Friday, April 19, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 331: Beata Mozzaria

RubyChao: i had a thought on Olympia Native Dynamics on the upper city
Moving Sheep: Oh?
Jumpropeman: is clothing optional there too?
RubyChao: yes, but besides that
RubyChao: you know how i mentioned i feel like there's an Outer City, an Inner City, and a City Center?
Moving Sheep: There's a haven outside this city?
Moving Sheep: An Outer Haven if you will?
RubyChao: yes, but besides that
RubyChao: i feel like
Moving Sheep: a sandwich?
RubyChao: maybe you guys don't deserve answers :I
Moving Sheep: >:I
Moving Sheep: Alright, I'll be good.
Jumpropeman: Lucky Charms are magically delicious, but Olympia citizens are magically suspicious
RubyChao: the City Center feels much more... set apart from the rest of upper olympia. like the outer city and the inner city are distinct but you'd think nothing of living in the outer city and going to the inner city to work, they feel very intertwined. certainly there are people who live in the city center and go to work outside, or vice versa, or other such inter-movements, but the whole attitude of the city center region feels different. very "ivory tower" in a way. goops suggested we place the bar in the outer parts and i agree with that, i like the idea of the big gleaming spire center being the area we watch from afar and sometimes go to
RubyChao: hopefully this makes sense/don't feel too restrictive
Brinehammer: Jumpropeman: time to RP the five star Taco Bells in Olympia
Brinehammer: Finally, my time has come.
Jumpropeman: make that ivory tower a taco bell and we're in business
RubyChao: will do
Jumpropeman: ive got no problems with the idea though
Draco: Sorry. Olympia doesn't have Taco Bell, just Meh Burger.
Jumpropeman: a five star meh burger?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Someone there once tasted something besides sadness!
Jumpropeman: no longer Dave the Intern
Draco: They accidentally brought their own food with them.
Jumpropeman: now Dave the Assistant Manager!
Moving Sheep: The five stars are five ninja stars
Moving Sheep: thrown to try and kill you to save you from biting into a Meh Burger
Jumpropeman: no increase in pay but all new responsibilities!
Jumpropeman: "Meh Burger has a special VIP area behind its main establishment that is reserved for the biggest VIPs and their guests. This area is known only by the VIPs and is kept a secret to most other visitors. The VIP area offers much more regal accommodations, including hygienic and classy settings, first-class service and exclusive, top-class food. Meh Burger also hands out VIP cards that grant discounts, although they are unrelated to the VIP area. In fact, the whole Meh Burger VIP program is a sham: its purpose is just to make disgruntled customers feel special. As such, nearly everyone in Hedgehog Village has a VIP card, although some customers are intentionally kept out of the loop to offset the discounts"
Moving Sheep: I don't see any issue with Chao's proposal
RubyChao: thanks!
Moving Sheep: it makes sense with details that have come before
Moving Sheep: I just hope I keep it straight!
Moving Sheep accidentally puts the Green Hell Zoen in the middle of the upper cityDraco 'accidentally' puts the Green Hell Zeons in space.
Moving Sheep intentionally places the Green Hell Zoinks inside Deadly Duplications
Jumpropeman accidentally makes the Green Hell Zenon: The Zequel into the Brawl arena
Moving Sheep incidentally replaces the Green Hell Zebra with the Hyper Funk Zone


RubyChao: oh yeah, sheep
RubyChao: what did you think of the new guy's blogpost
RubyChao: unless you said so and i missed it
Moving Sheep gears grinding
Moving Sheep: New guy....Is it THIS guy?
Jumpropeman: gears grinding, ropes binding, coils winding
Jumpropeman: death trap
RubyChao: ha, nope
Moving Sheep: Ah, I see
Moving Sheep: Boy, this rp sure is
Moving Sheep breathes into mic
Moving Sheep: for the birds
RubyChao loads rifle, aims
Jumpropeman: that answers that lingering question
RubyChao: oh?
Jumpropeman: *pitohui enters a booby and tit into the Brawl*
Jumpropeman: I didn't know what a pitohui was :V
RubyChao: oh


Jumpropeman: "Characters:
Throughout the game several other characters are either mentioned or seen."

Jumpropeman: diligent work there wiki


Harpderp: vallhalla: jill why do you have a shirt that says slut on it
ivel: that was a merch item they sold
ivel: I think I questioned it when the merch was linked here
Draco: Because her friends have poor taste in humor.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: timing
Harpderp: goops is here for slutty jills
Jumpropeman: hello gooper
Harpderp: :V
Harpderp: hi goops
Draco: Hi Goops.
ivel: Goops heard slut Valhalla and came running


Jumpropeman: I made a subreddit for The Game Hoard recently and have been posting up all the reviews, and during that, I received a comment on the Bubsy 3D disaster report saying "Literally the only "bad" Bubsy game." The commentor's name? ...BubsyFanboy, active redditor since last year.


Jumpropeman: you know the worst part about the Kangaroo Jack animated sequel
Jumpropeman: besides
Jumpropeman: the Kangaroo Jack animated sequel existing
Moving Sheep: Besides everything you just said, yes
Jumpropeman: when the titular kangaroo, Jack, decides to sing "Momma said knock you out" in its entirety as it loops the same boxing animation during the song


Moving Sheep: So
Moving Sheep: there's a ninja
Moving Sheep: on a skateboard
Moving Sheep: with a katana
Moving Sheep: and now a very low speed chase scene
Moving Sheep: of a ninja on a skateboard
Moving Sheep: chasing a woman on rollerblades who is carrying a small, talking, purple gator in a bag slung over her shoulder


Draco: If you have a backup butt, is that an ass alt?


Harpderp: ivelgramps has made
Harpderp: more cupcakes
Harpderp: i cant handle it
Harpderp: its cupcakepocolypse
Madness Sheep: ivelgramps sounds like some sort of Christmas-adjacent holiday figure
Madness Sheep: "and if you nail your orange to the pine tree, the ivelgramps will leave you cupcakes"
Harpderp: ”cupcakes for the cupcake” ban ivel right now
Jumpropeman: done and done
Jumpropeman: *bans ivel from the state fair*
Harpderp: plz
Gooper Blooper: you've heard of cookies for cookie, get ready for
Gooper Blooper: cupcakes for cupcake
Harpderp: plz


Madness Sheep: Going to attempt to sneak out of the room long enough to get a cup of water
Madness Sheep: without waking the dog
Harpderp: good luck with that
Madness Sheep: OH COME ON
Madness Sheep: As SOON as I braced to get up
Madness Sheep: her mop of a head popped up like it was springloaded


RubyChao: time to leave toonami on in the background for an hour and a half
RubyChao: while i wait for the shows i actually care about
Jumpropeman: you mean like Bob's Burgers?
RubyChao: stop giving me ads for pizza hut
RubyChao: i don't have any of them close and it makes me hungry :<
Jumpropeman: would you prefer anti-smoking ads then?
RubyChao: i'll take them
Jumpropeman: you're writing a check your butt can't cash, chao
Jumpropeman: but that's okay, because all butts are good
Jumpropeman: except cigarette butts


RubyChao: someday i need to finish 100%ing banjo-tooie
RubyChao: i did everything 100% except cloudcuckooland
Traded to Russians for Rum: Cloudcuckooland is a bad level so don't worry about it
Traded to Russians for Rum: I'm gonna come out and say it!
Traded to Russians for Rum: I'm gonna be the hero(??) here
RubyChao: del right now


DMG: just got the message I have tonight off, fuck yeah!
Madness Sheep: Eeeey!
Madness Sheep: Time to put your good hat on and head to the happenest sock hop


Madness Sheep: Tonight's bad movie: Plan 9 From Outer Space
Draco: I think I've seen that one, Sheep.
Cornwind Evil: You want to watch THAT film, Sheep?
Cornwind Evil: Your stupid mind! STUPID! STUPID!
Cornwind Evil throws a paper plate like a frisbee at Sheep.
DMG: the paper plate, natures frisbee
Draco: Cornwind is a connoisseur of trashy movies.
Cornwind Evil: Only barely.
Cornwind Evil: Manos nearly broke me and that was the MST version
Madness Sheep: It is at least Plan 9 with Rifftrax
Madness Sheep: It is amazing how little makes sense despite the script's tendency for over-explanation
Cornwind Evil: Ed Wood utterly loved making movies...but he had absolutely zero skill in making them.
Cornwind Evil: He's one of those tragic cases where even practice didn't help
Madness Sheep: I just want you all to know
Madness Sheep: that Monster Pictures released a Direct-to-DVD remake of this film, called "Plan 9", in 2015
Madness Sheep: in this remake, the events take place in a town
Madness Sheep: called
Madness Sheep: Nilbog.
Madness Sheep begins screaming incoherently


RubyChao: i bought punch out for the wii
RubyChao: now i just need to wait for it to arrive
Jumpropeman: an excellent choice
Jumpropeman: *prepares for Chao's next plot to have Mike Tyson as the main villain*


Harpderp: i
Harpderp: i feel like i have been violated
Harpderp: i am physically repulsed
Harpderp: god help us all


Jumpropeman: I just realized
Jumpropeman: this Shaggy meme
Jumpropeman: is pretty much just the new version of Chuck Norris isn't it
Draco: Yes.
Jumpropeman: when do they fight
Draco: They already did. We know it as the Big Bang.
Draco: The two battled and the energy released created everything.
Jumpropeman: no wonder the universe is so beautiful :')
Draco: Exactly.


Harpderp: butts are not the answer to global warming.


Middle Sheep: What even IS Petey Piranha's deal?
Middle Sheep: He's just sort of inexplicable, isn't he?
Jumpropeman: he big piranha plant
Jumpropeman: what else you need to know


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: bright eyed and hopeful
Blizzard Chap: why is this cerato so moe
Blizzard Chap: "i hope rexy-senpai notices me~"
Gooper Blooper: is he kawaii, uguu?
Blizzard Chap: ...oh god why do i actually imagine that to be a thing i'd actually do.
Jumpropeman: how could you not do
Blizzard Chap: oh god
Blizzard Chap: NO JRM
Jumpropeman: Tyranno-senpai
Blizzard Chap: YOU ARE A BAD
Gooper Blooper: This one, meanwhile, is terrifying
Blizzard Chap: ITS GOJIRA!!!!
ivel: cerato georg is an outlier


Blizzard Chap: Jet Jaguar only appeared in one movie and that's a crime.
Blizzard Chap: the same movie in which he shares the spotlight with DOLPHIN PADDLER and Big Cube of Death
ivel: the Dolphin Paddler was the true star
Blizzard Chap: yes
Blizzard Chap: yes it was...
Blizzard Chap: *going through a severe case of stockholm syndrome*
ivel: Dolphin Paddler for the Brawl
ivel: ...
ivel: wait
Blizzard Chap: woah now lets not get hasty
ivel: then there would be a danger of it winning.
ivel: even better
Blizzard Chap: ivel wins the brawl with prinnynaut and dolphin paddler.
ivel: imagine if I entered Prinnynaut in that damn boat and that's my winner
ivel: ninja'd
Blizzard Chap: imagine if i lost to that.
Blizzard Chap: the sheer amount of SALT
Blizzard Chap: "SECOND PLACE*
ivel: so what you're saying is I need to do it
Blizzard Chap: "AGAIN"
Blizzard Chap: *foams at mouth and holds Sonia close*
Blizzard Chap: no because you'd become too powerful
ivel gives Sonia a dolphin boat too
Blizzard Chap: oh shit
Blizzard Chap: twin dolphin paddlers
Blizzard Chap: only death awaits us
ivel turns all of RP into dolphin boats by 2020
Blizzard Chap: CHAOS, CHAOS
Jumpropeman: DBRP
Jumpropeman: people come expecting Dragon Ball from the acronym
Jumpropeman: only to see dolphin boats
Gooper Blooper: Sonia is exactly the kind of character who would unironically use a dolphin paddler
Draco: Zeldoten will build a lake in Olympia just so she can paddle around on one of those.
Blizzard Chap: Sonia's the kind of person you'd redraw in weird stock photos
Blizzard Chap: like redraw reigen except its Sonia.
Blizzard Chap: Almost.
Blizzard Chap: just put all those brawlers around this cat and replace the cat with sonia and there ya go!
Blizzard Chap: or just replace it with maple.
Jumpropeman: Sonia in that classic stock photo
Jumpropeman: burning down an orphanage
Blizzard Chap: she'd never do that....
Blizzard Chap: she'd give carla flashbacks.
Blizzard Chap: Maple, however, is beyond such feelings.
Jumpropeman: just wait
Jumpropeman: my main villain next year
Jumpropeman: a sentient orphanage
Blizzard Chap: gasp.
Blizzard Chap: maybe i'll have to rethink my priorities...
Blizzard Chap: *puts Sonia back in as a main char*
Jumpropeman: Sonia x burning orphanages OTP
Blizzard Chap: plz
Blizzard Chap: more like
Blizzard Chap: uuuuh
Blizzard Chap: shit.


Jumpropeman: "Copeland claimed he named the stores after the fictional detective Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle in the movie The French Connection and not the comic and cartoon character Popeye the Sailor. Copeland would claim facetiously that he was "too poor" to afford an apostrophe. The chain later acquired rights to use Popeye the Sailor for marketing. The company's early brand became deeply tied to the cartoon star with its sponsorship of the "Popeye & Pals" children's show in New Orleans, and the character appeared on items from packaging to racing boats. In late November 2006, AFC announced the mutual termination of their licensing contract with King Features Syndicate, effectively ending their association with the Popeye characters."
Jumpropeman: that solves one mystery


Gooper Blooper: touhou was not a mistake
Dels at Work: are you sure


Maniac Sheep: AH yes. that classic staple of wrestling
Maniac Sheep: torching the evil "robot"'s face with a flamethrower
Gooper Blooper: well, I mean
Gooper Blooper: it's a valid technique
Maniac Sheep: At least I think they're meant to be robots
Maniac Sheep: the costuming is so bad
Maniac Sheep: I cannot stress this enough
Maniac Sheep: so bad
Maniac Sheep: that I cannot actually tell if they're just guys dressed as if they're going to be spending time in Antartica
Maniac Sheep: They tried to cover up as much skin as they could
Maniac Sheep: but for what purpose, I cannot say
Maniac Sheep: Man
Maniac Sheep: I badly want an evil scientist lucha wrestler in a fighting game now


Maniac Sheep: And lo did I spend my evening on another Ed Wood film instead of puting on the nice film I'd planned
Coldwind Cold: What nice film was that, Sheep?
Coldwind Cold: For Sheep I picture a 'nice film' as something like Eraserhead
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
Maniac Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, hello, I was just about to put on an evening of relaxing entertainment, you know, as background noise and such" *holds up DVD labeled Sounds Of Screaming*
Maniac Sheep: :I
ivel: do you deny these allegations?
Maniac Sheep sweats
Gooper Blooper: A sheep in a robe, reclining in a chair with a bubble pipe
Gooper Blooper: "welcome to masterpiece theatre"
Gooper Blooper: "tonight we have an all-Ed Wood marathon"
Gooper Blooper: *blows into bubble pipe, adjusts collar*


Gooper Blooper: meanwhile in west virginia
Gooper Blooper: "A recent patch for Fallout 76 reintroduced problems that had already been fixed in a previous patch. But in an ironic twist, Bethesda's hotfix to take care of the issue again introduced a bug that's even worse."
Gooper Blooper: same old, same old


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: I always wondered if anyone used Google +
Jumpropeman: guess I have my answer
Gooper Blooper: people used it for a little while when Google tried to trick/force people to use it
Gooper Blooper: that's about it
DMG: it's also tied to youtube accounts
ivel: youtube and app save data backups
ivel: that's why I had it
Gooper Blooper: I use Google+. How can I save my uploaded content?
First, I don’t believe you. Second, Google has a page you can visit to download all your data from Google+, and upload it to a more widely used social network, like Friendster or Myspace.

Gooper Blooper: Guardian with the spice
DMG: damn, the double roast
DMG: savage
Gooper Blooper: I very reluctantly made one to try to look at some group thing
Gooper Blooper: not two minutes in, I was messaged out of nowhere by a stranger
Gooper Blooper: I immediately flipped out and logged off never to return
Gooper Blooper: I don't do well with social media :V
Blizzard Chap: stranger dangered the fuck outta there
Coldwind Cold: Reminds me of the first time I got messaged by some rando back in the internet days of yore
Coldwind Cold: Said message being "Wassup. You got a picture?"


Jumpropeman: this just in: cute dog girl is cute
Jumpropeman: link
Blizzard Chap: dog girl...
Blizzard Chap: WITH A GUN!!!!
Jumpropeman: I suspect Miyu and Fay may be my main characters this year
Jumpropeman: *and then my main character ends up being Blasto*
Blizzard Chap: oops
Blizzard Chap: gotta watch for them
Blizzard Chap: unexpected
Blizzard Chap: chars
Blizzard Chap: *looks at cast and sweats*
Gooper Blooper looks over at Curse members that are planned to appear partly because of Miyu and Fay
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: this just in: spider girl also still cute
RubyChao: that pic is A+
Gooper Blooper: One of the things I enjoyed about Neo Kobbers was that I was much more free to throw a ton of characters at RP without the worry of "what if they fall flat" because if they did, they could just be one and done baddies
RubyChao: like SEAPORT HIME
Gooper Blooper: Then after I sifted through them all I found a few characters worth keeping around like Tron and Seaport
Gooper Blooper: I will probably be doing that again with The Curse
RubyChao: tron bonne more like tron WHOnne
Blizzard Chap: yeeet
Blizzard Chap: rude
Gooper Blooper: I bring this up because Cordie is exactly one of those characters I'd be afraid to debut if she was a straight protag but instead she's gonna be Kind Of A Jerk and we'll see how it goes
Blizzard Chap: i will do as i've always done and throw everything at the wall until inevitably someone like sonia, sammy, stacy, or magic shows up
Blizzard Chap: out of fuckin nowhere
Jumpropeman: time to redeem Indoraptor
Blizzard Chap: bold.
Gooper Blooper: I expect fewer redemptions then Neo Kobbers but there will hopefully be a few characters in the mix people want to save
RubyChao: i'm ready to brutally slaughter cordie
Blizzard Chap: i'm ready to save like
Blizzard Chap: that one dinosaur
Blizzard Chap: yeah
Blizzard Chap: uh
Blizzard Chap: which one?
Blizzard Chap: NOBODY KNOWS
Jumpropeman: Barney?
Blizzard Chap: nice try
Blizzard Chap: i have no idea what kinda dinos The Curse will be pulling out of their collective arses but ONE OF THEM WILL BE COOL I THINK
Jumpropeman: sorry harp
Jumpropeman: it's gonna be six months of Maiasaura
Gooper Blooper: and Gorosaurus
Jumpropeman: that would truly be evil goops
Blizzard Chap: *SIGH*
Blizzard Chap: *cancels plans*
Blizzard Chap: alas....!
Jumpropeman: I watched a worst kaiju video on youtube
Jumpropeman: and besides kaiju who did nothing
Jumpropeman: Gorosaurus was the bottom of the list
Gooper Blooper: but JRM!
Gooper Blooper: He can kick real good!
Jumpropeman: oh shi
Jumpropeman: *moves him TO THE TOP*


Jumpropeman: sheep character meeting
Maniacal Sheep: :I
Maniacal Sheep: I was going to say that I'd never rped a guy wearing a big, ridiculous hat. But then I remembered one of the museum guys is two of them in that picture




RubyChao: "The day that Rise of the Robots was released is often cited as the moment when British gaming journalism died out. It was difficult before due to the massive oversaturation of video game magazines, which meant that they were all about hyping up the public for whatever game that would hit the store shelves, even if it was pretty bad. When a game that was so horrible, led by the major gaming studio Time Warner Interactive, hit the store shelves, all British magazines that could make a review the day it came out were giving it high scores (Computer and Video Games rated it even as high as 92%) to be able to review the game before any other magazine across the country could get their hands on it, resulting in the game selling massive amounts of copies due to critics being unable to say anything even remotely negative about the game as that would mean that they would receive their review copies at a later date (Amiga Power, who gave the game a 5%, only got the game days after its release, and didn't get a review out until the January '95 issue two months later). After most readers realized that most magazines they were reading were saying that they should buy horrible products, you can expect that most readers stopped caring about what they had to say, resulting in the demise of many of them."
RubyChao: i should ask the britbros to play this game


RubyChao: this
RubyChao: this is beautiful
Gooper Blooper: I remember this
RubyChao: this is the first time i've ever read it
Cornwind Evil: I don't envy her large intestine
Blizzard Chap: ivel is fucking dead
Draco: wao
Draco: That article was written four years ago, Ivel.
Draco: That Friday's may not even exist.
tripvel: I'm aware, but I've been away from Friday's for longer than that so I can't prove it's not still going on again ;P
tripvel: also their food's alright anyway
Blizzard Chap: "they taste like garbage" my sister has a kin
Blizzard Chap: I mean
Blizzard Chap: if you expect me to join you on your mozzy stick quest i will join you as long as you understand that you may be responsible for my eminent mozzy stick-related death
tripvel: "For what will probably not be the last time in my life, I follow the instructions on the back of my ketchup bottle to the letter."
Draco: Our local Friday's closed years ago - I liked their Gold Medallist smoothies - and they razed the building to put in a BJ's.
Blizzard Chap: ivel hasn't accepted the responsibility yet
Blizzard Chap: like i wouldn't compete to see how many of them any of us could eat :V
Blizzard Chap: like a total dumbass
tripvel: I mean
Draco: I'd give it a whirl.
tripvel: we both accept what would happen
tripvel: correction
Blizzard Chap: guess we'll die together
tripvel: we three accept what would happen
Blizzard Chap: are you saying we're doing this if draco visits the area again
Blizzard Chap: please
Draco: Awesome.
Draco: I'll be right over.
Gooper Blooper: the following contest is a triple threat match
tripvel: emphasis on the threat
Blizzard Chap: well fuck
Draco: "She tells me "They're good." Gabby and I are not yet good enough friends that we can be honest with one another." <- So much for my Narrator x Gabby buddy cop fanfic. :<
Gooper Blooper: The narrator of the article is named Caity, going by the writer credit
Draco: Fair enough. Undertale's Caity x TGI Fridays's Gabby
Draco: "Mopping up the mess with crumpled, limp napkins, I feel like a rat taking pride in my humble trash home." <- Sheep's next char?
Draco: "I am the martyr of this TGI Friday's." <- Literary GOLD
Draco: "Before she departs, she tells me the next seven hours will "fly by," which is probably the first time anyone has ever said that about seven hours." <- I think I've felt this way once about such a long time.
Draco: "A little unorthodox, but that is life for we, the first settlers of the Endless Apps frontier." <- SO brave. ;o;
Draco: "like a 19th-century London orphan with access to unlimited mozzarella sticks." <- A JRM character?
Draco: "1:00 a.m. TGI'm Not at that Goddamn Friday's Anymore." <- VICTORY
Minimalist Sheep: "Mopping up the mess with crumpled, limp napkins, I feel like a rat taking pride in my humble trash home." <- Sheep's next char?
Minimalist Sheep takes notes
Blizzard Chap: "A waiter tries to give me another table's Boneless Buffalo Wings. Do not tempt me, Satan."
Blizzard Chap:
Draco: You're Satan?
Blizzard Chap: more like the one being tempted
Blizzard Chap: except not really because boneless wings taste
Blizzard Chap: disgusting
Blizzard Chap: it just ain't right
Cornwind Evil: I disagree with you there Harpy
tripvel: >Mac & Cheese Burger
Blizzard Chap: satan can tempt me all he wants on that because i would eat 3 of those
Minimalist Sheep: Well, I'm reading now
Minimalist Sheep: "They taste like goddamn garbage."
Blizzard Chap: *i would try to eat 3 of those and probably fail
Minimalist Sheep: Oh nooooo.
Blizzard Chap: its been a while since i've had boneless anything but i think its the texture that's not right
Draco: Admittedly, there's a reason WHY TGI Friday's ain't in this town no more.
Blizzard Chap: i would have to try again and see but
tripvel: well
tripvel: I can't confirm they do still have endless apps
tripvel: the last thing I see is articles saying they were making it permanent
Draco: Alright, then the next time I'm in Reston, we'll go to TGI Friday's.
Draco: And get endless apps.
tripvel: if they don't have it, they DO have a party platter of mozzy sticks
tripvel: that might just be a take-out thing though
Draco: Well, let's take it out to our table.
Minimalist Sheep: Ladislaus vs. TGI Fridays Plot
Blizzard Chap: i'm sorry lad sonia's going to have to fite u
Cornwind Evil: The next Drinking/Eating contest is going to happen at a TGI Friday's at this rate
Blizzard Chap: i'm not ready
Minimalist Sheep: "I goddamn hate these fucking mozzarella sticks."
Draco: Feed Yer Mates 2019: Just Eat A Mountain Of Fried Cheese
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Minimalist Sheep: This is definitely the opening to a chronicled descent into madness
DMG joined the chat
Minimalist Sheep: Hello, DMG
Minimalist Sheep: We're passionate about appetizers today.
Blizzard Chap rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
tripvel: I mean
Blizzard Chap: if i don't win it then i will
Blizzard Chap: uh
tripvel: noticeably so today
DMG: I'm pretty passionate about appetizers
Blizzard Chap: things
Blizzard Chap: i will things
DMG: in fact, my dinner tonight is going to be just 2 appetizers
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Gooper Blooper: Josephine didn't pace herself I guess
Minimalist Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Minimalist Sheep: Close, but Sonia wins
tripvel: how about Gino
tripvel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
tripvel: he's satisfied
tripvel: but DEEKIN
tripvel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
tripvel: not as hilarious as I hoped damnit
DMG rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
DMG: not sure what I'm rolling for
Cornwind Evil: How many mozzerella sticks your character could eat
tripvel: basically
DMG: oh, well, 14 sounds about average
tripvel: it depends on the stick
Draco: It's a brick of fried sadness claiming to be Mozzarella.
DMG: oh, my favorite
Blizzard Chap: what about dia?
Blizzard Chap rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
DMG: many stick
Blizzard Chap: please, Dia.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn tries this mozerella thing
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Cornwind Evil: She's not all that impressed.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Frying it wrecks the texture.
Blizzard Chap: too many mozzy sticks for one woman to handle
Blizzard Chap: also come on
Blizzard Chap: it depends on how it's made
Blizzard Chap: i think the best ones i've had were at buffalo wild wings
Blizzard Chap: IHOP also has good ones but they're
Blizzard Chap: fucking huge
Blizzard Chap: like they want you to perish, if you get that in tandem with all their all you can eat pancakes
tripvel: welp
tripvel: but what about
tripvel: Dennys
Minimalist Sheep: "I am the martyr of this TGI Friday's."
tripvel: and their mozzy stick grilled cheese
Blizzard Chap: i forgot about dennys
Draco: What ABOUT Denny's? BU
Blizzard Chap: i don't think I ate much of it and i've forgotten the taste
tripvel: anyway, I like mozzy sticks, but I don't like the sauce some places have that's got a bunch of tomato chunks in it
tripvel: I like just sauce
DMG: there's a drive in place near my house back home that sells a burger that has mozz sticks on it
Blizzard Chap: dare i make the joke
Blizzard Chap: dare i...
Blizzard Chap: ivel likes his sauce like he likes his girls: smooth.
tripvel: yes
Blizzard Chap: the timing is amazing, thanks
Draco: 😲
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)
Minimalist Sheep: Beata Mozzaria
Minimalist Sheep: you know I am voracious writer
Minimalist Sheep: of my victuals I am justly proud
Minimalist Sheep: et edible Peanut-butter
Minimalist Sheep: Beata Mozzaria
Minimalist Sheep: my palate so much purer than
Blizzard Chap: what is even going on
Blizzard Chap: also goops that emote is terrifying and it will be burned into my memory
Blizzard Chap: i'm scared.
Minimalist Sheep: the glutted, over-saturated crowd
tripvel: (̶̧̧͘͟ ̀͏̸̴̛°̷̧̢̛ ͝҉̧Ê–̢͜͞ ̴̛̛°̵͘͠͞)͘͢͢
Blizzard Chap: someone ban ivel right now
Minimalist Sheep: "I am now an active participant in the casual fun TGI Friday's atmosphere."
Minimalist Sheep: Move over Stephen King
Minimalist Sheep: "the dining room was and remains suspended in a permanent state of Friday"
Minimalist Sheep: "A rib falls on the floor."
Minimalist Sheep: getting biblical now
Minimalist Sheep: "She tells me that the next jailer to keep me locked in a mozzarella prison of my own perverse design will be a woman named Marisa."
Minimalist Sheep: maybe the best sentence in there
Blizzard Chap: "welcome to hell, ze."
Minimalist Sheep: "A waiter tries to give me another table's Boneless Buffalo Wings. Do not tempt me, Satan."
Minimalist Sheep: "A sixth plate of mozzarella sticks is delivered to my table. Everyone sees this terrible thing happening and no one is doing anything to stop it."
Minimalist Sheep: "A different man I have never seen before comes up and and asks if everything's OK. What can I even tell him?"
Draco: This was clearly Junko's visit to TGI Friday's.
Minimalist Sheep: Hah
Minimalist Sheep: ahuehauehaue
Minimalist Sheep: "TGI Friday's is a house of madness with many doors."


Jumpropeman: Gabby Jay from Super Punch-Out is, a reminder, the guy Glass Joe beat
Gooper Blooper: Gabby Jay has a win though
Gooper Blooper: it's from beating Joe
tripvel: they beat each other
Jumpropeman: "He has lost 99 times and has won once, in a freak accidental win against Nick Bruiser, states the Official Nintendo Magazine Punch-Out!! programmer. T"
Jumpropeman: woops, got my info mixed up
Jumpropeman: that's for glass joe's stat
Jumpropeman: Gabby Jay actually trained under Glass Joe
tripvel: oh welp
Jumpropeman: doesn't say who Gabby Jay beat
Jumpropeman: His only win was against Glass Joe, according to the SNES Super Punch-Out!!'s instruction booklet
Jumpropeman: wait
tripvel: oh yeah I knew the Nick Bruiser thing iirc
Jumpropeman: it does
tripvel: but Nick's record says he's undefeated
Jumpropeman: i'm starting to suspect
Jumpropeman: these stats
Jumpropeman: are just jokes!
RubyChao: nonsense
tripvel: :O!
tripvel: "In the Best Times for Nick Bruiser, Glass Joe is in 8th place."
Blizzard Chap: osnap
RubyChao: nick bruiser actually has one loss
RubyChao: he just taped a 0 over his 1


Blizzard Chap: oh dear its late
Blizzard Chap: oh dear i have a morning shift
Blizzard Chap: OH DEAR
Draco: Good night, Harpy.
Gooper Blooper: nite harp :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna go too
Blizzard Chap: nite guys
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: they're gone
Jumpropeman: now we can say bad words like booger
tripvel bans jrm
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry ; o ;
tripvel was promoted for one minute by Draco
Draco: There you go, Ivel. Inflict your terrible wrath upon JRM.
tripvel: 😈
Jumpropeman: you are just the biggest booger
tripvel: D:<
tripvel: time for my ultimate revenge against jrm...
tripvel: NO U
Jumpropeman left the chat


Destroyedropeman: the game I'm playing has a quiz section at the end of every in game month that quizes you on what happened in the story
Destroyedropeman: this month, there was a secret admirer who gave Em some flowers and I told her I wouldn't tell her who it was
Destroyedropeman: then, Em hosts the end of month quiz and one of the questions? "Who is the secret admirer?"
Destroyedropeman: I'd call her a crafty lady, but despite straight up telling her just now, she still doesn't know who it is


Jumpropeman: "Team up with the world’s biggest goblin on his quest for gold and be a total Christmas bastard." and here DMG was worrying he was only getting me garbage


Jumpropeman: here is a screenshot of Cut The Ex-Girlfriends
Jumpropeman: take note of the lack of ex-girlfriends
Jumpropeman: all you do is cut logs
Jumpropeman: but now, the description of this amazing game:
Jumpropeman: In this game you have to remember all the past grievances, ve, what you spent on your ex: time, money, health ... Well, or just neighing.
This comic game is created for those who want to release steam after parting or resentment.
In this game there are 2 modes:
- Arcade: saw as many logs as possible in 1 minute!
- Classic: you have 3 lives, use them to the maximum!
Cut logs, cut knots, colite logs and take screenshots with your results!
All coincidences with reality are pure coincidence, this log just looks like your ex.

Blizzard Chap: why did you date trees, jrm
Jumpropeman: they give me wood, harp
ivel: so you're playing as adult Johnny 2x4
Blizzard Chap: o-oh
Jumpropeman: I did, regrettably, spend a lot of neighing on my log girlfriend
Blizzard Chap: you sure did
Blizzard Chap: log a lot of hours
Blizzard Chap: sawing logs


RubyChao: goops when goes gigas do this
Gooper Blooper: Season 20
RubyChao: time to hold you to it


Kamen Ride: Fazfuck!: So my vague Impression of redwall is that every book goes
Kamen Ride: Fazfuck!: Idyllic victorian country life with animals -> bloody war against an invader -> big feast
Chao: yes, yes this is how it goes


Banished Chucklefuck: have i seen the original mothra?
Banished Chucklefuck: *looking for any excuse she can*
ivel: guess you need to watch to find out
Maniac Sheep: and then watch it again
Maniac Sheep: just to be sure
Banished Chucklefuck: plz.


RubyChao: god i need to mention this thing i just remembered
RubyChao: so i've been rereading/reading this one series of books (short summary: this archaeologist and her bodyguard husband run around the world and find out that all myths are true, and blow up various bad guys along the way), and there's been various namedrops of video games (mostly Tomb Raider for understandable reasons)
RubyChao: but the best one is when a random mook in one of the books is described as having black-framed glasses, grabs a crowbar to attack our hero, and his fellow mook calls him Gordon
ivel: pff
Banished Chucklefuck: ruined


Jumpropeman: very tempted to use this design somehow
Jumpropeman: but we can't have lizard zeldoten now can we
RubyChao: not a lizard
Maniac Sheep: It's the fusion of Blajboa and Zeldoten
Maniac Sheep: Zelboa
Draco: They learned Fusion from Appule.
Maniac Sheep: Blajdoten
Gooper Blooper: It's Uysnskow reincarnated as a small cute girl
Gooper Blooper: now JRM will never be able to resist RPing her
Jumpropeman: funnily enough
Jumpropeman: I was trying to come up with ways to bring back Uysnskow
Maniac Sheep: time traveled back to the reincarnation wave
Maniac Sheep: Jrm
Maniac Sheep: Don't play with my heart like this
Gooper Blooper: Do the Ingrid arc again but with two Alruthines
RubyChao: just look at that cheeky smirk
RubyChao: pure uysnskow
RubyChao: gnferniofoiwpoeojpgewfuorgee
RubyChao: there, jrm
RubyChao: did i give you a new name?
Banished Chucklefuck: wlep
Maniac Sheep: Wlep is my favorite Alruthine
Banished Chucklefuck: wlep...
ivel: bseygufsduybgserg
Maniac Sheep: Good ole Wlep Wlep
Banished Chucklefuck: welp.
Jumpropeman: these are some good alruthine candidate names
Draco: Wsdefrj
ivel: what about *Neptune laugh*
Maniac Sheep: My favorite Alruthine, How Lewd.
Jumpropeman: main reason I'm hesitant about uysnskow return
Jumpropeman: is that she's dead
Banished Chucklefuck: sounds about right
Jumpropeman: and I don't know about just reviving any old character like that
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: says the man who revived
RubyChao: Dr. Gerbil's relevance
Banished Chucklefuck: would kinda strip away the meaning of it
Gooper Blooper: Go all-in and revive a bunch of other dead side characters and make a plot out of it
Gooper Blooper: the final boss is Mr Chips
Banished Chucklefuck: n...
Banished Chucklefuck: no...
Maniac Sheep: Night of The Living Sidechars
Maniac Sheep: You must kill Mr, Chips
Maniac Sheep: stare into his pixels as you watch the light fade from them


Jumpropeman: chameleon girl returns
Jumpropeman: her name is Cecile


Cornwind Evil: "After it was revealed that King K. Rool was coming into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Gregg Mayles (albeit somewhat jokingly) said that he wished that he "spent a bit more than five minutes coming up with his slightly rubbish name."


M Sheep: in Heartbeat?
Gooper Blooper: what th
Gooper Blooper: that looks so much like her the resemblance is uncanny
M Sheep: For an extra dose of ruined, this character's name is Dawn...
Gooper Blooper: the protag looks like a touhou too so I'm not surprised
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: literally sumi
RubyChao: you cannot convince me otherwise
Draco: Uncanny!
Banished Chucklefuck: Thats fucking sumi


Gooper Blooper: I found a weird old TCG rule yesterday I didn't know about
Gooper Blooper: apparently, back in 4th gen
Gooper Blooper: you were allowed to have as many Arceus cards as you wanted in your deck
Gooper Blooper: Your deck could be 30 Arceus and 30 energy
Banished Chucklefuck: GOD DECK BASED DECK
RubyChao: an entire deck of god
Gooper Blooper: He's god, he makes the rules
Banished Chucklefuck: ETROHUS STOP
RubyChao: goops i literally only learned about that a couple days ago
RubyChao: i'm glad i understand
Draco: That's....pretty rad.


Jumpropeman: you kids and your all I want for Christmas is a PSP
Jumpropeman: where's the "SQUUUUUUUUUUUUIRREL PLEASE!"
Jumpropeman: a PSP is a new, BETTER nut


Sweet Memery: °∆°
iKomodo: D:


Bumbling through the City: i finally went to dave n busters with ivel
M Sheep: How was it?
Jumpropeman: did you get to meet Dave and Buster?
Bumbling through the City: it was fun! crowded as expected and of course i am a rambling gambling gal
Draco: *gaming gal
Bumbling through the City: also why is it so hard to drive in mario kart
Bumbling through the City: why must you do this to me
Bumbling through the City: also LIZZIE SMASH
Bumbling through the City: also FUCK that one space invaders game
Bumbling through the City: how in sweet mother of god are you expected to defend against those fast motherfuckers
M Sheep: Everyone knows Dave's just a myth. There is only Buster
Jumpropeman: they say Buster has a hidden treasure
Jumpropeman: and that treasure... is like, 10 whole tickets!
Bumbling through the City: "ODYSSEY WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO ME" i cry
Bumbling through the City: "odyssey rolled a 21" ivel responds
Bumbling through the City: also, skeeball!


Gooper Blooper: Oh, Brine is here! Not sure he ever got to see my recent acquisitions, so just in case
Bumbling through the City: nyx be like "who is this...small... annoying kid..."


Brinehammer: Late, but for the record, that is a Nyx/Oda combo. I dig it a lot. Gotta get an Oda Keychain
Jumpropeman: considering it's Oda, perhaps a grenade chain would be more appropriate
Jumpropeman: pull on the little oda to pull the pin out!
Cornwind Does Not Kill Dogs: Oda's all BAYONET CHARGE and Nyx is like "Nah, let 'em come to us."


Gooper Blooper: it snowed in Las Vegas yesterday
Gooper Blooper: calm down, letty
ivel: did she win or lose
Binging on Cookies: my god letty is out of control
Binging on Cookies: calm your nipples there friend
ivel: it's too cold to calm them
Gooper Blooper: "This was the first snowfall in the city since a trace of snow fell in December 2015. Las Vegas averages 0.3 of an inch of snow in a year."
Binging on Cookies: i was waiting for someone
Binging on Cookies: to make that joke
Binging on Cookies: thank you hun, u read my mind
Binging on Cookies: now i await the ban-
Binging on Cookies: jeezum
ivel bans jrm
ivel: that ban right?
Binging on Cookies: don't ban him
Binging on Cookies: jrm did nothing wrong
ivel: too late
Gooper Blooper: baragon did nothing wrong
Binging on Cookies: you dare speak his name
Binging on Cookies: when he didn't even show up in final wars
ivel: Godzooky did nothing wrong
Binging on Cookies: toho banned him for his ways
Binging on Cookies: godzooky did everything wrong but that was in RP
Binging on Cookies: bitch
Binging on Cookies: *shoots draco*
Binging on Cookies: bold words.
ivel: so was Cancer Deathmask
ivel: *Seiya jokes*
Draco dies.
Binging on Cookies: But Godzooky commited tax fr-
Binging on Cookies: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMM IVEL THATS SPICY
ivel: he was a literal Saint :U


Draco: I've caught two Clefairies in Pokemon GO today.
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Draco: One of them even has a rare stat combo I collect: the HP, Attack, and Defense are the same.
ivel: nice
Binging on Cookies: is one of them sammy
Gooper Blooper: the one with the combo, naturally
ivel: I caught nothing today
Binging on Cookies: i too caught nothing
Binging on Cookies: "BUT YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY GO"
Binging on Cookies: *waves cape and leaves*
Draco: No.
Draco: Sammy is my Clefable with super-high level and all 14s.
Binging on Cookies: good.
Draco: Mari is my original Clefable.
ivel: I have a Clefairy named Clemari
Binging on Cookies: dflkjdkljf kljhlfjkl
Binging on Cookies: PLEASE


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: it's the game no one knew they wanted
Gooper Blooper: but they did
Binging on Cookies: guess ivelmom will die


Jumpropeman: i had a dream where I went to the fridge to get a Dr Pepper but what I thought was a Dr Pepper was actually a can of pringles
Jumpropeman: does this qualify as a nightmare
RubyChao: yes jrm
ivel: what flavor Pringles
Jumpropeman: some weird one i can't recall, probably not even a real flavor
ivel: then yes
ivel: ...
ivel: wait
ivel: what if it was
ivel: Dr. Pepper flavored
Jumpropeman: then the off-green coloration of the tube was deceptive
ivel: Dr. Green Pepper
Draco: woah


M Sheep: okay, time to actually read the blog
Jumpropeman: careful
Jumpropeman: it's full of words
M Sheep: But
M Sheep: They are good words
Jumpropeman: you can't say that sight unseen!
M Sheep: I can say anything!
M Sheep: Look
M Sheep: Rutabaga
Jumpropeman: don't you do it-
Jumpropeman: SINFUL!
M Sheep: Constantinople
M Sheep: even
M Sheep: Anything
Jumpropeman: I've never seen this side of you
Jumpropeman: I hate it
Jumpropeman: the new coke of sheeps


Binging on Cookies: i watched black clover
Binging on Cookies: and i feel my soul leaving my body
Binging on Cookies: wait that was last night.
Binging on Cookies: oh god i have a black clover hangover.
Binging on Cookies: ...
Binging on Cookies: that feel when you just realize Black Clover is a fucking candidate for a B.C. nickname.
Binging on Cookies: i feel my sins crawling on my back


Gooper Blooper: apparently a spongebob spinoff is in the works, but there are no details about who will be the main character
RubyChao: Spongebob 2
Gooper Blooper: The Squidward Show, make it happen nick
ivel: Old Man Jenkins
RubyChao: that's his name


Bacon Cruncher: i feel personally attacked.


Jumpropeman: Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy just got rereleased on Switch
Jumpropeman: hopefully they kept in the save file ruining glitch
Jumpropeman: for authenticity sakes


WHAT CAN I SAYYY: turns out
WHAT CAN I SAYYY: if the spartans won't accept your blue jeans and rock music
WHAT CAN I SAYYY: you can just murder them
WHAT CAN I SAYYY: this must be what america feels like
SteelKomodo: hahaha
WHAT CAN I SAYYY: next time
WHAT CAN I SAYYY: the ottomans refuse to have people put their feet on them
dead or alivel: plz
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Bacon Cruncher: there can only be one...
Bacon Cruncher changed name to Big Chungus
RubyChao: oh god harpy why
Big Chungus: and that ain't me
RubyChao: the chungus among us
Big Chungus: suffer
dead or alivel: I've been waiting for that one
Big Chungus: you just wanted me to pull the trigger
Big Chungus: i wonder why we're dating sometimes :U
Big Chungus: "WHY U DO THIS"
dead or alivel: we're only dating sometimes?
Big Chungus: :I
Draco: You date sometimes and then also the rest of the times.
Big Chungus: plz


Gooper Blooper: "Mattel ‘Jurassic World’ Figures Named ‘Action Figure of the Year"
Gooper Blooper: hooray
Big Chungus: !
Big Chungus: well, can't say i'm entirely surprised
Gooper Blooper: they got a trophy
Big Chungus: i mean look at spino
Big Chungus: ...i can't id that dino but he looks excited
Big Chungus: shoulda been cerato.
Gooper Blooper: It's Baryonyx (a new repainted version coming out later this year)
Big Chungus: aaaa
Big Chungus: eeeeh
dead or alivel: look at that dino
dead or alivel: it's so happy
Gooper Blooper: Cerato will also be getting a repaint
dead or alivel: I'm happy for it
Big Chungus: *looks*
Big Chungus: ...
Big Chungus: cerato 5 seconds before disaster


Draco: JRM, what game was it that had the old lady singing "Who let the cat out"? in the trailer?
Jumpropeman: Let the Cat In
Jumpropeman: This song vs. Who Let the Dogs Out for the ultimate music battle
Draco: Thank you.
Draco: We'll find out at the Brawl when I enter that old lady as my Secret Fiter.
Draco: Powers: Dancing, Singing
Draco: Weaknesses: Unable to keep cats out of her house
Draco: Weapon: A half-knit sweater
Jumpropeman: nice deflection Draco
Jumpropeman: now no one will expect you to actually do it
Draco: Good. They shouldn't.
Draco: Because she's going to be my PUBLIC entry so everyone knows they've already lost.
Jumpropeman: Who Got The Brawl Win? MEOW MEOW MEOW, MEOW!
Draco: When she wins, that video will be the ticker for the rest of the month.
Jumpropeman: what will she do when the Brawl finale is her vs. Lying Cat
M Sheep: Lie, I imagine
M Sheep: Lie down and take the loss, that is
DMG: I guess she'll have to let the cat in
Draco: O_O;
Draco: It'll get worse when Incineroar enters too.
Jumpropeman: she does imply in her hit song "Who Let the Cat In" (2015) that she would know what to do about the cat if there was a mouse
Jumpropeman: so clearly she needs to ally herself with a mouse-type character
DMG: or perhaps, a dog?
DMG: Updog makes his triumphant return


RubyChao: hey ivel
RubyChao: i have a question for you
ivel: ?
ivel: a platformless game
M Sheep: Terrible.