Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 129: Panel de Pon Raul

Jumpropeman: tomorrow, I'll have Vermont take off for space as well :V
Draco: Bring Vermont to the bar so we can have Goops RP as himself hanging out with his characters.
Jumpropeman: didn't IRL Gooper enter the bar today anyway? Said he was looking for his family?
Jumpropeman: :V
Jumpropeman: kinda how its so obvious that Rarity is just Draco's author insert character
Draco: XD
Draco: It's true. I AM that fabulous.


Draco: Word to the wise: don't crash Widow Maker's family reunion. =3


RubyChao: you know what's Fun
RubyChao: when your strategy for a boss is literally just
RubyChao: "get really lucky"
Del MK 2.0: up all night to get lucky


An Ass Sandwich changed name to My Client Broccoli Snarls


Gooper Blooper: EDBW is on tonite so I'll be poofing at 6
Gooper Blooper: gotta support the ongoing #MrgrgrMovement
RubyChao: make sure you come back to us
RubyChao ties a rope to Goops' leg
SteelKomodo: chao why D:
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes I'm not certain if I have really good friends or stalkers
RubyChao: it's the former
RubyChao: stalkers would move to vermont :V


Draco: Uff da...I finally managed to beat FTL. X_x
Draco: 3 points of armor left, fires and hull breeches all over, five enemy boarders, but I managed to take it out.
Gooper Blooper: oh, that's always a fun kind of win
Gooper Blooper: the "in real life you would die five seconds after victory" win
Gooper Blooper: Like when you cross the goal in Happy Wheels after being bisected
Draco: The Pyrrhic victory is the manliest victory.
Draco: The one where you know you're going down, but if you can take the other guy with you AND achieve your goal, you gotta go for it.


(Chao makes a post featuring foreshadowing for a group of villains)

Cornwind Evil: Hey, Chao
Cornwind Evil holds up a John Cena cutout.
Cornwind Evil: Cena: YOU WANT SOME? COME GET SOME.
RubyChao: yeah i don't think these villains are gonna survive the year :V
Jumpropeman: Spoilers D:


RubyChao: would anyone like to know my shocking twist this year
Jumpropeman: Cleft has been demoted to Private?
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: every villain i have is going to be ridley
RubyChao: the new guys? RIDLEY
RubyChao: utsuhoplot? RIDLEY
RubyChao: victorplot? FUCK IT, IT'S STILL RIDLEY
RubyChao: :V
Draco: Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? RIDLEY.
Cornwind Evil: The Lord comes back
Draco: Ridleycat
Jumpropeman: Fuzzy bunny ridley
RubyChao: Ridley shows up with his new gang, Ridley, Ridley, Ridley, and Rildey
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: Rildey?
Jumpropeman: Who is this dashing new dragon villain?
RubyChao: Rildey is the one who stands out in the crowd


RubyChao: "When the Nerd came back he moved the analog stick and Mario didn't move. Then the Nerd got angry and said "What the f**K?,why isn't Mario moving?". Then suddenly Mario jumped out of the TV with F.L.U.D.D. The AVGN reacted "Holy s**t!". Mario was there and he said "Who are you?" and the AVGN said "I'm the f***ing Nerd." and the Nerd said "What's wrong?"."


RubyChao: obviously pit needs Utsuho-Brand Stress Relief instead
RubyChao: it consists of hugs
RubyChao: lots and lots of hugs
M Sheep: (and gin)
iKomodo: Pfffffft
M Sheep: (but mostly hugs)


Clefable joined the chat
Del MK 2.0: a wild harp
RubyChao: hello harpy
Clefable: squawk
RubyChao: Go! ULTRA BALL!
RubyChao throws an Ultra Ball
Clefable gets in ball
Clefable rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Clefable is released from ball!

Clefable: Awww, it appeared to be caught!


RedSpy: I have done it
RedSpy: I've downloaded old crappy pet-raising games from the Windows 95 era for the sole purpose of breeding abominations that would make my Spore creations cry in shame
RedSpy: This is the point of no return for my sanity


Saberwulf joined the chat
Saberwulf: Guess who has two thumbs and got another 80 dollar paycheck
Saberwulf: this guyyy
Saberwulf: fuck my job


M Sheep: Fite 100: Four Mages, It'll never KILL
M Sheep: The Sarahkin square off!
Gooper Blooper: The Sarahkin already squared off in 2012 in a Fite Club battle
Gooper Blooper: Josephine won
[big grin] : >​not Gloria
[big grin] : Osh status: calling BS
Gooper Blooper: Gloria got third
Gooper Blooper: It was an elimination match
RubyChao: she was cheated
[big grin] : The tractor had the flu
M Sheep: Fite 100: Would the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?
Gooper Blooper: She threw the match! It was rigged! Weather balloons! Swamp gas! Otters swimming in a line!
M Sheep: Every version of The Lord of The Night against each other
Gooper Blooper: We killed Slim Shady last year
M Sheep: Cat!Lord wins
[big grin] : Chemtrails! Anti-summoning chemtrails!
[big grin] : RON PAUL
[big grin] : RON PAAAAAAUL
Gooper Blooper: oh that reminds me, we've gone too long without a
[big grin] : *claps*
Gooper Blooper: That remaining third is still up
RubyChao: i can't wait for gloria to win everything she enters this year
RubyChao: race yer mates? FIRST
RubyChao: feed yer mates? IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN
RubyChao: fites? ALL OF THEM
M Sheep: Fite 100: The One Where Gloria Loses


RubyChao: Gloria's a good straight man for josephine
RubyChao: ...wait
M Sheep: I am looking forward to Gloria and Grendel interacting, I'll say that
RubyChao: if josephine is the grounder for ariel, and gloria is the grounder for jo
RubyChao: I'VE GOT IT
Draco: GloJo
RubyChao: next year sarah will somehow be the one reacting to gloria's wacky antics
RubyChao: somehow
Gooper Blooper: Well if you remember 2012
[big grin] : I think Gloria's just the universal grounder
Gooper Blooper: Josephine was the straight man to Sarah
Gooper Blooper: see: Ring of Fire
[big grin] : So Ground, she can't be thunderbolted
RubyChao: she was, but it's funnier to imagine it being a cycle
Gooper Blooper: an ouroboros of sugar mages
RubyChao: "sarah pls" "ariel pls" "josephine pls" and thus "gloria pls"
[big grin] : I mean, she's also the srsbz one in her rivalry with Osh (even counting the Eye of Argon)
RubyChao: 2016/7 are "celestia pls" and "helios pls"
RubyChao: and then i dunno, skeiron
M Sheep: Fite 100: Who Is The Bigger Gloria Fan?! REDSpy and RubyChao FanAggedon
[big grin] : 2019 - Cinnamon pls
M Sheep: "an Ouroboros of sugar mages"
M Sheep: that's a good name for a ska band
Saberwulf: pick it up pick it up pick it up *trumpet solo*
Saberwulf: *skeiron swaying in the back*


Jumpropeman: you know who might like a legless person aboard the ZFS, Draco?
Jumpropeman: Doc Gerbil :D
Jumpropeman: "You may have lost your legs, but it opens up a whole new world of oppurtunities!"
Draco: Legless lady vs. Doc Gerbil - First Fite
Jumpropeman: no fair draco, you can't enter them with their legs already gone >:I
Draco: It's more efficient to remove them ahead of time. If we did that every Fite, you could save as many as FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND words a year.
Draco: Hell, if we removed the arms too, that could double.
Jumpropeman: then there would hardly be any words left in the fite!
Draco: More time for drawing pictures! =D


Abominations: I've mastered the art of Petz 4
Abominations: it was a struggle at first, with a car having a virginal birth that crashed the game
SteelKomodo: ...whaaaaaaaaaaat
Abominations: Basically: I downloaded a car as one of the "breeds" of """""cat"""" to breed with a spinosaurus
SteelKomodo: why D:
Abominations: Their child crashed the game
Abominations: I tried again, their child crashed the game
Abominations: I tried something different, bred it with a fairy instead. It seemed to work
Abominations: Tried breeding that baby with a skeleton, "they won't breed. it's already pregnant"
Abominations: Apparently my car-fairy had become a virgin mother
SteelKomodo: spy pls
Abominations: Who then promptly crashed the game
Abominations: Moral of the story: remove all cars from your gene pool
Abominations: They will crash the game
SteelKomodo: ouch
Abominations: But look at some of these wonderful results!
Abominations: This bird does not know where its legs and arms are. And yet rather than distressed it simply looks mildly peeved
Abomination: Or this beautiful intermediary between dinosaur and bird. I call it Turfucken
Abominations: And here's my best creation
Abominations: This seems to be a fairy symbiotically fused with the ghost of a headless spinosaurus but I cant really tell
Draco: I expect you to RP as all of those horrors at least once.
Abominations: Please, this is nothing compared to some of the stuff my friend has
Abominations: She has a goddamn tree gene somehow, which I just can't find no matter where I look
Abominations: Imagine how perfect my spinofairy would look with giant branches bursting out of its back


Panel de Pon Raul: Well
Panel de Pon Raul: I just mated a gorilla and a piece of abstract art
Panel de Pon Raul: And the result was a pair of gorilla arms


RubyChao: i just realized i had a dream about vgcw
RubyChao: i'm not sure what this means
RubyChao: i don't remember the details but i remember it had to do with unmasking the remaining ring rangers and finding out that the red ranger wasn't real
SteelKomodo: welp


Abominations changed name to Pon Raul
Pon Raul changed name to Panel de Pon Raul

Clefable: spy no
Panel de Pon Raul: Its like Panel de Pon, but you don't get any goddamn handouts
Panel de Pon Raul: Each and every block you must earn yourself
Panel de Pon Raul: Final boss is Ron Paul, who starts with a full field of matching colors, then blames you for not bootstrapping up to his level before you lose
Clefable: this is the worst game ever
Panel de Pon Raul: Not if you're rich!


Gooper Blooper: I just remembered I forgot to lel when Sheep described Dr. Grendel's arms as being "as big around as Josephine's waist"
Gooper Blooper: so lel


Cornwind Evil: Tusk and Everett are busty
Cornwind Evil: .....BUSY
RubyChao: lel
Jumpropeman: "busty"
Cornwind Evil: Oh god now my head fills with disturbing mental images
Jumpropeman: their pecs are big, but not THAT big Cornwind
Cornwind Evil: BRB brain bleach
Panel de Pon Raul: BUSTY WALRUS
Gooper Blooper: if you want my boooody and you think I'm seeexy
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: "You must have mistaken me for my wife, heh heh!"
Panel de Pon Raul: New song by DJ Hon3ypant5?
SteelKomodo: Tusk - he rolls with da punches
Panel de Pon Raul: Lets hope Helios never discovers Skeiron's first hit single
Jumpropeman: Helios has loved that song for a long time and could never quite place why
Gooper Blooper: It makes him think of large soft comforting things


RubyChao: were you here when i told you about the Awkward Discovery of Comic Books in the church
RubyChao: when i helped clean it out
Gooper Blooper: I don't recall hearing about this
RubyChao: well, a while back i helped clean out the church. old records from the attic, the storage room, etc
RubyChao: we found boxes of comics in the storage room
RubyChao: then it turned out 90% of them were erotic comics so that was very awkward :V
RubyChao: at least it wasn't weed as apparently happened one other time
Gooper Blooper: lewd
iKomodo: 420 Chao
RubyChao: that's too many chao
RubyChao: too many chao
iKomodo: Also pfffft
Gooper Blooper: chao garden just a carpet of chao
RubyChao: the funniest part was the story of how the comics got there
Panel de Pon Raul: LEWD PRIEST
RubyChao: according to the pastor a guy was moving out and couldn't take the comics so he was like "hey want my old comics" "sure why not" and when he realized what they were it was too late
RubyChao: so he just kind of shoved them in the storage room and forgot about them :V
Jumpropeman: it was a book burning of lewd comics and they just never got around to the burning part
RubyChao: (i got a free non-lewd comic out of it so that was cool)
Gooper Blooper: The real story here is the guy with a box of lewd comics thinking the pastor was the best possible choice to take them
RubyChao: that guy wuld not be a star of Good Life Decisions
Jumpropeman: the only problem is that the free comic was All Star batman and Robin
Cornwind Evil: Oh god
Cornwind Evil: You should get your money back


M Sheep: Chao, do you mind if I sue Dr. Nerique for a minor thing?
M Sheep: *USE
RubyChao: >​sue
M Sheep: not sue
RubyChao: what'd he do D:
RubyChao: seriously though sure go ahead
M Sheep: Ah, thank you
RubyChao: he's always available for minor medical bay stuff
Jumpropeman: he accidentally put an extra zero on a bill. He goes to small claims court and the issue is resolved peacefully and without event
RubyChao: Not even his attempts at plots can be exciting


(Spy is still playing Petz)

Panel de Pon Raul: A frogcentaur and a duckholder? Surely this'll work!
Panel de Pon Raul: . . . A limbless gorillafrog with a terrifying duck head
Draco: (b^_^)b


Jumpropeman: hey goops
Jumpropeman: you're too late
Jumpropeman: SK has officially introduced a goopy character
Jumpropeman: and I'm soon introducing my bloopy one


Drunkleter: Errrr
RubyChao: hi del
Drunkleter: A drunk german woman
Drunkleter: Walked into my roo
Drunkleter: M
RubyChao: is it a strange drunk german woman
Drunkleter: And wamted to take my tshirts
Drunkleter: And tablet
Drunkleter: Also that was a hell of a party
Drunkleter: Unfortunately we got neighbours complaining
Drunkleter: So ITS OVERRRR
Drunkleter: What has been happening in the world kf the zfrp
Gooper Blooper: strange and wonderful things
Drunkleter: Is anyone shipping/dead/a meme yet
Gooper Blooper: not yet but we have a transforming goo lady who does impressions


Drunkleter: Aaaaaaaa
Drunkleter: Time to bed
Drunkleter: Heres yoir pudding angelica
Drunkleter left the chat
M Sheep: "Noir Pudding Angelica"-Purnima's favorite manga series
RubyChao: purnima has weird - wait. why am i saying this like it's a surprise


Gooper Blooper left the chat
Dacro: The Goops Fan Club descends into mourning once more.
Panel de Pon Raul: Goooooooooops ;;
Panel de Pon Raul: ./falls into this pear
Dacro: If you challenge them to Triple Triad in Disc 3, you can win the Goops card.


RubyChao: i'm finally coming up with adam's death in the zfrp timeline
RubyChao: #beware
M Sheep: #?
Jumpropeman: adam gave his life on the bottleship to immediately destroy the whole premise of Other M before Samus could even hear the Baby's Cry


Panel de Pon Raul: Ho-ly fuuuuuck
Panel de Pon Raul: Alex . . . has been beaten
Panel de Pon Raul: We have a new
Panel de Pon Raul: WWE
Panel de Pon Raul: Idiot Hair
Panel de Pon Raul: World
Panel de Pon Raul: Heavyweight
Panel de Pon Raul: Champion
RubyChao: lel
Panel de Pon Raul: Seriously look at that fucking thing how does it even function
Cornwind Evil: Yeesh
Panel de Pon Raul: I'm half expecting Goops to just storm in
Panel de Pon Raul: Dual wielding mice like a samurai
Panel de Pon Raul: Determined to out-ahoge that pic
Jumpropeman: i thought spy meant the animal kind of mice
Jumpropeman: and I was very interested where this was going
Panel de Pon Raul: JRM, you don't dual-wield those mice
Panel de Pon Raul: You tie their tails together
Panel de Pon Raul: Make nunchucks
M Sheep:
RubyChao: sheep that is obviously how the Saralex kids will get around


iKomodo: Lisa and Henry tag team
Clefable: Gooper Bloopers
iKomodo: pfffffft


M Sheep: Speaking of Stars Wars, I was at Barnes & Noble the other day, because I'm scum that doesn't support local small business and I saw a book entitled William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back
Del MK 2.0: hahaha
M Sheep: The book had a picture of Yoda in Victorian garb with a quill on the front
Del MK 2.0: did you take a peek
M Sheep: I, alas, did not because there was a Terry Pratchett book right next that required my attention
M Sheep: I was also in a hurry big surprise
Del MK 2.0: haha


SteelKomodo: oh you just know they're gonna screw that up for Smash
SteelKomodo: and make Charizard bigger than Samus :U
Clefable: samus is still gonna suplex his ass
SteelKomodo: that looks more like a piledriver :U
Clefable: samus piledriving a dragon
Clefable: totes legit
thebutt: Nope
Clefable: you just never see her do it to ridley
thebutt: Samus is now Sakomoto's 4'7" waifu
Clefable: becauseRidley- ew
Clefable: EEEEEeew
SteelKomodo: ew D:
Clefable: you're fired, butt


M Sheep: Glass taking notes
M Sheep: For those of you playing at home, I feel the need to mention I'm actually copying over the notes he's taking into a document
Del MK 2.0: sheep is very in character


Cornwind Evil: "A conniving couple decided to fake a robbery of their home in order to collect insurance money. Everything was planned out perfectly: They hid valuables, smashed jewelry, and even went so far as to make fake footprints of the thieves. It wasn't exactly The Thomas Crown Affair, but compared to most insurance fraud, which amounts to "lie on some paperwork," it was a pretty elaborate setup."
Cornwind Evil: "When everything was perfect, the couple called the cops, who arrived to find a hysterical woman raving about how she'd just lost everything. If you think it's a little odd that she paused her hysterics to coolly take a call from her father, imagine the officer's confusion when she proceeded to explain to her dad, in detail and completely within earshot of the police, that she was faking the entire thing to get an insurance payout."
Cornwind Evil: "Ah, but here's the thing: She made sure to say it all in French."
Cornwind Evil: "Ah, but here's the other thing: This crime took place in Canada, whose two official languages are English and French."
Cornwind Evil: "Constable Charanjit Meharu took 10 pages of notes while listening to the woman expound upon the details of her crime while still at the active crime scene, and then replied, "Merci beaucoup.""


RubyChao is totally not dead
RubyChao: (ignore the gravestone saying RubyChao)


Del MK 2.0: so you know how i was deciding between reign of giants and empire at war
Del MK 2.0: i got both
Del MK 2.0: gaben laughs and rolls in his money


Gooper Blooper: Today I found out a new set of Pokemon cards comes out this week and it's centered around Charizard cards. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Clefable: OMG
thebutt: God damnit Charizard
SteelKomodo: #Charizard
Gooper Blooper: this time his holos are MEGA


Saberwulf: "The Sak Yant tattoo at Wat Bang Phra, 55km outside of Bangkok, is performed by a monk in exchange for a small donation of flowers, cigarettes, and incense that is then recycled and sold again in order to keep the wat afloat. In exchange, the monk considers which of the 80-something San Yant symbols would best suit your needs, and where on the body it belongs. Without any prior discussion, he then gets to work.
His tools are a long bamboo pole, and ink made from snake’s venom, Chinese charcoal ink, and palm oil."

Saberwulf: This is the most hardcore shit I'm getting 50
Gooper Blooper: Wulf shows up with an armload of flowers and a backpack full of cigarettes
Gooper Blooper: "Gimme"


RubyChao: utsuho is not so good with personal space :
iKomodo: That's okay, neither is Lisa
RubyChao: the next thing you know Utsuho will burst into a room covered in a suit of blue armor
RubyChao: which is actually Lisa
Gooper Blooper: They just smoosh up against each other
iKomodo: Pfffft
iKomodo: ...Chao, we need to do that at some point
RubyChao: ...oh god
RubyChao: "Hi Pit!" "Hi, Utsuho!" "Hi, Pit!" "Hi... other Utsuho...?"
RubyChao: sorry i just got the mental image and needed to share :V
Gooper Blooper: Copies Josephine and "adjusts her proportions"
Gooper Blooper: Dirk faints
RubyChao: "My butt is not that big."
Draco: "Your waist is not that small," was Draco's cameo for May.
Gooper Blooper: dohohoho
Draco: His June cameo is his charred and broken corpse found in an unused ZFS storeroom.
Gooper Blooper: D:
RubyChao: he'd better find a way to come back to life quick
RubyChao: you did agree to enter him in the BBB :V
Gooper Blooper: #Draco's Corpse
Draco: Luckily, this was Other ZFRP, so the X Parasites revived him in June.
RubyChao: *Samus takes Frostbite's place as Victor's assistant just to fite Draco-X*


Del MK 2.0: this post goes out to wulf
Del MK 2.0: for helping me help conrad be a huge dork the best


M Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hello, Sheep.
Draco: Long time....
Draco: see.
M Sheep puts down cleaver
M Sheep: good, Draco
M Sheep: Yeah, I don't even know why I'm here
RubyChao: you're here because it's the Hotel Chatzyfornia
Draco: But you CAN burn it down for the insurance money! =V
Cornwind Evil: Draco says this holding a gasoline can behind his back


Jumpropeman: as soon as JRM finds out about the lawsuit he is gonna lose it
Jumpropeman: he's already scraping for cash
Jumpropeman: he can't be held liable for damages too
Draco: are you again, Jumpropeguy? Are you that spy person?
Jumpropeman: actually, I am a spammer
Jumpropeman: Buy Fantasy Flan!
Jumpropeman: Buy Fantasy Flan!
Jumpropeman: Buy Fantasy Flan~
Draco: Oh good! I need some sketchy-sounding medical products! =D
RubyChao: it was Flantasy Flan wasn't it
Cornwind Evil buys some Fantasy Flan.
Jumpropeman: yeah, I thought it was, but someone told me it wasn't and now I look it up and it is Flantasy Flan :V


Clefable: i should write the story of how henry and dorcha met a crossdressing prince
Clefable: "...Hey Henry, are you sure the King didn't have a daughter?" "On a scale of one to ten... One thousand percent sure, Dorchy!" "...Uh huh."
iKomodo: I second this


Cornwind Evil: VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Draco: Gross, dude.
Draco: Not in front of the newbie and Bree. >:I
Bree: "the newbie and Bree"?
Bree: I thought I AM the newbie?
Draco holds up a sock puppet.
Draco: "Hello, I'm Socky McPuppet! I've come to ROLE PLAY!"
Draco: Welcome to ZFRP, Socky! What sort of characters do you have?
Draco: "Well, I love Naruto, so I'm going to RP as some cool ninjas and-!"
Draco begins stabbing Socky.
Bree backs away slowly.

Draco: Like I said, don't vomit in front of the newbie, Bree. There was never anyone else.
Draco begins digging a pit in the backyard.
RubyChao: but does naruto achieve super saiyan level infinity to save the soul of the tournament
Draco: Duh.
Draco: Of course he does. How else can he defeat Inuyasha?
RubyChao: well i'm going to sleep
Bree: good night, Chao
Jumpropeman: night chao
RubyChao: gotta figure out how to bring in sasuke tomorow and have him become everyone's best friend in a day
RubyChao: before betraying them all
Draco: Easy: buy everyone S'more Schnaps.
Draco: Chatzy Madness 127: The Day We Put Draco to Pasture


Jumpropeman: so Rebecca is the green haired one and Vina is the blonde one, right Draco?
Draco: Correct.
Jumpropeman: good
Jumpropeman: this will be pivotal when I introduce my new villain who wants to kill anyone with blonde hair
Bree: does that include artificial blonde hair
Bree: because, you know
Bree: dolls
Jumpropeman: you know what, I'll just make the villain want to kill everyone so everyone can die instead, that way no one is left out :D
Cornwind Evil: Ash and Christine: Bring it on.
Draco: EVERY villain wants to kill everyone. Making him discriminate will teach us all a life lesson.
Cornwind Evil: Ash and Christine: So blonde that their duo nickname on their world is 'The Gold Standard'
Bree: it's true
Bree: they're both super, SUPER blonde
Bree: Octavious has so many dolls and I'm going to end up making a character out of every damn one
Bree cries.
Draco: They'll be the first to go when the Red Headed Stepchild of the apocalypse brings pain and suffering to the blondes.
Bree: I've doomed myself
Draco: And no, I'm probably not talking about Sine.
Cornwind Evil: Sine:....was I ever a stepchild? *starts reviewing memories*
Draco: Rebecca: ...does she not understand slang?
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I understand it just fine. I'm just...complicated.
Jumpropeman: apparently it runs in the family
Jumpropeman: Hypotenuse and Sine should spend some time on the streets
Jumpropeman: get street smart
Jumpropeman: Hypotenuse would come back with multiple bullet holes and a few knives sticking out of her body with a cowering Sine behind her
Jumpropeman: "It was a valuable learning experience mother, and those men gave us free lead"
Draco: Draco: ONLY five? You're getting better at interpersonal communications.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Also, Hypotenuse, bullets are not actually made of lead.
Jumpropeman: "I apologize mother, but I believe the purpose of our venture was to learn slang. I guess we will have to go back on the streets so you may try again"
Cornwind Evil: Sine: No! No! Anything but that!
Draco: Draco: That shit be whack, yo.


Draco sets a bear trap where Goops would come in if he were coming in.
SteelKomodo: draco why D:
Draco: Because then we'll be able to take a picture and have proof that he exists.
Draco: Or is it bigfoot we don't have proof of?
Del MK 2.0: yeah you might be thinking bigfoot
Clefable joined the chat
Re(straine)dSpy dives onto the beartrap so Goops may roam free

Draco: O_O
Draco takes photos fo Re(straine)dSpy so that future generations will know what one looked like.
Draco: Hi Clefable.
Clefable: clefable clefable!
Draco: I choose you, Joe!
Draco lets RedSpy out of the bear trap and throws him at Clefable.
Draco: Pokemon journey is not off to a good start. D:
Re(straine)dSpy: D:
Re(straine)dSpy bloodily slumps forward
Re(straine)dSpy passes out in my own marinara sauce

Draco: Do you need a Berry, Spy?
Clefable: clefable?
Clefable: *wiggles fingers*
Re(straine)dSpy bleeds
Del MK 2.0: i leave you lot for five minutes and look what happens
Draco throws a blueberry at Spy. "Chow down."
Clefable: *uses explosion*
Clefable changed name to Deadfable
Deadfable: *it rains clefable giblets everywhere*
Re(straine)dSpy is thwacked in the back of the head with a berry
Re(straine)dSpy and giblets
RubyChao attempts to cast resurrect
Re(straine)dSpy is beginning to attract flies
RubyChao accidentally brings back a birdlady
Deadfable changed name to Harpy



Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: Hi Goopy
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: hi gewps
RubyChao: hello goops!
Draco looks at the bear trap covered in Spy guts.
Draco: Oh, right.


Draco: Seems a bit too early to tell another Vina story or I'd do that. (I have to think of something over-the-top she might've done first.)
Draco: So they'll just have to deal with the bureaucracy of bringing their own spaceship to the Star Festival.


Cornwind Evil: Oh god
Cornwind Evil: You wanna hear a story about DiCaprio's Romeo and Juliet film?
SteelKomodo: yes
SteelKomodo: any excuse to take the piss out of it :U
Cornwind Evil: Okay
Cornwind Evil: I go to see it in theaters
Cornwind Evil: (I liked Shakespare, okay? Why do you think I'm naming Haruspex chapters after his plays?)
Cornwind Evil: So we get to Leo's first scene
Cornwind Evil: Pan up, he's got his shirt open, he's doing his first line
Cornwind Evil: And every single female in my theater SQUEALS
Cornwind Evil: I have never seen that reaction since


Gooper Blooper: stella and gloria cards
RubyChao: is the gloria card OP
Gooper Blooper: maybe


Draco: In Jersey, if you haven't knifed another kid by third grade, they don't let you graduate elementary school.


Gooper Blooper: Twitch Plays Pokemon spent an entire day bumbling around the Old Chateau before remembering you can only catch Rotom on Tuesday
Gooper Blooper: good work guys
RubyChao: lel
Draco: I'm digging the Pokemon Stadium gambling. Earlier, a Doduo helped defy 5:1 odds by beating a couple of fully-evolved Pokemon by itself.
Gooper Blooper: The thing about the Stadium 2 rentals is that the better a Pokemon's stats, the shittier its' moveset is
Gooper Blooper: Larvitar gets Earthquake and Rock Slide
Jumpropeman: i always hated that
iKomodo: D: never knew that
Gooper Blooper: I remember very well that the rental Tyranitar's only offensive move is Mud-Slap
iKomodo: that sucks :<


Gooper Blooper: You never know who'll show up in fite club
Gooper Blooper: except that it's always something I'm moderately familiar with!
RubyChao: and then goops brings in someone from kinnikuman or world of warcraft or something
Gooper Blooper: Excited Battle Name is "Magical Power! Watch Out For The Short Girl!", it turns out to be some obscure anime healer
RubyChao: "The Unstoppable Bookworm! Power Drawn From Knowledge!"
RubyChao: it turns out to be Patchouli instead of Gloria
Re(straine)dSpy: Unstoppable Knee? Just Say Yes!
Re(straine)dSpy: Captain Falcon
Gooper Blooper: lel
Gooper Blooper: patchy/gloria/oceanus/sa​mmy tag team
Re(straine)dSpy: Ooh, what would that tag team be called, Goops?
Re(straine)dSpy: I think Sammy-Osh-Gloria tag team would be The osh fite.
Gooper Blooper: It's called The End


RubyChao: watch as someone inevitability nicknames tenshi "Peaches"


Jumpropeman: Tallish and Father Squid arguing over prices could fill a whole RP season


Cornwind Evil: Whoopi Goldberg was never WCW champion

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