Monday, March 13, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 280: Boss Baby

Komodo: Okay um
iKomodo: this episode got dark as fuck
iKomodo: a woman got hit by a truck and had to have a blood transfusion
iKomodo: also it's implied she's psychic and also the daughter of Zetton
ivel: Zetton?
iKomodo: which further implies an alien monster got his bone on at some time before the series
iKomodo: and Jesus Christ look at the time
ivel: ahahaha
Baking Cupcakes: and thats how psychics are born, Sammy
Baking Cupcakes: Brandon: D:
Baking Cupcakes: Sammy: >:I
iKomodo: This thing, Ivel
Baking Cupcakes: that thing could not have given birth to a psychic
ivel: I mean
Baking Cupcakes: i
Baking Cupcakes: i refuse
ivel: that face
ivel: that's all I have to say about that :U
iKomodo: Oh yeah, her dad also contacted her and told her "yo I'm gonna kill Ultraman"
Morose Sheep: The Secret Origins of Psychics!
Morose Sheep: You heard it here first!
Draco: Sammy is Baltan's daughter.
Baking Cupcakes: woah man, Baltan dated a girl in FLORIDA
Baking Cupcakes: and he hadn't even graduated from high school
Morose Sheep: Baltan actually had a fling with Florida
Morose Sheep: back in the day
Baking Cupcakes: oh my
Baking Cupcakes: sammy has very questionable origins indeed
Morose Sheep: When he was young, wild, and free
ivel: he got the magic power of the music in him?
Baking Cupcakes: someone remind me not to make character origins while high
iKomodo: Okay I got it wrong
iKomodo: This is the girl's dad - a Zettonian
Draco: Wait, is that what you think I do? D:
iKomodo: The Zetton monster is just a weapon made by that race
Draco: Ew.
Baking Cupcakes: lewd: ​he even has a sperm for a head D:


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: aloha
Morose Sheep: alola
Baking Cupcakes: alola
Morose Sheep: aloe vera
RubyChao: alomomola
Draco: AloHA
Morose Sheep Jrm reevaluates his decision to to enter the chatroom
Baking Cupcakes: :,C
Draco: I'm the only one who said Aloha back. He must not feel like he's in Hawaii.
Jumpropeman: Mary Kate and Ashley taught me one thing, and that the word "aloha" means anything you want it to
Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: aloha aloha aloha >:I
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: aloha gooper


Morose Sheep: to thy self be true
Morose Sheep sheds glitter


Draco: Link
ivel: dang, that's awesome
Morose Sheep: adoracrab
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad we have some bitchin' art of one of our greatest champions
Draco: Yeah. We sure do
Baking Cupcakes: pl
Baking Cupcakes: please
Baking Cupcakes: you can't hurt me this way
Baking Cupcakes: ​R.O.B​ was the greatest champion of our time
RubyChao: beautiful art of a great champion
Draco: Link
Draco: Link
Jumpropeman: more bitching art of great champions
Draco: (b^_^)b
Morose Sheep: One day
Morose Sheep: Mac Tonight will return to reclaim his crown
RubyChao: season 10: ten-way tussle
RubyChao: brawl champion edition
Jumpropeman: thats as likely as him being a plane when he does so
Draco: ​Deceptiplot '09: Mac Tonight is a Decepticon
RubyChao: what did we say about time travel :I
ivel: to abuse it as much as possible?


RubyChao: i'm going to make a wild guess
RubyChao: with all the newcomers already in the book, we probably won't see Cirno in Season 7
RubyChao: ​season 8 is different
Gooper Blooper: I figured JRM was going to insist on waiting until Season 9
Gooper Blooper: and the next two years would be us keking as he tried to hold out
Morose Sheep: And then the moment arrives!
Jumpropeman: i blame you all
Morose Sheep: "Cirno" appears
Morose Sheep: with her oddly moon-shaped head...
Jumpropeman: my new character "Cirno"
Draco: El Cirno
Jumpropeman: there's a lot of mexican cirno
Draco shrugs.


Gooper Blooper:
Draco throws Goops into Tupai's cage.
Jumpropeman: i get the distinct impression the world will roll him
Gooper Blooper: someBODY
Draco: But who...WHO told him?!
Jumpropeman: somebody who looked rather unintelligent when they made a hand signal representing the letter L near their brow
Draco: Ah.


Jumpropeman: night harp
Jumpropeman: feel better son
Jumpropeman: harpy, my son
Baking Cupcakes: thanks dad
Jumpropeman: everything the light touches is our kingdom
RubyChao: but what's that shadowy part
Gooper Blooper: That's Imageshack
Gooper Blooper: you must never go there
RubyChao gags reflexively
Jumpropeman: and then the plot of lion king was prevented by bad image hosting services
Jumpropeman: simba would rather use tinypic than try and get imageshack working
Draco ded laughing.


Draco: Time to pick out which character dies during Zeldoten plot.
RubyChao: yuyuko
Gooper Blooper: Ranger Smith
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Flu, Flu, Flu, Flu, Flu, Parsee and Widow Maker. Chatzy chose: Flu
Draco: Them's the breaks.
RubyChao: well you did tell us that flu was doomed to die, long ago
RubyChao: and you still haven't fulfilled that promise
Draco: 😱
Draco: Caught in a contradiction!
Gooper Blooper: yeah, you only permakilled his sidekick
Gooper Blooper: (thanks nerique)
Jumpropeman: what an interesting notion, permakilling a touhou...
Gooper Blooper: rip cirno
RubyChao: don't hurt tupai
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Clownpiece, Parsee, Yamame and Biker Monk. Chatzy chose: Yamame
Draco: Well, so much for Gloriamame.
Jumpropeman: the irony is
Jumpropeman: flu will be the last to die in RP
Jumpropeman: after everyone else is gone
Jumpropeman: even the immortals
Ocelot You Did It Again: He'll have evolved into a new strain of the flu virus
Draco: My last post ever: Flu and Season 18 newcomer Racoon Sumireko stab each other.
Jumpropeman: what's a touhou that no one would miss... *sharpens the knife while glaring at Sanae*
RubyChao: sanwho?
Ocelot You Did It Again: I read that as "Sine"
Ocelot You Did It Again: And her secretly being a Touhou makes as much sense as anything
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: we DID permakill a touhou
RubyChao: we killed mima
M Sheep: I live on
RubyChao: that's true
Ocelot You Did It Again: Her spellcards are "Odious Rancor Towards Expelled Food", "Rapid Speechifying", "Poor Utilization Of Camaraderie", and "Inevitable Production Of Dangerous Doom Machine."
Battling Colds: mima is DAED
RubyChao: my arm is actually sheep
RubyChao: think about it
Battling Colds: and i killed her :3
RubyChao: have you ever seen us in the same room together?
Battling Colds: ahuhuhuhuhuhu
RubyChao: ​but mima lives on as maria
Battling Colds: ​if you played your cards right you would have gotten maria killed too, but you didn't and that's good
Battling Colds: ​mima did not live on in maria
Battling Colds: ​because mima ain't shit
Jumpropeman: *kills Maria just to be safe*
Battling Colds: Inevitable Production of Dangerous Doom Machine actually sounds like the title of a Touhou game
M Sheep kills Junko just to be safe
Ocelot You Did It Again: I still want to know what Sheep has planned for mutant-Junko as she never lost her job and was being looked after by CollinsCorp when last we saw her
Battling Colds: she disappeared into the void
Battling Colds: known as
Battling Colds: the javelina farm
Draco: She lives on the moon with Clownpiece and Hecatia.
M Sheep: Junko achieved her final form "Ultimate Shining Horror Despair" and caused the east coast to sink into a massive hole into the Warp
M Sheep: alternatively, she slipped in the shower and died
RubyChao: in all seriousness, it's clear that the real answer is "sheep has plans that he doesn't want to say"
RubyChao: or "sheep has no idea and is covering his ass"
RubyChao: one of the two
M Sheep: some say, Junko never really existed
M Sheep: and was actually a massive conspiracy
Battling Colds: the real Junko was the plot we completed along the way
M Sheep: Some say, Junko is a metaphor
M Sheep: an ideal
Jumpropeman: so that's why she joined the Anti-Cure Task Force to destroy every ounce of the mutant cure
M Sheep: a way of life
M Sheep: visit our website for information
M Sheep: Doctors hate this mutant!
Draco: Nobody hates Cinnamon Roll Junko.
Battling Colds: i do
Battling Colds: i hate that i cannot comfort her
Battling Colds: :I
M Sheep: Personally, I believe "Junko" is actually Goomy
M Sheep: and Draco's been running a long con
M Sheep: I mean
M Sheep: Did we ever actually SEE Junko in the BBB?
Battling Colds: go back to bed, sheeple
Jumpropeman: when Wailord ate her, she died. That was a different woman who came out
ivel: you can only call us Sheeple when you're the admin >:I
RubyChao: okay sheep
RubyChao: that's enough junko for today
M Sheep gibbers back into coursework


SteelKomodo: okay i have a story for you
SteelKomodo: you know how in Ex-Aid, a character got killed off on Christmas?
SteelKomodo: and the Japanese fanbase wasn't happy?
SteelKomodo: it apparently got to the point where a 2-year-old kid grabbed his toy of the weapon the character used
SteelKomodo: and told his granddad he was going to ​hunt down the killer
B.C.: Jesus
SteelKomodo: yep
B.C.: Please
Del: That's hardcore
SteelKomodo: it is, if true
Del: Undead supervillain vs 2 year old child
B.C.: I place my bets on the child


Cal Barrow: idea for a new megaplot: it's kind of like Deckplot in a way, but instead of tarot cards, its...
Cal Barrow: the 12 days of Christmas
Cal Barrow: the final boss of the plot is the partridge in the pear tree of course
Cal Barrow: the maids a milkin' will be the hard one
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: Parsee gives that damn bird five golden rings...OF PAIN.


Gooper Blooper: I see Shovel Knight is spreading around the community like a virus thanks to my late adoption
Gooper Blooper: but unlike previous trends
Gooper Blooper: this time everyone already owned it, they just opened up their steam backlog, sifted through the pile, and pulled it out :V
RubyChao: correct!
Cal Barrow: time to cause a Bad Rats revival!
Cal Barrow: all I have to do is gift Gooper a copy to get the ball rolling...
Gooper Blooper: and then Gearcrank Arena


Bree joined the chat
Bree: bree remembered that chatzy exists


Battling Colds: *projects all her failings onto this character*
Battling Colds: *except the blue framed glasses, she already has those*
Battling Colds: they are beautiful ray-bhaaan
Draco: Brandon invited Yuugi over for pizza?
ivel: lel
Battling Colds: did yuugi become a fat unicorn somehow
ivel: from eating pizza
Battling Colds: i refuse to believe it
Battling Colds: yuugi, skipping her routines?
Battling Colds: please
Battling Colds: thats suika's job
Draco shrugs.
Gooper Blooper: so it's Gloria then
Battling Colds: gloria is fat? D:
Draco shrugs.
Bree: no, gloria is cuddly
Battling Colds: it gotta be big, fat, cuddly stuffed unicorn or bust
Battling Colds: because brandon only got the good shit
Gooper Blooper: She's not sarah but she is huggable
Gooper Blooper: cookie etc


Bree: my opinion of rapping scotty dog is a mixture of "whyyyyyyyyyyy" and "...I bet draco can make me like rapping scotty dog, because he's draco and he's that good"
Bree: but are you going to write out some dope rhymes for him
Gooper Blooper: Playing as Rapping Scotty Dog and not giving him rhymes would be like if Spy had RPed Kaptain Skurvy but hadn't given him anything to sing


SpyCameo: I made an abomination today!
Meddled Sheep: This has been a happy day!
SpyCameo: Behold, Sheep
Meddled Sheep: Hah!
Meddled Sheep: That's pretty good!
Meddled Sheep: The chubby cheek smile keeps cracking me up
SpyCameo: Thanks!
SpyCameo: Honestly the main hard part is the proportions
SpyCameo: So the head's too small and the gams are too ridiculous
SpyCameo: Proud of my ability to give him a total box of a body type, though
SpyCameo: (Protip: do not remove his masks and clothes, he's just this really dumpy man covered in white spraypaint underneath)
ivel: lel
Battling Colds: ivel vs. spy in abomination-off


Lon Cohen: comic book video games often remove the egregious parts of comic books for the sake of the unifying factor of video games


Lon Cohen: ​"It is indeed a painting... but it's very beautiful. As an avid hiker, Mizuki might recognize"- Hiker Anthony laying across a red velvet blanket, a rose in his mouth..."
Bree: jrm pls
Lon Cohen: I literally can't see the word Hiker without thinking of him


Lon Cohen: not quite the 'Bob
Performance Enhancing Pants: And in the end, they're still Pizza Hut
Gooper Blooper: Oh, I remember that
Gooper Blooper: I'd forgotten though, so when a Pizza Hut opened here a couple years ago I didn't think "wait, aren't they THE HUT now"
Draco: It clearly didn't pan out.
Performance Enhancing Pants: The name was cheesy
Performance Enhancing Pants: Decided it wasn't worth the dough
Performance Enhancing Pants: Have to wonder who came up with it in the first place. Sauce?
Lon Cohen: I regret everything
Performance Enhancing Pants: You always regret everything, JRM
Performance Enhancing Pants: No matter how you slice it
Draco: Clearly the move was opposed by the upper crust of society.
Lon Cohen: *lays on the floor and closes my eyes*
Lon Cohen: this is the worst timeline
Draco: Sounds like it was a half-baked move.
Gooper Blooper: Sorry JRM
Gooper Blooper: looks like everyone wants a pizza the puns
Performance Enhancing Pants: The puns fall like dominoes
Draco: You want a slice of the action?
Bree: JRM's torment is supreme
Lon Cohen: *rolls myself up in a big ball... and dies*
Gooper Blooper: dude, every FYM name is a pun
Gooper Blooper: you'll live :V
Draco: He should go spend some time with Papa John.
Lon Cohen: nope, you guys will have to get me a Tombstone
Draco: Oh, okay. There's no topping this.
Gooper Blooper: there you go


Del: i have a confession to make
Del: guys
Del: i
Del: i killed them all
Del: they're dead
Del: i did this
Spy: Del why did you kill people
SteelKomodo: del pls
Del: okay so
Del: context time
Del: endless space 2 had an update to it's early access
Del: it adds the Horatio
Del: who if you recall are a bunch of clones of one mad billionaire
Del: think that issue of the simpsons comic with the smithers clones and you have it
Del: anyway they have an ability to splice the genes of other species into themselves to inherit their abilities
Spy: That's amazing
Del: this "eats" the populace of that species - costing more people every time
Del: so i just had an election, and since the horatio are a dictatorship of horatio, of course the primary party won
Del: but my two billion populace of scientist peoples were mad because they don't even have a hero to represent them
Del: so a huge -60 approval hit
Del: i look at them
Del: i look at my splicing screen
Del: it costs 2 billion people to do your first splace
Del: i proceed to solve the problem
ivel: plz
RubyChao: oh god
Del: i genocided 2 billion people to shut them up, and as a hilarious bonus, my remaining horatios took their genes and are now way more productive than those schmucks ever were
Spy: That's amazingly terrifying
Del: i'm
Del: i'm horrible
Del: but hey that's horatio i guess! *laugh track"
ivel: at least they didn't have a hero to avenge them


Draco: Remember: "Gooper Blooper: Season 7 plot: Get A Gift For Splinter"


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Violasephine
Gooper Blooper: kek


Sally Blount: looking up friends and family on
Sally Blount: sadly, their students have not rated them
Sally Blount: so now I can leave the first comment
Sally Blount: the possibilities are endless but somehow keep coming back to seeding lies about prairie dog obsessions, but that's probably just me projecting
Gooper Blooper: you have a mighty power
Gooper Blooper: the power of the first impression
Gooper Blooper: even though about five PCs have accessed the pages you're looking at, three of which are web crawlers
Sally Blount: two kids, who will be in their class anyway because its high school and they don't have a choice, are counting on me!
RubyChao: you will save them from the prairie dogs
Draco: JRM, no! Use your power to advertise your noseless girls art site!
Gooper Blooper: meet 100s of ​totally noseless​ lonely ladies, free membership
Sally Blount:
Draco: Ariel is the spokesman. "I'm not just the president, I'm also a member."


Sally Blount: bad news everyone: The no-nose bike saddle faces a marketing problem! at least that's what I heard when I searched


Sally Blount: >​Related Videos: "Did Jabba have sex with Princess Leia?"
Sally Blount: Every day we stray further from god's light...
Gooper Blooper: youtube asking the important questions
Undead Han Solo: No he did not he did not have the time at the very least
Draco: The horrible side of the Force.
Sally Blount: Jabba did not have the time or the means
Sally Blount: but there is a magazine here at work that can help him out...


Sally Blount: chao, I must report your assassination attempt has failed
RubyChao: hmm?
Sally Blount: the itsy bitsy spider placed on page 501 or the Nero Wolfe book was easily shooed away
RubyChao: aw, dammit


Saul Panzer: ​>​SK's doing a tropical freeze plot
Saul Panzer: we live in the best timeline


Bear Computer: "i'm gonna beat them with an e-z bake oven"
Bear Computer: "Emily..."
Bear Computer: "bitches get baked"


Bear Computer: Emily is the most eager to brawl
Bear Computer: she has more chutzpah than Sammy
RubyChao: is that even possible
Bear Computer: man, i don't even know
Bear Computer: she's chaotic good while sammy is neutral good
Draco: Zeldoten is champ. She makes the rules.
Gooper Blooper: Zeldo rule: Six entries per user
Bear Computer: you madwoman
Draco: Zeldo rule: Zeldo rules.


Phone: You say a boss died, starved in their own sealed chamber? I always did wonder how they fed in thise without their own Master Keys.
Phone: Dead locked indeed.
ivel: ​time to call Conan to see how they REALLY died
Bear Computer: if only it were that easy
Saul Panzer: hopefully it wasn't Boss Baby
Saul Panzer: because that movie
Saul Panzer: is gonna be
Saul Panzer: the Best
Bear Computer: they died to some elaborate vase trap set up by none other than
Bear Computer: Salvation
ivel: 😲
Bear Computer: because they didn't seem to fucking die and their time was up man :I
Bear Computer: i
Bear Computer: i think i killed my own joke
ivel: I wonder what happens in a villain's mind if they actually kill the hero; especially the first boss
Saul Panzer: watch MegaMind
ivel: I am aware I should, yes
Saul Panzer: *for some reason is recommending DreamWorks tonight?!*
Bear Computer: its not because of Boss Baby is it
Saul Panzer: MegaMind is good though
Saul Panzer: look
Saul Panzer: I'm just saying
Saul Panzer: he's a baby
Saul Panzer: but he's a boss
Saul Panzer: Best Animated Picture 2017
Saul Panzer: im sure no matter how good it is
Saul Panzer: it'll be a glorious watch
Gooper Blooper: *googles Boss Baby*
Gooper Blooper: *DreamWorks Face*
Gooper Blooper: I was not disappointed


Gooper Blooper: 🦑
Bear Computer: is that a nose
Bear Computer: oh
Bear Computer: its a squid
ivel: 👃
Gooper Blooper: >​thinks I posted a nose when it's a squid
Gooper Blooper: you know me better than that
Bear Computer: you cut off your nose to become like your art
ivel: she nose you better
Bear Computer: i understand
RubyChao: 💲💲💲


Saul Panzer: ​say this five times fast: Kahili and Keahi on Kuwahawi
Sunfire Is A Big Jerk: I kan't
Sunfire Is A Big Jerk: LOOK WHAT YOU DID


Despair Sheep: Did I seriously just NEVER put Gran in my profiles?
Despair Sheep: blblblb


Draco: Koa McKuma wouldn't make a lot of appearances outside of the library. She'd be there mainly for the one gag and to tell Gloria "The hotel has endeavored to employ as many non-Kobbers as it can so you folks can focus on relaxing and enjoying your stay."


Draco: It's official: Gloria is out of a job.
Gooper Blooper: stay tuned this summer for the thrilling Gloria On Welfare plot
Jumpropeman: Gloria the Welfare Queen
Jumpropeman: splashing cash on leatherbound tomes
Draco: >​=I Gatdamn Mysidians taking honest library jobs from succubi.


Jumpropeman: a few days back I had an idea for a new character, who would be a ghostly old lady who works at the hotel as an elevator attendant despite them no longer needing the job, and she would have basically guilted her way into the position
Jumpropeman: she was nixed because of the perceived lack of Elevator Action that would give her a chance to appear in RP
Gooper Blooper: Sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: Especially since I imagine that Vegas probably would have been better elevator-wise, I imagine the Kuwahawi resort as being a bit less of the absolute labyrinth our prior two bars have been
Gooper Blooper: plenty sprawling, sure, but not a 30-floor supercomplex or a giant cruise ship in space
Despair Sheep: A ZFRP bar NOT being a non-euclidean labyrinthine Echer space?
Despair Sheep: What IS this????
RubyChao: ​let's be honest, it will inevitably turn into one over the next two seasons
Despair Sheep: Even the first one had a stockroom of indeterminate relationship to our reality
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure we'll have people adding on stuff and having mental images that make sense for themselves but don't match anyone else's exact thoughts


Draco: #DumbNoncanon: ​ Yamame asks Gloria to marry her so she can enter a wife-carrying contest.


iKomodo: Gonna try something new
iKomodo: i call it going the fuck to sleep


ivel: I Just thought of a dumb nickname for Hulk Hogan
Blanket Cozy: ?
ivel: Bulk Rogaine
ivel: my original thought was Bulk Brogan and then I thought of that instead
Blanket Cozy: wow




RubyChao: "Well, DK and Metroid are both starving for games and fighting over the same developer, so in that case we're basically like two hobos fighting over a sandwich we found.
Whereas Fire Emblem has its own developer giving it plenty of games, so we're like a hobo watching a rich guy walk by and we criticize his taste in clothes because we're bitter."

RubyChao: i found the best metaphor


RubyChao: the twelve metroids are NEStroid, Metroid 2, Super, Zero Mission, Fusion, Prime, Echoes, Corruption, Hunters, Pinball, Federation Force, and *shudder* Other M


Jumpropeman: I think I figured out how to best describe Suicide Squad to you guys
Jumpropeman: that movie is like if you tried to take like, two days of RP and make them into movie without any compromises
Spy Go Cold: . . . Yeeep
Jumpropeman: Captain Boomerang is definitely the Del character just making jokes at everyone
Jumpropeman: Katana is probably the Cornwind character, Diablo would be Sheep's
Jumpropeman: Slipknot is Ven's because he appears solely to die :V
Jumpropeman: well really, I feel the villains are more Cornwindy so maybe I wouldn't give him Katana
RubyChao: but who's mine
Jumpropeman: most of Suicide Squad's problems are things I'd peg as problems if you only read a day or two of RP
Jumpropeman: RP is naturally disjointed due to our format, you just expect more of a film
Beagle Champion: do i have a character in there
Jumpropeman: I think Harpy would be Harley Quinn, actually, Chao might be the better fit for Katana
Draco: Mine would be Batman.
Beagle Champion: ew :U
Jumpropeman: Harley Quinn is: a character with a dark and sad backstory who is very happy in the present, uses bats and hammers against supernatural foes somehow very effectively, and makes a lot of crazy jokes in serious moments
Jumpropeman: very Harpy
Spy Go Cold: ​JRM TOTALLY gets Amanda Waller​
Spy Go Cold: XD Thanks Drac
Jumpropeman: you honor me by giving me exactly who I'd want
ivel: who gets Killer Croc
Despair Sheep: I'd take Killer Croc in a heartbeat
Jumpropeman: more tangential connections just to round this off: Deadshot I guess can go to SK, Waller is sort of Briney, Killer Croc might be more Ven-like if we're being serious, but I think I'm unfortunately a bit more Rick Flag
Despair Sheep: Although, I'd probably write a Croc closer to the Arkham game series
Jumpropeman: ​which leaves Gooper with Joker :V
Despair Sheep: Goops never asked for this
Spy Go Cold: Oh yay, I got nothing!
Spy Go Cold dance
Jumpropeman: Spy is the Joker minion in the panda costume
Spy Go Cold: There we go
Spy Go Cold: That's my role
Spy Go Cold: That's on a day when I'm horribly late and SUDDENLY BIG THE CAT
Beagle Champion: scary
ivel: that is actually fitting :U
Gooper Blooper: of course I just looked up the Joker from Robot Wars instead


Jumpropeman: BBB7 advanced footage
Gooper Blooper: That video actually WAS very zoofights-esque
Gooper Blooper: like the big rumbles Major Failure did where someone died every paragraph


Despair Sheep: "I help most everyone by remaining twenty or so feet away from them and thus not burdening them with preemptive failure."
Despair Sheep: Gonna enjoy this character
Draco: That one isn't yours?
Despair Sheep: I can't be EVERY user in Rp, Draco


(The 2013 Disney shorts starring Mickey and friends make the rounds in Chatzy)

Spy Go Cold: . . . Gonna tell SK in advance NOT to watch Goofy's Grandma
Spy Go Cold: Because spiders
Spy Go Cold: Giant horrifying ones
Missing Sheep: Did someone say my name?
ivel: you're Goofy's Grandma?
Missing Sheep: Yes
Missing Sheep he said, hiding his multiple pairs of eyes and legs


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