Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 282: Streets of Poop Ketchup

Del: i made the blogposts
Muckingabout Sheep: Oh hey, I'll go take a look then
Muckingabout Sheep: That
Muckingabout Sheep: That's a lot of Chastity and Toinette
Muckingabout Sheep continues scrolling down
Muckingabout Sheep: That's A LOT of Chastity and Toinette
Muckingabout Sheep digs in for the long haul
Del: hahahaha


Boreas (Brand) Coffee: damn it goops don't give me ideas about how to make Brandon a healer, I CAN'T DO THIS TO MYSELF
Jumpropeman: ice is good for preserving corpses!


RubyChao: "A mistake of Galoob rather than Nintendo: there was a set of Game Genie codes for the NES version that allowed Mario to be, and remain, in a certain suit. However, these codes overwrote additional data that was part of the door animation after the final fight with Bowser, causing the game to freeze if you did not enter the door immediately. The Game Genie code book warned the player to enter the door immediately, or else they would be 'caught in Bowzer's Time Trap, and the game will pause forever!'"
Draco: Bowzer is the Sammy of Koopas.


ivel: so several European sources have confirmed Nintendo isn't making any more NES Classics available there. We in the US will still get more for now
Gooper Blooper: pff
Gooper Blooper: The best way to address demand is to just stop making something, yes, good job :V
ivel: clearly
Jumpropeman: they're probably going to make 16 Switches at this point
Gooper Blooper: 16 switches, but only 15 copies of Breath of the Wild


Jumpropeman: i just want you to read about a weird girl in a graveyard and hope you guys like it ._.


Jumpropeman: you know what they say harpy
Jumpropeman: there's no wrong way to eat a reese's
Jumpropeman: except put the word "to be inspired" in there
Jumpropeman: which is a single word not a phrase
Jumpropeman: there's that trademark JRM wit at work
Gooper Blooper: oh you


Draco: Ivel, help me make a game called Kortal Mombat in which pregnant noblewomen fight for the last bed in the maternity ward.
M Sheep: I'd play it(?)
Jumpropeman: i can almost see that being a game
Jumpropeman: but it would be called Pregnancy Simulator
M Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: or Maternity War


ivel: ...shots fired
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: what
Jumpropeman: itch.io, unfortunately, is mostly like a step above from newgrounds games
Jumpropeman: a good place to put student projects and all
Jumpropeman: and copyright infringement
ivel: I've seen some incredible stuff come out of itch.io, but since many of the games there are paid I mostly avoid going there
ivel: same for Gamejolt
Jumpropeman: that Halloween game I got on it was good
Jumpropeman: is now on steam and getting made into a full game
Jumpropeman: they were nice enough to give free steam keys to people who bought it on Itch.io
ivel: although more on there are free
M Sheep uploads The Waiting Room to Itch.io
M Sheep: Look, if Animal Soccer World counts as a game, so does that
Jumpropeman: well sheep
Jumpropeman: if you make us have to advance it with arrow buttons
Jumpropeman: its a visual novel!
Draco: Animal Soccer World isn't a game, it's a nightmare.
Gooper Blooper: NOTHER MATCH
Gooper Blooper: NOTHER MATCH


Boreas (Brand) Coffee: goal before work: finish up the Cryptic Club arc
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: ​and then think about how horrible a plot i should do with them next time
Gooper Blooper: hannahplot 2017: we're out of chips
ivel: 😱
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: hannahplot 2017: you have angered hannah
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: you have failed
Draco: Hannahplot 2017: quits the Yogscast.
Draco: Parseeplot 2017: does paperwork and hires Kasumi to help her review some contracts. Then she naps.
Draco: Yamameplot 2017: turns Valentine's Day into Valentine's Forever.
Draco: Koakumaplot 2017: finally getting some time away from Patchouli oh shit she just entered the library with a bag of Fritos.
Jumpropeman: Shimmerplot 2017: she finally becomes a villain and fights the Kobbers like she was meant to in the first place
Jumpropeman: Faithplot 2017: ...we'll get back to you on that
Jumpropeman: Inchplot 2017: Inch High Private Eye must adjust to a shocking new development in his life: he's had a growth spurt and is now two inches tall
Gooper Blooper: GASP
Draco: Legend of Zeldo canceled to make room for Inchplot!
Jumpropeman: you'll certainly have to make room, he's freaking enormous now!
Draco: Zeldoten even got shorter.
M Sheep: Sheeplot 2017: Something Happens, We Think, We're Just Not Sure
Draco: More Junko!


Dedleter: Does Chao exist to paste TV tropes entries in chat
Dedleter: Has someone replaced him with a bot
SteelKomodo: i do not know
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: i've actually been a bot for the past few days
RubyChao: it's a long story


iKomodo: Time for a horror story in two sentences
iKomodo: The princess, assured that this would break the spell, kissed the frog. Her servants found her dead, face contorted in terror at what she had unleashed.
ivel: 😱
Draco: "Young giant, your father is in trouble." "Get out of my wall, Yamame! And Boreas isn't my father!"
iKomodo: Here's another one
iKomodo: The knight raised his sword and declared that he would slay the dragon. The town watched as the mayor's daughter took off her skin and ate him.
B.C.: What
iKomodo: I appear to have created a horror fantasy world
iKomodo: sorry, not sorry
Draco: A child wished upon a star. Unfortunately, the wish came true.
iKomodo: Yeouch.
Draco: #Dark ​The proud father threw his child into the air. That was one problem eliminated.
iKomodo: Jesus fuck D:
iKomodo: The man put down the razor and looked at himself in the mirror. His reflection pointed and said "You missed a spot."
Draco: XD
ivel: I'd be more concerned if my reflection took its own razor out
iKomodo: ...shit, that's what I should have done
iKomodo: alternatively: The man put down the razor and looked at his reflection. It was a woman this time.
Draco: Most men put their pants on one leg at a time. Most men still have legs.
iKomodo: I can hear a splashing sound from the room below. My house only has one floor.
Draco: Nice one. 😄
iKomodo: The boy reached down and put the collar onto the new puppy. A deep, booming voice said "The contract has been made."
iKomodo: #Dark ​Gepetto sighed and threw another log on the fire. The face of his son gazed back at him even as the wood began to blacken and smoulder.
Gooper Blooper: Two sentence horror stories, eh
Gooper Blooper: She closed her eyes for the first night of sleep in her new home. Then, to her dismay, she heard that scratching sound again.
Kuroba: "iKomodo: alternatively: The man put down the razor and looked at his reflection. It was a woman this time."
Kuroba: I believe that's called "Shaving after letting it grow out a few years"
Zaboolamoo: I wrote things. They exist.
Zaboolamoo: *waits on screaming*
RubyChao: the real horror story is "I read them. They were good."


RubyChao: you never slapped the kitty litter :<
Gooper Blooper: I did, I just never reported it because it was underwhelming
RubyChao: rip
Kuroba: you can't learn an instrument over night
Kuroba: the inspiration for the kitty litter thing came from that time I got in a car crash
Kuroba: to clean up the leaking oil they had this big crunchy bag of kitty litter
Kuroba: and when I went inside the gas station to get a drink, I saw the kitty litter and smacked it
Kuroba: I guess I'd compare the sound to crushing a bunch of popcorn in your palm
Gooper Blooper: oh man, behind the scenes kitty litter facts
Kuroba: I should've made a blogpost about it


Gooper Blooper: For reasons I still cannot fathom, I came across Mars Of Destruction while looking at the KYM entry for QUALITY and watched the entire thing
RubyChao: did you like it
Dr. McNinja: "Rating: 2.4/10 - ‎20,182 votes"
Dr. McNinja: that is very harsh, especially for an anime
Gooper Blooper: It was... a thing, I guess
Gooper Blooper: Poor animation, bad pacing, dumb plot that rips off GET IN THE ROBOT, and public domain classical music
Gooper Blooper: the climactic final battle is scored to ​the barber of seville​
RubyChao: beautiful
RubyChao: "Early on, one of the girls gets her head blown off by one of the attacks from the Ancients. The fact that they have to go to a hospital to confirm that she's dead"
RubyChao: guys i'm not sure that actually killed her
RubyChao: let's go check!!!
M Sheep: ​Lefty is in Mars of Destruction?​
RubyChao: ​that's exactly what I thought of, lel


Boreas (Brand) Coffee: i did it
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: i fucking did it
Lookback: Harps, murder is never the answer for anyone sane, honey. D8
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: if i murdered anything its my hands


ivel: "I target dumb, young gamers playing F2P games, using my Digimon to sell them counterfeit items, and it's made me a real fortune!" Okay this asshole is going down D:<
M Sheep: Doctors hate this guy


Boreas (Brand) Coffee: ITS HANNAAAH
Draco: I don't see any chips.
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: oh REALLY now

Boreas (Brand) Coffee: TAKE THAT
Dr. McNinja: I was literally in another tab trying to find a gif of her eating chips
Dr. McNinja: you beat me to the punch
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: bitch
Draco flinches Phoenix Wright-style.
Gooper Blooper: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2142173
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: but yeah she's based off Jasminka Antonenko
Dr. McNinja: all the Jasminka
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: i love Jasminka
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: she is my bae
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: i'm surprised i'm not RPing her
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: but my roster is full of cute
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: ​brandon is worth two jasminkas
Dr. McNinja: I've resisted with all my might Constanze
Dr. McNinja: even if she's only third best Little Witch


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: since all three are varying levels of unstable
RubyChao: can we nickname the trio of hecatia, junko, and clownpiece
RubyChao: the lunatics
Gooper Blooper: works for me, I've been calling them Moon Crew but Lunatics is snappier
Brinehammer: Lunatics works, that's nice.
Dr. McNinja: besides, they haven't even mooned anyone yet
Draco: Works for me.
Draco: Just don't call them Loonatics.
Gooper Blooper: UNLEASHED
RubyChao: i actually liked that show when i watched it, but i was like...
RubyChao: 12
RubyChao: and my taste is still questionable
RubyChao: so you can imagine how it was when i was 12 :V
Draco: So...two years ago then? ;p
Draco: jk
Dr. McNinja: so now you LOVE it


Draco: Popped on to this W Ketchup site and ​tragically​ it seems they shuttered their doors.
Draco: Despite all these fine - may - GODLIKE reviews of W Ketchup and people swearing they bought CASES, they could only keep the adventure going for eleven years.
Draco: W Ketchup, the last honest ketchup in a world of corrupt condiment collusion.
Draco: "Eagle Bridge, NY — February 22, 2013 — Americans have a choice among four major brands of ketchup: Heinz, Hunts, Del Monte, and W Ketchup™. "
Draco: W Ketchup was a cocky son of a bitch, wasn't it?
Draco: I don't know if I'm not getting enough oxygen or if it's the variety of cold medicine I've taken today, but I just can't get enough of W Ketchup's website.
ivel: Dracno 😱
Draco: It's too late for me. 😛
ivel: rip Draco
iKomodo: I'm gonna go with oxygen deprivation
ivel: nah, if he actually ordered W Ketchup THEN I'd worry
Draco: I'd be worried too since the stuff only has a life of one year.
RubyChao: probably because it's just that absurdly self-centered and unnecessarily political
RubyChao: like fuck, if you want to boycott heinz because of a democratic presidental candidate, okay
RubyChao: but you don't need to go make your own ketchup and call it THE MOST AMERICAN THING EVER
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: buy different ketchup
RubyChao: go with hunts or del monte instead
iKomodo: I prefer bbq sauce anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me
iKomodo: what do they make that with, anyway?
RubyChao: ketchup and a variety of spices, it seems
iKomodo: Oh okay
iKomodo: i guess that makes me a ketchup eater by default then :P
iKomodo: florida BBQ sauce sounds delicious, they add all kinds of tropical fruits to it
Draco: Ingredients of Famous Dave's BBQ sauce: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Tomato Paste, Water, Distilled Vinegar, Pineapple Juice Concentrate, Molasses, Salt, Honey, Soybean Oil, Barley Malt Flour (Barley Gluten), Spices, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Natural Smoke Flavor, Onion Powder, Mustard Bran, Garlic Powder, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Caramel Color, Coffee, Turmeric (Color).
Draco: Sauce you buy has a lot of the same ingredients as ketchup.
RubyChao: but does it have the american ingredients of W Ketchup, or is it the disgusting communist leftism of Heinz?
Draco: Probably some of that Commie ketchup. It IS red.
Boreas (Brand) Coffee: welp
Draco: Goops, don't name this Chatzy Madness "W Ketchup". We aren't worthy.
ivel: "What are the ingredients of Original W Ketchup?
W Ketchup contains: Tomato Concentrate (Water and Tomato Paste), High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Vinegar, Salt, Dehydrated Onion, Spice and Natural Flavoring."

Boreas (Brand) Coffee: "natural flavoring"
Draco: Bald eagles.


Draco: Exciting new Dracochar

(Nobody posts anything for a while)

King Radical: a stunned silence washes over chatzy
King Radical: will this be the Dracochar to end all dracochars?
King Radical: is our envy so great we shall all fight to RP her first?
King Radical: or will we simply sneak into Draco's house at night and STEAL her?
King Radical: this moment shall shake our little community to its core
 Draco: ......​...............dude, you don't need to sneak in. I'll leave the door unlocked.
Draco: Unexciting new Dracochar
King Radical: awww, but I've been practicing my breaking and entering all WEEK
King Radical: I was really using this as a pretense to actually do it
Draco: Oh, okay.
Draco: I'll leave the new chars at Goops' house so you can break in there.
King Radical: keep em coming drac
King Radical: I'm gonna make the RP tour at this rate!
Draco: Random character I like enough to maybe give her a cameo
Gooper Blooper: hmmmm
Gooper Blooper: might have some potential as a minor recurring character
King Radical: I gueeeeeeeeeeeeess
King Radical: don't think I'll be breaking into any houses over her though
Draco: I think JRM's right. Too....ordinary. She'd never do exciting things.
Draco: Now here is a slick operator I just gotta find a place for
King Radical: I don't think that'll work, drac. It's name is too silly. I'd never get used to calling someone Gooper Blooper
Draco: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Draco: Good thing I have a Gunsbrastor waiting in the wings
Draco: I'll have to work on these characters some more. That squid guy was going to be a central character. D;
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, night guys
King Radical: night draco's new character


King Radical: "I Eat a Picture of Jason Segel Everyday Until He Eats A Picture of Me. Day 1"
King Radical: this is the planet we live on

(As of this Chatzy Madness over a month later, this guy is still going)


Stubby The Traitor Droid: Hey Ven, you're the Star Wars expert
Stubby The Traitor Droid: If General Grievous was choking you with one hand and holding you up in front of him
Stubby The Traitor Droid: Couldn't you theoretically raise your hands and use the Force to crush his head?
Draco: You'd think so.
Goru: the force requires concentration
Goru: having your windpipe crushed interferes with that
Stubby The Traitor Droid: I figured the severe choking would have SOMETHING to do with not being able to play squish
Goru: also, despite the way EU and video games twist it, the Force is like an extension of the body. If you're good enough to squish a robot head in an instant, you shouldn't be being choked by Grievous in the first place
Phone: In theory, if you were adept at telekinesis, if you had the presence of mind to try while strangling, if the material doesn't resist more than estimated, and if the Force is With You, yes.
Goru: "SteelKomodo: also if I wrote a superhero comic
-SteelKomodo: i would give these guys powers and then stick with them
-SteelKomodo: and not make up weird bullshit loopholes to make them more powerful
-RubyChao: that's what i try to do :V
-SteelKomodo: give these guys a toolkit and then make them use that toolkit to solve problems
-RubyChao: controlling water is controlling water
-RubyChao: not ice, not water vapor, and not the entire ocean"

Phone: Any one of those might botch the job, and a lot of Sensitives get screwed by the last.
RubyChao: i like jrm's phrasing
Goru: shoot, do I have to scrap the scene where Shimmer, since she can control light, is able to destroy the world in an instant because technically photons are always present and therefore she can blow them all up?
RubyChao: yes, jrm
RubyChao: yes you do
Gooper Blooper: powers wiki etc
Goru: >:I


Draco: Sammy's the most powerful Kobber.
Goru: excuse you Draco
Goru: *gestures at Hurley*
Draco: Okay, sorry, Sammy is 2nd Most Powerful.


Draco: Tenshi once tried eating a brick because someone said it was candy.


Gooper Blooper: I mean, as much as I love Streets of Rage, I'm pretty sure they never actually bothered to name the city it takes place in
Gooper Blooper: it's probably supposed to be part of New York or something
Draco: Wait...wait...
Draco: They DID name the city! You just didn't REALIZE IT.
Draco: Whose streets are they? The streets of RAGE. The city is called Rage! =D
Draco gets a gold star.
Gooper Blooper: OF COURSE
Gooper Blooper slaps forehead in d'oh fashion
Draco: #DracoLogic
Draco: Goops, if you read this in the future, please don't call this Chatzy Madness "Streets of Rage City." Call it something classy like "Poop Plot".


Minced Sheep: There was this recurring Digimon ...motif? of exposed gums
Minced Sheep: like Kabuterimon
Minced Sheep: Patamon's baby form thing
Minced Sheep: the ghost digimon
Minced Sheep: yeah, the one that digivolves into Phantomon
Gooper Blooper: Bakemon
Minced Sheep: that's it
Draco: After looking at some Digimon designs, I wonder if they hadn't digivolved into BAKED-mon, if you get my drift. *wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink out something's in my eye*


Beatbox (the dead) Champion: kind of upset that my only option to eat is pizza
Draco: Bummer.
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: because that's the only thing that delivers and my parents and sister won't be home until
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: late
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: so i'm taking advantage of deals
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: 9.99 for a large or pan pizza from papa johns with 2 toppings
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: their pan pizza is absolutely yummy
Draco: Papa John's is alright.
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: also i called ivel and went through their drink selection
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: i accidentally said "20 liter" instead of "20 ounce" soda
RubyChao: (don't)
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: i joked about the dr. pepper
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: "just like brandon would want it"
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: alas i hate dr. pepper
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: i fucking hate it
RubyChao: and by brandon you mean.... JUMPROPEMAN
Beatbox (the dead) Champion: yes


Gooper Blooper: Asterix is a strange case of an arcade game that thinks it's a console game
Gooper Blooper: because it's an arcade game with limited continues
Gooper Blooper: Put in all the money you want, if you use three continues you still get booted back to level 1
Gooper Blooper: And that was how I found the options menu :V
Jumpropeman: an arcade game with limited continues?
Jumpropeman: "we only want SOME of your money"


Phone: Guess you'll have to be rid of me more directly. First though, hey, Sheep, you wanna Skyram RP?
Mock Sheep: Hubbadubbawhaaaa?
Mock Sheep Editor's Translation: Elaborate
Gooper Blooper: There is an offseason Skyrim-themed RP thread going on in the tabletop forum
Gooper Blooper: It's already the most successful tabletop forum thread ever!
Jumpropeman: we completed an event!
Gooper Blooper: That's a first!
RubyChao: sometimes i've actually thought about reworking my starlancers guy into main ZFRP
RubyChao: dunno what i'd do with him though, which is what's kept me from doing so :V
Mock Sheep: We'll see if it can take the ole Molasses Sheep stress test
Gooper Blooper: there's actually an anti-molasses rule already in place
Gooper Blooper: (if not everyone posts after 24 hours, the thread moves on anyway)
Mock Sheep makes one post and not only does noone ever post again, but the entirely of Drown Yer Mates V somehow evaporates
Mock Sheep and the zetaboards server catches fire
Mock Sheep and Sheep decides to cut his hair and get a real job

Jumpropeman: NOW you're being ridiculous
Mock Sheep: >​A Crit either way is highly encouraged for heavy fleshing out- how badly did you fail
Mock Sheep: >​or how badly you fail
Mock Sheep gonna need to make a list


Jumpropeman: Hi, my name's Jumpropeman. My hobbies include: writing, video games, and dropping my PS4 controller every time I try to pick it up


Brief: Who's That Elder God?
-presents silhouette and commercial break-


Gooper Blooper: Oh hey, Kirby Triple Deluxe is a Nintendo Selects game now
Gooper Blooper: I might finally get it sometime this year
RubyChao: PUYO
Jumpropeman: Kirby is like, one of the few nintendo series to never have an extended drought. I think the most we've had is two years without a kirby game
RubyChao: lucky bastards
Gooper Blooper: Some other interesting Selects picks here, too - Tomodachi Life and Mario and Luigi Dream Team got the treatment as well
Gooper Blooper: but most importantly, Frozen: Olaf's Quest
Jumpropeman: MY FAVORITE


Draco: The girl scouts are getting extreme here. One almost tackled me to get a sale.
Beautiful Chickadee: that's a good girl scout
ivel: ivelstepsis would prolly do that
Beautiful Chickadee: one day i'm going to write about an aggressive girl scout
Beautiful Chickadee: ​emily is the aggressive girl scout AU


Famine: i have a question
Famine: who is this mister bigglesworth and why were you trying to appeal to him
Famine: i doubt its an Austin Powers/WoW reference, which is the only place I know the name from :V
lange schlafen: It's a random shmuck name such as I often use when I have no titles in mind and want a silly thing to distract from empty space. Which is mostly all the time, unless I just describe the piece as Collab With Brine or something it is, but that is not by any means a functional title. =y Sometimes I do that ​while​ putting up the meaningless silly thing, too, honestly.
Famine: darn, so he's not the final boss
lange schlafen: I am notoriously bad at titles and at continuing long works. :f Or going back to them. RP is different; it's a series of short to medium bursts over time interspersed with and answering to other people's writing to build on. On my lonesome or with a few partners, I can make something that seeeems like a long collaboration to a TLDR, but it's usually just a couple pages. Nothing nearly novel length. Without a partner, I usually get to about ten before my stamina is just utterly gone.
lange schlafen shakes head
lange schlafen: Mister Bigglesworth is not the final boss.
Gooper Blooper: If Bigglesworth isn't a goofy monopoly man with a bubble pipe who says "I say!" a lot and he doesn't appear to "consider" our three intrepid adventurers, it will have been a missed opportunity
Famine: considering our group is basically a band of performers at the moment, this is a possibility
lange schlafen: Hmm.
RubyChao: i approve of this idea


Draco: Koakuma is boring succubus. She doesn't party.
Gooper Blooper: Clearly she needs to be taken out on the town by Morgan and Lily, and comedic hijinks ensue
Gooper Blooper: CAN YOU FEEL IT KOA?


lange schlafen: You shouldn't make Doga's uncle angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
Draco: Yeah, well, you wouldn't like Koakuma getting angry either
Draco: The raw, untempered fury of Hell right there.
lange schlafen: No, no, noo- stop crying, little girl-
lange schlafen: Aaghhhh
-hurls chocolate at face and flees-
Draco: It's too late! You can't run
Famine: *places a Patchouli in a bear trap* that'll keep her busy


Famine: my 2017 cast is actually just going to be Shimmer and a bunch of palette swaps of Jasper


RubyChao: "If you can keep Big Rigs from crashing long enough to play it, you'll find that you can drive straight through buildings, and gravity and physics have little regard for you and what a truck should be doing. You can accelerate straight up mountains, and might even fly for a while -- before the game realizes you're a truck again, and it crashes. It's the greatest argument both for and against games as art."
ivel: lel
RubyChao: "It turns out this was not a secret victory screen reserved for the driver courageous enough to take a truck to 12,300,000,000,000,000,0​00,000,000,000,000,000,0​00 mph. He was actually going so fast that he was simultaneously at every location at once, including all the race checkpoints."
ivel: what the hell


Uncle M Terry: with many hands built a bridge
Uncle M Terry: to the light he scooped out
Uncle M Terry: blind
Uncle M Terry: with vision
Uncle M Terry: hoping that things will change, that I will wake up
Uncle M Terry: Oh, she full of void
Uncle M Terry: Who knew the names of the hearts she ate
Uncle M Terry: strained for a voice
Uncle M Terry: in hate
Uncle M Terry: for peace
Uncle M Terry: I have been hoping that things will change, that I will wake up
Uncle M Terry: Oh, he full of void
Uncle M Terry: who counts the ways for forever
Uncle M Terry: It was over once it began
Uncle M Terry: lost
Uncle M Terry: in certainty
Uncle M Terry: Damned the question
Uncle M Terry: Damned you eyes
Uncle M Terry: hoping that will change, wake up
Uncle M Terry: Oh, he full of void
Uncle M Terry: owning only what he owed
Uncle M Terry: measured out the same as else
Uncle M Terry: a life
Uncle M Terry: a mind that moved a world
Uncle M Terry: will forget to die
Uncle M Terry: What did you see?
Uncle M Terry: hope
Uncle M Terry: What did you learn?
Uncle M Terry: change
Uncle M Terry: What did he see behind those doors
Uncle M Terry: I have been hoping, that I will wake up
Uncle M Terry: Oh, she full of void
Uncle M Terry: it was never your story
Uncle M Terry: pouring words to fill it up
Uncle M Terry: silenced
Uncle M Terry: by your voice
Uncle M Terry: smothering his mirth
Uncle M Terry: There is a wind in the door
Uncle M Terry: a breath through the crack
Uncle M Terry: hot and sweet
Uncle M Terry: in
Uncle M Terry: Oh, he full of void
Uncle M Terry: cracked open remains from thought
Uncle M Terry: imagination and will made action
Uncle M Terry: husked
Uncle M Terry: You were dead before she came for you, hoping that things will change that I will wake up
Uncle M Terry: Oh she full of void
Uncle M Terry: slicing deepest with coldest blade
Uncle M Terry: to kill a monster you need a bigger monster
Uncle M Terry: Her eyes
Uncle M Terry: are gone
Uncle M Terry: What did he see behind those doors?
Uncle M Terry: Did you smell the sweet voice?
Uncle M Terry: Where are your eyes?
Uncle M Terry: Go ask Alice
Uncle M Terry: I have been hoping that things will change, that I will wake up
Uncle M Terry left the chat 3 days ago
RubyChao joined the chat 3 days ago

RubyChao: spoop


Jumpropeman: "Mr. Tumnus: 'Black Friday deal! Tales of the Borderlands: 15 dollars!' *stares at the deal... stares DEEPLY at the deal... rubs chin at the deal...* 'But one day it might be only 10 dollars'"
Jumpropeman: I ended up getting it for 1.49 😎

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