Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 199: Chatzy Pls

This special mini-edition of Chatzy Madness in which every punchline is "x pls" is sponsored by Bree.

Attempting to compile every time anyone said "x pls" would be a Sisyphean task, so instead for this special Chatzy Madness, 30 names - users, characters, etc - have been searched for in my nearly 1000 chatlogs with Windows Search and a sample has been taken.

Let the pleading begin.


Harpy: *looks at barchives*
Harpy: *giffany made it*
Gooper Blooper: Made it on the villain list? Of course she did, she kidnapped two regulars
Harpy: the description should have totes been "oh mah gawd murderous girlfriends are just so kawaii desuuuu~"
Gooper Blooper: updated villains list
RubyChao: bwahahaha goops pls
Harpy: oh my god he actually did it
Harpy: thank ye goops
Harpy: thoops
Gooper Blooper: kawaii uguu yandere
Harpy: >​uguu
Harpy: aaaaaaaaaa


I Am Del: today begins the redemption of tak-sin apparently
I Am Del: when curnweend arrives
I Am Del: coincidentally, there's a rainbow outside my window
I Am Del: GUYS
I Am Del: GUYS
I Am Del: guys
I Am Del: :<
SteelKomodo: del pls


Cornwind Evil: And now you know why Ash knows so much modern pop culture
iKomodo: WELP
Jumpropeman: that really was bugging me to be honest so I'm glad to know the full skinny now
Cornwind Evil: Until he was 16, our Earth was his
Cornwind Evil: Xaxargas came out in 2020
Banjo KazooBree: Xaxargas: "Mom...Dad...I'm gay."
iKomodo: Bree pls
iKomodo: BREE PLS
Banjo KazooBree pls
Del: sk's pls fall on deaf ears


iKomodo: I can't take any of this seriously because I'm listening to this
Gooper Blooper: SK pls


(Spy is playing Binding of Isaac)

Triple S: At Cathedral
Triple S: Down to 3 soul hearts
Triple S: This doesnt look good
Jumpropeman: you can do it!
Gooper Blooper: \o/
SteelKomodo: \o/
Triple S: . . . I beat the boss
Triple S: And I wandered into his stray attack before his death animation finished
Triple S: Game over return of isaac
Jumpropeman: :(
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: ooooooow
Gooper Blooper: spy pls :<


Droca: RubyGift ordered.
RubyChao: thank you very much draco :)
Droca: You're welcome. There's a little extra something in there too so I could get free shipping. It's an Utsuho dress. I hope it fits.
Gooper Blooper: draco pls


RubyChao: btw goops mind if i change my rumble guest submission to
RubyChao: Botwoon
RubyChao: (i'm not serious)
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
RubyChao: you're right, he'd be banned for being ridiculously overpowered


Harpy: why are all my friends getting sick :c
Gooper Blooper: I'm not sick!
Gooper Blooper: At this particular moment!
Steinerzilla: I'm not si-
Steinerzilla: *cough*
Jumpropeman: i'm only sick in the head
Harpy: ivel's sick, ruby may be sick
Harpy: goops has a serious disease that makes him more and more samm1cal
Gooper Blooper: harpy pls
Gooper Blooper: I mean itz not like I'm getting all radical and shizz, whut up
Harpy: lel


M Sheep reading through Twisted Metal Tournament, and trying desperately to NOT enter something totally innappropriate
SteelKomodo: Sheep pls
M Sheep: WALL!! for Twisted Metal champion!
Del: Also sheep i am entering something totally inappropriate so do it
M Sheep: VOMIT!!
Cornwind Evil: What would Wall be driving?
M Sheep no
Cornwind Evil: Wall driving a pile of vomit
Cornwind Evil: Wall riding Master Belch from Earthbound
Harpy: >​master belch
Harpy: slay
M Sheep: He'd a be a piece of drywall tied to one of those furniture moving gurneys
M Sheep this is a TERRIBLE idea


Saberwulf: I think I may be topping "The Wulfs are so rich they have a lake-sized pool" in this post
Gooper Blooper: wulf pls
Saberwulf: Valleys in the gardennnn


(Skeleton King is defeated in RP)

Cornwind Evil: So long, Bonerlord. You shouldn't have fought the Kobbers.
Cornwind Evil: You could say you made a... mistake.
2Goopy: CW pls


Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Jumpropeman: OMG
Jumpropeman: the first real tractor roll of the season~
RubyChao: ffff
RubyChao: jrm pls
Jumpropeman: get on my level Chao B|


Tableter: Stardust was referenced in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as some kind of madman who was eventually defeated by the superman analogue of the series
Tableter: "This is why decent people regarded comic books as awful lurid trash. Because they were, in fact, awful lurid trash."
SteelKomodo: D:
Louse grouse changed name to Awful, lurid trash for the win
Awful, lurid trash for the win: |D
SteelKomodo: FV pls XD


SteelKomodo: zzzzz
Muerheim: I appear to have bored our metal island dragon to sleep. D: -retreats into crab shanty slowly backwards and closes door after signing many apologies at the air-
SteelKomodo: pffft, nah, i'm good
SteelKomodo: just a bit tired
Muerheim pokes head out of shell slowly, eyestalks first
Muerheim: -hesitantly offers coffee, pincers carving grooves into side in attempt to keep hold instinctively
Blue: *steals coffee*
SteelKomodo: blue pls
SteelKomodo: i need that coffee D:
Muerheim: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahwwl​k? @_____@
-screams lasers in anime fashion, having been long since replaced with cartoon representations-


ivel: “Leather armour is best for sneaking, because it’s literally made of hide”
RubyChao: ivel pls go


RubyChao: sudden mental image
RubyChao: pit busy designing a business card for himself for people who don't recognize him as "that actor guy"
RubyChao: he has to step out of the room, dirk comes in and changes it to "Professional Birdfucker", pit notices and slaps him
iKomodo: Dirk PLS


iKomodo: how does a 2Lewd Jonesy vs Lisa Fite sound?
Gooper Blooper: jonesy pls


Gooper Decker: >​Shimmer resistant to heat and cold
Gooper Decker: instead of Thick Fat she just has Thick Head :V
Bree: Shimmer seems like the type who'd cry if you called her fat :<
Gooper Decker: :<
Deckropeman: she'd probably be pissed in public and then worry if its true in private
Isaac and his Isaac: Shimmer no don't be sad D:
Keeby: "Fuck 'em. Have a burger"
Bree: Shimmer: oh no am I fat??? *looks in mirror, she's enormous* oh god how did I get so fat noooooooooo
Bree: surprise, it's just Sarah walking past
Bree: Shimmer: oh. ...sorry I called you fat, Sarah. D:
Gooper Decker: Sarah shrugs, eats cookie
Pisces: sarah's self esteem has improved since the beginning
Deckropeman: Shimmer eats a cookie too :3
Gooper Decker: Sarah's self esteem was a minor character arc for her in 2011
Gooper Decker: As opposed to Jo for whom it was more to the forefront
Deckropeman: Shimmer might be getting a pudge, she's been eating nothing but burnt macaroni for the past week or two
RubyChao: utsuho pls
RubyChao: at least try other kinds of pasta


RubyChao: "What do you mean, 'I should grow up and realize that I'm not the center of the universe?' I've learned a lesson about not putting myself ahead of others at least 4 times within the past two months! Now do what I tell you and worship me!"
RubyChao: tenshi.txt
SteelKomodo: tenshi pls
I Am Del: tenshi will never learn


iKomodo: "Oh boy, I'm getting flashbacks to my very bad experience with an Unyielding Rod."
iKomodo: Ash pls, you can't not tell that one
Gooper Blooper: >​unyielding rod
Gooper Blooper: oh bby


(Several of Harpy's characters compete in a video game, with placement chosen via tractor)

Goopmas: "Yeah, well, who needs practice when you're motherfuckin' SAMMY?!?" haaaa
Goopmas: "Sammy: 1" sammy pls
Khristmas Kevin: i laughed i'm sorry


Rector ex Laus: Cauren: -writing in log- Sine and Carol both began to spontaneously place up a strange, apparently entirely organic flora material they call 'missile tow'. Though I have been unable to ascertain any such plant in my various books and online studies, nor to identify any actual biochemical or mind altering agents and hallucinogens, it has a most curious effect nonetheless: They become exponentially amorous, with anyone, when standing under it.
I am forced to conclude that the effect is either one I cannot detect, that it is a cultural or personal reference they are used to, or that I may be spelling the silly thing wrong, though with Sine's love of superweapons 'missile tow' at least -sounded- like what they were so cheerfully saying.
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: PFFFFT
iKomodo: Cauren pls
Rector ex Laus: :P
Gooper Blooper: Santa Claws brandishing foot-long fingerknives, cackling as he rides his Slay, equipped with Missile Tows and Reign Deer
RubyChao: cauren stays up all night on christmas eve
RubyChao: waiting for santa
RubyChao: so she can ambush and disarm him to keep sine and carol safe
Gooper Blooper: it's pech all over again


bootybootybootybootyboo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
bootybootybootybootyboo: Leo
bootybootybootybootyboo: Defense stat
bootybootybootybootyboo: Talk we need to
bootybootybootybootyboo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
bootybootybootybootyboo: You're k 17 you're k
bootybootybootybootyboo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
bootybootybootybootyboo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10

Keeby: lol ur attack stats
bootybootybootybootyboo: This must be penance for amazing rolls last round
iKomodo: Leo pls


Tableter: In one of Ettin's cthulhutech fate games, the protagonists find an anime store that sells mangas, doujins, and all kinds of merdy shit about them
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: It's run by a fairly nice guy who is their honest biggest fan
Tableter: And there's a regular joke involving the guy who turns into an angry mecha getting mad at all of the gay porn of him and his teammates whilst everyone else laughs at it
Tableter: And another character plays the dating sim
Tableter: Nya
Tableter: Oh shit i meant to type nyalarthotep
Tableter: But i went all anime
Prinny, dood: oh god
Prinny, dood: animudel
Tableter: Anyway nyalathotep shenangians are involved i think
SteelKomodo: XD
Tableter: Basically the dumb idea is just do the kobber version
Tableter: Cthulhu-esque being becomes a fan of the kobbers and creates a chain of stores that sell anime kobber shit
Tableter: Including yes figurines and pillows and dating sims and stuff
SteelKomodo: #YES
Tableter: David gets mad cos it's putting him out of business or something, other kobbers are weirded out by the doujins with tak-sin on the cover
Tableter: Kobbers eventually confront the store, walk into the back room and you're standing in infinity with what looks like a big fleshy recursive owl
Tableter: Which then meekly says "Oh dear, I'm sorry"
SteelKomodo: "the doujins with tak-sin on the cover"
SteelKomodo: of course :U
RubyChao: tak-sin is probably the only one who would not be weirded out by those
Prinny, dood: oh my god yes
Tableter: Mostly i want a scene where Conrad buys a doujin with him and Ellie in on a bet or something
RubyChao: conrad pls


Doc Louis: >​Try to play ORAS
Doc Louis: >​Get Sonic Boom notification
Doc Louis: No Nintendo. No
SteelKomodo: Nintendo pls


SteelKomodo: Jewel Man's serial number number (YES YES) is DLN-069
SteelKomodo: Also, his concept art describes him as "Okama", the Japanese slang for an effeminate homosexual man or drag queen
SteelKomodo: Smooth, Capcom :P
Gooper Blooper: capcom pls


RubyChao: >​want to talk to frands on steam
RubyChao: >​steam dies
RubyChao: gabeeeeeeen *shakes fist*
SteelKomodo: gaben pls


Gooper Blooper: punk pls
SteelKomodo: i miss punk ;_;7


RubyChao: obama pls


Gooper Blooper: So what exactly made you two love Gloria so much
Gooper Blooper: I'm curious
[big grin] : She's a pretty well-rounded, grounded character who also happens to be terrifyingly badass when the chips are down
[big grin] : I mean, look at five seconds ago
[big grin] : She just made /GARLAND/ into her errand boy
RubyChao: i like the bookish characters and she does a lot of cool stuff like running down an evil knight with a train and flooding a giant robot even when she's dying
RubyChao: plus she's a good straight man for josephine
RubyChao: ...wait
Draco: Gloria is evil.
RubyChao: if josephine is the grounder for ariel, and gloria is the grounder for jo
RubyChao: I'VE GOT IT
Draco: GloJo
RubyChao: next year sarah will somehow be the one reacting to gloria's wacky antics
RubyChao: somehow
Gooper Blooper: Well if you remember 2012
[big grin] : I think Gloria's just the universal grounder
Gooper Blooper: Josephine was the straight man to Sarah
Gooper Blooper: see: Ring of Fire
[big grin] : So Ground, she can't be thunderbolted
RubyChao: she was, but it's funnier to imagine it being a cycle
Gooper Blooper: an ouroboros of sugar mages
RubyChao: "sarah pls" "ariel pls" "josephine pls" and thus "gloria pls"
[big grin] : I mean, she's also the srsbz one in her rivalry with Osh (even counting the Eye of Argon)
RubyChao: 2016/7 are "celestia pls" and "helios pls"
RubyChao: and then i dunno, skeiron
M Sheep: Fite 100: Who Is The Bigger Gloria Fan?! REDSpy and RubyChao FanAggedon
[big grin] : 2019 - Cinnamon pls
M Sheep: "an Ouroboros of sugar mages"
M Sheep: that's a good name for a ska band
Saberwulf: pick it up pick it up pick it up *trumpet solo*
Saberwulf: *skeiron swaying in the back*