Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 90: Knuckles - The Chuckling

RubyChao: sheep wraps up every single character for the year, working on a lengthy epilogue for each one
RubyChao: he looks at the date when he's done
RubyChao: May 1st, 2014
Jumpropeman: XD
Saberwulf: *sad violin music*
M Sheep: Just when I think I'm out


The Deleter: minecraft modding has reached the point where you now make the machines to make the machines you need to make machines
The Deleter: an ouroboros of whining and mental disorders


The Deleter: whenever anyone types "wanker" i read it in sniper's voice nowadays


The Deleter: GO STANLEY
The Deleter: MORE PORT


Saberwulf: Random fish fact time
The Deleter: yaaaay
The Deleter: i love random fish fact time
Saberwulf: Fish can't see red light, so the Stoplight Loosejaw illuminates its prey with red bioluminescence so it can sneak up on them
Saberwulf: It's basically the Sam Fisher of the sea
Saberwulf: Also unintended pun there
The Deleter: wow


Jumpropeman: this standup special I'm watching has the longest scripted introduction ever
Jumpropeman: 10 minutes in and he's still not on stage telling jokes
Jumpropeman: im starting to wonder if its a standup special at all


Jumpropeman: 16 minutes and 20 seconds in he's finally on the stage
Jumpropeman: maybe he'll tell a joke or two as well
Droca: I think the joke is that it's called a comedy special.
Jumpropeman: I'll make sure the big Bar Brawl has 4 entire posts just devoted to setup next year
Jumpropeman: cause thats apparently what people do these days
WITH TWO LEGS: i thought that was what the Snappers were for
Jumpropeman: pre-fite show aint part of the brawl itself. You don't open the BBB topic and have to read 16 minutes worth of nothing before the action
Droca: 16 minutes of nothing? Who reads all my RPs before a BBB? =V


Harpy: sup
Gooper Blooper: making a megapost
Saberwulf: Just ate breakfast, gonna watch Fantastic Planet in a bit
SteelKomodo: doritos and salsa, you?
Harpy: being tired, eatting a browniecookie, and being irked at schedule
Gooper Blooper: delicious browniecookie
Harpy: i am Sarah how may i help you


Harpy: ...damn we didn't have ZFSProm and Yearbook
Gooper Blooper: aw
Gooper Blooper: NEXT TIME
Harpy: "Best Booty on Ship: David Josephine"
SteelKomodo: :<
Gooper Blooper: buttsephine was judged by a panel of experts
Gooper Blooper: *camera pans to Dirk and the coneheads*
Harpy: 3 Dirks
Harpy: oh that works too
SteelKomodo: "...you wrote this, didn't you, Dirk?" "Yes~"
Gooper Blooper: "buttmania is running wild brother"
Harpy: Conehead 3 votes for Davidbooty
Gooper Blooper: 3 out of 4 pervs recommend buttsephine
SteelKomodo: #butts
Harpy: i wonder what superlatives my chars would get
Gooper Blooper: Best Social Media Presence: Sammy
Gooper Blooper: Most Aggressively Adorable Character: Carla
SteelKomodo was just wondering the same thing :U
Harpy: Most Sane: Carlos
Gooper Blooper: User With Most Catte: Harpy


Beyond: Two Souls: Bah gawd Kang
Beyond: Two Souls: What a Zillaplex
SteelKomodo: go goji
SteelKomodo: you can do it
SteelKomodo: you can beat that heel sellout Biollante
RubyChao: >​heel sellout biollante
RubyChao: Nostro why


Cornwind Evil: Ah, Rom Hackers who rewrite the dialogue. The height of wit and cleverness.


Beyond: Two Souls: OH GOOOOOOOOOOD
SteelKomodo: ...YESSSSSSSS
Beyond: Two Souls: And it just loops on that line
Beyond: Two Souls: Its beautiful
Beyond: Two Souls: Chuckling, Knuckling Purgatory


Beyond: Two Souls: 5 minutes in
Beyond: Two Souls: The chuckling has yet to stop
Gooper Blooper: oh god spy
Beyond: Two Souls: My best attempts of flexing my muscles end only in failure
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: he's doing it
Gooper Blooper: he's listening to the whole video


Beyond: Two Souls: 8:52 to 9:10. That is how long one Knuckles takes
Beyond: Two Souls: Approximately 18 seconds per loop
Beyond: Two Souls: 30 minutes is equivalent to 1800 seconds
Gooper Blooper: spy is doing knuckles math
SteelKomodo: XD
Beyond: Two Souls: We are dealing with 100 Knuckles, one hectoknuckles
Cornwind Evil: He still don't hectochuckle
Cornwind Evil: He'd rather flex his hectomuscles
The Deleter: you might say it's a knucklegion
Beyond: Two Souls: This is comparable to Bat Rat stanidng on Fat Rat's shoulders


Beyond: Two Souls: Knuckles: The Chuckling ends in 5 minutes
Beyond: Two Souls: What am I doing with my life
Beyond: Two Souls: WHAT AM I DOING


Beyond: Two Souls: The last 3 Knuckles
Beyond: Two Souls: I can finally stop
Beyond: Two Souls: And chuckle
Beyond: Two Souls: And NOBODY can tell me I should be flexing my muscles instead


Beyond: Two Souls: . . . I'm free
Gooper Blooper: *Spy sits there in silence, thinks, and hits the replay button*
Beyond: Two Souls: That
Beyond: Two Souls: That'd be a straight hour of Knuckles


SteelKomodo: jrm, harpy, say summat, i'm gonna go mad from the so quiet
SteelKomodo: 2quiet4me
Gooper Blooper: it's dramatic tension
Gooper Blooper: one final plot twist will shake the foundations of ZFRP


Jumpropeman: Goes on Netflix
Jumpropeman: Looks in the Comedy section
Jumpropeman: "Sorry, there are no movies currently available in this category"
SteelKomodo: D:
Jumpropeman: Netflix don't find anything funny anymore


SteelKomodo: woot
Harpy: after he attends the wedding
Harpy: Records for all his reploid frands
SteelKomodo: woooot
Harpy: "HEY X GUESS WHO GOT MARRIED #oldskool #Mega"
RubyChao: i'm not really sure about new chars yet. there's a couple ideas but for now i'll just think about my original four in the offseason
SteelKomodo: "Speak now or forever hold your piece." "...I-" "You had your chance, Divebro."
Harpy: obligatory Zephy making the cake
RubyChao: bu-
RubyChao: dammit harpy :I
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RubyChao: i was gonna suggest zephyrus cake D:
Harpy: YOU MAY NOW GOD PUNCH EACH OTHER *Rock and Melody godpunch each other like a brofist, entire chapel explodes into fireworks*
Harpy: Oceanus is best pastor
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: inb4 spy makes that canon
RubyChao: does james always cry at weddings
SteelKomodo: yes
Harpy: for a moment I thought of the Blastoise and I was like "yes"
SteelKomodo: because he is a sentimental person :U
Harpy: then i remembered it was Jewel Man and can now only imagine a Blastoise being FAAABULOUUUUS~
RubyChao: james takes james under his wing, teaches him in the skill of fabulosity
SteelKomodo: why D:
SteelKomodo: jamesception
Kane In A Suit: . . . Come to think of it, have we had any big dramatic weddings since Season 1?
Harpy: Not that I know of
Harpy: except the non-wedding that was Conehead Groom and Josephine
Harpy: i swear, if anybody has a wedding on Ardea, PLEASE DON'T LET LENNY KNOW
Kane In A Suit: D: Why?
Harpy: cakeocolypse
Kane In A Suit: But
Kane In A Suit: Cake
The Deleter: caek


Gooper Blooper: I got a Clefairy through the GTS, and lo and behold it has a fun nickname AND a good nature
Kane In A Suit: Ooh, what's it named?
Gooper Blooper: Navi
Gooper Blooper: hey listen
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Kane In A Suit: Navi and Barret tag team
Kane In A Suit: #HEY


Gooper Blooper: time to check the GTS
mobile spy: Time to play the trades
Gooper Blooper: hoohehehedgfsdf


Gooper Blooper: Dream Scenario: After a couple months me and spy are both missing only one Pokemon - he's missing Escavalier and I'm missing Accelgor, and we trade with each other
Gooper Blooper: they evolve together, completing the dexes simultaneously
SteelKomodo: aw yissss
mobile spy: That'd be the Rocky High Five ending


The Deleter: fucking dickwaddling cumspewing shitshovelling FUCK
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: jesus del you ok?
The Deleter: my internet freaked out because my dongle decided to change the security settings for the network i connect to
The Deleter: FOR NO RAISIN
The Deleter: i fixed it
The Deleter: but
SteelKomodo: have you turned into an MSPaint Robotnik comic- oh D:
The Deleter: now i don't wanna play minecraft
Kane In A Suit: That's awful D:
The Deleter: who's to say i'm not already bro
SteelKomodo: that would explain too much :P
The Deleter changed name to Robotnik
Robotnik: GODDAMN
SteelKomodo: lolz


Goops McMahon: sharrakor: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
The Deleter: oh dear
The Deleter: it's spreading


Goops McMahon: hematophilia: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give TABLE-SAN
SteelKomodo: XD


Goops McMahon: crixm: ( つ゚∀゚)つ GIVE SLAMTIDE
Harpy: read that as Sammitude
Goops McMahon: Sammy for WVGCW


Goops McMahon: karasu416: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Go, Badman.
SteelKomodo: #Badman
Goops McMahon: The evolution of this emote has been one of the subplots of the night


Saberwulf: I'm gonna name a science-fiction ship Tangwhaup one day


SteelKomodo: ...guys, this may be the lack of sleep talking, but I just realised something
SteelKomodo: the Heisei Gamera trilogy is Attack on Titan before AoT was a thing
RubyChao: it's like 3:30 am for you, right sk?
RubyChao: it's probably the sleep deprivation
SteelKomodo: yep
SteelKomodo: but lemme explain :U
SteelKomodo: You have humanity in constant peril from these monsters (Titans/Gyaos), and one of the heroes has a connection to the monsters (Eren/Asagi with Gamera), and there's this one big monster that everyone's trying to kill (Legion/Irys, I dunno) and the military is kinda wierd and incompetent except for a few guys.
SteelKomodo: ...yeeeaaah, i need to sleep
Draco: I haven't seen Attack on Titan. Does it have giant turtles?
Cornwind Evil: No, it has doom and gloom
Cornwind Evil: And things going boom
Jumpropeman: its a Cornwind plot
Cornwind Evil: Also a fighting style inspired by Spider-Man
Goops McMahon: From what I've heard of Attack on Titan, yes it's a Cornwind plot
Cornwind Evil: No, I'd say it's more like a seven Cornwinds plot
Draco snrks.
Cornwind Evil: I don't think I'd be THAT grim and mean
Goops McMahon: Okay, it's a Cornwind plot after he watched a bad WWE PPV
Cornwind Evil: RARGH
Cornwind Evil: KANE IN A SUIT


RubyChao: and this is why they don't let utsuho play baseball anymore
Jumpropeman: well, at least it will be a guaranteed run
Jumpropeman: there will be no one alive to stop her


RubyChao: imagine if del had beaten rob and not vice versa


...: . . . Guys
...: Guys I had the best idea
...: I'm about to do the hip-hop equivalent of rainbow cocaine
...:  In this corner
...:  In the other corner
Gooper Blooper: oh, THAT thing
Gooper Blooper: welcome to die
...: 15 minutes
...: Take yer bets, how long will I last
RubyChao: with the mike in his hands
RubyChao: he's rougher than the rest of them
RubyChao: so take your bets
Gooper Blooper: The whole thing
Gooper Blooper: because that's exactly the kind of stupid shit you love to do


...: Oh my god what am I doing
...: These don't sync at all . . . and yet they do
Gooper Blooper: bumpy knuckles baby
...: Goops that's perfect


RubyChao: i was skimming through the bbb1 prefite show and it's a biiit jarring to see sine called "Cornwind Evil"
RubyChao: ah, the days of early RP
SteelKomodo: mmhm
SteelKomodo: this was long before we'd established character identities past our usernames
RubyChao: widow maker being called gooper blooper
SteelKomodo: :<


Harpy: brownie cookie saves college student from starvation
Harpy: news at 11
Gooper Blooper: Sarah air dropping food to desperate college students from her airship
Harpy: but i like keeping my food
Harpy: i'm a poor white mage
Harpy: maybe i should have class changed to a chemist like josephine
Gooper Blooper: The real sarah is filthy rich
Gooper Blooper: owns a damn theme park
Harpy: i am the irl sarah
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: except if I had a theme park and was rich, id pay for my bf's education and never fucking get off the teacup ride
Harpy: "YOU'VE BEEN THERE FOR HOURS" "shut up i like spinning, NOW START IT UP AGAIN"
Gooper Blooper: Ms. Sarah's Wild Ride


Gooper Blooper: dirk butt vs buttsephine, the fite yer mates JRM would never write
SteelKomodo: ...XD
Jumpropeman: you underestimate me
SteelKomodo: it'd be awfully short as well :U
Jumpropeman: it would be like when Ren and Stimpy would dance together
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: FRIENDSHIP


Gooper Blooper: chao forces himself to like hard games because every single touhou and touhou fangame is hard
RubyChao: There are easy ones! Like
RubyChao: ...well i'm sure I'll think of one


Gooper Blooper: I actually had this idea for an addition to the sarahkin family photo at the end of RP
Gooper Blooper: It would look exactly the same but you could see the tops of Alex and Dirk's heads behind everyone else and only their idiot hairs were visible
SteelKomodo: PFFFFFT


Dirk Butt: ZFRP is Zeph's dying dream after Nostro rips him to shreds
RubyChao: no, no, we need to go further
Gooper Blooper: No, it's Widow Maker's dying dream after Playing Mantis lost
Jumpropeman: no, its Draco in a hundred wigs talking in the mirror
Harpy: :I
Jumpropeman: it's actually UTSUHO'S dream and she wakes up in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: Saralex is Sarah's dying dream after being shot by Hella Jeff, Alex was just humoring her and didn't really love her
Gooper Blooper: SO EDGY
Dirk Butt: We can make it worse
RubyChao: wait, even better gooper
RubyChao: the entirity of zoofights II-VI and all the roleplayRubyChao: is the dying dream of the guy who blew up the tarantulas in ZFI's final battle
RubyChao: there, top that
Dirk Butt: Zephyrus never lived past the fight with Garland. He was Hypotenuse's "father" in memory, not in co-building
Dirk Butt: Oceanus fights only to honor his brother's memory
Jumpropeman: all of Zoofights is a little boy in a military hat with a halloween hippo mask playing with the parts of his broken toys
RubyChao: wait, hold on
RubyChao: "The fight started with a bang, quite literally, as two of the six lions slammed forward at cannon speed into the mass of gibbons as they swarmed out from their holding cell, mouths open and roaring. One missed completely and smashed itself to paste on the arena wall"
Gooper Blooper: chao please
RubyChao: okay i'll stop :V


Gooper Blooper: have you gotten a load of 2012 Dirk yet
RubyChao: not yet
RubyChao: just passed the BBB2
Gooper Blooper: He's coming right up
Gooper Blooper: gird your loins
King: He's an irresistible force
Gooper Blooper: does that make Celestia's butt an immovable object
King: No, Celestia's ass is the one thing that can resist Leo Luster
King: . . . Oh god Celestia's ass is Donkey Kong
Gooper Blooper: expand butt


RubyChao: fun fact when i originally saw helios' art his apparently huge hands confused me
RubyChao: (then i saw the female white mage art and realized he's probably just wearing gloves)
Jumpropeman: Gotta have big hands to smack dat booty
Gooper Blooper: pfff
Gooper Blooper: Nah, Chao, the FFT art guy just draws fucking enormous hands
RubyChao: oh okay :V
RubyChao: #Hands
Gooper Blooper: Hold on, lemme see if I can find this crazy example
Gooper Blooper: Can't find what I wanted, but this works
Gooper Blooper: Ninja Stel-Stel's massive hands
RubyChao: stella's jazz hands were always feared
King: Yaoi hands
King: My god


Gooper Blooper: new chatzy madness
Jumpropeman: *drops everything*

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