Friday, November 8, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 88: Jumpropeman Makes Spy's Day

Lateberwulf: Did you know hippo sweat is pink?
Lateberwulf: Other animal protips: Cows produce 100 liters of saliva a day. Eels are dark because they tan too much. The lemurs on the island of Madagascar have 2 tongues. And my favorite, a Koala's appendix is about 2 meters long.
Lateberwulf: A talking bean that looks like a dog taught me those
Lateberwulf: Did you know I can control the muscles in my eyeballs and make them rapidly shake in place? It's a great way to freak people out
Lateberwulf: Carrots has these: good Health and okay taste
Lateberwulf: You know, when I'm in my forties and a published author, I'm gonna be in an interview for the newest Hubverse MMO and in the middle of a discussion on adapting the setting I'll remember this
Lateberwulf: "So one of the things I'm personally excited about is the merchant class. Obviously, we're using David Wulf as an archetype—FUCKING HELL"
Lateberwulf: Kotaku will never speak to me again
Lateberwulf: Why the fuck am I awake good night


The Deleter: "AC is one of the greatest and most respected games of all time, and now whenever you go to that subforum there's a thread about Charmander penises stickied at the top."


The Deleter: also the badger went for £25 which is about $40-50 i guess
The Deleter: i make bill gates look like an amateur
Saberwulf: Goddamn fifty fuckin' dollars for a 3d fire rat
The Deleter: talk shit get paid
SteelKomodo: Oh hey everyone!
Harpy: SK, from behind
Saberwulf: Hey there SK
The Deleter: hey sk
The Deleter: i sold the badgerrrr
The Deleter: rrr
The Deleter: r
SteelKomodo: you did, well done!
Harpy: its christmas in britain apparently
Harpy: watch as Del gets another badger to sell
Harpy: and another
Harpy: and another
Saberwulf: In twenty years, Del looks down at his kids. "Daddy, how'd you get so much cash?" "Sellin' badgers you little fucks"
The Deleter: i am the badgerlord
The Deleter: you must approach me to get a badger
The Deleter: and it ain't cheap you fucks
Harpy: i ain't payin 50 dollar for no badger


Saberwulf: Oh god I just thought of the dumbest fucking thing and I may use it in RP


Cornwind Evil: "Orochimaru from Naruto is ridiculous with breath weapons. Forget fire or poison, he can launch snakes, swords and even himself from his throat."
Cornwind Evil: I just love this sentence with no context


Year Of GB: harpyyyyy
Harpy: yissss?
Year Of GB: how did you know my mario plushie needed his brother
SteelKomodo: :3


Harpy: I have a yoshi backpack my elder brother got for me
Harpy: its how Spy identified me once I went to New York
Harpy: i was like "I HAVE A YOSHI BACKPACK, BOOP IT IF YOU SEE ME" and he did just that


Jumpropeman: posted in chatzy
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: I mean ZFS
SteelKomodo: XD


Harpy: So that's Sarah, Gloria, White Mage, Josephine, Ariel, Sammy, Painted White Mage, 5 of her cousins, her aunts, her grannies, maybe her uncles...
Harpy: oh and a Faceless
Harpy: clearly
Jumpropeman: UNCLE GREG
Year Of GB: Alex in a white mage robe


Jumpropeman: I wonder how my nintendogs are doing
Jumpropeman: its been what
Jumpropeman: 6 years since I last played with them?
Jumpropeman: ...can you pet puppy skeletons?


Cornwind Evil: Sorry, was distracted by Raw
Cornwind Evil: SUPER CENA
Cornwind Evil: HOORAY
Cornwind Evil: HOORAY
Cornwind Evil: *bangs hole in wall with head*
Jumpropeman: Cornwind has become attracted to his own character
SteelKomodo: XD, I thought it was that Raw as well!
Year Of GB: I went for that joke last year and CW said her favorite wrestling show was Nitro instead
Year Of GB: my dreams dashed


Year Of GB: *Widow Maker spins the Wheel of Morality*
Jumpropeman: The moral is "Never trust your friends"
Jumpropeman: "They are probably alien monsters"


Saberwulf: I just ate half a cheesecake in one sitting and read a manga about old gay men I think my day's complete


Year Of GB: Waffle falling over
The Deleter: encore
The Deleter: astounding
The Deleter: a true work of oh god fuck this i'm going to bed
The Deleter drinks even more port


The Deleter joined the chat
The Deleter: yoooooo wassup
The Deleter: oh nobody is here
The Deleter: whoops
The Deleter: er um
The Deleter: i'm going to cook an inordinate amount of pasta
The Deleter: pchooooo don't do drugs kids
The Deleter left the chat


Gooper Blooper: Remember that time JRM saw Devil Ed's avatar used as unrelated clipart
RubyChao: yeah?
SteelKomodo: kinda
Gooper Blooper: It just happened to me
Gooper Blooper: This is a screengrab from WWE's official website
Jumpropeman: XD
The Deleter: ahahahaha aw shit
The Deleter: we famous now
SteelKomodo: congrats!
Saberwulf: tadaa
RubyChao: that's why shroud wasn't doing anything this year
RubyChao: he was working for WWE


Gooper Blooper: Despite how canned it is, I still get hype when VGCW Cole says "I THINK HE'S THROUGH PLAYING AROUND"


The Deleter: sword of the stars 2 has a halloween feature where the planets are all replaced with jack skellington's face
Saberwulf: You better not be shitting me because that's rad as hell
The Deleter: it's true
The Deleter: let me find some images
The Deleter:
The Deleter:
The Deleter:
The Deleter:
The Deleter: proof enough i feel


RubyChao: tbh, i wouldn't mind seeing a family vacation of Helios/Celestia/Gloria next year
RubyChao: it felt like Josephine and Ariel got a lot more focus than their older sister, is all
RubyChao: but i'm ramblingly thinking is all don't take this as a request or anything haha
Gooper Blooper: This is true, and I have already considered Gloria as being the most prominent sarahkin next year
Gooper Blooper: (I know she's your favorite, Red Duo, don't give me any psyche-locks)
HoloSpy is covered in locks


HoloSpy: . . . Oh my god it actually happened xD
HoloSpy: It actually happened you guys
HoloSpy: Damnit JRM
SteelKomodo: ...what did?
Gooper Blooper: what happened
Jumpropeman: [angel]
SteelKomodo: ...jrm why D:
Gooper Blooper: I'm amazed you didn't already have it
RubyChao: hahahaha
Saberwulf: ahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: BUT
Jumpropeman: hey wulf
SteelKomodo: wb wulf!
Harpy: oh spy, you wouldn't reject a friend's generosity, would you?
HoloSpy: I accept
The Deleter: wow jrm
The Deleter: wow
RubyChao: the triangle of bad game friendship
Jumpropeman: Oh spy, you've made me the happiest man in the world :')
The Deleter: i did not know how low mankind could go until today
Jumpropeman: now the big question is
Jumpropeman: will Spy ever play Bad Rats?
The Deleter: god damnit
Harpy: yes he will
Harpy: he better stream it for everybody's horror
The Deleter: oh hey halloween sale
The Deleter: and i have lots of steam money
The Deleter: who wants to get 2spooked
Gooper Blooper: dirty gaben money
Saberwulf: Don't buy me more shit I already owe you like three games and a skateboard
HoloSpy: >​Stream it
Jumpropeman: I will buy you one (1) copy of Bad Rats as well Del, to properly spook you
HoloSpy: Maaaaaaaaaybe
The Deleter: no you won't jrm
The Deleter: i will refuse your copy of bad rats
The Deleter: or give it to spy
The Deleter: so he can have two (2) copies
Saberwulf: hahaha
The Deleter: also wulf shut up i'm buying you i have no mouth and i must scream
Jumpropeman: spy's steam inventory fills up with copies of Bad Rats


Gooper Blooper: *looks in dropbox*
Gooper Blooper: *seven MSPaints of sammy*
Gooper Blooper: dammit harpy look what you made me do
Harpy: never enough sammy
Harpy: i'm not sorry


Gooper Blooper: Broadcaster bazza87: Twitch has been laggy today coupled with Bazza internet, hahaha enjoy your stream, fuckers


RubyChao: pit and dirk go as each other for halloween
RubyChao: leads to much hilarious confusion for utsuho and josephine
SteelKomodo: Pitsephine and Dirksuho ensues *SHOT*
Gooper Blooper: little do they know
Gooper Blooper: Josephine goes as Utsuho and Utsuho goes as Josephine
SteelKomodo: ...XD


Gooper Blooper: dan_maku: Scorp you are so fucked right now you have no idea
RubyChao: oh god
Cornwind Evil: Red will make 8-1 look like NOTHING
RubyChao: yeah, he'll lose 40-5
Cornwind Evil: Never
Cornwind Evil: Mainly because that was due to the Glitch Bomb
Gooper Blooper: Watch, the iron man will be a draw


Gooper Blooper: Another new glitch
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Satan gets Goemon in a submission, ref just stands there instead of kneeling to ask
RubyChao: i love how the new game is out already
RubyChao: and we're still finding new '13 glitches
RubyChao: i predict an exciting time as we discover that '14 has fixed all of these glitches and produced all sorts of new ones


Gooper Blooper: bootythrill: I SWEAR TO GOD SNAKE YOU BETTER WIN
Gooper Blooper: >​bootythrill
RubyChao: pit comes back to his room
RubyChao: "dirk what are you watching" "it's this wrestling thing!"
SteelKomodo: that's canon now chao
RubyChao: pfffft


RubyChao: "i literally just thought to myself “wow halloween is almost over” but then i remembered that the entire month of october isnt halloween and halloween is actually only one day and hasnt even started yet"
RubyChao: samhain.txt


Harpy: if sonia wins the minor char brawl
Harpy: she's getting promoted
RubyChao: well, she has the mathematical advantage!
Harpy: Sammy and Sonia in the same room
Harpy: just imagine
RubyChao: (i did the tallying and samhain and sonia are in the leads for their brawls)
Gooper Blooper: 1000 years of the letter S
RubyChao: (meanwhile dr. nerique somehow got 20 points, what)
Gooper Blooper: Sammy, Sonia, and Sarah start some kind of pastry-related club
Harpy: Sonia seen eatting the treats without shame


HoloSpy: How did Scorps' chat with Red go?
Gooper Blooper: Scorpion fired a thousand shots
Gooper Blooper: Red responded with "..."
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind should be Red's manager
Gooper Blooper: Make a Sine CAW that acts as Red's Paul Heyman
Gooper Blooper: MY CLIENT
RubyChao: Scorpion vs. Bowser
RubyChao: Shoot At Yer Mates
HoloSpy: Ooh, what shots?
Gooper Blooper: I don't remember the details except one
Cornwind Evil: Red will kick Scorpion back to the Netherworld so hard he'll skip off it and crash into the Chaos Realm
Gooper Blooper: Scorpion said something like "I'll have you for thirty minutes. Every minute will feel like an eternity."
Cornwind Evil: FOR YOU
Gooper Blooper: He also does not like his "King of the Midkard" nickname
Gooper Blooper: *Cornwind Evil foams at the mouth and screams about volcanoes*


Jumpropeman: WAIT A MINUTE
Jumpropeman: *EXPLODES*
Draco: 'cause we knew that would happen and we wanted Fite Week over first.


2Goopy: I briefly considered making Celestia and Helios go as Jessie and James
RubyChao: helios goes as something popular in his youth
2Goopy: (Skeiron as Meowth)
RubyChao: nobody recognizes them
RubyChao: (or that)
Harpy: you mean Sammy can't be Wobbuffet?
SteelKomodo: XD


Harpy: I have to go to my microbio teacher's church to help with Holyween
Harpy: which is like halloween except facepainting and crafts and shit man
Harpy: although it sounds like a ritual of white mages making sure demons don't take advantage of all the spooky stuff and eat children and shit
Harpy: I'm doing it for community service, so its no big
Harpy: better than prolly being forced to go to a party
RubyChao: meanwhile i will sit at home and help give out candy probably
2Goopy: >​community service
Harpy: No, no no! D:


RubyChao: david returns as a bear, for no particular reason
RubyChao: just because
2Goopy: (''\ ʕ ͡•ᴥ ͡• ʔ /'')
RubyChao: ...THAT WAS A BEAR
RubyChao: goddamn i couldn't tell what it was the first couple times


2Goopy: I'm pretty sure I've only ever missed one day of chatzy
2Goopy: October of last year I was on a road trip from early afternoon until past midnight
RubyChao: >​missed one day
RubyChao: all my confidence
RubyChao: shattered
RubyChao: crumbled
RubyChao: ruined
SteelKomodo: :U
2Goopy: Aside from briefly peeking in that morning, I literally couldn't use chatzy that day
2Goopy: On the plus side that was the trip I bought Four Heroes of Light on so it turned out okay
RubyChao: yay
2Goopy: reminder that Four Heroes was a weird-ass game full of josephine abuse
RubyChao: josephine no
RubyChao: :<
SteelKomodo: sadsephine
Harpy: why did you abuse Josephine goops
2Goopy: I didn't, the game did
2Goopy: I named the characters after kobbers
2Goopy: The "Josephine" character has a bunch of bad things happen to them, sometimes just for the hell of it
The Deleter: phinesephine
dacro: You're a cruel man, Goops Sparrow.
The Deleter: try and pronounce that with a mouthful of popcorn
2Goopy: It culminated in game mechanics making Josephine be in her underwear for the final cutscene
Harpy: ...did you make her wear the Ultima Bustier or something
Harpy: also why, game
dacro: Battle Ready Armor!
2Goopy: There was ultimate armor and weapons and I gave it all to Josephine
2Goopy: But the last cutscene depicts the heroes giving all the ultimate stuff back
RubyChao: hahahaha
dacro: Lame.
Harpy: what stop
SteelKomodo: Dirk: *nosebleed*
2Goopy: And I noticed her getting more naked with each segment
Harpy: game, we earned it
2Goopy: They returned the shield, her shield was gone, etc
Harpy: we can't have you dying of blood loss yet
SteelKomodo: he almost did that on lapulas, anyway :U
2Goopy: And of course the game gave away her armor before going to the ice town to give away a sword
SteelKomodo: also yeah, kind of a jerk move, game
2Goopy: So she was in her undies in the frozen wastes
Harpy: Josephine is now very resistant to cold
Harpy: that's my canon anyway
2Goopy: thankfully she had a thick layer of insulation to pro-*shot by dirk*
SteelKomodo: Dirk: You take that back >:I
2Goopy: And then in the postgame, it turns out you actually get to keep the legendary equipment
2Goopy: So she stripped for nothing
dacro: Sarahkin are immune to effects of cold. DnD3.141 beastiary says so.
2Goopy: SnS
2Goopy: sarahkin and sweets
Harpy: the gods are perverts
dacro: Hades is at least.
Harpy: Zeus is too
Harpy: half the incidents in greek/roman myth happen because he couldn't keep it in his pants


Saberwulf: POSTED
Saberwulf: Retardation levels maxed, idiocy buffer dissolving, save yourselves


Harpy: "he probably discovered slyveon by wondering 'WHAT IF I PET THIS EEVEE FOR 3 HOURS NONSTOP'"
RubyChao: hahahaha
RubyChao: "what are you doing" "quiet it's IMPORTANT SCIENCE RESEARCH"
Harpy: oh my god that eevee evolved into carla
2Goopy: #ribbons
Harpy: goops if you get a slyveon and don't name it carla i'm going to be disappoint in you
2Goopy: I know what I must do


RubyChao: i have retrieved solid matter designated Food and liquid matter designated Drink
RubyChao was actually the Technopriest all along


Jumpropeman: happy mischief night folks
Jumpropeman: *hurls rotten cabbage around*
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo ducks.
Jumpropeman: don't worry SK, you are safe. These cabbages only hit New Englanders
Jumpropeman: everyone else gets toilet paper and bags of flaming dog poo
Jumpropeman: you may or may not also get your house burned down
Jumpropeman: depending on how wild those teens get tonight
SteelKomodo: DDD:
RubyChao: back
RubyChao is decked by cabbage
The Deleter: oh boy
The Deleter: cabbage everywhere
2Goopy joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hey gooper
2Goopy: yo
SteelKomodo: wb goops
RubyChao: hello goops
Jumpropeman: *hurls a cabbage at Gooper*
The Deleter: 2goopy4me
2Goopy: *Sarah gets hit with a cabbage, acts like she's been shot*


2Goopy: Also, found this screengrab - some VGCW fans use Bazza's twitch chatroom to talk about Monday Night Raw as it happens and when it got to the first of the two parts CW was so down about...
2Goopy: our canadian pal is not alone
The Deleter: haha
SteelKomodo: lolz
2Goopy: (A Money in the Bank holder cashed in on Cena, Cena won anyway)


2Goopy: SK, remember last year when I had a plague doctor and you had a plague doctor
2Goopy: and then it turned out neither of them showed up
SteelKomodo: pffft
SteelKomodo: i remember
RubyChao: obviously they met offscreen and spent the entire RP Year at the Plague Doctor's Convention
RubyChao: where you get to learn about all the newest plagues, right as they happen!
RubyChao: (wow that sounds morbid)
Jumpropeman: but useful
SteelKomodo: XD

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