Saturday, December 8, 2012

The GB Ensemble Royal Rumble - Part 2

"Welcome back to the Royal Rumble! We are seconds away from the arrival of the sixth entrant!"
"Still haven't seen anyone worthy of winning this."

Garland continues to press forward, attacking Little Brother again and again, a smirk beginning to form underneath his helm.

Big Brother, having recovered from the Thunder spell, runs over Garland in his haste to aid his brother. The two damaged machines leap into the air and fuse together.



Garland hauls himself to his feet to stare at the new entrant.

"Pfeh. The black mage's lapdog. This will be satisfying."

Skeiron hunkers down and uses his jet boosters to dash towards the arena. Extending his feet suddenly makes him execute a flying jump that gets him safely in the ring's center. Immediately Garland is upon him with a Thundara spell. Skeiron takes his lumps, waiting for an opening and relying on his regeneration.

"Is Skeiron restoring itself after every hit?"
"Looks like."
"That's pretty broken."
"So is whatever the fuck the two construction trucks did."
"Good point."

While Garland struggles to make a lasting impact on Skeiron, the newly formed Constructor X sees the only other current entrant, Sakura Atari, is trying very hard to make herself invisible. The nearly twenty-foot mecha lumbers towards her, his excavation claw opening and swinging forward to try and scoop her up. Still fast on her feet, the reporter  runs around the ring, dashing away from the claw and scooting between Constructor X's legs to get behind him. Once there, Sakura notices the many extra bits and pieces sticking out of Constructor X - leftovers from his transformation. She steps up the back of his leg and begins her ascent...

Skeiron finally sees the opening he's been waiting for as Garland's increasingly angry swings become less calculated. Raising one leg and activating his thrusters, Skeiron whirls in place, his ski-like foot smashing into Garland's chest and sending him flying. Garland lands hard against the ropes and loses his footing, slouching down out of exhaustion and allowing himself to hang from the top rope by his arms being wrapped around them.

"I don't think Garland can take much more! He's been in there since the start and has been getting a lot of abuse!"
"Someone put him out of his misery so we can get some real competition going."

Skeiron advances towards Garland, his regeneration leaving him with practically no injuries from the scuffle. Garland pants heavily, trying to regain his footing.


As Gloria Encarta makes her entrance, nobody can make out what Garland is saying over the music, but I think it's considered inappropriate for children in at least five dozen countries.

With a roar of rage, he lashes out at Skeiron with one foot, smashing the WarMech's camera and sending him toppling backwards. Garland forces himself to his feet and snatches up his sword, glaring daggers at Gloria. In response, she smirks and casts Exit to warp into the ring.

"These two look to have some history behind them!"
"What's with that horn on her head?"

Gloria raises her staff and Garland lifts his sword. But before the Chaotic One can do anything Gloria jabs forward, striking him in the upper chest. Garland bellows and swings his sword, Gloria just ducking beneath it in time.

"How pathetic."
"She doesn't look like much, but she's fresh. Garland's been fighting too long and he's getting worn out!"

Meanwhile, Sakura Atari has reached Constructor X's upper back. The somewhat dimwitted mecha is still scanning the ground for her, and the reporter holds on tight as he twists and swivels in increasingly frantic efforts to find her. Constructor X's fans in the audience yell out that Sakura is on his back, while Sakura's fans try to drown them out with cheering.

At the same instant Constructor X finally realizes what's happening, Sakura grasps a small panel just below his neck and opens it, reaching inside and tugging on a bundle of wires. Constructor X staggers, and his sudden movement makes Sakura lose her balance. She clings to the wires in a death grip, but they aren't able to support her weight for very long - some of them snap, and the rest slip through her fingers as she tumbles to the ground - on the inside of the ring.

Constructor X remains in an odd position, tilted sideways. Those wires seem to have been important. Hatches all over his body open to release steam and exhaust while his processors switch to backups. He's a sitting duck, but Sakura isn't strong enough to shove him over the ropes, so she instead retires to a corner of the ring to rest.

For the third time tonight, Garland is being tag-teamed, this time by Skeiron and Gloria. The summoner has a Protect spell up, and her irritatingly quick staff jabs are grating on Garland's nerves almost as much as Skeiron's slower, heavier blows. He's dropped his sword again, but Gloria lacks the physical strength to wield it while Skeiron lacks the dexterity.

And finally, the dark knight can take no more.


What little remains of Garland's honor goes out the window, and it no longer matters that summoning was declared an illegal tactic for the Royal Rumble. His hands shine, and three summon portals appear behind his tormentors.

"He's a summoner?!"
"That he is! I'm hearing that this might be grounds for disqualification, but I don't think Garland cares anymore at this point."

And as if that wasn't enough...


Entry Eight, Cleptopod, slithers into view. Its' drill rocket is at the ready, and its' eyes dart from one contestant to another as it sizes up its options.

Outside the ring, Refbot revs its' wheels anxiously. The fight was starting to get slightly out of hand. Normally it would enter the ring and remove Garland for illegal tactics, but it was a dangerous proposition, and Refbot was needed at ringside to ensure proper eliminations. Refbot just hoped someone would eliminate Garland, and soon.

Gloria grit her teeth. Her immediate instinct was to counter Garland's summons with her own, but she'd be disqualified from winning if she did. No. She could win on her own. She didn't have to use summons as a crutch, She was a capable and strong white mage as well. It was time to put her older job class' skill to good use.

The Antlion lunges at Gloria, while Omega targets Skeiron. Ultros looks ready to join Antlion in double-teaming Gloria, but Cleptopod has reached the ring - the steampunk octopus climbs up to the top rope, swings up and over, and collides with Ultros. A flurry of flailing tentacles ensues.

"Yeah, this is cheating. He's cheating!"
"Who cares? We're finally seeing some decent action now that there's some real danger involved."

Gloria's Protect held up well against the Antlion - its' massive teeth clanged off of it a few times before the Antlion changed its angle of attack, gaping its' jaws wide and wrapping them completely around the shield. It began to squeeze, and Gloria winced as she put more magic into keeping her shield up. She tried to Exit away from danger, but the Antlion had such a strong grip on her shield that he came along for the warp. Thinking quickly, Gloria Exited herself to a precarious position - the top of a turnbuckle. The antlion was now hanging in the air, and scrabbled desperately for a grip as his jaws began to slide down and off the shield. But it was to no avail - the fearsome beast was out of its' element, and it tumbled down to the ground. Refbot is upon the shocked Antlion instantly with a taser to force its' compliance as he pulls it safely away from the fracas.


Constructor X continued to stand there, unable to move. With his summons distracting his foes, Garland decided it was time to start eliminating the weakened combatants. He charged his sword with electricity, took a step back, and charged, slamming into Constructor X from behind with the flat of his sword held in front of his chest. The mighty Constructor X stumbled and began to tumble over the side. His claw arm shoots out and slams against the floor, propping him up as his valves close and his systems restore function.

"Remember, folks, the LOWER HALF of their body has to touch the floor for the elimination to count!"

Constructor X spread his feet and swung out behind him, catching Garland in between them. He swung his feet, tossing Garland into the air, towards the mecha's upper body. Garland landed on Constructor X and immediately began slamming his sword into the robot's head. "BE ELIMINATED, YOU BUFFOON! THIS NIGHT BELONGS TO GARLAND THE CHAOTI-"

Ultros slams into Garland from behind, courtesy of a very tentacle-y throw from Cleptopod. Both summon and master tumble off of Constructor X and to the ground.



"WOAH-HOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Garland has finally fallen!"
"Shame. I was actually starting to warm up to the bastard."
"Perhaps Entry 9 will prove a worthy replacement?"


"Ni Hao, everyone! Have you been taking good care of your teeth?!"
"...Okay, what?"
"I'm not sure."

Refbot is forcibly dragging Garland away, Constructor X is trying mightily to get back into the arena while Skeiron and Gloria seem hell-bent on ensuring that doesn't happen, and a tired and harried Sakura Atari is being targeted by Omega, Garland's final summon, while Cleptopod waves to its' fans and the ninth entry, Dr. Rabbit, tosses toothbrushes and tubes of Colgate toothpaste into the crowd.

And we're not even a third done yet.


#1 Garland enters
#2 Gamble Man enters
#3 Sakura Atari enters
#4 Little Brother enters
Gamble Man eliminated by Garland
#5 Big Brother enters 
Big Brother and Little Brother combine into Constructor X
#6 Skeiron enters
#7 Gloria enters
#8 Cleptopod enters
Garland summons Antlion, Ultros, and Omega
Antlion eliminated by Gloria
Ultros eliminated by Cleptopod
Garland eliminated by Cleptopod
#9 Dr. Rabbit enters