Friday, March 24, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 284: Roll To Not Explode... AGAIN

Baron Frederik: there's a burger delivery place putting up posters where i work
Baron Frederik: to which I say
Baron Frederik: bout freaking time someone realizes fast food delivery is a great idea!


Gooper Blooper: if you didn't google JRM's current sig, you should, it's a keeper
RubyChao: you weren't kidding
RubyChao: and that's from a heartwarming scene, too


Baron Frederik: good ad
RubyChao: christ
Gooper Blooper: I've been wondering if the ads I've been seeing for eight years talking about "OBAMA WAIVES REFI REQUIREMENT" will be updated or changed at all
Gooper Blooper: I bet not
Baron Frederik: oh man, there's bound to be a wave of trump ones eventually
Baron Frederik: brace your buttocks
RubyChao: prediction: they're exactly the same as the obama ones
RubyChao: but with Trump swapped in for Obama
RubyChao: they're both five letters, you don't even need to change the spacing


Baron Frederik: "This was surprisingly entertaining and with a few minor exceptions, very inoffensive family fare. It's another one of those adults-and-kids can enjoy flicks with a number of lines that border on being too much for kids but are still tame for adults - close, but safe. There are also some funny special effects and some good slapstick humor.
Being basically a kids' film, the main child, played by Eric Lloyd is cute but a little too spoiled for me but he's tolerable, as is his brother. Jason Alexander is the father, a very likable subdued guy but a little too lenient.
The real surprise in this cast is Faye Dunaway. Usually playing hard-edged types, she is the opposite in here which is kind of refreshing to see. She shows a nice comedic touch. The chimpanzee is probably the most entertaining, which is the idea, but so is the villain played by Rupert Evert. In other words, there are a lot of likable characters in this movie.
This a "sleeper:" an underrated film that a lot of people would enjoy. I'm sorry it never got much "press.""

Baron Frederik: the chimpanzee in Dunston Checks In was so good, he looked like an orangutan
Gooper Blooper: close enough
Baron Frederik: "The definitive monkey movie"
Gooper Blooper: CLOSE ENOUGH
Baron Frederik: so many of these reviews are just "here's the plot"
Gooper Blooper: ow
Baron Frederik: "Depends on your orangutan tolerance."
Baron Frederik: this is a make or break factor in many films
Baron Frederik: "anybody who doesn't like this movie just might be some kind of schmuck"
Baron Frederik: "Faye Dunaway steals every scene she is in with this chimp. LOLOLOLOLS a'plenty!"
Baron Frederik: this might be my favorite review though: "An ape can't check into a hotel! Or can he...?"
Baron Frederik: as if this was the story of some plucky ape who is doing his darndest to check into a hotel despite society telling him no
Gooper Blooper: I like it because it reminds me of the endless shitty "questions" that get posed on kids' novel back covers and summaries
Gooper Blooper: "will ash ketchum get the girl or will he not, please review"
Baron Frederik: Is Dunston really different from us? You'll be surprised at what you discover
RubyChao: i believe in you, dunston
RubyChao: fight the system
Draco: Ash would only get the girl if he could stuff her in a baseball and make her fight dragons and sharks.


Phone: I got to chapter six on the fire emblem phone game and finally lost one character, but she turned out to be fine when the battle was over. I am severely disappointed. My stakesss are tiny now.
Baron Frederik: im surprised there isn't some Pay To Revive feature instead
Baron Frederik: seems like the easiest way to gut you for money
Gooper Blooper: Most likely Nintendo just hasn't gone full mobile asshole yet
Gooper Blooper: they're working on it though
RubyChao: doooom and glooooom


Baron Frederik: are there female members of the kkk
Baron Frederik: i don't know if I've ever seen one
Baron Frederik: and you hear about all these famous dudes with ties to them, but not chicks
Gooper Blooper: Google says yes there are
Gooper Blooper: They used to have their own segregated group, WKKK, but now they're just part of the gang
Gooper Blooper: it's one big happy horrible family
Baron Frederik: oh my gosh
Baron Frederik: WKKK sounds like the worst named radio station ever
RubyChao: bringing you ​all​ the latest in racism


Spy: I think my favorite Bible verse is the part where kids get shredded by bears for calling a prophet bald
Baron Frederik: i think God was just looking for an excuse to use some bears that day


Bree: PhoneDel: Presumably anywhere the Kobbers moves to prepares an abandoned warehouse district specifically for this purpose
Bree: someone should reference this if they decide to host a plot in an abandoned warehouse district
Bree: "why does this island have an abandoned warehouse district" "they made one specifically because kobber villains like abandoned warehouse districts. it deters them from destroying other, more valuable areas of the island"
Gooper Blooper: Clearly one of the islands is nothing but abandoned warehouses for several square miles
Gooper Blooper: We can do all our kaiju fights there
Bree: just imagine ZF Corp dropping mad cash to construct a whole bunch of PRE-ABANDONED WAREHOUSES
Bree: pre-abandoned warehouses are like pre-distressed jeans
Bree: except they're warehouses
Bree: they are literally constructed in their dilapidated, dusty state
Bree: construction men in orange vests carefully hanging spiderwebs from the ceiling etc
Gooper Blooper: If they don't look abandoned it won't work!
Draco: ​Bree: would josephine wear pants that said "BOOTYQUAKE" on the butt <- ​Would Gloria?
Bree: ​no, but she'd wear a robe that said BOOTYQUAKE on the butt​


Gooper Blooper: I was reading a bunch of list articles earlier today and I found this

Gooper Blooper: he did it again
Blessed Character: shroud please
RubyChao: so what's his secret organization
Gooper Blooper: The Buried
Gooper Blooper: Kokoro is VP


Bree: so here's a dumb thing I said to chao on skype
Bree: I asked if nitori had any pictures of machi on her phone
Bree: (we know she has one in her wallet now)
Bree: and I said that I know machi has at least three pictures of nitori on her own phone
Bree: and they are
Bree: 1) a picture of nitori sleeping cutely
Bree: 2) a picture of nitori eating cutely
Bree: and 3) a picture taken by meiling of a backshot of nitori zoomed-in to emphasize the kappa booty
Bree: with a lenny face photoshopped in
Bree: which she then texted to komachi
Bree: and komachi guiltily saved it
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Gooper Blooper: I figured the third one would be a contrast but my idea was something showing Nitori being really badass, like riding in a mech
Bree: dirk etc
Bree: that would make a great fourth image
Bree: she probably takes one on kuwahawi at some point!
Bree: ​and a better booty photo that komachi took herself​
Bree: also meiling doesn't know that komachi saved it considering komachi's response was an all-caps text consisting only of "STOP PHOTOGRAPHING MY GIRLFRIEND"


Morrible Sheep: >​Her heart was beating fast, and she made sure not to swallow nervously.
Morrible Sheep: Y'all are horrible people for corrupting Tove
Morrible Sheep: just fyi


John Egbert: CKR's birthday is on the tenth, so I bought her some birthday gifts recently. However, one of the amazon sellers decided to send me an email. Allow me to read it to you.
John Egbert: *puts on glasses* "We hope you had a wonderful time shopping at our store. Our team of unicorns were hungry after all the hard work fulfilling your order... So we ordered a Unicorn Pizza, with green peppers and glitter."
Gooper Blooper: Oh good, I was worried it'd be drama
Gooper Blooper: it's just lel so random


RubyChao:  man, some older garfield is weird


RubyChao: oh my god there's a touhou fangame named "Hakurei Flea Market"


Rose Lalonde: "The Girl Who Ate Everything"
Rose Lalonde: I appreciate this food blog's name
ivel: Okuu's blog
Blessed Character: i'm a selfish shit cuz i'm like "that's brandon blog?"
Rose Lalonde: yes, he is a girl who eats everything
Blessed Character: best grill
Rose Lalonde: and its not the actual character in Brandon's stories that is a girl who eats a lot :V
Blessed Character: yes i'm terrible ._.
Blessed Character: well yes
Blessed Character: it could be hannah
Blessed Character: its prolly hannah
Blessed Character: >​_>​;
Blessed Character: SO ANYWAY


Gooper Blooper: So here's a funny story about something that happened to me today while playing vidya
Gooper Blooper: For "reasons" I've been researching the history of pinball machines and came across some Steam pinball games that were free to play
Rose Lalonde: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Vidja
Gooper Blooper: Today I tried Zaccaria Pinball, which gives you one table for free and all the others are DLC, but you're allowed to try them
Gooper Blooper: The game immediately ends if you go over a point threshold, which varies by table
Gooper Blooper: I found one table that, at the top of the board, has a series of posts that rapidly flash when you launch a ball. Only one is lit at a time.
Gooper Blooper: If you manage to hit the lit post, you get 100,000 points
Gooper Blooper: So I started the game for the first time, launched the ball, hit the post, and my game immediately ended
Blessed Character: wow
Gooper Blooper: best trial ever
Rose Lalonde: and then you bought it of course


Big (the) Cat: speaking of cute girls
Gooper Blooper: Sumireko??
Big (the) Cat: oh god sumi
Big (the) Cat: she is in disgaea
Big (the) Cat: she has found the esoteric
RubyChao: i misread "Eccentric" as "Esoteric"
Big (the) Cat:
Draco: Koakuma's horns grew.
Big (the) Cat: that's
Big (the) Cat: not the only part of her that grew
Gooper Blooper: haw


RubyChao: "I completed the main story and went through every level of the Subspace, yet Ike is still trapped and I still cannot find him, goodbye Ike" Ike-sama... ;~;7
Gooper Blooper: he fought for his friends, but they did not fight for him
Draco: Who?
Rose Lalonde: you know
Rose Lalonde: President Eisenhower
Draco: OH!


RubyChao: "Does Metroid: Other M Still SUCK?" - 15 minute video
RubyChao: you really only need a couple seconds
RubyChao: "Yes."
SwitchKomodo: cut out a lot of the fluff, just get right to the nub of the matter
Draco: #RudeComment ​Wow, Ruby. The Pacific Ocean is less salty about Other M.
RubyChao: it's true
Draco: #RudeComment ​Are you not authorized to let it go?
RubyChao: i'm not
Draco: That's all the material I had.
Draco returns to the sea to write the next thrilling "Koakuma runs errands" blogpost.
Shovel Del: lol


SwitchKomodo: Dirksephine conversations


Dave Strider entered for the first time
Dave Strider: to boip, perchance to burpo
Draco: Hail.
Dave Strider: every day is a battle to not say HEY! FUCKING COWBOYS, FUCKING COWGIRLS, HOW THE FUCK ARE YA DOING? as my greeting
Dave Strider: as an american, it is truly the only way to greet people
Draco: Truly, a struggle worthy of Hercules.


Draco: JRM, are there pictures of Shimmer besides her self-portrait and the one from Setz?
Nepeta Leijon: not with her new design
Nepeta Leijon: i was actually lamenting that a bit last night
Draco: Well, I guess she's just not cool enough anymore. :l
Nepeta Leijon: im half tempted to get a commission of her by herself
Nepeta Leijon: I know this guy who does good work, but he never draws the noses on his characters so I'm iffy
Nepeta Leijon: her nose is pivotal to her identity
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: D:
Draco: Goops heard noses and came to erase them!
RubyChao: hello goops!
Draco deletes himself from chat like he did
Nepeta Leijon: D^:
Big (the) Cat: oh god


Gooper Blooper: got my new shin godzilla figure today
Gooper Blooper: it's a very nice little terrifying horror


Cornwind Evil: "Psycho II doesn't try to make the same mistake Psycho did and piggyback a slasher movie onto a thriller. And it's all benefited by Anthony Perkins' (Norman Bates) performance. Usually, horror sequels take place only a few years later, so the killer still has that spring in his step. But in Psycho II, Norman is a grumpier, retired slasher who just wants his dang ol' mental demons to leave him alone, presumably so that he can watch his stories and suck on hard candies in peace. So we don't have to once again see what happens when a good-looking young person falls prey to the murderin' urges. Instead, we have "I'm gettin' too old for this shit" Norman, a character that's perfectly exemplified by his decision to forgo shower stalking and dress-up, and just start beating people with shovels."
Cornwind Evil: The idea of a crotchety old slasher villain is amusing to me
Cornwind Evil: I'm sure there's a get off my lawn joke in there but I can't think of it
Nepeta Leijon: he and Mrs. Voorhees would be quite the pair
Cornwind Evil: Well you see JRM
Cornwind Evil: -WORDS WORDS WORDS about slasher psychology-
Cornwind Evil: -It somehow ends up being about how the Scream series is a very feminist positive series-


Feferi Peixes: I'm dreading when I catch up to the point of Homestuck I call "Bravely Default Chapter 5"


Brigadier Carter: "Why can't demons, angels, and humans get along? I ask everyone but no one has an answer. Do you know? Have you any idea?"
Brigadier Carter: uh
RubyChao: it's because long ago, in a distant land
Brigadier Carter: Brandon
RubyChao: ​I, AKU
Brigadier Carter: i don't think-
Brigadier Carter: DAMN IT AKU
RubyChao: THE SHAPESHIFTING- *swatted*
RubyChao: (reminder that Aku made a cameo in ZFRP)
Feferi Peixes: he did something so vile, so unforgivable, it still ripples through ZFRP history
Feferi Peixes: HE ​voted on like three fites I think


Feferi Peixes: link
Gooper Blooper: oh hey
Gooper Blooper: is that a finished commission?!?!?!?!
Feferi Peixes: I got someone else to do it :V
Feferi Peixes: she took one night
Gooper Blooper: yeah I noticed the art style was different :V
Brigadier Carter: she looks like a sadder cauren
Brigadier Carter: how is that possible
Gooper Blooper: mope magic
Feferi Peixes: im happy to finally get Faith and her mech away from borrowed art
Feferi Peixes: that's the main reason I've considered getting Jasper commissioned even though he's so simple
Gooper Blooper: Huh, in Jasper's case I'd figure you could just draw his design yourself
RubyChao continues to aggressively borrow art :V
Feferi Peixes: you'd think that
Feferi Peixes: and you'd probably be right


Gooper Blooper: Pictured: not entering the Big Bar Brawl, but if I'd had as many slots in Season 2 as I do now...
Jane Crocker: haha
Jane Crocker: sorry, got to be in character
Jane Crocker: Hoo hoo


Gooper Blooper: don't take patchy's donuts
Draco: Too late. Koa took them all the way to Kuwahawi.
RubyChao: that's how she gets patchy to kuwahawi
RubyChao: patchy floats after her donuts
RubyChao: she's very slow, so it takes six months to get from vegas to kuwahawi
Gooper Blooper: "While trying to work I tried to pick up sweets in one hand but when I can hardly find it, the little devil may be mischievous!"
Gooper Blooper: ^ Google Translate of description


Thankfully Non-Melted Feet (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Jane Crocker: Hi Melted Feet
Gooper Blooper: well thank goodness for that
Gooper Blooper: melted feet are a bother


ivel: apparently there's a Steam game called "Bloop Reloaded"
ivel: ​guess I know what Goops's Christmas present will be :U
SteelKomodo: XD
South Korean Sex Cabal Gov.: Killed the Old Dragonslayer, woo. Third boss down.
SteelKomodo: yaaaaaay
It was me, Del!: ROLL TO NOT EXPLODE
It was me, Del! rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
It was me, Del! doesn't explode
South Korean Sex Cabal Gov. rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
South Korean Sex Cabal Gov. doesn't explode
ivel doesn't explode

It was me, Del!: Good work so far
ivel: boring so far :I
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7

RubyChao violently explodes
SteelKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16

ivel: tmi SK
SteelKomodo does that weird cabbage patch thing that I am assured is a dance move


Jake English: what's this about a Labyrinth plot?
Jake English: are we getting goblins into RP finally
Jake English: (besides the times we already did)
Brigadier Carter: oh god
Brigadier Carter: no
Jake English: can't really think of many other Labyrinths
Jake English: and they all have significantly less goblins and 100% less David Bowie


Jake English: anybody want a delicious baby marrow
Jake English: which is, of course, a small zucchini, and not the stuff inside baby bones
Gooper Blooper: I admit, I took a Google for that one
Jake English: we're out of fish food at work and I was wondering if I could feed them anything else, and one google result suggested baby marrow


Jake English: my hands smell like ​baby marrow​ celery now
Jake English: I tried to feed the fishes that but they didn't seem too keen
Jake English: if they don't buy more fish food soon I will have to take it into my own hands
Jake English: the internet says you don't have to feed them for two weeks and it can even be good for them, but I want you to look those fish in the face and tell them "I'M STARVING YOU FOR YOUR OWN GOOD"
Draco: That's my philosophy for Neopets.
Gooper Blooper: Mood: Delighted!
Gooper Blooper: Hunger: ​dying​


Draco: Clownpiece is getting her Brgrgr game on.
Gooper Blooper: so which friend do you think gets the daily burger
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Hecatia, Junko, Junk, Ko, Chibodee and Edea. Chatzy chose: Junko
Draco: Junko.
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: she probably babbled "A BURGER A DAY KEEPS CHANG'E AWAY" once and Clownpiece has been grilling ever since
Draco: Burgers are all-American, so it's something she does a lot.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Too bad she sucks at it. :(
Draco: ​The real reason Junko came to Las Vegas: to get GOOD burgers.


Calliope: *clicks Kishin Sagume tag*
Calliope: so what is the deal with the hand over the mouth thing, because she's even doing it in the porn


Calliope: I made a mistake on my computer a few days ago. I had been constantly dismissing the "Update to Windows 8.1" messages for years now, and finally, after turning it on and doing something in a window, I pressed enter at the exact time that pop-up came up, so now I have Windows 8.1


RubyChao: "It was then that he realized: not even death would free him of his service to Bowser."
It was me, Del!: RIP
SteelKomodo: D:
Draco: Hardcore


(During a discussion of television censoring movies)

YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: I remember when I moved to Toronto
YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: There's a local station called CityTV
YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: And I was utterly SHOCKED that they would show R rated movies without any censorship
YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: (Then again they were so willing to get eyeballs that they would show softcore porn films after midnight on Friday weekly until they were purchased by a larger corperation)
RubyChao: did someone say softcore porn
Roxy Lalonde: time for a danbooru link
Roxy Lalonde: my virgin eyes ; o ;
YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: (A fun game: guess how many times I had to hit Random Post to get something clean)
Gooper Blooper: Wow, that was a random selection? Yet with all that ruined!
Gooper Blooper: not bad
Gooper Blooper: (four times)
YOU CORNFED MELONFARMER: Gooper gets it in one!
Gooper Blooper: yeee


Roxy Lalonde: Roll for giggle volume
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
RubyChao: giggle normal volume
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Roxy Lalonde: The Giggle That Deafened The World
Cornwind Evil: Parsee giggles so hard she gaggles and goggles at the same time
Draco: She giggles at Goggles.
Maverick Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Maverick Sheep: :I
Maverick Sheep unhappy with exemplary fictional giggles


Terezi Pyrope: new 2017 character
Terezi Pyrope: although it is a cardboard knight, so maybe I should give him to ven
Gooper Blooper: FV immediately sends him into the swim-up portion of the bar
Gooper Blooper: he dies
Phone: Naaah. To fit the modus operandi of my crimes he has to have had at least one friend or done something interesting before he takes the in this case quite literal plunge.
Phone: -twirls cardboard knight in hands-


Terezi Pyrope: who wants to hear the current ongoing epic in the world of terrible video games
RubyChao: i do! i do!
Draco: Sure.
Gooper Blooper: ooh
Terezi Pyrope: This is the tale of an indie game called Fur Fun, which began its life completely aping the idea behind Yooka-Laylee by having a Kickstarter that closely copied that game's Kickstarter, right down to use the same font for its then working title: Kewpie-Jazzy.
Terezi Pyrope: making another Banjo-Kazooielike isn't a crime in itself, but quickly it began to have the typical issues of this scummy kickstarters: refusing to pay its artists, composers, and the like, and soon the fate of the game was in question
Gooper Blooper: oh god, a kickstarter scam
Gooper Blooper: always Fun
Terezi Pyrope: until a Spanish youtuber named Dalas found it. Dude has millions of subscribers and liked the game idea, and decided to fund it
Gooper Blooper: I have no idea how I've not heard about this one yet considering how closely I follow Shitty Kickstarters on reddit
Terezi Pyrope: thing is... Dalas is pretty much the scum of youtube. He is very aggressive towards other youtubers and actively encourages his fans to shittalk them in their comments and the like
Terezi Pyrope: this transferred towards his handling of Fur Fun, actively censoring anything negative about the game and using youtube copyright strikes to take down critical videos. The game itself can be played and its a glorious trainwreck
Terezi Pyrope: Dalas himself narrates over the game
Terezi Pyrope: the entire game
Terezi Pyrope: in stilted english
Terezi Pyrope: He explains controls way too much, he goes on unrelated tangents
Terezi Pyrope: and despite claiming the game was rated E by the ESRB, he says "shit" and goes on sex-related tangents
Terezi Pyrope: the game itself plays a step above Bubsy 3D in that your jumps are awful glidey things
Terezi Pyrope: and I think it goes without saying the worlds ain't great either :V
Terezi Pyrope: it has been removed from Steam after the false ESRB claim though, but Dalas is throwing a fit all over the place
Gooper Blooper: This sounds like another one of those games I wouldn't want you to buy not because "this game isn't worth money" but because "don't you dare give those awful people money"
Gooper Blooper: like those other steam guys who released all those games about toilet humor and dongers
Terezi Pyrope: I have yet to buy a Digital Homicide game
Terezi Pyrope: or any of their other fake developer names
Gooper Blooper: good :V
Gooper Blooper: Sticking to "admire the trainwreck from afar" seems like a better plan for that kind of game
Gooper Blooper: there's plenty of garbage you can buy used for consoles anyway
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure even now you've barely scratched the surface of bad vidya
RubyChao gestures at Drake
Gooper Blooper: SOMEDAY
Draco buys JRM a good game instead.
Draco Like Fallout 4.
Draco Or a Sega Genesis.

Gooper Blooper: He doesn't need a genesis, he's lucky enough to have a retron 5 that didn't fall apart when he put in a game
Terezi Pyrope: truly a blessing from the gods


It was me, Del!: I forgot about Bonnie's Spacetime adventute
It was me, Del!: But eh
iKomodo: You could just summarize it, I guess
iKomodo: like, one blogpost is all you'd really need
RubyChao: do what i did for samus
RubyChao: recap it during rp
It was me, Del!: Sure
It was me, Del!: It'll be a single sentence because Fazfucks
iKomodo: kek


GEEEEEZHUS: Cryptids have all sorts of bizarre offshoots
iKomodo: They do
GEEEEEZHUS: Like there's supposedly some steer whose power is #somewhatgross ​he can shoot fiery poop as a weapon.​
pivel: ...
iKomodo: ​The Bonnacon, right? I feel he was mentioned before on this Chatzy
Brigadier Carter: well that's pretty shitty


Gooper Blooper: Someone outside our circle found Chatzy Madness
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: I was pruning the blog's comments because a bunch of tapogres got on there, but amongst the garbage was one actual human
RubyChao: did you spare the human
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: heheheheh
Gooper Blooper: SK cursing out Rabbit no doubt triggered the lad
Cornwind Evil: That fucking asshole can take his shit and shove UP HIS BUTTOCKS
Yahoo Bot: shh! You can't say that about the PokeMASTER!
Gooper Blooper: if that kid is more of a pokemon master than me, you, and chao, consider me surprised


Brigadier Carter: its national potato chip day
Brigadier Carter: please place your offerings in Hannah's mailbox


Yahoo Bot: strangely I don't have the problem where what I'm watching/looking at makes me lose my appetite
Yahoo Bot: I've watched some gross stuff while eating before
Yahoo Bot: like Sonic 06 LPs


(re: The Fantastic Four)

Cornwind Evil: As we know, Ben Grimm's angst is that his cosmic ray transformation permanently turned him into a rocky monster man
Cornwind Evil: And he can't turn back innately like his other three family members
Cornwind Evil: So throughout comics there have been multiple "Thing can turn human again! Wait no, he's stuck as the rock man again!" plots
Cornwind Evil: I swear he's gained and lost the ability at least seven times
Cornwind Evil: So in the early 2000's, Ben gained the ability to change back to a human once again
Cornwind Evil: And then 18 months later his skin suddenly spawning rocky nodes that turned into monstrous Thing duplicates
Cornwind Evil: And he kept spawning them so fast Reed had to warp him and all the 'Skinspawn' into a pocket dimension before there was an Evil Thing Army That Would Clobber Everything
Cornwind Evil: So why was this happening?
Cornwind Evil: Well, it seemed Ben's skin resented the fact that every time he turned human, the skin was essentially 'destroyed' and reformed.
Cornwind Evil: So yes
Cornwind Evil: Ben's hide is apparently sentient
Cornwind Evil: And it hated being killed and reincarnated so it was spawning an army of evil Skin Things
RubyChao: hahahaha wow
Cornwind Evil: Needless to say, this plot point has not exactly been held front and center since


Branhander left the chat
Yahoo Bot: hello brine
B.C.: he left
Yahoo Bot: whaaaaat
Yahoo Bot: ive never actively seen him leave
Yahoo Bot: he always just sort of phases out of the chatroom
B.C.: dun dun
SteelKomodo: dun dun DUUUUUN
B.C.: spooky


Gooper Blooper: gahahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: fuckin saved
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: that's beautiful
RubyChao: that's so amazing
Brigadier Carter: i'm dead

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