Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 232: What Are These Blinking Lights

Deletons: So i just watched a mugen video
Deletons: Where it was robotnik from sonic 1
Deletons: In his drill car
Deletons: Ai control
Deletons: Survival mode
Deletons: 8 wins
Ivy Dragon: O_o
Deletons: They just could not deal with that determined crawl along the floor
Deletons: Finally, liu kang from mortal kombat 1 did a weird super that took off like 80% health, and then pinged robotnik with a fireball for the win
Deletons: He got the promotion
Ivy Dragon: Amazing.
Deletons: It was glorious
Ivy Dragon: I'm watching one like it right now. This is amazing.
Deletons: All those fancy ais cant deal with robotniks simple plan of attack
Ivy Dragon: Jill got wrekked
iKomodo: 2Robotnik4U
iKomodo: Liu Kang would indeed be worthy of PRRRRROMOTION
iKomodo: ...were he not dead right now :U
iKomodo: #RaidenDidNothingWrong


Once and Future Vengeance: If I try to main a skinny Hutt next year, will there be general revolution?
Cornwind Evil: Isn't fat a sign of prestige among Hutts?
RubyChao: sarah becomes their leader
RubyChao: dohohohohoh
Once and Future Vengeance: Actually, yes.
Cornwind Evil: So you'd need a reason why this Hutt would want to be skinny
Cornwind Evil: The only real difference was that minor EU villain, whatshisface
Once and Future Vengeance: We learn this from a Hutt that is both anemic, albino, and has a metabolism disorder that almost keeps him as skinny as a human, in the EU novels. It's later restated several dozen times. :u
Once and Future Vengeance: However, I was thinking less ModernLukeTime hutts, and more Ancient Empire Wore Armor And Personally Fought Hutts. 8u
Gooper Blooper: ​alex in a slave leia outfit
Ivy Dragon: :O
Ivy Dragon will RP as Simon the Killer Ewok next year.
Comet Warwitch: why
Gooper Blooper: It's very old, barely-canon RP, but during the fourth Zoofights Jabba the Hutt was someone's RP character on Something Awful
Gooper Blooper: He was Gezora's pal and they ran the bar together
Cornwind Evil: This guy was explicitly said to be "all muscle and fire" instead of flabby fat like most Hutts
RubyChao: reminder that someone in ZFV played mother brain
Gooper Blooper: and she had special one-eye shutter shades


Ivy Dragon: I'm hungry, but I don't want to leave the house.
RubyChao: eat the house


RubyChao: "​Man, I've got really sexy abs​, he thought with a serene sigh. ​Real shame I'll be dead in a plot convenient but sadly short amount of time.​" as much as i understand wulf's reasons for leaving zfrp and why she won't come back...
RubyChao: ...i still miss david :V
Comet Warwitch: i feel ya


Bree: dumb mental image
Bree: meiling is like "hey patchy you want to be my fitness buddy" "no" "it would mostly consist of me carrying you to make my training more difficult" "can I read while you do it" "sure" "...fine"
Gooper Blooper: thirty keks
Bree: that's a whole barrel of keks
Ivy Dragon: Patchy is like a lazy Yoda.
RubyChao: patchy gives training for everyone who asks
RubyChao: it consists of doing the work for her


Brilliant Kid: just watched the most recent bbc nature doc :3
Brilliant Kid: I'm sad that when they were discussing how sardines packed themselves tightly/ever tighter, they missed the opportunity to say that they were packed like sardines :v
Jumpropeman: what a wasted oppurtinity
Brilliant Kid: I'm disheartened by their professionalism. Someone needs to do a nature documentary filled with bad nature puns
Brilliant Kid: Mostly I just want to hear David Attenborough read bad nature puns :v


RubyChao NEO: who wants some googlism antics
SteelKomodo: me
Brilliant Kid: me too!
RubyChao NEO: "nitori is awful at ddr" nitoriplot confirmed
RubyChao NEO: "shimmer is such a sweetie" well, she kinda is
RubyChao NEO: "sans is 'baloney'" apparently bad puns are disliked by googlism
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Brilliant Kid: hehehe
RubyChao NEO: "draco is a sniveling little brat" wow rude
Brilliant Kid: harsh google, harsh
RubyChao NEO: "chao is attacked by what appear to be masked demons" D:
RubyChao NEO: "ariel is a fraud with" no she's not, that's what she fights
RubyChao NEO: "broderick is going to be inspector gadget?" hey guys, i think we know which hat broderick need to get next
SteelKomodo: lolz
Brilliant Kid: Haha
RubyChao NEO: "utsuho is my favorite kind of utsuho"
RubyChao NEO: "utsuho is secretly the special effects provider of explosions for michael bay wild mass guess"
RubyChao NEO: "yuyuko is truly "dead and loving it"" dohohohohohohohoh
RubyChao NEO: and finally
RubyChao NEO: "kobber is a complex electronic soundproject originating in a noisy singer/ songwriter"
RubyChao NEO: huh, that's new
SteelKomodo: XD


(Undertale begins a comeback against Fallout 3 and begins hulking up to win the GameFAQs Best Game Ever contest)

Comet Warwitch: i just want to see undertale turn the tables
Comet Warwitch: admittedly, i also want to see the salt
Gooper Blooper: Oh you have no idea
Awoken Ivel: lel
Comet Warwitch: i was there when L block won and it was amazing
Gooper Blooper: Now first of all, the guys on the contest board on GameFAQs are the same people I've been seeing post there for over a decade
Awoken Ivel: oh god that vote
Gooper Blooper: Like, literally the same people
Awoken Ivel: I remember L Block
Gooper Blooper: And there's this one asshole named Black Turtle
iKomodo: Oh boy
Gooper Blooper: And he is the saltiest man on the face of the earth
Comet Warwitch: good; i need some salt to put on my popcorn
iKomodo: elaborate, gewps
Comet Warwitch: and butter, but butter's a different story
Gooper Blooper: He is so mad that Tumblr found his posts, quoted him, and then Undertale became even more powerful as Undertale fans were joined by people who want to stick it to a whiny asshole
iKomodo: tell us about the- hahaha
iKomodo: amazing
Gooper Blooper: The best part is
Gooper Blooper: The exact same thing happened last time
RubyChao NEO: show us
Gooper Blooper: Black Turtle burst a gasket over Draven, Reddit quoted him, and Draven did even better
Comet Warwitch: ...if that happens again
Comet Warwitch: i'm going to laugh
Gooper Blooper: There are Undertale fans on the contest board going "wow this guy is awful" and the regulars go "yeah, that's black turtle for you"
RubyChao NEO: ahahahahaha
RubyChao NEO: wow
Comet Warwitch: but damn do i not want to see the salt fountain explode
RubyChao NEO: so if undertale wins
Dacor: The Black Turtle Effect: killing your cause by defending it in the saltiest manner possible.
Gooper Blooper: Okay, I'll go look up some black turtle posts
Gooper Blooper: gimme a bit
iKomodo: Oh boy
Comet Warwitch: remember to give thanks to your local gooper blooper, for he is sacrificing himself to dig through the salt mines
Dacor: I thank my Gooper Blooper by NOT getting him Garfield Kart Racing for Christmas.
Gooper Blooper: "I can't see the rally keeping up this pace for as long as it needs to catch up no? How many virgin neckbeards can there possibly be on tumblr?"
Comet Warwitch: >​virgin neckbeards
RubyChao NEO: off to a great start
Comet Warwitch: Ohhhh man its this kinda guy
Comet Warwitch: the fucking salt
Dacor: The moment the guy posts from now on, even the people on his side are going to just declare victory for the other side. BV
Gooper Blooper: Here we go
Comet Warwitch: he's gonna need his heart checked
Gooper Blooper: This is the post that got reblogged on tumblr
Gooper Blooper: "I don't understand the Underfail supporters on this forum. Who actually supports indie RPG garbage, complete with lame jokes and internet 'memes'. The people that are creaming themselves for that stupid game really need to play the indie games that are actually good, like Shovel Knight and Axiom Verge.
Seems as though the worst of the mouthbreathing neckbeards are the ones carrying this stupid game on Board 8."

RubyChao NEO: holy shit
Comet Warwitch: i wonder if he actually played the games
RubyChao NEO: i would probably vote just to spite this guy too
Comet Warwitch: also he just contradicted himself
Gooper Blooper: And then a user named Undyne just quotes him and says "Was BT always this bad?"
Comet Warwitch: >​Undyne
Comet Warwitch: spy, i need you
RubyChao NEO: was the answer "yes"
Comet Warwitch: you need to write a mock Undyne post
Comet Warwitch: about BT
Comet Warwitch: for laughs
Gooper Blooper: "It's tame now because he doesn't post as often, but yeah."
Gooper Blooper: ^longtime guy answering Undyne's question
Comet Warwitch: mien gott
Gooper Blooper: who wants another Black Turtle post
Comet Warwitch: ME
Gooper Blooper: Other people were discussing "how is Undertale pulling this off" and Undyne posted this
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, no doubt LPs play a huge factor in this. Undertale is kind of a blast to watch other people play, whether you yourself have played it or not. And pretty much every big name in the scene has done an LP by now.
The Undertale fanbase completely dwarfs its sales numbers."

Gooper Blooper: Black Turtle responds
Gooper Blooper: "Ah, so what you're saying is that Underfail fans are the millenial morons that don't actually play video games any more, they just watch cringey youtube idiots play games all day.
It's all starting to make sense."

Comet Warwitch: this can't be real
Comet Warwitch: wow
Comet Warwitch: i'm at a loss
Gooper Blooper: Other user: "You guys can stop responding to BT, he doesn't even know anything about Undertale and is just raging because he doesn't like JRPG types of games"
Comet Warwitch: between him and my mom being a dick right now
Gooper Blooper: Black Turtle: "I love JRPGs. CT and FF6 are 2 of my top 3 games of all time. I just hate when nerds try to be funny. Great example of that are Portal, Earthbound and apparantly Undertale. The jokes just fall flat and the rest of the game (except in Portal's case) isn't good enough to support it. The only people that find Undertale of value, are the same people that thought 'THE CAKE IS A LIE!??!?!?' was funny back in 2007, and still quote it thinking they are original or something."
Gooper Blooper: surprise, he hates earthbound too
Comet Warwitch: so his opinion could be safely ignored
Awoken Ivel: so if you think this can't be real, you think the hate is a lie? :U
Awoken Ivel: sorry but not sorry
Comet Warwitch: wow ivel
Brilliant Kid: wow
Comet Warwitch: i'm smiling right now
Gooper Blooper: kek
Comet Warwitch: but i still dislike you for that pun :U
Awoken Ivel: at least you're smiling


RubyChao NEO: "The computer started to run and once again produce smoke. This wasn't an ordinary hacked illeagal copy. It was the worst virus to ever exist. The computer started to melt slowly and a little got cought on my friend's hands. He screamed, shouted, and yelped and cried as the machine melted in his hand. I ran to get cold water and tried to pull his hand out of the metalic goo."
RubyChao NEO: REMINDER: in creepypasta world
RubyChao NEO: computer viruses can ​melt computers
Awoken Ivel: amazing
Comet Warwitch: damn, the Computer Virus from KSS got better
Gooper Blooper: Not only did he scream
Gooper Blooper: but he also shouted, yelped, AND cried
RubyChao NEO: also, this image
Gooper Blooper: Mario will murder you if you pirate his games
Comet Warwitch: so ivel, wanna play a PIRATED version of SMB3 together
Awoken Ivel: what could go wrong?
RubyChao NEO: couple found dead today
RubyChao NEO: witnesses said a man who looked like mario was seen leaving the scene
Comet Warwitch: i trust rubychao's journalism


Comet Warwitch: i passed by this one place being leveled for house construction
Comet Warwitch: and it's ran by K and P Builders
Gooper Blooper: oh noooooo
Comet Warwitch: those houses are going to be the worst aren't they
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, somehow
Gooper Blooper: it's been too long since a
RubyChao NEO: it turns out the houses are just empty frames that look like houses
RubyChao NEO: RON PAU- i knew it
Gooper Blooper: it's still there
RubyChao NEO: it will never leave
Comet Warwitch: plz


iKomodo: ...oh god my brain just made more characters
iKomodo: stop
iKomodo: brain pls
Comet Warwitch: i have ideas already because i am a trainwreck :U
Awoken Ivel: Harpy's like a train wreck: I just can't stop looking
iKomodo: ivel pls


Gooper Blooper: *opens bag of hersheys fun size*
Gooper Blooper: >​serving size: 3
Gooper Blooper: *takes six*
Gooper Blooper: fuck dat yo
Bree: bitch plz
Bree: serving size is whatever I say it is


RubyChao NEO: >​reading old chatzy
RubyChao NEO: >​find keysmash
RubyChao NEO: >​immediately try to spot an alruthine name
RubyChao NEO: jumpropemaaaaan
Gooper Blooper: JRM really is completely insane
Gooper Blooper: and we love him for it
Comet Warwitch: jrm is an RP magician
Comet Warwitch: he will never tell us his secrets :U
spy: JRM is amazing
RubyChao NEO: bill clinton being a lizard person is rp canon
RubyChao NEO: and i wouldn't have it any other way


Comet Warwitch: oh god
Comet Warwitch: RUINED


Comet Warwitch: will there be a goopy
Comet Warwitch: i ponder such
Spy Is Home joined the chat
Comet Warwitch: that is not a goops but i will take it
Spy Is Home: Sorry ;;
Comet Warwitch: no, you're fine


rommin ragnis joined the chat
rommin ragnis gears up to spear Chao
SHAMMIS joined the chat
SHAMMIS charges in and BROGUE KICK
rommin ragnis fall down and cry in the confetti

Comet Warwitch: so is Undyne's custom finisher Spear of Justice


RubyChao NEO: so
RubyChao NEO: who wants to talk about MURDERS
Gooper Blooper: what kind of murders
Draco: Fsteak
RubyChao NEO: phoenix wright ones
RubyChao NEO: did you know
RubyChao NEO: that frank sahwit
RubyChao NEO: ​was actually frank did it
RubyChao NEO: (i love how that case makes literally no attempt to hide his identity)
Gooper Blooper: GASP
RubyChao NEO: (i mean it's in part due to being a tutorial case but it's still hilarious)
Gooper Blooper: but there were so many other characters in that case to make it harder to figure out!
Gooper Blooper: Like Winston Payne!
Gooper Blooper: And... the judge!
RubyChao NEO: reminder that Winston Payne had a chance at being in ZFRP


Gooper Blooper: Gonna look in my RP 2015 dropbox for pictures I don't think I used this year
RubyChao NEO: >​cutting room floor
Gooper Blooper: Pineco
Gooper Blooper: An unused Viola
RubyChao NEO: voela
Draco: Fun.
Gooper Blooper: Two unused Jinakos
RubyChao NEO: maybe if jinako ever did anything
Gooper Blooper: she was supposed to do things, apparently
Gooper Blooper: Magnus von Grapple
RubyChao NEO: reminder that crump almost had magnus 2.0
Gooper Blooper: for draco
Draco: On that day, Parsee's heart grew at least one size.
Gooper Blooper: ayayaya
RubyChao NEO: aya what are you doing with coppy
Spy Is Home: OTP


Jumpropeman: >​Someone named their Lilipup "Walter"
Jumpropeman: *googles to see if the name Walter for dogs comes from somewhere*
Jumpropeman: >​Walter the Farting Dog #1 result
Jumpropeman: I don't think RP Walter is named after him :V
Jumpropeman: Walter the Farting Dog is an inexplicably large franchise
Jumpropeman: Farting Dogs are hip with the kids


Gooper Blooper: protip for catching zygarde
RubyChao: "don't kill it"
Gooper Blooper: Normally you can't get him with Thunder Wave because he's Ground type
Draco: Protip: use Master Ball on a Zubat so you can use it to catch Zygarde.
Gooper Blooper: But he knows Camouflage. If you wait for him to use it, he'll become a Rock type
RubyChao: i already used my master ball
Draco: On a Fearow?
RubyChao: nothing as exciting as that just a mewtwo
Draco: Oak is disappointed.
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi will be a master
Gooper Blooper: she has viola's guidance
Comet Warwitch: :C
Draco: Tenshi will have her Pokemon emulate her by making them only use moves with recoil and Self Destruct.
Draco: Exactly! :V
RubyChao: i like how zygarde's room has no music
RubyChao: ominous buildup
RubyChao: oh hey
RubyChao: got a paralyze with body slam
RubyChao: neat
Gooper Blooper: no need for the camouflage trick then! :V
RubyChao: >​critical hit to KO
RubyChao: me and gaben right now
Gooper Blooper: WHO'S WATCHIN
RubyChao: >​drifblim gets KOed
RubyChao: >​kills zygarde with aftermath
Gooper Blooper: you weren't prepared for this fight
Spy Rising: I think he's too prepared
RubyChao: Try #3
RubyChao: don't fuck up, gabe
Gooper Blooper: Well considering Mewtwo was just "lol master ball" it's fitting that Zygarde is putting up a fight (even if it's Chao's own team that is the true boss battle)
Gooper Blooper: It won't be gaben
Gooper Blooper: all six members of your team will fuck up, one at a time
Gooper Blooper: each in their own special way
RubyChao: okay, zygarde is at literally 1 HP
RubyChao: can i do it without somehow screwing myself over
Gooper Blooper: how do you know? False Swipe?
RubyChao: yeah, daniel bryan has it for pogeycatching
Gooper Blooper: excellent
RubyChao: FUCK
Gooper Blooper: what happened this time
RubyChao: hit with crunch
Gooper Blooper: Shoulda paralyzed it
RubyChao: i tried
RubyChao: gaben didn't land it :I
RubyChao: okay, take 4
Gooper Blooper: okuu just like "was I not supposed to do that"
Gooper Blooper: "unyu"
RubyChao: okuu is so proud that she beat the enemy
RubyChao: tenshi is busy flailing in anger at her
Gooper Blooper: well tenshi
Gooper Blooper: I guess this is
Gooper Blooper: ​punishment
RubyChao: okay none of you except daniel bryan can be trusted with this fight
RubyChao: no wonder CW likes him
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha
RubyChao: >​daniel critical hits... on false swipe
RubyChao: the only good member of my team (well, gaben helps)
Gooper Blooper: That's actually a good thing, lowers health faster
RubyChao: yeah, that's why he's actually fine
RubyChao: because he DOESN'T ko when i don't want to
RubyChao: ball time
Gooper Blooper: Gaben can sit there and take hits if DB is KOed so you can revive him
Gooper Blooper: since Utsuho and Drifblim can't be trusted to even do that
RubyChao: he was KOed early on but fuck it, i'm gonna revive him
RubyChao: because - yeah that
RubyChao: those two need to sit in the shame corner
RubyChao: OR
RubyChao: I CAN UH
Draco: Okuu just wants your approval. ;-;
Gooper Blooper: well you were due for some good luck


Gooper Blooper: >​yet another free-to-play ad on my 3DS
Gooper Blooper: To think Nintendo used the term "free to start" as a stealth insult a couple years ago
Gooper Blooper: now they use it completely straight-facedly


(On Thanksgiving)

Gooper Blooper: If you're wondering what the sarahkin are doing right now
Gooper Blooper: they are currently strewn about the living room, draped over chairs and couches, in varying states of half-consciousness and sleep
Gooper Blooper: it was another award-winning year for celestia
RubyChao: i can confirm that patchy is also in a fugue state right now
RubyChao: fud
Cast Thanks Missile!: undertale crew: nobody was ready except for Frisk
Cast Thanks Missile! rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
RubyChao: utsuho consumed a Ridiculous Quantity of Food
Cast Thanks Missile!: FRISK WAS READY, GUYS.
RubyChao: probably several times more than pit
Spy Rising rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Cast Thanks Missile!: *Spear of Justice at 8 speed*
Spy Rising: It turns out wrestling the ham gets your appetite up really high
RubyChao: don't forget atatatatataing the potatoes
RubyChao: important question
RubyChao: did she say the line
Spy Rising: I do know she botched the corn on the cob
Spy Rising: Cooked so intense, it popped like popcorn
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: was TENSHI ready
Spy Rising: ​Undyne vs. Corn Boss
Gooper Blooper: >​probably
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
RubyChao: look goops, i don't know if pit suddenly gained a ridiculous appetite for thanksgiving
RubyChao: i need to leave in the possibility
RubyChao: it might just be a few times more
RubyChao: also tenshi was ready for a reasonable amount of fud
RubyChao: ...which is what she and viola had
RubyChao: good ending
Gooper Blooper: My other Thanskgiving mental image:
Gooper Blooper: Silence, Blade, and Mary watching TV together all day
Gooper Blooper: Blade yelling at football, Mary snarking at the parade, Silence getting super into everything
Spy Rising: I'm waiting one day for the parade to meme us again
Spy Rising: "Here comes our next float-" "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!"
Spy Rising: *A giant inflatable John Cena tears down the streets, theme blasting*
RubyChao: they play the music so loud it blows out every speaker


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i'm going to do something dangerous
RubyChao: i am going to brave
Gooper Blooper: Eat more chocolate pie?
RubyChao: old chao RP
Cast Thanks Missile!: we are all awkward dorks
Cast Thanks Missile!: no please
Cast Thanks Missile!: eat pie
RubyChao: if i don't come back, tell my friends i love them
Cast Thanks Missile!: kek
RubyChao: i can't eat pie right now
Gooper Blooper: my characters stare
Cast Thanks Missile!: aw
RubyChao: i have been requested to leave at least something for my parents
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
RubyChao: not allowed to eat The Entire Pie
RubyChao: (as much as i want to)
RubyChao: okay
RubyChao emerges, gasping for air
RubyChao: that was horrible
RubyChao: who wants to see a gem from my past, and i mean gem sarcastically
Cast Thanks Missile!: nnnnnice
Gooper Blooper: show me the gem
RubyChao: "Alphashi: I still don't know where to go next...
*A Floatzel appears behind Alphashi*"

RubyChao: past chao considered this worthy of an entire post
Cast Thanks Missile!: so alpha sapphire tenshi has a floatzel?!?
Cast Thanks Missile!: GASP
RubyChao: ahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: that ominous floatzel
Cast Thanks Missile!: floatzel is kindly reminding her that they should kick kyogre's ass
RubyChao: do you guys want to know what Ominous Floatzel actually accomplished
Gooper Blooper: yes
Cast Thanks Missile!: yes
Dacro: Sure.
RubyChao: he got hit in the face by someone's shield and was never mentioned again
RubyChao: i didn't even say "and then he got KOed" like i did for the other three pokesquadders who weren't gallade
Cast Thanks Missile!: so he was tenshi
Gooper Blooper: quality
RubyChao: that was it. two posts.
Cast Thanks Missile!: TANKED IT FOR THE TEAM


RubyChao: so who wants a pogey funfact
Tea Maniac Etrohus: me
Jumpropeman: if the fact happens to be "All Bulbasaur are created equal", you're a few years late to that message, bub
RubyChao: they're not >:<
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Tea Maniac Etrohus: goopy is here to hear your pogey fun fact
Jumpropeman: i can't believe we live in a society with people with such outdated views on Bulbasaur >:I
Jumpropeman: hi goop
RubyChao: hi goop
RubyChao: anyhow: rhyhorn, a ground/rock pogey... only naturally learned normal moves in gen 1
Tea Maniac Etrohus: hello, fair goopy
RubyChao: gen1.txt
Tea Maniac Etrohus: whyyy
Cornwind Evil: Because they had just started
Cornwind Evil: Everything has growing pains
RubyChao: because gen one was game freak flailing madly at the keyboard and somehow creating a worldwide phenom
Tea Maniac Etrohus: well yeah
RubyChao: also iirc they were very small and low-budget back then
RubyChao: so it's likely a lot of it simply didn't get caught because they couldn't afford stringent testing
Gooper Blooper: That is correct
Gooper Blooper: I've compared Pokemon RB to Final Fantasy 1 in that it was a dying company's last gasp
RubyChao: and it turned into a giant fountain of money


RubyChao: okay, time to play omega ruby after i find omega ruby
Gooper Blooper: >​not keeping all your games in one place
RubyChao: i am not a tidy person
RubyChao: also it's not that big a room
Gooper Blooper: I'll help you, chao
Gooper Blooper: Omega Ruby is underneath a book
Gooper Blooper: should be easy to find now
RubyChao: actually, it was underneath a pile of papers
Gooper Blooper: book body parts
Tea Maniac Etrohus: a book is a pile of papers put together
RubyChao: *patchy cringes*
Jumpropeman: a book is just a less interesting movie [smug] ​
Gooper Blooper hides in bomb shelter
Tea Maniac Etrohus: a movie is just words made into a string of pictures
Tea Maniac Etrohus: :U
RubyChao: 8:50
RubyChao: from left to right: me, JRM, and patchy


Jumpropeman: I found some old Pokemon Activity Books from when I was kid, and they had "Create your own Pokemon" sections. To show how creative young JRM was: For the Ghost type I made Ghost Bug, which was a squiggle made to look like a body after the fact. For water, I filled the page with bubbles, drew a face on one, and called it Bubbles
Jumpropeman: Fire type was a ball of fire with arms and legs and a face named Fireball



Jumpropeman: are you ready
Jumpropeman: for Bubsy on Steam
RubyChao: no.
Gooper Blooper: kek


Bree: flandre's ridiculous power is that she can basically obliterate anything with a thought
Tea Maniac Etrohus: god Etrohus would fucking cry if he had that power permanently
Tea Maniac Etrohus: everything he touches dies ;;
RubyChao: all that makes me think of is the one fairly oddparents episode
RubyChao: "Oh, Dinkleberg! Want to give my wife a congratulatory hand touch?"
Bree: lel
Tea Maniac Etrohus: nah


Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: I found the bastion of Black Friday deals
Jumpropeman: my local Grocery Store/Texas only retailer HEB that Ven mentions sometimes
Jumpropeman: Pikmin 3: 5 bucks. Paper Mario Sticker Star: 5 bucks
Jumpropeman: Amiibo: 9 bucks or less
Jumpropeman: Mario and Luigi Dream Team: 5 bucks
Jumpropeman: they don't care
Jumpropeman: everything cheap
Jumpropeman: I'm done
Jumpropeman: bye money
RubyChao: someday i should finish dream team
RubyChao: but... eh.
RubyChao: i dunno how to explain it but dream team never engaged me the way the first three did
Jumpropeman: Other M: 10 bucks
Jumpropeman: somehow
Jumpropeman: SOMEHOW
Jumpropeman: when even other Nintendo games are 5 bucks
Jumpropeman: Other M still has to be overpriced
RubyChao flails aggressively
Jumpropeman: >​HEB ain't even spelling some of the games right that it's selling so low
Jumpropeman: they just don't care about games and want them gone


Deletons: Hang it up everybody
Deletons: We're good
Deletons: Humanity has achieved its magnum opus


RubyChao: guys i found Primal Utsuho
Deletons: Jonesy's all "you married that? Sweet"
iKomodo: Pit: Thanks [blushing] ​


(After a Pokemon trade)

Gooper Blooper: "would you like to do something else with utsuho"
Gooper Blooper: there's no "roleplay" option
RubyChao: she's retired
RubyChao: accept it :I


Pretty Demon Etrohus: >​sexy grilled cheese commercial
Pretty Demon Etrohus: i'm not sure how
Pretty Demon Etrohus: but they did it
Pretty Demon Etrohus: i am enticed


RubyChao: "The start screen was black with the basic title, start, and copyright 1991. So I hit the start button. When it started, it went to a low poly 3D game that barely resembled Mario 64. The characters were barely recognizable and they looked very odd. Mario had no face, as did some other characters. I thought this was because it was a very early proto, but then I noticed things out of place: the Goombas had black, souless eyes with what appeared to be blood on their heads. Mario had blood on his shoes, pants, and gloves as if he was stomping and ripping apart enemies. The music was high-pitched 8-bit tones that somewhat resembled SMB overworld theme. When you would jump, you couldn't do it as high as usual, and if you fell more that what seemed like 15 feet in game, Mario would make a hyper-realistic crunching noise and double over in pain as if he broke his legs. At this point I couldn't move and I had to reset. When I did, it wouldn't let me."
RubyChao: maximum overrealism
Del: look okay
Del: you fucks
Del: need to build it up
Del: like this shit is garbage and one reason is that you launch into eyeless blood shit from the word go
Del: go away
Del: and learn how to be subtle
Del: and then learn how to write
Del: you garbage idiots
Del: i have shat better horrors than that

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