Friday, December 28, 2012



"'They've got the best bars in the tri-county area', you said. 'We'll just be in and out', you said! Why did I ever listen to you?!"
"Goddamn it man, now's not the time!"

Papers fluttered along the street, kicked up by the small gusts of wind created by a housefly the size of a large dog. Clinging to the fly for dear life was a monstrous four-foot leech. The fly's panicked bumbling path swerved away from cars and over trash cans before ducking into an alley.

"We can lay low here." The fly crawled atop a dumpster and began feeding.
"What are you doing?!"
"Refueling, man, is that okay? Jeez."
"We have to be on full alert here, who knows where they are! They have eyes everywhere, you know." the leech hissed.
"No way, man. We lost 'em. Calm the hell down and grab a bite, eh?"

"Well, hellooooooo."

A voice dripping with false warmth.

A shadow looming above them.

"Now this is odd. Surely you two fellows know that the only sentient invertebrates allowed in this city are Valkyries?"
"Um, uh, er, we-"
"Ohhhhh, are you loooost?" the voice cooed. "Don't worry. I'll get you home."
"Gee, really? That'd be great, thanks!"
"But first... I need a bite to eat."

There was no time to do anything but scream.


She had decided, after eating his wings and one leg, to let the fly go. He could tell his friends a hell of a story.

The leech, however, was needed.

After eating her fill, she lifted up the remainder of the corpse and began to draw on the wall with its' blood.

Another kill.

Another warning.

And yet there was always some idiot who thought they were tough enough to challenge their rule, or some imbecile who thought that they'd be the first to slip past them.

This city was under complete control of the Valkyries.

And that would never change.

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