Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 133: Riding My Radioactive Ass

Tableter: Im "watching" star trek voyager
Tableter: Its an episode where someone is stuck in the holodeck
Dr. Dray: What? A malfunctioning holodeck? That NEVER happens!
Tableter: I know, right?


Dr. Dray: Chatzy is the devil.
Bree: #truefacts


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Bree: o hai CW
Bree: now pls
Cornwind Evil: Unfortunately Bree, no. Imma be busy all day today
Bree: all day?
Cornwind Evil: Well, after 5:30
Cornwind Evil: But that's not much time
Bree: fine but still
Bree: skype >:I


Harpy DX: del make wulf cry by calling him fat
Saberwulf: Jokes on you I'm not fat anymore
Harpy DX: *shoots self*


Harpy DX: Kirby was supposed to be evil
Harpy DX: then he rebelled or something
Harpy DX: but bebby black hole vs. creator of horrid dreams everywhere is onesided (until KA)
Harpy DX: (bebby 2 scurred)
iKomodo: pffffft
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of one of my favorite magazine ads ever
Harpy DX: that is the best


Del: i just watched some gungans beat the shit out of general grievous
Del: this proves that grievous was shit


Bree: you guys confuse the fuck out of me sometimes


Del: wulf how do you make a track on soundcloud loop
Del: i need to have saint pepsi piped into my ears


Spyback: I LOVE
Spyback: The Bonerlord
Spyback: *Bonelord
Gooper Blooper: Both work, spy
Del: you were right the first time spy
Spyback: Okay good I wasn't being #2lewd


Gooper Blooper: I wonder how good of a librarian Melody would be
Bree: the best
Bree: the fuckin BEST
Bree: and have you met her best buddy Nickel?
Bree: there is not actually a Nickel
Bree: yet :B
Bree: when Octavious gains another doll I'll probably have Melody absolutely INSIST on naming it that


Harpy DX: selfie level: NO HANDS, MA!
Gooper Blooper: If you use the timer function on a camera is it still a selfie
Harpy DX: yes
Harpy DX: that's what godot said on the tumblr post debating selfie status
Spyback: Oh god is this part of Nintendo's hip media department
Spyback: The same one that gave us the amazing
Harpy DX: i think so
Harpy DX: >​check out the duck face on dedede
Harpy DX: dedede stop that


RubyChao: >​30 as a defense against a 2
RubyChao: draygon pls
Himodo: Oh boy
Pyback: Bah gawd bah gawd
Pyback: Skurvy is broken in half
#TWEEP: he was a good character while he lasted
#TWEEP: *plays a bagpipe version of Booty Boogie*
Bree: RIP Skurvy
Bree: shoulda eaten more oranges


Bree: ...omg
Bree: guys
Bree: if Dakota does something super heroic
Bree: that makes her
Bree: a real american hero
Harpy DX: *fireworks and *AMURICA, FUCK YEAH* plays in the background*


Now I Am Become Goops: I
Now I Am Become Goops: I'll miss Botwoon
Now I Am Become Goops: Even in his last fight he was getting amazing rolls
RubyChao: rip botwoon
RubyChao: you died as you lived, far stronger than you were ever supposed to be
Cornwind Evil: He died the only way known to RPer
Cornwind Evil: With two 21's
Destroyer of Bloops?: My only regret
Destroyer of Bloops?: Gloria didn't learn how to summon Botwoon
Now I Am Become Goops: I deeply regret Gloria being unable to come to try for a Botwoon summon but at least Beck and Ash got their revenge
RubyChao: It's probably for the best
RubyChao: She'd be too OP if she had Botwoon


Harpy DX: omg
Harpy DX: samus laughing
Harpy DX: Apollo records for posterity
RubyChao: i think that may be the first time Samus laughed in the entire time she's spent at the bar
Harpy DX: i bet its super cute like enough to make Apollo blush
Harpy DX: scratch that, it is cute and it makes apollo blush
Draco: Samus Apollo OTP
RubyChao: obviously it is cute and that is why she tries to never laugh
RubyChao: "I don't do 'cute'. *hard-eyed glare*"
Gooper Blooper: Samus secretly adorable


Saberwulf: I saw a sign today for ASSEMBLEYMAN DAVE WOLFE
RubyChao: dammit david
RubyChao: why are you in politics now


Harpy DX: i wrote pitsuho fanfiction
Harpy DX: call the fucking police


(regarding a job interview)

Sedate Spy: I hope their constant statements of "you're pretty much hired" aren't just the world's most professional "down low too slow"


Draco: I had a dream about Hogan's Heroes. They were helping Native Americans fortify a beach against a tidal wave and at the end for some reason Hogan stood on whatever they'd built and yelled "We are no longer men. We are WARRIORS!"


Draco: Jewel Man x Pit
SteelKomodo: >​_>​
Bree: Jewel Man x Succubus Sisters?
Bree: #canthavejustone
SteelKomodo: 2Lewd4Reality
Bree: 2Lewd4Beck, Beck is never allowed to see Jewel Man ever again and he's SUPER OKAY with that
SteelKomodo: XD
Bree: or not, maybe they have a heartwarming family bonding moment
SteelKomodo: Lifetime Movie Of the Year: What do you do when you uncle starts dating twins?
Bree: I don't know the answer but if it won Movie of the Year then the answer probably isn't "share"


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: Moo
M Sheep: No wait, the other thing


SteelKomodo: "You’re not really my type, at least not this week."
SteelKomodo: they have weekly rotas? o_O
Gooper Blooper: gotta cover everything
SteelKomodo: holy crap
Gooper Blooper: "This week, we're looking for people wearing top hats"
Gooper Blooper: "loooove dem top hats" "oh yea"
SteelKomodo: Jewel Man: *puts on a top hat*
Bree: this only increases my support of Jewel Man x Succubus Sisters
SteelKomodo: lol


RubyChao: "She does, however, seem to be growing slightly."
RubyChao: imagine this:
RubyChao: heat-powered lisa
RubyChao: utsuho drives the jamtank
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: we have to do this
Gooper Blooper: Jamzilla
RubyChao: (complete with helmet)
SteelKomodo: goops pls


M Sheep: "Durants rain from the sky to celebrate the victory."
M Sheep: I just love this mental image
Gooper Blooper: It's wonderful isn't it
Gooper Blooper: That slow realization when it's revealed that it's not confetti
Gooper Blooper: it's more durants
Draco: The M is for Missing.
Draco: M_Sheep confirmed for Mario is Missing.
M Sheep: I can't stop staring at that picture of the Durants
M Sheep: just looking at Durant with mandibles opened
M Sheep: to mandibles closed
M Sheep: back to open
M Sheep: back to closed
Draco: Durant's face reminds me of a three-ring binder.
M Sheep: Those mandibles are clearly drawn differently shut then when they are open and why does this bother me so much
Bree: someone steal some of spy's sedatives, we might need to restrain this sheep
Draco injects Sheep with Spy.
Sedate Spy fires relax drugs at Sheep

Sedate Spy: . . . Wait that's not relax, that's ex-lax
Bree: Shpeep
Sedate Spy: Oh no!
M Sheep: jsdjkhsdfjhsdf
Bree: he's summoning the Faceless Ones!
M Sheep: ttggffgnmgh
SteelKomodo: D:
M Sheep: IA IA C-
Draco: The Feceless Ones?
N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: Hey, guys, what's up?
Bree: ohshit
Sedate Spy: He's metamorphosized
Sedate Spy: Goops, want to do the Meat Boy - Viola meeting today if you'e up for it?
Gooper Blooper: Might be able to later tonight
Sedate Spy: Yay!
N Goat: Bree, please, try and make an effort to type out your sentences properly. We are all civilized people here and typos shall not be tolerated.
Gooper Blooper: If I send in Viola, that's the signal
Sedate Spy: I'll be writing in my best 2spoopy MSheep style
Sedate Spy: Typos? I don't make no stinking typos! You done miscalcified!
N Goat: Oh, no, can it not be something of a more lighthearted fair? I do not particularly care for the kind of cheap shocks found in horror.
Bree: the N stands for Shub Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young :U
Sedate Spy: . . . Somebody un-sedate Sheep, this is too strange
Sedate Spy: Or at least sedate him so hard he cycles through the whole alphabet and becomes F Ather Squid
RubyChao: up next is O Cow
N Goat: Oh my, all of my characters seem to be lacking in pairings!
Sedate Spy: And after that . . . oh god, Sister Alice
N Goat: That will not do at all.


Bree: As CW can tell you, I'm obsessed with pairings.
Gooper Blooper: >​obsessed with pairings
Gooper Blooper: How has it taken you this long to find us
Bree: I love to pair up characters and/or make jokes about pairing up characters
Sedate Spy: You will fit RIGHT In
Bree: I don't know that you guys are as crazy about the pairings as me, lol
Sedate Spy: We hunger for pairings
Sedate Spy: Constantly
Gooper Blooper: People spent months in chatzy giggling at Dirksephine and Pitsuho before they became official
RubyChao: ^
Bree: lel
Sedate Spy: I, for one, love ships
Sedate Spy: Skurvy's will have Draygon mounted on the front
SteelKomodo: lel


Saberwulf: I like how these days our character roster can basically be described as "sentient concepts, homosexuals and all the straight character have nice butts"
Skelespy: Wulf, you're wrong
Skelespy: Our character roster is sentient concepts, homosexuals, straight characters, AND robots
SteelKomodo: ooh
Skelespy: All four of which have nice butts


Saberwulf: oh jesus fuck I just got an idea that might be too extreme for even me to write


Skelespy falls to pieces
Skelespy tumbles down a hill while xylophone noises play

Del: spy rattled his bones
Del: and paid the price


M Sheep: Gosh darnit guys, I have TWENTY PAGES of barposts to read through
Del: oh no sheep
Del: quick somebody condense it for him


Gooper Blooper: So a while back I saw this article on Cracked
Gooper Blooper: Number 3, the Pac-Man Riddle And Joke Book
Gooper Blooper: I recognized it from years before - Seanbaby reviewed the same book in an old issue of EGM
Gooper Blooper: A few days ago I went to the recycling center and guess what I found a copy of
M Sheep: The Eye of Argon?
RubyChao: is it really that bad
SteelKomodo: oh lord
Gooper Blooper: It is 90 percent tortured puns using "Pac" and "Dot"
RubyChao: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: The remaining 10 percent is tortured puns that use other words, such as "ghost"
Gooper Blooper: I think Skeiron is going to have to find this book
Gooper Blooper: "MISTRESS CELESTIA, WHAT IS PAC-MAN'S FAVORITE FOOTBALL TEAM?" "...*siiiiiiigh*... I don't know, Skeiron. What?" "THE PAC-ERS."
RubyChao: pls do
Gooper Blooper: All jokes would be taken directly from the book, of course
Gooper Blooper: With certain exceptions mixed in because I would have to use "Baby Got Pac"


Bree: Pit finally understands the unholy power that is Buttsephine
SteelKomodo: *holy power
SteelKomodo: fixed that for ya :U
Bree: it's unholy because a butt of such proportion could only have been granted by Satan in exchange for your soul


M Sheep: "Kalisha walks into the bar everyone! Oh how you've missed her and been demanding her return!"
M Sheep: I'll have you know I did miss her, Jman
M Sheep complaining to people who aren't even here


iKomodo: so this post might take a while
RubyChao: it's fine
RubyChao: i will live
RubyChao drops dead
RubyChao: nevermind
Bree: *three months later* RubyChao is alive
Spy: Pffffft


Spy: . . . My name looks so naked
Spy: One second
Spy changed name to ~~xXxNoscope420SPYxXx~~!!1
iKomodo: Spy pls


(Harpy is talking about Kirby)

___: he can be anything he wants to be! even a magical girl!
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
___: that's an awkward time for goops to come in!


Bree: Melody's gonna get the bucket
Gooper Blooper: Octavious orders Barbie to clean up Lisa, Barbie grabs Melody and nonchalantly uses her as a sponge
Gooper Blooper: wrings her out over the bucket
Gooper Blooper: "I'm helping!"
Bree: omfg that mental image


Bree: I don't know why but I love Melody's question to Utsuho, I've been planning it for a while now
RubyChao: "Wait, I'm a bird? Oh my gosh! When did that happen?"
RubyChao: (that will not be utsuho's response)


M Sheep: "We don't have any booty, except maybe Josephine's."
M Sheep: Really, guys


Tokyo Dances With Joy: Christine doesn't have much of a butt
Tokyo Dances With Joy: She's pretty flat all around
Bree: buttsephine and flatristine
Draco: Vina has a butt, but she doesn't tolerate ogling like Josephine does.
Gooper Blooper: Not everyone can have the butt
Gooper Blooper: If everyone had a good butt... NO ONE WOULD.
Draco: "So you like butts, eh? Let me show you the butt...OF MY RIFLE! *pow*"
RubyChao: utsuho sadly has a rather unfab butt
Gooper Blooper: :<
RubyChao: (good thing she's not dating dirk)
Tokyo Dances With Joy: All of Christine's 'beauty points' went into her face
Kirby: none of my characters have anything of value
Kirby: sammy 2pudgy
Bree: do she got the booty? sephine got the booty BU
Draco: Sammy don't got the booty?
Bree: (skurvy busts onto the scene)
~~xXxNoscope420SPYxXx~~!!1: PFFFFFFFT
Bree: Sammy being pudgy practically guarantees that she got the booty
~~xXxNoscope420SPYxXx~~!!1: Sammy's hella cute
Kirby: not the booty anybody needs
Draco responds with confetti durant.
Bree: so we know which of the ladies has got the booty...but who are the sexiest dudes?
~~xXxNoscope420SPYxXx~~!!1: I nominate Zephyrus *SHOT*
Gooper Blooper: Sammy is the booty we need, but not the booty we deserve right now
Bree: ("inquiring minds" = Jewel Man)
RubyChao: Utsuho: "Pit, of couse!" Samus: "I have no opinion."
Kirby: none of my guys are impressive
Bree: Octavious used to be attractive before he was a doll =P
M Sheep: Grendel is clearly the sexiest
Bree: btw Sheep, I love Grendel. the part where he spoke to Myriam was so incredibly, terribly amazing
Draco: Draco is the sexiest dude.
M Sheep: Danke!
Draco: But none of my characters are sexy. BV
M Sheep: Uuuh, Are any of my characters notably attractive?....I think it's just Purnima, but that would really only be to her own species.
RubyChao: let's ask widow maker what she thinks? :V
Gooper Blooper: purnima the most beautiful diva in all of rp
Kirby: carlos thinks purnima is sorta cute
Gooper Blooper: I drew Purnima cute
Gooper Blooper: because everything I draw comes out either cute or unspeakably horrifying


M Sheep: Meanwhile, another episode of Sheep Reads THINGS: Why is Richard so awesome?
RubyChao: because he's the anti-philander
M Sheep: That man is the blessed by the Tractor
RubyChao: he stole ash's luck
M Sheep: I dunno it's just great, he's just this "kid" but when stuff goes down he's right in the thick of it
~~xXxNoscope420SPYxXx~~!!1: Sheep, what think ye of Skurvy?
M Sheep: How can I not like Skurvy
M Sheep: You would have to WORK to make me not like Skurvy
M Sheep: I'm really enjoying Skurvy's supposed "song aura"
M Sheep: in that everyone's just taking the song and dance numbers and running with it.


M Sheep: Next year, Wulf has to RP last years entire roster as Cerno
RubyChao: >​sheep
RubyChao: >​suggesting the creepy
RubyChao: That's our sheep! *laughtrack*
Saberwulf: Ah, the ol "David gives of extreme amounts of fallout and the entire bar is just sock puppets" scenario
M Sheep: Ahahahaha
M Sheep: I had forgotten that
Gooper Blooper: It doesn't work anymore because Utsuho is also radioactive
Gooper Blooper: so now it's a buddy cop comedy
M Sheep: (Right, we did use to joke about David killing off half the bar with radiation, and I'm not crazy)
Saberwulf: Alpha and Gamma, Tuesday nights on PHNX
RubyChao: David and Utsuho take one of those buddy pictures with the double thumbs up
RubyChao: You can see the Chernobyl ruins in the background
M Sheep: Damnit, Okuu, we have to this one by the book! The radioactive mayor is riding my radioactive ass!
M Sheep: David was just one day from radioactive retirement, too
RubyChao: it's the radioactive book, of course
 M Sheep: But really the show would center around a loose cannon cop and a looser cannon dirty cop
M Sheep: it'd go off the rails pretty quick
M Sheep: executives pull it going, "two loose cannons? it'll never work!"
RubyChao: "Dammit, Utsuho, I stole a whole bunch of illegal shit to this guy and now he's coming after me!" *Utsuho blows the guy up* "Problem solved! :D"
Draco: Obviously Utsuho and David need an animal sidekick to be their straight man.
Draco offers up Godzooky with a badge. =D
Bree: Barbie
Bree: Barbie is their sidekick
Draco: Yeah, Barbie with a badge.
Bree: she's not an animal but CLOSE ENOUGH
M Sheep: And Starring Draco as The Squad Car
Bree: Sheep, you're the best
M Sheep: Okay so with Barbie, that's Loose Cannon Cop, Looser Cannon dirty Cop, and Sociopathic Cop
Bree: is Okuu the loose cannon or the looser cannon?
Bree: Barbie is sociopathic cop, clearly
M Sheep: Loose Cannon
RubyChao: i assume david is the dirty cop
M Sheep: David is the Looser Cannon dirty, but we don't talk about THAT Cop
Draco: David is the Looser Cannon because he will fire with anyone.
M Sheep: Hookers and BLOW YOU AWAAAAAY
RubyChao: watch, the chatzy madness that includes this will be titled "Riding My Radioactive Ass"
RubyChao: i'm predicting it now :V


Bree: Spy, you caused me to have to research songs to use in my future post >:U
Bree: and most of them are pretty terrible. not gonna lie.
M Sheep: HERESY, Donkey Kong songs are the best there is!
Bree: they're not Dankey Kang songs
Bree: Dankey Kang does not have a song about the topic I require
M Sheep: Then you should be listening to Donkey Kong songs
M Sheep: Why would you need a?ny other kind of song
M Sheep: Question mark, what do you think you're doing there?
M Sheep: besides making me look bad


Disappointed Rap Rat: Oh hey, Team Ninja is working on Hyrule Warriors
Disappointed Rap Rat: What could possibly go wro-
Disappointed Rap Rat:
Jumpropeman: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jumpropeman: my zeldurs ; _ ;


Jumpropeman: back on the oldforum I think I edited one of goops's posts to become my response post. Luckily, the back button allowed me to go back and see the original text :V


SteelKomodo: i just had the dumbest idea
SteelKomodo: TF2 characters RP'ing, and shouting commands at each over at skype
Del: some people think they can outrp me
Del: maybe
Del: maybe
Del: i have yet to meet one who can outsmart tractor
SteelKomodo applauds Del.


Jumpropeman: "So there is this bad-ass lady in the Marvel Universe called Thundra. She comes from one of the many future timelines of the Marvel Universe. Her timeline’s Earth of the future is renamed Femizonia, and the U.S.A. has evolved into the United Sisterhood Republic. A society of women known as the Femizons rules "
Jumpropeman: do you get that it is a society of women yet?
Jumpropeman: Should we rename our houses too?
Parasol Kirby: lel
Parasol Kirby: femily houses


Parasol Kirby: samus does do hugs, just not in public
Parasol Kirby: facehugs remind of her metroids and will result on shooting on sight
RubyChao: whenever samus is about to hug someone, she first looks around to make sure no one is taking pictures
Parasol Kirby: myriam is everywhere
Parasol Kirby: myriammass
Bree: paranoiasamus


Jumpropeman: since Shannon Tweed appears in chatzy madness, let me take this oppurtunity to say that randomly at level 45 the game becomes insanely difficult
Jumpropeman: I might have to actually change my tactics to accomodate
Jumpropeman: I can no longer do the same thing every level
Disappointed Rap Rat: WAT
Gooper Blooper: even better than a bad game is a bad, HARD AS BALLS game
Jumpropeman: I literally had no idea what a certain unit did until that level, because they never got far enough to activate it


Disappointed Rap Rat: Remember when Papa Bear was a goddamn racist
Gooper Blooper: I saw a Berenstain Bears book I never saw before at the store last week
Gooper Blooper: apparently they've found jesus
SteelKomodo: what D:
Gooper Blooper: "Beginning in 2008, a number of Berenstain Bears titles of a specifically religious nature have been released by Mike Berenstain. These include The Berenstain Bears: God Loves You, The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers and a Berenstain Bears Bible - Complete New International Reader's Version written at a third-grade reading level."
Disappointed Rap Rat: Oh god they really did find jesus


Bree: talkin frog
Bree: frogtalk talkfrog
Bree: melody's gotta flip her shit when she finds out
Parasol Kirby: Pestus will be around again after the next big event
Bree: no melody you can't kYES I CAN I'M KEEPING HIM HE'S MY BEST FRIEND
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: Melody skipping in a field of flowers, dragging Froakie along


Jumpropeman changed name to BABY WALUIGI
BABY WALUIGI: it's only a matter of time before I am in a Mario Kart game


Bree: realtalk: I'm already making plans for Melody for next year :U
Jumpropeman: Bree has experienced her first dose of RP magic~


Jumpropeman: there is a game out now called I am Vegend: Zombiegeddon
Jumpropeman: It's plants vs. zombies, but they also put some angry birds in there
Jumpropeman: "Enjoy this mind-blowing travesty of mobile game hits!"
Jumpropeman: the game calls itself a travesty
iKomodo: Oh god
Jumpropeman: I don't know if its self-aware or what
Gooper Blooper: When you can't make a good game, you pretend you intended to make a funny-bad one all along


Bree: I have plans to maybe attempt pairings with other people's characters :U
Bree: maaaaybe
Bree: (I've got one that I think would work, at least on my end)
Jumpropeman: Reject's in trouble
Gooper Blooper: You'll probably need some non-dolls to get anywhere in that department
Jumpropeman: how long can he stay single with Bree on the prowl
Bree: well let's not forget, I never said the dolls will stay dolls
Bree: not all of them anyway :U
Jumpropeman: oh snap
Bree: Octavious at least wants to be human again
Gooper Blooper: *Melody becomes human*
Gooper Blooper: *pairs with Ariel*
Gooper Blooper: MY OWN CLONE
Bree: haha no
Bree: but I love the idea of Melody/Beck
iKomodo: i don't remember if they met, tbh :U
Bree: not yet
Jumpropeman: crack ships are coming
iKomodo: Ah
iKomodo: if it happens, bree, expect Jewel Man to gush about it
iKomodo: "my little boy's growing up~" "Uncle pls"
Bree: but I know Melody is going to think Beck is THE BEST
Bree: (just like everyone else)
iKomodo: Pfffft
Bree: you may recall that so far Sammy, Gloria, and Ariel are The Best
Bree: Octavious is also The Best, and Froakie is going to be declared The Best
Jumpropeman: Edyth is not The Best
Bree: best everyone, best everything
Gooper Blooper: "They are all my sisters and best friends."
Bree: she didn't say Edyth was The Best but she's The Best
iKomodo: CM Punk takes offense at melody calling everyone The Best
Parasol Kirby: everybody is Melody's family
Tokyo Dances With Joy: Oh I would SO do that
Bree: she defeats Punk by befriending him
Bree: also, only the Sarahkin and the dolls are her family, everyone else is friends
Bree: oh wait also Sammy, Sammy is family
Jumpropeman: they join together in friendship to defeat Daniel Bryan in a 2 on 1 match
Bree: but aside from all of THOSE people
Tokyo Dances With Joy: Melody ends up doing nothing because she gets caught up in a YES chant
Tokyo Dances With Joy: Spends the whole match chanting YES
Tokyo Dances With Joy: With the crowd.


Parasol Kirby: morgan pet the catte
Parasol Kirby: Maple is honored to be pet by a succubus
Parasol Kirby: debauchery? no they're just really good at petting pussy
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*


Jumpropeman: my thought process just now: "Hmm, waiting for the posts on the forum. What website could I visit while I wait?" Opens new tab "Let's see what's going on on the forum"
Gooper Blooper: I cannot tell you how many times I click a link on a forum, leave the link, and click it again on reflex
Gooper Blooper: Usually not on RP, but elsewhere


Saberwulf: CW mispelled my username again


iKomodo: Harpy why am I suddenly imagining Kirby eating barbecue flavour potato chips
Parasol Kirby: oh god
Parasol Kirby: because he totally would
iKomodo: and then dedede runs in and is like "GIMME BACK MAH CHIPS"
Parasol Kirby: Kirby would be disappointed
iKomodo: and then gets kicked out because Kirby
Gooper Blooper: Josephine fights dedede for chips
Parasol Kirby: i want that as a fite club
Parasol Kirby: quick someone RP as Dedede and challenge "THE FAT BROWN HAIRED GIRL WITH THE BLANKET ON HER HEAD"
Gooper Blooper: "IT'S A TOWEL"


Bree: okay so I'ma try and reply to JRM now
Jumpropeman: yay!
iKomodo: Oh hey bree
Parasol Kirby: Its Bree! Ding!
Parasol Kirby: BREEding
Parasol Kirby: dings
Jumpropeman: DING! Bree is done!
iKomodo: Ding dong bell
Parasol Kirby: my caBREEs fit me well
Del: kazooie the BREEgull
iKomodo: del that is genius
Gooper Blooper: IIIIIII'm breeinnnnnng of a whiiiiiiite christmaaaaaas
iKomodo: Fuck, Goops wins
iKomodo: that's it we're done here :U
Tokyo Dances With Joy changed name to Hypotenuse
Hypotenuse: Breeding. Fries are done.
Hypotenuse changed name to Cornwind Evil
Parasol Kirby: stop breeding fries you monster
iKomodo: This chat is out of control
iKomodo: much like Skeleton King
Bree: the fuck did y'all get into while I was gone
Parasol Kirby: i got into the weed again
Parasol Kirby: 420 blaze it


Del: gasp
Del: happy sine
iKomodo: Yiss
Parasol Kirby: the world has broken, sine is happy
Parasol Kirby: *packs up bags*


Jumpropeman: gloria.gif
Jumpropeman: She shall not be shipped!
RubyChao: hahaha
RubyChao: "I bet you and I could write a beautiful novel toge-OW"
Bree: and the book she clobbered him with was ironically one about feminism in the 1900s


Glorious Mistress of Earth joined the chat
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Yello.
Bree: Sis, JRM here just introduced a talking shark with a southern belle accent who is also an actress and starred in the Jaws movies
Glorious Mistress of Earth: That... is glorious.
Gooper Blooper: that's ZFRP for you


Parasol Kirby: she's BREE! BREE AS A BIRD
Draco: And I'm bree....breefalling!


Draco: Do NOT mock my love of Muppet Babies, Chao. BU
Draco: There's a reason we never see Dross anymore.


M Sheep: Ugh, Testuso
M Sheep: There's an image I didn't need a reminder of
Parasol Kirby: who the fuck is tesuo
Parasol Kirby: *tetsu
Parasol Kirby: whoever
M Sheep: Character in Akira, develops psychic powers that quickly snowball out of control
Parasol Kirby: oh welp
M Sheep: Note for Harpy: They also shout each others names a lot
Parasol Kirby: never watching
Parasol Kirby: that'd prolly get on my nerves
M Sheep: Ahahaha
Parasol Kirby: either that or i'd make fun of them


M Sheep: "the paper Minotaur, steam escaping its nostrils"
M Sheep: I'm sure I'm overthinking this and it's just MAGIC
M Sheep: but where is the steam coming from?
Parasol Kirby: ITS PAPER STEAM
M Sheep: Ahahah


M Sheep: Suddenly, Giant Josephine
Cornwolf Evil: Those giant Josephines sneak up on you too
Cornwolf Evil: As Ash can attest
Draco: What's the difference between Josephine and Giant Josephine? =V
Cornwolf Evil: Giant Josephine beats a god-slaying hero in single combat
Cornwolf Evil: Josephine...does the Booty Boogie


M Sheep: Huh, i was not expecting Kevin to roll on a Jobber tractor
M Sheep: These Jobber Tractors just keep sneaking up on me
M Sheep: Oh, and Farmer John runs a normal tractor and Finaltaur is untractored
M Sheep: interesting
M Sheep its kind of weird how he finds this interesting
M Sheep guy needs a hobby
M Sheep like fishing
M Sheep gets you out in the air, anyway


M Sheep: What
M Sheep: suddenly, Kaiju battle but the Kaiju are finals and Josephine
iKomodo: Yep
Draco: Josephine gets backup from Sammothra.


M Sheep: Cw
M Sheep: stahp
Cornwolf Evil: It really hurts Sheep
Cornwolf Evil: And so do skin grafts
M Sheep: STAHP
M Sheep: In other news: Octavious appears to be a fan of Shakespeare
M Sheep: Not that surprising, given his choice of swears
M Sheep: "Everybody is spared from letters!"
M Sheep: Yay!
M Sheep: "..Except for Skurvy. He gets pelted."
M Sheep: Aw
M Sheep: "Flame broiled Whoppers, I wear paper hats!"
M Sheep: I'm just
M Sheep: I'm done
Cornwolf Evil: Ding, Sheep is donnnnnnnnnnnnnne
iKomodo: Pfffft
M Sheep just throughly disgusted


Draco: Now I wonder what the difference between a violin and a fiddle is.
Draco stabs Hypoteneuse.
Cornwolf Evil: Hypotenuse: A violin and a fiddle are often the same thing, though the word fiddle can be applied to any stringed musical instrument. Inserting a knife into me to get this information was unnecessary.
Draco: It wasn't a knife. It was a knife lobster!
Draco: AAAAAAAAAAAH aaaaaaaaaaaah AAAAAAAAAAAAH aaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaah aaaah ah ah ah AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Draco: Now I'm all alone.
Draco builds a couch cushion fort.


WLIspy joined the chat
WLIspy: That's
WLIspy: A surprising confirmation
WLIspy but I guess it's time to once more say We Like Ike
WLIspy: . . . Wait fuck I didn't hit spoiler tags time to flood the chatzy before anyone gets back
WLIspy: If you ask me mother she'll say "Yarr, he's not so bad!"
WLIspy: But when I left the house I took EVERYTHING she had~!
WLIspy: I took her silver and her gold and scoffed her wedding band!
WLIspy: I even took her aprons and her copper pots and pans!
WLIspy: Lyin' lootin' stealin' is the reason I'm a Spyrate!
WLIspy: Ransackin' pillagin' don't knock it 'til you try it!
WLIspy: Plunderin' and pilfern' make up a healthy diet!
WLIspy: Yar look at me! I'm doing the Booty Boogie!
WLIspy: No treasure is too big, I'd scarf the peaks of Kilimanjaro!
WLIspy: As well as raid the tomb, I'd steal the mummy from a Pharaoh!
WLIspy: I've swiped the crown jewels, and Merlin's crystal ball
WLIspy: If you want a job with all the riches you can stand!
WLIspy: And all of the security of a GREAT pension plan!
WLIspy: Arr, the come aboard!
WLIspy: Lyin' lootin' stealin' is the reason we are Spyrates!
WLIspy: Ransackin' pillagin' don't knock it 'til you try it!
WLIspy: Plunderin' and pilferin' make up a healthy diet!
WLIspy: Yarr, look at us! We're doing the Booty Boogie!
WLIspy: Arrr, from sea to sea!
WLIspy: We're doing the Booty Booooooogie~!
WLIspy: . . . It wasn't enough D:
WLIspy: Okay take two:
WLIspy: Look into the mirror, yarr, it never lies!
WLIspy: Can't you see that this is no disguise?
WLIspy: YOu live to loot and pillage, maim and terroriiiiiiiiize!
WLIspy: Yer reflection tells the story of a pirate's life of glory, trust yer eyes! The mirror never lies!
WLIspy: (Yarr!)
WLIspy: How can this be?
WLIspy: I faintly recall swinging tree to tree!
WLIspy: And now I see a pirate right in front of me!
WLIspy: With slimy skin and beady eyes what a surpriiiiiiise
WLIspy: The reflection tells a story of a pirate's life of glory
WLIspy: Trust my eyes!
WLIspy: The mirror never lies!
WLIspy: The reflection tells a story of a pirate's life of glory!
WLIspy: Trust yer eyes!
WLIspy: The mirror never lies!
WLIspy: The mirror never lies!
WLIspy: Okay, spoiler neutralized, 10/10 job.
WLIspy: Now to PROPERLY post the news under a cover of Skurvy songs
WLIspy: I guess once more, it's time for the Smash universe to say "We Like Ike!" Much better job, Spy, much better job
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
WLIspy: Ey Goops!
WLIspy: . . . Wait, fuck, Goops just checks everything in Review Mode anyway. All of my singing was in vain
Gooper Blooper: The real gem here, really, was that Chao posted the exact same thing you did earlier except he didn't use spoiler tags and nobody cared
Gooper Blooper: lel
WLIspy: . . . Oh

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