Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 236: Final Existence

ivel: I don't even remember the Musketeers' names
ivel: I think I made them in Dynasty Warriors though
ivel: what else am I supposed to do with like 850 character creation spots
ivel: I even have the freakish lovechild of Laharl and Shrek because you can combine two characters and see what the game makes the kid look like
ivel: it's Shreharl


Sempai Fails Perception Check: Okay
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Im here
Sempai Fails Perception Check: And i have an rp idea
Sempai Fails Perception Check: The streets of las vegas are filled with crime
Sempai Fails Perception Check: The evil rule the streets
Sempai Fails Perception Check: And only one duo can make a stand
Raven: bring back sam and max
iKomodo: Bring them back plz
Raven: point and click adventure plot
Sempai Fails Perception Check: I will do it
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Because i have fond memories of playing them that one time
Sempai Fails Perception Check: It was great
iKomodo: :3
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Best part was either getting to play as them in a dungeon world game, or the part where they stole a crystal ball from tridenland to help jonesy contact a daemon in the warp
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Or the bit with max and a minigun
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Goops if you stumble in here pls post some of those moments
iKomodo: Yee
Bree: *crunk goops stumbles in, carelessly flings contextless blurbs of del RP unrelated to del's request into the chat, then passes out*
Dacor joined the chat
Dacor: I'm back. BI
Bree: you're not goops!


iKomodo: >​plugs phone in to charge
iKomodo: >​"69% charged"
iKomodo: phone pls


Raven: i trust ivelmom to suplex a lawyer


M Sheep: Hello, Harpy!
M Sheep: Which reminds me, I've been meaning to tell you for probably two months now about a dream I had
iKomodo: ooh, do tell
M Sheep: I was originally not going to, due having forgotten pretty much all of it by now, but I found out Past Sheep thought to write a couple things down on the same piece of paper that had important college note things on it
iKomodo: Aw yiss
M Sheep: It was an RP DREAM about the forum
M Sheep: we were all a little bit older and I think the forum had more people on it, or it at least seemed formatted for ease of use for larger traffic
M Sheep: For some reason, the forum background was formatted like a blog theme
M Sheep: a dungy gray/brown with photography of broken hunks of concrete, some with rebar sticking out of them, and the top of the page had concrete walls topped with barbed wire
Raven: sounds like the old forums
M Sheep: but was most interesting, was we were all celebrating in a thread about Harpy becoming a published author
Raven: ...i wish i lived in this dream world
M Sheep: She had a short story in this anthology
Raven: unless i'm a published erotica author
ivel: ESPECIALLY if it's erotica
Raven: no ivel
Raven: oh man tho
M Sheep: the story or the anthology was called Unrhyming Sounds
M Sheep: it was either that or Safe and Sound
M Sheep: I have two titles written down here, not sure which goes to what
M Sheep: Unfortunately, that's all I really remember
M Sheep: except maybe the woman who put the anthology together was posting in the thread too?
M Sheep: I know for sure SK was there, because his post in the thread was above mine
Raven: guess the woman is a good friend of mine by then
Raven: either that or i was her fangirl
iKomodo: Awesome
M Sheep: I know the woman who put the anthology together was older, but that's about it
M Sheep: and you were somewhat embarassedly and humbly accepting our congratulations
M Sheep: The END
Raven: myeeeh


M Sheep: blblblblbl
M Sheep: When did all my characters become mutants
M Sheep muttering


Raven: widow maker has ruined praying mantises
Raven: i was trying to remember the name of the praying mantis when i just said "widow maker"
Gooper Blooper: Wids got in on the ground floor of ruined
Raven: i also can't see mantids without saying "ITS WIDOW MAKER"


M Sheep: I was wondering why this was the most insane and frantic remix of Hallelujah I'd ever heard
M Sheep: turns out, had Hungarian Dance Brahms Remix going in another tab


Gooper Blooper: Oh, Sheep, yesterday I was trading Pokemon with Chao to help him with his Pokedex
Gooper Blooper: and one of the Pokemon he sent me was a Pelipper named "M Sheep"
Gooper Blooper: so there's that
M Sheep: pelipperrrrrr
M Sheep shakes fist
ivel: why a pelipper
M Sheep: I do like pelliper though, even though it's just literally a pelican
Bree: because random, ivel
M Sheep: >​why a pellipper
Gooper Blooper: Ivel: M Sheep accidentally used his Master Ball on a Pelipper in RS
M Sheep ages twenty years
Bree: oh that
Bree: forgot about that
M Sheep: son, let me tell you a story-
ivel: ahahaha
Gooper Blooper: It resulted in him being unable to catch Groudon, resulting in him abandoning the game just before the end
Bree: *gooper tells the story in one line*
Gooper Blooper: a sad tale
Bree: *two lines*
M Sheep: I have never played a Pokemon game since then
M Sheep hangs Pelipper around neck
M Sheep becomes the Ancient Mariner

ivel: reminds me of Twitch Plays Pokemon
ivel: think that was a Goldeen?
M Sheep: I didn't even realize I'd used the Master Ball on it until I got to Groudon
M Sheep: I was lugging that Pelipper around for half the game without noticing
Gooper Blooper: They wasted the Master Ball many times on many Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: It makes it all the more amazing that they actually used it for something really important in the original Red run
Bree: did they ever catch a legendary with a master ball ever
Gooper Blooper: Yes
Gooper Blooper: The original Red run, they caught Zapdos with it
Bree: fascinating


Bree: my mailbox was fucking frozen shut
Bree: opening rubygift postponed on account of letty *shakes fist*
Bree: plus the neighborhood manager people or whatever effed up our mailbox already
Bree: I imagine this'll go into a chatzy madness for its breathtaking stupidity, but
Bree: we have a mailbox that's a big metal... well, box with lots of individual compartments for each house
Gooper Blooper: I've seen those before
ivel: how did they mess it up
Bree: each compartment has a keyhole to unlock it
Bree: they decided to paint the mailbox because it had lots of obscenities and whatnot carved into it and etc
Bree: and, okay
Bree: this has to be given the proper gravity
Bree: they painted
Bree: ​over​
Bree: the ​locks​
Bree: on the mailbox
Bree: every
Bree: single
Bree: one
ivel: what the fuck


M Sheep: Is Game Theorist still losing their mind over FNaF?
M Sheep checks Youtube
M Sheep: ayup
Jumpropeman: Game Theorist, for all your best "___ IS DEAD!" theories


RubyChao: Since i got it by breeding gaben, and since it took way too long to hatch and takes way too long to find in older gen
RubyChao: i have dubbed munchlax
RubyChao: ​Valve Time
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Bree: >​breeding gaben
Bree: lewd
ivel: welp Bree
Bree: don't welp at me, ruby did it
RubyChao: look i have to go to EXTREME MEASURES to finish this dex


Jumpropeman: In the future, a nerdy girl who likes undertale will announce her pregnancy with "You're gonna have a dad time"


Empresswulf: I went to go look for an old post
Empresswulf: I went back 100 pages and was still in the same month
Empresswulf: fucking RIP me


Jumpropeman: man, the lead-in to Asgore's theme is like the best thing in human history
RubyChao: what about bad rats
Jumpropeman: Bad Rats has a pretty good soundtrack actually, but that may be the Stockholm Syndrome talking
RubyChao: wht about bubsy 3D
Jumpropeman: I suppose that is technically music in Bubsy 3D


Jumpropeman: so I was looking at the games Hector and Vector are from on the resale market today. Gyromite: Hector on the cover, can be played without ROB: $5. Sounds good, sounds fun, I'll guide sleepwalking Hector through puzzles sure. Stack-Up: Vector on the cover, can't be played without ROB: $77
Jumpropeman: and it plays like this
Jumpropeman: why are you trying to fleece people so hard Vector
iKomodo: ...oh!
iKomodo: THAT's what those sounds on Electroplankton were from!
Jumpropeman: how was Electroplankton?
iKomodo: Eh, it was a pretty cool distraction
iKomodo: very nice to look at and listen to, but no real lasting power unfortunately
iKomodo: if there had been, like, a mission or puzzle mode or something, maybe that would have made it a bit more than a neon-coloured breeze
Jumpropeman: I remember it was really expensive for a while, seems it calmed down, but is probably still too much for just a musical playbox
iKomodo: I still kind of recommend it, actually
iKomodo: because for what it is, it's pretty unique
iKomodo: and I'm all about the weird esoteric stuff from the start of the DS's lifespan
RubyChao: and then goops shows up right then


(Re: an interview with people who worked on Phoenix Wright)

RubyChao: Takumi: You’re right that it was by design. “Columbo”, which I’m a fan of, and others like it are not set up to be whodunit stories, but rather as howcatchems (or “inverted detective stories”), and especially with the first episode of AA, I wanted players to focus on the thrill and excitement of nailing the culprit. It was just that this was the most direct way I could think of doing it.
RubyChao: and that is why the intro to the first case
RubyChao: is entirely "LOOK AT THIS GUY WHO DID IT"


RubyChao: "is an upcoming American 3D computer-animated action buddy comedy neo-noir adventure[6] film"
RubyChao: at what point does one realize they have overdone it with the adjectives


(Chao's quest for a complete Pokedex continues)

RubyChao: >​beating up diantha's entire chateau team got me one level for pupitar
RubyChao: wow
Gooper Blooper: Chao, have you been forgetting about o-powers
RubyChao: ...yes
Gooper Blooper: use o-powers


Jumpropeman: so remember how E.T. nearly killed the gaming industry
Raven joined the chat
Jumpropeman: apparently they thought they could give us the E.T. game they thought we deserved
Jumpropeman: 5 times

Jumpropeman: I like how all the covers except one are E.T. in a nearly colorless land
Jumpropeman: It's like they took pages from a coloring book and made them boxart
Cornwind Evil: It turns out they're all the same game


Jumpropeman: *googles Christmas Jynx Toy and clicks Shopping*
Jumpropeman: Well uh, those are some nice Minecraft and Halo figures
Jumpropeman: but I don't see what they have to do with Jynx or even Christmas


Cornwind Evil: You know how the internet has like spambots and adbots and all that right
Gooper Blooper: tapogres
Cornwind Evil: Which post a bunch of garbled nonsense?
ivel: mhm
Cornwind Evil: Well someone took the concept and applied it to meme-pictures, as in, I think these are actual bots programmed to try and make memes
Cornwind Evil: Here are some results
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/1YpjQyp.jpg
ivel: already amazing
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/hBjOQ8h.jpg
ivel: well then
Gooper Blooper: she seems happy enough about it
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/ah380IV.jpg
ivel: okay I laughed
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/cHAOUSd.jpg
Gooper Blooper: these bots ain't bad
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/MBHRLkZ.jpg
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/Tt1kzvG.jpg
ivel: I
ivel: what
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/0PjWfwQ.jpg
Cornwind Evil: http://i.imgur.com/l32GEli.jpg
Cornwind Evil: He's not wrong


RubyChao: huh, i just realized
RubyChao: i did bookends for season 5 without even thinking about it
RubyChao: anyhow: first major RP fight of the season - vs. the coalition of malice
RubyChao: (the initial one with them at scoopa koopa's)
RubyChao: last major rp fight of the season - vs. the alliance of evil
RubyChao: and i didn't even realize it until right now


Sempai Fails Perception Check: Fuckkkkk
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Now i want to buy one of those £50 starter sets but that would mean giving gw money


RubyChao: i like how glameow can't learn swagger
RubyChao: but purugly can
RubyChao: gotta be a fat cat to have the swagger
Gooper Blooper: swag yo


Gooper Blooper: So I dunno if SK and Del knew about this yet but
Gooper Blooper: You know how Godzilla made his big comeback and it resulted in Gamera going "Hey, I'm alive too" and now he also has a new film?
Gooper Blooper: Well, as it turns out, Godzilla wasn't the only recently-revived series to make another series go "hey wait a second, we can do this too"
WhySpy: Yessssssssssssssssssssss​sss
WhySpy: Robot Wars was always my favorite of the two
Gooper Blooper: As long as they don't rig it I'm down
Gooper Blooper: The last season of the original series was rigged and that was not cool
WhySpy: Wait, rigged?
Gooper Blooper: I told the story of the rigged Robot Wars in chatzy before but Spy may not have been here for it
Gooper Blooper: Well, Spy, did you see "Extreme Series 2" and The Seventh Wars?
Gooper Blooper: because that's where it all went down
Gooper Blooper: Extreme 2 was a bunch of minor events and tournaments. One of the biggest things they did was the New Blood Championship, where a bunch of newbies competed in a tournament. The winner would automatically be entered into Season 7
Gooper Blooper: The winner of that tournament was a robot named Storm II, who was basically a rocket brick
Gooper Blooper: The producers hated Storm II because it didn't have a weapon, it was just a wedge that moved really fast and rammed opponents very hard
Gooper Blooper: So Storm II gets into the tournament, but the producers sought to disqualify them
RubyChao: gaben's gotten wrecked a few times by now
RubyChao: it's always annoying :V
Raven: harpfam status: i will have the house to myself tomorrow
Raven: yiss
Gooper Blooper: They made a new rule that said your robot had to have an "active weapon" or else it would be disqualified
Raven: what the heck does that even mean
Gooper Blooper: It had to have a moving weapon
Gooper Blooper: Storm II was just a wedge
Gooper Blooper: They were saying your bot needed a spinning weapon, or a flipping arm, or something
Gooper Blooper: Because of this rule, Stinger, who'd been around for ages and fought by spinning in place and smacking enemies with a spiked club thing, was blocked from entering, but the producers didn't care as long as Storm II couldn't enter
WhySpy: Even though Speedy Wedge is, like, half the champs
WhySpy: Wait, how the hell is spiked spinclub not a weapon?
Raven: that sounds like storm II would have a tiny blade
Gooper Blooper: Remember what Stinger looked like?
Gooper Blooper: The weapon isn't powered
Gooper Blooper: It just sticks out and the wheels do the work
Gooper Blooper: That was banned, just so Storm II couldn't compete
Gooper Blooper: But the Storm II team managed to get in anyway by adding a lifting arm to Storm II
Raven: hahaha
Raven: maximum spite
Gooper Blooper: This is what it looked like for the New Blood tournament
Gooper Blooper: For the seventh season, there's the improved version with the arm
Gooper Blooper: So Storm II is allowed in, and it starts winning matches
Gooper Blooper: And they try to disqualify it because it's "not using its' weapon enough, so it might as well not have one, so it's breaking the weapon rule"
Gooper Blooper: They did not succeed in doing so, however, and Storm II was allowed to continue
Gooper Blooper: Eventually, the seventh series came down to the final four, and Storm II was still there
Gooper Blooper: The producers were getting desperate
Gooper Blooper: Nobody could beat them
Raven: *stinger rolls in with a dramatic cape tied around its spear*
Gooper Blooper: In the semifinal, Storm was pitted against Tornado
Gooper Blooper: Tornado was basically an older, slower Storm II
Gooper Blooper: but they had interchangeable weapons and could swap out what was on their robot to fit the situation
Gooper Blooper: For the Storm fight they were allowed to use... a non-powered wedge
Gooper Blooper: Now, in the Robot Wars arena there's a big hole called the Pit that robots can open, and if you fall in the Pit you instantly lose
Gooper Blooper: During the Storm/Tornado fight, the Pit was activated
Gooper Blooper: Storm II then pushed Tornado into the Pit
Gooper Blooper: The Pit then proceeded to ​raise back up and free Tornado, in front of everyone watching live​
RubyChao: whaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: Camera edits and the announcer chatter made it appear that Tornado escaped "just in time", but this was not the case
Gooper Blooper: The fight went the full time allotted and went to the judges, who were not part of the conspiracy, and they voted Storm II the winner
Gooper Blooper: So Storm's in the finals, overcoming all the obstacles and biases put in front of it
WhySpy: And then the final fight is Storm vs. Dick Dastardly With A Sledgehammer
Gooper Blooper: This is Typhoon. Typhoon was the other finalist.
Raven: goopy is telling a tale of triumph
WhySpy: . .. Where is his active weapon
Raven: its the blades on the bottom
Raven: probably spins
Gooper Blooper: It's a full-body spinner, the entire outer shell spins
Gooper Blooper: Like Ziggo
WhySpy: Stinger should sue
Gooper Blooper: So the fight starts
Gooper Blooper: And Typhoon is getting its' ass kicked
Gooper Blooper: Storm's armor is strong enough to withstand Typhoon's attacks, and it's dominating the fight
iKomodo: Mmhm
Gooper Blooper: Then, something happened that no one could have predicted
Gooper Blooper: Typhoon, spinning at full speed, slams into the arena wall and breaks it apart
Gooper Blooper: Immediately, a time out is called to repair the wall
M Sheep: And then the Producer's gave Typhoon ILLEGAL ROBOT DRUGS during the confusion
Gooper Blooper: In the pit area, it's discovered that Typhoon broke its' own spinner when it destroyed the wall
M Sheep: or some other robohancement
Gooper Blooper: Storm II, meanwhile, seems fine
Gooper Blooper: The producers approach Typhoon... and the fix is in
iKomodo: Welp
Gooper Blooper: Typhoon is allowed to repair their robot during the timeout, while Storm II is not allowed to do so, and has no idea Typhoon is being repaired
M Sheep: OH MY GOD
Gooper Blooper: The fight resumes, but STILL Storm II is winning
Gooper Blooper: And then, right at the end
WhySpy: Please tell me he explodes
Gooper Blooper: Storm II loses its' drive on one side
WhySpy: ooh, close
Gooper Blooper: The fight ends with Storm II going in circles
Gooper Blooper: The judges are called in
Gooper Blooper: The judges (who, again, have no idea of the rigging) see that Typhoon is working fine and Storm II lost drive on one side
Gooper Blooper: and that's the decider for them, and Typhoon is declared the winner
iKomodo: D:<
Gooper Blooper: Months later, the judges found out about the sordid story and sent a personal letter of apology to Storm II for not knowing about what happened
Raven: robot wars sounds really dramatic
RubyChao: and that's how the show died
WhySpy: Glad the judges were coolguys
Gooper Blooper: The show died for several reasons, but that certainly couldn't have helped
Raven: maybe i will watch the reboot
Gooper Blooper: Some had already accused them long before of rigging by using the housebots to attack robots they didn't like
Raven: thanks goopy for spinning (haw) that tale, you have piqued my interest in robots
Gooper Blooper: But the Storm II fights against Tornado and Typhoon were such blatant rigging that there was no doubt
WhySpy: . . . Huh, that's true
WhySpy: House Robots can easily be made rigging machines
Gooper Blooper: I believe the Terrorhurtz/Ming 3 fight was one that got a lot of suspicion for that
WhySpy: Was there any pre-seen evidence, or just lots of pileons?
M Sheep: Did the Producers leave out any blueprints labeled "EVIL PLANS"?
Gooper Blooper: For the housebot thing, I think it was just people taking into account every time the housebots interfered without anyone going into the Patrol Zones where the housebots guarded
Raven: 2016 plot: robot wars
Gooper Blooper: In the fight I mentioned, Ming 3 (a Razer-like crusher) had successfully grabbed Terrorhurtz (a robot with an axe it swung overhead) but Matilda, one of the housebots, came in out of nowhere and attacked Ming 3, destroying it
M Sheep: so the 2017 setting is Robot Wars, huh?
M Sheep: Welcome back to Battlebots RP!
WhySpy: Botfights RP
M Sheep: I can't wait for the Big Bot Brawl!
Gooper Blooper: also belated but you're welcome harpy, combat robots is one of those subjects I can spew out sperg about very easily, like pogeys
Gooper Blooper: I know a lot about it :V


Cornwind Evil: The hell was the problem with the Producers and Storm II
Raven: i am not a great summarizer of this
Cornwind Evil: AREN'T ALL THE BEST ROBOTS IN THESE KIND OF TOURNAMENTS ONES WITH THE MOST BASIC WEAPONS and for some reason I did half of that in caps
Gooper Blooper: They thought Storm was boring
Cornwind Evil is still getting used to the new keyboard.
Gooper Blooper: It wasn't, it rammed opponents so hard it would send them flying over the arena walls
Cornwind Evil: Did the crowd?
Gooper Blooper: They loved Storm and booed Typhoon when it was announced the winner
M Sheep: #WinnersDon'tUseRoboDrug​s
Raven: this just in: they loved Blade's friend! *shot*
Cornwind Evil: I suspect the producers were shitgoblins then
Cornwind Evil: That sort of behavior is pure shitgoblin


Bree joined the chat
RubyChao: sup bree
Raven: hi bree
Gooper Blooper: hi bree
Bree: hello frands
M Sheep: Baw gawd, that's the Bree's music!
M Sheep: But which side is she on?!
Bree: the left
Bree: ooaugh etc. *lazily baps ruby*
Raven: *flop*


RubyChao: hey goops:

RubyChao: (and anyone else)
Raven: NICE!
Raven: now i have to do it
ivel: :D
Jumpropeman: >​with grace
Raven: *sighs, digs grave, flop*
Bree: yay rubyyyy
Jumpropeman: >​Tenshi with grace
Raven: srsly tho super grats
Raven: now to help Utsuho!
RubyChao: >​help utsuho
RubyChao: hahaha
RubyChao: ahahahaha
RubyChao: ...not for a while
RubyChao: seriously after THIS i am taking a break from Pokemon
RubyChao: like, all of it
Gooper Blooper: back
Raven: watch as you end up doing it anyway
Gooper Blooper: yessssssssssssss
Gooper Blooper: also, JRM, don't forget the poise
Gooper Blooper: much poise
M Sheep: Misread Chao's award for a second as "has achieved this admirable freak..."
M Sheep: Quite an admirable feat though, Chao
M Sheep: still sinking in that it's actually over
Jumpropeman: Chao's next quest, get all the creatures in Telefang
ivel: it's clearly to get all the monsters in Monster Rancher
Raven: get all the digimon in digimon world
WhySpy: Nah, nah
WhySpy: Ride all the Monster Hunters
M Sheep so many conflicting theme songs rattling around in this poor man's head right now


M Sheep: Can I just say, I am so happy to see Gengar is in Pokken
M Sheep: look at that face
ivel: same here
M Sheep: he's just happy to be here
ivel: it's my mom's favorite pogey
Jumpropeman: im still waiting for my dream Pokken entry
Jumpropeman: ​Farfetch'd​
Gooper Blooper: needs more regigigas
ivel: that sounds a little... Farfetch'd to me jrm
ivel: :U
ivel left the chat
WhySpy: Leaving on a pun
WhySpy: Magnificent
Jumpropeman: we could all learn something from ivel


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: what do you think the next thing tenshi will run into #comeuppance with
Raven: nothing
Raven: ...cooking
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
RubyChao: tenshi is mediocre at cooking
RubyChao: she perpetually places ​fourth
Jumpropeman: but how is Tenshi
Jumpropeman: at playing Cooking Mama
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: the best
Jumpropeman: oh man
Raven: wow! better than mama
Draco: Yikes. D:
RubyChao: (except when she tried to show someone else it something something #comeuppance)
Jumpropeman: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JMP8_HioNqU/maxresdefault.jpg
Gooper Blooper: the size of that head
Jumpropeman: she could all that food and the cutting board all at once
Jumpropeman: *eat all that food
Jumpropeman: I accidentally all that food and the cutting board


WorkDel: i have been listening to drop pop candy until my ears bleed
WorkDel: this happens with every song i like
WorkDel: fuk
SteelKomodo: del why
WorkDel: because im a monkey


Sempai Fails Perception Check: I keep swearing at splatoon
Sempai Fails Perception Check: I need a therapist


N Goat: Sine, no
N Goat: Sine, honey, no
N Goat: when the celestial dragon calls out your lie, don't double down
Gooper Blooper: doubling down is what sine does best
N Goat: "...when caught in a lie, the best course of action is to hold onto the lie."


RubyChao: Princess Peach, in an attempt to negotiate peace, has invited various villains to her castle, along with Mario and Luigi to keep them in line. However, after a minor incident with Wario, an evil Mario doppelganger known only as "Dark Mario" appears and sends everyone except Mario and Luigi to "wander the dimensions forever" because they have broken the unwritten law that Good and Evil can never make peace. Now the Bros. must travel the dimensions to find their friends...and their enemies... and defeat Dark Mario and his unseen "master."
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i know what my season 6 plot is now
RubyChao scraps his existing plot
SteelKomodo: what the hell is this
RubyChao: someone's RPG Maker plot


Yer a Squidlord Harry: okay splatoon wiki (yes there is one don't even pretend to be surprised)
Yer a Squidlord Harry: lets talk
Yer a Squidlord Harry: you do not refer to the designs of the squid sisters as, and i quote, "sultry" or "edgy"
Yer a Squidlord Harry: for not only are they kids, they are also squids
Yer a Squidlord Harry: so that's two levels of innapropriate
Raven: squid sisters are classy
Raven: marie will tear your shit up like the ultimate sass master
Raven: marie is my spirit squid
Yer a Squidlord Harry: looks like harpy forgot her ABC's
Yer a Squidlord Harry: as in
Yer a Squidlord Harry: Always Back Callie
Raven: callie's cool too tho
Raven: i just prefer marie
Raven: i mean
Raven: *shrug*
Yer a Squidlord Harry: yeah they're basically the same
iKomodo: There's a lot of squid puns around Splatoon
Yer a Squidlord Harry: squad
iKomodo: they're inkredible
Yer a Squidlord Harry: that pun was splatrocious
iKomodo: You're so tentacruel
Yer a Squidlord Harry: are you squidding me?
Yer a Squidlord Harry: that was good
iKomodo: Hahaha
Raven: brb RPing callie and marie for fite club commentators
Yer a Squidlord Harry: wiz and boomstick vs callie and marie vs swat kats
Yer a Squidlord Harry: battle of the commentatoooors


Jumpropeman: an old blog spam comment: "I loved as much as you'll receive carried out right here. The sketch is attractive, your authored material stylish. nonetheless, you command get bought an shakiness over that you wish be delivering the following. unwell unquestionably come more formerly again as exactly the same nearly a lot often inside case you shield this hike"
Jumpropeman: >​hike
Jumpropeman: what is with spambots trying to appeal to me with hiking
Gooper Blooper: gwahaha
Jumpropeman: incidentally
Jumpropeman: that blog comment was from my Top 10 Favorite Pokemon List :V
Jumpropeman: which is horrendously outdated
Jumpropeman: Fearow is on there for christ's sake
Jumpropeman: Fearow was just a phase *emo hair flip*


(Regarding CW's aborted Season 2 megaplot) 

Cornwind Evil: God damn it Wikipedia
Cornwind Evil: You really screwed me over there
Raven: good thing too
Raven: i probably would have returned to absolutely nothing if everything went as planned
Raven: and then i would be sad
RubyChao: but we got tangwhaup out of it
Gooper Blooper: tang, it's a kick in a glass
Gooper Blooper: ​and​ in a pouch
Bree: tangwhaup?
Raven: yee
Cornwind Evil: And Fake Lord would have been represented by MMX8 Sigma
Raven: *understands nothing*
Gooper Blooper: CW did a word jumble puzzle in season 2
Gooper Blooper: When we had several letters, I searched the entire english language for the answer
RubyChao: tangwhaup was literally the only word he could find
Gooper Blooper: the only word I thought fit (it turned out not even this word fit) was tangwhaup
RubyChao: it's an obscure name for a bird
RubyChao: "it's a real word" "NOT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE"
Bree: fascinating
Raven: you're forgetting flame hyenard
Bree: I'm inclined to say that
Raven: he's very special
Bree: you pretty much trolled cornwind by accident, goops
Cornwind Evil: The word I had picked was tralphium
Cornwind Evil: Which was supposedly another name for Helium-3
Cornwind Evil: Which is found on the moon
Bree: I seem to recall the word tralphium as not a word
Bree: you've told me about this
Cornwind Evil: It was listed on Wikipedia's Helium-3 page
Gooper Blooper: yep
RubyChao: yeah, but it's from a video game
Raven: this never happened and i'm glad it didn't
Cornwind Evil: Turns out said word was only used in a video game
Raven: just
Cornwind Evil: And some arsehole put it on the Wikipedia page
Jumpropeman: http://finalexistence.wikia.com/wiki/Tralphium
Bree: yes, he told me about this once
Cornwind Evil: But yeah Lumine's whole deal was that Zephyrus' evolution was changing the future and erasing the MMX timeline
Cornwind Evil: And he was pissed off and didn't want to be erased
Bree: probably way back in season 2 when it happened and I wasn't even in ZFRP but he was just ​so mad​ about tralphium and its lies
Cornwind Evil: Hence why all the Reploids called Zephyrus the Destroyer
Gooper Blooper: Instead the plot was just the first two-thirds or so, so we fought a shitload of Reploids From Nowhere
Gooper Blooper: and then for Halloween Oceanus dressed up as Duff Mcwhalen and mocked them
Gooper Blooper: and that was it
Raven: Pisces: We didn't even hear about whatever THAT was! Must have been some other incident...
RubyChao: and then in season 6
RubyChao: "WHERE IS THE DESTROYER" "he left"
Cornwind Evil: I decree it canon Widow Maker figured it out, talked Lumine down, and he went off to find another way to change the future and Zephyrus saw some proof at the end that he succeeded, hence all the fighting had a purpose. THE END
Raven: or it never got that far and it was forgotten
Raven: and the fake lord got blown up some other way
Cornwind Evil: And it turns out that Lumine's base had the word Tangwhaup carved on the front grate DUE TO A WEIRD GAME OF HANGMAN
Gooper Blooper: #wids
Jumpropeman: cornwind
Jumpropeman: I was looking at that Final Existence wiki
Jumpropeman: with the Tralphium
Cornwind Evil: Fake Lord is still sitting on the moon unactivated and it will be that way FOREVER
Jumpropeman: and it seems
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: general cleft bumps into him
Jumpropeman: Final Existence wasn't even a game, just something this guy is making up
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: wha
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: Google "Final Existence" in quotes
Cornwind Evil: But nothing happens because without Lumine to activate him so FakeSigmaLord might as well be a stone statue
Cornwind Evil: Cleft uses him as a hat rack
RubyChao: i did
RubyChao: and
Gooper Blooper: It's just a bunch of unrelated stuff
RubyChao: JRM's right
Gooper Blooper: The home page of the wiki is deleted
RubyChao: lemme look something up
Gooper Blooper: I guarantee you the person who added Tralphium to Wikipedia is the same guy who made the Final Existence Wiki
RubyChao: totally
Cornwind Evil: So yeah, you can blame HIM
RubyChao: i will blame that guy
Cornwind Evil: It was one of those wiki edits that you would not catch unless you had very specific knowledge
RubyChao: who the hell adds their own random made up thing to wikipedia
Gooper Blooper: people with problems, chao
Jumpropeman: well chao
Bree: or we can chat about it tomorrow
Jumpropeman: people who want you to know about the barbaric practice of male circumcision of course
RubyChao: too soon
Cornwind Evil: And all its immense symbolism in Silent Hill
RubyChao: that middle lady
RubyChao: she is laughing at our suffering
RubyChao: "look at them getting fooled by tralphium LOL"
 RubyChao: so as far as i can tell
RubyChao: one guy made a wikia in june 2012
RubyChao: threw all these made up pages onto it
RubyChao: and after two weeks, left
RubyChao: woooow
Gooper Blooper: And that timing
Jumpropeman: oh man, the window for Cornwind to get that information was so small
Gooper Blooper: he ruined everything because of that timing
Jumpropeman: let's track down Final Existence man and invite him to RP
Jumpropeman: he'll give us the true story
Jumpropeman: in 30 or so Devil Ed style posts and then leave
RubyChao: final existence becomes part of rp
Gooper Blooper: it's our 2019 setting
Bree: the new bar is called tralphium


Bree: Kooopa Football Players: How long would you say a potato is
-Kooopa Football Players: help me
-RubyChao: it's the length of a potato
-RubyChao: it weighs as much as a potato
-Sweet Murder: It may or may not also taste like unto a potato.
-RubyChao: looking it up
-RubyChao: the real answer is "5 inches on average", apparently
-RubyChao: ...those are some small potatos
-Jumpropeman: hence the phrase

Bree: hong issues a correction: baby meiling was definitely bigger than a potato
Bree: a sacka portatas
Bree: in a stupid dress
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
RubyChao: (still squishy and crying, though)
Bree: she was crying ​because of​ the stupid dress, in case you forget the original "squishy crying potato" tale
RubyChao: >​implying i would ever fit the circumstances under which hong meiling was a squishy crying potato
Bree: fit? xD
Raven: whalep
RubyChao: ...*forget
RubyChao: although it also works like that
RubyChao: i do not believe i ever looked like a squishy crying potato
Bree: you probably did as a baby
Bree: that's the lesson to be taken away from hong's story you see
Bree: babies look like potatoes
Bree: putting them in stupid dresses doesn't make them look any less like potatoes
Bree: it only makes them look like crying potatoes


Gooper Blooper: *adds a line referencing sumi to this page*
RubyChao: esoteric may also refer to Sumireko Usami, from Touhou Project, who is very esoteric

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