Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 239: Who Here Has Memed Today

iKomodo: Del is playing grim fandango on ps4
ivel: oh?
iKomodo: He's just vandalised property and run domino off the road
ivel: good
iKomodo: And now del has joined an underground resistance
iKomodo: It's been a weird day
ivel: Dlel
Jontron Snow: I am agent calavera
Jontron Snow: Fighting corruption and pigeons


Jumpropeman: I named my main character in Final Fantasy Explorers
Jumpropeman: they call him ​Burpo​
Jumpropeman: ​#YearoftheBurpo​


RubyChao: >​everyone joined seconds ago
RubyChao: i think chatzy might have exploded
RubyChao: and we were all so quiet we didn't notice
Draco: SK, Ruby is dead and I don't know what to feed him.
SteelKomodo: draco pls D:
Draco: I tried feeding him a book, but he just shelved it instead. I'm stumped.
SteelKomodo: have you tried pizza?
SteelKomodo: it works for me :U
Draco: !!!!!
Draco: Pizza, you say?
Draco sets out a pizza?

(Nothing is posted for a bit)

SteelKomodo: well, seems chao does not like pizza
SteelKomodo: ...waste not, want not!
SteelKomodo eats pizza
Draco: Oh well. I'll just tell Harpy and Goops that he ran off to some library in the country, where he can read books about chasing squirrels all day.


CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Random tabletop game update
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Im playing a game that is evangelion but in boston
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: My movie star teen has the hots for the nice dark-haired girl but he doesnt know she's an emotionless clone, and also he has to get in the giant robot and fight the aliens
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Also he is still haunted by the base commander dying right in front of him during a terrorist attack so
iKomodo: D:
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: But if he survives this fight im gonna make him ask the girl out
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Hedgehog theory be damned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RubyChao: "The virus bit its tongue and exploded!"
RubyChao: i love this
RubyChao: apparently biting your tongue is explosive


Harpy: i fell into the trap of stopping at one of those stalls in the middle of the mall and got talked at for 20 minutes over these hair straightener things that do it without amazing the hair!
Harpy: *damazing
Harpy: i'd call it a shitty product if it didn't amazing my hair


Pokébree: >​gengar can learn dazzling gleam
Pokébree: wat


Harpy: because this is their time to shine
Harpy: *limit one psychic per plot. restrictions may apply. only valid in the US and Puerto Rico.


Gooper Blooper: I finally got the name pun behind Callie and Marie
Gooper Blooper: it only took fucking forever
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao left the chat
RubyChao joined the chat

RubyChao: that pun was so awful
RubyChao: i could only express my anger at realizing it through a ragequit


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: golem how


RubyChao: you know, i have to wonder
RubyChao: i've seen multiple touhoumon hacks that turn flash not-useless
RubyChao: and it's always Psychic-type, i wonder why
Gooper Blooper: Probably to make a more accessible psychic attack
Gooper Blooper: Psychic is a lategame, one-use (in hacks of old games) move
RubyChao: oh, that's reasonable
Gooper Blooper: and Confusion is mostly only learned by Psychic types in the first place
Gooper Blooper: Also, most Electric types get Flash
RubyChao: electric touhous with PSYCHIC POWER
Gooper Blooper: this gives them a reliable move that isn't Electric or Normal, which they ​​DESPERATELY NEEDED​​ in the early gens
Harpy: *disappears into the abyss of her books*
Gooper Blooper: like, everything electric that wasn't electabuzz had an empty movepool in gen 1
RubyChao: counterpoint: it was Gen 1
RubyChao: aka "what's game balance, is it something you eat" the gen
Gooper Blooper: let's make a pokemon that exists entirely to explode and then give it base 50 attack
Gooper Blooper: sounds good
Pokébree: you mean electrode right
Gooper Blooper: yep
Gooper Blooper: he is terrible at the one thing he was meant to do
Pokébree: "you had one job, electrode"
Pokébree: "​one job​"
Gooper Blooper: what a beautiful movepool
RubyChao: WOW
Gooper Blooper: time to look in the "generation 1 learnsets" article category
Harpy: goopy
Harpy: goopy no
Gooper Blooper: Fearow
Harpy: fuckin
Harpy: fearow
Harpy: just
RubyChao: hope you like drill peck
Harpy: "hey bird copy other pogeys"
Harpy: "okay good"
Gooper Blooper: at least this one learns an electric move naturally
Harpy: >​just thundershock tho
Harpy: the fuck
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: onix
Gooper Blooper: Get a load of Onix's ULTIMATE MOVE you have to raise him all the way to level 43 for
Harpy: what
Harpy: are you fucking shitting me right now
Harpy: this is bullshit; i'm going home :I
Harpy left the chat
Gooper Blooper: now look at this
Gooper Blooper: they moved the ultimate move to level 1! THAT'S OP
Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: DIG
Gooper Blooper: you know, I was going to say "haw haw hope you saved some TMs for mewtwo"
Gooper Blooper: but
Gooper Blooper: he honestly doesn't need anything else
Harpy: well it was new and strange and we managed to overlook the horrid flaws back then
Harpy: it was an RPG as it was never experienced before and we liked it
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure gen 1 pogeys was a lot of people's first RPG
Harpy: now that pokemon lived through our power to ignore flaws for the grand fun and has vastly improved and gave GS the resources to make it better
Gooper Blooper: both because of the young target audience and because RPGs were rare on Nintendo systems after Square abandoned them because they were salty about cartridges
Harpy: six generations later, we can look back at it and take off the rose tinted glasses and see the utter mess Gamefreak (woah where'd I get GS from) made in an attempt to make a splash
Gooper Blooper: jesus fucking christ
Gooper Blooper: the state of sandslash
Harpy: and in doing so, we appreciate the improvements, although it has not improved quite enough

(Chao adds up all the offensive moves of each type in Gen 1)

RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: are you ready to see the results
RubyChao: because woah-ho-ho are they something
Draco: k
Gooper Blooper: oh boy
RubyChao: i excluded night shade, seismic toss, dragon rage, and sonic boom
Gooper Blooper: yeah those shouldn't count
RubyChao: Normal: 41
Fire: 5
Water: 8
Grass: 6
Electric: 4
Poison: 4
Psychic: 4
Fighting: 7
Flying: 5
Bug: 3
Rock: 2
Ground: 4
Ice: 4
Ghost: 1
Dragon: ​0​
RubyChao: ...we all talk about Ghost and Dragon getting the shaft
RubyChao: but really, over HALF the types were screwed
RubyChao: fun fact, those two rock moves? Rock Slide and Rock Throw?
RubyChao: The ​only​ rock type moves in all of Gen 1
ivel: haha
Gooper Blooper: don't forget, the ghost move was Lick
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: oh, and look at bug's wonderful movepool: String Shot, Twineedle, Leech Life, and Pin Missile
RubyChao: Ground moves in the game that weren't fixed damage:
RubyChao: Earthquake, Dig, Bone Club, and Bonemerang
RubyChao: again: HALF the damaging movepool, literally half, was marowak only
Gooper Blooper: I think half of those Fighting moves were exclusive to Hitmonlee
Gooper Blooper: random pointless kick attacks
RubyChao: lessee
Gooper Blooper: we won't make a good bug move, but we'll give Hitmonlee Rolling Kick


RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and HAS. Chatzy chose: HE
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and soup. Chatzy chose: HAS
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between NO and soup. Chatzy chose: NO
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between STYLE and soup. Chatzy chose: soup

ivel: ;;
RubyChao: the run will never complete


Jumpropeman: "The hour grows desperate, and two worlds stand at the brink! The Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKpoint expansion reveals the growing rift between the twin worlds, first discovered by Shiny Mega Gyarados-EX. As the rift tears through the skies, more Pokémon are drawn into the struggle, including Greninja BREAK, Luxray BREAK, and Mega Scizor-EX! Can they mend the rift and save both worlds from collision chaos?"
Jumpropeman: I wasn't aware the Pokemon TCG had a cross-dimensional plot going on
ivel: I wasn't aware the Pokemon TCG had a plot
RubyChao: I wasn't aware
Jumpropeman: more Pokemon join the struggle! Like Shellder, and Trubbish! MEND THE REALITY RIFT YOU TWO
ivel: SOMEONE has to repair reality BI


Gooper Blooper: here's the official Pokemon website as it appeared in November 1999
ivel: Attention Pokémon Trainers! On November 26, 1999, you'll have a chance to catch the ultra-rare 151st Pokémon at Toys "R" Us.
Gooper Blooper: Regardless, it is still there (or at least a third of it is)
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: Look at the details for that fucking event
Gooper Blooper: Not only did you have to go to a toys r us
Gooper Blooper: but you weren't guaranteed a Mew despite it being a digital product
Gooper Blooper: The reason I linked Pokemon's old site is because I was inspired to use the Wayback Machine today
Gooper Blooper: and the reason I was inspired to do that is because of the book about frogs that Chao gave me that I read today
Gooper Blooper: You see, that frog book came out in 1999
Gooper Blooper: and it had a list of websites in the back for further reading
Gooper Blooper: So I decided to see if any of the more obscure ones were still around
Gooper Blooper: I tried three sites. The first one had died in 2000, and the second one died in 2010
Gooper Blooper: The third one was called "newts.org"
Gooper Blooper: I googled "newts.org" and was given "newt.org", Newt Gringrich's 2012 campaign website
Gooper Blooper: The Wayback Machine did not save newts.org
Gooper Blooper: it has vanished from the internet
Gooper Blooper: it does not exist
Gooper Blooper: the only proof that newts.org was ever a thing is this book
ivel: spoopy


Gooper Blooper: *looks through 1999 pogey site*
Gooper Blooper: even on the official site, playground rumors got through
RubyChao: this i gotta see
Gooper Blooper: scroll down to the question about catching Pokemon more easily
Gooper Blooper: it's exactly what you think it is
ivel: amazing
Gooper Blooper: "Some Pokémon cannot be caught while they are asleep, but after waking up, they will be weaker."
Gooper Blooper: also this, which I never heard ANYWHERE
Gooper Blooper: the hell is that


RubyChao runs into the chatzy with a piece of toast in his month
RubyChao: HI
RubyChao: HI HI HI


RubyChao: this is gold


RubyChao: "I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. I was covered in blood. Blood on my hands, blood on my shirt, blood on my shoes, I was covered. I also noticed my eyes were bigger than normal and were very baggy. My hair was darker than normal and my beer-stained white t-shirt was now a blood-stained black tee. Then, after putting two and two together I realized something. I was the one who murdered my friend and those two other people. I was the one who would take the blame. But worst of all, that Mii, was Mii."
RubyChao: be spooooooooooOOOOOOOOoooo​oked
ivel: 2spoop
Gooper Blooper: aaaaaaaaaaaah
Gooper Blooper limply waggles limbs
Harpy: woo
Harpy: i mean
Harpy: aaa


Jumpropeman: harpy I had a question
Harpy: yeh?
Jumpropeman: do you have a link to the dub scene of Case Closed where there is a lady singing poorly in english but they think its beautiful
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: hang on
Jumpropeman: i think it was on your tumblr once
Harpy: well shit that was ages ago
Gooper Blooper: I got it
Gooper Blooper: thanks chatzy madness
Harpy: goopy took my moment :U
Harpy: she's named yoko
Harpy: while ran (rachel in the dub) thinks its great
Gooper Blooper: when i love you gotta groove to the beat
Gooper Blooper: when i love you gotta get on my feet
Harpy: my god
Harpy: kill me


Jumpropeman: people in foreign countries keep trying to log into my steam account
ivel: they want all those bad games
Draco: SK, Del, Cornwind, stop hacking JRM's Steam account! D:<


Jumpropeman: one of my characters for next year was an OC I've sat on since 2013
Jumpropeman: another one of my OCs next year is at least 10 years old :V
Harpy: wow
Jumpropeman: I'd almost say 15 even
Gooper Blooper: Super Poop finally makes his long-awaited RP debut
Jumpropeman: close gooper
Jumpropeman: ​it's Evil Poop​


(From Space Court)

RubyChao joined the chat 37 hours ago
RubyChao: space, give me strength
RubyChao charges up
RubyChao: thanks space, you da best
RubyChao left the chat 37 hours ago


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: this youtube ad
RubyChao: "5 Nights At Freddie's"
Gooper Blooper: what is it, a mobile game
ivel: Freddie Wong's?
RubyChao: one of those "free" games
RubyChao: it says "requires installation of teras games manager" so lolnope
ivel: Freedie's
Gooper Blooper: NIGHT AT BUDDY!
RubyChao: http://i.imgur.com/wUUYD5h.jpg


Gooper Blooper: hi
Gooper Blooper: I vanished because I had to make pancakes
Gooper Blooper: important
RubyChao: that is a good reason to vanish
Harpy: man
Harpy: now i wanna make pancakes
Gooper Blooper: I got the mix for 30 cents because clearance
Gooper Blooper: it made four huge cakes
RubyChao: did you add peanut butter chips
Gooper Blooper: No, I don't have anything fancy
Gooper Blooper: these are pancakes of desperation
Harpy: goopy hungers
Harpy: baking is more like chemistry so its easy for one small change to make or break stuff
Harpy: i can't bake, i am trying to cook a little better
Harpy: but mostly i just default to soup and cereal
Harpy: almost said "i just cereal"
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and default. Chatzy chose: HE
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and default. Chatzy chose: HAS
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between NO and default. Chatzy chose: NO
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between STYLE and default. Chatzy chose: STYLE
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and default. Chatzy chose: default

RubyChao: that's still a record
ivel: lel
RubyChao: pretty sure that's the first time chatzy choose got as far as "HE HAS NO STYLE"
Harpy: one day, chatzy will finally finish this
Gooper Blooper: No, someone made it through the first stanza not too long ago
Gooper Blooper: I think you even mentioned it
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: sad
ivel: well it's the first time I've seen it
ivel: so it's still special
ivel: BI
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry
Gooper Blooper: but that's not true either
Gooper Blooper: Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HE and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: HE
-Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: HAS
-Spy asked Chatzy to choose between NO and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: NO
-Spy asked Chatzy to choose between STYLE and BOTWOON. Chatzy chose: STYLE
-Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HE and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: Botwoon
-RubyChao: i think that's still the farthest anyone's gotten
-Gooper Blooper: it was a good run
-ivel: impressive

RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: spy is just that forgottable
Gooper Blooper: both of you forgot the botwoon run
Harpy: well he has to be, otherwise he'd be a bad spy eh :U
ivel: welp


RubyChao: a comment on an extension of the delfino plaza theme
RubyChao: "If you play it for a full 10 hours straight you'll end up in Hawaii with no recollection of how you got there."


M Sheep: "Heck, just the other day, she stopped some creep named 'The Shadow' from stealing this really valuable diamond!"
M Sheep: What evil lurks in the hearts of men?
M Sheep: The Shadow knows!
M Sheep: ..and apparently knew a little TOO well
Gooper Blooper: wait a second
Gooper Blooper: >​shadow
Bluebleh: Flemeth will tell you all about the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. =p
Gooper Blooper: >​diamond
Bluebleh: Chao's emeralds are quite safe, I assure you.


M Sheep: >​the Super Sarah Sisters Super Show
M Sheep: Everybody, do the Sarah!
M Sheep: swing your arms from side to side!
M Sheep: and stuff a cupcake in your face
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Bluebleh: That- is a wonderful dance, M Sheep. v= It sounds like one I could actually do.


Jumpropeman: there's something I haven't ruined in that picture
RubyChao: the plane?
Jumpropeman: *RPs Tuesday BI*
Harpy: so you're RPing an entire restaurant?
Dacor: Aren't you? :V
Harpy: that's a step down from RPing an entire state
Gooper Blooper: M Bison making his RP debut at last
M Sheep: RP Season 2017, introducing JRM's new character, Fat Tuesday


Jumpropeman: I wish I got my paycheck just a day earlier so I could be irresponsible with it
Jumpropeman: *eyes the Mickey Mouse Halloween CD*


Ruby: "The film has been criticized for the poor quality of the drama,[23] the unsuitability of the topic of administrative matters for a movie[24] and the perceived biases of the film, with The Guardian describing it as "cinematic excrement" and "self-hagiography",[23] and others calling it a "cringeworthy, self-aggrandizing affair",[7] and "astonishingly crass".[25]"
Ruby: holy shit i forgot how much everyone hated this soccer film
Ruby: it's amazing
SteelKomodo: throw a title at me
Ruby: United Passions
Ruby: Several reviewers commented on the irony of the portrayal of Blatter in the film as an anti-corruption campaigner. Sara Stewart of the New York Post described it as "hilariously ill-timed",[26] while Paul Field of the Daily Mirror said that this created "unintentional comedy gold".[27]
Writing in The London Evening Standard, Des Kelly described United Passions as "the worst movie ever made" and "the most extraordinary vanity exercise; a vile, self-aggrandizing, sugar-coated pile of manure where Blatter and Co manage to make North Korea’s Kim Jong-un look self-effacing".[28] Daniel M. Gold of The New York Times claimed United Passions is "one of the most unwatchable films in recent memory, a dishonest bit of corporate-suite sanitizing that’s no good even for laughs".[29]

In a later interview, Gold claimed it would make the top three of his list of all time bad films.[30]
SteelKomodo: D:
Ruby: long story short: it was a soccer film that portrayed the executives of FIFA as the real heroes of soccer
SteelKomodo: ...lolnope
Ruby: it came out riiight in the middle of a giant scandal that showed there had been corruption for decade
Ruby: everyone pointed and laughed


DelCom 2 The Delening: IT'S THAT TIME
DelCom 2 The Delening: zfrp xcom 2 is going kind of well
Draco: Gravely Wounded sounds like a typical post-mission condition in XCom.
DelCom 2 The Delening: celestia tanked a claw from a giant shapeshifter
DelCom 2 The Delening: like ten foot tall
DelCom 2 The Delening: it crit for like 6 and i was like "she's fukken ded"
DelCom 2 The Delening: nope!
Ruby: nice
DelCom 2 The Delening: santos has been making 20-30% chance shots
DelCom 2 The Delening: because he's santos


Ruby: i charged into battle against bubbleman.exe (aka Notceanus) with Heat style on
Ruby: "this can not go wrong :)"
Ruby: (it went wrong)


Draco: Pokemon TCG Brutal Challenge: your opponent's deck is nothing but Fossil Grimers and Grass Energy. How many Fossil Grimers can you defeat before you lose six Pokemon? ;V
Gooper Blooper: oh god that would be so aggravating because of the constant paralysis


Jumpropeman: #ReElect Eggerman
Jumpropeman: I mean, he was just elected
Jumpropeman: but I'll vote for him again in a few years
Jumpropeman: a felon as mayor gives me hope that I can succeed in society as a serial killer
Jumpropeman: then again, Bush already did that a few years back
Jumpropeman: HEYOOOOOO
Draco: Nope!
Jumpropeman: Bush jokes are as timeless as jokes about Chester A. Arthur, what was he thinking putting up that Tiffany glass screen in the white house?
Draco: Oh that card! =D
Jumpropeman: it still surprises me how much crossover Gooper and I have in the toy department
Jumpropeman: I have the same golden-bellied Charmander from the Pop-Tarts promotion
Draco: You both eat PopTarts?!
Jumpropeman: nah, my family ate poptarts
Draco: Oh.
Jumpropeman: I encouraged them to do so during the promotion despite not eating them myself :V
Draco crosses a line off of the Goops/JRM Same Person Theory wall.


Gooper Blooper: here's a stupid comic about... god, I don't know
Gooper Blooper: stupidity?
Gooper Blooper: I got a reaction image from this comic
Ruby: oh god is this the reaction image
Ruby: because that fucking face
Gooper Blooper: it's a beautiful piece of art, but no
Ruby: an acceptable alternative


McMastersMakesHisMove: on the bright side, the twisted metal delays made me forget which pictures I drew
McMastersMakesHisMove: still surprised there is only one Goop pic so far
McMastersMakesHisMove: could it be...


Ruby: "This next building is... The Sealed Fortress. It's a creepy, foreboding dungeon that's fallen into disrepair, and could pass for something out of a damn Final Fantasy... that is, until you read the message on the locked door that says that "the dreaded catastrophe decks" are sealed inside.
Ruby: goops playing pogey tcg is fun :V


Ruby: "Come on in, brother. Welcome home, my evil friend!"
Ruby: i love how gleeful the undernet navi in battle network is about seeing megaman-disguised-as-a-b​ad-guy


(Two of Spy's three entries qualify for the final round of Twisted Metal, with the last still to fight)

Calypso: ​We'll see what the tractor says.​


Draco: I played more Undertale today and I had spears thrown at me.


Gooper Blooper: So as most people know by know, I've been playing Pokemon TCG 2 for Game Boy
Gooper Blooper: And this whole time I was trying to wrap my head around how absurd the storyline and the characters were
Gooper Blooper: But I was talking about it with Chao earlier and I finally understand everything
Gooper Blooper: See, in normal Pokemon games, the evil team does bad things and you beat them down with your Pokemon, and it makes sense because, hey, this kid has six well-trained monsters, maybe we should back off, you know?
Gooper Blooper: But in this game's world, it's all just cards. Normal Pokemon don't seem to exist
Gooper Blooper: The members of "Team Great Rocket" stop what they're doing when they lose at card games, and are even sometimes actively friendly to the protagonist
Draco: Gotta have SOMETHING to do after beating all the Pokemon games.
Gooper Blooper: But at the same time, they invaded the island and stole most people's cards
Gooper Blooper: Then other details came up
Harpy: *loses at card games anyway* "well that was a good run"
Gooper Blooper: Team Great Rocket doesn't have a secret base. They have an entire island, one that's twice the size of the protagonist's home island
Draco: ......
Draco: Team Great Rocket is pathetic.
Gooper Blooper: They don't have unified uniforms. Today I faced the members of the "Grass Fortress", and they weren't evil cackling hooded mystery men, they were a family - a father, a mother, and their kids. It wasn't outright stated, but I saw a family resemblance
Gooper Blooper: It's ordinary people, friendly people, that just happen to belong to this so called team
Gooper Blooper: and their leader isn't "The Boss" or "Commander". He's referred to as their king.
Gooper Blooper: I finally understood
Gooper Blooper: Team Great Rocket is a foreign country, and it's waging war with the protag's country to acquire resources. And, of course, those resources are Pokemon cards
Harpy: they want to spread the joy of pogeys
Harpy: ​someone used embargo :c ​
Ruby: an entire war over pokemon cards
Ruby: i think we finally have a more card-obsessed world than the yugioh one
Gooper Blooper: TGR Island is so big and populated, they probably struggle to get enough cards for everyone
Harpy: at least losing pogeys doesn't send you to the shadow realm, ruby
Gooper Blooper: whereas the first game's island is small and people there are rich with cards (in the first game you got two boosters for every win, in the second one two boosters is much less common of a reward)
Ruby: not yet it doesn't, harpy
Ruby: but just you wait until goopy unleashes the ​CATASTROPHE DECKS
Harpy: please don't murder famiry
Gooper Blooper: I can also theorize from this that the game's world is an advanced one where warfare is a game of tactics, rather than violence
Gooper Blooper: it's like those "wars of the future" fought entirely with robots some people theorized about
Gooper Blooper: except this one is fought entirely via a game of pogeycards
Jumpropeman: 1% of the people have 99% of the cards
Gooper Blooper: TGR is depicted as the antagonist because A) they made the first move and B) some of their members practice cruder forms of warfare such as kidnapping
Gooper Blooper: But they're not lost causes, because if you beat them in pogeycards they relent
Draco: They are lost! TO THE CARDS!
Gooper Blooper: When you have to face fearsome, evil opponents like this, you start theorizing how this happened


iKomodo: Time to divide the Chatzy
iKomodo: ​it's clearly Callie
Ruby: ​someone gets it


Jumpropeman: ohmygod I just remembered Bratz Babyz
Jumpropeman: why did I remember Bratz Babyz
Masochism Tango: -Don't.
Masochism Tango: REPRESS IT AGAIN


Jumpropeman: huh... this website im on that usually uploads only cartoons and anime seems to be uploading Yo Gabba Gabba, but it has no live action subsection
Jumpropeman: now, Im not interested in watching Yo Gabba Gabba, but if it has a secret live action subset, I'd love to find it


Ruby: holy shit that ending
SteelKomodo: oh my god
SteelKomodo: action 52 is like... god, how does one describe it?


Ruby: "This game is as bad as it gets, and probably the worst fighter ever. The gameplay, graphics, audio, and whatever else are among the worst in video games of all time. No joke. Getting a move to work effectively might as well be impossible. The playable character walks forward during certain attacks, and looses health for each attack, or for walking. The controls are as bad as they could get in a video game, and nothing is reliably effective in the entire game. This game is simply absolute trash. Not even worth playing as a curiosity."
Draco: That's a terrible thing to say about Street Fighter II! ;V
Ruby: fuckin' devastating
ivel: lel Draco


Draco: Things I Hope Bravely Second Has: ​Parsee​ stretchy ice cream.


ivel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_games_notable_for_negative_reception


Ruby: the lowest-number demo i ever saw was "v0.002"
ivel: that's
ivel: impressive
Harpy: incredible
Ruby: it was just a tech demo to show "okay, here's the battle system"
Ruby: later demos with actual levels and story at least made it down to .0X
Gooper Blooper: Realistically, a v0.002 would be a character model with no colors in a big white plain of emptiness that can be moved but has no animations so it does that 3D model arms-outward pose
ivel: true
Gooper Blooper: or, in a 2D game, a single sprite with no other frames
Gooper Blooper: what is .002 percent of a game? Not much
Ruby: so what you're saying is they were still somehow underselling themselves :V
Gooper Blooper: Why didn't they just call it 0.001
Gooper Blooper: what was that version
Draco: .002 percent of a GOOD game is 100 hours of content. BU
Draco: jk
ivel: lel
Ruby: probably an even simpler version of the battle system
Ruby: "it's like the battles, but without the special moves"
Gooper Blooper: according to my calculations
Gooper Blooper: Draco believes a good video game should have five million hours of content
Gooper Blooper: so Disgaea, then
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Or roughly a handful of Preston's Settlement Rescue missions in Fallout 4.
Gooper Blooper: how about a simulation game where you play as parsee and have to manage your nightclub
Masochism Tango: Oh gawd. D; Why. Why can't I kill Preston. I could straight up murder Fawkes and Boone, albeit with difficulty.
Masochism Tango: Shush about these settlers and taste my machete, would you, minutes-into-hours-into-​endless-toil-man?
Masochism Tango: He turns altruism into a Sisyphean ordeal.
Masochism Tango: I triiiiied to be a good guy for once. :U HE drove me to murder everyone I could, nine hundred quests later.
Draco: The only way to make the Parsee Nightclub Sim last 100 hours is by spending 99.5 hours on the main menu. ;V
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: See? ;V
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: even in the offseason, parsee isn't safe
ivel: welp
Ruby: i thought that was harps for a sec
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: light green welp
Gooper Blooper: surely it's harpy
Gooper Blooper: BUT NO
Harpy: ivel has a cooler hat tho
Harpy: he's just such an ivelchild
Ruby: let's see who jackal hires
Ruby: *who parsee hires
Gooper Blooper: that freudian slip
Ruby: i saw the critfail and my fingers made an assumption
Ruby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Ruby: she hired nitori
Ruby: good news: the nightclub is raking in the dough
Ruby: bad news: ​ten bucks for a glass of water
Gooper Blooper: nitori no, that way lies profiteur
Ruby: "We cut the admission price and then charge them the moon on everything else! It's perfect!"
Gooper Blooper: "just wait until I get back home and log onto TripAdvisor, young lady"
ivel changed name to THE GREAT IVEL
THE GREAT IVEL: I approve of this title
Gooper Blooper: nyeh


Ruby: fun fact: this has been one of the most controversial pages on the mario wiki
Ruby: can you tell why
SteelKomodo: yes


DelCom 2 The Delening: Who here has memed today
DelCom 2 The Delening: Because i havent and i need to reach my meme quota
SteelKomodo: i have memed
SteelKomodo: get meming, bro
DelCom 2 The Delening: Yesss


DelCom 2 The Delening: I googled my name + the hedgehog
DelCom 2 The Delening: And found fucking comedy gold
DelCom 2 The Delening: What is happening
DelCom 2 The Delening: Whats the green blob on ur wrist
DelCom 2 The Delening: Why are your jeans rectangles
SteelKomodo: oh my god
SteelKomodo: why would you do this to yourself, bro
SteelKomodo: why
Ruby: i think
Ruby: that is
Ruby: blood? somehow?
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: why is her blood even green
Ruby: fuck if i know


THE GREAT IVEL: my title in Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is the best ever
Gooper Blooper: oh bby
THE GREAT IVEL: hey Harpy what do you think of my title
Harpy: you sure you aren't refering to one of your chickens, ivel :U
THE GREAT IVEL changed name to eggvel
Harpy: see no eggvel, hear no eggvel, speak no eggvel, be no eggvel
Harpy: thats me right now ;;


N Goat: Doot doot doo, computer exploding, please wait warmly
N Goat: Don't be me, don't accept hand me down monstrosities built by your sister and a guy for whom can largely be encapsulated by the word "incompetent"


N Goat: "Heh. Good t'see ya. I've been waitin' a long time for this. You folks have been snuffing out too many tasty wars."
N Goat: All I'm sayin'
N Goat: is give waaawr a chance
Gooper Blooper: On that note, since I looked up the plot Sheep is reading
Gooper Blooper: fixed the broken youtube link
Gooper Blooper: I'm just gonna assume I simply linked Red Sun there :V
CarbuncleChao: spoilers: you did
N Goat: Oh, Sundowner
N Goat: you spout more memes than the guy obsessed with them
N Goat: "War's my business, and it's the business of all of you kobbers, too."
N Goat: Kobber green collars
Cornwind Evil: You know you done fucked up when you made Dawn mad
N Goat: can't complain, war is what puts esoteric drugs on their table
Cornwind Evil: If I could have gotten away with it IC she would have yelled her line
N Goat: And of course Goops has the best shot of him in the game
CarbuncleChao: which line
Cornwind Evil: Turns out she's swinging around Silence's manager by his foot
N Goat: Dawn was the ..sunlight? in that rain
N Goat: Kuwabara kuwabara
N Goat just descends into Metal Gear instead of reading plot


N Goat: How do trains even work?
Harpy: we may never know


N Goat: "​Inside the Gotengo, Iku easily evades the robot, and notices a door that might lead to the cockpit."
N Goat: What's that, you had a fight planned for here?
N Goat: Iku's too busy getting things done for that
Gooper Blooper: Oarfish Girl: She Gets Shit Done
CarbuncleChao: iku's job: do the thing while tenshi is busy pointing and laughing at the thing
N Goat: "Within the depths of the Gotengo, Iku slides under the laser cannon, letting it blast the wall harmlessly while Iku gets a good vantage point from behind the robot."
N Goat: Ikufiltration
N Goat: Tactical Shawl Action
N Goat: just waiting for Tenshi to call her on the Codec
N Goat: "I need peaches! 61!"


N Goat: sorry Bikker, but hornets are clearly the superior bug weapon
N Goat: they don't die after one sting, theire stings are significantly more painful, and they're much less delicate
CarbuncleChao: but "COVERED IN HORNEEEEEEETS" doesn't have the same ring to it


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: im here
Jumpropeman: to teach you how to dougie >​BI


Jumpropeman: I wish Harpy was here because I have interview advice :<
N Goat: talking about Cory in he House is not an interview skill
Jumpropeman: how do you think I got my job then?
N Goat: Your encyclopedic knowledge of of the Golden Girls


N Goat: So, I finally saw Alien.
Cornwind Evil: Better late than never
Cornwind Evil: I do hope there was no hype backlash
N Goat: :l
Cornwind Evil narrows eyes menacingly.
Cornwind Evil: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp​p
N Goat: Actually, it's holding up to time quite well, I'm happy to report


Jumpropeman: vermont is just gooper sitting in a room
Jumpropeman: the rest of the state is a myth he's perpetuated
Gooper Blooper: I only did it because Rhode Island made me
Gooper Blooper: Their only notoriety is being the smallest state in the union, so they insisted I pretend Vermont is the size of New Hampshire


Draco confiscates Harpy's Clefairy.
Harpy: which clefairy
Harpy: i have a lot of them
Jumpropeman: this one
Draco: Yes, that one.
Harpy: ono
Draco confiscates Goops' Clefairy.
Gooper Blooper: MY BRAWL TROPHY!! D:


eggvel joined the chat
iKomodo: Hi eggvel
iKomodo: why are you an egg
eggvel: that's rude you don't just ask people why they're an egg
eggvel: >:I


eggvel: "Dear ivelchild, An item you listed in the Community Market has been sold to Okuu. Your Steam Wallet has been credited 0.05 USD."
Harpy: okuu plz
GarnetChao: burd
eggvel: I was just going to delete that email, then I saw who bought it :U


Gooper Blooper: Del would be proud of me, because today I memed


Gooper Blooper: After doing ​three​ very long and demanding video games one after the other, I'm probably going to want a Small Dumb Vidya Game next
Gooper Blooper: play something stupid so I have something to toss up as last place on my yearly list :V
GarnetChao: i know what to suggest
GarnetChao: play
GarnetChao: ​bubsy 3d
Gooper Blooper: no
GarnetChao: ​bubsy 2d
Gooper Blooper: ​I have actually considered maybe playing one of the old 2D bubsies, but it's not exactly a high priority :V
Draco: Play ​ball
GarnetChao: what about
GarnetChao: bubsy 1d
Gooper Blooper: Also considering playing a Garfield game since he's kind of a running gag around here
GarnetChao: it's like bubsy 2d, but - YES
GarnetChao: DO IT


Draco: Letty my people go.


2d6+Del: Ma boi
2d6+Del: This peace is shit
iKomodo: Del pls


2d6+Del: Man i miss uni days when id stay awake till 2 or 3 in the morning
2d6+Del: On the other hand i dont miss being tired all the time
2d6+Del: Easy come easy go


Harpy: i
Harpy: now have the chocolate
Harpy: "serving size: 1 truffle"
GarnetChao: lol
Gooper Blooper: >​1 truffle
Gooper Blooper: lol yeah right
Harpy: fuck you i'm eating all of them
Harpy: ...if i like them


When baby is over Ven is tired: And this puppy-
When baby is over Ven is tired: I'm sorry.
When baby is over Ven is tired: I'm informed I don't actually have a puppy to offer.
When baby is over Ven is tired: I'll get Sine on that.
When baby is over Ven is tired: :/
Draco: Noo9oooooooo
When baby is over Ven is tired: No>​9000? V8 I will tell the DBZ fanbase. I will also hire enough vikings to enforce it.
Draco: You found me out. I'm a Namek.
When baby is over Ven is tired: =o
When baby is over Ven is tired: Chao, were... were you in on this- this deception? D8
GarnetChao: yes
GarnetChao: the whole time
When baby is over Ven is tired: Oh nooo
Draco: Bwa ha ha.
When baby is over Ven is tired backpeddles through wall in a reverse koolaid man crash, lands in Diamond City water next to Mayor McDonut
When baby is over Ven is tired: It's not a spoiler -blub- if you don't give the proper name- *blub*
When baby is over Ven is tired sinks away
Draco bottles Ven as Aqua Obscura.


N Goat: As there been a plot where Moonsjerro HASN'T ended up at the brink of death?
GarnetChao: no
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: the ones he didn't attend
Gooper Blooper: ha-cha


Jumpropeman: i have done it. I have played the holy grail of bad video games
Gooper Blooper: Big Rigs?
Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman has beaten E. T. on the Atari
GarnetChao: congratulations
Gooper Blooper: Woah, how'd you play it?
Jumpropeman: a while back i mentioned a fellow who had an atari for his history fair project on video games that let me play Atari Pac-Man
When baby is over Ven is tired: So how was this sangreal of suck?
Jumpropeman: by the way, Atari Pac-Man is so much worse than I remembered
Gooper Blooper: my favorite part of atari pac-man is what they did to the opening theme
Jumpropeman: thankfully, the many times i've read up on E.T. allowed me to understand some things like the Cube World it takes place on and some things like the Power Zones, although I didn't understand his teleport ability and thought it was a phone piece radar
When baby is over Ven is tired: A game that requires previous study to play and years of mental preparation. .v.
Jumpropeman: I had to play through the game four different times because the first time I thought it was glitched since I could never call home. Second time I called home but when I went to the landing pad there were people there, but I didn't know that was the issue until I figured that out the third run through
N Goat: he strode into chat, jolly a'twitter and said to us with his eyes all a'glitter:
N Goat: "A bad game to all! and to all a good night!"
Jumpropeman: on the fourth run I finally finished it when I found out even after calling the ship and waiting at the landing pad, you have to let the mothership timer run out and THEN it lands
Jumpropeman: although it was certainly bad, perhaps my foreknowledge kept it from being miserably bad, and I knew to be careful around pits and such. Doesn't mean I wouldn't fall into the same pit four times as I tried to escape it
Jumpropeman: one bit of praise though
Jumpropeman: E.T.'s walking sound is the most convincing horse gallop I've heard on the atari sound card
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
N Goat: rave reviews
Gooper Blooper: Speaking of, any progress on Bubsy 3D since the second stage
N Goat: >​Bubsy 3D
N Goat screams
N Goat cough

N Goat: 'scuse me, fine now
Jumpropeman: I think Bubsy 3D's disc may have an unfortunate scratch that prevents the second level's boss from loading, so I'm gonna get the disc resurfaced and hope for hte best
GarnetChao: what have i dooooone D:
GarnetChao: i failed you, jrm
GarnetChao: i failed you
Harpy: that bad, huh
Draco: Oh, I thought you'd PUT the scratch there to protect yourself in a fit of sanity.
Jumpropeman: i will get another go at the Atari games some time, hopefully I can find some Pitfalls amidst the collection of 3D Tic-Tac-Toes
Gooper Blooper: there are some actually fun atari games, I swear


When baby is over Ven is tired: I am not a good frand, I'm afraid. However, I may just be your very best fiend in some situations. =u


(WWE's Fastlane PPV comes to a close)

Spy Sucks At Fire Emmerrowd: ​CW ain't gonna be happy
GarnetChao: what happened THIS time, spy
Spy Sucks At Fire Emmerrowd: Chao, I can sum up what happened in two noises


HOLY SHIT: I can't wait to get more units, so I have a bigger beast squad than Rinkah's Abs and Kaze
Harpy: i read that as "breast squad"
Harpy: here i am
Harpy: proving that i am, indeed, bi


iKomodo: So um
iKomodo: butts

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