Monday, February 22, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 238: The Ink Is Blood

SteelKomodo: watching Penguins of Madagascar
SteelKomodo: "Unknown hostiles with tentacles and feet..." "Again?! If I had a nickel for every time..."
Bree: the movie?
Bree: I loved that movie
SteelKomodo: no, the tv series
SteelKomodo: haven't seen the movie
SteelKomodo: but tell me more
Bree: idk it's been a while since I watched it lel
Bree: but the villain is an octopus who's mad that everyone likes penguins more because of their cuteness
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and he ​abducts every penguin on earth (lel) and mutates them into hideous monstrosities so nobody will like them anymore​
Bree: but the penguins reverse it by ​using skipper's cuteness to turn the hideous-mutant ray into a re-cute-ifying ray​
SteelKomodo: ​I think you mean Private?
Bree: yes him
Bree: sorry I have trouble with the names
Bree: whichever one is the cute one :U
SteelKomodo: it's k, they do look rather alike :U
Bree: skipper is the leader one right
SteelKomodo: yep
Bree: yeah okay
Bree: but the "again?!" is a reference to the movie
Bree: in that quote you posted
SteelKomodo: i don't think so, the series came before the movie
Bree: hmm maybe, it depends on if this particular episode is older than the movie
Bree: idk, it just seemed like a reference to the movie
SteelKomodo: well, the series started 2008-2009
SteelKomodo: so no, it wasn't :P
Bree: I bow to your expertise
Bree bows
SteelKomodo: oh, no need to bow
SteelKomodo: g-get up [blushing] ​
Bree: lel
Bree: you are adorable
SteelKomodo: i try :3
Bree: :3
PhoneDel: Also hi
SteelKomodo: hi bro
Bree: del confirmed shipper
PhoneDel: I ship coal to power plants


iKomodo: ...I don't know why, but typing that in all caps is just inherently funny to me
Sempai Fails Perception Check: GET OUTTA THE WAY


Jumpropeman: this Professor Layton puzzle has me arranging matchsticks to take a picture of a dog and turn it into an image of it run over by a car. What kind of sick puzzle is this
ivel: oh yeah that
Gooper Blooper: >​matchsticks
RubyChao: i haff tvelve matchstick
ivel: lel
RubyChao: fun fact: i mostly remember that phrase because it's been the name i set for a skype group i've been in for
RubyChao: seven years
Jumpropeman: i cant even conceptualize what its asking me
RubyChao: so every time i check skype
RubyChao: tvelve matchtick
Jumpropeman: am i supposed to make it completely flat
ivel: more or less, from what I remember
RubyChao: layton why
Harpy: mutchsteek


Jumpropeman: "Puzzle No. 110"
Jumpropeman: I... I think I found this puzzle much earlier than they expected me to
Jumpropeman: as the previous one I did was number 10
Gooper Blooper: METCHSTEEK
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: XD


Bree: have you actually played bratz: forever diamonds
Jumpropeman: i have
Bree: why would you even
Jumpropeman: my sister left it laying around and I thought I'd try it for a laugh
Bree: and did you laugh
Jumpropeman: yes
Jumpropeman: the currency in the game is called Blingz
Bree: seriously
Gooper Blooper: I hear blingz are doing well against the currently weak barbarian in the global market


Gooper Blooper: Premium is scheduled to run out in less than 24 hours
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!!!
Jumpropeman: QUICK


Gooper Blooper: "Hello, unregisted Chatzy user, you are a regular visitor in this Virtual Room."
Gooper Blooper: it's been so long
Gooper Blooper: wait a second
Gooper Blooper: they typoed "unregistered"
Gooper Blooper: chatzy please
RubyChao: hahaha
RubyChao: they care THAT LITTLE about unregistered users


Gooper Blooper: I hope whoever wrote the first ever walkthrough for Super Metroid was paid a million dollars for it
Gooper Blooper: they'd deserve it


RubyChao: >​attempt to find message
RubyChao: >​locked out
RubyChao: this might take a bit to get used to
Gooper Blooper: "Access Denied. Sorry, this function is only available in Premium Rooms."
Harpy: :C
ivel: And this is where I would send messages on Chatzy! ​ IF I HAD PREMIUM ​


(Regarding Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

RubyChao: planning to read Stone Ocean this weekend at last
Brilliant Kid: >​reading stone ocean
Brilliant Kid: man I really want to see your reaction to ​Bohemian Rhapsody​
Brilliant Kid: the whole thing is bizarre even for Jojo but that set of chapters is just crazy and I love it
RubyChao: i plan to just dump all on my reactions on someone on skype
RubyChao: and you can then ask for highlights
Brilliant Kid: haha awesome
Gooper Blooper: "I did a thing and here's the highlights" is pretty much the core of our offseason
RubyChao: the highlight of citizens of earth
RubyChao: is that i may cameo a couple characters from it if they're needed
RubyChao: nothing big, just "well i need a plumber here anyway so why not this one"
Brilliant Kid: google tells me this is a video game?
RubyChao: correct, a vidya game i played over the past few days
ivel: will it help if I say they're needed :U
RubyChao: no :I
ivel: But I neeeed it
RubyChao: no
ivel: But I neeeeed it
RubyChao: no
ivel: I'll stop now because I don't want to be Mangle :U
RubyChao: aw, i was all ready to post "fine jesus christ i'm sick of your shit already"
Harpy: i want to be hip with the kids...
RubyChao: esoteric


Gooper Blooper: Me and Goopsmom are going to start playing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: she has correctly guessed that the "surprise" I have for her is a new Ace Attorney and she is very hype
ivel: nice :D
Gooper Blooper: "Is it about Edgeworth? Gumshoe? ...​​FRANCESCA!!!​​"
Brilliant Kid: awesome!
Gooper Blooper: then I said "it's a game all about larry butz" and she laughed
ivel: I would want that
Brilliant Kid: Yes that would be great
RubyChao: that reminds me of a suggestion
RubyChao: Larry Butz will get his own Investigations game.
Since people complained that the first Investigations was too easy (since Edgeworth is a genius), Capcom will make a game with Larry Butz and make it the toughest Ace Attorney game ever to mirror his idiocy and the fact that he has no legal power.

Brilliant Kid: Larry's power is to break down competent lawyers through sheer frustration
Gooper Blooper: how about a Castlevania-type game where you play as franziska
Brilliant Kid: only if every enemy is gumshoe
RubyChao: you know who should get a game
RubyChao: gumshoe
Brilliant Kid: Yessssssss
Gooper Blooper: Include a flashback case where you play as Badd
Brilliant Kid: My biggest disappointment about Investigations 1 is that Gumshoe isn't Edgeworth's sidekick all the time
Gooper Blooper: where's my Deid Mann trilogy, capcom
RubyChao: alternatively
RubyChao: go really far back
Brilliant Kid: Where's Layton vs AA 2?
RubyChao: play in the 40-years-ago time period as Manfred von Karma
RubyChao: his detective sidekick is Damon Gant
Brilliant Kid: oh my god
Bree: lel manfred
Bree: dat name
RubyChao: you see young versions of all the really old AA characters
RubyChao: except for the judge, who STILL looks the same
Gooper Blooper: WE HAVE TO GO FURTHER BACK *and then it's 100 years ago and oh wait they did that*
RubyChao: caveman wright
RubyChao: The Very, Very First Turnabout
Gooper Blooper: that old case from 65 million years ago
Gooper Blooper: who really DID ​murder​ all the dinosaurs
Brilliant Kid: How about a Grossberg game
RubyChao: i would only accept a grossberg game if Young Confident Payne is the final boss
RubyChao: and the most difficult prosecutor in series history


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: the author's note on this one comic
RubyChao: "4/18/05 - I'm working on some other projects now to take a break from KotOC, while I shop for a new scanner. It'll be back shortly, although probably not at full time."
RubyChao: the last update ever
Gooper Blooper: eleven years is "shortly"


Brilliant Kid: wait is clefable just called pixie in japan?
Gooper Blooper: I think so, or something similar. Clefairy's called Pippi and Cleffa is Pii, IIRC
RubyChao: pii
Harpy: sounds like their cries
Harpy: pippi~
Brilliant Kid: yeah, i saw clefairy was pippi on its card :3
ivel: would a Clefable evolution be Longstockings
Gooper Blooper: kek
Brilliant Kid: my mental image of that is just a cleffable with reaaaaally long legs
ivel: lel


RubyChao: "Somewhere, right now, a person is discovering Fan Fiction, Web Comics, role-playing fora, or what-have-you and thinking, "Hey, this looks easy! I can write! I can make a fanfic/drawings/pixel art/sprites! I'll do one of these!". They then work on the first chapter/first strip/first motions to get in on the game, sign up with an account for a free service, post said original work, and then promptly forget about it."
RubyChao: fun fact: this happened to me
RubyChao: a bunch
RubyChao: it took collaborative writing/friend prompting for me to plan out large projects and actually finish them
Bree: I've never finished anything in my life :U
RubyChao: yonakaplot
Harpy: sakuyra plot
Bree: this spells bad things for my ZFRP plots I know
Bree: oh my god
RubyChao: did you actually forget
Harpy: granted, it was relatively small compared to dollplot, BUT it's still a thing
Bree: yeah I honestly forgot about yonakaplot
RubyChao: rip yonaka
RubyChao: buried by her creator
Bree: somehow it never occurred to me it was a thing I finished
Bree: maybe I should get a plaque or have goopy draw me a certificate of accomplishment or something
Bree: gooooooooooooooooooooooo​op
Gooper Blooper:

ivel: Goops that's amazing
Bree: oh my god goops you actually did it
Gooper Blooper: ur welcom
RubyChao: thank yu goopy
RubyChao: that is great
Brilliant Kid: i need to earn that gif
RubyChao: no, see, it won't be that one
RubyChao: yours will have mike
ivel: true, you'll earn your own
Brilliant Kid: ooooh
Brilliant Kid: well that is motivation to do a thing


Draco: I know some Japanese: taco, burrito, gordito...wait...that Taco Bell.
ivel: welp
Brilliant Kid: haha
Harpy: taco, bigger taco, and fat
RubyChao: you mean sarah
Harpy: no, sarah is pequenia e gordisimo
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: *google translates "pequenia e gordisimo"*
Gooper Blooper: *keks*
ivel: "small and Fordism"
ivel: Google Translate I think is a little wrong there
Harpy: that's not what i meant, google! D:<
ivel: oh wait
ivel: it detected it as Portugese
ivel: lel


RubyChao: (◕ヮ◕)


CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Woah what
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Chatzy lamed on me
SteelKomodo: it did D:
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Rip
Draco: It's mad because we cancelled Premium.
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Counterpoint
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: I bought another month
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Im its master now
Draco: GASP
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: The master of chatzy madness
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: No wait that's goops
Draco: You're the Viceroy of Chatzy Madness.
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Ha


CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: eu splatfest was today!
SteelKomodo: and yesterday technically but del was busy then
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: ninjas lived up to their name - i barely saw them before they dissolved into a splat of ink >:3
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: ninja rap more like ninja rekt
HARPY BIRTHDAY: I hear the barbarian's ink was really cool
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: it was this kinda off-red?
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: like pink-ish?
HARPY BIRTHDAY: Hyper realistic
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: aha!
HARPY BIRTHDAY: Hear it splat
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: BLOODTOON
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: is there splatoon creepypasta
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: and why does it exist
SteelKomodo: D:
HARPY BIRTHDAY: You're a kid now
HARPY BIRTHDAY: You're a squid now
HARPY BIRTHDAY: You're dead now
RubyChao: CallieAndMariesBogusJour​ney: is there splatoon creepypasta
RubyChao: i googled
RubyChao: yes
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: why
RubyChao: i don't know
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: also is the ink blood
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: or is it some shitty grimdark commentary like "WHAT IF THE INKLINGS ARE THE REAL VILLAINS"
RubyChao: The screen went black. " ...OLLY!.I want it to...5STOP!" it said in small text. At this point I started to get a bit freaked out, how it knew my name. Sure it was my old mii's name but still. I sighed and finally shut it and my phone off, I decided to give it a break before it did anything worse. 2 days later, I restarted the game, my inkling girl was looking at the ground, "y0u ng e gl ected m..e!" said the popup on screen, it glitched. I tried to exit but none of the buttons worked when I pressed them. "Processing Error, Please try again shortly" I paniced. I didn't want to buy a new Wii U. I unplugged the entire system. Which thankfully worked.
RubyChao: it's just generic "and then the game knew who you were"
RubyChao: The DLCs avalible. Red Ink. Bandages. A..hAaPPpyyy LLife. My inkling glitched into the screen for a second. At this point I started getting concerned. I choose the third option, costing $6.66 dollars. The screen went black for about 30 seconds. My Splatoon character went on screen, this time her 'hair' and clothes were red, she was crying blood and her eyes were pitch black with red pupils. "Yyou...cant...tturn back..." she said...I heard a scream as the screen flashed red. I then saw a sprite I have never seen before, it was my inkling girl in a pile of red ink, her lying on the ground, joints in an awkward positon, with glitching and lagging. "Th...Ink..iss...b222bb%​%lood..." she choked
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: of fucking course the ink is blood
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: of fucking course
SteelKomodo: top kek
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: im hollering at how dumb that is
HARPY BIRTHDAY: Del suplexes a crappypasta, just because he can
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: i wanna suplex whoever wrote that garbage
RubyChao: ohhh my god
RubyChao: del
RubyChao: del you shouldn't have made that prediction
RubyChao: I headed for the final level in the area, Octoling hideout. I entered the level and it looked very out of place for this happy go lucky game. It looked like a large abandoned building, there was no ceiling, only a large black void. And again, no music. But this time all that played were those hellish noises from the final boss, but loud and clear. I also noticed a flashing sign when I entered, it read "WARNING! Power low! Zapfish backup failed!" It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that the area and levels looked so empty and barren because the Octarian's power was almost out, their cities were falling apart. Were we the enemies all along…?
Harpy Birthday: not very woomy of us
HARPY BIRTHDAY (Spy pun editio: But chao how does it end
RubyChao: they find the last octoling because all the others died, then their character gets crushed by a robot tentacle
RubyChao: and they decide never to play single player again because 2spooky
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: im screaming in rage
RubyChao: *finds a third splatoonpasta*
RubyChao: *the ink is blood*
RubyChao: ...i'll spare del this time
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Phew ive been saved
HARPY BIRTHDAY (Spy pun editio: Spaltoon
HARPY BIRTHDAY (Spy pun editio: That pasta was eesh
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: it was so cliche
HARPY BIRTHDAY (Spy pun editio: No chao
iKomodo: saltoon
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Spltn
iKomodo: callie loves the salt
CallieAndMariesBogusJourney: Hahahaha


RubyChao: I stopped moving in game at a sight i came across, my eyes widened and hands began to shake, no way, i could not believe what i saw, my previous teammates and opponents all laid on top of each other in a big pile covered in red ink...
But i figured it out, that wasn't ink, or paint... It was blood, a horrible horrible blood color.

Gooper Blooper: and don't forget
Gooper Blooper: it's all your fault


Jumpropeman: im back in the curious village with Layton
Jumpropeman: ive quickly fallen in love with this series
Jumpropeman: *the puzzle I just found is a slide puzzle*
Jumpropeman: maybe I spoke too soon


RubyChao: so i am reading jojo
RubyChao: this arc is named "Guard Westwood's Secret"
RubyChao: considering what manga this is, i think i already know his secret
Gooper Blooper: is his secret a stand
RubyChao: probably
Gooper Blooper: plot twist: it turns out he has another secret in addition to the stand, responds with "I thought everyone already knew I had this thing" and the next chapter is called Guard Westwood's Actual Secret
RubyChao: pfffft
Draco: His secret is.....his secret bbq recipe.
RubyChao: status report: guard westwood's secret was ​he has a stand
RubyChao: shocking, i know
Gooper Blooper: :O :O :O
Draco: :I
Draco: So what? ​He has furniture. OOOH! What? Is this a show about people who don't like having places to put their books?
Draco is being Draco.
RubyChao: yes, whenever people talk about stand fights it's actually people beating each other up with furniture
RubyChao: it's pretty amazing it carried through six parts so far


CWReview joined the chat
Jumpropeman: oh boy! it's time to review Cornwind!
RubyChao: 0/10 would not buy again
Gooper Blooper: ordered cornwind evil, received breezewind good, A+ seller


Cornwind Evil: Someone REALLY likes Secret Wars
Cornwind Evil: Because hey, you can do more than learn about the main series!
Cornwind Evil: You can learn about EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIE IN THERE WAS
Gooper Blooper: This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.
This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in-universe style. (February 2015)
This article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. (August 2015)
This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. (August 2015)
This article relies too much on references to primary sources. (January 2016)

Gooper Blooper: Imagine putting in all that spergy work and then Wikipedia tells you you have "multiple issues"
RubyChao: and then they stomp off and make a secret wars wiki


(Regarding Disgaea 1's Steam rerelease)

Harpy: i want this
Harpy: but i already have disgaea
Harpy: (nah i kid i'm not mad at you)
ivel: I should clearly make it up to you by buying this for you :U
Harpy: you already got me a 20 dollar game, stop pampering me D:


Harpy: goopy is going to murder someone one day like shelly de killer and use a pogey card for his calling card. (not really for the murder part but)
Gooper Blooper: it'll be a fossil grimer
ivel: he'd be like Gambit
ivel: except instead of playing cards it's Fossil Grimers


Harpy: a commercial i watched earlier started with "this valentine's day, bigger is better"
Harpy: i thought it was going to be an advertisement for DONG ENHANCERS
Gooper Blooper: ​then it shows sarah​
Harpy: no, its just a commercial for a 4 ft teddy bear apparently from vermont
Gooper Blooper: Ah, it must be the Vermont Teddy Bear Company
Gooper Blooper: Yep!
Harpy: "i mean think about it, no girl wants flowers that dies in a matter of days and chocolates that taste good just for a few seconds"
Harpy: this commercial insulted chocolate :I
ivel: I now know what I'm getting for you for Valentine's :U
Gooper Blooper: how dare they
Harpy: also involved a lady getting in bed with a teddy bear and looking at the camera with a grin
Harpy: my first horrible thought
Gooper Blooper: I've toured the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory before
Harpy: "she's going to fuck the bear D:"
ivel: lel
Harpy: do tell
Gooper Blooper: my class went there on a field trip circa the first grade
Harpy: >​first grade
Harpy: quality field trip
Harpy: i am envious
Harpy: also ivel what you're getting me for valentine's day is yourself
ivel: true
Gooper Blooper: hey wait a second
Gooper Blooper: You said they insulted chocolate in the commercial
Gooper Blooper: but if you look at the website
Gooper Blooper: you get free chocolate with your purchase of a Big Hunka Love Bear
ivel: lel
Harpy: i'm getting mixed messages


(While playing Super Metroid... it happens)

Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: I'm here
Gooper Blooper: I see the holes
Gooper Blooper: HE COMES
Gooper Blooper: well, somehow
Gooper Blooper: I won
Gooper Blooper: first try
RubyChao: what?????
RubyChao: how?????
Gooper Blooper: your d21s have no meaning here, botwoon
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between Botwoon, Goops and Cereal. Chatzy chose: Botwoon
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HE and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: HE
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: HAS
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between NO and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: NO
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between STYLE and BOTWOON. Chatzy chose: STYLE
Spy asked Chatzy to choose between HE and Botwoon. Chatzy chose: Botwoon

RubyChao: i think that's still the farthest anyone's gotten
Gooper Blooper: it was a good run
ivel: impressive


RubyChao: who wants to know my genius solution to my lack of pants
ivel: I do
RubyChao: i am wearing
Harpy: wear a snuggie


Jumpropeman: today I realized every year on the new ZFRP forum I have had a character who smokes regularly: Ignazio for year 3, Everett for year 4, and Vector for 5
Jumpropeman: clearly I must retool someone for season 6 to be a massive smoker
Jumpropeman: *Shimmer discovers Hookahs*
Draco: Shimmer, no! Smoking is bad for you! D:
ivel: *jrm rps Smoker from One Piece instead*
RubyChao: excuse you he's captain chaser
RubyChao: we can't call him smoker here in america!!!!!
ivel: oh right, my bad Chao


RubyChao: so part of comiket is that you line up really, really early. like 6 or 7 AM early. the line doesn't start moving for hours though so the idea is you get there, you mark your spot with a bag or somethng, then you go get breakfast while waiting and get back in line later
RubyChao: anyhow: the first two days, we were lining up outside the west hall, because we were starting there those days. we had breakfasts of mcdonalds and convenience store food because of the lack of good options in a reasonable walking distance
RubyChao: the whole time, alex (the guy who lives there and has been to comiket) was telling us how east hall's lineup spot had better food selections, better bathrooms, and when we did day 3 it'd be great because we were starting in the east hall that day!
RubyChao: come day 3
RubyChao: we get there
RubyChao: in a legitimately never-before-seen (by alex at least) thing, they are having people who are going to the east hall... line up outside the WEST hall.
RubyChao: sad trombone
Harpy: nooo
RubyChao: so in the end, we never did see the mythical promised land of the east hall exterior :V


Jumpropeman: Ven, I sent that long promised forum PM
Jumpropeman: *casts self off Minas Tirith in shame*
Draco pours boiling oil on JRM.


Draco: Boobs, man.
ivel: they are pretty great
RubyChao: i can only assume they are
Jumpropeman: *Chao looks down at the two gaping holes in his chest*
Jumpropeman: The Incredible Boobless Man
RubyChao: it was a tragic accident, dude, don't make fun of it >:I
Harpy: boobs?


ivel: Toadette and Waluigi in Mario Party 6:
ivel: "Diabolical Duo"
ivel: always knew she was up to something


ivel looks up Abbatoir vs Ricon
ivel: wow
Gooper Blooper: it's beautiful isn't it ivel
ivel: yes
ivel: so beautiful I showed a friend
Jumpropeman: oh lawd it was part of a Pay-Per-View
RubyChao: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: You see, Battlebots initially couldn't find anyone to air them on TV
Gooper Blooper: because nobody seemed to understand the concept
Gooper Blooper: So they did two PPVs to show people "see this is what we do"
Gooper Blooper: Fortunately most of the other robots were actually good, so the shows were well received
RubyChao: in another universe that was the main event
RubyChao: battlebots was never picked up
RubyChao: bad end
Gooper Blooper: in another universe, abbatoir wins the judge's decision and faces Minion in the finals


RubyChao: my current plan to blogpost: flop wildly at the keyboard until the rest of the blogpost comes out
Gooper Blooper: good plan


RubyChao: "Super Mario Bros Super Quest is one good example. Why so bad? Because for every single action Mario does, he shouts out a catchphrase from Super Mario Advance. As in, he screams WOOHOO at the top of his voice every single time he jumps, and shouts 'Just what I needed!' the second he collects a single coin. So if you jump through a bunch of coins, he basically shouts machine gun style at the player with his voice clips overlapping each other and cutting everything off, which is the very epitome of Most Annoying Sound."


(Concerning a Bravely Second boss who is being censored for the English release, changing from a Native American stereotype to a cowboy stereotype)

Jumpropeman: they just replaced the boss with Reed from the Lucky Number Show actually
Jumpropeman: YEEHAW, How ya'll doin? Whether you're up high, or way down low, don't you miss, the Bravely Second show!
Jumpropeman: in a difficult to explain jump in logic, this is how I imagine Reed from Pokemon looks
Jumpropeman: the explanation involves the Zoidberg Brothers
Jumpropeman: that's all I need to say really
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls
Gooper Blooper: I don't see any art or fan interpretations of Reed, but someone drew fanart of gold listening to the lucky number show
RubyChao: what about the UNlucky number show
Jumpropeman: in that case, its time for me to flood the internet with fanart of Baby Sunflower Reed
Jumpropeman: the world will know his cuteness
Gooper Blooper: hang on
Gooper Blooper: making unlucky number show art
RubyChao: what have i unleashed
RubyChao: it's too late to stop it isn't it
Gooper Blooper: The Unlucky Number Show: funally i get to radio tower
The Unlucky Number Show: the radio people are ther, an DJ Mary is at the fron of the group
The Unlucky Number Show: her sprite begn movin weird, lik it was reachin into poket
The Unlucky Number Show: and then i couldn balee my eyes
The Unlucky Number Show: she was holdin a hyper-realistic gun with replica details
The Unlucky Number Show: "im sorry" she sed, "but you won the unluky nummer sho"

Jumpropeman: perfect creepypasta quality
RubyChao drops dead.


Dacor: I will be back later. Make sure every Mario Wiki entry mentions how it relates to The Bee Movie.


Jumpropeman: ooooo, a steam sale
Jumpropeman: If I had 672 dollars I could just buy everything on my steam wishlist :D


Gooper Blooper:

RubyChao: that is fucking beautiful


Gooper Blooper: leaked footage of paper mario wii u
Gooper Blooper: they're taking the series in a brand new direction sure to bring back fans of the series
RubyChao chokes
RubyChao: bring back sticker star
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha I was hoping you'd get to that part
RubyChao: also flying goombario
RubyChao: everything about this
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: ...that
RubyChao: is that a boss fight
RubyChao: WOW
ivel: that
ivel: that voice acting
RubyChao: dear god
RubyChao: that was insane
Jumpropeman: I wager Gombario's power never is used after the first time in this fangame, is it
Gooper Blooper: we'll never know
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper watches JRM google the game and move mouse cursor to "Download"
RubyChao: he's gotta ​BE BRAVE, MOTHERFUCKERS
ivel: even jrm has standards
ivel: sometimes

(The only reason JRM didn't play it was because it failed to boot on his computer)


Harpy: ​ask me about etrian odyssey​
Jumpropeman: ​let me tell you about homestuck​


Gooper Blooper: my Dove chocolate wrapper says "Surround yourself with love"
Gooper Blooper looks around chatzy
Gooper Blooper: check
RubyChao: :3
Harpy: yee

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