Friday, January 24, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 105: Accidental God Cleffa

Gooper Blooper: At this point in time, aside from some building interiors, transition screens and other miscellanea
Gooper Blooper: all of the SaRahPG maps I still need to make are in the final "world", the second-to-last "world", or the postgame
Gooper Blooper: That's still like two dozen maps though so it'll be a while yet
Gooper Blooper: not counting postgame
YES: What about
YES: The Super Mario World
Gooper Blooper: You'll have to reenact your Mama Luigi interactive dreams elsewhere
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: Mama Luigi the text adventure
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: obvious exits are north, south and down
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: >​down
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: You fall for hours!
YES: Use: Magic Balloon
YES: . . . Come to think of it what was even the point of the Magic Balloon
YES: He kinda floated for a bit, then it popped and he fell anyway
SteelKomodo: "That wasn't very smart. Your score was: 0"
Gooper Blooper: It was a Hope Spot
Gooper Blooper: He thought he was safe but it ran out
SteelKomodo: no luigi i'm sick of that fucking story
SteelKomodo: no-one fucking cares, luigi


YES: The Highest Quality Version of the Link: The Faces of Evil Intro Ever
SteelKomodo: jesus that's some high quality
Gooper Blooper: All CD-i cutscenes transferred to Blu-Ray and screened in movie theaters
SteelKomodo: ...that would actually be a terrible idea goops D:
SteelKomodo: and it would be worse if they got critically acclaimed
RubyChao: CD-i takes the world by storm
SteelKomodo: five stars from Film Magazine
RubyChao: given 5 stars by everyone
SteelKomodo: an oscar for King Harkinian as best supporting actor
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: changing the quality doesn't do much
SteelKomodo: Ganon gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, alongside Godzilla
SteelKomodo: Both games are selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Gooper Blooper: Eventually, hundreds of years from now, the other Zelda games are lost to time
Gooper Blooper: but Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamelon, and that third one nobody talks about are remembered forever
SteelKomodo: ...what kind of horrible future have we created D:


Harpy: "justice-dono"
Harpy: blackquill confirmed weeb
RubyChao: he's mega samurai weeb


SteelKomodo: Darn it now I'm trying to think of wrasslin stuff Carol would have
Cornwind Evil: "Breaky breaky legs..."
Gooper Blooper: *smashes steel chair over opponent* "Oh no, I bent it! I'll fix it." *flips it over, smashes again*


YES: Osh is training nonstop for the Big Bar Brawl
YES: Occasionally pausing to catch up on his reading
Gooper Blooper: Gloria is reading nonstop for the Big Bar Brawl, occasionally pausing to catch up on her training
YES: The Wheelers are busy trying to find the source of a strange disturbance on a few Pacific islands
Harpy: Carlos is finding out the bad news about Augusta
Cornwind Evil: Sine's setting stuff up with Daniel and Carol and Robbie and whatnot.
Gooper Blooper: "Carlos I'm afraid I have some sad news" "Sine how did you even find out about this"
YES: Zeph has been trying to get back in fighting shape between jobs
Cornwind Evil: False ID's, schools, jobs, education, medical treatment for Daniel
Cornwind Evil: Hypotenuse is building her new body for the next BBB
YES: At this point heir income is a split between his police work and Osh joining all kinds of fight clubs
RubyChao: what about Josephine
Cornwind Evil: Bluejay's faffing around the ZFS
Harpy: Sine keeps up with everything
YES: Sometimes Osh comes home in one piece, sometimes Zeph has to drag him out. It depends
SteelKomodo: Pit and Dirk are being Pit and Dirk, Carol is with Sine as CW just said, Stan's with Gemma, Glacius is at home with his feet up and Rock is with his family and son
RubyChao: utsuho's in gensokyo soon to meet tenshi and spark things for next year
Harpy: she knows about crazy farmer's ploy to make a skatepark out of augusta and other weird shit happening
Cornwind Evil: Lyall's investigating a strange meeting of haruspex: they don't work together
Cornwind Evil: And depending on what Pozzo is doing making his life a misery
YES: Skurvy is roaming the seven seas
RubyChao: cleft and robot are on a Mysterious Planet an di will figure them out later
Cornwind Evil: The Foundry is setting up civlilization on their planet and may or may not guest star
Gooper Blooper: Josephine is probably checking out that pharmacy she got from David in between quality family time and Dirkdates
Cornwind Evil: If Ariel wants some muscle though, she just has to call.
Harpy: Carla's doing what carla does best
Harpy: being absolutely adorable
RubyChao: victor's wandering the land
YES: Osh is also currently Zeph's fite coach
Cornwind Evil: Bracha is flying through space like a living comet that happens to have just had the crap kicked out of them
SteelKomodo: The three hunters? Still ambitious, now successful!


RubyChao: hi hary
Harpy: what
Harpy: whaaat
RubyChao: *hapy
RubyChao: **harpy
Draco: Hairy Harpy
Harpy: ruby you're drunk, you can't even spell my name right
Draco: Give him a break, RedSpy.
Draco: *Harpy
Draco: =p
Draco: NO
Harpy: what is even going on anymore


Harpy: oh god i am doing it
Harpy: i'm showing an outsider a chatzy madness
Greece Lightning: oh lord
Greece Lightning: which one?
Harpy: I'm trying to pick out the best one
Harpy: one that has the least amount of in-jokes
Harpy: or at least in-jokes I can explain
Greece Lightning: i am doing a quick scan
Greece Lightning: there is no hope
Greece Lightning: all chatzy madnesses mention a sarahkin at least once
Greece Lightning: it is law
Greece Lightning: Gooper's Law
Greece Lightning: or Dirk
Harpy: shit

Harpy: goops i need you do make a chatzy madness, just one, without injokes
Greece Lightning: maybe if we made a worst of chatzy madness
Greece Lightning: and is just like, all the really awkward times when people try to get a dead chatroom talking
Greece Lightning: then there would be no in-jokes
Greece Lightning: or humor
Greece Lightning: or anything worth reading!
Harpy: hahaha
Harpy: also he goes by Waddler
Greece Lightning: love the name
Harpy: he's a kirby fan, so no wonder xD
Greece Lightning: he should RP some Kirbys :D
Greece Lightning: i guess he should RP Waddle Dees
Greece Lightning: too bad Erebus and Pech killed them all
Harpy: haw
Harpy: oh god how do I even explain that to him
Greece Lightning: "One time we made the mistake of bringing two space marines whose millenia long lives had been all about murdering everything they saw to the cutest place imaginable"
Harpy: "we"
Harpy: you mean me
Harpy: never forget
Greece Lightning: if you wish to take credit for the massacre, be my guest :V
Greece Lightning: as the chief purveyor of blood sports, I approve


RubyChao: dirk_at_the_movies.gif


Baddest Rat: Atari Anthology for 3 bucks.
Baddest Rat: should i get it
Draco: YES.
Baddest Rat: Gooper, where are you when I need you most >​_>​
Baddest Rat: Ant Bully: Also 3 bucks
Baddest Rat: I CAN'T DECIDE
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: Get Bad Rats.
Baddest Rat: i've 100% bad rats now
Draco: Ah.
Draco: Then tell me where you live so I can send you Cory in the House on DS.
Baddest Rat: however, i did find a sweet deal on the N64 game Rat Attack
Baddest Rat: its mean to get a guy's hopes up Draco
Draco: What? D=
Baddest Rat: you can't just say you would put Cory in MY House like that.
Draco: What's wrong with Cory? >​=U
Baddest Rat: nothing, he's perfect, but I am not yet worthy of his grace
Draco: You are worthy when HE says you're worthy and - Cory help us - he says you're worthy.
Baddest Rat: you tempt me draco, but i shan't accept a handout unless I can reciprocate it somehow
Baddest Rat: how many copies of Bad Rats would you want in return?


Gooper Blooper: let's see how fast Akinator can guess Sarah now
Harpy: not fast enough
Gooper Blooper: Question 23: does your character wear a hood
Gooper Blooper: *sweating intensifies*
Harpy: *muffled "CORNERED!" in the background*


Harpy: and two: should I go all out sarah and walk to the one place where they have good shakes
Gooper Blooper: what kind of shakes
Harpy: chocolate milkshakes
Gooper Blooper: yes
Harpy: i am intensifying, yes


YES: Some half-tapogre named TheDongKong joined a friend's stream once shrieking about boner porn
YES: It was . . . an experience
Harpy: what
Harpy: did you screenshot that
YES: (Fortunately he left once we logic bomb'd him, asking why a stream of 5 people watching Garry's Mod would have any interest in his dong expanding)
Draco: =I
YES: (Also giving him a reminder to leave us alone and go protect his banana pile)
Harpy: I'm
Harpy: I believed in you spy
Harpy: but now
YES: He wasn't even a spambot. He was an actual human being. The fucker even made an Expand Dong joke
Harpy: its over
YES: Live tapogres in the wild. I wonder if he knows Naked Julia . . .
Harpy: what's the story behind naked julia
Gooper Blooper: Naked Julia was a VGCW tapogre who kept showing up in the chat
YES: ^
Gooper Blooper: Much as we call spambots tapogres, VGCW fans now call all spambots "Naked Julia"
YES: Naked Julia x TheDongKong
Gooper Blooper: It's their Tramadol
Harpy: ahahaha wow
Draco throws RedSpy some tramadol.


Gooper Blooper: Once again Ariel sighs at the quality of the "allies" she is given
RubyChao: "Turns out that Ricardo's fifty thousand watt floodlights and electric robot librarian servants are mildly wasteful."
YES: Ricard please
YES: How did you even get that tech on Orvance
Gooper Blooper: Rich lazy snob Gloria
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: She didn't even build the robots, Celestia did
RubyChao: ariel tearfully confronts her sister


Harpy: I need to get Y so I can see if my friend safari is shit
Gooper Blooper: I checked your safari, remember Harpy? You can't visit your own safari
Harpy: well i meant once i beat it you can check it again :U
Gooper Blooper: Yes!
Gooper Blooper: and Cleffa will help
Harpy: please be ninetails, final poke
Harpy: plz
Harpy: Cleffa will break the game and she won't even evolve
Gooper Blooper: Cleffa evolves with friendship, no way you won't make friends with Sammy The Cleffa
SteelKomodo: :3
Harpy: i'm gonna be spending half the game just playing with my pokemon
Harpy: feed sammy all the food
Gooper Blooper: I think SK missed the picture of Sammy The Cleffa
SteelKomodo: I did
Gooper Blooper: here she is
Gooper Blooper: she already found some candy
SteelKomodo: d'aaaaaaaw :3
SteelKomodo: ...Pffft bashful
SteelKomodo: that's not Sammy :U
Gooper Blooper: The moveset and nature wound up being fitting by accident. Sammy's not bashful usually, but she USED to be
Harpy: that can be taken two ways
Gooper Blooper: And while Cleffa can't learn any electric moves besides Thunder Wave, Clefairy can, and Cleffa evolves by happiness
Harpy: she's also bashful in that she bashes enemies heads in
Draco: =U
Harpy: clefairy is my favorite pokemon
Harpy: from Gen 1
Gooper Blooper: So it wound up symbolizing Sammy getting confidence and unlocking her electric powers
SteelKomodo: I c
Harpy: i don't care how much it sucks I WILL FUCKING DESTROY EVERYTHING WITH CLEFAIRY
SteelKomodo: Awesome
Gooper Blooper: Psychic because psychic, Return because friendship attack on friendship evolver
SteelKomodo: RP ruins everything
Draco: I challenge you to battle my Jigglypuff. =U
Gooper Blooper: And as for Attract, well, it worked for Draco's Goomy
Draco: It worked very well. I used it more than just for beating JRM.
Harpy: Sammy can be attractive when she wants to be
Harpy: wonk
Gooper Blooper: Now I have to go check her characteristic because I forgot to check it
Gooper Blooper: If it's Loves To Eat I swear to god
Gooper Blooper: Sammy's characteristic iiiiiiis
Gooper Blooper: "Capable of taking hits"
Harpy: so her best IV is defense it seems
Harpy: or is that HP? I dunno
Harpy: *used to do IV breeding*
YES: Defense
YES: And it very well could be a 31
SteelKomodo: Yissssss
Gooper Blooper: Yeah just looked it up
Gooper Blooper: Her Defense IV is one of the following: 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31
Harpy: oh god if she has a perfect defense IV I will laugh
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna see what the Kiloude City IV Judge Guy says about Sammy
Gooper Blooper: "This Pokemon has outstanding potential overall."
Harpy: what
Harpy: WHAT
Gooper Blooper: "Its greatest potential lies in its Defense stat."
Gooper Blooper: "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat!"
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: #SAMM1C4L
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
Harpy: IV 31 in defense
YES: Osh is proud robit
Harpy: what about the others? :U
Harpy: shamelessly gonna EV train her to be the best
Gooper Blooper: That's all he says. However, based on his comment about "outstanding"
Gooper Blooper: Sammy The Cleffa's average IV is 28 or higher
Harpy: shit man
Gooper Blooper: I accidentally bred a god cleffa
Harpy: and this was probably unintentional
Harpy: hahahaha oh my god
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: gonna fucking wreck face
Gooper Blooper: I only made one egg and did nothing special
Harpy: thanks goops, best present ever
Gooper Blooper: The nature is neutral but that's fine for maingame
Harpy: who says I'm even gonna use her in competitions
Gooper Blooper: Now just get pogeys so you can get her before the first gym and commence the hype
Harpy: super hypey
Gooper Blooper: picturing a cleffa with square-frame glasses now


YES changed name to SIERRA
SIERRA changed name to PAPA
PAPA changed name to YANKEE
YANKEE changed name to S.P.Y.


Draco: This one time my buddy Keith and I tried to get to the moon, but no matter how many time we tried lighting our farts, all we did was burn our butts.


Gooper Blooper: box full of cleffa
SuperHarpioRPG: can I have all of them
SuperHarpioRPG: please
The Drunkleter: harpy
The Drunkleter: i think you have a cleffa problem
The Drunkleter: this is an intervention from a drunk dude about your pokemon problem
SteelKomodo: XD
SuperHarpioRPG: dude I have a box full of eevees i have more than just a problem
SuperHarpioRPG: i have
SuperHarpioRPG: "i am a girly girl" disorder
Gooper Blooper: I found cleffa gifs
SuperHarpioRPG: oh god what have you done
The Drunkleter: goops no you're feeding her habit
GB: more
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd
Corporate Spy: Cleffa In Calamity
The Drunkleter: i'm calling the pogeycops
Gooper Blooper: and now
RubyChao: cleffas everywhere
Gooper Blooper: CRITICAL MASS
The Drunkleter: you're a sick sick man goops
SuperHarpioRPG: no please


Corporate Spy: >​friend makes a joke about bread
Corporate Spy: Must
Corporate Spy: Resist
Corporate Spy: Urge
Corporate Spy: To Skeiron


Gooper Blooper: I noticed another ship in that Klingon war called something like USS Honeychubs or something
Gooper Blooper: Draco is not alone in his shenanigans in the star trek universe
Draco: Sarah's next ship will be the Eagleman.
Gooper Blooper: sarah's got something for youuuu
SuperHarpioRPG: she shits out candy and cupcakes
SuperHarpioRPG: that's not a pleasant thing to imagine
Eaglespy: Harpy pls
Gooper Blooper: XD
The Drunkleter: harpy y
SuperHarpioRPG: because I feel you all deserve to suffer as I have
The Drunkleter: look she EATS candy and cupcakes thats like the entire opposite end
The Drunkleter: how do you confuse the two
SuperHarpioRPG: it just passes right through and goes straight to the pooper
The Drunkleter: you're gross
The Drunkleter: i won't stand for it
Eaglespy: Maybe if she's a protostome instead of a deuterostome
SuperHarpioRPG: your face
Gooper Blooper: she poops rainbows
SuperHarpioRPG: woah we just got some science up in this shit


Baddest Rat: some guy thought you were a new player
Baddest Rat: did you play Star Trek Online a lot before making Sarah?
Draco: Yes. I have four max-level characters.
Baddest Rat: ah, so you are a total n00b
Draco: I make wondrous and amazed comments as if it were my first time seeing these places.
Baddest Rat: sarah's childlike innocence makes her sound like a complete noob
Baddest Rat: but thats why we like her!
Draco: Indeed. Then, after a bottle of wine, she had a lightsaber duel with another bar patron that devolved into an air guitar contest.
Draco: Not 'cause she drank too much; it was just plain fun.


The Wankah of Jarate Street: you watch, my fanfiction about sniper ripping people off with crappy hats will become a blockbuster some day


SteelKomodo: Guys help
SteelKomodo: i can't stop listening to Mariachi Madness
The Wankah of Jarate Street: chatzy mariachi madness


Monsieur Cheeks rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Monsieur Cheeks: . . .
SteelKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
SteelKomodo: jesus I'm holding on to that
SteelKomodo: it may come in handy
Monsieur Cheeks: ZFRP starts
Monsieur Cheeks: Rock and Osh come out of the starting gate dual-20ing a tutorial enemy
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: RIP Pinchman, died to dual-20s


Until my fingers break . . .: The Binding Labyrinth of QWOPtodad's Home Run Boat-o-Cross


Gooper Blooper: The WWE's royal rumble is next week and people are making jokes about it
Gooper Blooper: ">​Number #30 counts down and then nothing happens
>​Suddenly Wade Barret's disembodied voice comes over the sound system
>​Suddenly the ring starts to shake and a few people are thrown over the ropes
>​The canvas rips and a few more people jump over the ropes
>​Wade's podium raises through the ring till he's standing 6ft above the ring
>​The final guy tries to climb the podium but Woi starts shaking it and the guys falls out of the ring

Gooper Blooper: "No one gets eliminated the entire rumble.
Once all 30 men enter the ring, they all look at each other, smirk and all self eliminate themselves at the same time.
All 30 men get a title shot at wrestlemania
SteelKomodo: XD
Until my fingers break . . .: John Cena vs. The World
Gooper Blooper: "A guy comes out with, like, a big harness thing that's attached to the rafters. Every time they try to throw him out, he is prevented from hitting the floor by the harness. He could even just dangle above the ring whilst the match was going, waiting to eliminate the last competitor."
Gooper Blooper: "there's 2 people left in the ring fighting and they eliminate each other together as #30 comes out with an automatic win"
Gooper Blooper: imagine the boos if some asshole won this way
Draco: I'd laugh.


The Wankah of Jarate Street: piglet the murderer
Gooper Blooper: piglet no
Gooper Blooper: fuck off piglet
Saberwulf: Hahaha


Saberwulf: I have to find a suitably brick shithouse pic for Zoe's bodyguard
Saberwulf: Just the absolute most fucking hulked out space knight in existence because her family has more cash than the entire Hub
Saberwulf: I'm basically looking to find a really manly looking armor suit but the character identifies as a woman and will chop you in half with a seven foot tall sword if you try to shame people for their personal choices
Gooper Blooper: haha, nice
Gooper Blooper: And then Wulf introduces a Sancsaron-esque character for the sole purpose of killing off to show off the bodyguard
Saberwulf: I probably will do that
Gooper Blooper: yay, establishing character moments
Saberwulf: All the crushed bones for cissaron


The Tableter: You are now imagining jonesy in a onesie eating ice cream and watching iron man
Saberwulf: I can picture it vividly
Gooper Blooper: off_hours_jonesy.jpg
The Tableter: I'm glad you can wulf because that is why she is not in rp next year
Saberwulf: Pff
Saberwulf: To have my own spin on that, imagine David in gym shorts and a 'best booty in bangkok 1997' belly shirt draped over a couch like a towel watching anime while his wife yells at him to get a hobby
Saberwulf: And that's why he isn't in this year
RubyChao: "You spent last year turning into a giant snake and coming back from cancer, you could at least get a job and pull your weight around here!"
Gooper Blooper: A peaceful Florida Everglades afternoon is interrupted by Widow Maker ambushing a twelve-foot alligator
Gooper Blooper: That evening she's eating gator steak and playing a GameCube
Saberwulf: David would basically wiggle in protest and whine like a five year old because he's dumb
Saberwulf: And Chet would just keep trying to get Jasmine to sit down and watch the show with them because "Japanese animation has so much cultural value" and they're fucking losers
Saberwulf: I should totally write a one off about everyone's vacation
Saberwulf: Loser Quest 95 AUC
Gooper Blooper: How I Spent My Radioactive Vacation
Saberwulf: The exciting adventure as David and Chet blow up a city block trying to find a new betamax player after Jasmine throws theirs out the window


Until my fingers break . . .: . . . I FOUND IT
Until my fingers break . . .: I FUCKING FOUND IT
Until my fingers break . . .: I FOUND DADDY'S LOVE
Until my fingers break . . .: 100% ITEM GET
Draco applauds.
Harpy: wow Spy
Harpy: you're a fucking sadist just for 100%
The Tableter: Well done you broken twisted shell of a man


RubyChao: just imagine samus in the middle of a stadium's bleachers
RubyChao: people cheering and waving around her
RubyChao: samus showing no reaction
Gooper Blooper: yes
RubyChao: of course in samus' case we'd have a montage where we can see her stoically sitting through a variety of different activities
RubyChao: utsuho can be seen participating in all of them
Gooper Blooper: "Are you feeling it now, Samus?"
Gooper Blooper: "I feel like a total zoomer head."


Dacro: For the record, the only game I have 100% was the King Kong XBox game 'cause it had easy achievements and only one secret.
Dacro: And you can tell it was an early launch multi-platform game 'cause the achievements are like "KONG IS ON THE LOOSE" with no context to how you earned it.
Baddest Rat: obviously, you have to take off his leash
Dacro: Why didn't I think of that?!
Dacro throws himself on Sarah's phaser rifle.
Baddest Rat: once again, Sarah has managed to murder the massive dragon
Dacro: He'll respawn in 15 seconds though.


Baddest Rat: I like how Skeiron constantly blows up in the videos while Shelby never broke down once
Dacro: It's because the shields are a loaf of bread.
Baddest Rat: i believe it is the pilot's fault
Baddest Rat: she is eating the loaf of bread instead of piloting
Dacro: She's got to eat something since they shut down Planet Pie Contest.


NEPTUUUUUUUUNESPY: So, want to see the most hilarious bit of game censorship ever?
Athena Cykes: yes

(Spy vanishes from Chatzy and doesn't reappear)

Dacro: Apparently the game censorship was so strong it stopped Spy from revealing it.


Draco: Der Fuhrer's Face is the best cartoon because it has Donald Duck shoving his ass in Hitler's face.

1 comment:

  1. Bastita didn't win that way. There were still many, MANY boos.
