Monday, December 9, 2013

Chatzy Madness 95: Roll D20 to Not Explode

The Deleter: yo bro
The Deleter: do you remember what the russian on this says
SteelKomodo: squish
SteelKomodo: basically :U
The Deleter: i see
The Deleter: :U


SteelKomodo: you know what ticks me off?
SteelKomodo: ...sorry, that should have been
SteelKomodo changed name to Peter Griffin


Gooper Blooper: Last week I put up something on the GTS and asked for a Petilil. Some Japanese dude gave me a shiny one
Gooper Blooper: I didn't even notice


Saberwulf: I'm pissed that making a webcomic requires the ability to draw


RubyChao: you know what sucks
RubyChao: forgetting to heal and getting KOed by tubba blubba after beating his heart :V
The Deleter: that sucks


Gooper Blooper: I have found what shall help pass the time as I await christmas
Gooper Blooper: IT'S
Gooper Blooper: HAPPENING


The Deleter: is that a new chatzy madness?
The Deleter: it iiiiiis
The Deleter: you bring the good stuff goops
The Deleter snorts chatzy madness


RubyChao: so del who won anyway
RubyChao: pigeon or scorpion
The Deleter: er
The Deleter: the thread vanished
The Deleter: but to answer the question, the scorpion won because the pigeon can't see you silly sausage


The Deleter: wait shit
The Deleter: starlancers is still a thing
The Deleter: ffffff




SteelKomodo: Gosh it disturbs me to see Gastrodon
SteelKomodo: looking so down in the dumps
SteelKomodo: Every 'mon here'd love to be Gastrodon
SteelKomodo: even when taking his lumps
Gooper Blooper: Gastrodon is wonderful
SteelKomodo: he is


The Deleter: france has surrendered to the aliens
The Deleter: not surprised
Gooper Blooper: dohohohoho
Gooper Blooper: poor Kalos
Gooper Blooper: they have thrown their Honedges to the ground
Gooper Blooper: and hid behind their furfrous
SteelKomodo: #CheeseEatingSurrenderMo​nkeys


RubyChao: "The player went to a dark world version of his house. Interested of how this could happen he continued playing. He went to his room were he was playing the game. He saw himself, every action he made was in the game. He tried shooting himself in the game and in real life he was shot! But not by a energy beam. But water, he looked around (in real life) and found the end of a camera and water gun inside the case. The game case was watching him!"
RubyChao: isn't that just like a video game


Saberwulf: Man I just realized how dumb the lyrics in Michelle are
Saberwulf: "Michelle, my belle, these are words that go together well"
Saberwulf: Well yeah Paul it's called a fucking rhyme


The Deleter: why are all my friends so fragile/riddled with problems
Harpy: because we are goons and have shitty families
The Deleter: pretty sure goops is the most stable one here
The Deleter: probly cause he's not a goon


The Deleter: someone modded re4 to replace leon's model with fox mccloud
Saberwulf: hahahha
The Deleter: i don't understand why but the model isn't naked or equipped with a huge dong so i guess its okay
The Deleter: should have been a battletoad though


Harpy: i have to post
Harpy: oh god
Saberwulf: You can do it Harpy
Saberwulf: Hit that really obvious lever
Harpy rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 6
Harpy: *explodes*
Saberwulf: hahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
The Deleter: harpybomb


Gooper Blooper: RON PAUL SIGN UPDATE: RON PAUL sign is still up
Saberwulf: wooo


Re-Bought Skyrim: >​finding McAffee snuck onto my computer


Re-Bought Skyrim: Call of Duty: John Cena
The Deleter: Call of Duty: Still White Young Men With Personalities of Bricks
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: I'm wondering if this might be the beginning of the end for Call of Duty
Gooper Blooper: See, Activision has a process
Gooper Blooper: They hit upon a formula for a popular series and make a game in that series every year, over and over, until they drive the genre into the ground and kill it
Gooper Blooper: First they did it with Tony Hawk, then again with Guitar Hero
Re-Bought Skyrim: Give Fawful diretide
Gooper Blooper: A few more rounds of Duty might be all that's needed
The Deleter: i think cod's death may take a while longer
The Deleter: but it'll happen
The Deleter: call off duty
Gooper Blooper: dohoho


Harpy: *shamelessly skipping last day of class*
Harpy: *she's at home not even back at college*
Harpy: thug lyfe


The Deleter: you guys and yer animes
The Deleter: spy and kinnikuman, sk/wulf and attack on titan
The Deleter: i needs an anime to join the club of people that talk about anime
The Deleter buys evangelion mangas
The Deleter regrets everything

NeptuneSpy: Judging by the type of people that talk about Cowboy Bebop I think you'd like it. It seems to be the Johnny Cash of anime in the sense that people who don't usually like the medium still like it
NeptuneSpy: "Oh do you like country music?" "Cash is pretty good but not really"
Harpy: Cowboy Bebop is only 20 eps too I think
The Deleter: huh
The Deleter: not sure if i should be worried that i'm taking you guys seriously
Harpy: when haven't you taken us seriously
The Deleter: err
The Deleter: all the times where we were making butt jokes?
The Deleter: which is like all the time


Gooper Blooper: Got a lot accomplished in the Sarahkin Challenge today
Gooper Blooper: REALLY rough boss fight against Astos, THE DARK ELF
Gooper Blooper: He can use Death, which is predictably one of those "if it hits, you die" spells
SteelKomodo: aw yiss
Gooper Blooper: He used it and Ariel died
Gooper Blooper: Didn't have any way of reviving her so the remaining three had to keep fighting
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
SteelKomodo: poor Ariel cannot catch a break
Gooper Blooper: After like a hundred turns he FINALLY dies and I get a key item I use to trade for another key item that lets me get a THIRD key item that is actually a key
Gooper Blooper: and the key unlocks a door with a fourth key item inside
Gooper Blooper: 2012: Bad Things Happen to Josephine
Gooper Blooper: 2013: Bad Things Happen to Ariel
Gooper Blooper: look out, Gloria, you're next
NeptuneSpy: D:
SteelKomodo: nuts, you beat me to the joke :U
Gooper Blooper: But the best part about getting the key is that one of the treasure chests it gave access to was booby-trapped
Gooper Blooper: this is actually a good thing
Gooper Blooper: See, every time you step on the tile in front of the chest you get a battle
Gooper Blooper: And it's rigged so you always fight mummies
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
Gooper Blooper: Mummies are undead, so the white mage spells Dia and Diara work on them
Gooper Blooper: Unlike most enemies, where they have to be slowly worn down with hammers
Gooper Blooper: So I kept stepping on and off the tile and fought the mummies dozens of times
Gooper Blooper: The Sarahkin leveled up eight times and made 40,000 gil
SteelKomodo: holky fuck


Gooper Blooper: This cave is full of dwarves
Gooper Blooper: They all talk like Samson
Gooper Blooper: "That soond? Aye, that's Nerrick. He's smushin rocks in the back o the cave."
Gooper Blooper: crivens
The Deleter: ya daftie
SteelKomodo: sassenach


Gooper Blooper: Gloria's trying to pass Sarah in HP
Gooper Blooper: she wants to be the leader like canon said
Gooper Blooper: You gotta put the white mage with the most HP in front because the character in front is attacked most often
The Deleter: how terrible
The Deleter: throw the fat girl under the bus so the skinnier ones can save the day
SteelKomodo: D:<
The Deleter: clearly Final Fantasy encourages bullying of fat people
The Deleter: SJWario would not be pleased
Gooper Blooper: she's the meat shield
Gooper Blooper: but on the other hand
Gooper Blooper: Sarah hits the hardest and is the "face" of the party, since the one in front is the one seen on the overworld
Gooper Blooper: Although since they have identical sprites that doesn't matter but hey
The Deleter: ha


Gooper Blooper: okay I got it
Gooper Blooper: GLORIA! (she's the leader)
JOSEPHINE! (the cool one)
ARIEL! (the crazy one)
SARAH! (always smiles)
NeptuneSpy: Pffffft
NeptuneSpy: Does this mean Josephine turns into a giant mutated hatebeast
Gooper Blooper: that was when she ate monster blood
Gooper Blooper: Except she was just a giant socially awkward shy girl


Gooper Blooper: and now, the hardest maze ever
SteelKomodo: ...why do I still imagine one of the Kobbers having a difficult time with this :U
SteelKomodo: like, Wheatley just draws a straight line through it because he can't figure the route out
Gooper Blooper: All three Coneheads huddled around the page
Gooper Blooper: "Okay, if we each go a different way, we'll get it for sure"
Gooper Blooper: Somehow they still mess up
Rapping Dog: Wheatley walks around the maze


Gooper Blooper: Next time, Celestia, don't use the lowest bidder to advertise your new bakery
SteelKomodo: Yeah, she got ripped off there :<
Gooper Blooper: "Celestia starts a bakery" is a very real possible thing for 2014
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy predicted it, after all
SteelKomodo: aw yiss


The Deleter: question about jewel man
The Deleter: is he gaaaaaaaay
The Deleter: or european
SteelKomodo: it's hard to guarantee :U
The Deleter: lol


Saberwulf: According to the magazine Total Film The new godzooky film will make people drown in their own tears by the end
Saberwulf: Sadzilla
SteelKomodo: yisssss
The Deleter: that's a good sign wulf
SteelKomodo: that's the kind of godzilla i wanna watch
Saberwulf: I hope Bryan Cranston hugs Gojira as he slowly passes away like some I Am Legend shit


Goops McMahon joined the chat
RubyChao: and i'm reading Saralex Scenes
RubyChao: what good timing
Goops McMahon: >​rereading Saralex
Goops McMahon: didja catch a craving for the beetus
RubyChao: maybe
RubyChao discreetly hides all the other diabetes scenes in his browsing history


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Spy OMac changed name to Unified Champion John Cena

Unified Champion John Cena: You know I'm coming, CW
Unified Champion John Cena: You know it
Goops McMahon: spy you'll get killed
Unified Champion John Cena: Nah Goops
The Deleter: rip spy
The Deleter: he chatted fast and died due to wrestling
Unified Champion John Cena: I'll get killed if I say "Orton and Cena exchange belts in a Russo screwjob"


Cornwind Evil: I had a dream recently where Sephiroth returned to VGCW disguised as a Christmas tree


Goops McMahon: There's someone in chat named "heymannicebutt"
SteelKomodo: lolz
Cornwind Evil: Dirk, really...I think you have a problem
SteelKomodo: nah, Dirk's tired of all the butt jokes now :U


Cornwind Evil: Sarah designed a flash game
Cornwind Evil: Really, this is so the sort of thing Sarah would design


Goops McMahon: Gonna take off for tonight, see ya gents
Saberwulf: see ya


Goops McMahon: so uh
Goops McMahon: I never actually left
Goops McMahon: because I was too busy getting 100% in Find the Candy
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: it is you
SteelKomodo: you are the Sarah
Goops McMahon: there's a little sarah in all of us


True Neptunespy: Gasp
SteelKomodo: D:
True Neptunespy: Now if only that was a "call Ramza" hotline. Sarah would never be able to get off of it
SteelKomodo: XD
Del: call alex
Harps: who needs to call alex when they can call garnet instead
Harps: for all their murdering and explosive needs


Del: enter dym wulf
Del: because sine is in it
Del: and when i saw that i laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and


RubyChao: "Kramer comes in and asks if Jerry has seen a lizard. Jerry laughs and says “we are the lizards” and the camera zooms slightly. His eyes become slivered, like almonds."
Gooper Blooper: chao you'll give me a heart attack from all that spooky
RubyChao: then i can introduce the new four white mages in a scene where they tend to gooper in a hospital
RubyChao: and have my own quartet of FF girls!
Gooper Blooper: Spy and SK are forced to counter with more meggermens and the final battle between Mega Man and Final Fantasy for control of ZFRP begins
True Neptunespy: Pfffffft
SteelKomodo: oh god
True Neptunespy: Until Chao hits Goops with the steel chair and I betray SK with a spear from behind as we reveal our new alliance: Kinnikuman
True Neptunespy: D-D-D-DOUBLE BETRAYAL
Gooper Blooper: AW SON OF A BITCH
SteelKomodo is speared through the barricade.
Del: i sit on the sidelines
Del: and laugh and laugh
RubyChao: you sit on your pile of starcraft
Gooper Blooper: and PC games in general
RubyChao: Touhou is a PC game!
SteelKomodo: and then I turn to chao and reveal my hidden army of FIGHTING GAME VILLAINS
RubyChao: D:
Del: the dotes mountain trench
RubyChao: then i'll strike back with something NO ONE EXPECTS
RubyChao introduces Henry Hatsworth
Gooper Blooper: Obviously I need to expand the Sarahkin family to include a rep from every job in FFT
Gooper Blooper: (there are 20 jobs)
RubyChao: helios' brother is a very tired dad
Del: so many jobs
Del: all of the jobbing
SteelKomodo: Four Heroes of Jobbing :U
Gooper Blooper: Ariel the jobber
Harps: what

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