Friday, March 17, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 281: Talk Woomy To Me

RubyChao: >​try to type Joseph
RubyChao: >​type Josephine
Theodore Horstmann: a sexy Josephine pornbot followed me on tumblr today
Theodore Horstmann: she's getting around
Gooper Blooper: I bet it's the same one that followed me
Theodore Horstmann: so when does she join our humble RP community


RubyChao: i found my next 2017 plot to do after Kawashiro


William Gull 3-Gullible: I should write a My Little Pony fanfic next
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: not if I do it first!
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: "This is the story of my OC, bisexual pink fluttershy..."
RubyChao: that forum
RubyChao: i still remember it
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: if only I had convinced some people to join us
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: we could have had different colored fluttershies of all sexualities!
Gooper Blooper: my characters stare
RubyChao: maaan why didn't webarchive save that quality rp :<
William Gull 3-Gullible: So it an OC or Fluttershy
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: both
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: that's how bad their RP was
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: they were also one of those forums that has a subforum for everything


William Gull 3-Gullible: Turned my head and sneezed
William Gull 3-Gullible: Sneezed on Manic
William Gull 3-Gullible: He fled
William Gull 3-Gullible: Brief pause
William Gull 3-Gullible: I turn to sneeze again
William Gull 3-Gullible: Manic wanders back in to get sneezed on again
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: geeze cornwind
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: get a hanky


Sergeant Purley Stebbins: mentally figuring out Gysel's height, resisting urge to make another small character...


Beastly Chicken: i
Beastly Chicken: i learned too much about tanukis today
RubyChao: is it the part about their balls
Beastly Chicken: yes


Madeline Odell: "The word kobbers in colloquial terms means ‘mates’, and so we make a point of riding together and looking out for each other to make sure we all reach our destination safely. Whilst some Kobbers do have pretty 'bad ass' bikes, none of us have the bad attitudes.
We are a very social bunch with nothing but riding bikes and having a good time in mind. We welcome new members."

Gooper Blooper: I remember when I found that site
Madeline Odell: Kobber is also Danish for copper
Madeline Odell: time to RP a Danish Copper Golem named Kobber who was very confused about the negative publicity he was getting
Madeline Odell: im sure the gimmick would have just as much staying power as Haddock's
Gooper Blooper: We've learned over the years
Gooper Blooper: One thing I learned was "if a character has a main central conflict as their primary source of RP use, don't solve that conflict immediately"
RubyChao scraps plans for Kasumi to immediately stop being an asshole and then just fade out
Gooper Blooper: precisely
Gooper Blooper: Imagine if it had gone like
Gooper Blooper: Hina sad, the other kappa tell Kasumi to stop it
Gooper Blooper: Kasumi stops it
Gooper Blooper: the end
Madeline Odell: WATTATALE
Gooper Blooper: or we're doing a plot and the villain pops up
Gooper Blooper: "Mr. Evil, that's WRONG and here's why!" "...Huh, never thought of that. Okay!" and then Mr. Evil stops poisoning the waterhole the end


I Hate The Bowling Winds: One of the reasons that the Game Gear failed in the long run was that despite having a backlit screen and full color
I Hate The Bowling Winds: It was a notorious battery hog, draining six Double A's in two hours
I Hate The Bowling Winds: It did, however, have a wall plug in that let you use electricity
RubyChao: i remember that!
I Hate The Bowling Winds: But you had to take out the batteries to use it
RubyChao: mostly from the bit where Dolby was using a Game Gear
RubyChao: thanks, goops
Gooper Blooper: Oh, I remember this story
Draco: My cousins had a Game Gear.
Gooper Blooper: there was a snafu
Madeline Odell: I remember mostly playing my Game Boy Pocket on a charger
I Hate The Bowling Winds: So I'm watching the guy who had the Game Gear play through the final level of the first Shinobi
I Hate The Bowling Winds: Said final level is a massive maze where you have to use all your ninja skills and magic to make your way through
I Hate The Bowling Winds: So the guy finally makes it through
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: i know where this is going
I Hate The Bowling Winds: The final boss leaps down from the screen...
RubyChao: i can already feel the sympathy pain
I Hate The Bowling Winds: ...and I bump the plug by accident and the Game Gear turns off
Spy: . . . That was a less fun answer than I hoped
RubyChao: you monster
Madeline Odell: and that's how Cornwind got those scars
I Hate The Bowling Winds: To be fair, I don't think it was the first time the guy had gotten to the end of the game and beat it
I Hate The Bowling Winds: But still. The fact that I managed to do it JUST AS THE LAST BOSS WAS COMING DOWN has always stuck with me


Drunkleter: Talk Woomy To Me
iKomodo: no


Mobile Sheep: One day
Mobile Sheep: This panel will start
Mobile Sheep: Until then, my life is color changing lights and what appears to be an entire song composed entirely by the lyric "Sext me, baby" repeated infinitely.
Mobile Sheep: I-is this what the kids are into?!
Mobile Sheep waggles light sticks haplessly
Pierre Ducos: kids these days with their auditory stimulation, I preferred it when everyone was into utter and complete silence BI
Mobile Sheep: This panel was supposed to have started fifteen minutes ago...
Mobile Sheep: I was not prepared for this extended amount of vaguely grunge musuc


Pierre Ducos: "Spookums
Occupation: Ghost Baby"

Pierre Ducos: how does one get in that line of work
Banned Chubbers: oh god
Gooper Blooper: JRM has found his new career path


Mulling Sheep: "Mr. Yotam, if I may be so bold,"
Mulling Sheep: Parsee hooks her thumbs under her suspenders, stating that she's "A simple, southern paru paru."
Brandon Chitter: oh god
Mulling Sheep: "but from what little I understand of the Eckhart Device - I went to that museum too. Really nice folks there."
Mulling Sheep: Wait
Mulling Sheep: What museum did you go to?
Mulling Sheep: and find NICE people???
Mulling Sheep: Are you sure you went to the right museum?
Mulling Sheep rude, antlered archivists awaaaaay
Draco: The same museum that misspelled Ekehart Device, I guess.
Mulling Sheep: "She's playing you for a fool; trot out a nice story about wanting to help mutants and all YOU have to do is let their horror machine eat you! Everyone wins, right?"
Mulling Sheep: Everyone wins, right?
Mulling Sheep: "I'm just a man,"
Mulling Sheep: Yotam proceeds to reveal he's also wearing suspenders in preparation of his Simple Iranian Mineral Mutant defense


Mulling Sheep: "Has anyvun seen that reckless dummkopf Owen? I heard he turned a girl into a dragon and somehow botched it."
Mulling Sheep: I do enjoy that DeMonde's outrage is not at Owen having turned a girl into a dragon
Mulling Sheep: but that he didn't do it correctly


RubyChao: you know what would be interesting
RubyChao: scrolling through the earliest days of the bar
RubyChao: and finding when text colors first appeared
Gooper Blooper: hmmm, that's an interesting thought
Gooper Blooper: I was slow to adopt text colors, myself - both Wids and Sarah used plain text in Season 1 and only got colors later
Gooper Blooper: I did use it for minor characters and secondaries though
RubyChao: in fact
RubyChao: okay, it definitely existed by the time of drama llamas
RubyChao: so i can just go through bar
RubyChao: ...oh, wow
RubyChao: you guys will not expect this
Gooper Blooper: this gon b gud
RubyChao: the very first person who indicated the dialogue of a character with colored text
RubyChao: on May 7th, 2011
RubyChao: was ​TragedySherbert
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: Maybe someone in the Open Bar thread used color, though?
RubyChao: oh, true
RubyChao: let's see
RubyChao: ...fucking kek it was SK
RubyChao: shuma's outside voice on March 17th
Gooper Blooper: ah, shuma-gorath
Gooper Blooper: he was fun


Brandon Chitter: i
Brandon Chitter: i did it
Brandon Chitter: i fucking did it
Brandon Chitter: blogpost coming right up
Draco: Woo
Brandon Chitter joined the chat
Brandon Chitter: when you get so excited
Brandon Chitter: that you accidentally close chatzy
Draco: Ruby must get excited a lot then.


Jumpropeman: Shimmer has advice for pet ownership!
Jumpropeman: 1: Don't.


Mortified Sheep: dfjkhsdhud
Mortified Sheep: hello
Draco: Is that your Alruthine-sona?
Mortified Sheep: Sure
Mortified Sheep: Also known as "He With Too Few Syllables"


RubyChao: "We need a cassette tape before we can do anything else with it (hey remember those too? I don't)."
RubyChao winces


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: one day I will learn not to care about the Super Bowl
Jumpropeman: that day was not today

He Who Drives A Motorcycle: So, another musing
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: Who here has seen all the Rocky films?
RubyChao: i haven't!!
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: Okay to clarify, who here has seen Rockys 1 through 5
Gooper Blooper: Not a one :V
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: ...You have never seen any of the Rocky movies
Draco: Sorry, I haven't either. :(
RubyChao: also yeah, I have yet to see any Rockys
Gooper Blooper: I saw a few minutes of one when it happened to be on TV one time
Gooper Blooper: that's it
RubyChao: or Ghostbusters, or Jurassic Park, or Back to the Future... what i'm saying is yes I know I need to catch up on my cultural icons
RubyChao: and if i ever have time i will
ivel: I haven't seen any of em either
ivel: I have seen Ghostbusters and Jurassic World
Gooper Blooper: I've seen 3/4 Jurassic Park movies!
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: Well this will make a lot less sense-WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU
Gooper Blooper: But I remember nothing of the second (didn't see the third) but I will see them all again eventually since I got Goopsmom the DVDs for Christmas
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: This is a step or two away from having never seen the original Star Wars!
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper whistles innocently
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: Okay Gooper we can't be friends any more
RubyChao also whistles innocently
Gooper Blooper: I played Lego Star Wars 2, I know the plot!
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: YOU ARE ALL PHILISTINES
RubyChao: i did see the prequels, though, which makes me even worse
RubyChao: oh
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: THAT IS A 50 DKP MINUS
Jumpropeman: don't worry Corn
RubyChao: i saw A Fistful of Dollars and A Few Dollars More
Jumpropeman: I've seen the Rockys
RubyChao: does that count for anything?
He Who Drives A Motorcycle: Actually yes
RubyChao: neat
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman, the lifeline in a storm CW desperately reaches out to


Draco joined the chat
Bumbling Cat joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hi dracarpy
ivel: Dracyo and hi harps
Bumbling Cat: hello dears
Draco: Hi Ivel, JRM, Harpy, and my imaginary friend Rupert.
Rupert joined the chat

("Rupert" had a white name in Chatzy, making it invisible unless you select the text)

Rupert: 'ello, Draco. 'ow goes it tonight?
ivel: hi person whose name I can't read
Draco: Great, Rupert. Thanks.
Rupert: Good to 'ear, guv. I'll be back latah with an alligatah.
Draco: Bye, Rupert.
Rupert left the chat
RubyChao: it's his imaginary friend rupert
Jumpropeman: hello Rupert Murdoch
ivel: I saw that after I said that
Draco wonders if he's gone insane.
Draco: Now I know....things will be okay.


Jumpropeman: when I'm gone, Draco can write the Brawl
Draco: But I can't draw like you can. D:
Gooper Blooper: FREDDY HELP
Jumpropeman: make it the Big Bird Brawl
Jumpropeman: have harpy draw it
Draco: That only works if they're getting married.
Jumpropeman: Big Bird 'Bration
Jumpropeman: 60 characters enter
Jumpropeman: 30 couples leave
Draco: =O
Bumbling Cat: plz
ivel: Okay, I'll help write it
Draco: Draw it, you fiend. :I
ivel: "Brawl happened. People died. ______ won."
Draco nods sagely.
Draco: Good Brawl.
Gooper Blooper: quality brawl
Gooper Blooper: def worth waiting a year for
Draco: ______ is my favorite Devil Edchar.


Jumpropeman: alright chatzy, what should i play
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between UMVC3, Hearthstone, Super Rub a Dub, Rubber Ducky Game, game with ducks, bubberducky, bath tub + ducks, duckducksducks and QUACK. Chatzy chose: bath tub + ducks
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Shannon Tweed, Cory in the House, Bubsy 3D, Drake of the 99 Dragons, Gearcrank Arena and Bad Rats. Chatzy chose: Bubsy 3D


Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: Whew!
Draco takes off his nice tie and belt.


Draco: #StupidParseeTricks: ​Parsee wakes Cian up in the middle of the night 'cause she had a bad dream and asks if she can sleep with him. Without looking up or moving or anything, Cian answers that Parsee is already sleeping with him and was, in fact, in the bed when she woke up. Parsee goes "Oh" and goes back to sleep.


Brick Cookery: can't say my writing is as dynamic as Ven's... yet
Kwbwehmn: You dare bring compliments to this house of woeful languish?!
Oh. .///.
Well, thanks, then.
Obliged, Harps.


Gooper Blooper: heading to bed, night guys
Lily Rowan: night goop
Draco: Bye Koops.
Gooper Blooper: link
Lily Rowan: Koopa Koot is better
Lily Rowan: *and lo, literally no one was surprised by JRM's opinion*


(People begin rolling 66 and 70 tractors to "predict" who will win BBB7)

Brilliant Cod rolled a die with 66 sides. The die showed: 17
Brilliant Cod: oh wow that's the exact same placing Stacy got
Brilliant Cod: or was it sammy?
ivel rolled a die with 66 sides. The die showed: 1
ivel: ...
Brilliant Cod: FUCK YOU TOO GINO
King Kull: how will Mac Tonight do after make a surprise reentry in BBB7
King Kull rolled a die with 70 sides. The die showed: 11
Brilliant Cod: TOO WELL
King Kull: and what about the even MORE surprise entry: Captain Underpants
King Kull rolled a die with 70 sides. The die showed: 13
King Kull: *tears up results*
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 70 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: uh oh
King Kull: is gooper the first winner on the 70 tractor?
King Kull: cause if so... congratulations Rachel!


Brilliant Cod: i wonder if goops will grace me with a brandon and/or emily pic
Brilliant Cod: and how can i pay him
Brilliant Cod: chocolate bars are not payment


King Kull: so, one of the residents here likes to send me pictures to print so she can put them up on the bulletin board. Usually its kind of what you expect: "do you remember this old thing?" "cute pictures of an animal or child" "puns/funny images/feel good motivational stuff"
King Kull: her birthday is coming up though, so she sent me to print some birthday stuff
King Kull: A lot of Peanuts saying happy birthday, Betty Boop, some glittery letters... and a morbidly obese topless old lady with whipped cream on her chest and the words Happy Birthday written across it
Merde Sheep: Woah
Gooper Blooper: the happiest birthday
Merde Sheep: a bit risque asking you to print out Betty Boop
King Kull: so naturally I printed it ​and printed a copy for myself​
King Kull: another common thing she wants me to print are comics featuring this old bird
RubyChao: i recognize her!
King Kull: the Patron Saint of Old People who, it's not a question of IF I'll RP, but WHEN
RubyChao: well, she does look like she'd fit into an island setting
Merde Sheep: ah yes, that patron saint of gift cards


RubyChao: "A few months back I brashly sold my N64 and my SNES at a yard sale my family was holding. Avarice and arrogance were brought to me by my discovery of emulators. In my eyes, their ability to deliver classic games in unlimited quantity at no cost was second to none. I don’t remember much about that yard sale, but the family whom I sold it to left a distinct memory in my mind."
RubyChao: i love how ridiculous that second sentence is
SteelKomodo: jesus christ it's pretentious
RubyChao: "Donkey Kong was splitting Luigi’s skull in half with a buzz saw, as opposed to hoisting up a green shell. The look on his face wasn’t one of mischief either. It was one of pure bloodlust, of sick elation from being the orchestrator of such chaos and carnage."


Draco: I had a dumb idea on my way home from work: Letty singing the Frost Miser song and Okuu singing the Heat Miser song.
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: they ARE ms. snow and ms. sun
Gooper Blooper: a bunch of little letties and okuus singing backup


Conan the Cimmerian: been thinking of doing a blogpost that isn't character stuff, just my longform thoughts on how the ZF universe came to be
Conan the Cimmerian: basically an elaboration on that Croctopus theory
Gooper Blooper: Oh, that'd be neat
Gooper Blooper: would read!
Draco: It better be quotable or I'm cancelling Byakurenplot.
Conan the Cimmerian: *makes it as dry and unexceptional as possible*
Draco: ​So it's part of Shimmer plot? ;V jk
RubyChao: your ​face​ is part of shimmer plot
Conan the Cimmerian: ooooooooooooh
Conan the Cimmerian: *makes a note of that if I ever do a Shimmer plot*
Conan the Cimmerian: *Draco's Face is the final boss*
Draco: D;


Conan the Cimmerian: I had a pen pal in British Columbia once
Conan the Cimmerian: then one day she told me everything she said had been a lie and we stopped :V
Draco: Aw.
Draco: Is that why you and Cornwind never speak?
Gooper Blooper: welp
Conan the Cimmerian: yup, he was my pen pal, he even lied about his sex and where in Canada he lived
Conan the Cimmerian: his name was Cornwind GOOD back then too
Gooper Blooper: JRM's pen pal
Gooper Blooper: was roleplaying
Gooper Blooper: BUT IN REAL LIFE
Conan the Cimmerian: oh snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aap


Conan the Cimmerian: "Votes with diagrams or graphs or pictures will get 5 rather than 1 point, and possibly even more if they are super awesome."
Conan the Cimmerian: dang, Zoofights was really generous with points
Gooper Blooper: They could afford to with such a large base
RubyChao: probably because they had such a large userbase; you could reasonably expect like 30-40 voters, if not more, per match
RubyChao: can't quite do the same when you're averaging around 145
RubyChao: *15
RubyChao: it would be a lot different if we had 145
Draco only enters 3.


SteelKomodo: i found fem!Sam
SteelKomodo: pls don't ask where
Del: where
SteelKomodo: -_-
SteelKomodo: Pixiv
SteelKomodo: and that's all I'm gonna say
Del: kek
RubyChao: good old pixiv
Draco: Indeed.
SteelKomodo: basically don't go to pixiv, guys
SteelKomodo: it is a very wretched place
RubyChao looks at his pixiv account
RubyChao: too late
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: you'll never find a more wretched hive of gross shit
RubyChao: what about 4chan
SteelKomodo: close second
SteelKomodo: it's like a mos eisley next to another mos eisley
Del: no yeah 4chan is the bottom of the pit
Draco: Mos Eisley and Mos Eisley-with-a-scar.
iKomodo: The whole internet is mos eisley
Dedleter: I wish the internet wasn't so full of garbage
Dedleter: I also wish I didn't have anxiety and a cold
Dedleter: And I wish I had a billion dollars
Dedleter: And for more wishes
iKomodo: Del you know that never works
iKomodo: they penalise you for that :P
Dedleter: It's true
Dedleter: Ix-nay on wishing for more wishes
iKomodo: As Robbie Williams once said- yes, that


A Whitechapel 8: Also why are there so many robot Godzillas
A Whitechapel 8: Isn't two enough
Draco: No.
Gooper Blooper: Mechagodzilla is a popular concept, and each of the three has distinctly different backstory and personality
Gooper Blooper: The 70s one is an alien battle mech, the 90s one is a human military weapon, and the 2000s one is a cyborg
Kbleh: -takes Cornwind by the shoulder lightly- My boy, there's never an ​enough​. =u


Solomon Kane: "A thing that actually disturbed me a lot with being 'together' with Iggy was I were in the middle of the Koopa fanbase. There were so many people out there that loved Iggy as well and I never felt like he was fully mine, though I know he never would be.
And this is the gold with suddenly finding Fawful, cause I haven't seen many Fawful fangirls so I can go on and say;

Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of browsing the Phoenix Wright forums back in the day and seeing people have sigs talk about how they were "married" to in-game characters
Draco edits his signature so it says "marreed 2 gloria"


Solomon Kane: Do you think Bruce Wayne ever accidentally answers his house phone with "This is Batman -AH SHIT! SHITSHITSHITSHIT FORGET THAT Hello this is Bruce Wayne."
Solomon Kane: because I know I do
Gooper Blooper: haaaa
Draco: I don't think so. Why would he answer his own phone when he has Alfred to do it for him?


Gooper Blooper: link
A Whitechapel 8: Sumi is teaming up with purple Godzilla?
Gooper Blooper: >​purple godzilla
Gooper Blooper: So this is how you felt when you were upset none of us saw Rocky
Draco: Even Yamame gets a kaiju buddy
Gooper Blooper: >​Kumonga
Gooper Blooper: OF COURSE


Solomon Kane: *is working on planning for my 2018 plot* why does this always happen
Gooper Blooper: JRM is a man with plans


Phone: Link Nintendo account oh gods what are my passwords aaaaghffk
A Whitechapel 8: This is why I use 12345A for all my passwords
A Whitechapel 8: .....GOD DAMN IT

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