Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 86: Josephine FROM BEHIND

Draco: OF COURSE! I just realized who my main ZFRP4 character shall be! =D
M Sheep: Mr. Peanut?
M Sheep: The Owl from singalong songs?
M Sheep: The Marvelously Mad Madam Mim?
Draco: I will give you a hint: it's party time.
M Sheep: Oh God
M Sheep: Draco
M Sheep: you
M Sheep: you MONSTER


Library Harpy joined the chat

[Harpy's username is green]

RubyChao: >​library >​green
RubyChao: harpy confirmed for gloria
Library Harpy: hi
Library Harpy: i thought I was confirmed for sarah
RubyChao: no you're gloria right now
RubyChao: you can be sarah later
The Deleter: be all of them
The Deleter: take turns
The Deleter: draw a timetable of who you'll be and when
The Deleter: because organization is impooorrrrr ugh i'm too tired to keep the joke going
Library Harpy: haw


Library Harpy: wait what, I can get cakes off amazon?
Library Harpy: oh, cake toppers
Library Harpy: *sarah weakens*


Draco: Goops isn't allowed to get old. Every time he reaches a certain age, he dies and becomes Baby Goops again.


Draco: Popepopepope, do you have any cool dragons?
Jumpropeman: I have a Goomy
Draco: Is he a cool dragon?
Jumpropeman: the coolest
Draco: That guy is the dopest of dopes! =D
Draco: Give me a baby Goomy so I may make him the center of my team.


Chatsephine joined the chat
SteelKomodo: eyosephine
Chatsephine: Being a Pokemon Trainer is not quite like what the informational pamphlet said it would be
Chatsephine: SO. MUCH. WALKING. When do I get a Rhyhorn
Chatsephine: And I went in this boutique and they said I wasn't pretty enough to shop there. Stay classy
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
SteelKomodo: if Dirk heard that, he'd punch the lights out of whoever said that
Chatsephine: I know :3
SteelKomodo: :3


RubyChao: so sk
RubyChao: is my guess that "dirk is going to be voting on fite 1" right :V
SteelKomodo: yes
RubyChao: hmmmmmm i wonder who he could be voting for
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: Victor
RubyChao: yeah it's probably victor
ChemistyHarpy: Well his name is Victor
ChemistyHarpy: by default, he's gonna win
ChemistyHarpy: only to find himself crushed by SURPRISE JOSEPHINE FROM BEHIND
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: >​crushed
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: lel fat jokes
ChemistyHarpy: if its a fatsephine carryin a hammer, he gonna be double smashed
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ: So Queen JoJoJo


Gooper Blooper: When I was shopping yesterday I checked out the poster section at walmart - they've had some of the same posters for what seems like eons
Gooper Blooper: And then I saw it
Gooper Blooper: the dirkposter
SteelKomodo: ...what?
Jumpropeman: =o
Gooper Blooper: I have never seen so many butts on one poster before
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: I thought it was a poster of Dark pit
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha


Jumpropeman: Ronnie v. Sarah. FITE WEEK CHAMPION SHOWDOWN
Jumpropeman: MORE FITES :V
Jumpropeman: *convulses*


Harpy: Sarah vs. Lilah
Gooper Blooper: Outeat Yer Mates
Jumpropeman: Feed Yer' Mates 2, followed by an Eating Contest
Gooper Blooper: Celestia cooks, Sarah eats
Gooper Blooper: the ultimate team
Gooper Blooper: We haven't had a single non-combat fite this year
Gooper Blooper: Maybe Christmas could change that
Harpy: that must please the ghostie quite a bit
Harpy: oh lord christmas
Harpy: I have two short stories for christmas
Jumpropeman: Some of them were non-lethal *kicks a rock*
Gooper Blooper: Feed Impersonations of Mates While Driving, Singing, and Drinking


iDel: This may be the alcohol talking
iDel: But are Carol and Sine lesbian yet
Jumpropeman: not yet
Jumpropeman: but they are working on it
iDel: *monty Python get on with it joke here*
Gooper Blooper: pffffff del
iDel: Well look goops, we need more pairings
iDel: And that's just all there is to it
Cornwind Evil: " But are Carol and Sine lesbian yet"
Cornwind Evil: Wait what
Jumpropeman: don't pretend you aren't pushing that Sine
Jumpropeman: its your most fluid shipping yet
Gooper Blooper waggling eyebrows in cornwind's direction


RubyChao: everyone's shippings this year are with SK characters, what is going on SK
SteelKomodo: I just do not know chao
Jumpropeman: SK's just brimming with love
Despair DeSpy: Pimpmodo
Jumpropeman: it also helps that he is the #1 poster
Gooper Blooper: that video SK keeps posting, I Get All The Girls or whatever
Gooper Blooper: it's actually about him
Gooper Blooper: not the angels
Jumpropeman: SK brags about all the girls he pulls in real life
Harpy: Del so ronery
Jumpropeman: "Yeah, her name's Josephine, she's really cute and all. Meet her? Uh..."
Jumpropeman: "She's in space"
Gooper Blooper: one of those character pillows, but with Josephine on it
RubyChao: but what's the other side
Despair DeSpy: Pillow 17
Gooper Blooper: Josephine's butt
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: good thing it's not celestia
RubyChao: you'd never fit that on a pillow
Jumpropeman: *Celestia's butt sold separately
Harpy: screams
Harpy: goops why
Harpy: WHY.
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: because
Gooper Blooper: butts


RubyChao: that sure was a sheep post
M Sheep: Chao, THAT is just the beginning
M Sheep: Ask yourself, WHY did it take a slice of cake with it....
RubyChao: ...because everyone likes cake?
RubyChao: it's not going to be the benign answer is it.
RubyChao: it's never the benign answer
M Sheep: Never the benign answer: the M Sheep Story


Gooper Blooper: time to ride tridenland
Gooper Blooper: it may be the oldest ride in ZFRP but it still has the longest line


RubyChao: out of bored curiosity, does everyone want to know a Shocking Fact about me and touhou
Jumpropeman: sure
Jumpropeman: also, you don't need to ask every time, we always want to hear it! :)
RubyChao: i'm just polite by nature
SteelKomodo: I do!
RubyChao: utsuho was not always my favorite touhou character
Gooper Blooper: I can vouch
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TRUE
Jumpropeman: D:
RubyChao: it used to be this one
Jumpropeman: but she's a bug
Jumpropeman: that's Gooper's thing
RubyChao: it used to be my thing
Gooper Blooper: back in ye olden days
Gooper Blooper: (or like two years ago)
RubyChao: then over time i gradually grew more interested in utsuho (her design helped a lot, also maining her in 12.3) and less in wriggle and so things changed forever
RubyChao: *one eternity later*
SteelKomodo: D:
Jumpropeman: Chao's new character next year: Wriggle
Jumpropeman: Pairs up with the new Pit Brother PORK
Jumpropeman: Pork Dip
SteelKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper sits there, unmoving, but blinks occasionally


Dinnerspy: Gops how far are you in pigleminw
Dinnerspy: *piglemins
RubyChao: pigleminw
Dinnerspy: *pagglemans
Dinnerspy: *porkyorkz
Dinnerspy: *pokemon
Jumpropeman: *Pork Dip
Dinnerspy: *loop zoop


Dinnerspy: . . . So is Shauna an honorary sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: Shauna's the one my character watched fireworks with, right?
Jumpropeman: yup
Dinnerspy: The mass of bowties wearing a human
Harpy: welp
RubyChao: hmm
Jumpropeman: not really
Jumpropeman: she's outgoing
Jumpropeman: and not a robot
Harpy: shush
Dinnerspy: The shippy, shippy fireworks
Gooper Blooper: that was hilarious. I was thinking "ARE WE GOING FULL LESBIAN"


M Sheep: Lemme think Jacktales over a minute, I got a lot more done that I usally get done in a week
M Sheep: Don't want to tempt fate
RubyChao: sheep can't handle actual progress
M Sheep: It's true, Chao
Gooper Blooper: Sheep's mind breaks at the thought of one of his plots completing 100%


Jumpropeman: I can bread a Charmander for you if you like
Jumpropeman: breed
Jumpropeman: not bread
Gooper Blooper: because the charmander was a loaf of bread
Jumpropeman: You are not getting a Fried Charmander
Gooper Blooper: Once my little brother did a quickly abandoned run of Firered where he named all his pokemon after food
Gooper Blooper: he named his charmander "Butter"
Fite Yer Mate: Give me the butter
Gooper Blooper: I don't know why I think it's so funny


Gooper Blooper adds "butts" tag to in-progress chatzy madness


Saberwulf: There are two mangas about highschool girls driving WW2 tanks
Fite Yer Mate: Isn't there one where they're airplanes or some shit like that
Fite Yer Mate: Also nobody wears pants because Japan


Saberwulf: oh my fucking god there's a dramatic manga about knitting
Saberwulf: yes
Saberwulf: wunderbar
Saberwulf: other words used to express excitement


RubyChao: taking "sun raven" to a whole new level
Gooper Blooper: the biggest ravengirl
SteelKomodo: more like galaxy raven amirite
RubyChao: fires a laser, accidentally vaporizes half of the andromeda galaxy
RubyChao: "oops"
Gooper Blooper: *joke about planet-sized butt goes here*
RubyChao: *dirk collapses from overload* "DIRK, SPEAK TO ME D:"
Fite Yer Mate: *joke about more curves than an asteroid belt*
SteelKomodo: "Pit, you lucky bugger." "stoppit ._."


RedSpy: !
RedSpy: Draco beat JRM!?
◉‿◉: I gave him a Golett and Goomy
◉‿◉: and I taught them tms
◉‿◉: so for a laugh I gave his Goomy Attract
◉‿◉: I fought him just with my Diggersby
Draco: He killed every Pokemon in the first gym at Level 1. There was even photorealistic blood and ghosts in the machine and everything.
◉‿◉: and as soon as it was under attract it never got another attack in again
◉‿◉: he whittled it down with Bubble :(
RedSpy: Pfffft Goomygoomygoomy
◉‿◉: #2Sexy
Draco: He's pretty awesome, ain't gonna lie.


RedSpy: So guys good news
◉‿◉: your pregnant!
◉‿◉: I knew this day would come
Draco: (b^_^)b
◉‿◉: I'm so proud of you spy :')
RedSpy: Yes, my pregnant
RedSpy: I keep it in the fridge
◉‿◉: Can I borrow your pregnant?


Gooper Blooper: sophia_tries_celestias_c​ookies.gif
Harpy: no, she'd clearly gain more muscle, like Popeye the Sailor Man
Harpy: then shit goes down
RubyChao: she is what she is
Harpy: she's Sophie the Sailor Maid. She's pretty good in a raid
Gooper Blooper: Don't make her pissed or you'll talk to her fist, she's Sophie the Sailor Maid


RubyChao: hmmmm
RubyChao flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads
SteelKomodo: also chao what D:
SteelKomodo: don't tell me Utsuho was a faceless all along D:
RubyChao: no, it's a good heads
RubyChao: you will see in a minute
SteelKomodo: ah
Harpy: "A good heads"
Harpy: *dirty thoughts*
RubyChao: harpy no
The Deleter: back in black
Harpy: you're talking to a pervert
SteelKomodo: wb de- #LEWD
RubyChao: hi del
The Deleter: my admin sense is tinglinggggggg
Harpy: oh god Del plz no
RubyChao: look what you did, harpy
RubyChao: you summoned
RubyChao: THE DEL
RubyChao: ...del i cannot come up with a good superhero name for you
RubyChao: i am sorry
The Deleter: no blowjobs allowed on the zfrp forums thank you very much or i shall give you a catte avatar
The Deleter: it's okay
Harpy: I was making a joke, Del
Harpy: :U
The Deleter: my name is like a very lame superhero name anyways
The Deleter: i know harpy
The Deleter: i know
The Deleter: OR DO I
The Deleter: yeah, i do
The Deleter: DAMN IT HARPY


RubyChao: "My name is Robin, and yesterday I received an e-mail from my online friend, Nick. It had the title "DEAD," and it contained only the word DEAD and a .txt file named "DEAD.txt.""


shit: VGCW is the best thing that could ever happen to Yukes
shit: They could shit on a plate and add 150 CAW slots and we'd buy it

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