Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 104: Josephine Bootyeille

SO MUCH BLOOD: So technically Bravely Defaulting would be defending multiple times
SO MUCH BLOOD: Silly title, that's not how you play yourself!
Agnes Oblige: Defaulting Bravely
Super Delio Galaxy: but how does one default
Agnes Oblige: giving up their turn to the bank of brave points
SO MUCH BLOOD: It opened the door, got on the floor, and killed the dinosaur
Agnes Oblige: it kills their credit rating
Super Delio Galaxy: i am very bad at understanding game mechanics when they are described to me
Super Delio Galaxy: this is a bad thing for a guy in a games degree pathway
Super Delio Galaxy: :3
SO MUCH BLOOD: Basically defend command + action points
Super Delio Galaxy: okay cool
Super Delio Galaxy: see when you use design buzzwords i get it


Gooper Blooper: raincake
Gooper Blooper: never forget
Super Delio Galaxy: NEVER forget


SteelKomodo: Jesus look how much they talk this thing up
Gooper Blooper: My brother and I made fun of ludicrously overwrought infomercials back in the day
Gooper Blooper: The ones I remember best are the Ronco Knife Set, which started as a single knife and ballooned into a fifty-knife set by the end of the ad
SteelKomodo: Oh god, I'mma look for that
Gooper Blooper: And the Little Giant ladder, of which the most memorable sequence was a kinda fat guy climbing the ladder to show how durable it was, then spreading his arms in glory as if he weighed a thousand pounds and the ladder was Hulk Hogan
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Speaking of Hulk Hogan
SteelKomodo: am I a bad person if I unironically want one of those?
SteelKomodo: because it looks fucking awesome
Cornwind Evil: You'd be better off getting a George Foreman grill
Cornwind Evil: Because that's what this is a knockoff of


Gooper Blooper googles Harpy's name
Agnes Oblige: I SEE HOW IT IS
Gooper Blooper: ...and then VGCW starts playing Bravely Default music
SteelKomodo: Rrrrrobotnik!
Agnes Oblige: ahahaha
Agnes Oblige: my influence
Agnes Oblige: well
Agnes Oblige: SE's influence
Gooper Blooper: Bazza loves BD according to his twitter
Agnes Oblige: bazza and I are on the same page


Agnes Oblige: I'm hungry
Agnes Oblige: but i still have caffeine in me, enough to make me have stomach issues when i eat cereal
Agnes Oblige: *falls over and weeps*
Gooper Blooper: RPG name wants food
Gooper Blooper: harpy.txt
Agnes Oblige: MY LIIIFE


SteelKomodo: "Hey, Mario! Did you wanna go play football with the Koopa Kids?" "No, Luigi, I fucking hate those little shits."
Gooper Blooper: no loogy
Gooper Blooper: fuck off loogy


Draco: Hello... D=
Agnes Oblige: Draco what's wrong
Agnes Oblige: D:
Gooper Blooper: draco's lost his lucky quarter
Draco: It's the first quarter I ever ripped off a soda machine with. ;-;
Gooper Blooper: Draco was Mr. Krabs the whole time
Gooper Blooper: it all makes sense
Draco: >​=D


Agnes Oblige: Two more character ideas a brewin: a berserker and a waitress who has a part time gig as a performer and modern magician
Agnes Oblige: she will attack you with cards and pigeons and make everything you see appear larger than they really are
Agnes Oblige: butts may or may not be included
Gooper Blooper: *Josephine sweats*
Agnes Oblige: dirk wants big butts and he cannot lie


RubyChao: "you finally sneak into the dragon’s cave and find his treasure chest. you open it and there is just a macaroni drawing by the dragon’s son. “ITS TREASURE TO MEEEEE” the dragon bellows"


Draco: Sarah goes on a berserker rampage, murders innocent Klingon murderers.
Jumpropeman: its the Zoofights way


Jumpropeman: has anyone ever made the joke Josephine Bootyeille yet, because if they haven't, I would be deeply disappointed


Saberwulf: Son of a fucker
Saberwulf: "the common Welsh first name, David"
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: David is a common name
Gooper Blooper: almost as common as
Gooper Blooper: sarah


Del is Confuse: TOUGHER
Del is Confuse: EDGIER
Del is Confuse: SHITTIER
SteelKomodo: ...the heck is that from?
RubyChao: nintendo's 2003 E3 conference apparently
Saberwulf: That's delightful
SteelKomodo: ...jesus christ they used fucking wordart
SteelKomodo: from like the ancient versions of word
SteelKomodo: i am so embarrased
Saberwulf: Can you believe that's an 11 year old picture
Saberwulf: I bet that kid works at a bank now
Harpyz: Nintendo is dork
SteelKomodo: :<


Del is Confuse: "Hostages were being held in the center of the room, and the Riddler gave us the "What has a million eyes but can't see, and a million ears but can't hear?" Frostguy says, "Fuck this." and builds an igloo around the hostages, and NOLAD answers, "ANSWER: A FIELD OF CORN AND POTATOES. DISCOBOT'S TURN. WHO IS A ROBOT AND LOVES TO DANCE?""
Del is Confuse: goon games
Del is Confuse: (NOLAD is a disco robot)
RubyChao: is the answer "NOLAD"
Del is Confuse: yes
Del is Confuse: the riddler refused to answer so Nolad won
SteelKomodo: XD


Harpy: i just woke up from a nap and thought
Harpy: "woah did i just fucking dream about one of my levia characters singing about bewaring siren songs?"
Harpy: "FUCKING BRILLIANT now if i can only remember the lyrics"


Del is Confuse: damn it why is dungeon world no longer SA's pet game
Del is Confuse: i can't find any open games anywhere
SteelKomodo: GL man
Saberwulf: Do I smell a Del making tabletops
SteelKomodo: You do
Del is Confuse: i probably am
Del is Confuse: unfortunately i also decided to reinstall binding of isaac
Del is Confuse: but that doesn't preclude me from doing tabletops
RubyChao: does this mean you'll be going for all the achievements
Del is Confuse: no chao, i won't go for the achievements
Del is Confuse: i never got the hype for isaac
Del is Confuse: it's a good game but there's so much shit in it
Del is Confuse: it's like if minecraft forced to you to memorise how to make a painting otherwise satan will spawn in your house and murder you
RubyChao: aw
RubyChao puts away the initiation gear for the Overly Hard Game Players' Club


Saberwulf: Here is an extremely high res picture of the common mole
Saberwulf: In case anyone needed it
Gooper Blooper: It is very important to have 5245x3240 jpegs of moles
Ghengis Del: moles
Ghengis Del: nature's sock
Ghengis Del: it looks like a sock i mean come on
Harpy: oh my god, that mole
Harpy: is adorable
Saberwulf: I bet mole socks would be really warm
SteelKomodo: Mole :3
Ghengis Del: A MOOOOLE
SteelKomodo: Might just RP a mole for lulz
Ghengis Del: get reference win a cookie


RubyChao: hey gooper have you ever heard of the second avenue subway
RubyChao: in new york
Gooper Blooper: I have not, chao
RubyChao: basically there's been on and off work on a subway on second avenue, since we have a dearth of east side manhattan subways
RubyChao: ...the original groundbreaking work was done in the 1920s
RubyChao: now that's development hell, yo
RubyChao: (they're working on these days now, but who knows when it'll be finished)
Gooper Blooper: Jesus, who's running that project? The old man in Vermillion with his Machop?
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: Yes, probably :V


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: yo
SteelKomodo: Ey jrm
SteelKomodo: how's life?
Jumpropeman: going well, except i just finished trudging through 10 more levels of Bad Rats
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: JRM why are you playing bad rats
Jumpropeman: i am determined to beat it
Jumpropeman: 14 levels left
Jumpropeman: I want to be the baddest rat
Jumpropeman: like no one ever was
Jumpropeman: to beat them is my real test
SteelKomodo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: and boy is it a test


Harpy: *30 dollar new ace attorney game*
Gooper Blooper: you bought DD?
Harpy: due to a certain FRIEND
Gooper Blooper: hee
Gooper Blooper: hopefully you'll play it before ZFRP starts again
Harpy: HAHAHA yes I will
Harpy: I will probably suck at it but I will
Harpy: i blame you, goops, and that one friend i show my blog to
Gooper Blooper: They made it easier than the last ones
Harpy: he told me the price
Gooper Blooper: when playing, spot the character I chose to roleplay and win a browniecookie
Harpy: *will be left with 1 cent on her balance*
Harpy: worth it
Harpy: GO MD
Gooper Blooper: Vermont eShop has sales tax
Gooper Blooper: YOU WIN THIS TIME
Harpy: hahaha
Harpy: i always win
Harpy: I make adorable characters for a living


Gooper Blooper: I watched both new videos of Lieutenant Sarah and I can't believe she fits in so well in a Star Trek MMO of all places
Gooper Blooper: RIP pies
Jumpropeman: its her true calling. Being a healer was just a phase
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to these videos I've learned A WISE MAN CAN SMELL PROFIT ON THE WIND
Jumpropeman: XD
Draco: See, these videos are educational too! (>​^_^)>​
Jumpropeman changed name to Hunk Hill
Hunk Hill: i must know
Hunk Hill: are there Tribbles, and can we expect a murderous rampage on Sarah's part?
Draco: Yes and Yes.
Hunk Hill: will there also be a lesson on morality towards non-sentient beings afterwards?
Draco: Pffft. Not a chance. This ain't no Saturday morning cartoon.
Draco: Sarah's gonna get out her spray-and-pray gun or a flamethrower and burn the nasty little things.
Hunk Hill: just keep them away from shelby
Hunk Hill: last time Tribbles and Shelby hung out, they jammed themselves down its throat
Draco: The USS Shelby will have to be evacuated when Tribbles begin breeding in the engine room.
Hunk Hill: well, off i go!
Hunk Hill: Live Long and Prosper ✌


Cornwind Evil: WhyitshardtobeaRedfansom​etimes.gif
Gooper Blooper: BOTCH


RubyChao: jiggly why


RubyChao: oh god how do you even make that many cookies
Harpy: when you're Celestia, you have ways
Harpy: all the warmechs are really ovens
Harpy: which is why they were defeated so easily
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: so you see, tiamat really hired celestia so she could control the cookie market with an iron claw
Gooper Blooper: celestia pls
RubyChao: poor cinnamon triden
RubyChao: luckily, sarah was able to shovel 90% of the cookies away
Harpy: what would cinnamon even look like
Gooper Blooper: fuckin adorable
Harpy: would he/she have a cinnamon bun hair
RubyChao: cinnamon bun hair with an idiot hair
RubyChao: the idiot hair was there from birth
Harpy: i need to see this
SteelKomodo: idiot bun
Harpy: then promptly figure out if that could even fit in dystopian levia ohoho wait.
Harpy: yes, the hair has evolved into a bun
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to have to draw this, won't I


Dacro: Important question: since Star Trek Sarah is now a Lieutenant Commander, she gets a new ship. Should she take an Escort (attacker), a Cruiser (tank tank tank), or Science ship (science stuff)?
BBQ Sauce: cruiser
Harpy: you know that she'll get a science ship for her birthday
BBQ Sauce: cos she's fat you see
Harpy: the sarah fat jokes never end
SteelKomodo: I vote science
SteelKomodo: because I picture her sticking to the sort of healy support role her class has
RubyChao: ^
Dacro: Alright, science it is.
Dacro: What should her ship be called?
Dacro: Shelby II?
RubyChao: The Triden?
Harpy: its clearly our favorite warmech
Harpy: the ship is a loaf of bread
SteelKomodo: The ZFS Skeiron


BBQ Sauce: that feel when you overhear a girl talking about playing dota
BBQ Sauce: as in she plays dota
BBQ Sauce: o_0
Harpy: are you in love, del
SteelKomodo: i figured there'd be girls playing DotA somewhere
SteelKomodo: i never expected it to be anywhere near where del lives, mind
SteelKomodo: small world :U
BBQ Sauce: she said she was playing chaos knight?
BBQ Sauce: or dazzle
BBQ Sauce: which are Good Enough
Dacro: Stop talking to us and date her you British Knight!
Dacro: No boner puns!
Harpy: be DAZZLED by her dazzle skills
BBQ Sauce: you do realise dota pickup lines are literally the worst idea


RubyChao: wait shit was i put back together in time


Gooper Blooper: new villain attacks Conrad and Cinnamon, doesn't even last one post before being literally liquefied by the amount of attacks


BBQ Sauce: i think it would be cool if the zfs king of beasts had a yeah you know the joke
Gooper Blooper: *volume cranks up* MINIATURE GOLF COURSE


Gooper Blooper: ARROW FIST
SteelKomodo: American Box Art Ariel
Gooper Blooper: pretty much


Harpy: why were the puppies so excited
Harpy: because they were loaves of bread


RubyChao: gooper will not rest until he's paired off every sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: one a year
Gooper Blooper: Made up for last year not having one by giving celestia helios back
RubyChao: ariel returns in 2016 to seek love


Gooper Blooper: Del makes a tumblr, has it autoplay Get Lucky
RubyChao: >​implying he doesn't autoplay Spooky Scary Skeletons
Gooper Blooper: Merge them together on infinite loop
Harpy: oh god
Harpy: horrifying


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between eat that brownie cookie and no don't sarah plz. Chatzy chose: no don't sarah plz
Gooper Blooper: Harpy is being Josephine instead of Sarah tonight
Gooper Blooper: all of the kin
Harpy: that was a joke thing
Harpy: I was gonna eat it anyway
Harpy: still sarah


Hunk Hill: Kirby, Kabi, Kusamochi, Kusanagi, Doc, Keeby
Hunk Hill: and there were 10 of the regular Kirby at times
Harpy: now i'm embarassed about all that
Harpy: I was outta control
Gooper Blooper: It was easy to track your descent into madness
Gooper Blooper: You started with just the plush kirby but there were hints it was alive
Gooper Blooper: then all hell broke loose
RubyChao: dats the name you should know
Harpy: plz
Gooper Blooper: well you can see this ain't no monster it's my new pet monster it's my new pet monster it's


Harpy: so fun teasing a friend reading the whole levia stuff
Harpy: probably the only non ZFRP person who reads it
Gooper Blooper: "you can get some levia sidestory prototypes by downloading this 2 GB rar and reading the five million posts"
Harpy: oh my god I can't subject him to that, that's too mean


Gooper Blooper: HEY I'M GRUMP
Harpy: reimu so grump
Harpy: alex and xavier would be grumps
Harpy: and i guess sammy and carlos are too
RubyChao: samus and utsuho as grumps
Gooper Blooper: "HEY I'M HYPE" "I'm not so hype... Sammy this is stup-" "ANNNND WEEEE'RE THE GAME HYPES"
Harpy: oh god that's brilliant
RubyChao: it is
Harpy: "why are we even playing banjo tooie"
Gooper Blooper: "HEY I'M GRUMP" "..." "...I said HEY I'M GRUMP" "..." "Samus come on"
Harpy: samus was actually just an empty suit
Harpy: the real samus took off
Gooper Blooper: suit collapses into a pile of parts
RubyChao: imagine that robot planting the "NO FUN ALLOWED" sign
RubyChao: but in samus colors
Gooper Blooper: fucking perfect


Harpy: i think i might have to research burns again
Harpy: don't channel fire and lightning through your hands, kids
Gooper Blooper: :<
Gooper Blooper: Celestia generally uses her staff
Gooper Blooper: When she's feeling especially metal she uses her prosthetic and then you have a steampunk cyborg black mage swinging around a spiked mace wreathed in flames
Harpy: xD


Saberwulf: Just watched Gravity which was pretty rad
Harpy: you don't just watch gravity
Harpy: you experience it
Saberwulf: Well my electrical impulses fired in response to colored LED emissions for two hours so something happened at least


SteelKomodo: Carol will return, owing to being pals with Sine
SteelKomodo: the others may make brief appearances, but I don't really know what to do with them
RubyChao: to be honest, i think it'd make sense if they just stayed on earth and worked on getting a proper life set up
SteelKomodo: yeah, good idea
SteelKomodo: Carol does all the travelling with Sine and stuff
SteelKomodo: and maybe I can finally get that pairing going :U
RubyChao: del will be so proud of you :V
SteelKomodo: XD


Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody joined the chat
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: there is context for my name i swear
RubyChao: oh god what happened del
SteelKomodo: DDDDDD:
SteelKomodo hides in terror
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: i went to movies and i came back with a dude who has a weird sense of humor
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: and we basically ended up in utter hysterics as we devised a minecraft porn parody for comedy central
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: so there
RubyChao: i, uh, see
SteelKomodo: oh
SteelKomodo: well then
SteelKomodo: :U
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: note - there may actually be such a thing but i don't know if it exists and i advise you to not check
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: ONE MAN, ONE PIG, AND 300 ZOMBIES
Gooper Blooper: Spider-Pig needed the money okay
Horrific Minecraft Porn Parody: profits measured not in dollars but minds scarred


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