Saturday, January 11, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 102: Hankmass

SteelKomodo: so bro
SteelKomodo: um, actually this is better for skype, since harpy won't have a clue what we're on about :U


RubyChao: so does anyone want to know about a 2014 idea i decided to scrap
Year Of GB: Chaotting Room Floor
RubyChao: the very first edition
RubyChao: i need to have more ideas so i can cut them and then tell you guys about them
Highway to Del: oh boy
SteelKomodo: lolz
RubyChao: this touhou gal has fire powers and is phoenix-themed, i was originally considering having her show up in 2014 and being sort of a foil to utsuho
RubyChao: but my plans changed and she got cut
Year Of GB: She even looks like Bizarro Utsuho
RubyChao: fun fact i would have most likely introduced her as my 2014 lotto character :V
Year Of GB: and then she gets third
Highway to Del: bizzarsuho


Year Of GB: top quality porting job (spoilers for the first Phoenix Wright game)
Year Of GB: "when the victim was died"
Highway to Del: amazing


Baking Balls joined the chat
Year Of GB: spy please
Baking Balls: I'm making meatballs
Baking Balls: Surely there is no other way this name can be taken


Cornwind Evil: I figured out what happened to Mengsk
Cornwind Evil: He was punished by being put in another video game series
Cornwind Evil: Specifically, The Last Of Us
Cornwind Evil: (Tell me Mengsk and Joel don't look very alike)
Baking Balls: I thought he was stuck in a neverending space trial
Baking Balls: Forever in line behind Ed
Year Of GB: The ZFRP Trial Curse
Cornwind Evil: We REALLY should decide how that ended Del
Baking Balls: Pleasantly Voiced Jaws is still giving a testimony long enough to be is own chapter in a Phoenix Wright game
Highway to Del: er
Cornwind Evil: Figure out a summary of events or something
Baking Balls: Its been a whole year now and he's still talking about voodoo curses
Highway to Del: mengsk was found guilty
Highway to Del: eventually
Year Of GB: =O
Highway to Del: oh come on
Highway to Del: even if you ignore his utter simplification in starcraft 2, he killed like a jillion people by luring zerg to a populated world
Highway to Del: literal hitler
Year Of GB: *guilty verdict, confetti*


Year Of GB: the username is because I gave up waiting for Pokemon Bank and began playing Dream Team
Highway to Del: hell yeah
Year Of GB: pretty sure I'm done with the constant tutorials
Highway to Del: you're mario
Highway to Del: if you didn't know you can jump then i'm sorry
Highway to Del: but there's no help
SteelKomodo: XD
Baking Balls: The tutorials
Baking Balls: They still haunt me


Baking Balls: hmmm . . . I want to post an ASCII image of Hank Hill into the chatzy
Baking Balls: But I just KNOW Hank is going to denature and melt
Baking Balls: Should I anyway?
Draco: Yes.
Year Of GB: I attempted to post an ASCII Santa on Christmas but it looked distorted in the typing box
Year Of GB: the font change ruins it
Baking Balls: I know, I just want to see how hilariously misshapen Hank gets
Baking Balls: ………………_„-,-~”~”’:::”:::’​:::::”::::”~-,~„ ………._,-”::::::::::::::::​:::::::::::::::::::::::”​-„ ………..,-‘::::::::::::::::​::::::::::::::::::::::::​:::::: | ………,-‘::::::::::::„:„„-~​-~—’~-‘~—~-~—~—~„:,’ ……..,’::::::::::,~”: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ‘-| ……..|::::::::,-‘: : : : : : : : - -~””¯¯”-„: : : : : : ……..|:::::::: |: : : : : : : : : _„„—~””’~-„: : : : : ‘| ……..’|:::::::,’: : : : : : :_„„-: : : : : : : : ~—„_: |’ ………|:::::: |: : : „—~~”’~~””””-„…_..„~””””​””¯¯|¯”, ………|:::::,’:_„„-|: : :_„—-~: : : |”¯¯””|: ~—-„_: |¯¯| ……..,~-,_/”: : : |: : (_ o__): : |: : : : |: (_o__): .. | ……../,’-,: : : : : ”-,_______,-”: : : : ”-„______-‘ ……..: : |: : : : : : : : : : : : : :„: : : : :-,: : : : : : ………’,:’: : : : : : : : : : : : :,-‘__: : : :_’,: : : : ,’ ……….’-,-‘: : : : : :___„-: : :”: : ¯”~~”: ‘: : ~—|’ ………….|: ,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : | ………….’|: : : : : : : : : -,„_„„-~~—~—„_: : : | …………..|: : : : : : : : : : : : :———-~: : : : : | …………..|: :”-,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : | …………..’,: : :”-, : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,’ ……………| : : : : : : : : :_ : : : : : : : : : : ,-‘ ……………|: : : : : : : : : : ”’~—————~”: :,’ …………._|: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : | ……….„-”. ‘-,_: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,’ ……,-”… . . ”’~-„_: : : : : : : : : : : : :,-”’-„ █▀█░█▀█░█▀█░█▀█░█▀█░█▄░█​░█▀▀░░ █▀▀░█▀▄░█░█░█▀▀░█▀█░█▀██​░█▀░░░ ▀░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░░░▀░▀░▀░░▀​░▀▀▀░▀
Baking Balls: . . . Its worse than I thought but more beautiful than I ever imagined
Year Of GB: jesus christ
Year Of GB: it's hankmass
Year Of GB: hide the coal
SteelKomodo: OH GOD D:
SteelKomodo hides
Baking Balls: He's unrecognizeable
Baking Balls: Except the eyes
Baking Balls: Always watching
Baking Balls: Dangit bobby
Cornwind Evil: That ASCII ain't right.
Highway to Del: what the fuck


Year Of GB: rip swapnote
Year Of GB: you can doodle in miiverse but there's nowhere to spam my doodles of white mages
RubyChao: include an art gallery in SaRahPG
RubyChao: make it all your white mage doodles


hgjgk joined the chat
hgjgk: Fuck it I'm out of name ideas
RubyChao: name yourself Spyshine
RubyChao: after all you've already been Ashuraspy
hgjgk changed name to Spysephine
Spysephine changed name to Spyphyrus
Spyphyrus changed name to Spysuffixes
Harpy changed name to An Actual Birdlady
Spysuffixes changed name to Spyprefixes?
Spyprefixes? changed name to Ashuraspy
Ashuraspy changed name to Throwsespy
Throwsespy changed name to egg

An Actual Birdlady: tweet


Ruby Shogun: hey guys do you want to know a fun fact
Ruby Shogun: SaRahPG is what got me to actually start reading ZFRP
Year Of GB: this is true
Ruby Shogun: basically after goops had told me about all the exciting elements of zfrp i was hyped but still not ready to tackle it due to size
Ruby Shogun: but then he was like "check it out i'm making a game about one of the characters you should read the RP" and i finally plunged forth and did it
Year Of GB: And I only made the game because of saralex
Year Of GB: Basically Widow Maker's heart attack caused General Cleft to win the big bar brawl
Year Of GB: one vote
Ruby Shogun: and to think i only entered him because i remembered my go-to OC at the last minute


Highway to Del: also i found another problem with simcity 5 and it's incredible
Saberwulf: pff
SteelKomodo: oh lawd, the ride never ends
Highway to Del: the megatowers of cities of tomorrow can have industry, commerical and residential levels
Highway to Del: and their own services and whatnot
Highway to Del: now some of those services, such as the power crown, apply their effects to the whole city
Highway to Del: but the residential, industry etc levels don't do anything for city-wide district demand
Highway to Del: so you can have like literally 6000 low wealth workers in a megatower but it has no effect on low wealth worker demand
Highway to Del: and shops will close due to "lack of workers"
Highway to Del: fucking incredible
Saberwulf: hahahaha
Saberwulf: God that game is such shit


RubyChao: oh hey i remember the first time i read this
Highway to Del: oh god no
Highway to Del: facebook rp
Highway to Del: shit
Highway to Del: fuck
Saberwulf: Piss
Highway to Del: dicks
Saberwulf: I saw vamphog and my eyes retracted into my skull
Highway to Del: reading that is more painful than being tasered
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: bugger?
Saberwulf: pff


Cornwind Evil: A MECHANIC
Gooper Blooper: GASP
Cornwind Evil: A mechanic with ARM TASSELS
Cornwind Evil: So much beard
Cornwind Evil: How much beard?
Cornwind Evil changed name to Beardwind Beard
Beardwind Beard: That much
Gooper Blooper: *lights lantern* WE'RE BEARD *blows lantern out*
Beardwind Beard: The excess amount of beard did not help them
An Actual Birdlady: so much beard


|__)__) (__(__|: You are tasked with becoming the greatest real estate mogul to grace the world of arts and crafts. You must run around collecting furniture to pimp out your pad and cash to buy more furniture, then create the best apartment complex known to man. Oh, sometimes you fight bosses and save the world too, but that's not nearly as important.
|__)__) (__(__|: Quickly which game is this!
An Actual Birdlady: Kirby's Epic Yarn
An Actual Birdlady: 2easy
|__)__) (__(__|: Good, good
|__)__) (__(__|: How about this?
|__)__) (__(__|: You are the servant of a goddess who hates the dark forces of the Underworld but hates left handed people more, enduring endless hand cramps to progress from one bit of hilarious dialogue to the next.
SteelKomodo: pffffft
SteelKomodo: Kid Icarus Uprising


Gooper Blooper: And then Spy became a nudist
Highway to Del: hahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
|__)__) (__(__|: . . . I'm doing it


An Actual Birdlady: disclaimer: no yursarsh stuff will be done this year, and if there is, it will be very minor compared to psychic stuff
Draco: D8
Draco: But who will make Bender waffles?
An Actual Birdlady: sammy
Draco: OKAY.
Draco: 5-month-long "Sammy making waffles" plot.
An Actual Birdlady: not sure if serious or not
Draco: I'm serious if you are.


Gooper Blooper: So if you can name the playable characters in Bravely Default and I name them after kobbers again
Gooper Blooper: this is apparently what Sarah will look like
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: sarah
Highway to Del: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: sarah's feeling saucy
SteelKomodo: i don't think you're meant to wear that D:
Saberwulf: Sarah is suddenly a model for Purnima's new line
SteelKomodo: that's less Alex-attracting and more Dirk-attracting
An Actual Birdlady: what
Saberwulf: Cocoon by Purnima
Highway to Del: sveltana's
SteelKomodo: but then Dirk would get stabbed repeatedly if he tried
Gooper Blooper: it's deadly efficent
An Actual Birdlady: that looks like something [REDACTED] would wear
SteelKomodo: lolz
Gooper Blooper: Dirk trying to hit on Sarah would piss off like
Gooper Blooper: fifty characters
An Actual Birdlady: also thanks for reminding me I need to play the demo
Gooper Blooper: a lot of lines cross there
SteelKomodo: it would
An Actual Birdlady: Alex is one of them, unless this is before things happened
Saberwulf: David would hunt him down and shave him with an epilator
An Actual Birdlady: if it was before, he'd just slink away in shame because he'll never be that slick
Gooper Blooper: Dirk attempts a pairing with a new sarahkin every year
Saberwulf: Dirky Bravo
Gooper Blooper: "Man I'm pretty"
Highway to Del: jonesy would leave a zerg head in his bed
SteelKomodo: Everyone Hates Dirk
SteelKomodo: "I ONLY SAID SHE LOOKED NICE D:" "Um... not in so many words, bro ._."
|__)__) (__(__|: Bravely Default pls these kids were 15 in the original Japanese
Gooper Blooper: hardcore cuddling


SteelKomodo: I'm reading How To Swear Around The World The Dirktionary again
SteelKomodo: there's some tasty Irish curses in there I could have Pit or Dirk throw at people
Gooper Blooper: Dirktionary Volume II receives confused reviews from people who expected more of the same but got Reformed Dirk
|__)__) (__(__|: Dirktionary II
SteelKomodo: i dunno, goops :U
Gooper Blooper: Jo-Jo: (noun) SHE'S MINE
|__)__) (__(__|: With words like "Jo-Jo"
|__)__) (__(__|: DAMNIT
SteelKomodo: he's reformed on the outside, but inside...
RubyChao: what does the dirktionary say about pit's girlfriend :V
RubyChao: </totallynotbiased>​
SteelKomodo: Okuu: (noun) Pit's squeeze. Do not touch if you value your limbs, life or both.
RubyChao: pffft


Gooper Blooper: Chao I saw you post this earlier
Gooper Blooper: and my thought was
Gooper Blooper: alex_and_sarah_name_thei​r_child.png
An Actual Birdlady: cinnamon triden
RubyChao: pffffft
|__)__) (__(__|: Cinnamon Triden
|__)__) (__(__|: No wonder he abandoned his name to be Alex the Kid
Gooper Blooper: Sarah tests names by rattling them off to her family until one of them makes them catface


An Actual Birdlady: oh shit i forgot i should make sarah in tactics ogre
An Actual Birdlady: oh shit i forgot a lot of things
An Actual Birdlady: birdbrained
Gooper Blooper: Everyone shall make sarah in every game that allows sarahmaking
Gooper Blooper: my influence spreads


|__)__) (__(__|: Vern Fonk has whips, chainsaws, AND blasters
|__)__) (__(__|: Wait . . . that hemet . . .
|__)__) (__(__|: IS HE THE SHOCKMASTER
Gooper Blooper: but the Shockmaster is...
Gooper Blooper: SHIPOOPY
SteelKomodo: YISSSSSS


An Actual Birdlady: Kammy Koopa looks good for her 70s


Highway to Del: here's some cockney rhyming slang for you
Highway to Del: jaffa cake - mistake
Highway to Del: it's lovely, i'm using it in wulf's dungeon attack game as my cockney elf
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: that sounds awesome
Highway to Del: describing building arenas on mass graves as "a bit of a jaffa"
SteelKomodo: curse you SA paywall, I want to watch my bro be a cockney elf D:<


Gooper Blooper: today a Really Stupid RP Idea came into my head
Gooper Blooper: as they are wont to do
RubyChao: tell us
SteelKomodo: do tell!
Gooper Blooper: I had the idea to use the following character as a character who constantly claims to have amazing, incredible inventions and gadgets but they either don't exist or are always falling apart and she's really just a bit of a bumbler but might come off as a snake oil salesman
Gooper Blooper: if you recognize her you will get the joke
RubyChao: i don't D:
RubyChao: what is the joke
|__)__) (__(__|: Pokebaaaank
|__)__) (__(__|: I think
RubyChao: it
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: i say go for it
Gooper Blooper: I was reading the Pokemon Bank official site and when it introduced her as "the genius mind behind Pokebank" everything clicked
RubyChao: build a device to HARNESS THE RAW POWER OF THE SUN
RubyChao: utsuho tries charging it with just her index finger, it explodes
Gooper Blooper: It turns out Samus has been buying her suits from Brigette


RubyChao: so with samus being a tractor jobber and gloria a tractor goddess, what would happen if they teamd up
Gooper Blooper: Tractor mediocrity, I assume
RubyChao: a constant streak of 11


Gooper Blooper: The final outline of the game is starting to come into place
Gooper Blooper: as in, where you go and in what order
Gooper Blooper: and who your party is where
SteelKomodo: Wooooot
Tiny Spritzee: sarah always
SteelKomodo: #CastCureErryDay
Gooper Blooper: There are periods of time where Sarah is not in your party
Highway to Del changed name to FTD: Faster Than Del
Gooper Blooper: There may even be periods where you don't have any sarahkin whatsoever
FTD: Faster Than Del: gasp
SteelKomodo: D:
Tiny Spritzee: dun dun
RubyChao: does this mean i can petition to have the game renamed GloRiaPG
Tiny Spritzee: no
RubyChao: :<
Tiny Spritzee: because that means
Gooper Blooper: ARielPG
Tiny Spritzee: there is no R in Josephine's name
Tiny Spritzee: odd one out
Gooper Blooper: RPGsephine
Tiny Spritzee: goddamn it
Tiny Spritzee: TRidenPG
Tiny Spritzee: xP
|__)__) (__(__|: OceanuStreets of Rage
Tiny Spritzee: MaRioPG
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: RPitG
SteelKomodo: DiRkPG
RubyChao: VictoRPG
Gooper Blooper: Sweet BRo and Hella Jeff PG
Tiny Spritzee: CaRlosPG
SteelKomodo: That's stretching it a bit Goops :U
SteelKomodo: Hmmmm
SteelKomodo: RainPG
Tiny Spritzee: *looks outside*
Tiny Spritzee: rain's had a hard life
SteelKomodo: Lolz
FTD: Faster Than Del: JonesyPG
FTD: Faster Than Del: level 21 - Loadsa emone
Gooper Blooper: this is an RPG Establishment
FTD: Faster Than Del: hahaha



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