Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 93: Call of Duty: Doge

Gooper Blooper joined the chat


Gooper Blooper: I named my huntail Achilles
Gooper Blooper: never forget
No: . . .
SteelKomodo: ;_;
Harpy: .n.
No: ;_;7


iDel asked Chatzy to choose between Emeny Within and Dota 2 spirit update. Chatzy chose: Dota 2 spirit update
iDel: >​asking chatzy
Saberwulf: Putting brick dust across your door is more useful than asking Chatzy
iDel: Hahaha
DerpKomodo: XD
Triple S asked Chatzy to choose between brick dust to the door and asking Chatzy. Chatzy chose: asking Chatzy
Triple S: Well yeah, of course YOU'D say that, Chatzy


RubyChao: right well i'm going to dive right back into ace attorney so i will be lurking
Gooper Blooper: go chao go
RubyChao: already on case 5
Gooper Blooper: Jesus, after Case 2 you were done fucking around


Gooper Blooper: I usually don't play Inferno matches, but my roommate likes to. He also likes adding managers to just about every match type he plays. The first time a match started, the managers for both wrestlers spawned in the ring and did not move at all. Just stood there in opposing corners while he played.
The second time, they spawned outside the ring (like normal), but Scott Hall (manager) slid into the ring, through the fire unharmed, and back out. Weird. Then he did it again, and again, and again,
I'm curious if everyone else will get these odd occurrences when adding managers to Inferno matches.
This happens also when you have a Manager during a singles match and then choose the ring to be surrounded by a cage, the manager slides in the ring through the cage and then just stands there and wont leave......

Gooper Blooper: From the VGCW forum, in a topic about WWE 14 glitches
SteelKomodo: #2Kuality


SteelKomodo: aaaaargh i wanna watch this Yogscast vid
SteelKomodo: but I keep getting an unskippable ad for fucking hair dye


Gooper Blooper: So a thought occurred to me
Gooper Blooper: All this time I've been going on about Platinum and Y's pokedexes, only thinking of White as a middleman
SteelKomodo: oh boy
Gooper Blooper: But my White has a complete or near-complete Gen 5 pokedex. If I trade over everyone from Platinum as they're passing through to Y
Gooper Blooper: All I need to do is breed some eggs and evolve some middle-stage evos and there's another 100%
Gooper Blooper: This means playing the Poke Transfer archery game about 60 times
Rob The Guy With No Ears breaks down, cries
Gooper Blooper: yes, spy
Gooper Blooper: Triple Dex Zone
Gooper Blooper: it's a thing and it's happening
Rob The Guy With No Ears changed name to Spysaac


Gooper Blooper: "Jeff Graham proudly displays the reason his son won’t get a higher education."
SteelKomodo: Jeff you jerk D:


Gooper Blooper: Celestia Face Artist Guy made another picture
Gooper Blooper: the poofiest pants
RubyChao: celestia had some wild fashions in her youth
SteelKomodo: dem pants


Gooper Blooper: *notices I have three Japanese dittos*
Gooper Blooper: oh you're getting transferred bitches
RubyChao: no one escapes the transfer
RubyChao: it's like that vacuum in the tiny chao garden
Gooper Blooper: Platinum used to be my megagame where everything was
Gooper Blooper: Now White will be that megagame for like two weeks until Y is that megagame
RubyChao: is platinum left barren and desolate
RubyChao: like happened to my gba games >​_>​
Gooper Blooper: Yes, exactly like the gba games
SteelKomodo: D,:
Gooper Blooper: alas poor ruby, you were once so beautiful
Gooper Blooper: I Pal Parked everything to Diamond
Gooper Blooper: and of course that was the game that was stolen
RubyChao: and now your ruby protag is left with like
Gooper Blooper: Some HM slaves, a magikarp, a gulpin


SteelKomodo: i am so sick of that hair dye ad
SteelKomodo: i'm actually going ahead and installing adblock plus
RubyChao: rp plot 2014
RubyChao: pit acts in a hair dye ad, gets sick of seeing it literally everywhere
SteelKomodo: ...actually, I might do that!
Gooper Blooper: He was initially approached to do the hair dye ad while in a thong
RubyChao: pfffft
RubyChao: "Not again D:"
RubyChao: "Never again"
SteelKomodo: "NOPE.AVI"
Gooper Blooper: Shirtless Pit AR cards everywhere
Gooper Blooper: Utsuho found with a stash of them under her mattress
SteelKomodo: ...XD:
RubyChao: "It's not what it looks like I swear D:"
SteelKomodo: Pit: Yeeeaaah... Awkward.
RubyChao: "I was just, uh... hoarding them to sell at high prices!"
Gooper Blooper: Josephine laughs, but inside she wishes there was a Shirtless Dirk card
The Deleter: why does josephine need a card, she just needs to ask and she can have the real thing *eyebrows*
Gooper Blooper: obviously to carry with her wherever she goes


RubyChao: made a starlancers post
RubyChao: hope nobody minds a hallway being temporarily rubble-clogged, sorry if that was imposition or something hahhaa
RubyChao: (sorry if this seems a silly thing to worry about. it's nerves)
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao unclogs as fast as he can


Saberwulf: I'm writing up character shit in notepad
Saberwulf: Just thought I'd mention it even though I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit
M Sheep: I CARE
M Sheep: I love me some irrelevant character details
Saberwulf: haha
Saberwulf: Well you're gonna love once I finish this document of completely irrelevant details like character weaponry and dance styles


Saberwulf: Oh god I found an article explaining the costume design for Inception


The Pupposse: Should I just app 17 for Starlancers?
The Pupposse: Continue Harpy's zodiac theme for her *SHOT*
SteelKomodo: I suppose
Dedberwulf: be 18, his Italian cousin
RubyChao: that'd be silly, he's on ardea
RubyChao: b-
Dedberwulf: crabstache
Harpy: cuz i'd prollly wear myself out if i made multiple chars with different backstories because then I'd make plot arcs for all of them
Dedberwulf: pff
Gooper Blooper: Yes, 18. I've been waiting for someone to just blatantly use an Expy so they can get more mileage out of a character


RubyChao: hey gooper
RubyChao: do YOU have a favorite sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: Not anymore, chao
Gooper Blooper: Through using all of them, I came to appreciate what I'd accidentally created
RubyChao: did you have a favorite sarahsister in year 1, goops :V
RubyChao: see
RubyChao: gooper gets it


Gooper Blooper: *looks at three possible 2014 newcomers*
Gooper Blooper: *one is the OC, one is from Pokemon and one is from Dual Destinies*
Gooper Blooper: PREDICTABLE
Harpy: Sammy approves


Dedberwulf: You know, you'd think there'd be an easy way to find characters with horns
Dedberwulf: But no
M Sheep: You're right, I would think that
M Sheep: I am shaken to the core that that is not the case


Dedberwulf: Oh man, found one of my favorite insults
Dedberwulf: "That blighter's dumber than a sack of Richards"
Dedberwulf: It's doubly offensive!
Harpy: Richard is offended by said comment
Gooper Blooper: He could in fact be Richard, as multiple Richards would raise the collective IQ


Dedberwulf: Reading 2012 again, continuity note
Dedberwulf: The reason Jaxx says "Your son's a bloody Sentinel, love" is because he has David's DNA, not because people are born as Sentinels
Dedberwulf: That one always bugged me because it sounded weird
Gooper Blooper: This is the first I'd heard of David of all people being a sentinel
Gooper Blooper: Figured he was a little too not-law-abiding
Dedberwulf: He has Surtr in his blood
Dedberwulf: Though he never joined them
RubyChao: what if david's dna is a sentinel
RubyChao: but not david
RubyChao: ...hahahah i'm technically right
Dedberwulf: Hell he's killed a few Sentinels
Gooper Blooper: Hahaha
Dedberwulf: But really Jaxx is kind of fucktarded and thinks that someone smelling like Surtr means they're a Sentinel automatically
Gooper Blooper: Chao goes for the most bizarre option, is correct
Gooper Blooper: When I initially read that line I thought David was mixing up the baby and just tossed in a little beaker that said "SENTINEL GENES"
Gooper Blooper: "whoops"
Dedberwulf: hahaha
RubyChao: pffft
Dedberwulf: Also, the surtr in his blood is why David can go hyper mode and turn into an angel
Dedberwulf: (also a demon, but this was only ever shown twice)
M Sheep: Hmm Hm Hm~
M Sheep scribbles notes


The Deleter: call of duty: doge
The Deleter: much shoot
The Deleter: such kill
The Deleter: omg


Gooper Blooper: "Twister gained 11836 experience points"
SteelKomodo: Woot
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes Gen 5's exp curve comes in handy
Gooper Blooper: (Twister is a Trapinch)
SteelKomodo: Mmhm
Draco: 11,000 exp? D8
Gooper Blooper: He was at level 1
Gooper Blooper: He's at level 18 now and I'm still scrolling through level up screens
RubyChao: and now?
RubyChao: pfft
SteelKomodo: Aw shit
Gooper Blooper: He made it to level 25
Gooper Blooper: He evolves at 35
Gooper Blooper: 5573 more exp points from a second Audino
SteelKomodo: Aw shit
SteelKomodo: man, they grow up so fast :3
Gooper Blooper: Three Audinos total took Twister from 1 to 30
Gooper Blooper: I have an EV trained Audino as a sort of apology for all the times I biffed them in the face
SteelKomodo: Pfffft


Saberwulf: Jaxx rolls his eyes. "Pff, you sound like the Sentinel R&D. 'Don't smoke in the gate room, Mr. Tantra! No firearms in the operations room, Mr. Tantra! Oh gods, stop punching his face in, Mr. Tantra!'" Jaxx lights up a smoke. "Gits."
Saberwulf: You know, Jaxx had some pretty good lines
Saberwulf: Too bad he was a fuck
SteelKomodo: He really was


The Deleter: i am "watching" "stargate atlantis" with "people"
Saberwulf: That sounds "exciting"
The Deleter: it's the "episode" where "things" "happen"
The Deleter: lots of scarequotes


Jumpropeman: so, I was having trouble with Youtube just now. No matter what I tried to open, I got a 500 Internal Server Error
Jumpropeman: I tried the main page, the subscription page, some of the recent videos I've watched
Jumpropeman: then I open "Mirror Never Lies" and it works just fine
Gooper Blooper: The mirror never fails to load
@: JRM is as croc as they come


The Blood Spy joined the chat
The Blood Spy (HEAR ITS CRY)


The Blood Spy: . . . Monster Hunter Ultimate has 73 monsters
The Blood Spy: My version has 35
The Blood Spy: >​It's down to 40 dollars
The Blood Spy: Damnit Reggie you're not supposed to be Gaben!
Gooper Blooper: Spy, you seem to have forgotten Monster Hunter is a CAPCOM series
Gooper Blooper: Capcom was Gaben before Gaben was Gaben
SteelKomodo: yep, it's Capcom
The Blood Spy: But Capcom can count WAY past 3
The Blood Spy: . . . That just means I give way more money doesn't it
Gooper Blooper: They still struggled for a while with Street Fighter though
Gooper Blooper: They eventually got 3, then it took a decade to count to 4
Gooper Blooper: I think all the guys on the team who could count were on the Mega Man branch
The Blood Spy: Not the Mega Man Legends branch
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: dohohohohohohoho capcom will forever have a black mark on its soul for that one


Gooper Blooper: Even though my Pokemon Diamond was stolen, I kept the case
Gooper Blooper: And it finally paid off four years later when I put Four Heroes of Light in it
Gooper Blooper: I even made my own cover
The Blood Spy: Does this mean X and Y get Bravely Default Togekiss?
Gooper Blooper: that pun


The Blood Spy: Good news: my hunter has more modest armor
The Blood Spy: Bad news: she still insists on wearing thigh-highs
SteelKomodo: ...D:
Gooper Blooper: She's obviously trying to lure Dirk
The Blood Spy: I mean sure they're guarded from the front
The Blood Spy: But from the back its like she's wearing Alex's assless chaps
Gooper Blooper: Sarah: Hey, Alex's clothes are a FASHION STATEMENT! And they're super hunky!
SteelKomodo:, capcom, why
SteelKomodo: Asslex


Gooper Blooper: I currently have perfect dexes in all three gens where it's possible for me to do so
Gooper Blooper: whee
The Blood Spy: And this i where I'd put my perfect Isaac record
The Blood Spy: IF I HAD ONE
The Blood Spy has become Mr. Turner, destroyer of worlds


RubyChao: i was so creative with naming back in the day
RubyChao: for example, i had ?????????? the Hypno


The Blood Spy: So speaking of monster hunters, did I ever bring up my theory that Hepheastus had Ilsaria dropped off on Ardea?
Gooper Blooper: ...Hot damn, that's good
Gooper Blooper: If only DMG was here to make it canon
Gooper Blooper: because that's fucking perfect
The Blood Spy: I mean, think about it. Dropped off on a primitive world with Monster Hunters just like her
The Blood Spy: Cue year 3, a primitive world with Monster Hunters and their loveable plucky sidekick Stanley


SteelKomodo: I found that party car pic you posted
Goops McMahon: party hard
SteelKomodo: i keep picturing the mage with the beer as Josephine, for some reason
Goops McMahon: I think I know why
SteelKomodo: ...why?
RubyChao: josephine no we talked about this D:
Saberwulf: do tell
Goops McMahon: Looking at the picture again, the white mage holding the beer has a bob-style haircut similar to Josephine's
SteelKomodo: ...oh yeah! jeez, no wonder!
Dr. Connors: Sarah no don't flash the audience what would your mom say
Saberwulf: pff
Dr. Connors: Wait she's driving that makes it worse
SteelKomodo: also is that Wario's car?
Saberwulf: Keeping Up With the Mages
Goops McMahon: No, it's a lowrider with a Bomb design on the front
Dr. Connors: They call me Sarah, I'm stuntin in the dubilac
SteelKomodo: ah



SteelKomodo: Mecha-Sarah wasn't exactly Sherlock Holmes :U
RubyChao: Sarahlock Holmes
RubyChao: Mystery of the Missing Candy


Gooper Blooper: this is a prolific artist
SteelKomodo: he is
SteelKomodo: ...mystery 5th Sarah Sister on the left?
Gooper Blooper: This picture gave me the best idea
SteelKomodo: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Part of Celestia's character is "out-of-touch parent"
Gooper Blooper: What if Young Celestia wore those poofy pants and they're the Mysidian equivalent of your dad wearing clothes that haven't been hip since the seventies
SteelKomodo: ...XD
Harpy: oh good god
SteelKomodo: yissssssss
SteelKomodo: that is exactly what it should be like, do iiiiit
Gooper Blooper: "Mom, poofy pants are so lame." "THEY'RE COMING BACK!"
Gooper Blooper: "It's retro!"
Gooper Blooper: *early eighties music videos intensify*
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: celestia repeatedly tries to act hip, fails miserably
RubyChao: trip turns into a huge embarassment for gloria
Gooper Blooper: Gloria trips over Celestia in the hallway
Gooper Blooper: "what on earth are you doing" "THERE'S THIS THING I HEARD ABOUT CALLED 'PLANKING'"
Harpy: ma, plz
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: how does this keep happening
Gooper Blooper: one of the characters I'm seriously considering for 2014 has a huge idiot hair
Gooper Blooper: goddamn


Big the Budo: I can't imagine Wulf as anything but every shopkeeper from Borderlands thrown into a blender
Harpy: wait
Saberwulf: Pff, why's that spy
Big the Budo: (Specifically I always read David's lines as Dr. Zed)
Harpy: he's zed and marcus put together?
Big the Budo: (I have no clue why)
Harpy: i think he's more marcus than zed
Big the Budo: Si
Saberwulf: That is the weirdest voice I've ever heard someone read David as
Saberwulf: I always imagined him as a mix of David Tennant and Graham Norton


Neptune King: What does the fox say?
Neptune King: Copyright infringement
The Deleter: mr toads wild ride
Saberwulf: I like that username
Saberwulf: "bin weevils"
Saberwulf: Gonna make someone insult David with that


Gooper Blooper: 2014 plot: kobbers vs bootleggers
RubyChao: 2014 plot: bootleg kobbers
RubyChao: Glario
RubyChao: Pat and Durk
The Deleter: Jinzey
RubyChao: Smaus
Harpy: Zamantha
Harpy: Micky
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Oddie
SteelKomodo: Pain
Harpy: Meimu
Neptune King: zoofroof
Harpy: Karlos
RubyChao: Colonel Cleave
SteelKomodo: Kommodore Disaster :U
Harpy: Qubert, who can transform into a dog
Harpy: lawdy
Neptune King: Skivvy
RubyChao: Otsoho
Neptune King: Shpee
The Deleter: Sintus
The Deleter: Dulmend
RubyChao: Dr. U. Noteworthy
RubyChao: (the U stands for Un)
Harpy: Karla
Harpy: Lemmard
Harpy: ziren
RubyChao: Tim Engine
Harpy: ...Pisces


Gooper Blooper: Josephine, Pokemon Trainer
SteelKomodo: :3

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