Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 277: I'm Covered In Hornets

Trufflehunter: "Fireworks market explodes" oh that's nice, I guess with New Year's coming up sales would really pick up- *it literally exploded* ...oh
Gooper Blooper: well, it comes with the territory
RubyChao: from what i read it's not even the first time it exploded
RubyChao: because, again, fireworks


Trufflehunter: "a chemistry is performed so that a chemical reaction occurs and generates a signal from the chemical interaction with the sample, which is translated into a result, which is then reviewed by certified laboratory personnel."
Trufflehunter: That is the most science sounding science I ever heard!
Gooper Blooper: josephine etc
Trufflehunter: I actually got it from a story about a lady who scammed her way to 9 billion dollars with fake blood testing equipment
Trufflehunter: "When Cramer asked Holmes for a terse true-or-false answer about an accusation in the article, she replied with a meandering 198-word retort."


Trufflehunter: just finished reading a synopsis of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Trufflehunter: *brain sparks and struggles not to shut down*
RubyChao: yeah when those spoilers leaked people thought they were fake because of how absurd and nonsensical they seemed
RubyChao: nope
RubyChao: all real


Missile Sheep: I can never remember Tenshi's last name correctly
RubyChao: just use "banana"
RubyChao: it's close enough
Missile Sheep: As a small "joke" that probably didn't play, I had Squid call her Hinawani or soemething during a fite vote
Draco: Tenshi Kuwahawi


Reepicheep: hey sheep, are you going to be Home for the Holidays
Missile Sheep: Ah, yes, I am
Reepicheep: I sent you two packages and Amazon is being a baby about one of them, so hopefully it got there fine
Missile Sheep: I am, in fact, at the homestead until next semeeeeeEEEAAAAAAH
Missile Sheep: JRM, WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOO??!!!!
RubyChao: sheep cannot comprehend being gifted things
Reepicheep: don't worry, they only need to be fed six pounds of blood per lunar cycle. Yes, pounds, but they're worth it
Missile Sheep deflects attention by pushing Junko off a cliff
Missile Sheep: Ahem
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaha that's one of the best reactions to a gift yet
Missile Sheep: Thanks.


Reepicheep: I'VE GOT IT! THE WAY TO FINALLY REVIVE THE TABLETOP FORUM! Post all your favorite pictures of tables!
Spy changed name to I AM THE TABLE


Missile Sheep: "She took me into training, both as a warrior and as a lady. I... was not always so well-mannered. Sometimes I even feel I am still a bumpkin underneath this all."
Missile Sheep: Not sure I can even properly envision a 'bumpkin' Ingrid
Reepicheep: Bludletta did a good job
RubyChao: i can
RubyChao pictures the Mudsdale trainer from Sun and Moon
RubyChao: yep, that's her alright


Missile Sheep: "Wishes with my kind or dealings with demons; alchemical concoctions and love waters, potions; battle field romances and desperate pursued affections. You can make it, you can fake it, you can try to take it."
Missile Sheep: Oh, yeah, that'll go well, I'm sure
RubyChao NEO: but can you shake it
RubyChao NEO: can you bake it
RubyChao NEO: can you bootyquake it
Bree: we might have to bring in josephine for that last one
Missile Sheep: Progress to M Sheep's Explosion: ​LOTS​
Missile Sheep: Oh, hi, Bree
Bree: hi sheep I've been here the whole time :U
Missile Sheep: The whole time?
RubyChao NEO: the bree was inside you all along
Missile Sheep: That's mildly concerning.
RubyChao NEO: please, EVERYONE knows about the murders at this point
RubyChao NEO: that's old news!
Missile Sheep: Look, a diet is hard to maintain around the holidays, OKAY???
Missile Sheep: Unless you are referring to my DARKEST secret
Missile Sheep: in which case, yes
Missile Sheep: I do have an un-ironic liking of the stage show CATS
Missile Sheep: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!
Bree: goops
Bree: would josephine wear pants that said "BOOTYQUAKE" on the butt
Gooper Blooper: yes


RubyChao NEO: oh shit it's thursday already
RubyChao NEO: when did that happen


Iris: come children
Iris: we must give thanks to the skrek gods


Missile Sheep: "Whenever you are ready to strike, move forward and pick your moogle."
Missile Sheep: There has never been quite such a call to arms as "Pick your moogle".
Missile Sheep: >​And then the Bard was okay and King Moggle Mog kills everyone with a crazy Flare/Holy mix. Bad ending. Pack up folks.
Missile Sheep: How are you going to get around this one, JRM
Reepicheep: ^literally something that could happen in that FF14 fight
Missile Sheep: >​...Okay, Shaggysong still lost his roll technically, and with us so close to the victory against the Mogglesguard, Chiharu's roughhousing is eventually enough to crush the tiny critter underneath her.
Missile Sheep: Ah, with mercy, of course
Missile Sheep: Why didn't I think of that


PhoneDel: The megazord looks like Michael bay had a wet dream after drinking to much whiskey and watching all the Alien movies back to back
PhoneDel: I wonder how much collateral damage will be handwaved away in this movie!
Reepicheep: the uninhabited district of angel grove is in more trouble than ever before
PhoneDel: Presumably anywhere the Kobbers moves to prepares an abandoned warehouse district specifically for this purpose
PhoneDel: Meanwhile in Shin Godzilla you see a small child get crushed by foetus godzilla
PhoneDel: I'm saying power rangers oughta remind kids of their fragile mortality
PhoneDel: Dinozord power


Missile Sheep: Aaaaand
Missile Sheep: READ
Missile Sheep big rubber stamp
Missile Sheep: I'm going to go pass out now


Reepicheep: "the little girl who sang "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" actually got one, thanks to a newspaper campaign. She gave it to the local zoo and it lived there for 47 years."
Reepicheep: in case you need random trivia for the family Christmas get together, there you go


Jumpropeman: ​>​touhou 15 is literally abbreviated as "lol k"


RubyChao: so goops, i'm going to take a wild guess
RubyChao: ​had you had Originally Expected Format Wars reception, the nostalgia representation in the rumble would have been "just Dolby'
RubyChao: ​nobody else at all
Goops McMahon: probably, but who can say?
RubyChao: alternate universe goops, clearly
Alternate Universe Goops (Goops McMahon) joined the chat
Alternate Universe Goops: they all hated all of the nostalgia elementals, I even tried killing Dolby in the finale for heat but no dice
Alternate Universe Goops: it was my greatest failure
Alternate Universe Goops left the chat
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: glad i'm not in that universe!
iKomodo: That universe sucks


Bree: azure described her reaction to alolan persian like, "I had an alolan meowth on my squad as soon as it was available and then *it evolves* ........................​........................​... *puts in PC box, never pays attention to ever again*"


Bootler: "Keep dat arse phat 4 me~"
Bootler: well now I know how to sign all my Christmas cards this year


RubyChao: honestly rp's given me the feeling that people can make almost anything work
Bootler: judge not the sculptor's clay, but what he makes out of it
RubyChao: okay
RubyChao judges
Bootler: *makes a clay pile*
RubyChao pins a blue ribbon on it
Bootler: my dreams have come true ; o ;


SteelKomodo: okay so i skipped a bunch of stuff
SteelKomodo: but what you need to know is that the dinosaurs can talk
WorkDel: okay
WorkDel: i will accept the premise of this japanese children's show


Bootler: Headline: Biden: Clinton never figured out why she was running
Bootler: Video that starts playing when I click the article: "Joe Biden really, really likes ice cream"
RubyChao: she was running to get the ice cream, duh
Bootler: that's actually a sad title if you took "running" literally
Bootler: alternatively she just started running Forrest Gump style
RubyChao: run clinton run


Missing Sheep: ​Didn't know how much I wanted a spatula fight until now.​


Del: conksuck santa has sent you all a kringlefucker
Del: enjoy your gifts
RubyChao: thank you for this kringlefucker, conksuck santa


Christmas Eve-il: So wait, GB has no idea what's actually in the packs, right?
Ace Attorney Bree: nope!
RubyChao: nope!
RubyChao: it's all random baby
Gooper Blooper: I DID however know what was inside the Mario dangler pack, which I resealed
Ace Attorney Bree: the mario ​what​ pack
Gooper Blooper: I ensured both Harpy and Chao got Bloopers that way
Spy joined the chat
Spy: The mario donger pack?
shin megamivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: It's a little keychain ornament thing, the packaging calls it a "dangler"
Christmas Eve-il: The Wario Wrangler Pack
Christmas Eve-il: The Burrio Strangler Pack
Gooper Blooper: The Waluigi's Taco Pack
Christmas Eve-il: The Maestro Entangling Pack
Christmas Eve-il: The American Blingbangabing Rack
Sora: what
Christmas Eve-il: I'm rambling
Christmas Eve-il: The Cornwind Rambling Stack
Jumpropeman: The according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible pack
shin megamivel: jrm plz
RubyChao: the best part is that's not even true, the guy just did his experiments wrong :V
Christmas Eve-il: That was later disproved to be a misunderstanding
Gooper Blooper: bees
shin megamivel: Bees?
Christmas Eve-il: The Pain actually used hornets
Christmas Eve-il: But I'M COVERED IN HORNETS just doesn't sound the same


RubyChao: >​elekid summoned chansey
RubyChao: i think i'll have to find another elekid


Jumpropeman: Last night I was wrapping Ven's gifts for today and I was using a nice white and light blue paper I found in our stash of wrapping paper
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash came in while I was wrapping and saw the paper I was using and was standing by waiting for me to cop up to what she perceived to be a joke I was making
Jumpropeman: then she points out: the paper I was wrapping it in wasn't Christmas paper, it was leftover wrapping paper from a baby shower, with slogans like "Little Man" "Sweet Baby" and It's A Boy on it
shin megamivel: ahahaha
Sora: hand it over to ven


RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
Draco joined the chat

RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
Draco: My Elohim...they're multiplying. ಠ_ಠ
SteelKomodo: hi chao :P
A transient yet gorgeous game: The classic five-chao, draco, duo-chao assault squad, huh? I haven't had to strategize around this for awhile. Let's see, where did that peanut butter and assault rifle formula go...


SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: here's hoping that summons chao :P
RubyChao joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi chao
RubyChao: yo
RubyChao: thank, del
Del: no probs
Del: that fight would be a zero sum game probly
SteelKomodo: this is cool too
RubyChao: all those rockmen
RubyChao: and not a single one capcom remembers
SteelKomodo: :<


Phone: The viking strategy RPG called me Warmonger in both entries for an apparent excess of forty plus battles. I was honestly just trying to feed my people, since your EXP, reputation, and currency are all the same single stat. Armies march on their bellies, and all.
Phone: Kinda amused, really.
Glimfeather: id be ashamed of you if you hadn't been called a warmonger, ven


SteelKomodo: but the question remains
SteelKomodo: are we ​really​ number one?
SteelKomodo: or are we merely trying to elevate ourselves to the level of a man who isn't even aware of us?
SteelKomodo: who keeps on running, ignorant of our failed attempts at villainy and pitiful efforts to paint ourselves as worthy enemies?
SteelKomodo: or do i need to drink less? :P


RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Melemele, Akala, Ula'ula and Poni. Chatzy chose: Poni
PhoneDel: Oh no
PhoneDel: Chao is a brony now
PhoneDel: The last tragedy of 2016
RubyChao: what have i doneeeee
PhoneDel: You foooooool


iKomodo: large butts
iKomodo: those are my first words of 2017
RubyChao: you monster
iKomodo: XD


Jumpropeman: alright
Jumpropeman: you know how in games where you can make your own character we often make ZFRP characters?
Jumpropeman: well, for Death Road to Canada I decided to do something different. This time, the actual users will join me on my zombie-filled quest to canada
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: how are we doing
Jumpropeman: Ven and I just set out
Draco: But I am my characters. D: ​ Specifically Rarity.
Jumpropeman: we are likely to meet other users on the road
Jumpropeman: ven, unsurprisingly, is a beast with a kitchen knife
Phone: Beast friends for lyfe
Jumpropeman: Ven's strength and morale just increased by kicking our car really hard for a while
Jumpropeman: and I just died
Jumpropeman: Ven and I pulled over at a golf course and were launching golf balls at them and I got killed
Jumpropeman: Ven's still alive though!
Jumpropeman: "Woah! It's Harpy! She's playing a portable game console at full blast!"
ivel: sounds about right
Phone: *laughs*
Jumpropeman: now we've found my sister, CKR
Phone: Darn, tho. If JRM is dead, are you going to have to play as Soar now, old buddy?
Jumpropeman: im actually playing as Harpy because she's got the axe V:
Phone: Pnbbbblejeh
Phone: heh
Jumpropeman: Harpy's red in the face from being exhausted, but there's the party currently
ivel: you aren't Harpy >:U
Jumpropeman: we're out of gas. TIME TO GO TO CANADA ON FOOT
Jumpropeman: Ven is also becoming somewhat of a proper doctor
Jumpropeman: unsurprisingly, having no car lead to us all being overwhelmed by zombies
Jumpropeman: game over :(
Phone: Dang it, Corrll
Phone: How far did we get?
Jumpropeman: 8 days away from canada. When you died Ven, you said "Tell Tim Horton I love him"
Jumpropeman: hi gooper
Jumpropeman: appropriately, my next run after I eat I will be starting with the Goopychao combo
RubyChao: hi goops
Jumpropeman: now, let's see how far the Goopychao combo does on their Death Road to Canada
Gooper Blooper: I'll take a wild guess and say "poorly"
Phone: I died with steel in my hands, the blood of my foes awash o'er me, and coffee on my dying breath. I will be content in Folkvangr this day ​unless the zombie virus traps souls.
Jumpropeman: well, the first house we entered, Gooper grabbed a cowboy rifle
Jumpropeman: comparatively: Ven's group never had a single gun
Gooper Blooper: now we just need a car
Gooper Blooper: with gas
Jumpropeman: and, incidentally
Jumpropeman: that is what you have :V
Jumpropeman: surprisingly though, a stop at the store "Just Umbrellas" only earned us a few umbrellas in supplies
Phone: How very peculiar, that.
Gooper Blooper: what a twist
Phone: But wait... do you have... BULLETS?!@?!
Jumpropeman: "It's just another day on the Death Road when someone ​farts in the car​. Drama and mystery consume the team. RubyChao explains a complicated sequence of deduction that arrives at one conclusion: IT WAS GOOPER" this is the kind of horrors one can expect in the zombie apocalypse
RubyChao: i can only assume i delivered the sequence of deduction in pure mystery novel style summation
Gooper Blooper: Not only would Chao make a deduction
Gooper Blooper: I probably would have farted, yes
ivel: I assume it would be in Ace Attorney style
Gooper Blooper: instead of a breakdown I just go "yeah it was me"
RubyChao: either ace attorney style or the danganronpa-style comic that goes over every aspect of the case
Jumpropeman: we just found Brilliant Kid humming on the side of the road
Jumpropeman: appropriately, her morale/loyalty/composure​/attitude are all Brilliant
Jumpropeman: She joined the team and immediately "BrilliantKid's body is affected by the stress of this hopeless situation"
Jumpropeman: what did you guys say to her?!
Gooper Blooper: it was the leftover fart stank, sorry
Jumpropeman: BrilliantKid snuck off in the night, and for some reason Gooper's morale improved when she left. I think the fart story holds
ivel: ahahaha
Gooper Blooper: BK leaving way before the end
Gooper Blooper: deepest lore
Jumpropeman: we lost our car, but we found a bunch of bakery in a broken down van and gooper's mood improves again
Gooper Blooper: we're going to die but I can eat donuts first
RubyChao: donuts!!!
Jumpropeman: Chao just jumped a river with our car and broke it
Phone: Little did we know that the zombies were coming from Canada all along, after CW tried and failed to replicate Wolverine's regen and got the T-virus variety of cell regeneration instead.......... .
Jumpropeman: would not be surprised honestly
Jumpropeman: ...speak of the devil
Jumpropeman: we just found Cornwind snacking on a candy bar on the side of the road
Jumpropeman: Cornwind's first line, "I wonder if I could get strong enough to throw the car at the zombies..." yup, it's cornwind
Phone: hehehhehheh
RubyChao: become the Naoise
Jumpropeman: and now we've found spy
Jumpropeman: oh god spy's killing everything with his pistol
Jumpropeman: and there's Harpy sleeping on a picnic table. We have quite a party building here
Jumpropeman: oh, I'd have to leave someone behind to pick her up...
Jumpropeman: sorry Harpy, that picnic table is your home now
Phone: She's alive again? Neat.
Draco: Harpy enjoys picnics.
Jumpropeman: Gooper just got devoured by zimbles
RubyChao: nooooooooooooo :<
Jumpropeman: cornwind too
Gooper Blooper: I imagine that's how it ends for everyone in every game unless a series of random events gets you to Canada safely
Gooper Blooper: it's like Oregon Trail, it's pretty much rolling a tractor
Jumpropeman: but its okay, I threw Gooper's skeleton at a zombie
Jumpropeman: not really, there's actual gameplay
Jumpropeman: you got eaten because I couldn't beat the zombies back quickly enough
Jumpropeman: there's chao and spy, chao's in the cool hat
Jumpropeman: its oregon trail for some parts but then there's segments where you explore and kill zombles
Jumpropeman: or i guess I should say the late chao and spy
Jumpropeman: the zombies clogged the hospital entrance :(
Jumpropeman: one more run tonight
Jumpropeman: where I'll be starting as the britbros
Jumpropeman: SK has no weapons so he's just punching all the zombies to death
Jumpropeman: "Drink more ovaltine"
Jumpropeman: there we go SK, we found you a pistol- oh, you're just gonna keep punching zombies even though we have ammo? I guess you gotta do what you love
Jumpropeman: "ivel is becoming a zombie master!"
ivel: accurate
Jumpropeman: no offense ivel, but during that siege just now, we all just sat back and watched SK punch zombies mostly
Jumpropeman: the Martial Artist skill I gave SK (because fighting games :V) is paying dividends
Jumpropeman: we found CKR again
Jumpropeman: Bandits appear! One of the options to respond to them: "Steel Komodo challenges them to a pose-off"
ivel: amazing
Jumpropeman: SK won the pose-off
Jumpropeman: the entire team's morale improved from that hot posing
Jumpropeman: I just found Draco, also sleeping on a picnic table
Jumpropeman: he learned from the best when it comes to sleeping spots
Draco: Harpy-sama is a good teacher.
Jumpropeman: and surprisingly, Draco was the only survivor of a zombie swarm, so he's all on his own now (and blaming Obama for it)
Draco: He's the one who left me at the table.
Jumpropeman: unfortunately, that left him ill-prepared for the zombie swarm right after :V


Phone joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Ven's staying over again today
Jumpropeman: that's him right there
Jumpropeman: we're gonna take some napsies since we woke up early to hang out
Jumpropeman: had to see that Rogue One
Jumpropeman: very good movie, and I almost cried, but not because of the movie
Jumpropeman: there was a little girl sitting behind us watching it, probably around 5-7 or someone really young. She seemed to be pretty into it and during a triumphant moment, I could hear her say "yessss"
Jumpropeman: and it was just so beautiful to hear a kid have such joy for a movie like I did when I had seen the movies as a kid myself
RubyChao: awwwwwww
Gooper Blooper: :3


RubyChao: we are number one got so popular that the official channel uploaded the entire episode it came from
RubyChao: just so people can watch the context if they want
RubyChao: now that's success
Draco: Nice.
RubyChao: (the description even has a timestamp of when We Are Number One starts)
Draco: Awesome. XD
iKomodo: Pfffffft
PhoneDel: Amazing
iKomodo: Apparently they also released the separate tracks used to compose the song
iKomodo: they literally endorse mashups now
RubyChao: yep!


Gooper Blooper: a ​shockingly​ out of character Sneasel
Gooper Blooper: Sneasel are you okay
RubyChao: >​Nyan Roll
Sora: the belly rub is a trap
Sora: the sneasel is a trap
Sora: its not a dark type for nothing


RubyChao: i finally got the controller connected to the laptop
RubyChao: at long last i can dark some souls
RubyChao: *proceeds to play other games instead anyway*


Brinehammer: Finally got some game about an age of dragons or something, going to hit that hard.
Del: oh man
Del: i got uh
Del: dragon age origins or whatever
Del: and did not get very far
Slow progress: Oooh? =u Might this be an Inquisition in such an age?
Slow progress: Origins is great, provided you have acumen and patience. Still has the best stories of the three. b=
Slow progress: Allo, Chao.
Brinehammer: Yeah, Origins is sick so far. Gonna grab Inquisition once it's beaten. Morrigan is the best/a fuckin' ​beast.​
Slow progress: She ​is​. :'v I love dat gal. If you can get her as an Arcane Warrior ​and​ Spirit Healer with a set of maxed Primal Spells to nuke the terrain, shit gets utterly unstoppable. =v
PhoneDel: I maxed all the sliders on a dwarf then stopped playing because I realised what a mistake I made
Slow progress: Haaaaa
I have a similar story, where I was going to go through with a Let's Play of Origins, but then I realized that A) scripting would probably help the episodes and, more relevant to your point, B) , I had forgotten to turn off certain mods and when I was looting a corpse for better gear, there were a dwarfy dick visible on the corpse. Mighty embarrassing, that was, and I have no skills at editing. =y Nor would the save file work if I disabled mods.
Slow progress: So that got scrapped entirely.
Slow progress: Got through all of... three episodes, I think? Eh.
SteelKomodo: XD
PhoneDel: Dwarf dong
Brinehammer: I accidentally made Jon Snow and gave him a Greatsword. Too bad I couldn't get the dog white...
Brinehammer: Should've left Sten in that cage though.
Pogey Bree: nooooo
Pogey Bree: sten is great :<
Slow progress: Sten is... a curious case. He can come off as a largely emotionless, sociopathic, sarcastic ass that hates everything you say and do, to some; and then, to others, he's an honor bound man with an extraordinary amount of humor and understanding for his species, struggling to adapt to a very different culture than his own. He winds up being a fairly grand fellow for combat either way built right, and I like him, myself, but I can certainly understand how some dialogue choices would make you dislike him.
Slow progress: Which is, I feel, actually a ​good​ thing, as characterization is concerned. =4
Brinehammer: That's pretty much it- like, damn, dude, you're not getting eaten alive by Darkspawn. You don't need to be grateful, but at least stop complaining :I


Puzzle: >​Garfield and his Nine Lives
Puzzle: I still remember a great joke from a Seanbaby review of that game
Puzzle: "Garfield and his Nine Lives. You have five lives."
Gooper Blooper: There's nine levels, so I guess that's how it's meant to be interpreted
Draco: Garfield and his Nine Layers of Hell


Slow progress: "Develop and Distribute Candy Cane MREs"
Starfleet's priorities have taken a strange turn.


RubyChao: hey jrm
RubyChao: did you get to play drake yet
Slow progress: It waits, lurking, malingering, on his shelf, insideously blocking the view of almost five better titles.
Slow progress: Staring at guests and bringing fear into our hearts.


PhoneDel: Oh my fucking god there's a sbahj programming language
PhoneDel: It's real
SteelKomodo: what the fuuuuuuck


(Birth of a Brandon)

Sora: and am now considering a new psychic to punish the world with
Draco: Sammy's radical younger sister, Lucille?
Sora: (tempted, but probably won't happen ​because its just Boreas lite​ )
Sora: Sammy does have a sister, her name IS Lucille, but she is uninvolved
Sora: her dream is to own a resort
Draco: ​a resort called Kuwahawi Island
Sora: no
Draco: ​yes
Sora: we don't trust 19 year olds with big business
Sora: ​sammy no you can't do it for her you don't even know the first thing about hotel management
Draco: ​she didn't know arcades either
Tash: we don't need more characters with ice powers *rubs Cirno into the dirt*
Sora: i think we need more characters with ice powers
Sora: what if our AC in Kuwahawi stops working?
Sora: therefore, i propose
Sora: an ice psychic
Draco: Psychice



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