Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 194: Kobberitis

Molasses Sheep: I'm the worst at actually playing vieogames the way you are supposed to play them
Molasses Sheep: Team composition? But I like this one's design and this one's dialog!
RubyChao: hahahaha
Molasses Sheep: And then I force the team to fit
RubyChao: i can just imagine you picking your touhous that way, sheep
Molasses Sheep: this is literally how I play all my RPGs
Molasses Sheep: I will literally go out and grind and over level instead of just swap my dang team members
Molasses Sheep: BECAUSE WHAT IF I MISS GOOD DIALOG FROM *insert character here*
Molasses Sheep: But, this also why all my Pokemon teams are awful
Molasses Sheep: I generally hold on to like the ten first guys I catch in the game
Molasses Sheep: and that's just my team
Molasses Sheep: I just slam the square into the round hole until something breaks


Gooper Blooper: oh, spy, you'll be glad to know
Gooper Blooper: when working on chatzy madness this afternoon I came across Del posting a text-to-speech website people played with for a bit
Gooper Blooper: I made one of the voices do a reading of Kanye's Dead Zone
Spynosaurus: Goops
Spynosaurus: You're the best
iKomodo: Oh lawd
iKomodo: "inhale my dong enragement rapper"
Gooper Blooper: the character limit was 250 so it had to be done in two dozen parts but I did it anyway
Spynosaurus: Holy shit Goops xD
RubyChao: how was it
Gooper Blooper: not bad
Gooper Blooper: pretty good dramatic pause on "kanye west was at my door"
Gooper Blooper: when "rubychao" was spelled correctly, he actually pronounced it right (though I still mentally say "ruby kay-oh"
Gooper Blooper: I was really thrown for a loop when I heard it pronounced "chow" ingame
Gooper Blooper: like, you don't call the other guy "chows zero" so what's the deal
RubyChao: goops has been pronouncing it wrong for how long now
RubyChao: goops pls
Gooper Blooper: since I got Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Gooper Blooper: so I think about thirteen years now
iKomodo: Man, goops
RubyChao: damn
iKomodo: i have to admit, I feel good now knowing my pronunciation of Chao was correct all along
iKomodo: ...but wait, didn't SA2 have the Chao Garden?
RubyChao: it did
RubyChao: but it was never spoken in-game
Gooper Blooper: yeah it did
iKomodo: ah
iKomodo: what about Omochao?
iKomodo: did he speak?
Gooper Blooper: He did, and he said his name I think
RubyChao: yeah but i bet goops ignored him :V
Gooper Blooper: but I just somehow missed it
iKomodo: shoulda twigged then :U
Gooper Blooper: It was later, around Sonic Heroes or something, where he said "omochow" and I was like "wait what did you just say"
Gooper Blooper: I remember I used to have a second "I know this is wrong but I can't stop pronouncing it" problem
Gooper Blooper: For whatever reason, in the early-mid 2000s I pronunced mage as "modge". I have no idea why. If I was pulling directly from "magic" (like how I got kay-oh from "chaos") I would have said "madge" but I didn't
Gooper Blooper: then I just somehow managed to switch to "mayge"
Gooper Blooper: yes, chao
Gooper Blooper: exactly
RubyChao: i think i have a couple things i always pronounce wrong
RubyChao: a couple 2hu names
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom has told me that I'm historically bad at pronouncing
Gooper Blooper: This is because I learned words by reading them, not by hearing them spoken or sounded in a dictionary
Spynosaurus: Well ah pronounce it MAGLE
Spynosaurus: . . . I botched the JBL nooo


iKomodo: the Saw films aren't that good, apparently
Molasses Sheep: BAH! The first SAW was interesting
Molasses Sheep: It just went steeply downhill from there
Molasses Sheep: STEEPLY
Molasses Sheep: MY GOD WHAT A SLOPE
Molasses Sheep: They just kept digging their own grave
iKomodo: Yep
iKomodo: like, I think the only reason it went on so long was because they needed to make one every Halloween
iKomodo: And then Paranormal Activity came along and pretty much replaced it
Molasses Sheep: I say this as a man who apparently could not learn and kept renting them
Molasses Sheep: "THIS ONE WILL SAVE IT!"
Molasses Sheep: I kept holding out for a hero I guess
Gooper Blooper: >​sheep renting every Saw film as they released
Gooper Blooper: why am I not surprised
Molasses Sheep: Ahahaha
Molasses Sheep: Pretty much
iKomodo: They don't even have any Saws in them! What a cop-out!
iKomodo: ...except maybe that one trap in 7 but COME ON GUYS
Molasses Sheep: I don't think I even saw the supposedly FINAL one
iKomodo: get your A-game together :/
iKomodo: (also SAWS should totally be the name of the reboot)
Molasses Sheep: Hah!
Molasses Sheep: But
Molasses Sheep: Please tell me there is no reboot
Molasses Sheep: please
Molasses Sheep: ...
Molasses Sheep: SK
Molasses Sheep: SK, PLEASE
iKomodo: There is no reboot
Molasses Sheep: Oh thank God


Molasses Sheep: "Sadly, I wasn't able to help. I even lost to a sheep. A maneating sheep, but a sheep nonetheless. Woooooe."
Molasses Sheep: "At least it's gone for now. I haven't forgotten how it ruined most of my apartment..."
Molasses Sheep sweats
Harpy: a sheep may forget but
Harpy: a harpy
Harpy: never forgets


Molasses Sheep: "Nice big hips and a bigger bust, Turn me into a succubus"
Molasses Sheep: I'm sorry
Molasses Sheep: WHAT
Gooper Blooper: IT HAS TO RHYME
Molasses Sheep: "And so, the Succubi were now goddesses."
Molasses Sheep: Oh dear. Sonia's a succubus now.
Molasses Sheep: EXCUSE ME
Molasses Sheep: "And glowing with godly might."
Molasses Sheep: I BEG PARDON
Molasses Sheep: "Marco's body just exploded into a rain of jelly beans, cakes, brownies, and cinnamon rolls."


Jumpropemine: I remember I didn't like that Utsuho could remove the arm cannon at first
Jumpropemine: because it meant we would miss "I have a cannon for an arm" hijinx
Jumpropemine: I distinctly recall many imagined scenarios involving unopened pickle jars
RubyChao: there's nothing that stops her from instinctively trying to do things while still cannonarmed
RubyChao: "I'LL DO IT!" *smashes table in with cannon* "...Oops?"


Seth Rollins Ate Sugary Cereal: RP idea: play Roman Reigns occasionally showing up and punching random people.
Gooper Blooper: have a commentary character follow him and gush that this makes him the greatest RP character ever
Gooper Blooper: he can also be accompanied by a Boo Track, but the commentator will compensate by saying he is "the most controversial character in ZFRP history"
RubyChao: have him go over the most popular characters, too
RubyChao: he beats people like Utsuho, Gloria, or Beck
Gooper Blooper: after winning the BBB he is challenged by Sammy for his right to challenge Rex Maximilon. Sammy loses
Gooper Blooper: During the final battle Widow Maker shows up and beats both Reigns and Rex
RubyChao: but did he bury tenshi during the bbb
Gooper Blooper: No, the burying was done by Zephyrus and Oceanus coming back and casually KOing a dozen favorites
Gooper Blooper: move over new stars
Gooper Blooper: Reigns beats them at the end to win
Spynosaurus: If anything Mac Tonight is D-Bry
Harpy: >​sammy loses
Spynosaurus: Considering he won despite nobody up top wanting him to, and then was promptly buried


Gooper Blooper: a true masterpiece of game music
RubyChao: kazoos are love
RubyChao: kazoos are life
RubyChao plays a kazoo
RubyChao: seriously though i like how new island manages to be even more no-effort than ds


RubyChao: who wants suho
Harpy: caw
Harpy: that means me in raven


(Concerning Labyrinth of Touhou's Cookie Clicker boss)

RubyChao: the battle starts with one cookie and it has a million of each defense type, but when it takes an action (and summons the other cookies) it drops to like 50k defenses
RubyChao: which are a lot more doable
Gooper Blooper: So why not start the battle with everything summoned already?
Harpy: its probably to give you time to buff up before the horror begins
Gooper Blooper: oh, okay
RubyChao: it's that, and to give you a fair demonstration of the "summons cookies when they aren't there" move
RubyChao: it'd be more bullshit if you thought it was a normal battle and then WHOOPS COOKIE RESURRECTION
RubyChao: so they show you with the first action "hey it can make more"
M Sheep: I hate when I'm playing a game
M Sheep: and suddenly WHOOPS! COOKIE!!
Harpy: speaking of cookie
Harpy: i forgot i had one
Gooper Blooper: sarah loves it when that happens
M Sheep: ...brb, eating cookie


Gooper Blooper: updated character profiles
RubyChao leaves behind the obligatory speed-based smoke cloud
Gooper Blooper vanishes underneath pile of characters

Gooper Blooper: ​at least it was just a minor character this time
Harpy: oh yeah
Harpy: that reminds me
Harpy: i also need to update char profiles
M Sheep sprints to thread
M Sheep sprinting intensifies
M Sheep pulls hamstring

Gooper Blooper: sheep no
Gooper Blooper: *insert the classic M Sheep bad ending of dying toeless on a javelina farm here*
M Sheep stars in Lifetime Movie Event learning how to walk again
M Sheep gets the money

M Sheep then the power
RubyChao: but what about ​THE TOUCH
M Sheep buys javelina farm on a whim
M Sheep regrets everything

RubyChao: sheep nooooooooo
Gooper Blooper: DON'T DO IT
Gooper Blooper: peccary herd final boss 2015
M Sheep dies in javelina pen
M Sheep toeless


M Sheep: Dog
M Sheep: I just fed you




Harpy: Reimu is a cute dork when she wants to be
Harpy: which isn't often
RubyChao: ​like when she's making out with yuyuko


Harpy: Janet: *toot*


Seth Rollins Writes A Blog: Considering the rise of LEWD
Seth Rollins Writes A Blog: Sine might gift this weapon to a character this year
Harpy: Kevvy is just wondering how heavy and awkward it might be to carry that thing around
Free On A Friday: See, that's what I wondered on occasion about Josie and her popular attribute- *is shot*
Harpy: she has a bag that's twice as heavy; she's been training for dat butt
Free On A Friday: Ehheh
Free On A Friday: Training for lewds. Curious thing, but entertaining.


Harpy: i swear one of these days you're gonna play mkx with friends
Harpy: and call Rain "nicky-poo"
Harpy: and they're going to be so confused
Del: hahaha
Del: yeah that's gonna be awkward
Harpy: "no you see my friend has this character who married rain"
Del: he's only an npc right now but he's probly gonna be dlc
Del: it'd be easy
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Del: i would probly lose all my friends if i had to explain that
Del: but then again we play dnd together so forty keks
Del: also he's voiced with a deep baritone
Del: stella goes all gooey
Harpy: you say that as if she doesn't already do that from nick's personality
Harpy: give us playable rain damn you
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: i'm a bit disturbed by the voice, myself
SteelKomodo: he looks too young for it D:
Harpy: nobody looks right for a deep baritone

(Del links a video with Rain in it that has since vanished from YouTube)

Harpy: mileena what the fuck are you doing with nickypoo
SteelKomodo: Stella not amused :U
Harpy: maybe that's just rain's serious voice
Harpy: everytime else he sounds like a dork :U
Del: he puts it on :P
Del: that's inherently dorky


Mysterious Sheep slams face into keyboard
Mysterious Sheep ima wrtr

Del: ur fingers r movin


Gooper Blooper: today I found a Streets of Rage 2 romhack that lets you play as the enemies so I'm totally gonna do My Client Blade Conquered The Syndicate
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Del: yessss
Gooper Blooper: they didn't give him any new moves so he has a grand total of two attacks
Gooper Blooper: 1) punch people twice, then punch a third time slightly harder
Del: hard mode activated
Gooper Blooper: 2) grab people, then punch them
SteelKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: he has no specials and can't jump
Gooper Blooper: he can however use a pipe
Gooper Blooper: respect the pipe
SteelKomodo: yay
Gooper Blooper: I made it to level three and then found an upgraded version that buffs the enemies and then - because why not - makes the enemies fight each other, too
Gooper Blooper: it's really dumb and I'm totally gonna play it
Mysterious Sheep: You shine on. you crazy diamond
Gooper Blooper shines on


Gooper Blooper: ninjas vs samurai vs bikers on an industrial elevator
Gooper Blooper: it's a clusterfuck
Gooper Blooper: now blade is fighting celestia's robots
RubyChao: skeiron no that's the wrong franchise
Gooper Blooper: Blade went to kill the last robot but it selfdestructed so the stage ended with blade lying on the ground alone
Mysterious Sheep: Blade is forever alone
RedSpy: So is Blade . . .
RedSpy: LOAFING around?
RedSpy: :D
RedSpy: :D
RedSpy: ;D
RubyChao looks at Spy
RubyChao quits RP forever

RedSpy: D:
RedSpy falls to the ground and cries


Gooper Blooper: almost there
Gooper Blooper: Mr. X is sitting casually in his chair
Gooper Blooper: he sends in his second-in-command, who did not appear in RP, the cheap-as-hell ninja Shiva
Gooper Blooper: Blade takes Shiva down with only one death
Gooper Blooper: oh god the AI is being funny again
Gooper Blooper: X's own goons have gotten on either side of him and are beating the shit out of him
RubyChao: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: they did it
Gooper Blooper: they killed him in seconds
Gooper Blooper: Blade wins by doing absolutely nothing
RedSpy: Oh my god yes
RubyChao: Blade - dammit
Gooper Blooper: "...I'LL TAKE IT"


Del: Dirk opens the cupboard, Mangle's in there. Conrad opens his favourite boardgame, Mangle is in the box somehow. David opens a portal to the weed dimension, Mangle falls out
Gooper Blooper: surprise it's a mangle
Del: celestia opens the oven door in the middle of baking
Del: mangle is in there
Del: "i wanted to be hip with the cakes..."
Gooper Blooper: she'll roast her circuits in there
Del: her circuits are already pretty fried
Del: it probly won't make a difference
Gooper Blooper: strengths: impossible to kill short of disintegration
Gooper Blooper: weaknesses: can't actually attack much, would rather just be hip with the kids
Del: her song fucking sucks


Gooper Blooper: "let me in god dammit it's fucking cold out here"
RubyChao: letty getting back at tenshi for... well, nothing really
Gooper Blooper: well, y'know, sometimes you just need to give her a little
Gooper Blooper: #comeuppance


Gooper Blooper: inhale my pastries enjoyment sarahkin


Mysterious Sheep: I RETURN
Mysterious Sheep Read: I had meat off the grill


Gooper Blooper: "I'm gonna go eat and read - my two favorite things!" - Goopsmom, 2015
RubyChao: >​read
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: tell goopsmom your friend on the internet thinks she is a Good Person
Harpy: eating and reading is the best
iKomodo: Goopsmom rules
Gooper Blooper: other funny goopsmom thing: This morning before leaving for work she casually asked me if she could borrow our Rite Aid member's card, she wanted to stop there and get some ibuprofen
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, you're just gonna swing by Rite Aid the day before Easter and pick up some ibuprofen?" ".........yes" "okay~"
Gooper Blooper: then goopsbro says later "she's gonna come home with a big bag of 'ibuprofen' we can't look at, isn't she"
RubyChao: hahahahaa


Mysterious Sheep: ...I was NOT prepared for the degree of WUBS these new speakers give
Mysterious Sheep: Goodness me
RubyChao: dubstep
RubyChao: more like dubsheep
Mysterious Sheep: Could feel the music in my dang throat


RedSpy: Why do I get the feeling one day, if we ever have a ZFRP meetup
Harpy: ...well not the chocohol part but
RedSpy: It'd just be the biggest collection of unhealthy food imaginable
Harpy: goopy will send Marisa as an ambassador
RedSpy: Like, we'd take those silly ZFRP novelty gigantic cakes and actually commission one to be made
Harpy: why
Jumpropeman: oh god, I think I'd gain weight just looking at one of those
Gooper Blooper: put me in charge of it and that's exactly what will happen
Gooper Blooper: well maybe not a huge collection but I'd have something
Gooper Blooper: make it potluck
Gooper Blooper: everyone brings fud
Jumpropeman: I can barely finish a slice of chocolate cake
RubyChao: i'd bring the canned soup :V
RedSpy: >​ZFRP potluck
Harpy: i'd probably bring chips, homemade food
Jumpropeman: my contribution to the potluck would be 5 gallons of mashed potatoes
RedSpy: There would be so much food
RedSpy: So, so much
Gooper Blooper: I am okay with this submission, JRM
Harpy: you make it sound like you belong in idaho, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Spy brings Cold Stone ice cream
Jumpropeman: I don't even like mashed potatoes, I'm just filling you guys up so I can eat whatever else there is
RedSpy: Nah, I'd at least make my own stuff
RedSpy: ​The Cold Stone would be for me and me alone when nobody's looking​
Harpy: too bad, i don't eat that many mashed taters
Gooper Blooper: Del and SK bring the candymania
RubyChao: seriously though i'd at least try to cook something proper, haha
Jumpropeman: I'd probz bring a pizza most realistically
Jumpropeman: and eat all of it, but press someone else to eat the last slice
Harpy: i can't cook but my mom can
Harpy: i really, really cannot cook
Jumpropeman: "I'm sharing, see"
Jumpropeman: its not a true potluck unless you cannibalize someone Sweeney Todd style
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls


RubyChao: i looked up the super smash battle thing
RubyChao: you remember how there were two locked characters? i found out who they were
Gooper Blooper: excellent, I was wondering about those
RubyChao: the first one is Mega Man
RubyChao: and the second is
RubyChao: ​Garfield
Gooper Blooper: YESSSS


Seth Rollins Plays In The Snoo: And no one bit on the obvious joke
Seth Rollins Plays In The Snoo: I am sad
Gooper Blooper: everyone knows "what's snoo with you"
Seth Rollins Plays In The Snoo: Blast
Seth Rollins Plays In The Snoo changed name to Seth Rollins Hates Known Puns


Harpy: one of these days i'm gonna overwhelm goopy with d'awws
RubyChao: >​implying you haven't already
Gooper Blooper: alex's letter
Gooper Blooper: the best


Blue: I wonder what lemonade and coffee tastes like mixed together? ~ things you wonder while sleep deprived.
I Was Wrong: . . . Wait how long've you been awake for?
Blue: Um... I don't know... How long does it take for your blood to turn to coffee?


Seth Rollins Plays GTA4: When the team The Young Avengers was created, the Thor/Scarlet Witch analogue, a male named Billy, was named Asgardian
Seth Rollins Plays GTA4: His name was rapidly changed to Wiccan because it was revealed he was gay and they suddenly realized what a terrible name that made the first name.
iKomodo: ...I don't understand
RubyChao: sk: ​Ass Guardian
iKomodo: Oh ok
iKomodo: that clears that up
Gooper Blooper: ​dirk is an ass guardian
iKomodo: ​guardian of Jo's ass :U


Gooper Blooper: the funny thing is
Gooper Blooper: FV originally wasn't gonna have Courier 6 respawn
Gooper Blooper: But when he first showed up he wasn't so bad and people liked him
Harpy: ​destroy all respawn machines
RubyChao: courier decided "oh i've got another chance"
RubyChao: "i'll just HEEL IT UP"
Muerheim: I happen to have an exquisite closet with all manner of jackboot heels waiting. :v


Its Me:
iKomodo: Harris why
iKomodo: Hagris
iKomodo: *HAGRID
iKomodo: oh my god I cannot type
Harpy: that just means you need more cider
Gooper Blooper: #DrinksHeavily
Its Me: [00:35] (TheDeleter) Dobby died for your sins


Gooper Blooper: fun fact: goopsmom doesn't know it but she quotes TF2 gmod videos
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: tell us more
Gooper Blooper: We were watching a Godzilla movie and someone got killed
Gooper Blooper: I said "ded" similar to Heavy Weapons Guy
Gooper Blooper: She loved it and now says "ded" whenever someone dies abruptly in a movie or something
RubyChao: hahahaha
Harpy: welp


Harpy: gonna eat some dove chocolate eggs
Gooper Blooper: thumbs up if u agree
Gooper Blooper: excellent, harpy
Harpy: i have two bags of those, a hershey boney and a reeses bunny
Harpy: i am going to ration them out throughout the semester
Gooper Blooper: Ivel did well
Gooper Blooper: keep them safe
Harpy: i will keep ivel safe
Harpy: no promises about the chocolate, because the biggest threat they have
Harpy: is ​​​ME
Gooper Blooper: that is acceptable


(Sheep continues to catch up on RP and runs into a Sakura Atari cameo)

SteelKomodo: hahahaha
M Sheep: "​Sakura Atari, intrepid reporter, exit stage left. Very quickly."
M Sheep: aaaw


Harpy: kobberitis - a serious disease that is spread from prolonged exposure to kobbers. The disease lasts from a month to possibly several years. Those with ill intentions typically die within six months, while others may develop antibodies that confer immunity and allow them to integrate with kobbers without fear of death. side effects may include urge to join in adventures, nausea, alcoholism, tendency to go onto long speeches about humanity's downfall, and squeeing at cute girls.


Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: Any time anyone talks about editing voices
Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: I think of the joke of the adult cartoon Drawn Together
Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: Where one of the female characters is complaining they can edit her to say anything
Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: And then in several VARIOUS obvious edits
Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: "MY-TAINT-IS-MADE-OF-BAC​ON."
Gooper Blooper: I think of The Simpsons
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Either Homer touching the butt or "MR BLACK"
Seth Rollins Is Still Grouchy: Dirk: So I saw she was sitting on-her-sweet can-so I grabbed-her-sweet can-oh just thinking about-her-can-auggghhhhh​hhhhhhhhh-I wish I had another one right now.
Gooper Blooper: yes exactly
Gooper Blooper: jo's sweet can etc


Gooper Blooper: sarahdoll
Its Not Me: Sarah's Wooly World
Its Not Me: "inhale"
iKomodo: :3
Gooper Blooper: the cuddliest fazfuck


Harpy: happy chocolate sales week and white mage day
Bree: why is it white mage day
Harpy: because goopy says so? idk but i like it
Bree: well I have an oreo sundae so I am staying true to the spirit of white mage day
Gooper Blooper: It's because of a picture I saw, hang on
Gooper Blooper: Mouse over the japanese text and it explains
Gooper Blooper: I ran with it
Harpy: top lel
iKomodo: :3


Bree: mostly my experience with the new WoW expansion (which has been out a while but I just bought it) has been two things
Bree: 1. omfg so much scenery porn holy shit amazing omg
Bree: only two things of note
Bree: that's pretty much it
Bree: (burds)
Harpy: burd burd burd
Harpy: plenty o bird
Bree: I remember I ranted at CW about Burdgar for like two minutes
Bree: because it's just
Bree: baffling
Bree: tl;dr druids in WoW can turn into birds but this character, a mage, most definitely cannot turn into a bird
Bree: more importantly, it's in the middle of an important opening questline for which he has been human the entire time
Bree: no established piece of lore has ever given Khadgar the ability to transform into a bird
Bree: but you are sent on a quest
Bree: when it is complete you meet up with your group and Khadgar is beside the questgiver
Bree: but he
Bree: is
Bree: a
Bree: BIRD
Harpy: do not question burds
Harpy: must have drank some dank ass potion
Bree: the lack of acknowledgement is what kills me, they don't even comment on the fact Khadgar is suddenly, for no reason, a bird
Bree: he returns to Not Being A Bird and it's never ever brought up
Bree: CW informed me that prevailing fandom theory is that it was never actually Khadgar, in fact the whole time it was Medivh pretending to be Khadgar
Bree: on the one hand
Bree: Medivh can in fact canonically turn into a burd
Bree: on the other hand
Bree: why
Bree: why even
Bree: and if it's Medivh that doesn't change the fact they didn't even notice Khadgar was suddenly a bird
Bree: sorry but
Bree: this has been the highlight of my entire experience with the expansion


Harpy: monarch is good dad? no? yes? derp?
Gooper Blooper: "Machina Monarch" is a bad dad, original character from before the armor was a good dad
Harpy: i officially dubbed Belindad "Bryant Sonika"
Bree: he's a good da
Bree: don't know what this dad you speak of is
Gooper Blooper: oh, right, right, my apologies
Gooper Blooper: da
Gooper Blooper: not dad
Harpy: SAVE DA


Gooper Blooper: reminder that there are over 15 unrevealed neo kobbers
Gooper Blooper: WHO COULD THEY BE
Harpy: not the two characters i wanna save the most
Gooper Blooper: lemme guess
Gooper Blooper: sara and tron
Harpy: yes
Harpy: i fucking love sara and tron
Harpy: tron is mah waifu except not really
Bree: obviously not really because ivel is your waifu
Harpy: i can still love tron a lot
Harpy: ...*imagines Kevin timidly sending letters to Tron via servbots* *kills self*


Draco: In other news, Bruticus the Golurk and Shaggy the Hydreigon have taken up residence at my workplace.

Draco: Someday, my Y Team will battle my OR Team so I can see who is the Pokiest of Mons. =V
Gooper Blooper: awesome
Bree: gotta have those page numbers
Harpy: yay
Draco: Page numbers are super important.
Gooper Blooper: beaten to the page #s joke


Harpy: oh yeah i am supposed to be ded
Harpy: *falls over*
RubyChao: rip harpy
Undone noms on dedburdlady.
Harpy never RPs again, because she was UNDONE..... by Draco

Undone: Victory is mine. Hansel x Dakota is now Hansel ​V​ Dakota.
Harpy: what the heck is the V for
Gooper Blooper: versus, I'm guessing
Jumpropeman: apparently its a court case
Harpy: well in that case maybe, JUST MAYBE
Jumpropeman: meaning they will never escape it alive
Harpy: i'll turn into a fat seal
Undone: They're fighting over their son, North Dakirby.
Harpy: why
Harpy: i am so done
RubyChao: i thought you were undone
Jumpropeman: welcome to fat seal beach harpy. The drink bar is over there, but no one ever goes to it, its too far


RubyChao: squids
Harpy: or eldritch abominations
iKomodo: Squids pls
M Sheep: Chao, what am I looking at
RubyChao: SQUIDS

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