Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chatzy Madness 94: Soylent Pink Is Hippo

The Deleter: i wish there was a game where you went around rustling jimmies
The Deleter: peturbing people on the street
The Deleter: gaining jimmie dollars to spend on new ways of rustling jimmies


M Sheep: quick(?) and dirty post
M Sheep: the dirtiest post
M Sheep: Also, may be very confusing at a certain point
Saberwulf: I'm the king of confusing so that sounds rad
Gooper Blooper: Sheep vs Wulf, Confuse Yer Mates
The Deleter: haha
Gooper Blooper: Nobody understands the fite but everyone agrees it was somehow enjoyable anyway


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: Nobody times M Sheep out!
M Sheep: NOBODY!
M Sheep: And give back the Cyclop's eye, already!
Gooper Blooper: M Sheep timed out M Sheep
M Sheep uses chaos emerald to go back to the past
M Sheep: M Sheep left me there
M Sheep: for FIVE MONTHS


RubyChao: damn you len


Gooper Blooper: Spy, thought you should know
Gooper Blooper: Today I caught Pansage, Panpour, and Pansear and nicknamed them Funky Kong, Diddy Kong, and Leo Luster, respectively
SteelKomodo: XD
M Sheep: Leo Luster had better know Attract


The Deleter: if wulf isn't pissed off by something inconsequential at least once a week then he begins to build steam dangerously and emit high levels of radiation
The Deleter: and vomit bats
SteelKomodo: ...
Saberwulf: Yes
SteelKomodo hides in fallout shelter
Harpy: hi
Saberwulf: heya Harps
SteelKomodo: eyo harpy
SteelKomodo: D:
Draco: Hi Harpharp.
Harpy: here I go
SteelKomodo is bat'd to death.
Harpy: *plays a harp*
Draco: Beautiful.
Draco: Just like a harp.
The Deleter: i don't understand what is wrong with you people
Draco: I can only seem to get temp jobs and I'm scared to ask women on dates. That's what's wrong with me.
Draco: I I'm silly! =D
Saberwulf: The crippling depression of responsibility has made us all completely fucking insane
Saberwulf: We vent that insanity by writing about how large the asses of Final Fantasy characters are


RubyChao: i remember learning about kumquats in like 3rd grade
RubyChao: and being all "what kind of name is that"


Saberwulf: Funfacts about hippos
Saberwulf: They have pink milk!
Jumpropeman: Strawberry milk is actually hippo milk!


Gooper Blooper: hahahaha this toy
Jumpropeman: XD
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: it's just a plastic rhino and hippo
SteelKomodo: why disney why
Gooper Blooper: they just took random old "jungle animal" figures they had in the warehouse and passed them off as the ones from Circle of Life
Gooper Blooper: It's like that eBay guy I've talked about that passes off random rubber spiders as Kumonga from Godzilla
SteelKomodo: yeah, that guy >:I
Gooper Blooper: I just ran an eBay search for him
Gooper Blooper: Not only is he still doing it, the first result is his fake Kamacuras
Gooper Blooper: Got a new one too
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: that's just a chinese dragon
Gooper Blooper: I mean that's a cool figure but
Gooper Blooper: it's not manda
Jumpropeman: oh my god that store description
Jumpropeman: it's like someone turned doge up to eleven
Gooper Blooper: Did Rainbow Dash write that description
Gooper Blooper: Is she selling fake Godzilla toys on ebay behind your back
Jumpropeman: that picture is way too small to be her work
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: Celestia's thanksgivings are spoken of in urban legend
Gooper Blooper: "I swear I saw her in the grocery store the other day. She was buying thirty pounds of potatoes."
Gooper Blooper: *turkey gobbles in the distance, Celestia's eyes gleam*


Gooper Blooper: I realized too late that Mysidians shouldn't be celebrating American thanksgiving but I was like "fuck it, if the Flintstones can have Christmas Celestia can have Thanksgiving, I'M GOOPS MCMAHON DAMMIT"
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: I was actually wondering about that with Orvance Christmas
Jumpropeman: but thankfully Santa travels to every planet in every time period
Gooper Blooper: You could also do what Animal Crossing does and make up a holiday that is amazingly exactly the same as Christmas
Jumpropeman: so maybe just call it something different, like Decemberween
Gooper Blooper: yes, like that
Gooper Blooper: Star Festival II: Now With Snow
Jumpropeman: Snowtype Celebratory Day


RubyChao: John moved his Gundam forward and punched Niger's Gundam with its right fist. Niger's Gundam was knocked back a bit.
Tandja made his Gundam jump into the air, then he fired at Australia's Gundam with the beam rifle in its left hand. The shots hit Australia's Gundam repeatedly.
John fired at Niger's Gundam repeatedly with the beam rifle in his Gundam's left hand. The shots hit Niger's Gundam repeatedly.

RubyChao: what beautiful fight writing
Draco: O_o
Gooper Blooper: Big Bar Brawl 4 sneak preview
The Deleter: oh god no
Draco: ;-; 2beauty
The Deleter: not more bad rp
RubyChao: del this isn't bad rp
Gooper Blooper: BBB4: The Shots Hit Repeatedly
SteelKomodo: D:


Jumpropeman: Good Rats is apparently a band
Jumpropeman: these Good Rats beats are actually pretty smooth
Jumpropeman: well, one good thing came out of Bad Rats at least
Draco: For one fleeting moment, Spy realized it WAS possible for someone to be unhappy?
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: I haven't seen Spy respond to "how are you" with "Amazing." lately. I think college has really worn him down.
Jumpropeman: hey spy, how are you?
Big the Budo hides face
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: Peekaboo, Spy! =U
Gooper Blooper: Big the Budo more like Big Boo am I right


Jumpropeman: I think I know how I can make Cornwind appear
Jumpropeman: "Gee, these ads before Youtube videos sure are annoying!"
Gooper Blooper: There's a WWE PPV in ten minutes, CW is busy
Jumpropeman: ah, I guess I'll have to wait for the Professional Adblock Advertiser then :(
Gooper Blooper: I've been known to fill that role
Jumpropeman: I clicked on a banner ad today
Jumpropeman: It was exciting trying to break through the jungle of pop ups
Gooper Blooper: You should try Adblock, it will change the way you surf the web


Draco: I turned to look at Pikachu the moment the cold chill washed over me. Even though it had been days since we'd left Lavender Town, I had never quite felt that Lavender Town had left US, leaving an eerie stain on my soul as I continued my quest. For the most part, I could ignore it through the thirill of battling gyms and catching more Pokemon, including a Cubone of my very own. But now, when I find us spending the night in a Pokemon center for the night due to reports of a cruise ship crash between here and the Seafoam Islands, I can't help but feel a sense of dread and I quickly seek to find reassurance in my wonderful Pikachu's ever-smiling face. I turn quickly, seeking solace, but I only find terror! Pikachu's eyes have disappeared, melting down his face as he grins so wide it should be physically impossible. As I watch in horror, his fur ignites, spreading fire across his entire body. I try to scream, hoping to attract the attention of another training, but even when somebody turns out way, they ignore it as if a no-eyed burning Pikachu was an everyday thing. My friend keeps burning until at least he is nothing but blackened, charred bones that too quickly fall apart, leaving only a horrible sight: a ghost! I quickly dig through my pack for my Silph Scope before remembering that I put it in the bank. The ghost approaches me slowly, grinning its awful grin as I begin to sweat with terror.
Draco: Then the ghost transformed into Ditto! How could I forget that I'd put Pikachu in the box and gotten out my beloved Ditto? We had a big hug, ate some poffins, and then went to the next gym! <(^_^<)
RubyChao: That's our Ditto! *laugh track*
Draco: THE END?.........yeah.
Saberwulf: A++ 2spoopy would spook again
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: 2poopy
Jumpropeman: *wipes*
Jumpropeman: now its only 1poopy
Draco: 2gross


Gooper Blooper: One fan's reaction to how last night's WWE PPV ended. I hope CW will be okay.
Big the Budo: CW died on the way to his home planet
Big the Budo: Cause of death: Cenitis


RubyChao: am i the only one who doesn't mind gabe winning :V
Droca: Pretty much, Ruby.
Droca: That's why we're feeding you to the sarlacc.
RubyChao: D:


Saberwulf: Okay I'm gonna go do random shit that suits my fancy for the rest of the day, so I leave you with a fun fact about colors
Saberwulf: If you've ever seen something with a deep, natural red color to it, that's called carmine. It's made from crushed beetles and they put it in your food.
The Deleter: yaaaaay
Saberwulf: From what I can remember, that's what they dye red Smarties with (UK smarties)
The Deleter: delicious beetles
SteelKomodo: woo- D:
Saberwulf: So you're eating crushed bugs
SteelKomodo: i will never eat smarties again, then
Saberwulf joined the chat


The Deleter: i found a dota stream where the casters are high as fuck
The Deleter: current topics include gangbanging crystal maiden, catching dragons in pokeballs, shout out to papa john's pizza, and "very nice"
The Deleter: and very audible bong hits


RubyChao: "Both give you a very well-defined idea of “what they think is a crime” (basically, anything harming them in any way or anything they are said is evil by anyone looking to hire them, like the commissioner), “what they think they can do to gather evidence or approach a suspect” (anything), “what they think they can do to stop/arrest the people they think are guilty of crimes” (anything), and “what they think they can do to punish the people they catch” (anything)."
RubyChao: is this accurate about sam and max, del
The Deleter: yes


RubyChao: a question del
RubyChao: since spy has added bone cold
RubyChao: does that mean his game is upgraded to a score of skeletons/10
RubyChao: well his caw roster
The Deleter: is bone cold a skeleton
The Deleter: that is the only requirement
HomewardSpy: Yes he is
RubyChao: he's a zombie who has bones on the outside of his skin
RubyChao: close enough
The Deleter: then you are awarded a score of skeletons/10
The Deleter: a pretty simple system
HomewardSpy: He's also a bounty hunter
HomewardSpy: And apparently Jewish
HomewardSpy: (Thank Wulf for the sharp eyes on that one)
The Deleter: public class SkeletonScore{
public bool isSkeleton;
public string score
void Awake(){
if isSkeleton == true

The Deleter: fuck
The Deleter: that went wrong
The Deleter: was trying to make a coding joke


The Deleter: using GameEngine;
using System;
public class SkeletonScore: MonoBehaviour {
public bool isSkeletons;
public string Skeletons;
public string score = Skeletons + "/10";
void update(){
if isSkeletons == true
Skeletons = "Skeletons";
Skeletons = "No Skeletons";
return score;

The Deleter: i did the joke
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Del has been working on the skeletons joke this whole time


The Deleter: amazing
Gooper Blooper: I think the twist raises more questions than answers
Gooper Blooper: clearly I need to bring them both back in 2014 and make a season-long plot about it
SteelKomodo: yeah, good point- XD
The Deleter: hahaha


RubyChao: "Groose is the best wrestler in the whole entire world. After a long awaited debut, he appeared on 2013-03-19 in a First Blood match against Thomas. Groose showed all his pomp-adouring fans that he was, indeed, loose. However, the ref mistook Groose's hair gel for blood, and due to match regulations, Groose was awarded the loss after putting a Groosesome beatdown on Tingle."
Gooper Blooper: I need to check if Duke's entry still has that part about olive garden
Gooper Blooper: "In June 10th 2011, developer Gearbox Software finally put together all the pieces and released Duke Nukem Forever, fourteen years after it was announced.
It was an awful, sexist, archaic, and ugly piece of shit. Everyone who bet on Duke lost their houses and is now sucking dicks in an Olive Garden bathroom."

Gooper Blooper: yep


RubyChao: oh my god
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: yep - Wind Waker Link is a complete putz
Gooper Blooper: I think what makes that page are the occasional angry all-caps snipes by Ganondorf
SteelKomodo: yep
Gooper Blooper: Ganondorf ‏@Instaganon 16 Nov


ow my balls spy joined the chat
The Deleter: spy what is wrong with your balls
SteelKomodo: D:
ow my balls spy: Guess who just got bit by a dog
SteelKomodo: you ok- DDDDDDDD:
ow my balls spy: It missed the balls. Barely.
The Deleter: oh god
The Deleter: you poor son of a bitch
ow my balls spy: Ever since then I've been kind of terrified of big dogs
ow my balls spy: And yet it was a small one that got me. Isn't life funny
SteelKomodo: ...XD
ow my balls spy laughs to ease the pain
SteelKomodo: :<
SteelKomodo: well, hope your testicles get better soon!
ow my balls spy: Thank you!
SteelKomodo: no problem
The Deleter: you poor bastard
SteelKomodo: and you know, that's a thing I'd never thought I'd type or say, wishing for somebody's testicles to get better
ow my balls spy: Goops returns, wonders what the fuck is going on


Gooper Blooper: the testicles conversation is totally going in chatzy madness
ow my balls spy: Yay!
ow my balls spy: My crotch is gonna be a star
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: you'll see its face in every magazine
ow my balls spy: Hey ladies, I call it Mr. Bean~
SteelKomodo: Hahahaha
The Deleter: oh dear
ow my balls spy: I'll be honest for all my joking I'm scared
The Deleter: spy look
The Deleter: you will not lose your balls
The Deleter: i forbid it
Gooper Blooper: \o/
Gooper Blooper: _o_
The Deleter: \o/
SteelKomodo: \o/
ow my balls spy: Pffft damnit you guys XD


The Deleter: i have an Opinion on the Xboner/PS4
The Deleter: whichever system presents 3 games I give a shit about is the one I will buy
Gooper Blooper: Oh man, the gauntlet is thrown
The Deleter: obviously the race is in the early stages, with XBox having a grand total of Killer Instinct and the PS4 having Jack Shit
Gooper Blooper: It is now a race to see which system can come up with three shits
Gooper Blooper: place yer bets
The Deleter: and the XBox isn't guaranteed because KI currently scores No Skeletons/10
The Deleter: (release Spinal already you fucks)
Gooper Blooper: Do you use any other factors besides skeletons
Gooper Blooper: Otherwise the first system with three fantasy RPGs has got this


Gooper Blooper: Batten down the hatches, there's a new Stupid Comic
The Deleter: yesssss
Gooper Blooper: it is very very stupid
SteelKomodo: Aw yiss
SteelKomodo: Yep, this is stupid, all right :U
Gooper Blooper: when pairings go wrong
The Deleter: the stupid
The Deleter: its too strong
The Deleter: aaaaaaaaaa
SteelKomodo: #AAAAA
The Deleter: imagine if a ZFRP pairing went this way
The Deleter: Sarah in TRU WUV with Alex, but accidently bumps into Rain and oh nooooooo
The Deleter: dramaaaaaa
SteelKomodo: aaaaaa
SteelKomodo: and then it leads to a shirtless fistfight on a skyscraper like in Yakuza or something
Gooper Blooper: Every time any female character meets any new male character they suddenly fall into eternal twue wuv


RubyChao: a baby sardine/saw his first submarine/he was scared to look through the peephole
RubyChao: "oh come, come come"/said the sardine's mum/"it's only a tin full of people"

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