Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 235: I'm The Dongerfly (AKA Burpo Edition)

Jumpropeman: *added some games to my amazon shopping list like half an hour ago* *games already went down in price since then*
Jumpropeman: eating dinner pays off :V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Boxing Bree: hi goops
Boxing Bree: chatzy is dedzy
Boxing Bree flops over
Gooper Blooper: chao is the glue that holds us together
Boxing Bree: where is he, did he leave for his trip
Gooper Blooper: I think so. He said he was leaving today yesterday, I sent him a goodbye message this morning and he thanked me, and he hasn't been online since 11 AM
Gooper Blooper: pretty sure he's across the world by now
Boxing Bree: so jealous
Boxing Bree flops onto side, sighs melodramatically
Gooper Blooper: Here is a conversation I had with Goopsmom earlier, when she found out
Gooper Blooper: "Hey, you'll think this is cool."
"I WON'T!" *mock pouting*
"You WILL. You know my best friend, the one that gave me the books and chocolate for Christmas?"
"He's on a plane to Japan right now."
"You heard of Comic-Con?"
"There's a Japanese version of that about anime and stuff. He's going to that."
"WOWWWWWW... All my friends are boring, and your brother doesn't have any that aren't from school, and YOU have friends that GO TO JAPAN."
"Told ya you'd think it's cool."
"He wasn't even gonna bring his camera until I suggested it-"


Spy: So how's the chatzy seal squad doing?
Boxing Bree answers Spy's question by flopping and making pitiful sounds


Gooper Blooper: I was at the store today looking for post-christmas bargains and guess what I saw
Spy: Destoroyah?
Gooper Blooper: A display of chocolate easter eggs
Boxing Day Evil: So this new film, Daddy's Home
Gooper Blooper: Just one small tray of them, but god dammit at least put out valentines day first
Boxing Day Evil: At the very end
Spy: I swear, I'd love to be a fly on the wall for syncconversatio-
Spy: Easter creep!?
Spy: Fucking seriously!?
Gooper Blooper: Easter Creep is real
Boxing Day Evil: "Dusty is now in the exact same position that he put Brad in a year ago - at odds with his stepdaughter's incredibly intimidating biological father..." Who is someone making a cameo...
Gooper Blooper: buy your candy eggs now
Boxing Bree: easter creep is just a smelly middle-aged fat man in a bunny costume
Spy: . . . That sync
Gooper Blooper: rapadoo
Spy: It lined up too well
Spy: Now John Cena is dumpy and wearing a bunny suit
Spy: I hope you're happy


Boxing Day Evil: Knocked out referees in pro wrestling are a classic and can excuse anything
Boxing Day Evil: "It was aken to a ridiculous extreme by Ring of Honor — which had a referee get knocked out during a match and count the pin that he saw when he was revived... completely missing the debut of a new faction, a three-way brawl, and multiple rule-breakings that happened all in the course of the same match while he was out, yet not questioning why the action was any different than when he'd woken up."
Gooper Blooper: You wanna talk about breaking even my fairly strong suspension of disbelief, it's that crap
Gooper Blooper: Anyone could see what really happened, yet the half-conscious dude slaps his hand three times and nobody can overturn him
Boxing Bree: plus if the ref were really unconscious for that long, people would be freaking out, calling the EMTs etc
Spy: Then the announcers loudly talk about how illegal it all is
Gooper Blooper: You'll notice a lot of the wrestling and comic things that get linked here are awful
Gooper Blooper: there's a reason for that :V
Jumpropeman: its like a creepypasta. "The referee was knocked unconscious... but we kept fighting each other just to see what would happen"
Gooper Blooper: I assumed it was just a ref bump and kept wrestling
Spy: Then the referee woke up
Spy: I pinned my opponent
Spy: He counted one. Two. Three.
Spy: Four?
Spy: He wouldn't stop counting
Spy: I didn't want to get up
Spy: he counted again. Five! Six!
Spy: Six!
Spy: Six!
Spy: Six!
Spy: The ligths went out
Spy: The ring opened up
Spy: Kane came out, but he had no eyhes
Spy: He pushed me away and hit my opponenet with a steel chair so hard he died
Gooper Blooper: it was hyper-realistic steel
Spy: King made another fdad joke like nothing happened
Spy: Cole tried to rbing up something was wrong, but JBL just told him wah wah black helciopters maggle
Spy: Kane grabbed me by the throat, looked me in the eyes, told me to go to hell, and chokeslammed me
Spy: I'm still shake n
Gooper Blooper: we are the lizards
Spy: This is the last thing I will ever write because every creepypasta has to end in despair suicide or depsair impending death. I dunno which
Spy: But I see myself coming out of the mirror weairng a Kane mask. I guess the answer is both somehow
Spy: Fuck
Gooper Blooper: and then silence popped out
Jumpropeman: a wrestling creepypasta with no Undertaker? Spy come on


RubyChao: wow chatzy thinks the mcdonald's wifi i'm using is in south africa
RubyChao: chatzy i'm in japan that's a whole nother continent


Del: im struggling to become shogun
Del: turns out that total war shogun 2 is hard
SteelKomodo: it sounds it :<
Harpy: oh no
Del: but
Del: haha
Del: i put the game
Del: on easy
Del: kek
SteelKomodo: lel
Harpy: oh lawd
Del: so im stomping
Del: so many bows
Del: so many arrows
SteelKomodo: yisssss
Del: i am learning not a whole lot about japanese history tbh
Harpy: can you really expect to
Del: well no
Del: the game consists mostly of stomping on japanese history
Harpy: sounds like it :U
Del: it's fairly accurate tho
Del: altough it has to simplify stuff for the game
Harpy: "so we stomp on oda nobunaga's face, what the fuck do we do with mori"
Del: but it's a lot better than when i tried atilla total war and was confronted with being able to recruit 3 kinds of the same unit
Del: here everything's delineated by "what weapon does he hold" and "what rank is he" so it's really easy to tell
Del: whereas in atilla i had "CELT LEVY, GERMANIC LEVY, GUY WITH AXE MAYBE"
Del: you can play as oda i think?
Harpy: welp
Del: no lu bu tho
Del: which means no pursuing
Harpy: lu bu is chinese so that makes sense :U
Harpy: three kingdoms and sengoku are in completely different countries at completely different eras
Del: i am good at asian history u guise


Del: heroes of the storm trip report
Del: mrlrgrlgmrllmrlgmg


iKomodo: I keep getting this ad for purmina cat food
iKomodo: that's voiced by ZeFrank of True Facts fame
Harpy: welp
iKomodo: he's hit the big time!
iKomodo: Look up "Dear Kitten"
iKomodo: ...shit, I mean purina
iKomodo: not purmina
iKomodo: god damn it ZFRP ruins everything
Harpy: someone's got grub on the mind


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Comet Warwitch: guys should do that only with their wang... clearly
Comet Warwitch: ...
Comet Warwitch: that timing was incredibly awkward
Comet Warwitch: thanks goops


Jumpropeman: HOT SEX TIP: Just eat pizza together idk
Comet Warwitch: excuse me
Comet Warwitch: we would be drinking mountain dew out of wine glasses
Comet Warwitch: i'm not drinking wine with pizza >:U
terrivel: pizza in bed sounds messy and not in the fun way
Comet Warwitch: i got pepperoni in a place i didn't want it to go
terrivel: your ear?
Gooper Blooper: The mishmash of casual and non-casual in that suggestion makes me suspect no human has ever actually tried that
Comet Warwitch: and the dog snuck in and is trying to interrupt it
Gooper Blooper: Have wine, don't watch TV, and sit across from each other! But eat pizza on the bed and be sloppy about it!
terrivel: with sexy music
terrivel: don't forget that
Gooper Blooper: What if I want to watch TV, sit on the couch, and eat caviar while drinking orange soda while video game music blasts in the background
Gooper Blooper: But I have perfect table manners
terrivel: the ultimate sexy song
Comet Warwitch: fuck that, i'm gonna watch cutthroat kitchen and drink orange soda and eat rice with seafood


Gooper Blooper: I was going through chatlogs for chatzy madness and I got up to the point where Undertale started planting its roots in the community
Gooper Blooper: Good lord, I had such a laughably bad first impression of that thing thanks to some bad luck
terrivel: what happened?
Jumpropeman: I was thinking about that this morning
Gooper Blooper: Essentially I thought the game and the characters were much different than what they actually were, due to my first exposure to the game being... not quite representative of it as a whole
terrivel: ah
Jumpropeman: he saw the flowey stuff at the beginning first and not much else
Gooper Blooper: Very first thing I saw was the Flowey introductory scene, in gif form, with no context, and I wound up thinking the whole game was horror like Eversion
Comet Warwitch: yeah so did i
terrivel: oh welp
Comet Warwitch: ...which is why i eventually looked it up
terrivel: that was my first scene I saw but I knew there was more to it
Gooper Blooper: I also saw a gif of Papyrus dissing anime and then saying the trash can line, and it made me think he was an asshole
terrivel: XD
Gooper Blooper: which is kind of the exact literal opposite of what papyrus is
Comet Warwitch: owned
Comet Warwitch: papyrus plz
terrivel: Papyrus is the purest cinnamon roll
Gooper Blooper: but yeah it's all cleared up now :V


Comet Warwitch: i'm going to come out of the closet by literally jumping out of the closet
Comet Warwitch: holding my girlfriend
Comet Warwitch: "YEAAAAAAAAAAAH"
terrivel: what about me :I
Comet Warwitch: you have to be carrying me while i carry my invisible, non-existant third wheel
Comet Warwitch: i can't carry you, i have noodle arms dear
Gooper Blooper: That just made me imagine lily and sonia bounding out of a closet while hugging
Gooper Blooper: then they jump around, still hugging, yelling "YAYYYYYY"
Comet Warwitch: Sonia will probably announce her lesbianism the same way she announced that Glabados was alive
Comet Warwitch: only Lily is also wearing the same outfit
Comet Warwitch: "WE'RE TOTAL LESBOS"


Comet Warwitch: two copies of undertale (thanks SK and Waddler-D), dark souls, okuu attorney
Jumpropeman: *buys harpy another Undertale*
Comet Warwitch: don't you do it jrm
Gooper Blooper: Undertales
Gooper Blooper: WOO-OO
Jumpropeman: okay *buys Harpy BadRatstale*
Comet Warwitch: dammit asgore don't dive into the money pile like that


Gooper Blooper: utsuho would not be a very good lawyer


Jumpropeman: "50 Shades of Santa" ...I'm done looking at Cosmo stuff today
Comet Warwitch: dear god no
terrivel: someone's been extra naughty


Jumpropeman: just so you guys know
Jumpropeman: if any of you were planning to RP the yellow M&M, I'm planning to RP him myself in 2017. Hope I didn't step on any plans


Jumpropeman: I have found the best last name ever
Gooper Blooper: that poor child
Jumpropeman: imagine if he grew up to be a doctor
Jumpropeman: Dr. Burpo
Jumpropeman: sounds like a fictional soda drink
Gooper Blooper: kids like him should be playing outside, not staying up in their room all night burping their burpos
Jumpropeman: *changes Everett's last name to Burpo*
Jumpropeman: *uses mod powers to make every character have the last name Burpo*
Jumpropeman: The Age of Burpo has begun
Gooper Blooper: What if we did Pelswick RP during The Age Of Burpo
Jumpropeman: then we will have achieved Nirvana, Goops
Jumpropeman changed name to Jumprope Burpo


Jumprope Burpo: have you accepted our lord and savior Colton Burpo into your heart, Spy?
Spy: Never
Jumprope Burpo: >:I
Jumprope Burpo: embrace the Burpo
Spy: I only have room for Scrimmy Bingus
Jumprope Burpo: Bingus cannot bring you the same joy as Burpo
Jumprope Burpo: i must go now, take care, Spy, and despite your Anti-Burpo ways... I still consider you my friend
Spy: Aww, night JRM!
Jumprope Burpo left the chat


Jumprope Burpo: "It’s my birthday today, and I’m 33!
That means only one thing…BRING IT IN, GUYS!!!
*every character from every game, comic, cartoon, TV show, movie, and book reality come in with everything for a HUGE party*"


ivel: I have returned with another reason I should never be allowed near games with extensive customization
ivel: I was hoping more people would be here to see my latest monster :U

Gooper Blooper: he's beautiful
ivel: I do these things because I can, without stopping to think of whether I should
Spy: Soul Calibur, Ivel?
ivel: Bladestorm
ivel: and then I turned his skin blue because that's another option I had
Gooper Blooper: I assume you've met Spy's Spore creations
ivel: nope!
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Gooper Blooper: RedSpy: From first to last: Fugly, Mik Jagga, Porkfetus, The Villain From The Next Digimon Movie, and Lotsa Spaghetti
ivel: they're wonderful
Harpy: give me Spore so i can watch ivel make abominations
Spy: harps I was so tempted
Spy: But I didn't want to begin the Spore Cycle anew in an innocent friend
ivel: and now I've made the polar opposite
ivel: 110 cm tall female with a stick figure
Gooper Blooper: ​name her tiffany
ivel: OKAY


Gooper Blooper: I thought snow was pretty cool as a kid
Harpy: it's always cool, goops :U
Gooper Blooper: then I got to the age where I became the Designated Snow Removal Guy
Gooper Blooper: I don't like snow any more


Harpy: i think a flock of sumirekos would be
Harpy: esoteric
Harpy: :U
Bree: an esoteric of sumirekos
Bree: perfect


RubyChao: comiket day 2 happened
RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: reminder that chao is probably buried in touhou at this very moment
RubyChao: this is true
RubyChao: i have a literal pile of touhou merch
RubyChao: this was everything i ever dreamed


Burpo changed name to Jumpropeman
Spy: Finally forsaking Burpo, eh?
Jumpropeman: not forsaking Burpo, storing Burpo for when the time is right


Chaomiket joined the chat
Harpy: hi chao
Chaomiket: Yo
Spy runs away from Chao
Spy fully circumnavigates the globe for a SPEAR FROM BEHIND
Spy rips off my mask
Spy changed name to ITS ROMMIN RAGNIS




Jumpropeman: gonna go play final fantasy 14, buy dudes
Jumpropeman: also, bye dudes
Jumpropeman: but mostly, buy dudes, I've got tons of them here and no one ever buys them
Jumpropeman left the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hey peeps
RubyChao: ...wait
RubyChao: there are a solid zero peeps


iKomodo: Whoever composed Auld Lang Syne should be shot
iKomodo: all my haaaaaaate
Brilliant Kid: No traditional music here, just the sound of explosions


RubyChao flops into the chatzy
RubyChao: hello peeps
Spy: Chaaaaaao
RubyChao: happy new year
RubyChao: i already had mine but now it's your turn
Manic In A Bag joined the chat
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: anyhow, it was p. neat
RubyChao: hung around a shrine and watched things happened
RubyChao: i got a fortune of "everything will go horribly wrong"
RubyChao: so :V
N Goat: Oh right! You're in Japan! I had entirely forgoteeeeoh my
N Goat: You have drawn the Chicken of Ill Omen


RubyChao: comiket was very successful
Spy: 2manyhu
N Goat: that's a lotta hu
N Goat: right there
RubyChao: except for one thing:
RubyChao: there was nothing good with utsuho
iKomodo: Okuu buried ;_;
RubyChao: i know, it's tragic :<
N Goat: Did you see any merch for the best touhou though?
N Goat: Any Tupai swag?
Spy: Welp
Spy: The local Barnes and Nobles just closed down
Spy: I feel empty now
RubyChao: strangely, tupai was missing the giant pile of - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
N Goat: oh come on
RubyChao collapses in despair
N Goat: that's just horrible


Manic In A Bag: books may be heading the way of record players it seems
N Goat: I mean
N Goat: *cough*
N Goat: I disagree with that notion


N Goat: oh, that documentary on sleep paralysis sounds interesting
N Goat: reminds me that a fellow made a little series on Youtube that was inspired by his Night Hag sleep paralysis attacks
N Goat: to try and make the figure he'd see less terrifying, he made up a sort of backstory for the figure
N Goat: like she was basically the supernatural version of a government worker who's job was to scare people experiencing sleep paralysis, shocking them out of their state
N Goat: hmm...can't remember the name of the little series
N Goat: >​M. Night Shayamalan movie is on this list
N Goat: ...well, okay, random internet writer, convince me
Gooper Blooper: IT'S GOT TWISTS
N Goat: >​Don’t read anything about it or watch any footage because it’s better if you know nothing.
N Goat: gosh darnit, random internet writer
N Goat makes various positive noises
N Goat: I was so pleased with this movie I went into with only a desperate hope


N Goat: "An elf? You're a Hashihime! Anyone who gets that wrong is an idiot! But you ARE Parsee Mizuhashi! I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face! Parsee Mizuhashi, Parsee Mizuhashi, Parseemizuhashiiiii!"
N Goat: I like to imagine that she kept trying to say it faster until it just turned to actual mush in her mouth
N Goat: "Parsuhashiii!"
Gooper Blooper: parsee mizuhashihime
N Goat: I ParSEE what you did there
N Goat: Ahue
N Goat: ahue
N Goat sees himself out


New Years Evil: For the Pokemaniacs
N Goat: okay
N Goat: that did make me laugh


Spy: Look at the different ​Skeiron​ Warmech/Death Machine designs over the years
Spy: FFIV was a rough year for you, huh buddy?


New Days Evil joined the chat
iKomodo: Hi CW :P
New Days Evil: AND ​FEEL THE POWER.​
New Days Evil: Originally I was going to come in as New Year's Day Evil
New Days Evil: But I put in New Days Evil by accident and well...


Spy: What the fuck, apparently GW learned what a proper discount is
iKomodo: What
Spy: They're selling actual starter boxes of miniatures now that, while still pretty darn expensive, aren't nearly as bad as the prices my friend tried to show me prior
Deletons: Holy shit that can't be true
Deletons: Show me

(A Something Awful forum link is provided, not reproduced here because of SA's fickleness with guests)

Spy: Unfortunately its sandwiched between awkward anime fanart
Spy: Which is a wonderful thing to return to when clicking on the SA last post button
Deletons: Boom boom boom is a national treasure
Deletons: Also what the fuck they're real
Deletons: Did
Deletons: Did GW hire a competent person
Spy: 21 Lizardmen for 85, when apparently 85 is the cost of their big dino centerpiece alone normally
Spy: How and when
Deletons: Okay i need to sleep that news was too shocking


Cornwind Evil: This seems like a mismatch
Gooper Blooper: yeah those werewolves are fucked
Etrohus: literally or-*shot*
Cornwind Evil: They're strippers, not courtesians


Etrohus: sumi's theme is stuck in my head
Gooper Blooper: I'm proud I completely and utterly ruined sumi for the two big touhou fans
Gooper Blooper: I built that /engineer
Etrohus: sumi is best
Etrohus: now i have to somehow top that amount of ruined
Etrohus: *pulls out elly from Lotus Land Story*
RubyChao: meanwhile i successfully ruined samus for goops despite his metroid experience
RubyChao: so i am happy
Gooper Blooper: I think Harpy's most potent ruined was probably Ramza
RubyChao: definitely
Etrohus: of course, i ruined ramza even for myself
Etrohus: can't even play FFT now without naming him Alex
Gooper Blooper: nobody here ever is going to play FFT ever again without winding up with at least half their team being ruined
Gooper Blooper: ruined infects that game worse than almost anything else we've ever seen
Etrohus: ...
Etrohus: my first song i listened to this year is sumi's theme
Etrohus: year of sumi
Etrohus: fuck
Gooper Blooper: well, this is the year she gets her own plot
Gooper Blooper: so yes it is year of sumi
Etrohus: and psychicplot is calling her name
Etrohus: is it possible to die of sumi overdose, doctor chao
RubyChao: but goops
RubyChao: will sumi - no - be interested in... MY stuff
Gooper Blooper: well chao, riddle me this
Gooper Blooper: are any elements of your plot
Gooper Blooper: ​esoteric
RubyChao: ​they might be


Spy: So I'm watching the Best Friends play Persona 4 Arena
Spy: And during the intro scene "Labrys is the better of the robots"
Spy: You're damn right, Pat. #ruined


Del: im starting a new city in cities skylines
Del: name suggestions pls
Jumpropeman: Dongertopia


Del: dongertopia after about 20 mins
Jumpropeman: from humble beginnings
Del: we hit "little hamlet" status real fast
Del: so now dongertopia can be medicated, educated and, uh, de-garbage-cated
Jumpropeman: get that garbage off your donger
Bree: meiling complains about everything being dongs
Bree: "so uninclusive"
Del: thankfully dongertopia has a fine history of maxing prothestics for those who are dongically challenged
Bree: meiling does not want a dong
Bree: well okay I could totally picture meiling with two fake rubber dongs gluing them to a headband and running around like "I'M THE DONGERFLY"
Bree: dong antennae
Del: where would we be without meiling
SteelKomodo: meiling pls


Del: i bought the papyrus emote on steam
Del: it looks like dying
Bree: kek
Del: it looks terrible


Spys Throat Is Rebelling asked Chatzy to choose between HE and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal
ivel: denied
ivel: HENIED
Spys Throat Is Rebelling: HE HAS NO patience for your shit right now
Spys Throat Is Rebelling: HE HAS NO GRACE
Spys Throat Is Rebelling: THIS KONG HAS gotten really fed up with society


N Goat: oh my ghfjfjf
N Goat: I literally just typed "search" into the searchbar
iKomodo: XD


RubyChao: japan was quite fun
RubyChao: i would not be adverse to visiting it again in the future
RubyChao: ...but not for a while, i want to stay back in america for some time


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: apparently the opening for Shoot Shoot Nitori The Golden is
RubyChao: "nitori reads a newspaper, realizes she can make a lot of money, flies off"
RubyChao: seriously it's a lightbulb with a yen sign for the filimant
Gooper Blooper: so basically WarioWare's intro
Lightning Raven: lel
Gooper Blooper: Except without the part where she picks her nose


Lightning Raven: dear fucking hell dennis just opened the door and that cold wind
Lightning Raven: holy fuck it's fucking cold holy fucking fuck
RubyChao: I KNOW
RubyChao: i want to go back to tokyo now
Gooper Blooper: kek


Lightning Raven: *ends up RPing angry white mage*
Gooper Blooper: Rage Mage
Gooper Blooper: I found this one artist on Pixiv whose favorite FFT white mage color palette is the green one
Gooper Blooper: so we can pretend it's Angry Mage fanart... except she's usually drawn as cute and happy
Lightning Raven: well she could be cute sometimes
Lightning Raven: up until you do something really stupid
Gooper Blooper: and then this happens
Lightning Raven: ...
Lightning Raven: ...
Lightning Raven: i want to RP her now
Lightning Raven: or at least write her on my blog
Lightning Raven: damn it
Gooper Blooper: of course :V
Lightning Raven: harpykuro: officially only RPs cute people
Lightning Raven: stap it ;;


Jumpropeman: Rare footage of Harpy in her natural habitat


(Chao plays a Touhou fangame and reaches a Sumireko boss fight)

RubyChao: this is phase 3
Gooper Blooper: that grin
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Lightning Raven: goopy is inspired
Gooper Blooper: reimu looks like she's kinda boxed in there
RubyChao: nah, that's the gimmick
RubyChao: stuff attaches to you and you become an offensive juggernaut
RubyChao: anything directly attached to the protag is part of their weaponry
Gooper Blooper: Oh my god, it's Blast Works
Gooper Blooper: There's a fucking Touhou version of fucking ​Blast Works
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: "The player controls an aircraft on a two-dimensional plane. As the player destroys enemies, their debris fall off the screen below. If the player manages to touch these pieces of debris with their ship before they disappear from the screen, these pieces affix themselves to the player's plane in the positions they were caught, providing extra mass and firepower."
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: it's Blast Works
Lightning Raven: oh my god


Jumpropeman: see ya
Jumpropeman: WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA!
Gooper Blooper: ohhhhhhhh


Lightning Raven: i have found del's true identity
Gooper Blooper: Del was a cute anime girl all- 2slow
RubyChao: he'll just
RubyChao: delete it
Lightning Raven: i'm going to be banished from chatzy
Lightning Raven: for this insult against del


Lightning Raven: whats errybody up to
Gooper Blooper: not a lot at the moment
Lightning Raven: so being adorable then, gotcha :U


Gooper Blooper: started case 3 of AAI2 today and had to solve an emulator problem in the process with the help of chao
Gooper Blooper: For some ridiculous reason, the newest version of the emulator I was using crashes during the intro to Case 3
Gooper Blooper: same spot every time
RubyChao: i am the most helpful of frands
Gooper Blooper: I downgraded and it worked fine
Lightning Raven: i can't even begin to wonder what in the world that scene has
Lightning Raven: that makes it crash
Lightning Raven: i guess that upgrade wasn't debeste, after all
Gooper Blooper: So if you know about the world's least competent prosecutor, does that mean you've played AAI2?
Lightning Raven: no, i just know him from memes
RubyChao: literally cirno
Lightning Raven: i know absolutely nothing about AAI2
Gooper Blooper: he is the shittiest prosecutor I've ever seen
RubyChao: did you know
RubyChao: ​you play as edgeworth
Gooper Blooper: it is unbelievable
Gooper Blooper: As I told Chao, "Payne could argue circles around this guy"
ivel: worst prosecutor? You spelled Payn- damnit
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure winston would beat him in court
Gooper Blooper: Payne used to be good and occasionally shows flashes of insight
Gooper Blooper: Debeste has nothing
Gooper Blooper: absolutely nothing
Lightning Raven: he's a rookie killer for a reason
RubyChao: he has an idiot hair!!!
Lightning Raven: alex is not debeste
Gooper Blooper: His idiot hair is shaped like a question mark
Gooper Blooper: even the fucking hair doesn't know what's going on


Lightning Raven: anyway gonna go to bed now
Lightning Raven: good night
ivel: anyway, gonna leave now
ivel: that timing
Lightning Raven: i'm kidnapping ivel
ivel: I was typing that before Harpy sent it I swear
RubyChao: bye harpvel
Lightning Raven: ivelharp
Lightning Raven: SO
Lightning Raven: SO
Lightning Raven: ​IVEL
ivel: you know I can't SANS bad jokes
Lightning Raven: you monster


Jumpropeman: update on Commission Guy: He already sent me a rough sketch within like 6 hours of receiving the request. I wonder if he'd accept a marriage proposal as payment


Some Guy In A Mustache joined the chat
Some Guy In A Mustache: HELLO.
Some Guy In A Mustache: HELLO PEOPLE
Jumpropeman: hold on a moment... YOU AREN'T SOME GUY IN A MUSTACHE. YOU'RE SOME GUY IN A BEARD!
Some Guy In A Mustache changed name to Some Guy In A Beard


NewPhoneDel: And will now confirm things that should not be canon but are
The Giant Butt Rises: Like what?
SteelKomodo: oh?
NewPhoneDel: For example
NewPhoneDel: Sean is bi
NewPhoneDel: Or
NewPhoneDel: Jonesy once won a beer pong tournament
NewPhoneDel: The prize was $50


Jumpropeman: playing a bit more Bubsy 3D recently, here's some highlights from level 2
Gooper Blooper: what could possibly go wrong
Jumpropeman: jumpropeman: level 2 of Bubsy 3D is called Clawstrophobic
jumpropeman: so naturally its a wide open area
Gooper Blooper: off to a great start
Jumpropeman: What happens when I picked up a life:
jumpropeman: oh god
jumpropeman: bubsy won't shut up
jumpropeman: just over and over
Draco: Perfect.
Gooper Blooper: He said all of that from one extra life?
Jumpropeman: it was just going on and on until I paused or got hurt
RubyChao: were you not prepared
RubyChao: are you not entertained
jumpropeman: i'd like you to imagine hell. Now, no matter how terrible a place you imagine it to be, add Bubsy glitching out and yelling "YAAYAAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAYAY​AYA" to that
jumpropeman: luckily pause seems to stop all the yelling, but i didn't learn that for a while
Gooper Blooper: Okay, THAT might be unintentional
Gooper Blooper: I'm GUESSING they only wanted him to say one of those phrases, but failed to ensure that would happen
RubyChao: and the best part is
RubyChao: jrm will still 100% it
Gooper Blooper: Is Bubsy 3D going to be JRM's greatest conquest yet? Superman 64 certainly put up a fight
Jumpropeman: I already know level three is called something like "A Bridge Too Fur" to which Bubsy quips "More like a Bridge Too Short". As in, Bubsy undoes the joke of the level name
Gooper Blooper: it just keeps getting better


Gooper Blooper: tundletar
Spy: What the fuck xD
Draco: :I


Gooper Blooper: I might be here for the Brawl this summer after all
Jumpropeman: i believe you told me, which is most good news. The usual Arkansas trip I go on around that time is earlier too and I might not even go so it won't effect brawl work at all
Gooper Blooper: fantastic
Draco: I will be here for Brawlmas.
Jumpropeman: which means... 100 ENTRANTS, 900 IMAGES, BBB6 WILL BE THE BIGGEST ONE YET


Gooper Blooper: For my midgame plot, I finally designed an OC for it and will need about a half-dozen of them total
RubyChao: have fun with the naming part :V
Gooper Blooper: The OC has a subject-to-change name already but yes it was difficult, the proof being I idly clicked back to Paint an hour after making the pic and was confronted with the Save File screen because I still hadn't named the picture
RubyChao: rip
RubyChao: why are names so difficult, man
Gooper Blooper: They have long been a weakness of mine
RubyChao: "mr. rubychao what would you like to name your kid" "uhhhhhhhhh"
Jumpropeman: just name all characters Gregor, for Gregor is best name
Gooper Blooper: >​Gregor
Gooper Blooper: excuse me but I was under the impression that the best name was Burpo
Gooper Blooper: Have you turned your back on the burpo universe
RubyChao: and then i name my kid Gregor, regardless of gender
Jumpropeman: Gregor Burpo is full name
RubyChao: because in times of stress i flashback to JRM
Spy: I dunno
Spy: I gotta agree with Gregor
Gooper Blooper: that works
Gooper Blooper: Uncle Gregor
Lightning Raven: *pops head in*
Lightning Raven: so we're talking about plots now?
Lightning Raven: *ends up blabbing about all her plots*
Gooper Blooper: BabblePlots


Rambler: I picked up a legendary sword from a corpse (of a super mutant I had slain, naturally) that does another 50% damage against any machine foe and can be upgraded to an electric shock sword with serrated edges. It's called ​General Chao's Revenge. :u
RubyChao: i am avenged
Jumpropeman: what did they do to you chao
Jumpropeman: what did the robots do
RubyChao: you don't wanna know


Jumpropeman: the King of Hyrule is so hard to take seriously as a character design
Jumpropeman: and Link is just in a mirror
Jumpropeman: no explanation given


Jumpropeman: my 2017 plans are literally "bring back all the old characters who aren't wrapped up yet"
N Goat: Ice Cold Water Plot confirmed!
N Goat: Ice Cold Water Man in A Giant Metaphysical Tractor for 2016 RP Ending Godboss


Some Guy With A Bad Day Past: "Whoopi Goldberg made a verbal agreement to star in the film in 1993. When she tried to back out, producer Richard Gilbert Abramson sued her for $20 million. The suit was settled very quickly, when Goldberg agreed to star for $7 million, $2 million more than the original agreement."


N Goat: So, I'm going to have to look up this ladybug battlebot that keeps showing up
Jumpropeman: tentomushi is the best
Jumpropeman: literally the reason I sent Tupai
N Goat: First words of youtube vid I load up contianing Tentomushi: "-because he wants to snuggle!"
N Goat: one minute in and haven't gotten into the fight, but it's too good not to share
N Goat: So, it turns out
N Goat: finding footage of Tentoumushi is really difficult
Jumpropeman: no matter what tentoumushi tries, smothering with a sandbox lid is never a good tactic
N Goat: Tentoumushi has won matches!
N Goat: ...I just can't find any footage of those matches
N Goat: tentoumushi is also in this one!
N Goat: not sure if it actually does very well though..
Jumpropeman: theres no way its winning a rumble
Jumpropeman: especially one with Ziggo present
N Goat: oh
N Goat: oh my stars and garters
N Goat: there was a tentoumushi mcdonalds toy
Jumpropeman: look at that face
Jumpropeman: face of a champion


U Pig: Chinkilla though
U Pig: look at that strong, Roman jaw
U Pig: >​but Tupai snarls like an elderly bobcat who just caught some mink youths playing on his lawn
U Pig: the newest installment in the endless quest to come up with new ways to describe the noises Tupai makes
U Pig: Battlebot plot, Starring Special Guest: Abbatoir
U Pig: in response, viewers flocked to social media with one voice:
U Pig: >​Where is the usual array of harpchars? Where is the Kevvy, the Cindy, the dazzling Sammy or Stacy? WHERE ARE THEY?!?
U Pig: Response was even more mixed at the launch of Pretty Magical Battlebot Abbatoir in which Kogasa was clumsily forced in as a minor character to cash in on cross promotion materials
U Pig: Mr. Twister, however, proved much more well received in the nuanced role of "Killer Robot Who Obliterates Gearcrow"
U Pig: launching forward the robot's career into a recurring role On Utsuho and David: Radioactive Cops as the quiet but witty coroner, Mr. Twister.
U Pig did not sleep much last night


Draco tips the ​cow​ pig.
U Pig: Oh nooooo
RubyChao: woah
RubyChao: hi sheep!!
U Pig flops down stairs
U Pig like a fat cartoon man rolling down flight after flight of stairs

U Pig: Hello, Chao
U Pig: Don't mind me
Draco: The galaxy is at peace. The last pig has been tipped.
U Pig: just filling the chat with nonsense
U Pig: as I'm prone to do
RubyChao: but i like your nonsense


Del: great idea
Del: poker night 3
Del: with papyrus
Del: "I, the Great Papyrus... fffffold."
Raven: undyne and/or sans should be there
Raven: it would be like sam without max sass if they weren't there
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Yeah you need the sass
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Sansass
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Ssssanasssasnsnasaassaas​sass


Jumpropeman: my next main character
Gooper Blooper: You RP the boss, right?
Jumpropeman: of course, and Spy will RP the Ass Kisser. It will be our newest pairing


Gooper Blooper: I can only wonder what Japan was like during the late 90s when Pokemania was at a fever pitch
Gooper Blooper: probably got it even worse than the USA
Jumpropeman: my brother got mad at me once because I traded my Japanese Swinub card for an English card, because Japanese cards "are super rare and expensive!"
Gooper Blooper: Japanese cards were pretty mythical with my classmates back in the day, too


Raven: its probably sad that the first pokemon i got to lvl 100
Raven: was a farfetch'd
Gooper Blooper: In the 20 years of Pokemon's existence, Farfetch'd has appeared on 11 cards
Gooper Blooper: JRM is proud of you, harpy, I'm sure


Jumpropeman: have you guys ever seen
Jumpropeman: it is the most amazing conspiracy rant where a guy argues that Earth actually has four simultaneous days going on at once since its a spinning cube
Gooper Blooper: *wikipedias*
Jumpropeman: my forum signature is from
Jumpropeman: I could watch the entirety of Foam Adventure but I can't read this whole page
Jumpropeman: "Seek Awesome Lectures,

Jumpropeman: "If a Man cannot tear a page
from the bible and burn it -
then he cannot be a scientist"

Jumpropeman: "You SnotBrains will know
hell for ignoring TimeCube.
I do not promote or suggest
anyone killing you, but you
are unfit to live on Earth."

Gooper Blooper: timecube final boss 2016


RubyChao: "The English name of this move may be an homage to former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson, who is associated with the coining of the word smackdown, and shares his ring name, The Rock, with the type of the move."
RubyChao: bulbapedia i think you're reaching
Bree: wrassling


Bree: oh my god eiki's name translation
Bree: oh my god
RubyChao: yessss
Bree: what the fuck google
RubyChao: so: the original name is Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
RubyChao: and google makes it come out aaaas
RubyChao: "Four Seasons Utsuhime-SA Grand Theft Auto San Andreas MOD"
RubyChao: yes, the GTA part is actually in there
Bree: it is
Raven: amazing
RubyChao: i have no idea where google gets it
Bree: for real
Bree: if komachi could see that
Bree: she'd laugh so hard she died
RubyChao: would she then buy eiki a copy of GTA San Andreas as a gag gift
Bree: possibly
Raven: if komachi died, who would man the boat
Bree: and my headcanon version/zfrp eiki would secretly enjoy it while insisting she doesn't
SteelKomodo: XD
Bree: "this is a bad game for bad people, people who play this are bad *intentionally mowing down pedestrians*"
Bree: @harp: komachi's corpse
Bree: wouldn't be that different
Bree: it just lays there
Raven: lel
Bree: just like alive komachi


Jumpropeman: *instantly forgets what he read in review mode as he leaves it*
Jumpropeman: i am somewhat tired

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