Monday, February 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 240: Bubsy's Back Edition

Draco: Why does this remind me of this chat?


(Regarding the final boss of Pokemon TCG 2)

GarnetChao: "Okay, you've gotta hear his motive rant.
'Pokemon cards are to be used solely to fight and win! It is under this philosophy that I have founded Team GR! What's the point in collecting cards if they are not useful in battle? They must be used, I say! I have rescued the cards from those pathetic hoarders on your island. I have invented new ways to battle, putting those wasted cards to use! This is the ultimate form of devotion towards Pokemon cards! They are not meant to be stashed away like our foes do to them! Only one with the utmost respect for cards can be the master of them. I will never be defeated by a simpleton who merely collects them! But the time has come! Have a seat, and I shall destroy you in a fiery duel!'
...So it's... the whole game was the old TCG argument of Players Vs Collectors the whole time?!"

Artsifter: So wait, how does this change Goops' explanation of the game-events, Chao? .__. Is the warring country Players, then?
GarnetChao: it still fits
GarnetChao: the warring countries of players and collectors :V

(And, below is the speech the villain gives after you win, which never got posted to Chatzy.)

"What in the... I've lost... How could I have been defeated in a card battle against you... twice? Yet I had insurmountable fun in those duels... How could this be? My heart... it's still beating so fast! I've never had such fun playing the Pokemon card game before! This is the first time I've ever lost playing the Pokemon card game. Do you remember what I said before? 'Cards are only meant to be used.' I thought cards were only useful when they brought power to a deck. Now I see differently... they're all to have fun. Even when collecting! Now matter how you use your Pokemon cards, you must enjoy yourself! You made me realize this during our card battles! Gloria... thank you very much! I give my word that we shall stop stealing cards from innocent people. Pokemon cards ought to be in the hands of people who love them. If I've learned anything from my cards, it's the value of friends. Here, take the insignia of my friendship now!"


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: i heard
Jumpropeman: my calling

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friends Forever


In the hallway of a junior high school, somewhere in the United States, two girls met for the first time.

"Hi! I'm Sumireko. What's your name?"

"H-hi, Sumireko... I'm Rachel..."

Sumireko smiled, taking in her new acquaintance. Rachel was a small girl, wearing a cute red shirt and skirt. A red ribbon was in her hair.

"It's nice to meet you! Junior high is kinda scary, huh?"

"Y-yeah... it's not like my old school."

Sumireko nodded her agreement. The junior high only served two grades of children - 7th and 8th. However, it was not a small building at all - elementary school graduates from all over the county came here for their education. As a result, there were many strangers mixed in amongst the familiar faces. Sumireko had one close friend in the sixth grade, but they had moved away over the summer. It was imperative she make a new friend, she felt.

Sumireko and Rachel grew close fairly quickly. As it turned out, Rachel hadn't found any friends yet either. The two of them stuck together, helping each other on tough homework, visiting each others' houses, and generally just being close friends.

But there was something Sumireko had thought she'd left behind in elementary that wasn't finished with her yet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 239: Who Here Has Memed Today

iKomodo: Del is playing grim fandango on ps4
ivel: oh?
iKomodo: He's just vandalised property and run domino off the road
ivel: good
iKomodo: And now del has joined an underground resistance
iKomodo: It's been a weird day
ivel: Dlel
Jontron Snow: I am agent calavera
Jontron Snow: Fighting corruption and pigeons


Jumpropeman: I named my main character in Final Fantasy Explorers
Jumpropeman: they call him ​Burpo​
Jumpropeman: ​#YearoftheBurpo​


RubyChao: >​everyone joined seconds ago
RubyChao: i think chatzy might have exploded
RubyChao: and we were all so quiet we didn't notice
Draco: SK, Ruby is dead and I don't know what to feed him.
SteelKomodo: draco pls D:
Draco: I tried feeding him a book, but he just shelved it instead. I'm stumped.
SteelKomodo: have you tried pizza?
SteelKomodo: it works for me :U
Draco: !!!!!
Draco: Pizza, you say?
Draco sets out a pizza?

(Nothing is posted for a bit)

SteelKomodo: well, seems chao does not like pizza
SteelKomodo: ...waste not, want not!
SteelKomodo eats pizza
Draco: Oh well. I'll just tell Harpy and Goops that he ran off to some library in the country, where he can read books about chasing squirrels all day.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 238: The Ink Is Blood

SteelKomodo: watching Penguins of Madagascar
SteelKomodo: "Unknown hostiles with tentacles and feet..." "Again?! If I had a nickel for every time..."
Bree: the movie?
Bree: I loved that movie
SteelKomodo: no, the tv series
SteelKomodo: haven't seen the movie
SteelKomodo: but tell me more
Bree: idk it's been a while since I watched it lel
Bree: but the villain is an octopus who's mad that everyone likes penguins more because of their cuteness
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and he ​abducts every penguin on earth (lel) and mutates them into hideous monstrosities so nobody will like them anymore​
Bree: but the penguins reverse it by ​using skipper's cuteness to turn the hideous-mutant ray into a re-cute-ifying ray​
SteelKomodo: ​I think you mean Private?
Bree: yes him
Bree: sorry I have trouble with the names
Bree: whichever one is the cute one :U
SteelKomodo: it's k, they do look rather alike :U
Bree: skipper is the leader one right
SteelKomodo: yep
Bree: yeah okay
Bree: but the "again?!" is a reference to the movie
Bree: in that quote you posted
SteelKomodo: i don't think so, the series came before the movie
Bree: hmm maybe, it depends on if this particular episode is older than the movie
Bree: idk, it just seemed like a reference to the movie
SteelKomodo: well, the series started 2008-2009
SteelKomodo: so no, it wasn't :P
Bree: I bow to your expertise
Bree bows
SteelKomodo: oh, no need to bow
SteelKomodo: g-get up [blushing] ​
Bree: lel
Bree: you are adorable
SteelKomodo: i try :3
Bree: :3
PhoneDel: Also hi
SteelKomodo: hi bro
Bree: del confirmed shipper
PhoneDel: I ship coal to power plants


iKomodo: ...I don't know why, but typing that in all caps is just inherently funny to me
Sempai Fails Perception Check: GET OUTTA THE WAY


Jumpropeman: this Professor Layton puzzle has me arranging matchsticks to take a picture of a dog and turn it into an image of it run over by a car. What kind of sick puzzle is this
ivel: oh yeah that
Gooper Blooper: >​matchsticks
RubyChao: i haff tvelve matchstick
ivel: lel
RubyChao: fun fact: i mostly remember that phrase because it's been the name i set for a skype group i've been in for
RubyChao: seven years
Jumpropeman: i cant even conceptualize what its asking me
RubyChao: so every time i check skype
RubyChao: tvelve matchtick
Jumpropeman: am i supposed to make it completely flat
ivel: more or less, from what I remember
RubyChao: layton why
Harpy: mutchsteek


Jumpropeman: "Puzzle No. 110"
Jumpropeman: I... I think I found this puzzle much earlier than they expected me to
Jumpropeman: as the previous one I did was number 10
Gooper Blooper: METCHSTEEK
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: XD

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 237: This Is A Basket

RubyChao: oh, here's an unfun fact
RubyChao: the creepypasta wiki
RubyChao: is conisidering the banning of all vidya pastas
RubyChao: just a blanket ban
Gooper Blooper: they might as well just ban everything that mentions a copyrighted work
RubyChao: well they already have a ban on "haunted game" pastas
Gooper Blooper: this just means Some Ordinary Gamers will get even better
RubyChao: i think they just need to come out and say "we hate pastas about copyrighted works"
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: be honest :V
Gooper Blooper: Or stop being a wiki and just host the stories you deem "good" instead of pretending any schmoe can post
Gooper Blooper: because that's what a wiki is supposed to be - a site where anyone can contribute, even if they're Cirno Debeste
RubyChao: i think you need to explain Cirno Debeste
Bree: yes
Gooper Blooper: Okay this came up a week or so ago but in more detail
Gooper Blooper: And without really spoiling anything
Gooper Blooper: In Ace Attorney Investigations 2, a major character named Sebastian Debeste appears
Gooper Blooper: he is a 17-year old prosecutor, and in a welcome change from the previous "you're way too young to do this important job" prodigy characters the series is infested with, he actually acts like a 17-year-old would if they were a prosecutor
Gooper Blooper: namely he's a fucking idiot
Gooper Blooper: He mixes up words all the time, forgets about evidence he was talking about five minutes ago, and generally has no idea what country he's in, let alone who the murderer is
Gooper Blooper: BUT he thinks he's a genius
RubyChao: and he has an idiot hair
Gooper Blooper: So I started calling him Cirno
Bree: that's amazing
RubyChao: better yet
RubyChao: there exists fanart of cirno dressed as him
RubyChao: and goopy didn't even know
Bree: please give me some of this fanart right now
Bree: I need it in my life
RubyChao: ok


Spy-der Dance joined the chat
Spy-der Dance does a synchronized dance with the rest of my spiders


Jumpropeman: *is invited to a wedding... around July 8th*
Jumpropeman: *sweats*
RubyChao: oh god rip JRM

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 236: Final Existence

ivel: I don't even remember the Musketeers' names
ivel: I think I made them in Dynasty Warriors though
ivel: what else am I supposed to do with like 850 character creation spots
ivel: I even have the freakish lovechild of Laharl and Shrek because you can combine two characters and see what the game makes the kid look like
ivel: it's Shreharl


Sempai Fails Perception Check: Okay
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Im here
Sempai Fails Perception Check: And i have an rp idea
Sempai Fails Perception Check: The streets of las vegas are filled with crime
Sempai Fails Perception Check: The evil rule the streets
Sempai Fails Perception Check: And only one duo can make a stand
Raven: bring back sam and max
iKomodo: Bring them back plz
Raven: point and click adventure plot
Sempai Fails Perception Check: I will do it
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Because i have fond memories of playing them that one time
Sempai Fails Perception Check: It was great
iKomodo: :3
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Best part was either getting to play as them in a dungeon world game, or the part where they stole a crystal ball from tridenland to help jonesy contact a daemon in the warp
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Or the bit with max and a minigun
Sempai Fails Perception Check: Goops if you stumble in here pls post some of those moments
iKomodo: Yee
Bree: *crunk goops stumbles in, carelessly flings contextless blurbs of del RP unrelated to del's request into the chat, then passes out*
Dacor joined the chat
Dacor: I'm back. BI
Bree: you're not goops!


iKomodo: >​plugs phone in to charge
iKomodo: >​"69% charged"
iKomodo: phone pls


Raven: i trust ivelmom to suplex a lawyer

Thursday, February 11, 2016


If you've somehow missed the eighteen times we've discussed it in Chatzy, Pokemon turns 20 this year and is celebrating with lots of merch and a new event Pokemon every month from now until December. While it didn't hit American shores until 1998, Pokemon debuted in Japan two years earlier, in February 1996. Initially a quiet release, word of mouth was substantial, and by 1997 Japan was wholeheartedly embracing Nintendo's latest RPG. Reception was so positive that Nintendo decided the game was worth releasing in other regions. They took a gamble and made a big hype campaign for Pokemon's western debut - the anime and the game released together, with the trading card game launching a couple months later. This was definitely a risk - what sells in Japan doesn't necessarily sell in other places, and a big deal was being made out of this fledgling series that rested all its' hopes on a very buggy and unbalanced game that came out on a system many considered long past its' prime. Nintendo COULD have had this blow up in its' face.

But it all paid off. Kids flocked to the series like nothing else, and reviewers praised the game's strong points - as poorly-balanced and badly-coded as the game was, it was just plain fun and introduced concepts that were rare in 1998, most notably the complete party customization. Again, it took a little time - according to Bulbapedia, many stores were initially unwilling to sell the card game, apparently believing it wouldn't be popular, HAW - but it took significantly less time to catch fire in the US than it did in Japan. No doubt the big push from Nintendo helped. By 1999, Pokemania was in full swing.

And brother, what a time to be alive.

Before I go any further - the name "Pokemania" was coined by a number of outsiders looking in on the phenomenon (speaking of, some also called it "The Pokemon Phenomenon"). I'm talking adults who were watching in confusion as kids fell in love with 151 Japanese cartoon animals, folks like newspapers, magazines, and third-party groups who released unauthorized guides to the franchise that often had errors but always had heart. Pokemania began at the end of 1998. It built up throughout 1999, and in fall of that year it reached its' peak. It remained strong throughout 2000 and had a grand sendoff in the form of Pokemon Gold and Silver, then slowly began to ebb away in the early 2000s as Pokemon degenerated from a worldwide fad to simply a cornerstone of Nintendo, an established household name brand people always know. By the time Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire released, Pokemon was just another franchise - albeit a tremendously popular and successful one.

Some of you might be a little too young to remember Pokemania, others might be a tad too old and didn't really pay attention when it was happening, considering it just another kid's thing. But me? I was the perfect target audience. For the first year of its' existence, I didn't really notice, but circa September 1999, I finally got hooked and had the ride of my life.

There's a lot I could talk about. The cards, the social interaction, the Game Boy games. But for the purposes of this post, I'm going to zero in on the toys. I've taken photographs of almost all the Pokemon toys I own, the vast majority of which are from 2001 or earlier, and I'm going to go over them in detail here.

Note that for all my posturing and fancy talk, I'm not much of a collector. These are toys that I heavily played with as a kid, and a lot of them are dinged up. You're not going to be seeing pristine museum pieces here. This is a part of my childhood laid bare for your amusement. That said, on with the pics.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 235: I'm The Dongerfly (AKA Burpo Edition)

Jumpropeman: *added some games to my amazon shopping list like half an hour ago* *games already went down in price since then*
Jumpropeman: eating dinner pays off :V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Boxing Bree: hi goops
Boxing Bree: chatzy is dedzy
Boxing Bree flops over
Gooper Blooper: chao is the glue that holds us together
Boxing Bree: where is he, did he leave for his trip
Gooper Blooper: I think so. He said he was leaving today yesterday, I sent him a goodbye message this morning and he thanked me, and he hasn't been online since 11 AM
Gooper Blooper: pretty sure he's across the world by now
Boxing Bree: so jealous
Boxing Bree flops onto side, sighs melodramatically
Gooper Blooper: Here is a conversation I had with Goopsmom earlier, when she found out
Gooper Blooper: "Hey, you'll think this is cool."
"I WON'T!" *mock pouting*
"You WILL. You know my best friend, the one that gave me the books and chocolate for Christmas?"
"He's on a plane to Japan right now."
"You heard of Comic-Con?"
"There's a Japanese version of that about anime and stuff. He's going to that."
"WOWWWWWW... All my friends are boring, and your brother doesn't have any that aren't from school, and YOU have friends that GO TO JAPAN."
"Told ya you'd think it's cool."
"He wasn't even gonna bring his camera until I suggested it-"


Spy: So how's the chatzy seal squad doing?
Boxing Bree answers Spy's question by flopping and making pitiful sounds

Monday, February 8, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 234: Bubsy Edition

RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i found insomnia cookies nearby
RubyChao: "nearby" in this case is "twenty blocks away" but THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH


Etrohus: [8:38:19 PM] Ivelchild: I knew Tony Hawk 5 was bad but
[8:38:21 PM] Ivelchild: "Some players found it crashing so hard they had to log out and create entirely new Xbox accounts"
[8:38:29 PM] Ivelchild: HOW DO YOU FAIL THAT BAD
[8:38:30 PM] HarpyKuro: dear god
[8:38:34 PM] HarpyKuro: what

iKomodo: WHAT
Etrohus: this game needs jesus
Etrohus: [8:39:52 PM] Ivelchild: "The day one update was 7.7 gigabytes. The entire install from the game disc was only 4.6 GB"


Gooper Blooper: "God f***ing damnit this f***ing match. f*** Undertale and its fans. f*** Mass Effect 3 for not stopping this, and its dumb fanboys for not shutting up about X-stats. Melee should've had this, but now it's down by thousands for no f***ing reason."

(Yes, Undertale continued winning GameFAQs matches)


Draco: What kind of girl does Hussie like? Chubby librarians who own flying saucers? ;V
Etrohus: i doubt patchy would be much interested in a guy like etrohus
Draco: Too awesome?
Gooper Blooper: patchy's true love is books
Etrohus: ^
Etrohus: he may crush on her but she will be forever unattainable
Etrohus: ​jake marshall, on the other hand
Draco: Jake Marshall totally has a chance with Patchy?
Etrohus: etrohus may have a chance with jake marshall, if jake marshall were relevant in 2017 :U
RubyChao: >​marshall
RubyChao: >​2017
RubyChao: i got some bad news
Etrohus: i did say if
Draco: ​We all know Patchy's One True Love is Gloria with Librarian Glasses.
RubyChao: ​confirmed

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 233: Garden Croppa Carrot-Lagann

Gooper Blooper: So uh
Gooper Blooper: went shopping today, as mentioned
Gooper Blooper: I bought a bunch of food, and Goopsbro...
Gooper Blooper: Well, he, uh...
Deletons: Did you buy a skeleton
Jumpropeman: did you get Pikmin cards
Gooper Blooper: ​He bought a Wii U on impulse
Jumpropeman: wow
The Spykertaker: DAMN
Deletons: Oh woah
The Spykertaker: Wait, hold on
Pretty Demon Etrohus: ​looks like i'll have to add him :U
Gooper Blooper: Skeletons are hard to find in late november
The Spykertaker: DAMN
The Spykertaker: Thanks Ron
Deletons: Thats only slightly less good than a skeleton
Jumpropeman: ​just like I did way back :V​
Jumpropeman: 10/10 would impulse buy again
Gooper Blooper: He got the Smash/Splatoon bundle and also bought Mario Maker
iKomodo: Man, goopsbro
iKomodo: that's a hell of a buy
Pretty Demon Etrohus: i'm going to beat him up
Pretty Demon Etrohus: except not really
Pretty Demon Etrohus: PLAY ME IN SMASH, GOOPS


RubyChao: i saw The Martian today!
Pretty Demon Etrohus: how was it?
RubyChao: it had no biollante and no metal slug martians
RubyChao: 0/10, would not recommend


Pretty Demon Etrohus: apparently this is a very tense movie about potato salad

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 232: What Are These Blinking Lights

Deletons: So i just watched a mugen video
Deletons: Where it was robotnik from sonic 1
Deletons: In his drill car
Deletons: Ai control
Deletons: Survival mode
Deletons: 8 wins
Ivy Dragon: O_o
Deletons: They just could not deal with that determined crawl along the floor
Deletons: Finally, liu kang from mortal kombat 1 did a weird super that took off like 80% health, and then pinged robotnik with a fireball for the win
Deletons: He got the promotion
Ivy Dragon: Amazing.
Deletons: It was glorious
Ivy Dragon: I'm watching one like it right now. This is amazing.
Deletons: All those fancy ais cant deal with robotniks simple plan of attack
Ivy Dragon: Jill got wrekked
iKomodo: 2Robotnik4U
iKomodo: Liu Kang would indeed be worthy of PRRRRROMOTION
iKomodo: ...were he not dead right now :U
iKomodo: #RaidenDidNothingWrong


Once and Future Vengeance: If I try to main a skinny Hutt next year, will there be general revolution?
Cornwind Evil: Isn't fat a sign of prestige among Hutts?
RubyChao: sarah becomes their leader
RubyChao: dohohohohoh
Once and Future Vengeance: Actually, yes.
Cornwind Evil: So you'd need a reason why this Hutt would want to be skinny
Cornwind Evil: The only real difference was that minor EU villain, whatshisface
Once and Future Vengeance: We learn this from a Hutt that is both anemic, albino, and has a metabolism disorder that almost keeps him as skinny as a human, in the EU novels. It's later restated several dozen times. :u
Once and Future Vengeance: However, I was thinking less ModernLukeTime hutts, and more Ancient Empire Wore Armor And Personally Fought Hutts. 8u
Gooper Blooper: ​alex in a slave leia outfit
Ivy Dragon: :O
Ivy Dragon will RP as Simon the Killer Ewok next year.
Comet Warwitch: why
Gooper Blooper: It's very old, barely-canon RP, but during the fourth Zoofights Jabba the Hutt was someone's RP character on Something Awful
Gooper Blooper: He was Gezora's pal and they ran the bar together
Cornwind Evil: This guy was explicitly said to be "all muscle and fire" instead of flabby fat like most Hutts
RubyChao: reminder that someone in ZFV played mother brain
Gooper Blooper: and she had special one-eye shutter shades

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 231: The 'Bob

Del: so wulf and i had an argument about space jam
Del: and it actually made me go look up some basketball terminology and the positions and stuff
Del: this was combined with an episode of the We Hate Movies podcast which was on space jam, where they talk about what the ideal looney tunes/space jam basketball team should be
Del: i think too hard about things!
Del: anyway allow me to present my findings
RubyChao: did you know
RubyChao: it took me literally years to learn space jam has something after the credits
Del: oh yeah it does
Del: it's in the worst place for it to be
Del: anyway
Del: so the line up in the movie is taz as center (although it doesn't say but it's the only position left so yeah), lola as small forward, daffy as power forward, bugs as point guard, and michael as their coach
Del: this is a pretty bad starting line up if you disregard the fact that they're cartoons and can do anything so
Del: shit im wrong, jordan's their shooting guard i think?
Del: which is his role in actual basketball so
Del: that's like the only correct thing about the team
Del: here's who you want
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
Del: so center is meant to be beefy and big and defensive and they get really tall players to do it
Del: since none of the looney tunes are really tall you want foghorn leghorn
Del: hes big and beefy he's gonna be bouncing everybody
Del: also, he's southern
Del: so king of racist trash talk
Del: get that psychological edge yo
SteelKomodo: lolz
Del: your power forward is meant to set up plays and be quick and get all over the court
SteelKomodo: well i've watched a bit of the Looney Tunes show, and Foghorn in that is taller than even Bugs
SteelKomodo: so yeah, makes sense
Del: daffy's a slow shitheel, get wile e coyote in there
Del: he's got determination, he's scrappy
Del: he's versatile
Del: you want that
Del: point guard needs to not only direct the play but also be the best ball handler and be able to coach in the field
Del: if jordan wasn't their shooting guard i'd say use him
Del: but you can offload the directing and coaching to him
Del: and use fucking road runner
Del: how are you not using road runner
Del: he's literally the fastest you put him here
Del: and then bugs is the small forward because he's quick, he's jordan's equal essentially, and also he can piss people off and try and get them to foul him
SteelKomodo: so lemme round this up
SteelKomodo: Foghorn, Will. E, Road Runner and Bugs?
Del: you could swap bugs out for taz actually
SteelKomodo: i notice you didn't touch Taz- oh
Del: taz is probably the more aggressive option
Del: but you want someone with a cool head in a match with the stakes that space jam has got
Del: taz is gonna lose it at some point and it's not an if, it's when
Del: bugs can keep it together
Del: i mean the alternative is fuck positions, you're cartoons, just wire up some explosions and stuff
SteelKomodo: which is clearly what happened at the climax :U
Del: conversely, don't let elmer fudd, yosemite sam, porky or tweety near the court, they're useless
Del: like tweety is smaller than the ball wtf
Del: anyway
Del: you may resume your scheduled programming
SteelKomodo: man, i can't believe you seriously thought this over
SteelKomodo: like, jeez man, that's a lot of thought over a shitty basketball movie :P
Del: well the alternative is to think about everything else that's wrong with the movie
Del: it's a defense mechanism
SteelKomodo: oh ok lol
harpiano: well it was made to distract kids, who are not the best at critical thinking at that particular point in life
Draco: So wait people still talk about Space Jam?
harpiano: apparently so?
Draco: Sweet.
Del: the space jam website still exists
Del: also harpy's right
Del: it's an advertisement for Michael Jordan and basketball
SteelKomodo: holy shit this is 90's as all hell
SteelKomodo: i feel like i've gone back in time
SteelKomodo: and it's as slow to load as it was in the 90's!
Del: "daffy eat the eggs"