Monday, February 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 240: Bubsy's Back Edition

Draco: Why does this remind me of this chat?


(Regarding the final boss of Pokemon TCG 2)

GarnetChao: "Okay, you've gotta hear his motive rant.
'Pokemon cards are to be used solely to fight and win! It is under this philosophy that I have founded Team GR! What's the point in collecting cards if they are not useful in battle? They must be used, I say! I have rescued the cards from those pathetic hoarders on your island. I have invented new ways to battle, putting those wasted cards to use! This is the ultimate form of devotion towards Pokemon cards! They are not meant to be stashed away like our foes do to them! Only one with the utmost respect for cards can be the master of them. I will never be defeated by a simpleton who merely collects them! But the time has come! Have a seat, and I shall destroy you in a fiery duel!'
...So it's... the whole game was the old TCG argument of Players Vs Collectors the whole time?!"

Artsifter: So wait, how does this change Goops' explanation of the game-events, Chao? .__. Is the warring country Players, then?
GarnetChao: it still fits
GarnetChao: the warring countries of players and collectors :V

(And, below is the speech the villain gives after you win, which never got posted to Chatzy.)

"What in the... I've lost... How could I have been defeated in a card battle against you... twice? Yet I had insurmountable fun in those duels... How could this be? My heart... it's still beating so fast! I've never had such fun playing the Pokemon card game before! This is the first time I've ever lost playing the Pokemon card game. Do you remember what I said before? 'Cards are only meant to be used.' I thought cards were only useful when they brought power to a deck. Now I see differently... they're all to have fun. Even when collecting! Now matter how you use your Pokemon cards, you must enjoy yourself! You made me realize this during our card battles! Gloria... thank you very much! I give my word that we shall stop stealing cards from innocent people. Pokemon cards ought to be in the hands of people who love them. If I've learned anything from my cards, it's the value of friends. Here, take the insignia of my friendship now!"


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: i heard
Jumpropeman: my calling


Jumpropeman: not sure if I trust this ebay seller I just bought from
Jumpropeman: he has an AOL email
Jumpropeman: so clearly he barely knows how to internet
Jumpropeman: "FOR SALE: 24 Small Children that come with their original warrenty papers, clothing etc.. 8 of them have over-sized heads, and were supposed to be called back, but never were. All are ages 2-5, and have had as many years experience in the Japanese language. All of the children above age 3 have already had training in factories owned by Disney, making Donald Duck velcro wallets. I am asking $14 dollars a head for this bunch, or take them all for $6,000! Also available - GRAB BAG! Recieve in your grab bag: 3 random children and a fun, free mystery prize. Shipping costs vary depending on order size and how large my friend Jerry and I have to make the wooden box. Boxes range from $35 to $65 dollars, food, water and airholes cost extra. "
Jumpropeman: "THIS JUST ADDED: the child in the first row, 3rd in from the right has a head the size of a fairly shapped mellon. He is worth $10 mill. by himself, so buy NOW! (we will send him in a special bubble-wrap protected wooden crate.)"

GarnetChao: sounds like a man i can trust
Jumpropeman: look I needed children okay
Jumpropeman: Brawl art is time-consuming
Jumpropeman: old Melon-head's gonna draw the final KO for sure


Jumpropeman: Link
GarnetChao: can confirm
Gooper Blooper: top ten brutal anime deaths


GarnetChao: one of my favorite ride to hell minor things
GarnetChao: whenever jake dies, the game spawns a pool of blood, presumably for his corpse to lie in
GarnetChao: there is no relation between the spawn point and where jake ragdolls to
Gooper Blooper: that sounds hyper-realistic


Jumpropeman: I had a dream that I won the super bowl, and even though it was a high school football game where we had a robot and a gila monster as a player on our team, I didn't figure out it was fake until a while after I woke up
Artsifter: I had a very stupid dream where I was in an alternate reality and you all called me former instead of ven and I hated it but it was boring more than frustrating and we were stuck on the same RP segment for seven months straight without making progress.
Jumpropeman: so... Henders Island? :V
Artsifter: Can we switch?




GarnetChao: oh yeah, harpy and ivel
GarnetChao: did you see the Jojo ripoff
eggvel: no
Yee Haw: I did. The heck is it called?
GarnetChao: original the premise, do not steal
GarnetChao: Diesel, apparently... which makes it difficult ot search for due to another comic with the same name
GarnetChao:  more highlights: the main stand battle in the comic's one issue?
GarnetChao: Pretty much directly taken from one of the part 3 battles
GarnetChao: like, if it was just "people using punchghosts", that's okay, it's not like araki's the only person who could ever come up with the idea
GarnetChao: but when you're calling them stands and outright copying the n'doul fight...
Yee Haw: Yeeeeah
eggvel: wow
eggvel: I don't know the N'Doul fight but calling them Stands is just bad :U
GarnetChao: all you need to know is what i said
GarnetChao: the fight against the villain of the issue is a direct copy of a jojo fight
WoomyModo: ouch
GarnetChao: down to his exact power, some of his attacks and the ones used against him, and his defesast
GarnetChao: "Antarctic Press strikes again with yet another anime–type, creator–owned title."
GarnetChao: >​anime-type
GarnetChao: well i can't deny that :V
GarnetChao: "Thus ended the pioneering era of web browsers, with the dominant software company dominating the market. Microsoft might have been a late entry, but to this day it has remained dominant in the browser market, challenged only recently by the excellent Mozilla browser."
GarnetChao: is it just me
GarnetChao: or does this seem a little out of date :V
WoomyModo: yep :U
GarnetChao: "The first publicly released version of the site included many large pages; the home page, for example, was several hundred kilobytes which meant that many users had to wait minutes for the site to load, as broadband technologies were not widely available at the time."
GarnetChao: remember when a megabyte was Fucking Huge
WoomyModo: yes
WoomyModo: what a time that was


Snow Day is Sheep Day: "Where are they, then?" growled the monster at last, adressing the crowd at large. "Where are the mighty Kobbers, who effortlessly destroy every evil that goes up against them?"
Snow Day is Sheep Day: And now I'm thinking about some great, terrible, power that hears about the Kobbers and seeks them out for glorious combat
Snow Day is Sheep Day: only to just miss them every year
iKomodo: Hahaha
Snow Day is Sheep Day: "COWER BRIEF MORTALS, GENOSYTHE THE EYE COLLECTOR IS UPON YOU AND THE HARVEST SHALL BE-you said what, mate? Not here? Buggered off to some dirtball with princesses and dragons?"
Snow Day is Sheep Day: Next year: "FOOOLISH FOOOOOOLS! YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD RUN FROM-oh come on now."


GarnetChao: oh of COURSE i go back to look for some old stuff and just because it was hosted on imageshack ALL OF THE IMAGES were delete
GarnetChao: fuck that frog
GarnetChao: praline did us all a service by kicking it in the face
iKomodo: Owtch
GarnetChao: "Images stored in free accounts will still be available until January 31, 2016. Free accounts not converted to paid accounts will be deleted after that date"
GarnetChao: oh ​wow
GarnetChao: no wonder
GarnetChao: "hey if you didn't start paying, FUCK YOUR OLD IMAGES"


iKomodo: Marie is my go-to for biting, MLG-air horn-inducing put-downs


Rakghoul: What a wonderful phrase.
iKomodo: It means cheap divekicks
iKomodo: and spamming fireballs for days


HOLY SHIT joined the chat

HOLY SHIT IM SO WET RIGHT NOW: Fuck this weather


Draco: Spy-senpai....what's with your username? D:
GarnetChao: rain


GarnetChao: alliance of evil plot 2016
GarnetChao: sneak into stores
GarnetChao: take their chocolate
GarnetChao: replace with an equal amount of chocolate flavored
Gooper Blooper: ALLIANCE NO
Harpy: chao i promise you
Harpy: if they did that anywhere near burlington
Harpy: ellie would hunt them down mercilessly
Gooper Blooper: Is Ellie unable to manipulate chocolate flavored because it's not real enough candy
Snow Day is Sheep Day: No, see, what's really evil is if they snuck in and put "chocolate flavoured" tags on the actual chocolate
Harpy: yes, and chocolate flavored stuff tastes like straight garbage
Harpy: least to her
GarnetChao: no, what's the EVILEST
Gooper Blooper: kek
GarnetChao: is leaving the original chocolate
Harpy: do not touch her chocolate
GarnetChao: but mislabeling the chocolate flavored as chocolate
Harpy: she can conjure her own candy and chocolate but it's too much effort if she's not in battle
Snow Day is Sheep Day: No what's THE MOST EVILEST
Snow Day is Sheep Day: is they do all of the above


Gooper Blooper: Coming this season: I will add exact start and end times to all entries in the Barchives, accurate to the minute! (I am not doing this)
GarnetChao: kek
Rakghoul: That will be excellent! ​Except it won't be.


eggvel: temporarily free game on itunes
Gooper Blooper: >​mobile game with microtransactions
Gooper Blooper: goody
Rakghoul: Beware the wrath of goops, microtransaction men. One day you too may be without noses. d8
Gooper Blooper: noses are overrated
Rakghoul: Ratings are overrated. :l But are cheese shredders overgrated?
Rakghoul ducks thrown objects
Rakghoul buys tickets back to Arctic Circle and flees


Snow Day is Sheep Day: Blargh, why do i do this to myself? I have both the desktop and laptop in front of me and more tabs open between them than I'm comfortable admitting
GarnetChao: i once triple-wielded laptops
GarnetChao: it was a strange time


GarnetChao: so one idea i had for Payne in 2012 was that if i entered him in BBB2, and he died
GarnetChao: he would come back... REBUILT! into Neo Payne
GarnetChao: the result: Payne with Godot's visor


GarnetChao kicks the chatzy
WoomyModo: chao pls
GarnetChao: guys
GarnetChao: my mind has generated the most horrible of ideas
GarnetChao: picture, if you will
GarnetChao: One Winged ​Bubsy
WoomyModo: ​bubsy no D:


eggvel: link
iKomodo: ...great ass mountain?
iKomodo: They mean Mt. Celestia, right? :U
eggvel: lel


iKomodo: Also if your mom ever asks what kids are meant to learn from power rangers
iKomodo: This is what, apparently
iKomodo: >​healthy eating
iKomodo: Um, the Power Rangers inhale nothing but burgers and milkshakes
iKomodo: i... wouldn't call them dietary bastions


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup
Draco: !!!!!
Harpy rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 19
Harpy: near critical soup
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
eggvel asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal

eggvel: it's been fixed
Draco: Whew
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Draco: Koakuma fixed Chatzy. She thought she was ordering pay-per-view wrasslin.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Draco: Sadly, Kaokuma accidentally got WCW instead of VEW.


Cornwind Evil: "Sadly, Kaokuma accidentally got WCW instead of VEW."
Cornwind Evil: I roll to see what WCW PPV she got
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil: .....Yikes
Gooper Blooper: forget WCW, she got Heroes Of Wrestling
Gooper Blooper: enjoy
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, that
Cornwind Evil: That one
Cornwind Evil: Poor bastard
eggvel: reading about Heroes of Wrestling and just
eggvel: ow


(Regarding a blogpost by Harpy)

Harpy: how was me poot
Jumpropeman: smelled pretty stinky
Jumpropeman: light a match or something

(And, at the same time, regarding a blogpost by me)

Biohazard: Goops' post was small, but like a dirk, it was rather sharp and to the point for stabbing soft spots. I'll be eager to see how this resolves.
Gooper Blooper: "like a dirk, it was rather sharp and to the point for stabbing soft spots."
Gooper Blooper: uhuhuhuhuhu
GarnetChao: goopls :I


Yaaay. You would not believe how hard it is to find clothed warrior giants sometimes. ;u ​Or maybe you would.​ I like their weaponry.
Jumpropeman: for all your reasonably dressed armored women needs
GarnetChao: that reddit may be useful
GarnetChao laughs evilly
Harpy: chao plz
Jumpropeman: I saw it in RedditAds which means
Jumpropeman: leaving adblock off on reddit
Jumpropeman: actually helped me


Jumpropeman: i told chao
Jumpropeman: if we ever make it to season 9
Jumpropeman: I will RP Cirno
GarnetChao: but not earlier
GarnetChao: for obvious reasons
Jumpropeman: *Cirno debuts and is killed in the same post*
Jumpropeman: done and done
Gooper Blooper: 2019 here we come


Jumpropeman: Touhou immigration is out of control! They're stealing roleplay slots from ZFRP citizens! We should build a wall on the Genoskyo border!
Jumpropeman changed name to Trumphou
Harpy: oh dear god
Harpy: ... *hides 2017 touhou*
Trumphou: What do you mean I'm not a touhou? I got the required piece of headgear
Draco: A wig doesn't count as Touhou-requisite headgear.
Trumphou: my danmaku is just billfolds


Draco: Koakuma invites all her friends to watch Pay-Per-View wrestling!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Some of them show up despite the short notice!
Cornwind Evil: What show does she get this time
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Trumphou: Koakuma lives her life like the Ice Cold Water Man
Gooper Blooper: oh boy, mediocrity
Cornwind Evil: She gets Summerslam 1991!


(JRM's copy of Bubsy 3D was damaged, but he was able to get the disc repaired and plunged right back in)

GarnetChao: [11:12:50 AM] jumpropeman: chao
[11:12:52 AM] jumpropeman: ive done it
[11:12:55 AM] jumpropeman: ive reached
[11:12:58 AM] jumpropeman: level 3 of bubsy
[11:13:34 AM] jumpropeman: >​its a swimming level, and bubsy has an oxygen meter
[11:13:43 AM] jumpropeman: chao, i think I reached the final level of bubsy
[11:14:03 AM] jumpropeman: im pretty sure those other levels on the level select are a smokescreen. There's no way anyone gets past this one

GarnetChao: let us all applaud jrm
GarnetChao: and also mourn him
WorkDel: rip jrm
WorkDel: died from shit game


GarnetChao: [3:31:35 PM] jumpropeman: beat what i think is the last water level in Bubsy 3d
[3:31:38 PM] jumpropeman: and thank google
[3:31:42 PM] jumpropeman: that last one was torture
[3:31:59 PM] jumpropeman: hardly any air tanks, tons of Dogfish and starfish attacking me from offscreen
[3:32:16 PM] jumpropeman: to attack underwater you use your oxygen to do a charge
[3:32:25 PM] jumpropeman: it is not an accurate charge

iKomodo: Ahahahaha
iKomodo: how did they design this game, throwing calculators at a centrifuge?
GarnetChao: [4:02:11 PM] jumpropeman: there's an enemy in this game that makes banjo kazooie noises. It moves around with the sound of Bottles coming out of his molehill and attacks with the sound of the shark biting you in treasure trove cove. Like, they are the exact sounds, no fooling
iKomodo: D:


GarnetChao: [6:13:21 PM] jumpropeman: oh my god
[6:13:27 PM] jumpropeman: I paused right after killing an enemy
[6:13:40 PM] jumpropeman: he is now going through all his possible "killed enemy lines"
[6:13:45 PM] The Red Superchao: what insanity did bubsy - oh good god
[6:13:48 PM] jumpropeman: and then a weird song
[6:13:51 PM] The Red Superchao: just like with the life, right?
[6:13:59 PM] jumpropeman: oh my god this is
[6:14:00 PM] The Red Superchao: YEAH! ALRIGHT! THAT'S THE STUFF!
[6:14:05 PM] jumpropeman: its playing the entire sound test



GarnetChao: [8:09:48 PM] jumpropeman: i have beat the final boss
GarnetChao: JRM did it
GarnetChao: he survived Bubsy 3D
Cornwind Evil: If anyone could do it he could
GarnetChao: [8:13:16 PM] The Red Superchao: i ask
[8:13:23 PM] The Red Superchao: was Bubsy 3D everything you ever wanted
[8:14:16 PM] jumpropeman: it was... something else. I can't believe a platforming game with such bad controls and directionless levels can even be beaten


Bubsy3Defeated joined the chat
Harpy: HI JRM
Harpy: GRATS
Bubsy3Defeated: the bubs
Bubsy3Defeated: is dead
Bubsy3Defeated: long live the Woolies
Cornwind Evil: Now go back and get all the rockets
Bubsy3Defeated: I got all the rockets
Bubsy3Defeated: and got the "good" ending where Bubsy loses
Gooper Blooper: I think it's very fitting that no matter what, Bubsy loses at the end of Bubsy 3D
GarnetChao: it's a metaphor for the game
GarnetChao: as soon as you start playing it, you have lost
Bubsy3Defeated: the TV I just finished playing Bubsy 3D on is emitting a shrill whine even while its off. I think Bubsy made it cry
GarnetChao: why did you subject it to that :<
Bubsy3Defeated: another Bubsy 3D fact: almost no level names have anything to do with the level, and some are puns on things that don't even seem to exist
Bubsy3Defeated: if anyone can explain "Bright Lights Big Woolies" be my guest
GarnetChao: [8:43:35 PM] jumpropeman: every now and again people criticize Mario games for being obstacle courses rather than a fleshed out world you platform in. Bubsy 3D, however, never has any pretense of being a real world. UNDERWATER levels have meaningless platforms as if they were land stages, and the only land stages with any sort of design besides "colored polygons" is "colored polygons and some have generic cityscape stuff painted on them"
GarnetChao: i have a theory about why the meaningless platforms are there
GarnetChao: rather than do the sensible thing and design levels around them being underwater (like Mario always did)
GarnetChao: ...they just made the level and then decided "LET'S PUT IT UNDERWATER"


GarnetChao: so
GarnetChao: this is two months old, but since i finally found and scanned it
GarnetChao: would anyone be interested in seeing my comiket day 2 map
iKomodo: Yes pls
GarnetChao: red and orange were places i was interested in, green was a friend's, Fungi is the nickname of the guy i trusted to hit up the music circles
2d6+Del: Jesus fuck is that something you have to plan?
2d6+Del: Fuck that id just wander around and blunder into the porno games section by accident or something
GarnetChao: kek
iKomodo: Del is not wrong
GarnetChao: "why is everything labeled with an 18 - wait shit"
iKomodo: i would do that too
GarnetChao: the best part is the contrast with my day 3 plans
GarnetChao: which consisted of "go to place A, go to place B, chill out the rest of the time"
GarnetChao: day 3 was very simple :V
iKomodo: :U
2d6+Del: Haha


2d6+Del: Jackson Howard is basically sarah but a 30 year old man and also toys


iKomodo: There was a brief waifu war in this house over SF5
iKomodo: as in, me and del both wanted to main Mika
iKomodo: cue the death glares
GarnetChao: #butts
Harpy: did you destroy him
Gooper Blooper: mirror match, winner gets mika
2d6+Del: Its either that or i play ryu and i would rather die
iKomodo: No, he beat me three fucking times even though he has no idea what he's doing
Harpy: don't play ryu, play chun li
iKomodo: know there are other characters, right?
Gooper Blooper: harpy no
Gooper Blooper: that would mean chun li vs mika
Gooper Blooper: nothing would survive


Bubsy3Defeated: i did try to buy Bubsy 3D through Amazon once upon a time
Bubsy3Defeated: one of those sellers
Bubsy3Defeated: as in, not Amazon themselves, they didn't do the shipping thing
Bubsy3Defeated: but the guy never shipped it
Bubsy3Defeated: he was too attached to it I guess
GarnetChao: wow, what an asshole
GarnetChao: luckily i came to your rescue
GarnetChao: how am i going to top myself this christmas, tho
Gooper Blooper: Chao: ​limbo of the lost
GarnetChao: holy shit the LotL description
GarnetChao: "State of the art graphics
Immersive (being there) sound effects
Full musical score
Play and Reveal, Original storyline
Each Level feels different in play"

Bubsy3Defeated: did he have "Great Deals on Gold! 100,000= $100! P9K Dot Com! Happy (most recent in game holiday)!"
Draco: Nice! Doesn't sound shady at all!
Bubsy3Defeated: sorry, I forgot the SALE part of the pitch
Bubsy3Defeated: I'll just shout it a couple times with my level 1 naked warrior in a main city
Bubsy3Defeated: that'll get people to go to my third party mmo seller
GarnetChao: i bet that between me, goops, and draco
GarnetChao: we'll eventually provide JRM with every famously bad game
GarnetChao: and some not-so-famous
Gooper Blooper: As generous as draco is, I think he might draw the line at plopping down hundreds for Action 52
GarnetChao: oh yeah except for that one
GarnetChao: sorry, JRM, when it comes to action 52 you're on your own
GarnetChao: we'll get you the rest
Draco: I will only fund up to Action 37.


GarnetChao: you know what's a bad sign about a site
GarnetChao: "flash player is taking 1,400 megabytes of memory according to task manager"
GarnetChao: *closes one tab*
GarnetChao: " it's 21 mb"


(JRM, after beating Bubsy, finishes the day by doing a playthrough of Metroid Elements)

Bubsy3Defeated: >​beat Ridley with 2 health remaining
Bubsy3Defeated: >​die to a shriekbat while escaping the selfdestruct
Gooper Blooper: jobbed
Bubsy3Defeated: >​second time, beat Ridley without taking any damage
Bubsy3Defeated: with many bad games its just about memorization and adaptation


Gooper Blooper: today I attempted to garf some fields, but it ended in failure
GarnetChao: noooo
Harpy: whyy
iKomodo: Nuuuuu
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: Jumpropeman will be horrified!
Gooper Blooper: I had been under the impression that Garfield Caught In The Act for Genesis was actually pretty good
Harpy: is it a jrm-esque game
Gooper Blooper: maybe those people are in a parallel universe
iKomodo: ...goops pls
Gooper Blooper: The main problem is that, despite having lots of health, there are enemies absolutely everywhere, they're faster than you, they're hard to hit, and your mercy invincibility is very brief
GarnetChao: i take it you decided not to channel your inner JRM
Gooper Blooper: so garf kinda got dogpiled by bats and skeletons
Gooper Blooper: The rest of the game seemed fine, but I couldn't deal with those enemies
Gooper Blooper: But I was determined to get SOMETHING off of my backloggery, so instead I played Altered Beast
Gooper Blooper: it was the first Genesis game ever made and it shows
GarnetChao: kek
GarnetChao: nice description
Gooper Blooper: I'll never not love the first boss though
Gooper Blooper: a giant tree-ogre that throws his head at you and endlessly regrows his head so he can continue throwing it
iKomodo: Amazing


N Goat: Some "good" did come out of Bleach
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: Yes. It got the paint off my pants.
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: =v
Gooper Blooper: dohohohohohoho
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: Oh wait you mean the anime. :v
N Goat: It made me so mad I made Attwater
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: I thought that eyepatched man looked familiar. =u Fullbringers, huh.
GarnetChao: wait
GarnetChao: what
GarnetChao: how does that even work
N Goat: razzmfrazzm Fullbringers
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: You did it, Sheep. You turned a Fullbringer image into a #worthy character. =D
N Goat: I TRUSTED Bleach ;_;
N Goat: not that I ever really watched or read it
N Goat: But, as I was sifting through Toonami one night, I spied the character with that design and really liked it AND THEN it turned out he had really interesting power with convoluted rules, narrow appilcation, and couldn't be used to just blast someone in the face
N Goat: so, right up my alley
N Goat: I actually checked back every Saturday and started watching for the eventual fight with this guy
N Goat: aaaaand then it became apparent that the author had no idea how to actually write the power and made him the Hulk
N Goat: I was devastated


Harpy: sheepplot in 2 more months guys
Harpy: we're almost in the 3rd part of the season
Harpy: er
Harpy: offseason
eggvel: lel
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: Don't tease me that waaaay. -claws at calendar-


Paper Mario: must resist urge to write more paper malleo
Civilized Barbarian Warlord: Paper Marshmallow?
Paper Mario: not yet, ven
Paper Mario: not yet
Paper Mario: paper sarah hasn't come out yet


N Goat: Meiling and Hong have a tender family moment
N Goat: >​And Meiling cried.
N Goat: A crying, squishy Meitato
N Goat: ...
N Goat: I'll just be over here then
N Goat: NOT ruining tender moments


N Goat: Y'all a are a bunch of nerds
N Goat continues watching his One Piece DVD

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