Monday, April 1, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 326: Refined And Polished

SteelKomodo: link
Bree: super smash peaches ultimate
SteelKomodo: yes
SteelKomodo: mariette is p. strong
Brandon Carter: bye booser
Brandon Carter: i'll take several of these blonde bitches
Dels at Work: lol wow
Dels at Work: harp coming out strong
SteelKomodo: XD


Jumpropeman: would Mario Party count towards The Haunted Hoard
Gooper Blooper: would Yoshi
Draco: No. The only thing scary about Mario Party is if you survive a game with your friendships intact.
Jumpropeman: now with my opinions on Yoshi in flux, I'm drifting about the abyss, unsure what my real least favorite game might be
Gooper Blooper: Catch The Ball
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, that's the one that keeps coming to mind
Gooper Blooper: a shame it didn't have enough substance for a real dissection, but then that's why it's a candidate
Jumpropeman: Catch the Ball? I'd rather catch the plague! Ha cha cha cha!
Gooper Blooper: on one hand I'm gonna miss the Yoshi jokes once you inevitably get around to reviewing it and it only earns a Bad or something
Gooper Blooper: on the other hand, what a story
Jumpropeman: the lead-in paragraph at least writes itself :V


Jumpropeman: smogon has another grassroots tier growing that is even worse than PU, a tier already named specifically for being bad
Jumpropeman: ZU
Jumpropeman: guess what gooper
Jumpropeman: Beheeyem is now ZU
Jumpropeman: one day we shall have BU
Jumpropeman: the lowest tier
Jumpropeman: it's just Beheeyem
Gooper Blooper: just keep making lower tiers
Gooper Blooper: watch my favorites plummet forever


M Sheep: "Wario and his group of whimsically designed minions who will never be seen again"
M Sheep: So, i should expect these guys to make an appearance next year, when, Jrm?
Jumpropeman: believe me
Jumpropeman: I'm tempted
M Sheep: Wario's Woods? How's about
M Sheep: Wario's Warehouse District?
Jumpropeman: Wario's Slums
M Sheep: Wario's Winnebagos
Draco: Wario's Winery
M Sheep: Wario's Out of Place Windmills


MobileDraco: "I would like to extend an invitation to any and all Kobbers to come visit the island of Kuahiwi for a day of relaxation and entertainment." <- Nothing says 'festive celebration' like partying on a corpse! 😄
Gooper Blooper: I'm actually a little surprised that this is the first corpse we've ever partied on in eight years of slaying kaiju-size villains


Jumpropeman: "The best movie villain would have to be Iceberg from Titanic. Complete indifference to the trappings of money, power, and celebrity. Cold blooded."
M Sheep: noooOOOOOO
M Sheep deletes internet from computer


M Sheep: Hm. With two fites still open, maybe I'll throw somebody in to FYM...
M Sheep squints at cast
M Sheep: Man
M Sheep: You all are a useless bunch.


Jumpropeman: adorable wigglerette
Jumpropeman: i feel like eventually
Jumpropeman: even if it's not a Super Crown character in RP
Jumpropeman: someone is gonna use a Super Crown design for a character
Jumpropeman: because I'm using this Wigglerette
Draco: How did you know I was bringing in Bowsette?


Gooper Blooper: Been watching a collection of ancient halloween commercials and I gotta share the fantastic acting in this one local ad
Gooper Blooper: 33:49
Draco: Wow.
Draco: Not a problem in Kuwahawi.
Draco: The next commercial is special. Their idea of a "costume" is a plastic mask with a plastic-looking t-shirt featuring the character.
Gooper Blooper: Don't you remember that iconic moment in Star Wars when Darth Vader wore a t-shirt with a picture of himself on it?!
Draco: "Barebones prices" indeed, madam. And yes, that was my favorite part.
Draco: The one after that is even better! Come down to our Secondhand Clothing Store for your unique costumes! O_o


memebird: You know- being thrown into the chaotic action right away kinda works for me, given that I just showed up and it ain't long till the season ends. I get to see firsthand how crazy things get!
It's almost like the RPs that I did on another forum (that nowadays no longer allows RPs)- only much more refined and polished
Gooper Blooper: You hear that, guys? We're refined and polished!


M Sheep: post up in discussion for Sheeplot
Draco: "Ochre" <- I don't know how this is pronounced though. :V
Draco: jk
M Sheep: It's pronounced "plot device"
Draco: Ah! Of course.
M Sheep: Very true.


Jumpropeman: the best action scene in cinematic history
Jumpropeman: my particular favorite parts are the multiple "gecko on a laptop" scenes
ivel: Typing "I am a gecko"
Jumpropeman: it helps the audience better understand the scene!
ivel: Indeed
Kamen Rider Del: What the fuck is this
Kamen Rider Del: What
Kamen Rider Del: Is that the red baron
Kamen Rider Del: I don't
Kamen Rider Del: Oh my god


Gooper Blooper: man, I was all set to make a joke about congratulating JRM for the first and probably last ever use of the word "opisthenar" in RP
RubyChao: posted
Gooper Blooper: but he fuckin used it in Season 6 too
Draco: Well, piss.
Draco: Guess I'll have to return this autographed photo of Cory Baxter I was waiting to present him.
ivel: opiss
RubyChao: no, draco
RubyChao: it's tainted
RubyChao: the only solution is to burn it
Jumpropeman: I try not to use it too much
Jumpropeman: once every other season


Gooper Blooper: >Nyx tried to join the ZFPD but was kept from doing so
Gooper Blooper: darkest timeline
Jumpropeman: too lazy to pass the physical
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of One Punch Man
Cornwind Evil: Where Saitama utterly failed the mental part of the hero test
Cornwind Evil: And no one seemed to notice he utterly crushed the physical.
 Draco: Worst timeline. Officer Nyx is friendliest cop.


Jumpropeman: "She reloaded earlier, so now she pulls the trigger six times. More than enough to kill anything that moves."
Jumpropeman: *introduces new villain, Seven-Shots McGee*
M Sheep: >More than enough to kill anything that moves.
M Sheep: :I
M Sheep: You're pretty good.


Jumpropeman: new concept for a character
Jumpropeman: they'll be talking normally
Jumpropeman: and you'll be like "hey this guy's saying something pretty interesting"
Jumpropeman: and then
Jumpropeman: he transitions it into an ad for Squarespace
Jumpropeman: this happens every time he appears
M Sheep: You could play some literal adbot
Jumpropeman: maybe sometimes he gives out free codes for
M Sheep: Like, robot with human intelligence and sense of self
M Sheep: but with a linguistic programming filter to make it lead all topic of conversation to Dr. Pepper.
M Sheep: "We're fighting a mad scientist? Well, I'd be mad too without a fresh, cold, Dr. Pepper in hand!"
Jumpropeman: this is dangerous sheep
Jumpropeman: don't feed this beast
Jumpropeman: let it shrivel on the vine
Jumpropeman: you really want another Mario Andretti
M Sheep: "Oh no! I have been stamped under steel boot of mad scientist's robot! I can't reach my bottle of Dr. Pepper from here! Bu if you install our Dr. Pepper app, Dr. Pepper will never be out of your reach!"


Gooper Blooper: I'm keking at the thought of Sumireko going in for the final blow on Black Shadow and then her kill gets stolen by one of the Minisaurs
Gooper Blooper: Irritator, naturally
[gags in disgust]: Hahaha


ivel: I refreshed and forgot I had clicked to view the newest post instead of the page number
ivel: so I was greeted by a picture of Gefilte :U
Gooper Blooper: literally the same exact thing happened to me
Gooper Blooper: I've seen gefilte a lot since the tapatalk move
ivel: I was very confused about why Gefilte was helping to fight the big robot
Gooper Blooper: he's the strongest guy we have
Gooper Blooper: busting out the sea pig for the REAL threats
ivel: true


Jumpropeman: "fuck it, have a Knack" is my response to giant threats this year


RubyChao: are you ready for a really big rock to try and smash kuwahawi
The Wrow Wrow: I mean
The Wrow Wrow: Weyland will sue for infringement of doomsday methods
RubyChao: i'm imagining them tossing a tiny slip of paper on top of Talos
RubyChao: and that is their entire contribution to the battle
The Wrow Wrow: Lol


M Sheep: Alright...
M Sheep rubs hands
M Sheep: nuclear options
M Sheep: going to go
M Sheep: so
M Sheep: just absolutely nuclear
M Sheep: ....yes
RubyChao: the nuclear option:
RubyChao: Giving Tom A Gun
M Sheep: ........
ivel: I was going to say Tom too
ivel: now it's meant to be
M Sheep: I've got
M Sheep: a bubble man
M Sheep: a butterfly man
M Sheep: a cat man
M Sheep: a rude girl
RubyChao: two guys who are one guy
RubyChao: a statue of a dead whale lady
M Sheep: and a permadeath handshake
RubyChao: oh and a sports skeleton


Gooper Blooper: Mecha Tyranitar was fifty feet tall, Talos is two miles tall
Gooper Blooper: so yeah, most Pokemon would struggle here :V
Jumpropeman: psht
RubyChao: he Big
Jumpropeman: two is smaller than fifty
Jumpropeman: they're fine
MobileDraco: Send Roselia.
Gooper Blooper: *double-checks how many feet are in a mile*
Gooper Blooper: Talos is 10,560 feet tall
Jumpropeman: all we need to do is stack 126,720 Inch High Private Eyes on top of each other and we'll give Talos a run for his money


Bree: how's plot
Gooper Blooper: pretty epic
ivel: the Minisaurs are doing their best
Bree: good job minisaurs
Bree: we appreciate you doing your best
Gooper Blooper: their first plot event and they're attacking black shadow
Gooper Blooper: go big or go home
ivel: well yeah, they have to steal the kill from Sumi :U
Draco: Hey Chao, does this plot mean that Black Shadow's rivals are howling for revenge?
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: time to up the ante
Jumpropeman: *KOs a whole school of fish*
Gooper Blooper: HYSKIL NO


a big fat derp: i just woke up
a big fat derp: from a dream
a big fat derp: where bree and del made a harem but made sure everyone was okay was it first
Draco: ...?
Draco: Well. Um. That was nice of them.
Kamen Rider Del: Uhm
Kamen Rider Del: Hm
[gags in disgust]: Huh
Kamen Rider Del: I don't know if I want more context for that or not
a big fat derp: i have no idea what the hell i just woke up
a big fat derp: there is no other context
a big fat derp: just that
Kamen Rider Del: Fair
Kamen Rider Del: Welp
Kamen Rider Del: Imma give that dream a confused Pomeranian out of ten
[gags in disgust]: Honestly considering how much of a juggling act the Lesbros were
a big fat derp: i'm just as confused as you are
[gags in disgust]: i dunno if a harem in RP would even be tenable, never mind the rules
Kamen Rider Del: Bree probably would have some funny jokes about Meiling right about now
Kamen Rider Del: I'm not clever enough to make them
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Kamen Rider Del: Oh god hi boops
[gags in disgust]: Hi goops
Kamen Rider Del: Welcome to the awkward power hour


M Sheep: Now that I've come back into possession of my PS3, I might look into any Fatal Frame games for the system. The games have interested me for some time in their style and story, but I've been concerned my clunky hands would possibly make them tedious to play.
M Sheep explains conversationally to the void
Jumpropeman: Fatal Frames 1 through 3 are on the digital store
Jumpropeman: not sure about from then on
M Sheep: Hmmm
M Sheep: Food for thought
M Sheep attempts to haunt JRM into reviewing the other Fatal Frame games
Jumpropeman: *puts garlic and Black Clover DVDs on my bedpost*
M Sheep draws back, hisses, and swirls into a cloud of mist
M Sheep: "Happy Stealing with Kirisame Marisa is not a complete and total failure."
M Sheep turns to stone


ivel: Ibuki is great
Bree: she signed the penguin things, the little camera guy, and a perfectly normal crab and its perfectly normal tiefling
Bree: at this point she's just planning to shell out for the collectors edition multipack of bizarre musicians
Draco: There's nothing normal about Zeldoten, even by RP standards. She ate at Meh Burger willingly. Who DOES that?
Bree: maybe nibbles has a side tiefling
Bree: on the down-low
Draco: He's cheating on Zeldoten?! What a twist! :O
Bree: gotta have material for that inevitable reality show
Draco: Zeldo's getting kind of lame anyway. She hasn't stolen anything since Thursday.
ivel: welp
Draco: His new Tiefling partner is a COP who is tall and pretty and scary.
ivel: who gets custody of the weasel bandits?
Draco: They go back to the Lightning Bolt Society.


Jumpropeman: this should have been my 2018 plot instead
Jumpropeman: we could go to Lavaland-*abrupt scene cut*
Jumpropeman: and visit THE THREE FAT HOGS
Gooper Blooper: "one of the greatest adventures ever."
Gooper Blooper: I gotta see this trailer once I'm done posting :V
ivel: I'm so confused
Jumpropeman: I wonder if they can even separate the donkey model from the plane model
Jumpropeman: its lower body probably doesn't exist
ivel: you'll have to watch it and find out, jrm
Jumpropeman: it's 1 hour and ten minutes long
Jumpropeman: I can only imagine the level of padding
Jumpropeman: how many fat hogs will they truly encounter along the way
Harpy: hfkjljdfklj
Harpy: wao
Jumpropeman: oh my gosh
Jumpropeman: 3 minutes in and they've repeated the same exposition three times
Jumpropeman: after which
Jumpropeman: they repeat it again
ivel: the sign of a good movie
Jumpropeman: *disengages before they can recap the story any more times*
Jumpropeman: when VICTOR THE VULTURE?! makes his appearance, he asks them "what did that owl ask you to do" and I was worried we were going to get round 5
Jumpropeman: luckily, he gives them no time to respond and hisses like a snake


ivel: so there's a manga called Goblin Slayer and ep 1 is up on Crunchyroll
ivel: it was rated PG
Jumpropeman: oh yeeeeeah
ivel: should not be rated PG.
ivel: it's all kinds of fucked up so people complained and Crunchyroll added a content warning and I think changed the rating
ivel: on a related note I'm glad I never checked out the manga
Jumpropeman: PG obviously stood for Plenty o' Goblins
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: top comment was "rated pg for pretty gruesome"


Cornwind Evil: "Regigigas was here, minus his bros as they were killed by Talos" So casual.
Gooper Blooper: It's happened before
RubyChao: hey, it's happened before!
Harpy: ^how you can tell these two are besties
Gooper Blooper: He just makes them new bodies and imbues them with life and we're back in business
RubyChao: heheheheh
Gooper Blooper: CWplots have killed the bros before, even
Harpy: time for brandon to help revive a legendary
Harpy: no
Jumpropeman: I hope this time around
Jumpropeman: Regirock will make the right noises
RubyChao: so jrm
Jumpropeman: he's been booping, when he should be boiping going REGIROCK, GONKGONKGONKGONK
RubyChao: you mean goops needs to follow the theory
RubyChao: and have regirock go *bomb shelter being demolished noises*
Jumpropeman: Regirock literally pushed itself to one of my favorite pokemon with that movie's cry for him
Jumpropeman: meanwhile I hate Regice in that movie
Jumpropeman: so give and take
Jumpropeman: Regi-ice
Gooper Blooper: He is making that noise, but I've written it as BOOPBOOPBOOP because that's how it was written amongst my then-current circle of friends when Regicries was first posted to youtube
Jumpropeman: good
Gooper Blooper: so I got used to writing it that way instead of GONKGONKGONK
Gooper Blooper: Believe me, I hear it in my head every time




RubyChao: this took far more effort than it deserved
Jumpropeman: well chao
Harpy: chao
Jumpropeman: now i'm laughing at babar
Harpy: we can't be friends anymore
ivel: Chao yes
ivel: that's amazing


M Sheep: I really should play at least a Luigi's Mansion game before the heat death of the universe.
Jumpropeman: ambitious goal


RubyChao: i beat donkey kong 64
RubyChao: 101%
Draco: Mama mia!
Jumpropeman: that was very sudden
Jumpropeman: secretly donking kong now are we
RubyChao: i've been secretly donking kong every time i was in north carolina for the past 5 years
Draco: This is your brain. This is your brain when donking kong.


M Sheep: vote post is...completed
M Sheep shrivels into husk
Jumpropeman: "Fite: #4 #PUDDLENAUT
Because Kisha is PuddleNOTGONNAWIN"

Jumpropeman: you'll be hearing from CKR's lawyers
M Sheep: They'll have to make it through to the end of my set first
M Sheep taps mic


M Sheep: Arceus is a big dog in the sky
M Sheep: that Pokemon talk to to feel better :I
Harpy: now all i can see is Arceus borking
Harpy: its some abstract horse thing and all he does is bork
Biscuit Dispenser: Hahaha


RubyChao: link
M Sheep: "There were no any thing to eat, Donkey Kong felt very hungry, and the famine made him thinner and thinner, finally he became a monkey."
M Sheep: Wow, going dark
Gooper Blooper: "A title screen hack exists for this game, where the title is shown as Super Marrio Sunshine. The rest of the game is unchanged, however."


Jumpropeman: i got a package in the mail today
Jumpropeman: it was a mug with "Bigfoot for President" on it
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: there's a related bonus to that mug
Gooper Blooper: I believe that came up in chatzy recently
Jumpropeman: I feel I know exactly who to blame since it was labelled for Cory Baxter again :V
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: gonna hold onto that image
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash is of course quite pleased with my new mug V:
Jumpropeman: thanks for the mug
MobileDraco: Merry Christmas
MobileDraco: In October.
Gooper Blooper: I got a Christmas gift today too
Gooper Blooper: Draco sent me a bag of large plastic bugs
Gooper Blooper: It's The Swarm, if The Swarm insisted on not repeating any species and also only insects allowed
MobileDraco: One of those days, Jrm will tell me his real name and I'll still address things to Cory Baxter.
MobileDraco: You're welcome.
Jumpropeman: you got the initials right
Jumpropeman: Cory "jumpropeman" Baxter is oddly enough the same initial arrangement as my actual name
MobileDraco: CJRMB?
Jumpropeman: you got me, my middle name is JohnRonMike
MobileDraco: I knew it. 😄
MobileDraco: I know your first name because Ven mentioned it once.
Jumpropeman: ah, but do you know my baloney's first name?
MobileDraco: Stephen?
Jumpropeman: aw sugar, the boys on washington will have my hide for that information leaking :S
MobileDraco: lol


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: how does ridley swallow anything
RubyChao: like a pelican
Jumpropeman: that's got to be a sight
Jumpropeman: not only did he eat samus's parents
Jumpropeman: he spent a couple minutes flopping them around in his mouth so they fit down his tiny bent neck
Draco: *GHRK CHOKE SPUTTER* It's a livin'.


Gooper Blooper: *hears unholy screeching outside room because Goopsmom is playing with my skeleton pterodactyl*
Gooper Blooper: the goophaus
Harpy: my god


Jumpropeman: someone named dr_hanz_ liked a post of mine on instagram
Draco: Mysterious! ;p
Gooper Blooper: herr doktor appears when you least expect him
Jumpropeman: they appear to be a woman
Gooper Blooper: that would be a legendary plot twist
RubyChao: the dramatic reveal
RubyChao: it was Frau Doktor Hanz all along


Meandering Sheep: PISTOLS AT DAWN
Draco: Yes, Junko is unfortunately a Kobber.
Meandering Sheep needs to set up a Junko card "misprint" that labels her as a villain and is in villain packs


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *oinks aggressively*
Meerkat Sheep shuts barn door
ivel: hi piggy jrm
Jumpropeman: *oinks in distress*
Meerkat Sheep gets the smokehouse ready
Jumpropeman: *oinks to honor my ancestors before gracefully accepting the same fate they faced*
Meerkat Sheep oinks in a triumphant monologue as he takes off his rubber mask and twirls his mustache at how thoroughly you have been bamboozled
Jumpropeman: four legs good, two legs better, zero legs... perfection
ivel turns Sheep into bacon
Meerkat Sheep: What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Meerkat Sheep: Anyway, hi


Harpy: then there's THIS ASSHOLE
Harpy: say goodbye to your SETUP
Gooper Blooper: just pick a pogey
Gooper Blooper: and kill it
Gooper Blooper: send it to another realm
Harpy: send it to the shadow realm
Gooper Blooper: erase it from existence
Harpy: starsignfenrir Today at 10:26 PM


memebird: My Crayfish started furiously digging a hole in the gravel, and continues this for a few minutes, then, he stops
and he sits in the hole, and snuggles down
I swear crustaceans are just invertebrate doggos


Brave Robotic Penguin: Here's the secret
Brave Robotic Penguin: I never know what I am doing
Brave Robotic Penguin: I am ad-libbing ALL the time in RP
Meerkat Sheep: Well now that you've given it away
Meerkat Sheep cocks shotgun


Bree: it's shocking to me that somehow kawashiro hasn't been robbed
Bree: like other stuff has happened but they haven't been robbed
RubyChao: top quality security systems
RubyChao: and kasumi
The Hired Samurai: can't hurt precious kappa
Bree: kasumi is like the tiny dog behind the fence with the "BEWARE OF DOG" sign where it's just so goddamn small you're like "really? I should be afraid of this?" but then it turns out to be absolutely the most vicious beast to ever live
Bree: like it will rip your ankles off
ivel: that sounds like Tomi too :U
Bree: tru
Bree: beware of kappa


Harpy: my weeb days are embarrassing please never ask me about it
Draco: Okay.
ivel: hey hun-
Jumpropeman: im gonna ask harp about her weeb days
Jumpropeman: by which I mean
Jumpropeman: how was your day today harp
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: boips are burps with a new york accent
ivel: Ey, I'm boipin 'ere!
Gooper Blooper: Tomiko burping technique confirmed


Cornwind Evil: Didn't Zeldoten briefly wear Hime's gear?
Draco: No. It was a fake.
Draco: It just LOOKED like the real thing. Good enough to fool Dawn at least. :V
Jumpropeman: I've got a very dumb joke
Jumpropeman: that I almost posted :V
Jumpropeman: not sure it's in character anymore
Jumpropeman: Cirno pretending to be... Kamen Rider Nine!
Jumpropeman: that "no more undeserving riders" line was what made me consider it
Draco: You say that like Cirno doesn't deserve it.
RubyChao: clearly we lure him out by giving Kaede a Kamen Rider belt again
RubyChao: he would just
RubyChao: beeline
Cornwind Evil: My only question is why
Jumpropeman: if we gave Kaede a belt again, I'm sure Miasma would just die from intense frustration
Jumpropeman: when everyone's a rider
Jumpropeman: no one is a rider
Jumpropeman: I mean, hardly any of them even get on bikes


Harpy: anyway rebirth of mothra has an important message
Harpy: it's that moth jesus loves you very much
MobileDraco: Praise Moth Jesus
MobileDraco: Died four or five times for our sins.
Harpy: she protecc
Harpy: she protecc
Harpy: but most importantly
Harpy: she *SHRIEKING*


Harpy: >wait for your nugs, Kuroma
Harpy: i'm fucking dying
Doc Ockʼs Rock N Roll Truck: oh my
Harpy: has the same chaotic energy as "EAT YOUR BURGERS, APOLLO"
Harpy: its chicken nuggets del
Harpy: mcnugs


RubyChao: link
ivel: amazing
Harpy: that's some sass holy shit


Gooper Blooper: oh no, dr kudzu's class
Gooper Blooper: i was so busy fighting a chicken i forgot all about it
MobileDraco: XD
Gooper Blooper: he's gonna kill me
Harpy: what class
Harpy: he lost classy points when he decided to pretend to be a bootleg burger king- wait.
ivel: he has no style, he has no class, this mad doctor is such an ass
Gooper Blooper: we need burger king plot next year
Harpy: fast food plot's not til 2020
Gooper Blooper: first event: pocketbike racer; second event: big bumpin; third event: sneak king
Gooper Blooper: I'll bring back kid vid
Harpy: please
ivel: only if Sephine is in Big Bumpin ;P
RIP-sputin emerges from review mode
Gooper Blooper: I'd do it
Gooper Blooper: I must express alarm and disappointment as at this moment I have recalled something rather crucial; the academic seminar at my place of higher education hosted by Curtis Connors, M.D. required my presence at a time marginally prior to the present. As I was unfortunately preoccupied by activities and notions unrelated to the aforementioned experience, I failed to recollect the significance of the appointed event until this very instant; although I fear that by this point my sudden clarity is rendered moot. I am most likely exaggerating the following for the sake of hyperbole but I believe that I shall perish at the hands of the physician previously mentioned as a direct consequence of my inadequate timekeeping.
MobileDraco: So in English, you're gonna be late to Dr. Connors' class?
Harpy: uh
RubyChao: ahahahahahahaaaaaa
RubyChao: i love that i read it in the computer-generated "posh" voice too


Jumpropeman: this kishanaut thing is gaining some traction
Draco: It's because she's wearing boots with a grip instead of slippery sandals.
Harpy: is it really
Gooper Blooper: forget #friendship
ivel has Puddlenaut hold Kisha's hand. With his shark arm.
Gooper Blooper: what if a fite ended in #TwuWuv
Jumpropeman: #relationship
Cornwind Evil: Meanwhile Ryuko is over here tearing her hair out
Harpy: Kisha smiles but she's screaming on the inside waiting for the sweet release of death
Harpy: all she wants
Harpy: is to fight something
ivel: but love is the biggest challenge of all
Cornwind Evil: Have her go slap Joy with a glove
Cornwind Evil: That'll do it
ivel: they're in different fites :I
Harpy: i dunno, hun, its pretty easy to love you
ivel: you're not Kisha :U
Harpy: HERE I AM
ivel: just imagine me as a mute with a shark arm
ivel: >:I
Draco: Is Harpy Puddlenaut?
Harpy: ...mind jumps to lewdjokes immediately
ivel: she does keyboard smash a lot, which could be her trying to type with the shark arm
Cornwind Evil: Yeah but if she wants to blow off some steam until then the best way is to do this
Harpy: no i'm typing with my fat fingers while trying to eat a cheesecake with my other hand
ivel: let Kishanaut exist in peace cw
Harpy: (not really)


Jumpropeman: *starts another game for The Haunted Hoard* "a terrible force known as DRACULA" I just can't escape you can I
Draco: Play Bubble Ghost for Game Boy. There are probably no Draculas in it.
Jumpropeman: but is bubble ghost spooky enough? I mean, he's no porky pig after all
Draco: True.


RubyChao: why would you do this
RubyChao: this goes beyond just tempting fate
RubyChao: this is inviting fate into the bedroom, lying on the bed with a rose in your teeth, and pouring fate a glass of wine at a candlelit table
Jumpropeman: maybe they got some friends they want to get rid of
Jumpropeman: at least we can finally get a sequel that isn't animated trash
Draco: JRM's tempting fate.


Fishcorn Bushes: Baltan finally got his anime


Jumpropeman: I saw a game that touts itself as "difficult, very difficult" in its description, click on it... and its top part of its update section is "difficulty reduced"
Jumpropeman: is it truly "difficult, very difficult" now


Muddled Sheep: "You don’t fight Dracula"
Muddled Sheep: This isn't the Haunted Hoard I've come to know.
Jumpropeman: I've failed you sheep


Muddled Sheep: >a three course meal of fried food
Muddled Sheep: Well that's just the correct method of handling a three course meal of fried food
Muddled Sheep: One does not EAT a three course meal of fried food
Muddled Sheep: One FIGHTS their way through a three course meal of fried food


(Re: GameFAQs character battle)

Gooper Blooper: It took a while but we have ourselves a close match finally
Gooper Blooper: Garrus/Ramza has been back and forth for half an hour
Jumpropeman: go go garrus
Gooper Blooper: but
Gooper Blooper: but alex
Jumpropeman: go go garrus


Cornwind Evil: Does ZFRP Biolante follow the canon Biolante's origin?
RubyChao: nope
RubyChao: she was created by Nostro as a defense against invaders at the bar in Season 1, after his heel-face turn
Gooper Blooper: Correct, the events of Godzilla vs Biollante did not happen in ZFRPverse
Muddled Sheep: Okay, but the real question is
Muddled Sheep: Is Santa Claus vs The Martians ZFRP canon
Gooper Blooper: shhhh, I'm saving that for a future christmas special


Harpy: hey hasbro
Harpy: godzilla clue
Harpy: get on it, bitches


Gooper Blooper: "Woobat may be a combination of woo and bat."
Gooper Blooper: thanks bulbapedia
Jumpropeman: impossible
Harpy: i love how
Harpy: that "may" is there
Harpy: like, wow
Harpy: maybe?!?
ivel: I mean they can't be sure!
ivel: it could be Wooper and Batman
Harpy: my god ivel
Harpy: terrible
Bree: it's actually a combination of woob and at
Draco: Excuse you, it's CLEARLY a combination of Woolen and B.
Jumpropeman: it's a very clever acronym actually
Jumpropeman: Woobat


Gooper Blooper: Stupid tiny battlebot
Gooper Blooper: This is GhostWriter, the weapon is a marker it swings onto robots and uses to scribble on them
Jumpropeman: devious
Gooper Blooper: going jigglypuff on your ass


Jumpropeman: >game download website stationed in Nigeria
Jumpropeman: HMMMMMMMMMM
Gooper Blooper: seems legit
Draco: This Nigerian Prince just has all these games he wants to sell on the open market but needs you to playtest them!
Jumpropeman: seems they mostly deal in cracked mobile games to bypass microtransactions


Brinehammer: Hello all.
RubyChao: what's up
Brinehammer: Eh, chilling. Taught my boy to play Magic, digging through cards now.
RubyChao: for some reason
RubyChao: i thought you meant you taught your dog how to play magic
Harpy: you taught your dog how to play Magic?
Harpy: hjiodfhklj
Jumpropeman: if he's gonna eat the cards
Muddled Sheep: That was also my immediate thought
Jumpropeman: might as well know which ones are good
Muddled Sheep: <_<;
Brinehammer: Well, he knows how to throw a ball and catch it himself, shouldn't be too hard.
Harpy: he wins by stealing the cards and eating them
RubyChao: magic takes about the same level of skill!
Brinehammer: He already ate 20$ of cardboard, might as well get a deck served on a plate >_>
Harpy: that's how he got banned from the tourney
Muddled Sheep: I play Dog of Greed
Harpy: what does Dog of Greed do?!?!?
Muddled Sheep: Dog of Greed eats two cards and ends my turn.
Brinehammer: Dog of Greed eats a whole box of popcorn and then barks at you like you fucked HIM up and not vice-versa
Harpy: there's weed in them thar popcorn


Harpy: "you guys only ever talk about video games and food. can't you boys think of anything else?"
Harpy: fuck
Harpy: i got called out
pizza time: Rip

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