Monday, March 7, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 241: Finding Luigi

GarnetChao: remember when jackal looked like he wasn't a jobber
GarnetChao: what a single plot that was
SteelKomodo: hahaha
GarnetChao: (he actually did fine in that plot where the mob attacked ko, but after that...)
SteelKomodo: (poor guy :< )


GarnetChao: hey sk
GarnetChao: remember when you were so sure you weren't going to be able to rp in season 5 very much
GarnetChao: kek
SteelKomodo: indeed


Chaopiece SP: "It is a marvel that the game manages to make 24 levels feel both unique and forgettable."
Chaopiece SP: wait, there were 24
Chaopiece SP: oh god, i thought it was 18
Chaopiece SP: jrm, i'm so sorry ;_;
Gooper Blooper: so does that mean
Gooper Blooper: that JRM played ​22 levels of Bubsy 3D to 100% in one day
Jumpropeman: yuuuup, and I had to give level 2 a once over to unlock 3
Chaopiece SP: ;_;7


iKomodo: Ok so
iKomodo: ages ago, I said I was gonna do worldbuilding dumps in the AU topic
iKomodo: and I never did
Jumpropeman: is it time for that dump
iKomodo: But now I feel the urge to, since I have suddenly started coming up with squid language
Gooper Blooper: woomy
eggvel: if you feel like taking a dump I won't stop you
iKomodo: Ivel pls


Jumpropeman: don't google Bubsy fanart
Jumpropeman: for some reason people really like to reimagine him as a sexy female bobcat
Jumpropeman: "sexy", I should say
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: boobsy
eggvel: I Googled it
eggvel: BI
Jumpropeman: "Bubsy in Claws Encounter of the Furred King"
Jumpropeman: this typo
Jumpropeman: was amazing
Gooper Blooper: THE FURRED KING
eggvel: lel
Chaopiece SP: i was about to ask if that was a porno title
Chaopiece SP: considering what you just told us
Gooper Blooper: No, the porno is Boobsy 3DDD
eggvel: Gooplz
Jumpropeman: What could pornssibly go wrong?


Jumpropeman: "Observations on Ika, the Inkling Language"
Jumpropeman: okay
Jumpropeman: at first I thought it said
Jumpropeman: Inka
Jumpropeman: like Inca
Jumpropeman: I was prepped to praise the pun
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: sorry, but no
Chaopiece SP: woomy
iKomodo: Woomy is now a word
iKomodo: rejoice


Jumpropeman: oh my christ and heavens above
Gooper Blooper: sheep wasn't kidding
Chaopiece SP: "Time Tells No Lies (タイム·テルズ·ノー·ライズ, Taimu Teruzu Nō Raizu): Giriko's Fullbring uses an antique gold pocket watch. This power works by allowing him to set "timers" upon things and beings to which they are attached. These timers are linked to specific conditions that Giriko himself can set. Once the time period is established, however, not even Giriko himself can deactivate his Fullbring. If a "timer" placed on someone or something is interfered with before the prerequisite time period ends, then all things and people under the effect, including the area itself where the effect takes place, will perish in the flames of time.[27]"
Chaopiece SP: i see why sheep liked the power
Gooper Blooper: TIME TO KILL
Chaopiece SP: "He says his Fullbring allows him to do this and explains that his contract with the gods of time gives him greater strength the simpler the clauses are. He says his current contract is for the simplest, most brutal strengthening of power and that he's unmatched. Kenpachi interrupts him, saying it was boring to kill him as Giriko is cut in half."
Chaopiece SP: yep
Chaopiece SP: author just had no idea what to do
Chaopiece SP: so he died right away :V
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Gooper Blooper: good storytelling
Chaopiece SP: ​so attwater hulks up the next time the hotel is attacked, right
Gooper Blooper: attwater is our new nuclear option
Bad News Bree: so when does sakuya turn into the hulk
Jumpropeman: wouldn't be surprised if there's pictures of multiple Touhulks
Chaopiece SP: when someone steals her prized possession
Chaopiece SP: her antique cat doll

(Discussion continues on the errors of Bleach)

RelativeNormality: They went insane with Power Levels, Chao.
Chaopiece SP: worse than DBZ?
RelativeNormality: To the point where characters were routinely freaking out, then offscreen training, then inexplicably oh yes this is only going to take an episode when I was screaming about Unfathomable Doom Upon Us ten minutes ago.
RelativeNormality: Worse than DBZ without the memes.
Chaopiece SP: wow
Chaopiece SP: so
Chaopiece SP: who do i rp first
Chaopiece SP: Ichigo or Naruto
RelativeNormality: I WILL KILL YOU
RelativeNormality: -let me go get my meds.
RelativeNormality: I sorry.


Chaopiece V3: so uh
Chaopiece V3: raven's cry's rerelease is not on steam
Chaopiece V3: and here's why
SteelKomodo: oh god D:


Chaopiece V3: you know, i realized
Chaopiece V3: every year that i vanished for a week in august, chatzy got deader each time compared to the time before
Chaopiece V3: if it kept it eventually i'd leave and come back to Literally Nothing
Chaopiece V3: (good thing things changed)
Gooper Blooper: just imagine it
Gooper Blooper: you leave for Week Of Shit
Gooper Blooper: you come back
Gooper Blooper: your goodbye message hasn't scrolled off the screen yet
Chaopiece V3: "guys what happened" "WE CAN'T GO ON WITHOUT YOU"
Gooper Blooper: "Chao left the chat 168 hours ago"
Draco: Spoiler: we sent to WCWRP chat.


Jumpropeman: I'm on a baby hunt
Jumpropeman: and don't think I don't know how to weed them out BI
Gooper Blooper: JRM is well trained, he beat Imagine Party Babyz ya know


Gooper Blooper: here's Bonzi Buddy singing All Star
Chaopiece V3: Thanks
Gooper Blooper: you're welcome


Samejokeman: nintendo once made a really weird video where like, Luigi was a real person and was like, a parkour legend, and someone was making a documentary about trying to track him down after he fell off the map
eggvel: wat
eggvel: dangit I was just about to post it
Samejokeman: well I'll do you one better
Gooper Blooper:
Paper Mario:
Paper Mario: haw
eggvel: BI
Samejokeman: how could you harpy
Paper Mario: because luigi is my favorite mario brother
Gooper Blooper: link
Samejokeman: i guess you can say
Samejokeman: that Chatzy found luigi
Paper Mario: haw
Gooper Blooper: the day we lost premium, but gained... something more


Gooper Blooper: Patchouli founds the Secret Fat Sealing Club
The Secret Fat Sealing Club has all the benefits of being in a secret club, such as the feeling of exclusiveness and a shiny card to keep in your bag, without all the annoying parts like membership fees, club meetings, or exhibitions
the club handshake is a lazy floppy wave with a limp arm
fat seals only
Chaopiece V3: jrm is vice-president
Samejokeman: my first and only act will be to appoint Bree treasurer


Chaopiece V3: things i hope bravely second has: another in-game book
Chaopiece V3: i want my adventure to screech to a halt while i spend half an hour reading


Jumpropeman: ive thought about buying Fallout 4 quite a few times recently
Jumpropeman: it dangles in front of me like a carrot
Jumpropeman: but I don't like carrots
Jumpropeman: so I resist well enough
I -AM- SPOILERS: It was supposed to entice you like spaghetti. B[ I'll need to have a word with its acting coach.
Jumpropeman: I still need to play New Vegas after all
I -AM- SPOILERS: Yesss you do.
Jumpropeman: *plays random indie game #96 instead*
I -AM- SPOILERS: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu​uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu​uuuuu


Chaopiece SP: RubyChao: i do not believe the quality of youmu's legs has yet been discussed in the context of zfrp
Chaopiece SP: at long last, i have an answer
Chaopiece SP: #legg
eggvel: finally
Jumpropeman: as a leg man you'd think I'd like Youmu's legs
Jumpropeman: but she is a ghost
Jumpropeman: and thus a traitor for having legs


Jumpropeman: i am well known for my distaste of both stupidity and jokes >​BI


(Regarding Star Trek Online)

Draco: I'm 90% tempted to just name this ship Starshipsephine.
SteelKomodo: if the character limit allows it
SteelKomodo: then do it
SteelKomodo: then put all the rubbish items you can in the hold
SteelKomodo: so you can say it has junk in the trunk :U
Draco: lel
Draco: Done.
SteelKomodo: yisssssss


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Draco: Parsee worst Mario Bros.


Draco: I'm at the energy level where I'm tempted to just open a can of soup and drink it without heating it up. I should nap.


Jumpropeman: I tried to play Shaq Fu last night
Gooper Blooper: Man, totally forgot Shaq Fu in all our previous bad game discussions
Jumpropeman: I played it on that system, the RetroN 5, and when I put it in a pop-up came up and I was worried it wasn't going to work
Gooper Blooper: there are so many famous bad games
Jumpropeman: but the pop-up had a giant frowny face with the words "We recommend anything else" and the options "Play Anyway" and "Play something else"
Gooper Blooper: Are you telling me
Jumpropeman: Shaq Fu is a game so bad that my console told me not to play it
Gooper Blooper: that the Retron 5 has built-in Don't Play Shaq-Fu protection
Jumpropeman: after playing a bit of it, I think it is justified in having :V
Gooper Blooper: JRM's not the only person to discover this, I found screenshots of it
Jumpropeman: ha, its better than I remembered
Jumpropeman: "I want to play this"
Jumpropeman: like a man walking to his death
Gooper Blooper: you have to tell the retron that yes, you didn't make a mistake
Jumpropeman: I know the hell I'm descending into RetroN
Gooper Blooper: yes, I want to play this
Gooper Blooper: I am your owner, and this is what I want to do
Gooper Blooper: now boot up shaq fu dammit
eggvel: could see someone using that as part of a creepypasta


(While browsing the Nintendo 3DS eShop)

Gooper Blooper: This "Demon King Box" game amuses me because the logo looks normal enough but then you look at the icon and it's just a succubus and her chest
Gooper Blooper: even on the nintendo eshop, sex sells
Jumpropeman: i have looked at that game many times and almost bought it but putting the ta tas forward makes me hesitant :V
eggvel: I like that game despite the icon
Nameless voids: Ehehah.
Jumpropeman: its kind of a "it must suck if it sells itself with sex"
Jumpropeman: "...and isn't a sex game :V"
Jumpropeman: sex games are free to advertise as such
Gooper Blooper: well it's 30% off at the moment
Jumpropeman: it goes on sale often so I can afford to drag my feet
Jumpropeman: hence why I knew exactly what you are talking about V:
Gooper Blooper: I remember how long it took for Nintendo to consider the mystical world of price drops on eshop games
Gooper Blooper: Once a month, JRM boots up the eshop and scrolls to Demon King Box, and he stares at that bootleg Morgan and ponders the universe
Nameless voids: It's his feats he can't afford to drag. He has three player manuals full at this point. :U Timescumming Spirit player and all. :u
Jumpropeman: I don't timescum! >​BI Just conveniently forget how we beat Golden Axe okay Ven?
Gooper Blooper: "Dress To Play: Cute Witches!"
Gooper Blooper: and then it's just full of harpchars
Paper Mario: they found my 2019 plans :c


Paper Mario: i have effie in fates now
Paper Mario: her voice is deeper than i thought
Paper Mario: mind you i am playing fates: lobsterlord
Paper Mario: so i recruited her from ivel's castle
Paper Mario: she is only a shell of the true effie
Nameless voids: deep voice lady? -will need to look this up now- I like those. =D
Paper Mario: her voice isn't super deep but deeper than i thought protector of kitties would be
Jumpropeman: i don't know if I've said it directly
Jumpropeman: but Effie is planned for 2017
Paper Mario: lobsterlord would be great for 2017
Paper Mario: ...nah
Paper Mario: i have etrohus
Nameless voids: Eheheheh. Nah, not super deep, but definitely what you'd call a proper Lesbro (unlike what my own entirely too ladyish char went and turned out to be. :U)
Paper Mario: my plans may include mario and/or luigi. but more than likely, peach
Nameless voids: It's gruff and a decent lower medium.
Eggestchao: huh, yeah, that's deeper than i expected
Jumpropeman: and Effie will have casual clothes even
Eggestchao: not unfitting, just surprising
Nameless voids: My hugs will break your bones. v8
Paper Mario: do not
Jumpropeman: oh wow yeah, it sounds different than expected, but i like it
Nameless voids: Yes, I rather like it. :v
Nameless voids: ​I'd offer to give you a massage, but, I miiiight break you.
Gooper Blooper: Considering how JRM played Effie, I was not expecting her canon self to come off as a mastodon
Black And Blue I Call To You: She seems very confused about the concept of love
Jumpropeman: Effie is strong but shy :V
Nameless voids: Yes, m'am, you are the lesbro that deserves that title. :v -anoints and removes same title from own whitehair-
Black And Blue I Call To You: That voice sounds like how I would expect Silence to sound if she talked
Gooper Blooper: The same thought crossed my mind too CW :V
Eggestchao: kek


Black And Blue I Call To You: I have considered as a joke of rolling a d100 before every fight
Black And Blue I Call To You: And if I get a 100 Saitama shows up and One Punches the villain


Jumpropeman: Chocobilly IS single ladies
Nameless voids: Kisume x Alduin, clearly. =u
Eggestchao: excuse YOU, ven
Eggestchao: kisume is in a committed relationship with her bucket
Paper Mario: Stacy x ramen
Jumpropeman: All available birds please see Ingrid for more details
Paper Mario: Sammy x money
Paper Mario: Carlos x A sane life
Eggestchao: nitori x money
Gooper Blooper: josephine x money
Jumpropeman: I'd say I'd be surprised if any of my characters ended up in relationships this year
Jumpropeman: but after Dakota I don't know what to expect
Paper Mario: sammy, nitori, and josephine are destined to fight
Gooper Blooper: fight for money's hand in marriage
Paper Mario: someone's going to fall in love with paper mario and then i'm really going to wonder what the fuck
Gooper Blooper: paper mario x paper peach
Jumpropeman: meanwhile Jasper, Draco, and the entire vencast will just be raking in the profits of the fite :V
Gooper Blooper: paper mario x clippy
Paper Mario: you're falling in love with the narration not a real person
Paper Mario: paper mario x coppy
eggvel: Paper Mario x Cutman
Paper Mario: IVEL NO


Exam Season Begins: I'm watching clips of John Cena's (likely exaggerated for cameras) domestic life
Exam Season Begins: My attempts at avoiding test stress are reaching new lows


Black And Blue I Call To You: How are things, Spy?
Spoyo: Less stressful
Jumpropeman: now spy and cornwind can collab!
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure this is Cornwind asking him "dude, your character won again, do you want me to just change the results?"
Spoyo: XD


Gooper Blooper: >​finds Skies of Arcadia hard mode hack
Gooper Blooper: two Antonios?! THIS IS SO KAIZO
Jumpropeman: antwonios
Draco: GESP


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Draco: Captain Sarah gets to keep Star Trekkin' instead of being deleted for no good reason. ;V
Draco: ​If I'd rolled low, it would've meant Captain Sarah failed to retire and has to keep Star Trekkin'.
Gooper Blooper: Captain Sarah will retire to live in peace the day STO's servers shut down, but not before she goes back to Planet Pie Contest for one more round


Eggestchao: >​the UK is fifth
Eggestchao: everything i know is a liiiie
SteelKomodo: kek


Spy Smashes Tests With His Fac joined the chat
Spy Smashes Tests With His Fac smashes tests
Spy Smashes Tests With His Fac with my fac


Eggerchao: RubyChao: Someday I will do a long plot with multiple events!
-RubyChao: And that day will be in 2016.

Eggerchao: this is from the 2013/14 offseason
Eggerchao: i knew


Paper Mario: i want to go to Jo-Ann and A.C. Moore
Paper Mario: i have coupons for all of them
Paper Mario: uhuhuhuhuhu
Gooper Blooper: Jo-Ann is run by Josephine and Antoinette
Paper Mario: is this canon now :U
Gooper Blooper: nah, sephine is busy with her pharmacy


(Chao plays Skies of Arcadia)

Eggerchao: okay i have to point this name out in chatzy
Eggerchao: >​Gordo the Round
Gooper Blooper: all will fear gordo the round
Paper Mario: i can't take anyone who names themselves "Fat the Round" seriously


iKomodo: Butts
2d6+Del: Sttub
iKomodo: Del u rebel
2d6+Del: Out of control
2d6+Del: Rebel Kong
iKomodo: Anarchy Kong?
iKomodo: brings a whole new meaning to the term gorilla warfare :U


Cornwind Writerblock: QUICK THROW OUT SOME IDEAS
Eggchao: kick in the face
Cornwind Writerblock: OW WHY DID YOU DO THAT
Eggchao: you asked


Cornwind Writerblock: Crystalis is full of Engrish
Cornwind Writerblock: Like this
Cornwind Writerblock: "After the people of Draygonia are gone, the utmost fear of the people is released."
Cornwind Writerblock: THIS DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE


Cornwind Writerblock: And now lines from terrible fanfiction
Cornwind Writerblock: "She let out a loud womanly laugh, her big boobs shook as she laughed a loud womanly laugh."
Cornwind Writerblock: "Jury have you reached a verdict?" "Yes, your honor. We find Luigi guilty for masturbating"
Cornwind Writerblock: "The evil characters in Austin Powers go to Hogwarts."
Cornwind Writerblock: "What nigga? KAMEHAMEHA! NIGGA!" Gohan yelled as he unleashed the wave. The Kamehameha Wave killed him and that's it. The End.
Cornwind Writerblock: "That kimono was an authentic Japanese antique!" yelled Dumbledore outrageously. "You just destroyed FUCKING JAPANESE HISTORY!"
Cornwind Writerblock: "Captain Falcon runs Ivysaur over, jumps out, and FALCON PUNCHES him deep into hell."
Ona dos daze: Wait, what was wrong with that one? I swear I've seen it on our own forum somewhere. : p
Cornwind Writerblock: "Katniss fired an arrow at Amber and it hit her in the tit! She roared like an octopus."
Cornwind Writerblock: "Hitler was a Sailor Scout! I screamed, so did Draco. He shot giant nazi symbols made out of energy at us and we had to keep running"
Ona dos daze: Draco fought Sailor Scout Hitler? Goodness.
Cornwind Writerblock: "Scully and mulder investigate the cold case of freddy fazbear pizzeria"
Cornwind Writerblock: And finally, one I can actually see happening
Cornwind Writerblock: "Sonic the hedgehog was creating multiple accounts to criticize negative reviews of Sonic Boom on GameFaqs"
iKomodo: ...ok, if it wasn't written by a complete idiot, I would read that
iKomodo: Sonic pls


iKomodo: Bro
iKomodo: thought
iKomodo: Sips as King Dedede
J Jonah Delson: Oh god
J Jonah Delson: I think we need sleep

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