need to
Draco: They fart, right?
ivel: same for that as burping
Jumpropeman: "Birds don't typically carry the same kinds of gas-forming bacteria in their gut as humans and other mammals to help digest food, so there's nothing to let loose."
Jumpropeman: in regards to farts
Gooper Blooper: this is all important research for Ms Featherbutt's next RP appearance


Jumpropeman: "The game includes some surreal enemies like a domestic dog and some musical notes."
Jumpropeman: woah
Jumpropeman: domestic dog?
Jumpropeman: far out
Gooper Blooper: dogs
Gooper Blooper: my god
Jumpropeman: 50 bucks for a 30 minute Game Boy game no one's heard of
Jumpropeman: The Adventures of Star Saver is truly a treasure
Gooper Blooper: that's one to hit up consoleclassix for I'd say
Jumpropeman: they don't seem to have it, but they have misnamed games before or used international titles so I'm still searching
Jumpropeman: I must know how dangerous these domestic dogs are


Cornwind Relieved: "This is the new Ron Paul Sign Update" What happened there?
Gooper Blooper: Nothing happened there
Gooper Blooper: RON PAUL SIGN UPDATE: it's still up
Jumpropeman: it will be up until he finally takes his rightful place


Jumpropeman: apparently most money seen in films is real because of just how messy legally it would be to make props of them
Gooper Blooper: solution: those brown sacks with a dollar sign on them
Gooper Blooper: just use those!
Jumpropeman: imagine that scene in so many movies where they pop open a briefcase full of cash
Jumpropeman: but instead they just peer into a brown bag and say "that is a lotta moolah!"


Jumpropeman: >Sonicshadowsilver2 with an evil Sora avatar
Jumpropeman: I'm glad to see such people still exist in the wild


Bed Crasher: profiles edited, tryin to do a bit at a time!
Draco: Good point. I've got 101 EVIL profiles to write for The Swear.
Draco: *Curse
Jumpropeman: next year my villains will be called The Fuck
ivel: and then jrm was banned
Bed Crasher: wao
Draco: Deal.
Draco: JRM. Permanent chat ban. No appeal. Starting next year.


Bree: read in your best film noir detective voice


Jumpropeman: you want to know the most disgusting thing to do in Smash Ultimate?
Jumpropeman: set Big Battlefield to Battlefield mode
Jumpropeman: literally changing one level into another


M Sheep: "the name was familiar to Kalcyon. It had been a long time, but maybe they had worked on him? All that time ago..."
M Sheep: Back in those Kalcyon days.


Jumpropeman: apparently Petz: Dogz 2 and Petz: Catz 2 on console, despite being pet simulators
Jumpropeman: have final bosses
Jumpropeman: where your perfectly normal pet battles a dragon and a magical wolf monster
DMG: why did they decide
DMG: that the ending of a pet sim
DMG: was to fight a dragon?
DMG: have I been doing it wrong this whole time?
Harpy: wh
Jumpropeman: nah, the people who got it wrong are the people making RPGs that don't end with you petting, feeding, and housetraining your party members
DMG: fair enough
DMG: at least Pokemon has been working on that
Harpy: am i playing FFT with cats
ivel: Fire Emblem worked on the petting part
Harpy: thats a cool wolf design tho
Jumpropeman: apparently the ending made a lot of people cry too, so not only is it crazy, it's heart-wrenching too
ivel: >Ivlet
Harpy: ivel why are you here
Jumpropeman: well ivel
Jumpropeman: now you know who you must rp
Harpy: i need you to fight this dragon, JRM
Jumpropeman: he has a tribute video
ivel: wow
Jumpropeman: check out ivel's normal form
Jumpropeman: just a wolf with a magic hat
Harpy: what a good
ivel: jrm how dare you doxx me this way
Jumpropeman: "Ivlet's history is unknown, but Beat mentions to you that when Ivlet put on the Magic Hat, he was able to read some of his thoughts, which revealed that Ivlet had been caught in prison on purpose to trick the Petz into giving him the Magic Hat. "
Harpy: deepest lore.
Jumpropeman: "Ivlet has his first debut appearance, he destroys the world of cats using massive purple fireballs, while inside in a ball, and teleports to this lab called the Dimensional Rift."
Harpy: that sounds like younger me's stupid idea
Harpy: left unchecked
Jumpropeman: Trivia
-Ivlet might be the most evil villain in the entire Petz series.

Jumpropeman: I should hope so
Jumpropeman: Trivia
-Ivlet's first purple-form is based off of the Power Rangers: Jungle Fury's purple wolf zord.

Jumpropeman: now you're just making stuff up
DMG: Post game boss: Actually just Satan
Harpy: time to make stupid lore
Jumpropeman: "When you arrive at Lonesome Park on your way to Gongoro Peak in search of Theophilus's younger brother Bartholomew to help complete the Magic Shield needed to defeat Ivlet, he (Ivlet) appears and makes whirlwinds appear there."
Jumpropeman: don't try and say it all in one breath Villains Wiki
Jumpropeman: "When you do so, he takes and puts the magic hat on, claiming how he has been waiting for the day."
Jumpropeman: claiming, mind you. We do not have certifiable proof he HAS been waiting for this day
Harpy: what is going on
Jumpropeman: "He releases an unstoppable rain, and disappears.
After you stop the rain,"

Harpy: he's trying to pretend to be kyogre
Jumpropeman: anyway, I think that's enough ivlet for today
Jumpropeman: moving onto The Chaotic Dragon
Harpy: you dare rob me of this dank lore
Jumpropeman: would you instead accept a different pet game where the final boss is a dinosaur skeleton?
Jumpropeman: known as the Ancient Monster
Jumpropeman: "The Ancient Monster has a sensitivity level of 5, which is the highest in the game"
Jumpropeman: he's a very sensitive dinosaur skeleton
Harpy: wut
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: this article image
Jumpropeman: they didn't have a full body image, so they just MSPaint the butt on this seemingly hairless bear
Harpy: UM
Jumpropeman: Breed: Bear
Hat: None
Glasses: None
Other: none
Quote : You have honey !

Jumpropeman: how is that not complete
Jumpropeman: it has his famous quote and everything!
DMG: Hat: None
DMG: because there weren't any other more important details to include in the bio
Harpy: none with left bear.
Jumpropeman: well dmg, as you can see by Other: none
Jumpropeman: there is literally no other details about this character to be had
DMG: I guess not
DMG: I'm going to assume that the bear probably always appears partially off screen
Jumpropeman: "She is one of the few dogs in the game with a name longer than one word. The only other dog like this is Le Palpa Rohme."
DMG: otherwise I don't want to imagine the hellscape that cursed him with those legs
DMG: "only other dog"
Harpy: wut
Harpy: in tarnation
Jumpropeman: that's from a different article
Jumpropeman: I'm on a rabbit hole
Jumpropeman: adventure
DMG: as you should be
Jumpropeman: the more important articles are thorough
DMG: the world needs to know more about Gentle Bear
Jumpropeman: "Notable Nameless Dogs
Dr. Potan's Girlfriend, who died of unknown causes"

Jumpropeman: "The nameless Dachshund that Knuckles is licking in the cutscene introducing Puroro Town"
DMG: oh, I didn't even realize what game this was from until you mentioned Dr. Potan
Jumpropeman: "Knuckles is a chihuahua who works at a shop in Puroro Town, although it is never shown what she sells. Knuckles claims they sell Marlin, but again, there is no evidence they do."
Jumpropeman: knuckles makes me uncomfortable
Harpy: wh
ivel: but does he chuckle
DMG: probably not, but I assure you that he flexes his muscles
Jumpropeman: "It is unknown who Knuckles' sister is, or the boy her sister promised to marry.
Some fans hypothesized that when the player returned to Puroro Town, Knuckles quit her job."

Jumpropeman: more mysteries


Harpy: I NEED
Harpy: FRESH
Harpy: EGG
Draco: Harpls


Jumpropeman: my rogue's gallery
Gooper Blooper: tag yourself I'm Dr. Thunder
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i fully expect you to make an entire plot out of these doctors
Jumpropeman: I'm Dr. Tremor
M Sheep: They called me Dr. Perky when I used to bat around the ole pigskin in college.
ivel: I'm Dr. Fine Soda
RubyChao: anyhow i'm Dr. Bold
Harpy: Food Club: Dr. WOW


Jumpropeman: I won a game giveaway today!
RubyChao: and that game...
RubyChao: was albert einstein?
Jumpropeman: I got Touhou Genso Wanderer for PS4
RubyChao: oh, neat!!
RubyChao: i played gensou wanderer
RubyChao: is this just a digital single copy or did you get the one that comes with an extra game
Jumpropeman: well I WON'T be playing it because it doesn't have Cirno OR Daiyousei as default characters and I'd have to buy them BI
RubyChao: ooh, you got the reloaded version
Jumpropeman: digital code
ivel: are you saying they aren't worth buying
ivel: BI
RubyChao: The one i have doen't have cirno or daiyousei
RubyChao: AT ALL
Jumpropeman: SHOCK HORROR
Jumpropeman: >tenshi and utsuho are dlc too
RubyChao: Raymoo
Jumpropeman: more like Rayboo
RubyChao: you can also play as Futo!
RubyChao: BE COOL
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: Futon
Harpy: don't you fuckin
Harpy: boo the rei
Draco: BOO
Harpy: i will hurt you.


Gooper Blooper: ten billion wives
Draco: That's a lot of Glorias.
Harpy: not nearly enough.
Harpy: ...
Harpy: though my prefered sarahkin would be josie.
Gooper Blooper: well I mean with that many you could have a mix
Gooper Blooper: it doesn't have to be 47 million josephines
Harpy: i want da booty.




Jumpropeman: List of Pinball games:
Human Cannonball (Atari 2600)

Jumpropeman: Hmmmm
Jumpropeman: Not seeing it personally
Draco: Interesting.
Harpy: mmmmmmmmm
Jumpropeman: "Austin Powers Pinball"
Jumpropeman: HMMMMM
Jumpropeman: "Disney's Little Mermaid II: Pinball Frenzy"
Jumpropeman: psst
Jumpropeman: wanna play Baby Pals?
Jumpropeman: "According to news reports, a mother who purchased the game for her child reported that the babies in the game say something that sounds like "Islam is the light" under certain circumstances."
Jumpropeman: Psst
Jumpropeman: wanna praise allah?
Draco: What the fudge?
Jumpropeman: I definitely hear it
Draco: Yeah, I can hear it too.
Draco: I adore the sinister music they're playing during this report though.


Jumpropeman: I do like that jill will continue the trend of bartenders not being great fighters
Jumpropeman: that's right chao
Jumpropeman: I'm calling you out
Jumpropeman: Jake's not a great fighter until he's brawled
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: just for that callout
RubyChao: just for that
RubyChao removes jake from his bbb10 lineup
Harpy: *shocc*


RubyChao: >mention Postman Pat to a friend
RubyChao: >i instinctively thought of it as Patman Post and had to manually correct
Gooper Blooper: it's been years but the memories still linger
Gooper Blooper: what a good series of videos
RubyChao: patman post patman post patman post
Jumpropeman: you know a better video
Jumpropeman: the postman pat movie
RubyChao: i watched that
M Sheep: Lionel Coin Bank


RubyChao: reminder that in yazuka
RubyChao: you can hire a chicken as a business partner
RubyChao: and it will do well
RubyChao: it has Financial Savvy
Del and Knuckles: this is why yakuza is the best game i've never played


Jumpropeman: found an image from Harpy's mind
Harpy: first, what is that
Harpy: second, moeblobs
Harpy: third, i like that octogal design
Jumpropeman: a game called Alluna and Brie
Harpy: alluna
Harpy: and cheese
Jumpropeman: apparently nudity is one of the tags for Alluna and Brie
Jumpropeman: and suddenly octogal grows more concerning
Harpy: oh
Jumpropeman: so still an image from your mind right? :V
Harpy: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMnoooooooooooooooooooo
ivel: (she means yes)
Harpy: not my kinda
Harpy: thing
Harpy: ivel no
ivel: ivel yes
M Sheep: ivel why


Jumpropeman: I don't have any problems with them removing the head feather from Game & Watch's forward smash in ultimate, but it does lead to an equally unfortunate appearance where it looks like, without the context to know its a loincloth, Game & Watch just grows a small dick during his forward smash
Harpy: o
Jumpropeman: sorry, someone had to say it
ivel: I didn't see it
Jumpropeman: don't shame a man's size, ivel
Jumpropeman: it's cold in smash
ivel: JRM PLZ
ivel: I laughed at that


Gooper Blooper: Looked into that Senran Kagura pinball game that's been mentioned here a couple times and had two impressions from it
ivel: there's two big impressions of it for sure
Gooper Blooper: 1: This looks like a decent pinball game
Gooper Blooper: 2: I could never, ever, ever play this
Harpy: mmmmmygod
Gooper Blooper: I do not live alone :V
ivel: lel
Harpy: don't worry, ivel's here to play it for you
ivel: I live with Harpy
ivel: so I can absolutely play it
Gooper Blooper: I could not explain this fucking thing if anyone pulled a ARE YOU WINNIN' SON on me
RubyChao: say "Pinball."
RubyChao: and nothing else
Jumpropeman: but that's the beauty of the switch
Jumpropeman: you can take it to a seedy alley
ivel: more like pinboob
Harpy: and i will be there to oggle at this oogly googly mess- tell them konami
Harpy: made this
Harpy: they need the money-
Harpy: i'll ogle at the boobs for you.
RubyChao: oh my god i'm looking this up
ivel: hun plz.
Harpy: ivel this is your fault
RubyChao: "This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted to play something that will let me feel when the ball touches breasts. I want to play pinball on a woman’s body. Since there’s a lot to learn for pinball, I want to make it something easy to play." this is an actual quote from the series producer
ivel: well you'll have to preorder it then
RubyChao: "i have always wanted to make lewd pinball"
ivel: :I
RubyChao: "and now i am living my dream"
ivel: yup
Harpy: he has been very open about his lewd
ivel: it's true
Harpy: more open than any game developer should be but
Harpy: bless him
ivel: they wanted to develop for the Switch just for what the joycons can do
Gooper Blooper: That won't work JRM
Gooper Blooper: because eventually Goopsbro would want to play his Switch and he'd see that game
RubyChao: tell him he bought it in a fugue state and you ddn't want to break the news to him
ivel: let him play it too
Jumpropeman: "then why does it say 'Played for 100 hours or more' on your switch profile?"
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, my dad knows I played Demon King Domination
Gooper Blooper: And then there's Steam, where every time you boot up a game, every single one of your friends gets to see "GOOPER IS NOW PLAYING EXTRA THICC HORNY GALZ"
Harpy: again, i'll do it so nobody else can suffer
RubyChao: solution: have no friends
Harpy: i'd do it.
ivel: Harpy is now playing*
RubyChao leaves to help perpetuate this
Jumpropeman: my dad's main complaint?
Jumpropeman: "you review that but where's the sports games?"
Draco: Goops, have you been playing H-Games again? :I
Gooper Blooper: guess you need to review more winter olympics shitfests
Harpy: that raises questions
Jumpropeman: i think part of why he understood was the key was sent to me
Gooper Blooper: Catch The Ball is a sport, right
M Sheep: The Gem Hoard Week of Madden
Jumpropeman: isn't that every sport, goops
DMG: hockey doesn't have a ball
Draco: Neither does Baseball, but people still like it.
Harpy: >:O
Jumpropeman: I love to dribble my hockeyball across the field
Draco: I once scored a touchdown while basketing my rugby.
Gooper Blooper: sportsball
Harpy: spinball
Jumpropeman: ive considered doing a pinball review series
Draco: I bet Sheep would like it.
Jumpropeman: the M is for Pinball
Draco: MSteak
Gooper Blooper: I hear there's this one girl and one boy who might enjoy reading that
Gooper Blooper: you might have heard of them, Dolby and Odyssey
Harpy: lel
Draco: Odyssey is a boy?
Harpy: odyssey is odyssey
Harpy: there is nobody else he can be
Jumpropeman: Odyssey is a MAN
Jumpropeman: more like Odysexy
Gooper Blooper: Odyssey uses male pronouns and his text-to-speech droning voice is masculine
Gooper Blooper: so close enough
Gooper Blooper: It's a male GB character, you know those are usually weird as shit
Jumpropeman: like that Helios guy
Jumpropeman: gives me the shivers just thinking of him
Harpy: alas
Gooper Blooper: Helios is precisely why I tacked on the "usually"
Gooper Blooper: I know how it goes with you guys, leave out a qualifier and you pounce :V
Harpy: what dudes?
Harpy: :V
Jumpropeman: well he did come back from permanent death, I only know like six guys who have done that in real life
Harpy: kek
RubyChao: you know who didn't come back from death?
Harpy: rest in pieces.
Gooper Blooper: Still a less embarrassing death than Battlebots Spitfire
Harpy: HA
Harpy: haaa
Harpy: i still remember.
Jumpropeman: >spitfire is a drone
Jumpropeman: say no more


RubyChao: "But the truth is, is that according to Dwayne himself in the first episode of the series, he says that he's lonely and hungry, which can be assumed that he doesn't have any food and he has no real friends."
Harpy: thanks wiki
Gooper Blooper: he did however have fake friends
Jumpropeman: and fake food
RubyChao: holographic meatloaf
RubyChao: my fave
Gooper Blooper: with our new setting, holographic meatloaf is back in style
Jumpropeman: time to bring Faith back to snark about it
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: wh
Harpy: wut
Draco: ....why?
RubyChao: why not
Jumpropeman: HOMP *VRRT* HOMP *VRRT*
Gooper Blooper: I'm cracking up
M Sheep: What even.


Harpy: Diadem is actually a stupid baby


  1. Baragon has Van Gogh's ear for music.

    1. The tauntness of Baragon's face sours ripe grapes.

    2. If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can surely make something out of Baragon.
