Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 132: Botwoon Edition

RubyChao: can i just say i kind of like how quickly philander jumped in being a bad guy :V
RubyChao: like he went from asshole to murderous asshole to murderer asshole to superpowered murderer asshole in what
RubyChao: 4 days?
SteelKomodo: yeah, that was a bit quick for me
SteelKomodo: I was gonna space it out more but CW was like "DUDE WE GOTTA DO THIS"
SteelKomodo: and I was like "oh ok"
SteelKomodo: I didn't even plan for him to have lying powers :U
RubyChao: well it will be helpful with keeping him around for longer
RubyChao: *The expedition finds him standing over a dead guy holding a blood covered knife* "Did you kill him?" "No." "Okay!"
Draco: "Well, cheerio then! We're off to get our ability to discern truth from lies fixed!"
SteelKomodo: XD


Kirby: trying to resist the urge to jump into conradplot with the most adorable puff ever that would kill any and all seriousness
RubyChao: throw the kirby at the bbbbp instead
RubyChao: problem solved
RubyChao: eventually i'm just going to go out of control with that acronym
RubyChao: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbp


Gooper Blooper: >​Rusty's Real Deal Microtransactions sneaks onto my 3DS during Pokemon Bank usage
10 Things That Arent John Cena: D: Goops did you catch the Rusty virus too
Gooper Blooper: For like three seconds, Spy
Gooper Blooper: It asked if I wanted to download and I said no
Gooper Blooper: So it said "so you don't mind if we get rid of this icon"
Gooper Blooper: and away it went
10 Things That Arent John Cena: It'll be back
10 Things That Arent John Cena: 3DS update
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Go to your Miis
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Rusty's bumming on the couch
10 Things That Arent John Cena: Start up Pokemon. New mystery gift. It's Rusty
Gooper Blooper: microtransactions final boss 2014


RubyChao: posted.
RubyChao: why did i add that period
RubyChao: now it looks odd somehow


Del MK 2.0: "Too much time washing each other and not enough time washing themselves!"
Del MK 2.0: kats pls
RubyChao: #lewd
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Del MK 2.0 furious eyebrows
SteelKomodo: now I have this image of Pit in a towel holding a loofah and going "Shall I scrub your back, Okuu~?"
RubyChao: scrubbing her back turns out to be difficult, he repeatedly gets hit in the face with wings
SteelKomodo: pffft
RubyChao: "Ouch!" "Sorry!" "Oof!" "Sorry!"
Bree: Okuu decides to let Pit scrub her front instead
Bree: but Pit develops Spontaneous Anime Noseblood Syndrome and passes out
Bree: Okuu is left unwashed and very disappointed
RubyChao: "Pit, no! I thought only Dirk did that! D:"
Del MK 2.0 eyebrows intensify
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
SteelKomodo: oh god i died


iKomodo: Oh CW
iKomodo: did you catch my joke about your Christine/Succubi catfight statement?
Cornwind Evil: Yes
iKomodo: alternatively, Lisa: "JELLO WRESTLING!" *throws herself into the melee*
Bree: somehow all of the attractive ladies get dragged into it and it becomes the sexiest battle ever
Kirby: Ms. Ryoto is not happy to find herself walking into a battle royale
iKomodo: Bree pls


RubyChao: is pit going to kiss the okuu
RubyChao: he should
Draco: Oops. Tenshi somehow appeared in the boss fight and kissed Okuu Pit by accident.
iKomodo: Pitenshuho
RubyChao: utsuho is about to kiss, tenshi slams her out of the way to steal it
iKomodo: And Dirk is like PIT YOU LUCKY FUCK and Pit is like B)
RubyChao: final bosspost
RubyChao: sadly tenshi is not hijacking the relationship
RubyChao: yet


Gooper Blooper: yo dawg I heard you like viola
Bree: so i put some viola... in your...viola... no this meme just doesn't work I'm sorry
Gooper Blooper: so you can spook while you spook


RubyChao: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Richard Seed final boss 2014
RubyChao: at this point 2014 has so many final bosses they just merge together
RubyChao: into the dreaded Finalbossmass


(Ash loses a battle to Botwoon)

RubyChao: um
RubyChao: this is awkward

(Backup arrives and is still unable to defeat Botwoon)

RubyChao: botwoon i'm trying to set it up so ash can beat you
Gooper Blooper: *botwoon wiggles around like an idiot in defiance of your #MasterPlan*
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: it's a miracle :V
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
RubyChao: ...miracle over
RubyChao: :zephyrus:
Gooper Blooper: hahahahah


Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

Gooper Blooper: Ash, go home
Cornwind Evil: That's it switching to Random


RubyChao: i still find it hilarious that this was supposed to be "ash kills worm thing, goes back and tells everyone about the base"
RubyChao: and it became "worm thing beats the crap out of ash and christine, they only win by killing its master and causing it to flee"
Gooper Blooper: zfrp.txt
Gooper Blooper: Botwoon was the mastermind the whole time
RubyChao: botwoon is encountered during the major dayplot
RubyChao: ends up fleeing again
Jumpropeman: Botwoon is only being forced to work for the safety of his family. Soon, he will be a good guy who is good at cooking and gets his butt admired


Bree: if Kirby ate Celestia would he gain the power of butts?


Jumpropeman: I almost bought a gamecube once that came bundled with Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies


Gooper Blooper: "mentor someone in the art of eating"
Gooper Blooper: [sarahkin joke goes here]
Kirby: Least Kirby maintained his weight, unlike SARAH
Kirby: *shoots self for making a sarahjoke*
Gooper Blooper: sarahfood.png


(Ash kills a Space Pirate)

Jumpropeman: *Everett frowns from across Orvance at Ash*
Cornwind Evil: Ash: What?
Jumpropeman: Ash straight up cut a space pirate in half. So much for the value of life
Jumpropeman: "Tell me how this one was irredeemable trash"
Cornwind Evil: They were attacking Christine and she was in danger
RubyChao: "his name was a space pirate"
RubyChao: "he spent his entire life doing piracy in space"
Gooper Blooper: Everett proceeds to do this for every single mook in every single fight
Cornwind Evil: Ash doesn't give a toss about morality in that situation
Gooper Blooper: "WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE"
Cornwind Evil: It's called FUCK YOU AND DIE ASSHOLE
Gooper Blooper: "That one was strangling Josephine with Celestia's severed arm"
Gooper Blooper: "BUT VALUE OF LIFE"
Jumpropeman: "You kill bacteria when you wash hands. Did you not think about the bacteria's family?"
Kirby: well kirby defeated the pokemon non-lethally :U
Gooper Blooper: and that is why Everett never washes his hands
Gooper Blooper: (never eat food Everett prepared)


Draco: Oh no! Kirby defeated Viola? D=
Kirby: yiss
Jumpropeman: if Gooper hadn't wanted to show Froslass, he would've probably lost to Pumpkaboo :V
Kirby: yeah, Pumpkaboo sorta got fudged at one point because Kirby wasn't winning, but he wasn't exactly taking enough damage
Kirby: so I got the OK from goops to use higher rolls Random provided
Jumpropeman: Pumpkaboo vs. Botwoon
Kirby: the rest were legit rolls
RubyChao: Pumpkaboo and Botwoon team up for FYM
RubyChao: are undefeatable
Draco: Sorry, KIRBY, but I'm morally obligated to hate you 4eva because Pumpkaboo is my hero. ;p
Kirby: Kirby's okay with this, sorta
Draco: He won't be when he's not invited to my birthday party. BU
Draco: Just kidding. =p
Kirby: he'll have his own birthday party
Draco: With blackjack? And hookers?
Kirby: probably not with the hookers
Kirby: hookahs, we're not sure
Draco: You know what? Forget the blackjack and the birthday!


RubyChao: i'm reading more 2012 and
RubyChao: "...holy shit, it's continental drift with curves..."
SteelKomodo: #Dirk


Kirby: fearing plans that have yet to materialize
Kirby: that's me
Kirby: *sigh*
Draco: But enough about Harpy's next semester schedule.


Kirby: btw pizza is tasty


Draco: Godzilla: Other G
Gooper Blooper: Godzilla tormented by flashbacks of Destroyah killing Junior
Gooper Blooper: THE BABY


Jumpropeman: that, was not the preview button
Jumpropeman: so uh, fite's on I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Del MK 2.0: lol


Del MK 2.0: i don't know why dirk asked if he got laid when we all know he's getting some sephine
RubyChao: he's checking to make sure he doesn't unintentionally cheat on her, of course
iKomodo: XD
iKomodo: ...with Ash or Razor?
iKomodo: this is important :U
Bree: threesome
iKomodo: Oh god bree pls
iKomodo: i just aaaaughghgbgjirunbuf

(later, Cornwind is explaining a joke)

Cornwind Evil: I was actually making a OH GOD I JUST CAUGHT UP ON CHATZY
Cornwind Evil: WHY
Jumpropeman: did I miss a good butt joke? *dives back into review mode*
iKomodo: If it were just Ash, then maybe- no, sorry, can't do the joke
Bree: Dirk, you CHARLATAN
Bree: Ash is MARRIED
Bree: Dirk is a homewrecker
iKomodo: ...that's the joke :U
iKomodo: Ash rolls a one, Dirk left unsatisfied


Cornwind Evil: Does anyone besides Spy recall the origin of EXPAND DONG?
Glorious Mistress of Earth joined the chat
iKomodo: not really CW
Kirby: hello Mistress
Draco: Hello not-Bree.
Draco: If Bree is Bumble Bree, is Gaia Honey Bree or Killer Bree?
Cornwind Evil: Hey, Mistress, did you know Donkey Kong had a cartoon in the mid-90's?
Cornwind Evil: Did you know it HAD SONGS?
Cornwind Evil: The absurdity never lies
Draco: Cornwind Spyvil?
Cornwind Evil: Everyone must be Booty Boogied.
Draco: Spywind Spyvil.
Cornwind Evil: I'm as convinced I'm Spy as Donkey Kong is convinced he's someone else
Cornwind Evil:
Glorious Mistress of Earth: ... I'm scarred for life.
Cornwind Evil: Donkey Dumb.
Kirby: help
Cornwind Evil: How can I make this hurt worse
Cornwind Evil: I know
Bree: do the one with robo-DK
Kirby: CW what are you doing to this poor girl
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Please don't make me break into your house and bleach your hair.
Glorious Mistress of Earth: I will.
RubyChao: cranky just teleported
Cornwind Evil: Christine: Don't do it, don't do it, she's bluffing, I hope!
RubyChao: also link metal head
Draco: Do it, Killer Bree!
Cornwind Evil: I can't find Metal Head, I'm just a hologram
Bree: someone find Metal Head because she needs to hear it
Bree: she must hear them all
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Criminy, Bree, let me have my sanity.
Cornwind Evil: IN GLORIOUS HD
Draco: Where did Cranky get a hologram projector?
Draco: If you wanted sanity, you shouldn't have come here.
Draco sticks a straw in Gaia's head to suck out her brain.
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Rawr...My sanity, it's slowly being leached away!
Glorious Mistress of Earth: I also think I've gone tone def.
Cornwind Evil: I know what will bring it up
Cornwind Evil: LEO LUSTER
Cornwind Evil: I'm Cornwind Evil, I'm peachy keen, man it hurts to be this mean.
Draco: Diddy's voice actor should not be singing, that's for sure.
iKomodo: what the heck just happened
Draco: Eeyup.
Jumpropeman: the DK infection has spread from spy to cornwind
Kirby: but what if CW was spy all along
Draco: Is there a vaccination for this?
Glorious Mistress of Earth: *curls up in a corner, rocking back and forth* Make it go away....


Bree: "aboard the USS Starfucker"
Bree: this is why you need to join ZFRP, sister dearest
Bree: I can see it now
Glorious Mistress of Earth: *cough* Vampires? I don't know what you're insinuating.
Bree: I'm insinuating that you're obsessed with vampires
Bree: somehow, there are only two in the ZFRP right now
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Bah.
Draco: Is the Glorious Mistress of Earth one of them Twilight fans? D:
Glorious Mistress of Earth: BIT YOUR TONGUE!
Bree: no
Glorious Mistress of Earth: BITE
Bree: no she is not
Draco: Why did you bite my tongue? You didn't even buy me dinner.
Del MK 2.0: i had a character date a vampire once
Glorious Mistress of Earth: I'm forward like that.
Del MK 2.0: then he became a vampire
Del MK 2.0: lel


(Chao is watching Legend of the Crystal Coconut)

RubyChao: >​skurvy gives his gun to k. rool
RubyChao: [8:43:15 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: everyone in this show is a complete moron
iKomodo: Trufax
Draco: The truth is too painful.
Draco: Don't tell Spy that or he might die of sadness. I think he's replaced his blood with bananas.
iKomodo: Bloodnanas
iKomodo: another fucking SyFy original
Spy: RubyChao: [8:43:15 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: everyone in this show is a complete moron


Jumpropeman: so, i think it goes without saying: Sexiest Character in ZFRP: Dakota
Jumpropeman: those mountains, those plains
Draco: She's got those huge tracts of lands.
Jumpropeman: also, I haven't pointed it out before
Jumpropeman: but she's got the biggest butt in ZFRP
Jumpropeman: White Butte
Draco: Pffft. No way, bro. Celestia's got her beat.
Jumpropeman: when Dakota's butt shakes, it's literally a bootyquake
Draco: Oh my! =O
Cornwind Evil: You know, due to her robe, every time people talk about Celeste's butt this comes to mind (0:27)


Jumpropeman: now then, who will misuse magic to force Everett back to square one?
RubyChao: *victor accidentally destroys everett's lighter with magic*
Jumpropeman: *Everett accidentally destroys Victor with muscles*


Spy: I am so putting "easily tricked" for Skurvy's triple B weakness
: If he gave guns to K. ROOL of all people, I can't wait to see how hard he fucks up
GOOEY: will Skurvy's weapon be an empty mirror frame?
Spy: He'd probably bring his gun from the cartoon and smuggle his mirror frame under his hat
GOOEY: oh my god
Spy: Go to school heelin' it up
GOOEY: if Tactician enters the brawl
GOOEY: I am totally gonna have Skurvy convince Tactician that he's Tactician Kroc
GOOEY: the amnesia is already there and everything
Spy : . . .
Spy bows down to the
Spy bows down to the King


Gooper Blooper: I won't be doing any more RP tonight but I'm working on a picture
Jumpropeman: Gooper is creating a pointillist reproduction of the Sistine Chapel frescos
Jumpropeman: barring that, he might just draw a sarahkin doing something cute
Jumpropeman: both are equally likely


Kirby: did viola like the kirby hug tho
Gooper Blooper: maybe
Kirby: gasp?
RubyChao: viola liked it
RubyChao: but will never admit it
Gooper Blooper: "Tenshi, you are my *leans in* closest friend, so I will tell you my darkest secret.
Gooper Blooper: I once hugged Kirby and somewhat didn't mind."
Kirby: oh my god
RubyChao: i should find an excuse to return tenshi to the bar
RubyChao: and by excuse
RubyChao: i mean i'm doing it right now
RubyChao: because i'm tired of having her hang out in Unspecified Area of Wensdale :V
Kirby: who you gonna talk to
RubyChao: i dunno
RubyChao: that's kind of the issue lol
Kirby: oh shit I have a perfect idea
Jumpropeman: I will introduce my new character just so they can talk to Tenshi. They are a touhou that likes mangos instead of peaches. They shall become worst enemies
Gooper Blooper: "So I heard you don't really like this mango girl. If you want, I can... make sure she never bothers you again."
Spy: What are Violet's thoughts on THE BOOTY BOOGIE!?
Gooper Blooper: "The divine treasure enraptures all with its' unstoppable greed, gripping the minds of those who have always wanted something more. Desperate to give their lives meaning, they cling to the illusion of good fortune, and dance a dance of hollow puppetry."
RubyChao: viola offering to perform assassination solely on the basis of TRUE FRIENDSHIP is hilarious
Spy: ". . . Yarr, yer kind of a buzzkill"
Gooper Blooper: "Death is the ultimate buzzkill."
Spy: "I thought it be a buzzard-kill!"
Cornwind Evil: What are Viola's thoughts on Ash's horrendous Fite record
Gooper Blooper: "Once a man, now a legend, the heroic one finds himself out of his element, facing foes he does not understand and failing to adapt. Only when he learns and grows can he once more harness his full potential.""
Gooper Blooper: "So who does a methodical pace benefit, Viola?"
Jumpropeman: what does Viola think of General Motors agreeing to pay a $35 million fine to settle a federal probe into the 10-year delay of its ignition switch recall?
Gooper Blooper: "When the one in control slows the pace, it is like a cat playing with its prey before eating it. A deadly game, taunting the enemy before they are devoured."
RubyChao: "At least she knows!"
Gooper Blooper: "But some take it too far, and the prey becomes the predator."
Gooper Blooper: "So I dunno."
RubyChao: spoke too soon
Spy: . . . God damnit Viola xD
RubyChao: what are viola's thoughts on THE DREADED BOTWOON
Gooper Blooper: Viola may or may not have written Botwoon's description in the discussion thread
RubyChao: well if any woman would be aroused by monsters
RubyChao is shot


Jumpropeman: I'm RPing serious characters and Cornwind is RPing buffoons. What has happened to us
Jumpropeman: *looks longingly at a picture of Theodore Rex*


Kirby asked Chatzy to choose between lucky charms, frosted flakes and soup. Chatzy chose: lucky charms
Jumpropeman: harpy is letting machines decide on her life
Jumpropeman: they are beginning their coup
Jumpropeman: starting with a young nerdy college girl
Kirby: well i'm indecisive when it comes to food i have
Jumpropeman: one day Chatzy will tell you to eat nails, and you will have become too far gone to say no D:


Cornwind Evil: "So in Japan they released a manga tie-in to Metroid Prime 2. Which opens in a scene before the game proper. A civilian transport shuttle is under attack by Space Pirates and Samus arrives to stop them. The leader sends 100 pirates into the cargo hold after her. Samus responds by leaping across the room, scooping up a gatling gun in her free hand, and then dual wields it with her arm cannon to blow away every freakin' pirate"
Draco: Then a butterfly flapped its wing on the other side of the world and Samus' armor fell off.
Cornwind Evil: Say what you will about Ash
Cornwind Evil: At least his armor hasn't fallen off.


Jumpropeman: just found some rule 63 Mac Tonight
Jumpropeman: of course, Mackenzie Tonight was striking a sexy pose


Del MK 2.0: tak-sin has the plans
Draco: Tak-Sin is going to summon a giant Eidolon to step on the Star People!
Kirby: shit's about to get real
Del MK 2.0: that would rule
Cornwind Evil: Tak-Sin stole a Star people book
Cornwind Evil: He thought it would give him command over snakes
Cornwind Evil: He did not understand why it produced a giant stepping foot
Draco: But then Gloria totally summons a giant spider. It's at least five feet long.
Jumpropeman: Tak-Sin steals a book from the star people thinking its a magic tome. It's the Dirktionary
Draco: D8
Jumpropeman: he tries to perform an incantation he read in it, ends up rapping about Celestia's bum
Draco: He was told it's a book of Curse Words not knowing that just means it's full of profanity.
Bree: I keep reading "Celestia" and thinking Princess Celestia instead of GB's character
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: But then, like in South Park, he says a Curse Word too many times and summons a demon.
Jumpropeman: don't worry Bree, if you stay with us long enough, the reverse will happen
Draco: Bree, this is no time for a friendship letter. BU
Bree: well Princess Celestia is my desktop background right now so...I dunno
Bree: now I wanna make a "dat plot" joke about GB's Celestia
Terrible at names: Don't worry Bree, ZFRP WILL ruin everything


Draco loads Sarah into a trebuchet and launches her at the Finaltaur.
Kirby: not even fatness can kill Finaltaur. she'd just fail the nutrition final
Kirby: then chained to a desk


Kirby: i thought I lost my reeses
Kirby: it was right in front of me
Kirby: i'm horrible
Draco: You can't find a chocolate peanut butter cup in front of your face and you think you can find me? XD
Kirby: i have selective sight. i was staring at my brownie
Bree: your smell is much more pungent than that of a reeses
Draco: Harpy confirmed surrounded by chocolate. 8O
Bree: like all women should be


RubyChao: i had a revelation about the DKC plot last night that struck me like a thunderbolt
RubyChao: so: dk gets amnesia
RubyChao: skurvy convinces him he's Donkey Croc, k. rool convinces him he's Donkey Rool, the kongs failed to convince him he's Donkey Kong (until he gets his memory back)
RubyChao: what's the difference?
RubyChao: skurvy and k. rool sang
RubyChao: the moral of the story is use song to convince amnesiac people of their identity
Terrible at names: Yeeeep
Terrible at names: Pretty much


RubyChao: i got a cupcake
RubyChao: i am a 2-sarahkin hybrid
RubyChao: books and sweets
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: sadly it's only 2 because i am not an environmental activist and my butt is decidedly unfab


Gooper Blooper: Tenshi returns from the fight with a minor injury
Gooper Blooper: Looks down at it
Gooper Blooper: Looks back up, Viola is right there
Gooper Blooper: "are you okay?"
Gooper Blooper: "...I was."


Jumpropeman: There is an episode of the old Winnie the Pooh cartoon called "Things that go Piglet in the Night"
Jumpropeman: that is the laziest pun ever, and it doesn't even work


Harpy DX: Josephine prolly takes Sammy's hugsephine
Harpy DX: Sammy don't even mind
Harpy DX: Royalties
Gooper Blooper: Nah, Josephine wouldn't take it. She is, however, asking for deets on who makes them/where to order
Harpy DX: but sammy considers it a gift
Harpy DX: "if you don't want it i'm sending it to your boyfriend"
Harpy DX: "signed as you :D"
Gooper Blooper: In that case she'll happily accept! I had thought you'd meant something like Jo just walking in and taking it
Gooper Blooper: "mine"
RubyChao: josephine proceeds to do that to the entire sarah sisters corporation
RubyChao: just carries away the building
RubyChao: "mine"


RubyChao: tenshi versus osh consists entirely of osh beating on tenshi while she tanks everything
RubyChao: it ends when viola interferes
RubyChao: so when does someone walk into viola's room
RubyChao: and find that three-fourths of it is devoted to spooky shit
RubyChao: with an area reserved for tenshi
Harpy DX: she has a shrine devoted to tenshi
Harpy DX: thats not what real friends are like hoooly shiiii
RubyChao: sacrifice a peach on it daily
RubyChao: viola probably doesn't know what real friends are like
RubyChao: ...i made myself sad
Harpy DX: ...she should ask the anti-viola one day
Harpy DX: aka Sammy
Gooper Blooper: Chao is correct
Jumpropeman: Viola has a giant tenshi hug pillow
Harpy DX: woah that's another notch in creepy JRM plz
Gooper Blooper: About the friends thing, not the shrine thing
Gooper Blooper: Yet
RubyChao: goops pls
Jumpropeman: everyone plz


Cornwind Evil: The funny thing is, I really don't like corn that much
Cornwind Evil: On the cob it's awkward to eat. Off it it's just... corn.


RubyChao: i'm going to try and make progress in a game i haven't progressed in in a year and a half
RubyChao: i shall tell you how it goes


RubyChao: that went as well as expected


iKomodo: Lisa is sauntering on purpose :U
RubyChao: whadda showoff
iKomodo: more like dat ass :U
RubyChao: sorry but utsuho has no eyes for your ass, lisa
iKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: saunters past Dirk, Josephine attempts a saunter-off
Bree: Lisa clearly has the upper hand because she can GLORP her butt into any size she wants
iKomodo: Pffffft
Gooper Blooper: frustrationsephine sets in
Bree: now I'm imagining Lisa and Josephine have a twerking showdown, and Lisa is yelling "THEM BAGGY SWEATPANTS AND THE REEBOKS WITH THE STRAPS, SHE TURNED AROUND AND GIVE HER BIG BOOTY A SMACK"
Bree: Twerksephine
Bree: this
Bree: because Lisa IS the internet
Del: bree you're a natural
Bree: although I miiiight be imagining the Alvin and the Chipmunks version
Bree: I won't say either way :U
Bree: (yes, they have a chipmunks version of "Low." It was in the movie I think)
iKomodo: Barpost
Gooper Blooper: Honeypants 2: The Squeakquel
iKomodo: Oh god the chipmunks
iKomodo: don't talk to me about them
iKomodo: Also bree del is right, you are a genius
Bree: I'm flattered ;_;
Jumpropeman: *gives Bree the Nobel Prize for Butt Jokes*
Bree puts it on her mantelpiece
Bree realizes she doesn't have a mantelpiece
Bree buys a mantelpiece shaped like a giant butt


Gooper Blooper: bye guys
RubyChao: nite
RubyChao: wait
Gooper Blooper: what
RubyChao: i'm supposed to overreact aren't i
Gooper Blooper: usually, yes
Gooper Blooper: *tying ropes, clinging, etc*


Jumpropeman: I made Google + a hungry monster that wanted to devour everything in the surprise fite between Yahoo Bot and Google Bot. I had no idea how accurate that portrayal would turn out to be


Hes Twerking Maggle joined the chat


Spyback: That's part of what I love about ZFRP. Not only have we somehow gone strong for 3 years at this point, but its also a bunch of really awesome, chill people
Spyback: Always trying new things too, so you'll get the benefit of both stable RP partners AND tons of new experiences
Spyback: We be as croc as they come, Donkey Croc
Bree: >​ "tons of new experiences"
Bree: fine but you ain't stickin it in mah butt >:/
Spyback: D: Bree no this is a PG establishment
Bree: no it's not
Jumpropeman: our constant talk of butts has reached its inevitable conclusion


iKomodo:  I just figured out what Godzilla Smash3 is
iKomodo: You know those tile-matching games that also try be RPG's?
iKomodo: that's what it is
iKomodo: it's Bookworm Adventures with a giant radioactive dinosaur
iKomodo: It's pretty cool, but then again I like to keep going back to the title screen just to hear that roar
iKomodo: gjves me chills
Gooper Blooper: I was watching a couple of those Two Best Friends Godzilla Week videos after Spy brought them up and one of them said the same thing about Godzilla Generations Maximum Impact
Gooper Blooper: He roars when you press start and he was like "THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN WITH EVERY GAME THIS WEEK"
iKomodo: Welp
iKomodo: I gotta go watch those
Gooper Blooper: I loved their Save The Earth/Unleashed combo video
Gooper Blooper: Their reactions to the attacks are wonderful
iKomodo: Right, you've convinced me
iKomodo: i'm watching em
Gooper Blooper: Enujoy!
Gooper Blooper: And enjoy, as well. Enujoy is like what Hitomi would say
Gooper Blooper: ENUJOYU

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