Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013: The Day Celestia Intensified

Chatsephine joined the chat
Chatsephine: Glurrrrrrrg.
CleverMantis: Evening, sunshine. Whaddya thankful for?
Chatsephine: I'm thankful for antacid
CleverMantis: hahahahaha
Chatsephine: If you think Mom went all-out LAST year, that's nothing compared to the effort she put in now that the whole family is back together
Chatsephine: An endless sea of potatoes
Chatsephine: There's no way turkeys can naturally reach that size
CleverMantis: Sounds like a hell of a time. Too bad I couldn't be there.
CleverMantis: What's everyone else thankful for over there? I'm curious.
Chatsephine: Gloria's thankful she doesn't have any jeans in her wardrobe
Chatsephine: Ariel's thankful she's not a vegetarian
Chatsephine: Sarah's thankful for Alex again
Chatsephine: Mom is, of course, thankful for our family's good health. Dad is thankful for all of us.
Chatsephine: This is a wild shot in the dark, but I think Skeiron's thankful for loaves of bread.
CleverMantis: Are you thankful for Dirk? Eh?
CleverMantis nudges Josephine across the Internet
CleverMantis: Eh?
CleverMantis: Eh?
Chatsephine: Yes, yes, I'm grateful for dirky okay
CleverMantis: >dirky
Chatsephine: YES I KNOW
CleverMantis: hahahahahaha
CleverMantis: I love it.

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