Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 91: I Wanna Ride the Kum Kar

Harpy: ...i want to suggest the TF2 beauty pageant thing to valve as an event
Harpy: because i'm awful


RubyChao: rain is still one of the most hilarious examples of character development in ZFVIRP imo
Harpy: rain x stella is best pairing
Harpy: don't tell goops
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: also how so, chao?
RubyChao: that's not how you spell pit x utsuho :crossarms:
RubyChao: it's just the contrast
SteelKomodo: thanks in advance~
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RubyChao: "and he lets out all of his anger in an assault from the heavens, screaming curses against Red Spy and all he stands for into the sky."
RubyChao: two months later
RubyChao: "The ninja is finally squeeing. God help us."
Harpy: then he gets married
Harpy: oh lawd help me, i might play LoL again
Harpy: HELP
SteelKomodo: XD- D:
SteelKomodo: oh god no D:
Harpy: *flails*
Harpy: then i play timbersaw and all is well


Gooper Blooper: Harpy: rain x stella is best pairing Harpy: don't tell goops
Gooper Blooper: harpy betrayed me :<
Saberwulf: hahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
The Deleter: harpy is wrong
The Deleter: it's jonesybus


The Deleter: why does eminem sound like kermit
The Deleter: he does
The Deleter: it's weird
Harpy: ...oh god
Harpy: what if you listen to all his songs and just hear kermitvoice
The Deleter: then you're fucked ma'am
Harpy: preach it


RubyChao: don't you love creepypastas that end with "AND THEN IT ERASED ALL TRACES OF ITSELF"
SteelKomodo: nope :U
RubyChao: "The police took away my laptop to search the file… but it must have done something to itself. The entire motherboard was completely useless, melted and corrupted beyond saving. The download link had disappeared from Rapidshare."
RubyChao: but look at it
RubyChao: it's 2 spooky!!!


The Deleter: and now all my posters are falling off the walls
The Deleter: my evening cannot get any worse
Saberwulf: Quickly drink port until life seems worth living
Saberwulf: Thats how all the cool kids do it
The Deleter: hahaha
The Deleter: i don't have any port
The Deleter: i drank it all
The Deleter: guess it's rum time


Gooper Blooper: Cagnazzo in 2011, Scarmiglione in 2012, Rubicante in 2013
Gooper Blooper: obviously I need to throw Barbariccia in RP somewhere next year
Jumpropeman: Mud Wrestling Tournament ;D
Jumpropeman: The Sarahkin have killed more people than Josef Stalin
RubyChao: "Well now that Garland and all the Fiends are dead, we can finally relax without worrying abo-" "YOOOOOOU" "dammit"
Gooper Blooper: "IT'S ME HELIOS" "AW SON OF A BITCH"
Jumpropeman: Their Rap Sheet makes Serial Killers feel inadequate


Draco: Cripes. Have I had a Google+ account this whole time and not realized it? Are they going to start charging me without my knowledge too?
Jumpropeman: I apparently had one too
Jumpropeman: I think I made it so I can get my .02 fractions of a penny from monetizing my shitty videos
RubyChao: i made it because it literally would not let me use my channel otherwise


Jumpropeman: Hello Draco, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the sound of silence.
Draco: =|
Draco puts a silencer on his rocket lawnchair.
Jumpropeman: im sorry Draco
Jumpropeman: did I get a bit too real for you
Jumpropeman: not used to Seriousropeman
Draco: Slenderropeman.
Draco finds the pages.
Jumpropeman: *static*
Jumpropeman: *Draco dies because I stood near him all creepy-like*
Draco: ARGH.
Draco: I can't do this without a strategy guide! D=<
Jumpropeman: you should record yourself screaming at me
Jumpropeman: you could make millions on the internet and buy a strategy guide with the cash!
Draco: Google+ takes all the money now. It is the Alpha and Smergle.
Jumpropeman: *throws pokeball at the Smeargle*


Draco: Good bye, Jumpropeman, wherever you are.
Draco slowly, mercifully explodes into a horrific fireball, destroying 2/3 of the children's hospital and another 1/3 of the children's hospital.
Jumpropeman: He went out like he always said he wanted to
Jumpropeman: through a doorway :')


DerYps: "A new villainous Superstar known as the Finisher has mastered the finishing moves of every WWE Superstar, and he’s taken over! After firing everyone, what will John Cena, Alberto Del Rio, Kane, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, and CM Punk do to earn a living? The answers may surprise you! Would you believe John Cena as an auto repairman? Or Kane as a school chef? What about Rey Mysterio as a crossing guard? Shock follows shock as the WWE’s greatest athletes try to make it outside the ring!"
iDel: What
iDel: Ahahahahahahaha
iDel: Amazing
DerYps: I wanna see Rey Mysterio as a crossing guard


DerYps: Gooper Blooper: Watch, the iron man will be a draw
Gooper Blooper: I told ya
DerYps: RubyChao: i predict an exciting time as we discover that '14 has fixed all of these glitches and produced all sorts of new ones
Gooper Blooper: I think chao is still afk
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: So much XD
DerYps: Then just imagine me straining to maintain that YOOOOU until he returns
DerYps: Even as my lungs give way
Gooper Blooper: just keep pointing


RubyChao: me


Gooper Blooper: you know what we haven't had in a while
SteelKomodo: What
Gooper Blooper: bootlegs
SteelKomodo: That's one way to get to class :U
Gooper Blooper: never be late to conners class ever again with this kickin rad board
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: Man, the credit crunch hit Bugs Bunny hard, didn't it.
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: NO GAMBLING unless your Brat, Elisa and Magoo
SteelKomodo: then it's perfectly ok!
Gooper Blooper: "Blastaise is my favorite Packet Manster"
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: Prince Banana?
Harpy: I didn't know you were a prince, Knuckles
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: he's the prince of
RubyChao: losing emeralds or smth
SteelKomodo: ...yeah, that joke writes itself
Gooper Blooper: babby dirk
RubyChao: dirk no D:
SteelKomodo: "Please don't swallow it"
SteelKomodo: i
SteelKomodo: i literally got nothing
RubyChao: it sounds almost like they did it on purpose :V
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: Spongebob no D:
Gooper Blooper: Misdreavus' face when she finds out she's unobtainable in X and Y
SteelKomodo: "They... They left me out, but kept freaking Smeargle in?!"
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: guile what are you doing
DerYps: I love how they forgot Toad and Bowser
Gooper Blooper: "Eh, that's good enough, we won't get sued right"
SteelKomodo: #LooksShopped
RubyChao: ...oh god i just noticed they only pasted the heads on
RubyChao: ahahhaahah
Gooper Blooper: okay this one might be fake
Gooper Blooper: that's a little TOO obscure


Harpy: watching a Megaman Legends LP
Harpy: hrrrrng Rock Volnutt
Harpy: hrrrng Tron
Harpy: that is me fangirling for the day, so sry
Gooper Blooper: *harpy RPs as Tron next year*
Gooper Blooper: Servbots and Prinnies mingling
Harpy: only if someone RPs Volnutt
Harpy: or Tiesel
Harpy: or Bon Bonne
Harpy: then Tron falls in love with a Kobber and feeeels~
The Deleter: i know who i am rping next year
Harpy: skeleton king
The Deleter: well duh


Harpy: *remembers fondly when she wrecked the middle lane with Morgana"
Gooper Blooper: >​Morgana
Gooper Blooper: ruined
Harpy: wasn't here for her plot for Year 2, so ~not ruined~


Harpy: dota2 incoming
Harpy: goddamn it del
The Deleter: hell yeah
Harpy: ...tho i can't completely blame you, my bf talkin bout LoL helped
The Deleter: it has some story tutorials to show you the basics
The Deleter: do them, they are cool
Harpy: or teamgank or anything, I suck
Harpy: lemme just take the last hit for everything and deny shit
Harpy: oh and stun and shit
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
The Deleter: there are many cool supports in dota, lich is the coolest but he doesn't have a stun so
The Deleter: crystal maiden got popular recently, stun, aoe slow, global mana regen aura and big aoe nuke and slow ult
The Deleter: made of paper
The Deleter: and slow but good
The Deleter: jakiro is a dragon and that's all you need
Harpy: she was recommended as a beginner's support in that thing
The Deleter: she is a pretty good starter support but for total newbs i'd say give it a game or two
The Deleter: she is very slow and goes squish
The Deleter: lich is the default new player hero but fuck that pick jakiro
Harpy: tho i don't know how to build my items up at first
The Deleter: items is easy just go boots radiance on everyone
The Deleter: (don't do that)
Harpy: I'll figure something out and then roast anyone who says I'm doing it wrong
Harpy: *feeds everybody*
Gooper Blooper: [insert sarahkin joke]
Harpy: we can't keep feeding them, they're becoming stronger
The Deleter: goops imagine every hero in a game of dota is a sarahkin and by dying to them you make them fatter and stronger
The Deleter: this is an accurate analogy btw
Harpy: game over, rise of Sarah
SteelKomodo: D:


Jumpropeman: lookee here
Jumpropeman: I found the major
The Deleter: :O
Gooper Blooper: mother of god
Gooper Blooper: the image source to end all image sources


The Deleter: so
The Deleter: this new dongle
The Deleter: which i got for a tenner
The Deleter: is worse than my old dongle
The Deleter: welp
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: how, why and possibly what
The Deleter: tp-link made my new dongle
The Deleter: so that explains that
SteelKomodo: ah
DerYps: Did you raise your dongles?
SteelKomodo: XD
The Deleter: i have literally raised my dongle
The Deleter: because it's falling apart and needs to be bent upwards to work
SteelKomodo: D:
DerYps: D:
DerYps lowers dongers
The Deleter: whoooooo
The Deleter: oonst oonst oonst


[Concerning the arcade game CarnEvil]

GhostKomodo: if feeding a token into a jester skull's mouth summons this evil carnival
GhostKomodo: and our protagonist is clearly aware of the legend and knows doing so would be a bad idea
The Deleter: horror logic
The Deleter: that's why
GhostKomodo: god, horror protags are idiots :<
DerYps: Doesn't he do that again at the end of the game?
GhostKomodo: ...WHY D:<


Gooper Blooper: Wheatley's impact on RP will never be forgotten
RubyChao: Wheatley what are you doing
RubyChao: Wheatley why do you come here
Gooper Blooper: he gave us "dirk pat"
RubyChao: it's wheatley that gives dirk his name?
RubyChao: somehow that's hilarious
Gooper Blooper: Yes, it was in a fite vote
Gooper Blooper: As a throwaway gag
RubyChao: ...pffffft
GhostKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: I started using it because I thought it was funny, and then other people started using it


Gooper Blooper: I was on the GTS earlier today and I found someone offering a lunatone nicknamed Mac Tonight
Gooper Blooper: ruined
The Deleter: hahaha
The Deleter: amazing


Gooper Blooper: *looks at GTS*
Gooper Blooper: all these rare, shiny, and legendary pokemon asking for feebas
Gooper Blooper: note to self, prepare a box of feebas for the day Pokemon Bank releases


RubyChao: i return
DerYps: And making his way to the ring
DerYps: From out of this world
DerYps: RUBY. COW.
SteelKomodo: XD
DerYps: And HIS opponent
Harpy: now all i can imagine is a bull decked out in ruby bling
DerYps: From the Old Country
RubyChao suplexes SK
Harpy: but i don't waaaanna steal a condo
SteelKomodo: Ow D:
SteelKomodo Piledrives RC
RubyChao passes out

RubyChao: i'm not cut out for this line of work
Gooper Blooper: oh mama
Harpy: and this is how you know you watch too much VGCW
SteelKomodo: =D


Saberwulf: Funfact the Western Black Rhino is officially extinct we killed them all
The Deleter: hoorah
The Deleter: er wait
The Deleter: that isn't the right thing to type is it
The Deleter: shit
Gooper Blooper: *Ariel drops her drink*


The Deleter:
Draco: ....WHAT THE HELL?
Draco: Spider-Man made a goddamn MOTORIZED SWAMP BOAT out of his webbing?!
Saberwulf: wallopin' webstepper
Gooper Blooper: he didn't even need any bote nales
RubyChao: spider-man defeats croctopus in a bote building contest
RubyChao: croctopus heel turns
The Deleter: peter parker is a genius remember :I
Saberwulf: Billy looks high as fuck
Saberwulf: He's tripping on acid so fucking hard he thinks he's in the bayou with spiderman
Draco: That's gotta be the answer, Wulf.
The Deleter: goddamn
The Deleter: spiderman
The Deleter: spiderman
The Deleter: does whatever the fuck he likes
The Deleter: builds a boat
The Deleter: out of web
The Deleter: fuck physics you stupid pleb
The Deleter: look oooooout
The Deleter: it's motherfucking spiderman
Gooper Blooper: bayou more like aeiou am I right
The Deleter: yes


[Gooper Blooper and Draco are trading Pokemon. Josephine, GB's trainer, sends over Sarah the Swirlix]

Draco: Sarah lol
Gooper Blooper: "Because it eats nothing but sweets, its fur is as sticky sweet as cotton candy."
Draco: 2accurate
Draco: Returning Sarah to Josephine in exchange for the ransom.
Gooper Blooper: Josephine keeps sarah in a pokeball
Gooper Blooper: When your kobber trainer sends out kobber pogeys it gets weird
Gooper Blooper: It's like Pluto and Goofy


Gooper Blooper: Oh good, Gengar still does that wiggling dance
Gooper Blooper: Whenever the X and Y animations differ from Stadium it feels a little weird


Jumpropeman: I would challenge Draco to a rematch
Jumpropeman: but even though Diggersby is level 100 now
Jumpropeman: I'm sure it would die due to its rampant libido
Gooper Blooper: You raised a Diggersby all the way to 100?
Gooper Blooper: That's hardcore
Draco: Goomy has achieved its final form. Diggersby would be in for the romance of its life.
Gooper Blooper: Diggersby X Goodra 2014 pairing of the year
Jumpropeman: I raised a Dustox to level 100
Jumpropeman: I have no limit to my madness B|


Gooper Blooper: ...Wow, poor draco. His Friend Safari is hilariously terrible
DerYps: What is it?
Gooper Blooper: Water-type, Floatzel and Bibarel
DerYps: That's not bad!
Jumpropeman: you're right, its downright awful :P


Jumpropeman: When I was little playing Pokemon Gold, I had the goal to have a Smeargle with every move in the game
Jumpropeman: I got one with Quick Attack, one with Tackle, and then I gave up
Gooper Blooper: haha


Jumpropeman: just think: Before we die, there will be over 1000 Pokemon
Jumpropeman: and we'll know all their names
Gooper Blooper: Not instantly, though
Gooper Blooper: I failed miserably at a "name every pokemon" sporcle quiz


RubyChao: god it's so interesting playing Ace Attorney blind
RubyChao: half because of the times where you're screaming at the ds "NO SEE I KNOW THIS ONE PRESENT THAT PRESENT THAT
RubyChao: and then sometimes you turn out to be wrong, and that's always entertaining :V
RubyChao: i ended up spoiling myself on AA1-4 and AAI
RubyChao: was gonna play AAI2 blind but that didn't work out
Gooper Blooper: Hopefully there will be many more ace attorneys for you to play blind
RubyChao: i do hope so
Gooper Blooper: Ever since AAI2 I'm constantly fearing for the life of the series
Gooper Blooper: every game could be the last
RubyChao: D:
RubyChao: don't say that, you'll hurt my optimism
RubyChao: at least it has a better lifespan than ignazio
Jumpropeman: =V
Gooper Blooper: Ignazio joins the elite ranks of ZFRP Protagonists That Actually Died
Gooper Blooper: such famous faces like
Gooper Blooper: like
Gooper Blooper: New Marlinnium
RubyChao: Manju
Jumpropeman: some people were permadead... for a while
Jumpropeman: like Q and Draco
Saberwulf: Tramadol's a ghost does that count
RubyChao kills off Utsuho forever during the offseason
RubyChao: there we go, now there's another
Gooper Blooper: chao don't you do it


Gooper Blooper: well we already have a possible 2015 setting
Jumpropeman: 2015 takes place into Antarctica
Gooper Blooper: Since 2014 is Ardea Again the debate is pushed back
RubyChao: if we go to the wild west
RubyChao: it will be a race to see who RPs Jake Marshall first
RubyChao: (obviously he is the bartender)
Gooper Blooper: Sheryl would fit right in puddin
Jumpropeman: If it is gonna be Cyberpunk Cowboys, the only theme appropriate characters would be from Trigun
Gooper Blooper: The idea I had in my head is a bit hard to describe, but basically
Saberwulf: David A. Wulfwood
Gooper Blooper: Start with Zoofights City/Manhattan
RubyChao: i meant the planetary bartender, like tallish :V
Gooper Blooper: Now, instead of being Manhattan, it's Las Vegas
Gooper Blooper: But it still has the eccentricities of a Zoofights-style city
Gooper Blooper: Surround it with desert and deep-south swamps, add a few lonely diners on roads in the middle of nowhere
Gooper Blooper: And you have the basic idea for what I was thinking
Saberwulf: Sounds interesting
Gooper Blooper: Lots of potential for partying hard in the city
Saberwulf: I'd be up for it, at least
Jumpropeman: Mars Vegas, gotcha
Gooper Blooper: Lots of potential for 2spooky and other sinister plots in the desert
Jumpropeman: Borax Kid~
Saberwulf: Or if we want space you could always just use Lustrum
Gooper Blooper: Deadly Creatures was an inspiration
Saberwulf: A whole asteroid field of casinosssss
Gooper Blooper: As was Casino Night Zone
Saberwulf: only seven years to see them all
Jumpropeman: dang, now I can't kill off Borax Kid next year in another dramatic death scene D:
Gooper Blooper: Well, you'll just have to do it to edyth instead
Jumpropeman: 3
Jumpropeman: 2
Jumpropeman: 1
Jumpropeman: hm, Spy's not paying attention
Gooper Blooper: must still be folding laundry
DerYps: NO D:<
Jumpropeman: there we go
Gooper Blooper: oh there he is


RubyChao: WAIT
RubyChao: wulf i must know
RubyChao: what does New Jaxx think of corn
Saberwulf: I think you forget, the Hub doesn't have corn
Saberwulf: NO. CORN. PRODUCTS.
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: poor chet
RubyChao: every day must be a living nightmare
Saberwulf: They just imitate the taste with soy and lentils
Gooper Blooper: "So wait, what do you do with all the corn if you don't put it in food products, use it for fuel, oil or even decoration?" "Corn? Bloody hell, we don't even grow the stuff in the Hub!"
Chet's farmer's tan went pale as the words hammered into his mind.
No. Corn. Products.

Saberwulf: How the fuck do you still have that
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy Madness
Saberwulf: hahaha
Jumpropeman: No Wheat and Wheat By-Products
RubyChao: hhahaah now i'm just imagining like
RubyChao: chet spiraling into a void of despair
RubyChao: his universe crumbling around him
RubyChao: at the lack of corn and corn products
Gooper Blooper: Ran a quick google search for "chet" and the exact phrase "no corn products"
Gooper Blooper: first result
Saberwulf: hahaha oh my god
RubyChao: "Chet! CHET STAY WITH ME MAN!"
RubyChao: "Alright, I know what'll help..."
RubyChao: *david waves an ear of corn under chet's nose, it revives him*
Gooper Blooper: Chet eats a can of corn like popeye eats spinach
Gooper Blooper: TOOT TOOT
RubyChao: he punches a guy so hard the guy explodes into popcorn
Saberwulf: "Wow, I guess corn really is a great source of vitamins!" "Vitamins? Bloody hell that can's full of crystal meth and ecstasy you tweaking git"


Gooper Blooper: "Can I just say" is an odd phrase if you think about it
RubyChao: how so?
Jumpropeman: unless it's followed by racism or cursing, you can usually say whatever you are about to say
Gooper Blooper: It's like you're asking permission but you're doing what you were going to do with or without permission
Gooper Blooper: Like, if you finish your sentence, they can't say "no you can't say that" because you just did
Saberwulf: English language~


Jumpropeman: *looks at the picture of Rebecca that Goops drew*
Jumpropeman: she has a nose...
Gooper Blooper: What is this heresy
Jumpropeman: JRMMind.exe has stopped working
Gooper Blooper: I don't recall drawing any such nose
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: is that a scar
Jumpropeman: false alarm everyone
Gooper Blooper: Yes, that's a scar
Gooper Blooper: don't scare me like that jrm


DerYps: . . . What does FYMBLE even stand for xD
Gooper Blooper: Fite Yer Mates: Black Legend Edition
Jumpropeman: Fite Yer' Mates: Black Legend Edition
Jumpropeman: ha! I spelled mine properly
Jumpropeman: can't forget that apostrophe
Gooper Blooper: the apostrophe doesn't even make sense
Jumpropeman: *takes my small victory and weeps in the corner*
Jumpropeman: blame BCB :V
Jumpropeman: he made the topic "Proposal for the first Fite Yer' Mates Night" and I just took the name from there


Saberwulf: Ow fuck music too loud
Saberwulf: I think I just felt 1997 in my fucking ribs
Gooper Blooper: everybody get up it's time to ear rape now
Saberwulf: Okay I lowered it down to "AK-47 in ear" levels

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