Saturday, February 25, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 276: Red Eyes Black Dragonite

Gooper Blooper: Well, something I wasn't sure would ever happen happened today
Gooper Blooper: I bought an Amiibo
RubyChao: gasp!!
Gooper Blooper: It's a Christmas gift for Goopsbro
Gooper Blooper: I got the Mario one since I figured that one probably can be used in the most games
Gooper Blooper: I then wrapped it in Mario wrapping paper and put it in a Mario gift bag, and addressed it as "From Mario" on the gift tag
Gooper Blooper: taking this joke all the way
RubyChao: amazing


Gooper Blooper: I never had an explanation in RP for why Viola's eyes are swirls
Gooper Blooper: maybe she was born with them
Gooper Blooper: "congratulations, it's a hex"
RubyChao: either that or she picked them up from all the spoop
Gooper Blooper: I can at least confirm that they are merely for show and do not affect her vision, for good or ill


Harpy: I don't freeze it or use dry milk, i just go jugs
Harpy: i'm not quite sure why one would freeze milk because then it would taste a whole lot more watery
A. Snark: ​Dem purdy milky jugs
A. Snark falls back into banned corner
Gooper Blooper: kek
Harpy: somewhere, out there
Harpy: a cow seductively winks at ven


Hwin: *pays Setz a hundred rubles to draw Jasper with the only difference being angry eyes*


Hwin: *googles the character Attwater is based on*
Hwin: "The Mutant Registration Act" comes up with a picture of Attwater
A. Snark: HEH


RubyChao: "Abandoned - Ames Department Store - Recommended for you"
RubyChao: well i wasn't expecting that particular ruined


RubyChao: >​the original falcon punch video is gone
RubyChao: end of an era ;____;7
SteelKomodo: :<
RubyChao: there's another video with it
RubyChao: but it's just not the same


RubyChao: oh man i just remembered part of a dream i had
RubyChao: where we were following this pretty generally cool young guy, and it ended with him proposing to a girl
RubyChao: and it was revealed the guy was
RubyChao: ​Ken Penders
SteelKomodo: ​FUCKING HELL


Sallowpad: amazon says (besides goops and chao) that brine, and half of sheep and half of spy should have got theirs already. everything else still up in the air
ivel: the red or the blue half
M Sheep: >​and half of sheep
M Sheep: Good God
Gooper Blooper: *package arrives, it's a scientific plastic model of half of a sheep to let you see the innards*
Gooper Blooper: "you're the best JRM"
Sallowpad: *googles to see if that's a thing*
Sallowpad: is this acceptable
M Sheep: Well now I'm curious
M Sheep: What market is this for?
M Sheep: Who is the author's intended audience?
Sallowpad: based on the reviews: sheep brain dissectors. They give it glowing praise or harsh critique!
Gooper Blooper: why, people who study sheep brains, of course
M Sheep: Oh, well, of course
M Sheep: what was i thinking
Gooper Blooper: it's a bustling industry
Sallowpad: "Third, it has good content and doesn't try to overdo it. Dissecting a sheep brain is a gateway dissection - thus a book doesn't need to be an expensive tome on neurobiology."
M Sheep: Ruined?
Sallowpad: its a gateway dissection
Gooper Blooper: with the humble sheep
Gooper Blooper: this is how dissectionists begin their careers
Sallowpad: next week they'll be dissecting horse brains, and then whale brains, and who knows what else!
Sallowpad: stop addiction at its source
M Sheep: Sheep's Brain: The Gateway Dissection
M Sheep: the title of my memoirs?


RubyChao: who wants a #fun fact about Kasumi
Draco: Me.
Sallowpad: She only murders babies on odd days
M Sheep: Are any facts about Kasumi fun?
RubyChao: she has the longest hair of any of the five kappa
RubyChao: due to having a long braid while the other four all have various short-hair styles
M Sheep: It's because she steals pieces of Chirharu's hair-and, nope, reached for a joke and grabbed horror instead
M Sheep the story of my life, really


Morsel Sheep: >​For a moment, Beck is distracted by Soft Hands(tm).
Morsel Sheep: Presented without context


M Sheep: >​Cyrano's coffin shatters as a chunk of his flesh is pulled off his body
M Sheep: Was pulling this would happen
M Sheep: And then Midori's Magical Flesh Transformation Sequence happened
RubyChao: i think we all knew you would like that
Draco: Like one of those Japanese animes where they turn into a princess...except with flesh!
M Sheep: so much oppurtunity for horrible, horrible things...
M Sheep steadies shaking hands
Draco: JRM is the new M_Sheep.
M Sheep: If Jrm were the new M Sheep we would've ended up with either A.) Cyrano's still alive in there; B.) Midori makes herself a new body by throwing chucks of flesh together...with a much less heartwarming result, let's say; or C.) all of the above
M Sheep places water bottle to forehead
Jumpropeman: if Midori lifts the back of her shirt, you see a horrifying face and hear the slightest "heh"
Goopy Claus: jrm no
RubyChao: nah, nah
RubyChao: midori's mostly the same
RubyChao: but she occasionally has strange desires to sell bizarre objects at high markups
M Sheep: ​jrm yes​ i mean what
Draco cackles.
Jumpropeman: and of course I'll resolve that aspect of Midori in 2021
Jumpropeman: and that, my friends, is how you write a Midori Days/Life Stinks/Star Trek the Original Series crossover


RubyChao: i clicked the YOU'VE KILLED ME video and it trapped chatzy in a loading box loop
RubyChao: it killed me
Jumpropeman: good


Goopy Claus: hecatia is a treasure
Draco: If Hecatia's a treasure, it's the kind you bury in cement in a Nevada desert for nearly ruining the gaming industry.
RubyChao: hecatiaplot 2017: hecatia digs up et
Goopy Claus: Hecatia wearing a busted ET cart around her neck on a necklace because it's "fashionable"
Draco: "More like fashiondisable." - Parsee, 2017


ivel: "In November 1975, physics professors Jack H. Hetherington and F. D. C. Willard published a groundbreaking paper on particle physics that is still being referenced today. The paper made Hetherington a minor celebrity in the physics world, and folks were understandably eager to also track down co-author and assumed genius, F. D. C. Willard. That proved more difficult than they thought, not because Willard was some Tesla-style introverted prodigy, but because he was a cat. Not like "a hip cat." An actual housecat."
ivel: "See, when Hetherington put together his research paper -- on his own, it turned out -- he used the royal "we" throughout the article, something we personally just can't stand. Physical Review Letters refused to publish the article as written, on the basis that there was only one credited author, and without proper grammar, what are we but cavemen, flailing ineffectually through the universe until we crap out and die? So Hetherington, rather than rewrite the paper, took the lazy way out and simply credited a second researcher -- his cat, Willard."


Draco: Enjoy your new cat.
Harpy: did you just ship me an animal D:
Draco: No.
Jumpropeman: i hope you put some food in that envelope
Draco: I shipped it a week ago.
ivel: Draco plz


Soul Survivor: Gotta catch 'em all takes on a whole different meaning in the harem anime sense.
ivel: several different meanings depending on how lewd the anime is


Jumpropeman: holy
Jumpropeman: frijoles
Jumpropeman: family guy just made a joke
ivel: ?
Jumpropeman: they even sing the jingle
Goopy Claus: first the North Dakota joke and now this
Jumpropeman: one day you guys will realize I write for them
Draco: I realized it today when they made a joke after tiny Chocobo-riding bards.
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: .....................
Jumpropeman: ​..............
Goopy Claus: they're reading chatzy madness
RubyChao: oh lordy
Harpy: you don't have to be lonely


RubyChao: "why has my sound been imbalanced the whole time"
RubyChao: *checks, the speaker was turned way down on one side*
RubyChao: "well then"


Peter Pevensie: the newest Sonic Boom episodes continue to impress
Peter Pevensie: the latest one had a huge Sonic fan who: did not like his arm color being blue, wrote sonic fanfiction (including Sonamy shipping and multiple fanfictions he couldn't read due to their explicit content) and looked not unlike an animal Chris-chan
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: that sounds hilarious, cripes
Gooper Blooper: Why is everything about Sonic great ​except​ the games
RubyChao: from what i recall, they didn't get the same people to write the Sonic Boom games that they did the show
RubyChao: which is why the show is hilarious and the game is horribly bland
Gooper Blooper: obviously
RubyChao: betting we get a knuckles related episode about his many clones
Peter Pevensie: there was already an episode about there being two knuckles
Peter Pevensie: if you've ever seen Sonic Boom knuckles fistbumping himself
Peter Pevensie: that's where its from
Gooper Blooper: if they haven't gotten around to making any ken penders jokes they need to


Sora: Wh-whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?
Sora is nearly knocked out of her chair from the sight of such a pokemon card
Sora: I... I thought we were playing Go Fish!
PS 4: I hit. Another card, barkeeper
Draco: We were. BV
Sora: go fish got really intense all of a sudden D:
RubyChao deals the King of Aces
Draco: Then I tapped my Hearthstone and drew mana from my Crazy 8s.
Sora: Um...I play Old Maid in Attack Mode!
Sora: and then attach a fire energy and- n-no, wait, um...
Gooper Blooper tosses Pokemon EX everywhere
Sora: that feel when you think "maybe i'm getting a little too in character"
Draco: You think you've won? Don't make me laugh! You can't withstand...
Draco plays a recording of thunder.
Sora gasps

Sora: N-Nooooooooo
PS 4: You got nachos all over the place
Sora: I-I have... um... Imposter Professor Oak! Now you gotta shuffle your card into the deck and draw seven cards!
Draco does that thing where an anime character smiles and a lens flare comes off his teeth.
Draco: All according to keikaku.
Draco puts down a checker. "KING ME."
Sora: I thought we were playing card games...
RubyChao: that's because it was COLONEL MUSTARD
RubyChao: in the library, with the lead pipe
Sora: please put down your lead pipe
Sora: lead is bad for you :c
PS 4: I play Ganon with the Moon, a twilight portal with general onyx, a monster mate, and this subway coupon.
Sora: Th-this subway coupon...
Sora: Only one dollar off a footlong.
Sora: ._.
RubyChao: What!? ONE DOLLAR!?
Sora: i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing anymore
Sora: i'm having too much fun
Sora: help
Sora: its too early for RP
PS 4: Its never too early or too late.It arrives precisely when it means to.
Sora: sora you prolly won't make it that long, calm down a bit
RubyChao: that's why it's happening
RubyChao: she's trying to make an impression in what little time she has
Sora: well its working a little bit
Sora: I have ideas but i
Sora: i gotta wait, man
Sora: i'm going to take this stupid chatzy convo about card games and turn it into a magical girl sora episode somehow
Sora: (no...?)
Gooper Blooper: I'm just picturing all the characters Harpy dreams up trying to get her attention like they want to be the puppy that gets taken home
ivel: it's true
Sora: which is surprisingly few right now
Sora: there's suguri... and then there's sora, who is pushing Suguri off a cliff
Sora: there can only be one
Sora: everybody else is already guaranteed to be in :U
Sora: ​even Mimikyu
Sora: >​tries to talk about Gloria to ivel in a skype chat
Sora: >​instead calls her Sora
RubyChao: ​>​buyying Gloria
Sora: >​as in "Sora's Blue Dragon"
RubyChao: *burying
Peter Pevensie: *gets out telephone cards*
Peter Pevensie: 300 free minutes! what a bargain!
ivel gets out Sentinels of the Multiverse cards


Prince Caspian: no one will ever figure out which Narnia book I'm on


The Lion and the Unicorn: Look in his eyes. What do you say
The Lion and the Unicorn: He's 0 and 1 in MMA


Jumpropeman: hmmm
Jumpropeman: i was half-tempted to reread my spectrum blogpost to make sure I didn't forget anything
Jumpropeman: but that's too much effort
RubyChao: petchy approves
RubyChao: nero wolfe also approves


RubyChao: wheelers in hd
RubyChao: their weapon
Gooper Blooper: *enters Rusty in the brawl*


RubyChao: "A kappa engineer from Youkai Mountain with the power to control water as well as a technology genius. Since kappas normally love cucumbers, she is mostly seen holding cucumbers (and sometimes a bottle of Pepsi Ice Cucumber). When first introduced she was depicted as shy and good-natured, but her subsequent appearances revealed a greedier and more outspoken side of her."
RubyChao: imagine shy and good-natured nitori
Gooper Blooper: incorrect


Draco: Hey gang. A ransom note arrived from Vermont. "If you ever want to see Yamame again, send $1,000,000 in pennies to..."
RubyChao: how could he!?
RubyChao: i guess you'll have to investigate the rest of the envelope to find out
Draco: There's a photo inside: the villainous kidnapper has a Santa hat dangling off of her horn.
RubyChao: GASP


RubyChao: "People always say "full of Clichés and stuff", but they gotta understand, this was written before it's story elements became overused and Cliché. It's like saying the movie "Halloween" is Cliché because it has an unstoppable for no reason guy eith a knife. "Halloween" was original unstoppable guy with a knife."
RubyChao: an important comment about Dead Bart, Suicide Mouse, and Squidward's Suicide
Jumpropeman: mhm, I do cut the early creepypasta some slack
RubyChao: like for example, hyper-realistic is waaaay overused
Jumpropeman: its that old thing about how Seinfeld isn't funny these days
RubyChao: but with those first couple, it was okay
RubyChao: there was nobody before them who had done it
Jumpropeman: because the show introduced such a new style of comedy that quickly became the dominant one and evolved
Jumpropeman: that Seinfeld seems quaint in comparison
RubyChao: of course, one thing you always have to be careful of
RubyChao: is dating your story
Jumpropeman: but what if my story is really cute and funny?
RubyChao: oh you
Jumpropeman: I don't think every story needs to be timeless, personally
Jumpropeman: a lot of stuff is great to revisit because its a time capsule of the times
RubyChao: true, i meant more stuff like the Fallout 3 Numbers Station
RubyChao: check it out and you'll see what i mean
Jumpropeman: ""The Queen has died today. The world mourns, as on days like these, we are all Brits." 4:2 March 19, 2014
"Have you watched my YouTube video yet, I uploaded myself kicking bums in the nuts." 24:16 December 24, 2012
"I can't believe Britney's actually won an Oscar!" 21:33 February 27, 2023"

Jumpropeman: are these meant to be taken seriously
RubyChao: i imagine they were when it was written in 2010
RubyChao: but not anymore :V


Jumpropeman: putting on Dunston Checks In while I play FF14


M Sheep: "Twelve, and one on the bench! They did it, Jim! They can count!" "Truly, today is the finest day in the history of our sport. Isn't that right, ref?"
RubyChao: oh man
RubyChao: this one is great
M Sheep: YES!!!
M Sheep: The Kobber's true victory, before the match even starts
M Sheep: >​The Kobbers' even 11-player formation is ruined, as Hecatia just outright splits into three people to avoid being stabbed.
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep shakes fist in front of face
RubyChao: hehehehehehehehehehe


M Sheep: >​Sumireko conjures up a small tornado of garbage
M Sheep: That's no way to talk about the Nerd Club-
M Sheep: >s​ending a whirlwind of broken televisions and broken chairs at the dullahans.
M Sheep: ah.
M Sheep: *cough*
RubyChao: WOW, sheep
RubyChao: see if i ever roleplay with you again >:(


M Sheep: >​The place had been moderately cleaned up since the last visit, mostly Tiresias's efforts to make it more presentable should people like Bikker wish to return for another visit.
M Sheep keels over from the guilt
M Sheep: i just didn't have the time....
M Sheep sobs from floor
M Sheep: this
M Sheep: this floor is my home now
Jumpropeman: you broke Grandpa Tiresias's heart
Jumpropeman: and since he's actually like fifty people
Jumpropeman: that's fifty hearts
M Sheep: Jrm, WHY
M Sheep: that Bikker didn't meet with the Zara's folks more is really one of my greatest regrets
M Sheep buries self under chat room
M Sheep: ring bell when next Rp season starts
Jumpropeman: i might bring them back in 2018
M Sheep doesn't dare hope


M Sheep: "I am by no means flatulence. My body is made up of pure energy."
M Sheep: presented without context

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