Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chatzy Madness 97: Royal Rumble Edition

iDel: I just watched a movie about evil santas being exported to work in malls
iDel: Rare Products
SteelKomodo: what
iDel: It's Finnish
iDel: Look it up
SteelKomodo: actually it's called Rare Exports
iDel: Thanks for correcting me
SteelKomodo: no probs :U


Triple S: The Spacetime Beam, also known as the Reset Beam, is a beam used in Super Metroid to cause a glitch that will reset the game. This doesn't reset the game as a normal reset; instead it causes all bosses to respawn and all upgrades to be reset, as well as all doors that were a different color than blue
Triple S: This is canon, Samus can change time
RubyChao: 2014 plot: Samus tries to go back in time to make herself not a jobber
RubyChao: It results in her creating the jobbing in the first place
SteelKomodo: XD
Triple S: Samus uses Spacetime Beam. Lord, Sentinels, Fiends, and every other threat respawns


RubyChao: hmmm
RubyChao: so what i'm getting from this
RubyChao: is that scorpion is a lost soul, bent on... vengeance?
Triple S: Yes
Triple S: Also his singer was kicked in the balls a bit too hard


Goops McMahon: sarah.jpg
Harpy: don't eat alex sarah
Harpy: unless that is a cookie pretending to be alex


Jumpropeman: I somehow knew Ariel would show up early
Goops McMahon: bad things happen to ariel
SteelKomodo: mmhm :<
Jumpropeman: who's this hot new babe
SteelKomodo: Jumprope "The Man" Lawler
SteelKomodo: the new girl is an OC Goops said would debut in the Rumble
ASHURASPY!: who's that babe with the red-eyed mask?
Goops McMahon: Hence the CHALLENGER APPROACHING gif
ASHURASPY!: cleanin' up the ring is her only task
ASHURASPY!: and who's that babe with the muscley arm?
ASHURASPY!: startin' up a fight, gonna cause you harm


SteelKomodo: did you get Wulf to write Ulrika's dialogue?
SteelKomodo: because it is eerily authentic
Goops McMahon: No, I did it myself
Goops McMahon: pretty happy with it, I can't wait to see what he thinks
SteelKomodo applauds
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna do a wordcount on the word Mastodons when this is all over


ASHURASPY!: Meat Boy - Silence plot
ASHURASPY!: Speech therapy
ASHURASPY!: Then they form team Hell No *SHOT*


RubyChao: friendly reminder that ariel has somehow lasted from entering at #2 to the entry of #17


RubyChao: dirky and jo-jo vs. nicky and stel-stel
SteelKomodo: Lolz
RubyChao: out-cute yer mates
RubyChao: saralex win :V


Jumpropeman: I am not rooting for the right characters in this
SteelKomodo: You aren't :U
Jumpropeman: I'm considered a jinx when it comes to rooting for sports teams
Jumpropeman: guess its transfers to this too :V
Jumpropeman: careful, or I might just start rooting for your character!
SteelKomodo: D:


Harpy: hi sarah
RubyChao: is alex rooting for her from somewhere
Harpy: you can hear alex from thousands of miles away
Harpy: he's at levia taking care of all the cats they got business


SteelKomodo: "Don't mess with the best! Especially when that best is me!"
SteelKomodo: next entrance is CM Punk who takes offence at that claim
RubyChao: pffft


ASHURASPY!: bbl dinner
ASHURASPY!: Will be following via the ZFRP app my phone


RubyChao: oh god if waspinator wins by hiding under the ring the whole time
Hong Kong Squad: wait
Hong Kong Squad: waspinator is outside of the ring but he's not out?
Hong Kong Squad: that's some shady mcmahon shit
Jumpropeman: he's not outside it, he's under it
RubyChao: he ducked under the ropes
RubyChao: as opposed to going over the top rope
Goops McMahon: In the 90s Jerry Lawler lasted over half an hour in the rumble by doing the same thing
Goops McMahon: It's a dirty coward heel trick
SteelKomodo: Damn it king
Hong Kong Squad: it's perfect
RubyChao: to be fair waspinator isn't really a heel
RubyChao: dirty coward though describes him 100%


ow my balls are okay: I'm wooing more than a room full of Ryder and Flair fans


Jumpropeman: oh snap, I didn't realize puppies meant breasts
Jumpropeman: *regrets earlier antoinette joke*


Goops McMahon: merry christmas, and to all a good mastodon


Jumpropeman: I imagine it like the end of Phantom Hourglass, where Link wakes up in the real world and things seem to have not happened, but then he sees he has the phantom hourglass. Instead, Oceanus wakes up and thinks it was all fake but then he finds the belt


Jumpropeman: my plot hint
Cornwind Evil: So in JRM's plot, we will have to go club seals
Goops McMahon: JRM's plot will be very sad
Goops McMahon: Edyth confirmed dying
ASHURASPY!: ./will kill Leo like 20 times before even one Edyth death can happen


RubyChao: don't you hate it when you push the wrong thing in games
RubyChao: and only realize it when it's too late
Goops McMahon: yes


ASHURASPY!: . . . Oh god, what if Osh and Gloria ever entered a fite as a team
Goops McMahon: Reading Painbow
ASHURASPY!: . . . Best name
ASHURASPY!: But how much destruction, mayhem, and PAIN would they cause?
Harpy: Sammy so proud
Goops McMahon: as much as necessary
Jumpropeman: depends on who they fite
Jumpropeman: there are only so many faces per fiter
ASHURASPY!: They fight the beast of 10,000 faces
Goops McMahon: Oceanus teaches Gloria to punch, Gloria teaches Oceanus how to summon those he godpunches
ASHURASPY!: >​Summoner Osh and Monk Gloria
ASHURASPY!: We need to make this happen even as a noncanon aside
Goops McMahon: Gloria and Oceanus riding Tiamat who is using Phantom Train as a whip
Jumpropeman: I imagine Gloria will now wince whenever Oceanus punches something and not know why
Jumpropeman: googling Beast with 1000 Faces leads to some disappointing one-faced results
RubyChao: "Why is my face aching...?"


Jumpropeman: great job on the rumblies
Jumpropeman: but i must say
Jumpropeman: it was 2 goopy, and not enough bloopy
Jumpropeman: my only criticism
Goops McMahon: Don't you hate it when you bloop so hard you goop
Harpy: bloop bloop


RubyChao: good job shroud
RubyChao: you were so forgettable it took me a reread three and a half hours later to realize i forgot your elimination


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: And now something to deeply confuse the early morningers
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between Lelcar, Lordlake, Lordlake, Lelcar, Lelcar, Lordlake, Lelcar, Lelcar, Lordlake, Lelcar, Lordlake and Lordlake. Chatzy chose: Lordlake
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: The Lordlake looks sorta like Goo Lagoon except more ominous
Gooper Blooper: Like that time Spongebob is a lifeguard and he imagines everyone playing in the lagoon as tombstones


ASHURASPY!: Huh, this is a thing
ASHURASPY!: Yesssss Hulk Hoganland is still available!
ASHURASPY!: Did not expect to find that name
ASHURASPY!: And so for every position I get, I must answer the question of "what would Hulk Hogan do"
ASHURASPY!: Democracy is compulsary: vote or get elbow dropped
ASHURASPY!: Euthanasia? Come on, all the little Hulksters gotta learn to fight through the pain!
ASHURASPY!: And please, gotta have the freedom to rip your shirt off whenever and wherever you want. Fight the polyester and show off those 24-inch pythons!


Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: lawdy
Harpy: sarah what are you doing with those glasses
Harpy: stahp
Harpy: wait i was supposed to notice the pogey? :U
Gooper Blooper: Harpy immediately singles out anything that resembles a sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: Kinvision
Harpy: sue me, I have been exposed to too many sarahs


Gooper Blooper: Starting yesterday I tried Space Invaders Extreme again after not playing for like four years
Gooper Blooper: I'm stuck on the final boss
Gooper Blooper: You can probably guess what the final boss of a Space Invaders game is
ASHURASPY!: Mothership?
Gooper Blooper: A Mothership so big it doesn't even fit on the screen
Harpy: the mothership gained a lot of weight ever since the rumble
Harpy: so depressed it lost
Gooper Blooper: It used the tractor beam to scoop up Monster Blood




GB: "my mom tried to teach our goats to pee in one certain spot by giving them treats when they’d pee in that spot
except that
they think that now whenever they pee they get a treat
so whenever they see my mom
they pee"

ASHURASPY!: Pfffffffffft
ASHURASPY!: Almost there Mrs. Pavlov


Gooper Blooper: You've all seen Sarah's Halloween robe
Gooper Blooper: behold her Christmas robe


x_x: . . . Oh god apparently Stephenie McMahon changed her contract around to allow for matches
x_x: ALL the belts for the McMahon-Helmsleys!
SteelKomodo: Oh god D:
x_x: Triple H has finally done it. He's unified the belts, taken both midcard titles, had Stephanie grab the Diva's title for him, and dragged Shawn Michaels back into the ring for a D-Generation X tag champ run.
x_x: He's gone to the indies for their belts. He flew to Japan to get their promotions
x_x: But there's one title he still lacks. And that makes him furious
x_x: On a peaceful day in Washington, Gabe Newell finds his door kicked down, the King of Kings furious on the other side
Gooper Blooper:
x_x: Will Trips finally have All The Belts? Will Gabe Newell's hand-picked ref ever get to count to 3? And will the WWE Universe be able to out-chant the VGCW Twitch chat? Tune in next week to DRAGON BALL Z
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: I actually want that to happen tonight, it'd be a lot more entertaining than cenawinslol
x_x: True, but I think it'd break CW in half
Gooper Blooper: ded
x_x: He just logs on Skype, angrily calls us all up, and starts laughcrying the lyrics of The Game into the skypechat
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Or D:
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind enters Red into Big Bar Brawl 4
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd


Gooper Blooper: No Context Theater


Cornwind Evil: "Starcraft 2 has Terran Marines and Reapers"
Cornwind Evil: What's a Reaper
Gooper Blooper: *shot*


x_x: Huh, apparently the new Family Guy aired in Canada
x_x: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​elp
Gooper Blooper: welllllllllllllll it's the cop out
x_x: I don't think its even been a single episode


Gooper Blooper: "What you choose to make your robe out of says a lot about you."
Gooper Blooper: When one touches Sarah's robe they think of those fabric softener commercials with the teddy bear falling onto blankets


x_x: After being shuffled down to the midcard for being a loser jerk whom nobody likes and isn't a draw and should just go away, Daniel Bryan has been attacked by people with beards for not being in their Beard Club
Cornwind Evil: Pretty much, yeah
Gooper Blooper: join the nintendo beard club today, mac


Gooper Blooper: In case it's not obvious with my horde of sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: I love characters that look harmless but then you make them mad
Gooper Blooper: and shit goes down
Harpy: *looks at cast*
Harpy: *looks at Carla, Sammy, Princess Parfait, Mikey, and Siren*
Harpy: deceptively strong
Gooper Blooper: exactly
Harpy: Siren OP
Harpy: plz nerf
Gooper Blooper: look at those not-mastodons


Gooper Blooper: Mario dressed up as Santa before the Super Mario World cartoon
Expand Dong Squad: SO
Expand Dong Squad: WHADDA YA THINK
Gooper Blooper: ehh, don't try wearin' it in Brooklyn!
Gooper Blooper wheeze
SteelKomodo: heh heh heh heh


Expand Dong Squad: if there is a next year
Expand Dong Squad: i will have a character that i will actually try
Expand Dong Squad: and keep as a secret identity dude you have to guess
SteelKomodo: ooh
Expand Dong Squad: i suspect the majority of you will probably guess fairly quickly
Expand Dong Squad: BUT
Expand Dong Squad: holmes and wastone will be kept busy
Harpy: its clearly timbersaw again
Expand Dong Squad: haha if only
Gooper Blooper: Del will do a plot about Skeleton Night to make Wraith King turn back into a skeleton
SteelKomodo: ZFRP will officially be Skeletons/10
Expand Dong Squad: I miss my bones.
Expand Dong Squad: :<
Harpy: I guess he isn't really
Harpy: boned
Gooper Blooper: have no fear, ZFRP is here
Gooper Blooper: wherein we can bring our fantasies to life that canon normally forbids
Gooper Blooper: with flagrant disregard of copyright
Gooper Blooper: Then it's ruined and ZFRP becomes headcanon
SteelKomodo: lolz
Expand Dong Squad: i have basically written starcraft fanfiction for the past 3 years
Expand Dong Squad: help
Harpy: breakin out of that mold, i use totes original characters
Harpy: totes mcgotes
Harpy: oregano characters
Gooper Blooper: final fantasy generic classes
Gooper Blooper: arrrrrrghhhghghghgh
SteelKomodo: fightan games with a dash of original stuff on the side
Expand Dong Squad: aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggglblbl​blblblblbbblblbl


Harpy: damn, no goops
Harpy: i must tell him about this alternate universe full of alexes
RedSpy: pfffft
Harpy: after he defeated yursarsh, everybody started naming their bebbes after him and hoping they grow up to be big, strong knights




Thong Squad: i won a game of dota everybody
Thong Squad: me and my team were bad but the enemy was worse


Thong Squad: Namco High is out today at 8pm EST
Thong Squad: are you ready to date a spaceship


Cranky Kong Squad: Guys
Cranky Kong Squad: Guys
Cranky Kong Squad: Mann Co High
Cranky Kong Squad: Just imagine the horror
Gooper Blooper: date the hoovy
Gooper Blooper: sandviches at sunset
Cranky Kong Squad: Bond with Sniper over jarate
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
RedSpy: Ignore Engie
RedSpy: Date Sentry
Cranky Kong Squad: Hahahaha


Cornwind Evil: Triple H has had some good shirts
Cornwind Evil: This is not one of them


Cornwind Evil: And now for something completely different
Cornwind Evil: I disagree with your assessment cody
Gooper Blooper: pfff
Cornwind Evil: Also Orton why are you in a dating service you're married.
Gooper Blooper: you are now imagining a speed-date ad for 2014 ZFRP featuring a new character being subjected to older characters
Cornwind Evil: Sine: You travelled? I've been to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribbean, Greenland, El Salvador, too.
HypeKomodo: D:
HypeKomodo: also XD
Gooper Blooper: Ariel: Could I get you to sign this petition? It's really important.
Cornwind Evil: Charlie: I assure you, I don't sparkle.
HypeKomodo: Rain: Um... what am I doing here? D:
Cornwind Evil: Hypotenuse: This process seems highly ineffective. Would meeting a large number of new people in rapid succession not diminish any overall impressions?
HypeKomodo: Shuma: It's the tentacles, isn't it? Ugh, every time...
Gooper Blooper: Hella Jeff: dufe, you should tototally order the nanchoes
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina, and Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
HypeKomodo: Stanley: Hello~
HypeKomodo: Clint: This is the best sword... in the world!
HypeKomodo: Stanley: D:
HypeKomodo: Hannah: *spills coffee* Ah, that's not gone well!
Harpy: Hubert: We wish you a meowy christmas, we wish you a meowy christmas- shit, wrong commercial
Cornwind Evil: Bluejay: Nice shoes, wanna *video gets cut off there*
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, and French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
HypeKomodo: Jewel Man: Trust me, darling, rhinestones are so tacky.
HypeKomodo: Pit: *dragging Dirk away from the table* No, bro.
Dirk: Aw, come on, man! D:
HypeKomodo: Glacius: ...
Harpy: Carla: *sitting on a throne of plushies she made herself, hands prospective date one* Here, I made them myself :D
Cornwind Evil: Platinum Blonde: Je suis ici pour faire mon petit ami jaloux.
Cornwind Evil: "So...are you what they call a 'cat person'?"
Harpy: Carlos: guys know that this isn't how speed dating works, right?
RubyChao: General Cleft: First things first. What country are you from?
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland, and Germany, now in one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
HypeKomodo: Shao Kahn: BOW TO ME- *vid gets cut off*
Harpy: Siren: Oh, I see that you have a million dollars in your bank account. Mind sharing? :D
HypeKomodo: Glacius: ...
Cornwind Evil: Caine: I'm still stuck here, in case you were wondering.
HypeKomodo: Slender Man: *footage unavailable*
RubyChao: Utsuho: ...Wait, this isn't the buffet table. That sign was turned around!
Cornwind Evil: Radu: *in the wall* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE​EEEEEEE- *cuts out*
RubyChao: Dr. G. Nerique: Well, I like long walks on the beach and other stereotypical romantic activities.
Harpy: Sophia: ...So. You a demon slayer?
Gooper Blooper: *pauses, leans in slightly* GET IT?
Cornwind Evil: Christine:....this is going to cause nothing but trouble. *leaves*
RubyChao: (who was christine again)
Cornwind Evil: Who indeed
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania, Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
Harpy: Mikey: U-u-uhm.. i don't do well with girls..
HypeKomodo: Reptile: Nobody ever bought Reptile a drink before! :D
Harpy: *new characters stare in bewildered silence*
HypeKomodo: Rock: Um... I'm already married... and have a kid... yeah, this is awkward!
RubyChao: Samus: ...So. Did someone else sign you up for this, too?
Gooper Blooper: brb
Cornwind Evil: Ash:......*hides under the table and sneaks off offscreen*
Harpy: i wonder what new chars would even watch
Harpy: oh well
Harpy: *plans new chars carefully*
Cornwind Evil: Bracha: WHERE'S THE KOBBERS?!?!? *blasts the camera and that's the end of the video*
HypeKomodo: Glacius: ...
*picks up a glass and pours a measure of water into it*
Can I offer you a drink?
Gooper Blooper: Gloria: *reading at the table, doesn't notice anyone sitting there*
HypeKomodo: Carol: *fiddling with some machinery, looks up* Oh, sorry! You were saying~?
HypeKomodo: Daniel: Yeah, I have spikes in my arms. They make a great chiken rotisserie!
HypeKomodo: Crusoe: *blah blah blah*
RubyChao: Victor: Greetings, fellow! Let us discuss the ways of magic, and perhaps share with each other new and unique techniques!
RubyChao: Frostbite: Don't mind him, he thought this was speed magic learning, not speed dating.
Gooper Blooper: *Gloria and Victor wind up speed magic learning*
HypeKomodo: lolz
Gooper Blooper: Meanwhile, a mysterious girl the kobbers don't recognize keeps sitting down, going "You are not the one." and leaving
RubyChao: does anyone sit across from a box that spends all its time hissing and taking photos
Gooper Blooper: possibly
RubyChao: Ridley: Hey, ya seen a lady about this tall, orange armor? I uh... owe her something. Yeah, totally innocuous!
Gooper Blooper: Celestia totally misses the point, shows up with Helios and asks to swap recipes with people

1 comment:

  1. I did do the word count. Ended up with 17 unique instances of either Mastodon or Mastodons and only one mention of the humble Cow.
