Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 231: The 'Bob

Del: so wulf and i had an argument about space jam
Del: and it actually made me go look up some basketball terminology and the positions and stuff
Del: this was combined with an episode of the We Hate Movies podcast which was on space jam, where they talk about what the ideal looney tunes/space jam basketball team should be
Del: i think too hard about things!
Del: anyway allow me to present my findings
RubyChao: did you know
RubyChao: it took me literally years to learn space jam has something after the credits
Del: oh yeah it does
Del: it's in the worst place for it to be
Del: anyway
Del: so the line up in the movie is taz as center (although it doesn't say but it's the only position left so yeah), lola as small forward, daffy as power forward, bugs as point guard, and michael as their coach
Del: this is a pretty bad starting line up if you disregard the fact that they're cartoons and can do anything so
Del: shit im wrong, jordan's their shooting guard i think?
Del: which is his role in actual basketball so
Del: that's like the only correct thing about the team
Del: here's who you want
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
Del: so center is meant to be beefy and big and defensive and they get really tall players to do it
Del: since none of the looney tunes are really tall you want foghorn leghorn
Del: hes big and beefy he's gonna be bouncing everybody
Del: also, he's southern
Del: so king of racist trash talk
Del: get that psychological edge yo
SteelKomodo: lolz
Del: your power forward is meant to set up plays and be quick and get all over the court
SteelKomodo: well i've watched a bit of the Looney Tunes show, and Foghorn in that is taller than even Bugs
SteelKomodo: so yeah, makes sense
Del: daffy's a slow shitheel, get wile e coyote in there
Del: he's got determination, he's scrappy
Del: he's versatile
Del: you want that
Del: point guard needs to not only direct the play but also be the best ball handler and be able to coach in the field
Del: if jordan wasn't their shooting guard i'd say use him
Del: but you can offload the directing and coaching to him
Del: and use fucking road runner
Del: how are you not using road runner
Del: he's literally the fastest you put him here
Del: and then bugs is the small forward because he's quick, he's jordan's equal essentially, and also he can piss people off and try and get them to foul him
SteelKomodo: so lemme round this up
SteelKomodo: Foghorn, Will. E, Road Runner and Bugs?
Del: you could swap bugs out for taz actually
SteelKomodo: i notice you didn't touch Taz- oh
Del: taz is probably the more aggressive option
Del: but you want someone with a cool head in a match with the stakes that space jam has got
Del: taz is gonna lose it at some point and it's not an if, it's when
Del: bugs can keep it together
Del: i mean the alternative is fuck positions, you're cartoons, just wire up some explosions and stuff
SteelKomodo: which is clearly what happened at the climax :U
Del: conversely, don't let elmer fudd, yosemite sam, porky or tweety near the court, they're useless
Del: like tweety is smaller than the ball wtf
Del: anyway
Del: you may resume your scheduled programming
SteelKomodo: man, i can't believe you seriously thought this over
SteelKomodo: like, jeez man, that's a lot of thought over a shitty basketball movie :P
Del: well the alternative is to think about everything else that's wrong with the movie
Del: it's a defense mechanism
SteelKomodo: oh ok lol
harpiano: well it was made to distract kids, who are not the best at critical thinking at that particular point in life
Draco: So wait people still talk about Space Jam?
harpiano: apparently so?
Draco: Sweet.
Del: the space jam website still exists
Del: also harpy's right
Del: it's an advertisement for Michael Jordan and basketball
SteelKomodo: holy shit this is 90's as all hell
SteelKomodo: i feel like i've gone back in time
SteelKomodo: and it's as slow to load as it was in the 90's!
Del: "daffy eat the eggs"


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: since chatzy's pretty quiet
RubyChao: i'm gonna make a hunger games sim and run it
RubyChao: back in a bit
Gooper Blooper: oh man
RubyChao: OKAY
RubyChao: presentiiiiiing
RubyChao: this time with season 5 (and one season 6)
RubyChao: are u guys ready
Gooper Blooper: You had to stretch a little but the fact that you were able to do it is pretty great
RubyChao: yeah Kokoro, Eirin, and the Sealing Club are p. much filler
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Damn, impressive
RubyChao: still, 19 or 20 ain't bad
RubyChao: Iku, Yuugi, and Remilia get into a fight. Iku triumphantly kills them both.
RubyChao: WELL
Gooper Blooper: so much for yuugi
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: ​Also when in doubt, John Cena is best filler
Gooper Blooper: watch sumi job out day 1
RubyChao: Rin Satsuki runs away from the Cornucopia.
RubyChao: >​satsuki runnin gaway
RubyChao: uhh goops
RubyChao: Patchouli, Letty, and Sumireko get into a fight. Sumireko triumphantly kills them both.
RubyChao: not so much
RubyChao: (one goopfave murdering other goopfaves, kek)
harpiano: Patchy didn't appreciate christmas and the occult quite enough
Gooper Blooper: :<
RubyChao: Youmu overhears Sumireko and Tenshi talking in the distance.
RubyChao: what are they planning
RubyChao: Meiling taints Reimu's food, killing her.
RubyChao: reimu is done with everything
Gooper Blooper: All these favorites dying early
RubyChao: Sakuya steals from Rin Satsuki while she isn't looking.
Gooper Blooper: reminder that patchy won chao's first hunger games
RubyChao: rin buried
iKomodo: Come on okuuuuuuuu
iKomodo: >​not biased
RubyChao: the five deaths were all that happened d1
RubyChao: but still
RubyChao: Renko dies from hunger.
RubyChao: the dreaded hunger
RubyChao: Kisume questions her sanity.
RubyChao: "why am i lugging this bucket around"
RubyChao: Sumireko, Mima, Sakuya, and Utsuho raid Tenshi's camp while she is hunting.
RubyChao: you know the word
RubyChao: say it with me
RubyChao: #comeuppance
Gooper Blooper: #COMEUPPANCE
RubyChao: Kokoro camouflauges herself in the bushes.
RubyChao: i just like this because kokoro has 66 masks
RubyChao: it probably comes easy to her
RubyChao: Meiling sprains her ankle while running away from Tupai.
Leaving Soon: -Kisume would do well to question her sanity. =p Voices in one's head are usually a little odd.
RubyChao: that's true, kisume has a spirit guide of sorts now
RubyChao: zfrp.txt
Gooper Blooper: I just realized Marisa didn't get to be this
RubyChao: ....i forgot about marisa and kanako
RubyChao: they would have been much better than renko and maribel
Gooper Blooper: Them instead of the sealing club, yes
Gooper Blooper: they escape death via technicality
harpiano: restart
harpiano: :U
RubyChao: nah, i'm far enough in
RubyChao: i'll do... A SECOND ROUND
RubyChao: Rin Satsuki, Sumireko, and Yuyuko cheerfully sing songs together.
RubyChao: what a team
Gooper Blooper: watch the same hu win both runs
RubyChao: Youmu convinces Mima to snuggle with her.
RubyChao: ghostly snuggling
RubyChao: Iku begs for Meiling to kill her. She refuses, keeping Iku alive.
RubyChao: what happened to miss I Beat Yuugi And Remilia At The Same Time
RubyChao: Mima, Kisume, Eirin, and Yuyuko raid Rin Satsuki's camp while she is hunting.
RubyChao: oh god, rin buried
RubyChao: Sumireko severely slices Tupai with a sword.
Gooper Blooper: sumi is a beast
iKomodo: Sumi pls
RubyChao: Utsuho decapitates Mima with a sword.
RubyChao: >​okuu using a sword
RubyChao: looks like that sword stash came in handy
Gooper Blooper: deepest lore
RubyChao: Flandre dies from thirst.
RubyChao: "not enough blood :<"
RubyChao: Meiling, Nitori, Sumireko, and Eirin raid Utsuho's camp while she is hunting.
RubyChao: Iku convinces Kisume to not kill her, only to kill her instead.
iKomodo: OKUU PLS
harpiano: more raiding
Gooper Blooper: Iku and Sumi are the murder queens
RubyChao: Carnivorous squirrels start attacking the tributes.
Gooper Blooper: ...squirrels?
Gooper Blooper: That's a new one
Gooper Blooper: CAUREN WHY
RubyChao: Nitori tries to kills as many squirrels as she can, but there are too many.
Maribel uses the squirrels to her advantage, shoving Kokoro into them.
Satori uses the squirrels to her advantage, shoving Tenshi into them.
Eirin tries to kills as many squirrels as she can, but there are too many.
Sumireko tries to kills as many squirrels as she can, but there are too many.
Yuyuko is brutally attacked by a scurry of squirrels.
Rin Satsuki is brutally attacked by a scurry of squirrels.
RubyChao: that
RubyChao: was
RubyChao: effective
RubyChao: (also that satori betrayal kill)
Gooper Blooper: sumi :<
Gooper Blooper: "tries to kills"
RubyChao: that leaves Okuu, Satori, Iku, Sakuya, Meiling, Youmu, and Maribel
RubyChao: Meiling silently snaps Utsuho's neck.
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: so much for okuu
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: well I was about to say I was pulling for meiling and utsuho
Gooper Blooper: *maribel wins*
RubyChao: Maribel, Meiling, Satori, and Youmu track down and kill Sakuya.
Iku is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
RubyChao: sakuya got overwhelmed, jeez
Gooper Blooper: it took four of them to take down sakuya
RubyChao: Meiling throws a knife into Iku's chest.
Satori severely slices Maribel with a sword.
RubyChao: so much for the murder queen
RubyChao: Satori falls into a pit and dies.
RubyChao: pit why D:
RubyChao: Meiling kills Youmu while she is resting.
Leaving Soon: SQUIRRELS ATTACKING IS SQUIRREL GIRL CAUREN IS INNOCENT :U ... unless she became a Wendigo squirrel.
Gooper Blooper: meiling wound up with the most kills I think
RubyChao: Kills Made
5: Meiling
3: Sumireko
3: Satori
3: Iku
2: Maribel
1: Utsuho
1: Youmu
Gooper Blooper: 7: Squirrels

(several days later)

Gooper Blooper: Chao just messaged me something very disturbing
Gooper Blooper: Remember last week when he did a touhou hunger games sim
Gooper Blooper: and we were all "BUT WHERE'S MARISA"
Gooper Blooper: well he only just realized now he also left out parsee and not a single one of us noticed
Gooper Blooper: fucking buried
Harpy: .n.
Spy Rising: . . . Oh ​fuck


Bree: I like adorable
Gooper Blooper: You do?! Small world


Bree: SO CORNWIND what's the status on twisted metal
Cornwind Evil: LOOK, A BEAR!
Cornwind Evil runs away.


Deletons: From the SA undertale thread
Deletons: "I have done nothing but listen to Undertale music for three days."


RubyChao: Bits of gibberish began to pop up, and then it loaded the Akinator’s homepage. Instead of greeting me with its typical “Hello, I am Akinator. To start a game, click on play”, though, there was no speech bubble at first. The genie just stared at me until it finally asked, “Why are you ignoring me? I just want to play.” My eyes widened with concern, and I instantly closed the browser.
RubyChao: I started to surf the internet for about twenty minutes, thinking that all traces of the genie were gone. I was dead wrong, of course. As I checked my e-mail again, my screensaver popped out of nowhere by itself, but it appeared to have changed. Instead of the 3D Pipes setting, it had changed itself to the Marquee screensaver. The words slowly crept in from the right side of the screen, almost as if the computer was talking to me. “I will find you. Please play with me. You won’t beat me.” I heard what could have been his very voice ringing through my mind. I tried to make it go away by closing my eyes, just like my parents used to tell me when I was little, but even when I couldn’t see the computer screen, the very words flashed through my thoughts like the Marquee screensaver. The Akinator was burning his image into my brain, trying to make sure that I wouldn’t forget that I was never alone.
RubyChao: i still fucking love the fact that there's an akinator creepypasta
Jumpropeman: and they didn't even go the obvious route
Jumpropeman: where he's like, asking very specific questions and guessing people the guy knows
Gooper Blooper: "Your character is..."
Gooper Blooper: ​​"RIGHT BEHIND YOU"
RubyChao: yessss Akinator did it
RubyChao: it took me multiple tries because it stalled out
RubyChao: but he successfully guessed ​W. D. Gaster, he really can get people who don't exist
Gooper Blooper: ​oh christ I'm sure he has the entire undertale cast memorized
Gooper Blooper: "it's that fucking short skeleton again isn't it"


Bree: playing akinator and
Bree: it just asked me
Bree: "does your character like budder?"


Jumpropeman: the Military History Channel is running a 101 most important weapons of history thing right now. It's not that great. They're like, "yeah, the longsword was important, it was basically the face of warfare for thousands of years, and the bow and arrow's good too... BUT HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE VERY SPECIFIC TYPES OF TANKS AND RIFLES THAT ONLY WERE USED IN A SINGLE CONFLICT?!?!?! THEY'RE MORE IMPORTANT!"
Jumpropeman: I swear if number 1 isn't either A: spear, since it was like the first weapon, B: the first gun, because guns mang, or C: the atom bomb, then I'll know that this is just a chance for them to recycle a bunch of their gun and tank wanking
Jumpropeman: I don't see how a rifle used almost exclusively during the american civil war is more important than the bow that helped Ghengis Khan create the world's largest empire is more important is all >:I
Jumpropeman: ...omit that second "is more important"
Jumpropeman: THIS ARBITRARY LIST UPSETS ME *throws a chair*


Mobilespy for 5 seconds: Stupid fite idea. Celestia vs Toriel, mom yer mates
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Harpy: sounds more like a VEW gimmick fight
Harpy: for mother's day
Mobilespy for 5 seconds: Not coincidentally, a Sarah - Frisk eating contest happens simultaneously
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpy: frisk not feelin it
Harpy: gotta go be a piece of garbage with napstablook


Brilliant Dead: talking of undertale
Brilliant Dead: had a quick look at the first page of the SA LP thread and someone said:
Brilliant Dead: "Advice for anyone who plays undertale's demo as a result of the lets play: make sure to read the instruction manual both before you start playing and after you finish it."
Brilliant Dead: oh my god D:
Harpy: you looked at the instruction manual didn't you
Brilliant Dead: aaaaaaaaah
iKomodo: welp
Harpy: yeah i know man
Brilliant Dead: obviously undertale spoilers
Deletons: Oh
Deletons: You fool
Harpy: flowey continues to be a dick through dimensions
Mobilespy Rises: D:


Gooper Blooper: papyrus why
Harpy: kek
RubyChao: oh god, that tale
Harpy: >​sans is dubbed alex in this tale
Harpy: so when did sarah shack up with a skeleton
Harpy: i didn't know she liked big bones
Gooper Blooper: I thought it was the other way around
Gooper Blooper: ayyyyyyyy
Harpy: kek


RubyChao: "Metroid II: Return of Samus is best known as "that game between the first one and Super Metroid"."
Gooper Blooper: metroid II buried


RubyChao: "Morphology: Salamander
Phazon-based bioform.
Dangerous in large numbers.
(VERY early removal. Check out that detailed flavor text!)"

Gooper Blooper: "dangerous in large numbers" is the phrase you pull out when your enemy is the bottom of the barrel
Gooper Blooper: a fuckin goomba is dangerous if there's five thousand of them rushing you at once


RubyChao: it's still weird to adjust to a world in which okuu isn't a regular
Jumpropeman: guess she'll just have to come back huh
RubyChao: no
RubyChao kicks her under the rug
Gooper Blooper: I've got it
Gooper Blooper: chao says she's "retired" but partway through the year she suddenly appears because she's needed for something plot-related, then she sticks around and goes on a few plots, then chao gets too many ideas and a few nudges from me and promotes her back to regular in Season 7 and basically I'm saying it'll be Samus Again
Harpy: ^
Harpy: touhouplot 2017, be there
RubyChao: samus finally retires
RubyChao: only because literally every boss in the history of metroid has been fought
Gooper Blooper: the next year a new metroid game comes out
RubyChao: nah, nah
RubyChao: fake kraid is dead
RubyChao: fake ridley recruits Fake Fake Kraid, which is a balloon doll of Fake Kraid


Dacor: So who wants a Fossil Grimer for Christmas this year?
RubyChao: i have one
RubyChao: sorry
Dacor begins dumping shipping crates of Fossil Grimers on Ruby.


RubyChao: "As I was about to pick it up I got this sudden chill and froze. I couldn't move. I slowly turned around to see a half dead Samus and a demonic Link just standing there staring with nothing but hate and anger in their eyes. Completely terrified I screamed out. My eldest brother rushed into my room and saw the two figured staring at me there. Disturbed he asked me “whats going on?” he replied “ I was playing Windwaker and Metroid on Kevin's gamecube” Rick looks at me confused and horrified “ Kev never had a gamecube...” as he said that, there was a loud bang and everything went dark for a few seconds when the lights came back on. My TV was turned off and the gamecube was gone all that’s left is a memory card, The Legend of Zelda : Windwaker and Metroid Prime."
RubyChao: b-e s-p-o-o-k-e-d
SteelKomodo: no thanks :U
Del: 2 spooked 4 me
Brilliant Kid: shivers running down my spine
Harpy: spooped
Brilliant Kid: oh wait, that's hurricane barney :v


SteelKomodo: guys help
SteelKomodo: i'm addicted to the JOHN CENA meme
SteelKomodo: I'm playing clips of Robotnik, then cutting them off with shouting prank call
SteelKomodo: "It's a miracle! It's genius! It's... ​​JOHN CENA​​"
Spy Rising: Oh my god xD
SteelKomodo: and it works with robotnik ytp's, too
SteelKomodo: "Let me guess! Chocolate covered ​​JOHN CENA​​"


Deletons: "Big Del's Rootin' Tootin' Stellar Hodown"
Deletons: Latest gift from wulf
iKomodo: Hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: what is it
Deletons: We're discussing jonesy and david getting together on saturdays to drink whiskey and be dissapointed in their children
Gooper Blooper: sounds like a real hootenanny
Deletons: "My son's married to a woman but is also queerer than elton john in a unicorn stampede"
Deletons: Is jonesy's contribution


(Selections from Shit My Students Write)

Gooper Blooper: "Churchill wanted to start war between himself and Hitler. They did not have a very good friendship, I don’t know if it would even be called a friendship.They really didn’t seem to like each other from what I read. Hitler most certainly didnt like him and the stuff that he did."
Gooper Blooper: "So it turns out that the great war was not so great."
iKomodo: real genius observation :U
Gooper Blooper: "The old west was a very violent place. How violent you might ask? Very violent."
Gooper Blooper: "Many speices have died and many other speices have appeared that were never here in the begining. For example salamanders, frogs, robins, Jeraphs, lions, you name it. It spectacular. Theres nothing you can say about this."
Gooper Blooper: "During the 19th and 20th century in southern countries, African Americans went through a rough patch of racism with white people."
Deletons: Understatement of all time
Gooper Blooper: "Many people think women can’t be good at sports because their dainty or whatever. But that is not true. Some women are super buff and as thick as cows."
iKomodo: #Yuugi
Gooper Blooper: Silence, Meiling, etc
Gooper Blooper: "This was the power of the fur trade. This was the power of the beaver."
Deletons: Hahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: I remember seeing an exhibit about the beaver trade at a museum once and they WERE really important, but that wording is amazing
iKomodo: ...oh god I just got that
Gooper Blooper: "The reason for this is because I’ve done some online research and people have been given the right to freedom."
Gooper Blooper: "Love at first sight is possible in animals. For example, take Simba and Nala from The Lion King. They were friends and then they fell in love."
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: "Nuclear disarmament happened after Bay of Pigs, which was during the Vietnam War, so it happened in the ’90s. You have to understand the ’90s were a really long time ago."
Gooper Blooper: only 90s kids remember Bay Of Pigs
Gooper Blooper: "It is obvious that death is caused by dying and the reverse is true as well."
Harpy: my god
Harpy: why
Gooper Blooper: people die when they are killed, harpy
Gooper Blooper: "I think that Crooks is the most lonely because he’s lonely because he’s black and no one wants to spend time with him and he’s always been black so he’s always been sort of lonely."
Gooper Blooper: "Steve Jobs can be compared to Moses as they both came up with tablets that brought about a revolution."
Deletons: Oh !y fuckinh hod
Harpy: see, this is the reason why teachers need more cash
Deletons: Thats so shit i lost the ability to type
Harpy: so they can get more booze and get drunk enough to handle this
Deletons: And yet its amazing
Gooper Blooper: "Jim Henson invented the beaker."
Deletons: Are you fucking kidding me
Gooper Blooper: meep
Deletons: Sgstsvshsfsh
Gooper Blooper: "Helen Keller was a very naughty child. She never listened to her parents."
Harpy: oh
Harpy: what
Harpy: my god
Gooper Blooper: they just keep getting better
Gooper Blooper: "The Christian cross truly is the McDonalds of religion."
Gooper Blooper: "Me on the other hand I believe the earth is oval of some sort."
Gooper Blooper: "However, Shakespeere was not a great playwrite, because he made his work confusing on purpose. Old English is not relevant today."
RubyChao: that shakespeare
RubyChao: what a dick
Gooper Blooper: "Bacon contributed to the satisfaction of millions. It is now included in stuffed crust at Pizza Hut as an american delicacy."


Draco sprays a new coat of mold on Space Chat.
Gooper Blooper: I was going to make an Ariel joke with "keep that corpse alive, we need it sometimes" but after that exposure of the meme in the questions thread Ariel would have to die several more times next season for me to think her worthy of more jobbing jokes
Jumpropeman: NEXT YEAR: ARIEL FITE WEEK! Opponent after opponent fites Ariel in separate lethal battles! Wrack up that death counter, dude!
RubyChao specifically has all of his villains try to murder Ariel
RubyChao and his heroes too, for good measure
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Draco: Parsee can't kill Ariel. She's too powerful. ;-;
Jumpropeman: Ariel spends next season casually dodging all the traps placed in her path
Draco: Ariel never rolls under a 15 unless she actually tries to dodge something.
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's major-character-ness next year will depend largely on whether people make plots that would catch her attention as something she needs to help with
Gooper Blooper: If nobody does that much Ariel-luring she'll probably be minor until Season 7
RubyChao: considering how many plot events i might have, i'm sure there will be something that interests her
RubyChao: but
Draco: *Draco begins dumping toxic waste in the middle of the lounge*
RubyChao: probably not profiteur level rage this time :V
Draco: *Scourge cuts down the rainforest for Energon*
Draco: *Parsee doesn't recycle*
Gooper Blooper: you're welcome to attempt to top yourself, chao :V
Gooper Blooper: Draco wants more ariel


Gooper Blooper: skip to 1 minute in for hot garbage action
Draco: YISS
RubyChao: blookyplot 2016: convince everyone else to lie on the ground and feel like garbage
Jumpropeman: Naptasblook is my kinda guy
Jumpropeman: a ghost who lays around like a fat seal
Gooper Blooper: if space vaporwave is what garbage feels like, sign me up



Draco: JRM's gonna RP The Bob, eh?
Joy pt 2: THE Builder?
Joy pt 2: My god.
Joy pt 2: We'll accomplish so much, if those Covenant fellows and that obsessed set of AI units are telling the truth.
Jumpropeman: you must have missed it Ven
Jumpropeman: by royal decree, it is hereby illegal to refer to the television series "Spongebob Squarepants" by anything save The 'Bob, unless of course one is explaining the rule to the uneducated


Harpy: there is a red velvet cake here
Harpy: i am going to have a slice
Gooper Blooper: what a coincidence, I bought red velvet cookies today
Gooper Blooper: a pack of six big ones with frosting on them was on sale for a dollar
Harpy: i never had red velvet stuff btw
Harpy: mostly because I thought it was
Harpy: like
Harpy: strawberry
Gooper Blooper: I don't think I've had it before either
Gooper Blooper: but a buck for six was a good time to try
Gooper Blooper: I haven't had any yet because I have a huge stock of cheap fud and I'm spoiled for choice
Harpy: kek
Harpy: maybe just have one right now
Gooper Blooper: I already had a snack
Gooper Blooper: I'll eat one tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: *eats two tomorrow*
Harpy: kek


Jumpropeman: you know Gooper
Jumpropeman: your kaiju collection is cool and all
Jumpropeman: but it's missing
Jumpropeman: a very important guy
Jumpropeman: GOROSAURUS
Gooper Blooper: I would like a Gorosaurus but his toys are rare and expensive
Gooper Blooper: If they released a new one for a reasonable price I'd snatch it up
Jumpropeman: just buy one of those bags of dinosaur figures and pull out the T-Rex
Jumpropeman: boom, Gorosaurus figure
Gooper Blooper: If it worked that way I'd be able to proudly display a random rubber spider and say it's Kumonga, but it's just not the same
Gooper Blooper: I am not that ebay seller who rips people off with random praying mantis toys and says they're "kamacuras replicas"
Draco: That's Neo-Goops.


Jumpropeman: YOUTUBE CHANGED SUBSCRIPTION FEED I yell... right before I look at it and it seems more convenient
Jumpropeman: did they make a change that actually makes things BETTER?!
RubyChao: wow, you're right, this DOES feel more useful
Draco gasps.
Gooper Blooper: A website redesign being for the better? Surely you jest


Gooper Blooper: there was a thread on the battlebots reddit about the worst robot matches, so I made sure to post Abattoir vs Ricon
Gooper Blooper: comments included "you win", "dear god that match was boring", "can that one robot even turn", and the guy who made the Abbatoir MLG video linking it and saying "don't talk shit about abbatoir"


RubyChao: ngaaaaah
Draco: Hi Ruby.
RubyChao stabs his computer 25 times before he realizes it's a bad idea
Draco: Computers have DR/5 Piercing. Your stabs won't hurt it.


Gooper Blooper: I still remember goopsmom trying to buy goopsbro an Xbox One the year it released
Gooper Blooper: she had a bad time


Gooper Blooper: my house was built in the early 1920s
Gooper Blooper: is old
Gooper Blooper: JRM would RP my house
Bree: grandma house


Cornwind Evil: Here's a funny thing about Silent Hill 2
Cornwind Evil: There's one character you run into throughout the game
Cornwind Evil: And near the end the character snaps and you get into a boss battle with him
Cornwind Evil: And I remember parsing a published guide, and it said 'You and this character will now stand directly in front of each other and pump lead into each other, you have healing items, use them so the other character drops first."
Cornwind Evil: And then another guide written online said 'You can use the room to hide and block the character's shots'
Cornwind Evil: So...the first published guide apparently went "How do you beat him?" "Eh, just brute force it."
Jumpropeman: hey, if it works
Gooper Blooper: GOOD ENOUGH
Gooper Blooper: *BLAM BLAM BLAM*
Jumpropeman: its like when you use Invincibility Frames in a game to just run through a tough area
Gooper Blooper: I do that a lot, JRM


[Bookmark] RubyChao joined the chat
[Bookmark] RubyChao: hello, and also goodbye
[Bookmark] RubyChao: i would stay and chat but i must get things ready this morning
[Bookmark] RubyChao left the chat
[Bookmark] Quest Completed: Curses. In the time it took to make that stew sandwich, a life has come and gone upon the screen. : u
[Bookmark] Quest Completed: And yet, it was almost half worth missing Chao. The Dinty Moore stuff made an excellent repast, put on hotdog buns with cheese toasted into them. :v
[Bookmark] Quest Completed: In fact, I believe I will have another. Be back maybe.
[Bookmark] Quest Completed: I'm a filthy, filthy animal and I can't stop licking my fingers help. D:


Draco: Best Sarahkin is Ariel. :I
Gooper Blooper: You'll probably like Season 7 then Draco
Gooper Blooper: It's far off but my current plan is to make Ariel the most important kin that year
Harpy: i am going to have feels for that season
Gooper Blooper: you're going to have feels next season too
Gooper Blooper: trust me on that one
Harpy: i know
Harpy: i'm running a plot fulla feels
Gooper Blooper: underfeel
RubyChao: i will have many feels
Harpy: maybe THREE
RubyChao: because of the great emerald's power
Draco: By Season 7, my favorite kin will be ​UNCLE GREG


Cornwind Evil: So in theory
Cornwind Evil: The worst person Widow Maker could be matched up with is the Joker
Cornwind Evil: Or a Joker type
Gooper Blooper: I've mentioned before in her FYM stats that Widow Maker's weakness is unpredictability
Gooper Blooper: So yes if she fights someone who has no game plan and just acts randomly, they will probably do better than someone with a plan if Wids can determine what said plan is
Cornwind Evil: Obviously we have to have her fite Deadpool
Gooper Blooper: So someone who fights randomly AND has Wids' level of consciousness?
Gooper Blooper: Toss in the ludicrous endurance and Wids is fucked
Cornwind Evil: It would be her ultimate challenge


Bree: oh my god please make yuugi vs undyne happen in 2016
Bree: ​please​
Gooper Blooper: the ring is gonna break
RubyChao: the ring doesn't break
RubyChao: yuugi gets out of the ring, lifts the whole thing up, suplexes it
Mobilespy Playing Kotor: So many people for Undyne to fite
Mobilespy Playing Kotor: I feel like I made an excellent choice this year
Harpy: Frisk is all like
Harpy: "FIGHT ME"
RubyChao: spy you knew what you were doing when you were introducing someone as fight happy as undyne


RubyChao: i do not believe the quality of youmu's legs has yet been discussed in the context of zfrp


Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Deluxe Activity Book: Ruined Edition
Gooper Blooper: also I think they went a little overboard with the colons and editions in that Amazon rendition of the title
RubyChao: >​double sinnoh edition
RubyChao: ahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Oh wait
Gooper Blooper: They spelled Edition wrong the first time
Gooper Blooper: It's "Sinnoh Editon: Sinnoh Edition"
RubyChao: oh my god, they did
RubyChao: pls
Gooper Blooper: thanks amazon


(Chao begins attempting to complete the Pokedex in Pokemon Y)

RubyChao: reminder: my hawlucha has the best name
Gooper Blooper: Didn't you name it Daniel Bryan
RubyChao: yes i did!
Gooper Blooper: *muffled yes chants from canada*
RubyChao: >​105 pogeys
Gooper Blooper: that was fast!
Gooper Blooper: Who was lucky 105
RubyChao: dragalge
RubyChao: i was already at the water so i just did some fishing
RubyChao: my catchng team is Utsuho, Daniel Bryan, and Four Not Fully Evolved Pogeys
Gooper Blooper: The next 600 will fly by

(They actually did. Chao completed the Pokedex approximately two months later.)


Jumpropeman: I have been spared from a poor purchasing decision after bidding on a Virtual Boy on a sleepless whim this morning
Jumpropeman: someone just wanted it more than drowsy JRM did


Harpy: [11:54:24 PM] Ivelchild: so with Splatoon, one idea they had was to use Mario chars
[11:54:34 PM] Ivelchild: and they said they forgot Sunshine existed when that idea was pitched
[11:54:37 PM] HarpyKuro: oh no
[11:54:48 PM] Ivelchild: that was just a fun idea they threw around at the time
[11:54:51 PM] Ivelchild: but just
[11:54:55 PM] Ivelchild: "Oh yeah. Sunshine."
[11:55:00 PM] Ivelchild: "Woops."
[11:56:05 PM] HarpyKuro: next update has gooper blooper update
[11:56:09 PM] Ivelchild: lel


Harpy: *wild flailing*

1 comment:

  1. Bree: SO CORNWIND what's the status on twisted metal
    Cornwind Evil: LOOK, A BEAR!
    Cornwind Evil runs away.

    GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
