Monday, December 23, 2013

The Children Were Nestled All Snug in Their Beds

"Ahhhhh... Bliss. Pure bliss." Gloria announced happily to no one in particular.

She was alone in a large library.Rain gently pattered against the windows. Surrounding her were tall shelves of books. All in all, it was much like her library back home in Manhattan, complete with solitude. Except...

Except that the books were from all around the world, many of them hundreds of years old. Their quality was amazing given their age, but they still had that wonderful musty old-book smell. Best of all, even though they weren't all written in English, Gloria held in her pocket a shining gem called the Rosetta Stone, which allowed her to read any language. French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Latin, Lufenian... no book could escape her now.

She sank back into a large, comfortable recliner, put up her feet, popped a small chocolate in her mouth to suck on, and cracked open a bestiary of monsters written over five hundred years ago.


"We have gathered here today to make the most important announcement we will ever make." said the old man behind the podium. "With this latest breakthrough in technology, our long struggle is finally at an end. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the rumors are true: Two new inventions that together will rid the world of over ninety percent of its' pollution. Please, everyone welcome Miss Ariel Sierra."

The small archer took the podium to riotous applause. She placed two devices on the podium's desk.

"This battery can be charged via any electrical outlet or via solar panel. It's fully charged in four hours, and with it an electric car can travel over 500 miles. If it's sunny and you use the panel while you drive, you can double that."

Another round of applause.

"And this is my EcoPlastic 3D Printer. Recycled material is inserted and converted into a strong, no-emissions plastic good for use in 95 percent of commercial products that use plastic."

A third round of applause.

"You can buy both of these devices through my website, or you can buy them in stores starting next week. Thank you for all you've done to help make these inventions possible! I hope they're worth the wait!"

The crowd roared its approval, cheering Ariel's name. She took a bow.


"Miss Bouteille? Excellent news!"

Josephine looked up from a sheath of papers at the man who had entered her office. "Go on."

"Profits are through the roof, Miss Bouteille! Your new medicines have really taken off! We're selling 250% more product than we were last quarter!"

Josephine grinned. "Excellent! And what of our competition?"

"They're struggling badly, Miss Bouteille. Your idea to price our medicines to equal generic brands has worked tremendously, and we're still pulling in profit hand over fist! They're stuck playing catch-up, and their CEO's salaries are taking too much of the profit for them to emulate us!"

Josephine's grin became mischievous as she learned of her ailing competitors' woes. "Just what I wanted to hear. Thank you."

Josephine, CEO of Bouteille Pharmaceuticals, picked up the phone and called home.

"Dirky? We're going out for dinner tonight. I'd like to celebrate our good fortune!"


It was a beautiful day. The cookie sun was shining brightly, and ice cream clouds drifted lazily above the rolling twinkie hills.

Sarah leaned out her window and took a deep breath that smelled of sugar. It was afternoon, and she idly planned the rest of her day as she watched butterflies flutter along past her picturesque house.

Sarah's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door and a familiar voice announcing they were home. Sarah dashed to the door and opened it. Normally Alex would have opened the door himself, but he was focusing on carrying a box full of kittens. Sarah squealed in delight at the impromptu gift and rushed Alex inside so they could commence cuddling.


"What do you think they dream about?" asked Celestia as she and Helios placed presents under the tree.

"Who can say for sure?" her husband answered. "Visions of sugarplums, maybe?"

"I don't know how anyone can sleep on Christmas Eve, myself. It's such an exciting time!"

"Even for old farts like us, eh?"

"Oh, stop it!" Celestia laughed.

Helios' grin relaxed into a simple smile as he put down the present he was holding and wrapped his arms around his wife. "I still can't get over it... Christmas with the family. Everyone together again. It's been too long."

"It has." Celestia said, dreamily looking into her husband's eyes.

They kissed.

"Merry Christmas, honey."
"Merry Christmas, darling."

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