Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 131: Greetings, Assembled Bitches

(SK is playing Pokemon)

SteelKomodo: A QUAGSIRE
SteelKomodo: WHAT DO
Draco: Peace treaty.


Del MK 2.0: aeiounauts have arrived
SlowKomodo: oh lawd
SlowKomodo: now Dirk really can't tell 'em it's made of bugs
RubyChao: bar post
RubyChao: "pit i fed your girlfriend bug burgers" "you bastard"
SlowKomodo: XD
SlowKomodo: I'm tempted to call em buggers, but then that'd be a whole other can of worms :U


iKomodo: So goops
iKomodo: now you know why I keep saying Philander is a dick
iKomodo: :U
Gooper Blooper: the most emphatic proof of dickery I've yet seen this year!
Gooper Blooper: and you know what we do with dicks
iKomodo: We kill em
Gooper Blooper: I was gonna say something like "we cut them down to size" or "we circumcise em" because lel genitals but that works too!
iKomodo: Lolz


iKomodo: >​is typing "Hang onto your britches, Jo"
iKomodo: >​accidentally types "bitches" instead
iKomodo: *shoots self*
Draco: Josephin' ain't easy. BV
Del MK 2.0: pimpsephine
RubyChao: "pimpin' ain't easy but it is profitable"
RubyChao: *josephine reclines on a throne of money*


(Chao is playing Labyrinth of Touhou 2)

RubyChao: does anyone have a reaction image for "hit 10% chance of not reviving twice in a row"
Gooper Blooper: try this one


RubyChao: sadly utsuho does not really remember sarah
RubyChao: sorry sarah you met her literally once seven months ago :V
Draco: Who is Sarah again? BV
Gooper Blooper: some captain with a ship
Jumpropeman: dangit goops
Jumpropeman: i was gonna say that
Jumpropeman: *commits sudoku from the shame of being out-joked*
Draco: "Helmsman, do a barrel roll!" "It's an AILER-" *Babby Wids is ejected into space*


RubyChao: Raphsuho the Raven
Gooper Blooper: That is quite the idiot hair utsuho is sporting
RubyChao: she's preparing herself for the showdown with alex
RubyChao: where they will duel with only their idiot hairs
Draco: Idiot hairs with keytars.


Saberwulf: Oh damn, this dude on eBay sells really high-quality, hard to find leatherbound books
Saberwulf: They are all expensive as shit
Saberwulf: Oh jesus, they have a Keys of Ocat bound in goat skin and it comes with a silk bag of bones
Saberwulf: Goddammit why is this a thousand dollars
Jumpropeman: probably to cover the defense attorney they need to hire for whoever got those bones for them
Saberwulf: Hahaha
RubyChao: what kind of bones
Cornwind Evil: I assume they are animal bones
RubyChao: you gotta be careful
Saberwulf: Looks to be kid (as in baby goat) bones, as the jaw is quite small
RubyChao: what if one day some guy asks you "hey hold this bag of animal bones for me"
Jumpropeman: my babies D:
Jumpropeman: I knew I wasn't fit to be a goat owner :(
RubyChao: and you're like "sure" because you take a look and you can't tell bones apart
RubyChao: and then you get arrested because you're holding a murder victim
RubyChao: then you'll regret assuming the type of bones
Saberwulf: pff
Draco: I went and found a thing that happens in North Dakota just to make North Dakota feel bad. =p
Jumpropeman: "have you ever been to Norsk Hostfest?" Why, no, the event that takes place on my body? never been!
Draco: Damn shame. It was awesome. =p
Draco: "We rocked with these Nordic death metal bands all night, drank nondescript alcoholic substances all night, and then sacrificed a goat to Thor and put its bones in a silk bag. Wonder what became of that bag..."


RubyChao: i get the feeling i'm going to have a lot of fun when my characters get to interact with viola


Cornwind Evil: Viola Is The Eater Of Scandals
Draco: Viola and Box Girl are going to team up to solve all the mysteries.
Gooper Blooper: delicious watergate
Gooper Blooper: Viola and Myriam are indeed slated to interact eventually
Gooper Blooper: Exactly what they'll do is to be revealed when it happens
Draco: Kiss
Gooper Blooper: the box gets in the way
RubyChao: viola is invited under the box
Draco: Love will find a way.
RubyChao: a hood is draped so she still can't see myriam's face
Gooper Blooper: That's how you know you've Made It with Myriam
Gooper Blooper: if you get to go inside the box
Draco: The reporter/exorcist duo the King of Beasts needs, but not the one it deserves.
Gooper Blooper: New RP mental image: Viola wearing a Mareep mask, accompanied by DEA-
Jumpropeman: the M in M sheep stands for Mareep


Farto: Just got a text from some number asking "where are u dad"
Farto: Apparently the same person also texted the day after my birthday saying "this is rachel where r u"
Farto: I think somebody has the wrong number
Farto: But its still a strange as hell text to suddenly get


Farto: >​breed Honedge and Ditto, a baby happens
Farto: "okay"
Farto: >​walk one step, turn back, another baby
SteelKomodo: what D:
Del MK 2.0: pokebonking
Dracp: You didn't name your babby Honedge Rachel, did you?


Del MK 2.0: i just shot the conrad
Del MK 2.0: but i did not shoot the jonesy
Saberwulf: aw yeah
Saberwulf: dedrad
Saberwulf: Haha fuck I just thought of "I shot the sheriff" and it totally fits
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: "Anybody who's a close friend of the Svilzerian family receives an unexpected email"
Saberwulf: David is scrambling around like fucking Hiroshima right now
Del MK 2.0: hahahaha
Del MK 2.0: i have sent the david into a panic
Saberwulf: "Oh bloody hell Chet mama svil gonna bring the WWE smackdown on kadia get my weed"


RubyChao: >​check srs post
RubyChao: >​celestia finally
RubyChao intensifies
Gooper Blooper: *cookies, parenting, and butts intensify*
Bree: butts?
Gooper Blooper: yes, butts
Bree: please explain to me why the butts are intensifying
Gooper Blooper: It is another case of RP spiraling out of control, but in one sentence
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to a couple of the bar's more perverted characters hitting on her, my motherly, sweet black mage character has acquired a reputation for one hell of a derriere
Gooper Blooper: this is what RP does
Bree: so Helios is an ass man then
Farto: Poor Celestia
Farto: Goddamnit Bree xD
Bree: I didn't do nuffin
Dracp: He is ass-backwards.
Bree: you can't prove it
Cornwind Evil: Her arse is so great that even a semi frumpy robe can't hide it


Cornwind Evil: Daniel Bryan's out
Cornwind Evil: I think he may have trimmed his beard recently
Bree: proof of CW's obsession: he notices when Daniel Bryan trims his beard
Gooper Blooper: beardwatching
Dracp: I won't consider Cornwind obsessed until he can tell us exactly how much the beard's length has changed between episodes.
Gooper Blooper: how many hairs compose The Beard


iKomodo: Sorry, couldn't resist
RubyChao: sk pls
Dracp: Alright, ZFRP has officially CROSSED THE LINE.
Dracp detonates the forum, cancels the apocolypse.


RubyChao: goops: how will viola react if tenshi mentions she met a ghost once
Gooper Blooper: with excitement
RubyChao: good, i shall continue to plunge tenshi deeper into an uncomfortable situation
RubyChao: eventually viola will consider tenshi her BFF
RubyChao: tenshi will just be all "oh god please go away"
Gooper Blooper: "tenshi I bought you a present"
Gooper Blooper: *leaves a skull on her nightstand*
RubyChao: tenshi repeatedly trying to lock viola out of her room
RubyChao: viola always finds a way
Bree: Tenshi flinches every time she hears the phrase "I brought you a present" because she always expects Viola to follow it with repeated stabbings
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi goes to bed, shuts off her lamp
Gooper Blooper: Several moments in total darkness pass
Gooper Blooper: She turns it back on, Viola's standing there holding Pumpkaboo
Gooper Blooper: "Hi"
Bree: Viola/Tenshi possibly the next Edward/Bella???
Gooper Blooper: the hot new pairing for 2014


RubyChao: i like yuyuko's downgrade in titles
RubyChao: she is listed as "Ghost Girl in the Netherworld Tower" in the game where she's a final boss and then "Ghost of Flawless Immaculate Beauty" in the fighters
RubyChao: and then when she shows up as a first boss later on
RubyChao: she's just "Stationary Ghost"
Bree: "flawless immaculate"
Bree: this title brought to you by the department of redundancy department
Gooper Blooper: Next game she'll be "ghost thing that's there I guess"


RubyChao: "and they tend to combat Mercutio by inventing ever-more-ridiculous schemes."
RubyChao: how often has he opened the door to find them disguised as postal workers
RubyChao: "PACKAGE FOR YOU!" "you tried this two days ago"
Gooper Blooper: "I GOT IT! LET'S GET NAKED!" "No, let's save that for when we're selling real estate."


Bree: Wulf I want to know
Bree: what the hell does "ketto up" mean?
Saberwulf: guten tag
Saberwulf: Hold a moment, I shall fetch the definition
Bree: for some reason I think "Ketto up, chingu" is super fun to say but it also makes no damn sense
Saberwulf: Ketto-up - Taken from the Japanese word 決闘 (kettō), meaning 'duel'. Ketto-up is commonly used to challenge someone to a contest, though it can also be used as an alternative to 'get ready'. Developed during the Thunder Decade (2-13 AUC, 鋼鉄10年, Koutetsu Jūnen).
Gooper Blooper: That's how you know she's a Wulf character


RubyChao: poor tenshi :V
Bree: YOU HAVE CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY...and also you saved my Pumpkaboo.
Bree: lols
Gooper Blooper: I've noticed that type of sentence structure has become a Viola running gag very quickly
Gooper Blooper: edited
RubyChao: the real question is how many event flags tenshi has left
Gooper Blooper: also, this went through my head while making the post
Gooper Blooper: "Christine she's only just met, so she gets off with an oddly-held handshake, but then Viola turns to Tenshi, places her hands on her shoulders, leans in, and says:"
RubyChao: oh god D:
Gooper Blooper: (coming may 16)
RubyChao: tenshi ends up reliving that creepypasta i wrote
RubyChao: but with viola
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to take a wild guess and say that early this afternoon you did not expect this sort of character interaction
RubyChao: i certainly did not
RubyChao: however i believe i am glad that this sort of interaction happened :V
RubyChao: (did YOU expect it)
Gooper Blooper: I expected something like this to happen to SOMEONE
Gooper Blooper: I just didn't know who'd be the lucky winner
Bree: Viola has imprinted onto Tenshi like a baby bird
RubyChao: "Congratulations, Tenshi! You won the prize!" "What is it?"
RubyChao: *the curtain lifts, Viola is standing there*
RubyChao: "I want to give the prize back"
Gooper Blooper: "You've won A NEW CAAAAARRRRR"
Gooper Blooper: *Viola is sitting in the passenger seat*
Gooper Blooper: *Viola pats the driver's seat and looks expectant*
RubyChao: Tenshi wakes up one morning, opens the pantry while half asleep
RubyChao: Viola hands her some food
RubyChao: "Thanks, Viola."
RubyChao: "...Wait, what?"
Gooper Blooper: "Your pantry is dark and small. I like sitting in it."
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, and I ate all your Oreos."
Bree: Tenshi wakes up one morning, finds Viola is standing by the bed, leaning over her, face an inch from hers
Bree: "Good morning, Tenshi."
Gooper Blooper: wake up with the hex
RubyChao: the next morning she wakes up to find viola IN her bed
RubyChao: thankfully she is able to recall the previous night
Bree: that may not be much consolation because it means the cuddles were totally unsolicited
Bree: this says things about Viola's concept of boundaries
Bree: bad things
Gooper Blooper: the wonders of RP are in full force tonight
RubyChao: she spent half the afternoon approximately six inches away from tenshi
RubyChao: we already know viola's opinion on personal space
Bree: truth: I want to make a ghost character now
Bree: because, other than Jumpropeman, I don't think we have one
Gooper Blooper: We've had a couple, but none of them are active
Bree: I've been trying to think of another character to introduce besides the dolls
Bree: (the doge does not count)
Bree: but I'm still coming up blank
Bree: it probably will not actually be a ghost
RubyChao: Things I Did Not Expect to Happen In RP So Far But They Did: Victor being forced to reconsider his perspective so drastically, Utsuho having a run-in with the guy she killed last year, creating Samus' backstory with Adam, Tenshi's new BFF
RubyChao: and we're 12 days in
RubyChao: ZFRP, everyone! :toot:
Farto: I'm very glad for this interaction
RubyChao: why is that, spy
Farto: It sounds
Bree: it IS hilarious
RubyChao: a villain successfully kills or critically injures tenshi
RubyChao: suddenly torn apart by pokemon
RubyChao: "Oh, you can't die yet. I need you here."
RubyChao: "For now."
Bree: Tenshi becomes a ghost. Viola is so happy, she dies of pure unadulterated joy.
Gooper Blooper: "Isn't this great, Tenshi?! Now we're both ghosts!"
Gooper Blooper: "Forever!"
RubyChao: I can't wait for her likes to become:
RubyChao: Likes: Ghost-type Pokemon (Dark, Poison, and Bug-type as well to a lesser extent), graveyard humor, nighttime, Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: FOREVER... FOREVER... FOREVER...
RubyChao: and then Tenshi wakes up screaming
RubyChao: Viola politely asks her if she had a nightmare, Tenshi confirms it
Bree: and Viola says "what's the matter, Tenshi?"
RubyChao: ...Tenshi wakes up screaming again


Farto: God John Cena's theme is awful
Luigi: somewhere out there, CW cringed


Del MK 2.0: weed




Del MK 2.0: why does every batman have their head hanging like the cowl is made of lead
Del MK 2.0: is freedom to move the neck not part of the batplan
Cornwind Evil: Actually
Cornwind Evil: Due to the costume
Cornwind Evil: No Batman could move their neck until Dark Knight
SteelKomodo: batsuits were whiggedy-whack back then


Draco: Didn't Modok used to have hair?
Del MK 2.0: modok can have whatever he wants


Luigi: if i am slow to reply, I am watching a kitten cam


Del MK 2.0: "My wizard is trying to make Enlarge Dong into a business but no one's even interested in the sales pitch."


Cornwind Evil: Play through this horrendous beyond horrendous game, and this is your reward
Draco: Best ending ever! =D
Gooper Blooper: "congratulations, nothing happened"
WWE Logic Puzzles: Lex Luthor Rapadoos his way out of comeuppance yet again


Cornwind Evil: Good work on being on top of things GB
Cornwind Evil: Maybe you should also edit in the Enemy List newcomers
Gooper Blooper: okay here we go
Gooper Blooper: *guitar riff*


RubyChao: it seems like you're being more inclusive this year in terms of "opponents" instead of just "villains". why is that?
Gooper Blooper: So you're referring to the Durant colony and the succubi not being thunderbolts-and-lightni​ng puppy kickers?
RubyChao: well, not so much those
RubyChao: to be honest the only one that really surprised me was the Mountain Demon, since it was a throwaway thing
Gooper Blooper: Oh, that kind of inclusive
Gooper Blooper: I dunno, I felt like being thorough and I remembered it had been a thing so I threw it in
RubyChao: alrighty! was just curious
Gooper Blooper: It seems like the sort of thing where JRM would pop into Chatzy around November and go "REMEMBER THE MOUNTAIN DEMON?"
RubyChao: hahaha


RubyChao: ...also i had the dumbest thought: tenshi and samus sitting in bbb4 stands talking about utsuho's chances
RubyChao: viola chimes in, tenshi's like "ye- OH GOD" and throws herself on the other side of samus
Cornwind Evil: Viola the Touhou stalker
Cornwind Evil: The wonders of RP
Gooper Blooper: you never know what will happen next


Jumpropeman: what's all this stuff on the forum. Do you guys exist when I'm not here? =o
Draco: I do. Spy might. Everyone else just goes on vacation until you recover and they make me post under their names for ZFRP doesn't end prematurely.
Jumpropeman: that explains the giant monster
Draco: Yep. I own the copyright to giant monster battles, so they either have to let me do them or pay me ten-million Pokedollars.


SteelKomodo: ...i have just seen something that has put me off porn for life
WWE Logic Puzzles: D: ?
SteelKomodo: like, i'm legit creeped out and disgusted and I cannot look at any sort of porn anymore now


SteelKomodo: you know when I said earlier I'd gone off porn for life?
SteelKomodo: I'd like to retract that statement :U
Jumpropeman: boys will be boys :V
SteelKomodo: just need to be more careful, that's all
Kirby: wow that was a fast recovery
Kirby: 'ey ladies, want a man who can recover fa-*shot*


Gooper Blooper: >​Samus jaded into retirement because of jobbing
Gooper Blooper: :isaac:
RubyChao: semi-retiremen​t
Gooper Blooper: Like I knew you were gonna phase her out eventually but if that's the reason all I can do is salute and blare Way To Fall
Bree: no, see, now that she's talked about retiring, she will be roped into one last EPIC mission and die heroically for ultimate glory
RubyChao: samus sacrifices herself, has a touching moment where she passes on her legacy to utsuho
Bree: utsuho is like "we must name our first child samus!" and pit is like "wait children what?"
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm picturing Utsuho cravings making Pit show up at a convenience store at 2 in the morning asking if they have any gods
Gooper Blooper: "Like, just a minor deity or two in back, maybe?"
RubyChao: "no, i said gods, not dogs"
Jumpropeman: utsuho's japanese, not Korean :V
RubyChao: but the greatest mystery of utsuhobabby:
RubyChao: what color are the wings
Gooper Blooper: grey, of course
Jumpropeman: Blue. *rainbow dash sweats*
Bree: since we're talking about utsuho... what in the world is a hell raven?
Bree: I get that she ate a sun god and gained those powers but what was she before?
Gooper Blooper: the wonderful thing about hell ravens is that she's the only one
Jumpropeman: a burd
RubyChao: "Hell ravens have existed in the Hell of Blazing Fires for as long as it's been burning. Unlike normal ravens, they are born from the darkness of hell."
RubyChao: so basically she was a raven who popped out of hell instead of an egg
Bree: Pit is dating a bird that gained sapience omg
RubyChao: i finally figured out utsuho's default body temperature :V
Bree: is it, like, 900 degrees fahrenheit?
RubyChao: no, then she can't hug pit
RubyChao: and that would be sad
Bree: she'd also set the floor on fire just by walking on it
Bree: anyway, so what did you decide on?
RubyChao: pretty much if you hug her she feels like an electric blanket in terms of heat
RubyChao: pit will never be cold again
Gooper Blooper: Utsuho intentionally makes Pit vacation in cold places so he hugs her more often
Gooper Blooper: "Yeah, I thought they'd have working heaters here in Nepal, sorry"


Jumpropeman: i don't have a tumblr of my own. I just go to wulf's and pretend its mine


Kirby: he's pretty much what happens if you turn a 6 year old into a pink puff and give him a giant appetite
Kirby: i play the series a bit too much
Gooper Blooper: >​too much
Gooper Blooper: nonsense, you can never have too much maximum pink
Jumpropeman: I don't think you can compare to spy though harpy
Kirby: because i'm not a masochist, sorry
RubyChao: MAXIMUM pink
Jumpropeman: speaking of video game masochism, a terrible terrible game is on sale on steam and I am tempted to buy it
Bree: oh?
PREPARE YOURSELF looks up from self-flagellation
Jumpropeman: Shannon Tweed's Attack of the Groupies. A Plants Vs. Zombies clone that doesn't understand video game pacing and instead replaces it with the weirdest celebrity tie-in nonsense to the no name ex-porn star wife of Gene Simmons.
Bree: if it's more than 5 dollars, don't buy it
Bree: but if it's less...well, if you want it
Jumpropeman: the in game art is vomit inducing and the premise is so narcissistic that it seems more like something a show would make as a parody of their own narcissistic character
Bree: want this game why exactly?
RubyChao: just as i love horribly hard games
RubyChao: jrm loves horrible games
Bree: even the hilarious horribleness of it can't make this game appealing to me
Jumpropeman: I read all four twilight books Bree, I am drawn to terribleness
Gooper Blooper: JRM got 99 percent in Cory In The House. He is a bad game master
Bree: I read them too...but I'm not interested in horrible games
Bree: haha I remember that game
Bree: that one I've played
PREPARE YOURSELF: >​Bree played Cory in the House
PREPARE YOURSELF: That's the sound of JRM rejoicing at a kindred spirit
Bree: it was forever ago and I barely remember what the game even entails
PREPARE YOURSELF: You're a child in the White House
PREPARE YOURSELF: Pick up bobbleheads
Jumpropeman: I never thought my official candidacy for having fun would have opposition
PREPARE YOURSELF: But JRM, its time for the biggest question on terrible things
Jumpropeman: WHAT!? *Turns head, whip cracks, horn blares, guitar riff*
Bree: with that many whip sounds, they've definitely got an audio engineer with a BDSM fetish
PREPARE YOURSELF: Obviously their audio studio was held captive
Bree: by a dominatrix maybe
Jumpropeman: well, I bought myself enough good games lately, I guess it was about time I got something more my speed
PREPARE YOURSELF: "WORK FASTER!" *whip whip airhorn tuba*
Gooper Blooper: he's doing it
Jumpropeman: *purchases a couple gift copies for christmas time as well*
Bree: steel yo selves
Jumpropeman: This year's prize for the big bar brawl: a copy of Shannon Tweed's Attack of the Groupies! *no one enters*
Bree: JRM be giving the swag
PREPARE YOURSELF: If you could have a chip implanted in you
PREPARE YOURSELF: And it distributed copies of Bad Rats to anyone you met
Jumpropeman: damn skippy i would
Jumpropeman: spread the love
Jumpropeman: Shannon Tweed's game has no achievements >:I
Jumpropeman: how can I 100% it now
Gooper Blooper: by beating it
Kirby: getting it is an automatic 100%
Bree: beating it is a 200%
Jumpropeman: *beats the first level* Shannon Tweed's victory line: "A shower should be part of everyone's daily routine"
RubyChao: jrm buys a copy, doubles their profits
Gooper Blooper: It turns out, in a crossover deal, the final Cory in the House bobblehead is hidden in another game released the same year
RubyChao: but no one knows which
RubyChao: and jumpropeman must play EVERY game released in 2008
Draco: Shannon's Tweed is 100% when you buy the sequel.
Draco: You can only 100% Shannon's Tweet if you use 128 characters or less.
Jumpropeman: every level in this game so far has the same music: a five second loop of a generic guitar verse
Gooper Blooper: sounds like money well spent
Jumpropeman: you would think being the wife of Gene Simmons could net you, i don't know, maybe some variety
Draco: She asked for some royalty-free music, but he told her to KISS his ass.
Bree: he needs that money to pay the hookers
Bree: use your own money, lady
Draco: Bree, you don't hire hookers in front of your wife. You'll learn this someday.
PREPARE YOURSELF: Of course you dont
PREPARE YOURSELF: You hire them behind your wife
PREPARE YOURSELF: Just reach over her shoulder
Gooper Blooper: I'll have you know Helios never does anything of the sort
RAPADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: (I'm listening to John Cena's theme right now because idek why)
Gooper Blooper: because you're Spy
RAPADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: (I am not suggesting you hit hookers with the AA)
Gooper Blooper: Spy does things like listen to a mashup of Bad Man, Knuckles' theme, Cena's theme and Crazy Bus simultaneously for ten hours
RAPADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: I think I'll actually try that Goops
Jumpropeman: so far, the hardest thing in Shannon Tweed's Attack of the Groupies is buying the game


Bree: would you change your name to something shorter, spy?
RAPADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO changed name to rapadoo
Bree: thank you
Bree: maximum spy is too much spy
Bree: bree can't handle the spy
rapadoo: Please
rapadoo: Stop trying
rapadoo: To handle my Spyle
rapadoo: 'Cause you can't
rapadoo: (No you can't!)
rapadoo: Handle my Spyle
rapadoo: Seriously!
rapadoo: Quit trying
rapadoo: To handle my Spyle
rapadoo: (Unless you're a lady, then you're cordially invited to have a giant slice OF MY STYYYYYYYYYYYYLE~!)
rapadoo: ./okay I'm done Strong Bading the joint up
rapadoo: . . . Wait did I forget the entire point of the pun for the last stanza
rapadoo changed name to More Like Belongs In The Trash
More Like Belongs In The Trash changed name to FailedSpy

Jumpropeman: bold and brash, more like, belongs in the trash!


RubyChao: wasn't gust originally going to die lol
Cornwind Evil: Gust fell into a void
Cornwind Evil: A void of M Sheep's RL
RubyChao: i meant
RubyChao: in the first biker battle
Gooper Blooper: Gust would have been killed by Doomrider, but he got a good streak of tractors
RubyChao: i'm rereading it and i'm pretty sure he was originally going to be killed off if not for :tractor:
RubyChao: and because of that dr. bulgrave is a good guy in seasons 3 and 4 rather than a dead villain
RubyChao: zfrp.txt
Gooper Blooper: He managed to escape and RP struck again
RubyChao: (i like dr. bulgrave so i am glad that happened :V)
Gooper Blooper: And somehow I've managed to make Blade semi-relevant again
RubyChao: "-Blade was supposed to be the important Storm Biker, what the hell :psyduck:"
Jumpropeman: *silence is joining the brawl for a monetary reward* *Fite yer' mates is currently on a shoestring budget* How's that working out for ya Silence? :V
RubyChao: silence is about to lose and get second, blade runs in with the steel chair
Jumpropeman: *Silence returns to vegas with an armful of download codes for Shannon Tweed's Return of the Groupies*


Kirby: ...what the fuck name generator
Kirby: "Dirk Light"
Kirby: Dirk isn't part of the Rockman family, get out
Gooper Blooper: Dark Light Pit


FailedSpy asked Chatzy to choose between Napoleon Bonerfarts and Other Less Gaseous Names. Chatzy chose: Napoleon Bonerfarts
Kirby: ur gased spee
FailedSpy: I'm not gassed!
FailedSpy takes three steps forward
FailedSpy runs out of breath
FailedSpy changed name to Spytista


RubyChao: goooops
RubyChao: gooooOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOoo​oooOOOOOOoooop
RubyChao has his skin fall off, turns out to be Cortz
RubyChao: *Corte
RubyChao: **CORTEZ
Jumpropeman: *Cortana
Gooper Blooper: USS Chao Can't Spell


(VGCW's Red loses again)

Cornwind Evil: THREE
Cornwind Evil: THREECornwind Evil: VOMIT


Jumpropeman: Shannon Tweed says to the groupies, "It's called extinction, look it up!" Apparently coveting her husband is worthy of mass groupie genocide


Spytista: Well
Spytista: I just used Microsoft's edit+replace function
Spytista: To rewrite the entirety of Godzilla 1998 as a Shrek movie


Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Cornwind Evil: Tractor
RubyChao: rip hector
Jumpropeman: spoilers D:
Jumpropeman: I thought he would live a long and fulfilling life, settling down and starting a family
Kirby: i think his family is already made
RubyChao: hey cw, roll?
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Cornwind Evil: .....really?
Cornwind Evil: Really?
RubyChao: WELP
Cornwind Evil: You all saw it!
Cornwind Evil: No cheating here!
RubyChao: yeah charlie won :V
RubyChao: ...oh my god
RubyChao: i rolled anyway
Kirby: he broke hector's leg
RubyChao: Congrats, Charlie, you got the most overkill pin possible


ARTPOP joined the chat
Draco: Hello, ARTPOP.


Draco: Hello, SK.
SteelKomodo: how are ya?
Draco: I'm doing okay. I made a bad life decision though: I'm trying out the Taco Bell breakfast.
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: what is that even
Draco: Well, I've got two doughy balls filled with cinnamon frosting and covered in cinnamon sugar.
Draco: Actually, no filling. Just cinnamon sugar.
SteelKomodo: WELP
Draco: And now we have a "bacon taco" which is a waffle with eggs, cheese, and bacon on the inside.
Draco: Last and probably least, it's the sausage taco, which is the bacon taco but with sausage. I can already feel the indigestion! =V
SteelKomodo: oh jesus D:
Draco: Despite these being nowhere near as good, I'm missing the waffle sandwich shop. They had good waffles and filled them with good stuff.
Draco: All in all, if the US military can't kill Godzilla, a hearty Taco Bell breakfast probably could.


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