Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 198: The Whitest of Them All

Hruppyp-n-ghi: Here we go; the classic ZFRP argument. :v You know it's true.
Hruppyp-n-ghi: Though to be fair, most of the ones there -are- buxom. :U We need a Silence figure instead. Draco, have you an Edit handy? :v
Aurora Harpy: well when all your enemies are dead regardless of curves or stength... :U
Hruppyp-n-ghi laughs wickedly at harps' assertion and griiiiiiiiiiiiins until Del bans him
RubyChao: on one side, suho and sephine
RubyChao: on the other side, yuugi and silence :V
Aurora Harpy: in the middle: Kevvy
RubyChao: *kevvy and tenshi
Tableter: Kenshi and tevvy
Gooper Blooper: apparently the actual best body is a tall one - the other two tower over the poor girl in the middle
Hruppyp-n-ghi: Hehhehhh.


☯✞follow for more soft goop✞☯ joined the chat
RubyChao follows

Draco: We don't want'cher "soft goop" around here, bub. BI


Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Occasionally CW's username reflects not what Seth Rollins is doing, but what Cornwind himself is doing. I doubt this is one of those times.
Hruppyp-n-ghi: Nope. CW's reflecting Daredevil wearing panty hose.
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: See? Pantyhose
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Okay so it's an appropriation of this costume
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: But it still looks like pantyhose to me on some level
Gooper Blooper: I like it. It's like an upside-down ninja.
Draco: Was he burned with acid? "No, I just find masks to be terribly comfortable. I think they'll be all the rage in the future."
Gooper Blooper: Maybe it ​is​ pantyhose, but characters can turn weird clothing choices into gold
Gooper Blooper: see also: Solid Snake in general, Ramza's assless chaps
iKomodo: Hahaha
Draco: So...yeah...lookin' for Buttercup, Daredevil? You gonna go fight Prince Humperdink?
Aurora Harpy: assless chaps <3
Gooper Blooper: workin it
Draco: Sarah starts throwing dollar bills.
Gooper Blooper: she just slides the money into the straps
iKomodo: XD
Aurora Harpy: the ass no one thought they needed
iKomodo: Oh god
iKomodo: now I have a mental image of Dirk noticing it
iKomodo: and having a mental struggle with himself
iKomodo: "dat butt... IT'S NOT JO! yet dat butt..."
Gooper Blooper: ​Josephine staring as well
Tableter: This looks like my cue to go sleep!
Tableter: :P
Gooper Blooper: kek


Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: I remember a few years ago
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: WWE invested in a web video service called Tout
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: And began shilling it all over the place
iKomodo: Oh boy
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: WWE wanted their own Vine or Instagram
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Eventually they stopped
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Why?
iKomodo: Why?
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Go look at Vine and Instagram's 'web traffic ratings' on Wikipedia compared to Tout
iKomodo: Oh ok :U
Gooper Blooper: lel
iKomodo: Kek
iKomodo: Just looked
iKomodo: welp
Gooper Blooper: Increase 26 (April 2015)[4]
positive decrease 636 (April 2015)[1]
negative increase 57,301 (February 2014)

Gooper Blooper: Instagram, Vine, Tout, in that order :V


RubyChao: "Pit's punch rips through undead flesh. There is an explosion of black fog as Scarmiglione lets go of Celestia to scream his last as his head is fucking punched right the hell off his neck. Following up the ripping off of said head by shitting down said neck, sadly, is impossible, as Scarmiglione's body and the zombies all collapse and disintegrate into black smoke."
RubyChao: reminder: this happened
Gooper Blooper: it was also only the first time that season a minor GB villain was killed by punching off their head
iKomodo: ​Pit Wins.
iKomodo: ​FATALITY
Draco: Really, that needs to happen more often.


Aurora Harpy: me
Gooper Blooper: harpchars.gif




RubyChao: does anyone wanna know what anime i was watching
Gooper Blooper: well you said it was insane
Gooper Blooper: that narrows it down to a couple thousand animes
RubyChao: kek
Aurora Harpy: jojo
Aurora Harpy: kaito
RubyChao: it's called "teekyuu"
Aurora Harpy: one pi- or that :U
RubyChao: it's basically "what if we took 36 episodes of anime and compressed them into an hour"
RubyChao: it's the most rapid fire comedy i've ever seen


Aurora Harpy: [9:11:01 PM] Ivelchild: ...
[9:11:08 PM] Ivelchild: Chatzy #ruined me
[9:11:10 PM] HarpyKuro: ?
[9:11:21 PM] Ivelchild: doing a matching thing and there's multiple answers for each blank
[9:11:24 PM] Ivelchild: and for the first one
[9:11:31 PM] Ivelchild: the first two letters to match to it were
[9:11:31 PM] Ivelchild: h e
[9:11:36 PM] Ivelchild: and all I could fuggin think of
[9:11:39 PM] Ivelchild: was Lanky

Aurora Harpy: del ruined a life
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: so proud of del
Aurora Harpy: rubydad is so proud of delson


Gooper Blooper: the sarahkin are all in perpetual early twenties-ish
Gooper Blooper: so Celestia would have had them around 20
Aurora Harpy: quadruplets :U
RubyChao: >​four kids
Gooper Blooper: No, they definitely weren't all at once
RubyChao: >​in that short a timeframe
RubyChao: wow celestia got busy
Draco: Bow chicka bow wow
Gooper Blooper: helios was a man with needs okay
Aurora Harpy: a dancer needs-
Aurora Harpy: actually no i'm not gonna finish that
Draco: Keep an eye out for the New Sarahkin coming ZFRP '16.
Gooper Blooper: it takes two to tango
RubyChao: aw :V
Draco: It'll be like that one Steve Martin movie where his wife and his daughter have kids at the same time.
Aurora Harpy: actually, I WILL! In spoilers: ​every dancer needs a pole ;D
Gooper Blooper: ​;D ;D ;D
Jumpropeman: you see, in Mysidia, they use magic to make babies born faster
RubyChao: ​;D ;D ;D ;D
Jumpropeman: I... was gonna make a joke but forgot it rather quickly
Gooper Blooper: not sure if canon: Celestia experienced various personality changes/fads to reflect each kin during the pregnancy
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure I already canonized Sarah made her eat like crazy
Aurora Harpy: extreme hunger cravings when sarah
Jumpropeman: Josephine: Buy like crazy
Jumpropeman: Gloria: Read like crazy
Jumpropeman: Ariel: Die like crazy
Gooper Blooper: Gloria made her research a million "YOUR FIRST BABBY" books
RubyChao: Ariel: Shoot people with a bow like crazy
RubyChao: helios got a lot of practice with his white mage during that one
Aurora Harpy: Ariel: made her decide making a garden was a good idea
Gooper Blooper: Josephine, she'd panic about being able to afford all these kids and would research moneymaking and moneysaving methods
Jumpropeman: Ariel was a natural birth, no drugs, and in a forest, and the doctor was a deer
Bree: paging doctor deer
Bree: paging doctor deer to the maternity ward
Jumpropeman: *Dr. Deer breaks down the door in a giant robot*


Gooper Blooper: At this point I expect CW to just give up the charade and RP as Daredevil
RubyChao: do it cw
RubyChao: doooo iiiit
Gooper Blooper: when you're this interested in something this close to RP
Gooper Blooper: it just tends to happen
Gooper Blooper: (and then chao brings in Banjo-Kazooie)
Draco: Does this mean I'll be RPing Jurassic World and Star Wars? =p
Jumpropeman: does that mean
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna RP
Jumpropeman: MASTER BELCH
Draco: You totally should.
Aurora Harpy: do it JRM
Jumpropeman: but what about Struttin' Evil Mushroom D:
Draco: JRM would be good RPing anything from Earthbound.
Aurora Harpy: become the ant
Gooper Blooper: oh great, it's master belch
Gooper Blooper: what disgusting thing is he up to today
Jumpropeman: if I were to RP an Earthbound character, I would RP Annoying Old Party Man
Jumpropeman: I would rename him to Professor Hector or Professor Vector though
RubyChao: what about New Age Retro Hippie
Jumpropeman: I'll RP New Age Retro Hippie in 2014
Draco: Excellent idea, JRM.


Gooper Blooper: here is a petchy
RubyChao: patchy better waterproof those books
Aurora Harpy: patchy waterproofed all her books
Aurora Harpy: its canon
Jumpropeman: so many books with no titles, how does she ever find what she wants to read
Gooper Blooper: magic
Aurora Harpy: magic
RubyChao: magic
Jumpropeman: so you're telling me
Jumpropeman: its magic
Gooper Blooper: yes
Aurora Harpy: yes
RubyChao: yes
Jumpropeman: just had to make sure


Jumpropeman: I'm gonna go put butter on bread, fold the bread, and pretend that's food


Tableter: Eating pasta with goat's cheese and thinking of wulf
Tableter: #roleplayproblems


RubyChao: "'Fucking fuck,' were the two words that escaped her mouth after a few moments." this line is one of the best exemplifiers of zfrp reimu ever
RubyChao: imo
Gooper Blooper: I loved that too, chao
Gooper Blooper: zfrp raymoo in a nutshell
Seth Rollins Lost His Finisher: Villain: Engage the Reimu motherfucker.
Gooper Blooper: inhale my danmaku enragement incident


Seth Rollins Lost His Finisher: "Touhou: Most of the games made before Phantasmagoria of Flower View don't fit well with later canon. The first five have just been ignored. The sixth through eighth are definitely canon, but present the setting of Gensoukyou as a large place, filled with mystery and danger, while later worldbuilding would establish it as fairly small, generally understood, and most of the danger being posed only to non-natives. "
Seth Rollins Lost His Finisher: "Also noticeable is that things got much more Japanese. In the earlier games youkai had Western names unless they had a good reason not to, and then all of a sudden the reverse is true. The largest group of offenders got retconned into having come from outside, but there's still a decent number of characters with names that look out of place now."
RubyChao: to be fair zun is infamous for drinking a lot
RubyChao: probably lost track of some lore along the way :V
SteelKomodo: :U
RubyChao: (also i think the clean break between 5 and 6 came in part due to leaving the group he produced 1-5 with and not wanting to make waves later on)
Gooper Blooper: Also system jump
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: a lot harder to get into the games if you couldn't go back and play the old ones
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Aurora Harpy: i prefer the whole big ol' world place, if only because that opens up other places ZUN could make
Aurora Harpy: hello let's go to the sea, the sea, the deep blue sea
Aurora Harpy: Tenshi screams
Gooper Blooper: An underwater touhou game
Gooper Blooper: tenshi is playable
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: dive in, chiko
RubyChao: tenshi's entire dialogue is just "FUCK SHIT FUCK PISS SHIT SHIT" etc etc
RubyChao: reflexively shoots all the bosses
Aurora Harpy: i kinda expect another phantasmoria game sometimes
RubyChao: maybe 15 will be phantasmoria
Aurora Harpy: that'd be nice
SteelKomodo: mmhm
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: i just imagined
RubyChao: what if it had been the rapture setting for 2015/6
RubyChao: and i still used tenshi :V
Gooper Blooper: ded tenshi
Seth Rollins Lost His Finisher doesn't know why
Gooper Blooper: Rapture as in Bioshock, CW
Gooper Blooper: whole place is underwater
RubyChao: yeah as in - yep
theknee: Tenshi covers the whole bar in wallpaper
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: "you're covering up the lovely glass walls that let us see all the fish"
Gooper Blooper: "FUCK OFF"
RubyChao: and then there's the plot where in order to enter the big bar brawl
RubyChao: you have to go to the signup booth
RubyChao: in a scuba suit
RubyChao: because it's over there, 50 meters away, out in the middle of the water
Seth Rollins Lost His Finisher: It's because she sinks like a stone, right?
RubyChao: yep, tenshi can't swim and is very nervous about water as a result
RubyChao: she would rather avoid drowning
Gooper Blooper: even worse than the drowning - her panicked flailing makes her look like a goof
Gooper Blooper: nobody's gonna worship ​that
RubyChao: that too, kek
Saberwulf: If Rapture became a setting the bar would need constant bailing pumps from my characters exploding through the windows all the time
Gooper Blooper: well we had locks in place for the times they crashed into the space station
theknee: I read that as salmon suit
Tableter: If rapture was a setting jonesy would open an old-timey swing bar
Tableter: Whiskey for all
Gooper Blooper: "I'm going to show my best friend Tenshi to everybody in town wearing a salmon suit." "You're going to be wearing a salmon suit?" "You're amusing, Tenshi."


Gooper Blooper: I distinctly remember this Pokemon card trading board being a lot more diverse last year
RubyChao: maybe half the people got everything they wanted
Gooper Blooper: now it feels like it's always either "I'll trade my gold-encrusted groudon for your diamond-plated kyogre" or "paypal paypal paypal paypal paypal"
Gooper Blooper: what are us poor scrubs with incomplete sets of commons to do


Vanderdeckan: Y'know, for all the human glados art I've seen, I don't actually see nearly as much human wheatly. TELL ME WHY, SPY. LOG IN RIGHT NOW AND TELL ME WHY. 8I
Gooper Blooper: I'll tell you why
Gooper Blooper: Wheatley ​is male
Vanderdeckan: Is it boobs? -reads goops answer- Yep. It was boobs.
Vanderdeckan: It's always boobs.


RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: would i be able to get away with replacing yuugi
RubyChao: with nightmare and ziggo
RubyChao: (disclaimer: i won't because i have no idea what they are)
Gooper Blooper: no
RubyChao: thought so
Gooper Blooper: Skip to 2:45


Aurora Harpy: Kevin also has control over mustelids
Aurora Harpy: goddamn thieves
Aurora Harpy: srsly ivel can testify, ferrets will take anything
ivel joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: timing
ivel: ferrets can and will take literally anything they can
ivel: (she told me to join)
RubyChao: kek
Aurora Harpy: albus would kidnap a baby and claim him as his child
Aurora Harpy: (albus is his ferret)
RubyChao: oh good
RubyChao: see i've been meaning to do something about this random baby...
Aurora Harpy: RUBY PLEASE


Tableter: Jake is a very white name
Tableter: And i am the whitest of them all


SteelKomodo: been having another go at MK9
SteelKomodo: finally getting my groove back with ​Rain​ Nicky-Poo
Tableter: Nice
SteelKomodo: gonna hit the arcade mode
Tableter: Im gonna pick up kenshi for X
Tableter: And be ghost dad
Tableter: I like how takeda is, on the face of it, a shitty mary sue
Tableter: Like, kenshi's son raised by scorpion????
Tableter: But then you find out
Tableter: That kenshi just kinda dumped the kid on scorpion
Tableter: And scorp was like "well okay then"
Tableter: Parenting with Scorpion
Tableter: TRAINING
Tableter: TRAINING


Tableter: Been playing fnafb3
Tableter: It's hard!
RubyChao literally manifests in an explosion of smoke
RubyChao: did someone say
RubyChao: hard games
Tableter: I did!
Tableter: Imagine an rpg with 1 character
Tableter: Thats the game so far
Tableter: Also a boss right that silences you for the whole fight
Tableter: And replaces your skills with limited-use items
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: freddy pls
RubyChao: sounds like complete bullshit
RubyChao: so it's right up my alley


Seth Rollins Drowns In Meta: THE META
Seth Rollins Drowns In Meta: OH GOD SO MUCH META


Borealis Harpy: goops is never going to reveal his voice
Borealis Harpy: let it remain a mystery to all except his immediate family
Gooper Blooper: harpy knows what's up
Tyr: Even them. :U Goops IS Silence.
Borealis Harpy: and silence is bliss :U
Gooper Blooper: I can't be Silence
Gooper Blooper: ...unless I've actually been an illiterate pounding on keys at random this whole time
Gooper Blooper: a thousand monkeys with typewriters eventually would manage to create four seasons' worth of RP
Tyr: Nah. That's where time marking comes in per author. :U You can't be silence in the current given arc, but you can be silence writing past memoirs. :V
Jumpropeman: i remember I saw someone on facebook a while back who had Hella Jeff as his profile pic, and this was before I knew Jeff was from somewhere and not an OC, so I thought it was goops
Jumpropeman: that man from Utah was not goops


Borealis Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and rice krispies. Chatzy chose: rice krispies
Jumpropeman: >​not cereal
Borealis Harpy: I... I never knew, chatzy
Jumpropeman: chatzy, are you feeling ok
Borealis Harpy: never knew how you truly felt
Gooper Blooper: um
Loghain Mac Tyr: It cheated, though. Krispies are just dry cereal. :V
Borealis Harpy: my poor baby
Gooper Blooper: Aren't Rice Krispies a kind of cereal?
Borealis Harpy: I have the treats :U
Borealis Harpy: ​technically yes
Gooper Blooper: oh goody!
Loghain Mac Tyr: Dry cereal with dry creammilk.
RubyChao: let's see what happens if we give chatzy the full info
Borealis Harpy: chao no
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and rice krispy treats. Chatzy chose: cereal
RubyChao: I KNEW IT
Borealis Harpy: OH MY FUCKING GOD
Jumpropeman: that's better
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: it only picked rice krispies because it thought you meant them in cereal form
Borealis Harpy: FUCK YOU CHATZY D:


Bree: Blue's latest RP idea is to RP the Penguins of Madagascar
Bree: she has the perfect Penguins of Madagascar voice, I'm sad you guys can't hear it
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: you didn't see anything etc
RubyChao looks at something for this year
RubyChao: ...this could end very well
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash is obsessed with penguins, so she would approve this idea
Bree: she was all "Kowalski! Where are we?" "Tokyo International, sir" *they're actually in Vegas* "Boys, say 'konnichiwa'"
Gooper Blooper: I like it already
Bree: I know right
SteelKomodo: yisssss
RubyChao: same
Gooper Blooper: ​and then something happens that makes them giant and green


Tyr: I don't even remember who I entered for the brawl no wait I do
Bree: if he's in this season's Brawl, I'm throwing so many fucking votes at Kevvy
Bree: ​so many​
Bree: jk I can only vote for him once :U
Borealis Harpy: Kevvy has the life insurance to cover his inevitable revival
Gooper Blooper: FV's brawl entries turned out a bit oddly
Jumpropeman: two months *swigs Dr. Pepper in anticipation*
Gooper Blooper: one left without ever doing much, one fully heel-turned, and he didn't use his third slot
Tyr: None of FV's brawl entries will ever rebrawl, so help me JRM. :U
Tyr: -eyes Aiden- Fan fave you may be, but I'm not McMahon. No saves.
Jumpropeman: but what if... ONE WINS!?!
Tyr: You dare imply I could win. D= You monstar.
Bree: we all know Mac Tonight is winning BBB5
Gooper Blooper: pls no
Jumpropeman: Mac Tonight wins the BBB5. the Bye Bye Bigguy 5 competition for most likely to go away forever after losing
Gooper Blooper: haw
Bree: and then mac tonight was never seen again
Jumpropeman: winner of Bye Bye Bigguy 1 was Ceadeus
Jumpropeman: Bye Bye Bigguy 2: General Meagher
Jumpropeman: Bye Bye Bigguy 3: Grutz
Jumpropeman: Bye Bye Bigguy 4: ​Gloria​ Bella


RubyChao: i may have already asked
RubyChao: but is tenshi invited to the saralex wedding
Bree: I'm almost 100% certain she would be
Gooper Blooper: She is, as long as she behaves herself
Tyr: The more important question:
Is Luthor invited, or is he just crashing it? :V
Tyr points out bald man in biomech
Tyr: Wrong lex. ;p
Jumpropeman: I imagine the only ones of my characters who would be invited would be Shimmer... and ​MAYBE​ a Snapper
Gooper Blooper: if she shows up and starts carting off food while talking about how "fatty doesn't need it", she may be politely asked to leave :V
RubyChao takes notes
RubyChao: gotta build that heel heat
Bree: Octavious is un-inviting Barbie from the Saralex wedding
Gooper Blooper: but she's not a heel
RubyChao: bbb5 needs heels though
Bree: she wears heels tho
Gooper Blooper: Barbie would hate it anyway
RubyChao: and who better than tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Mac Tonight
RubyChao: yeah but he's gonna die immediately
Jumpropeman: BBB5 needs heels, so all the characters will be wearing them :D
RubyChao: we need someone to get far and take out the fan favorites
Bree: lel
RubyChao: so when Sarah KOs Tenshi she'll get all the hype
Jumpropeman: BBB5: Mac Tonight tries to get everyone to kill him but keeps accidentally surviving
Bree: anyway yeah obviously Barbie would hate it
Gooper Blooper: gotta get lots of hype to deflate the band when she gets second
Bree: probably Octavious won't attend either though
RubyChao: ​sarah gets third
RubyChao: ​but kevvy won so it was all okay
Jumpropeman: I am adding 100 votes to all non-Mac Tonight characters who enter the brawl


RubyChao: if harpy retired kevvy after one year i would reimu face so hard that i achieved reimu face enlightenment
Bree: reimuface so hard you achieve metaphysical transcendence
RubyChao: and then i materalized in front of harpy
RubyChao: and my face becomes reimuface
Borealis Harpy: dude he'll be around
Borealis Harpy: maybe always
Borealis Harpy: maybe
RubyChao: >​kevvy as constant sarah/alex-type recurring character
RubyChao unreimufaces


WhisperwindDryad joined the chat
RubyChao: hello ariel
RubyChao: what's up
WhisperwindDryad: It's Earth Day [eyelashes]
WhisperwindDryad: happy Earth Day!
RubyChao: oh, hooray
RubyChao: have you been giving out pamphlets
WhisperwindDryad: A few, but we're mostly going digital now
SteelKomodo: eyo ariel!
SteelKomodo: yay :3
Aurora Borealis joined the chat
SteelKomodo: wb harps
RubyChao: hey harps
Aurora Borealis: Earth day :3
Aurora Borealis: hi people
SteelKomodo: speaking of Earth Day
SteelKomodo: wonder if Ariel supports this :U
Aurora Borealis: D:
Aurora Borealis: noo
Del: hahaha
WhisperwindDryad: :I
RubyChao: that strategy though
SteelKomodo: you have to admire their dedication, at least :U
420sephine joined the chat
SteelKomodo: oh hai jo
WhisperwindDryad: Josephine that was yesterday
RubyChao: josephine please
Del: woah
420sephine: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KMr75NCrm98
Del: things getting crazy in here
RubyChao: did you get so high you forgot to change the date again
420sephine: whooooooooooooooooo
Del: aeeeeeesthetic
WhisperwindDryad: more like ass-fat-ic
Aurora Borealis: oh nooo
RubyChao: WOAH
420sephine: wooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooo
SteelKomodo: ariel with the sick burn
RubyChao: ...although i don't think jojo is gonna feel very burned
Aurora Borealis: boreas is glad he dodged that bullet
SteelKomodo: except it would be a compliment coming from Dirk, right?
SteelKomodo: riiiiight? :U
420sephine: yer damn right the ass is fat
420sephine: have you ever looked at your butt
420sephine: I mean REALLY looked at your butt
RubyChao: no, because my spine is not made of laffy taffy
RubyChao: yet
420sephine: you use a mirror silly
RubyChao: but that's not REALLY looking at your butt
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: that's just looking at your butt's reflection
RubyChao: ​it's not the same
SteelKomodo: jo is dirk in the room right now
SteelKomodo: that would explain this convo
Aurora Borealis: we can't see ourselves aside from in reflections
WhisperwindDryad: Earth Day, ladies and gentlemen
420sephine: oh dude
420sephine: dude
420sephine: maybe we don't exist
420sephine: as we think we do, I mean
Aurora Borealis: what we see are mere reflections
SteelKomodo: jo pls D:
420sephine: Like, maybe the person in the mirror is some entirely other person
RubyChao looks at his hand
420sephine: and we don't look like that
Aurora Borealis: in our eyes
RubyChao: this doesn't look like a reflection to me
420sephine: but what about your face
Aurora Borealis: well you can't see your face without help
RubyChao: what face
SteelKomodo: #YourFace #CDI
420sephine: also dirk is around yes
SteelKomodo: hahaha
420sephine: I'll have to ask him to make sure my butt is real
RubyChao: do you know where gloria is
RubyChao: oh boy
SteelKomodo: oh, I'm sure he will :U
RubyChao: i imagine dirk is going to subject the butt to a rigorous, hands-on inspection
RubyChao: you know, gotta make sure
SteelKomodo: he totes will
RubyChao: also do you know what gloria's up to
RubyChao: inquiring minds wanna know
Britannica joined the chat
Britannica: I'm needed for something?
420sephine: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
RubyChao: not really i just wanted to say hi :V
Britannica: Hello.
Britannica: I didn't think I had a biggest fan...
RubyChao: well you do
420sephine: people luv you and your big brain gloria
420sephine: you're as smart as a really smart person
Britannica: ...thanks
WhisperwindDryad: oh brother
RubyChao: see, your sister gets it
Britannica: Good to know intelligence isn't a lost art.
Britannica: Sometimes I feel so out of touch...
420sephine: you know who's in touch with the trends
420sephine: dirky
420sephine: and by trends I mean my ass
SteelKomodo: ey gloria
RubyChao: don't let that keep you from pursuing your love of books!
RubyChao: it didn't stop me, and it won't stop you!
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Britannica: Nothing will stop me from- Josephine, please.
RubyChao: also jo please
SteelKomodo: also yeah, keep going with the books
SteelKomodo: books are still awesome
~Sarah~ joined the chat
420sephine: pfff
SteelKomodo: ey Sarah
RubyChao: you opened the floodgates, ariel
RubyChao: hello sarah
~Sarah~: I'm getting married~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~Sarah~: didja know that huh
SteelKomodo: congrats :)
RubyChao: i did!
WhisperwindDryad: you've told us every day for the last two months sis
420sephine: when's cake
~Sarah~: it's gonna be great~
420sephine: wait wait wait hold on, it's like, past 4/20, right
Jonesy joined the chat
Britannica: Yes.
RubyChao: yeah it is
Jonesy: is always 420
Jonesy: my chiiiiild
420sephine: And that means there's like, a week until May 1
RubyChao: hey jonesy
Britannica: Right again.
SteelKomodo: what is going on D:
RubyChao: jonesy did you play fnafb
~Sarah~: IT'S ALMOST TIME~~~~
RubyChao: i get the feeling you did
WhisperwindDryad: oh crap you're right
WhisperwindDryad left the chat
420sephine left the chat
Britannica left the chat
~Sarah~ left the chat

SteelKomodo: welp
RubyChao: the exodus


DirkasaurusRex joined the chat
DirkasaurusRex: oh man you guys
DirkasaurusRex: the ass was fat
DirkasaurusRex: alright gotta go
DirkasaurusRex: need to help jo pack
DirkasaurusRex left the chat


BlueEmpress joined the chat
BlueEmpress: At last, I've - wait, who are you losers.
BlueEmpress: Well, at least I've got a new audience! So, which tale of my greatness and heroics last year do you want to hear first?
SteelKomodo: hmmmm
SteelKomodo: any you particularly want to tell?
BlueEmpress: ALL OF THEM. You need to know just why Tenshi Hinanawi is a spectacular hero! Especially since none of you have heard it before!
SteelKomodo: might help if you started from the top :U
EtherealPhantom joined the chat
Aurora Borealis: srsly what is going on
EtherealPhantom: I would say to tell whichever tale best shows your supremacy.
RubyChao: hi viola
BlueEmpress: Great idea, Viola. Hmm...
Aurora Borealis: i am confused but ok
BlueEmpress: I - hey, wait, what? Goddammit, lay off, I just got here!
Gooper Blooper: There's a hole in the fourth wall, possibly made by Wids, and characters keep poking their heads (and butts) out
Gooper Blooper: that's all you need to know, harpy
BlueEmpress: Sorry, people. I know you're eager to know exactly how amazing I am
BlueEmpress: But a certain ​fish​ seems to want me to stay off this chat.
EtherealPhantom: ...A fish?
BlueEmpress: Yeah, my personal assistant Iku.
EtherealPhantom: I think we need to talk about fish later.
EtherealPhantom: Because I am vexed.
BlueEmpress: She's being an annoying nag again, geez.
EtherealPhantom: >:I
SteelKomodo: oh dear :<
BlueEmpress: Another time, you'll hear my tales of glory!
BlueEmpress left the chat


DirkasaurusRex joined the chat
DirkasaurusRex: i meant to say
DirkasaurusRex: i gotta help jo pack
DirkasaurusRex: ​dat ass into dem jeans
DirkasaurusRex: AW YEEEEEEE
DirkasaurusRex left the chat
Gooper Blooper: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Aurora Borealis: baby got packs
SteelKomodo: god damn it :/
Gooper Blooper: "nope, these don't fit either" *nosebleeds intensify*
RubyChao: ...jesus that just gave me the #lewdest thought
RubyChao: i'm terribleeeee
Gooper Blooper: lood
RubyChao: jo ends up deciding to go around with No Pants at home because dat ass too phat
RubyChao: it kills dirk
RubyChao: in a good way
SteelKomodo: ​XD
Gooper Blooper: why do you think she usually goes with the skirt/dress thingy
Gooper Blooper: much easier to fit
RubyChao: ...i just thought of the sarah stuff making it into chatzy madness
RubyChao: tenshi somehow finds it
RubyChao: scrolls down eagerly
RubyChao: no blueempress at all
RubyChao: cue her storming into chatzy to complain about priorities


RubyChao: did i already post this
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: diabeetus bomb
Gooper Blooper: (make sure SK sees it :V)
RubyChao: but is it an
RubyChao: atomic diabeetus bomb
Gooper Blooper: the almighty unyu


(GB begins playing Pokemon Trading Card Game Online)

Gooper Blooper: Oh god hahaha
RubyChao: hmm?
Gooper Blooper: Since the newest set is still Double Crisis, after logging in I'm greeted on the title screen with a big picture of Shelly
RubyChao bans his kids from playing PTCGO ever


Gooper Blooper: I had to close and reopen the program but it's finally (slowly) actually loading the graphics
Bree: those super high-res pokeymans
Bree: so high res you can see every one of Hypno's nose hairs


Spy Prepares For The Exams: >​WWE 2k15 is on PC at a discount with all DLC
Spy Prepares For The Exams: No Spy
Spy Prepares For The Exams: Fuck off Spy
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: dont do it
Spy Prepares For The Exams: But Del
Spy Prepares For The Exams: They've got steel cages that can break on a dime
Spy Prepares For The Exams: They can break on a dime Del
Spy Prepares For The Exams: This is better than TNA!


SteelKomodo: packing stuff to go home for Friday + Weekend
Gooper Blooper: dirk and SK both packing, but not the same things
RubyChao: lel
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: so here is my masterplan
SteelKomodo: doss around
SteelKomodo: GENIUS


SteelKomodo: harpy pls
Borealis Harpy: oh the joy you bring, junk mail
Borealis Harpy: but no
Bree: hot womin lokin 4 secks
Borealis Harpy: read that as "socks"
Bree: hot women looking for socks? yeah there's plenty of those
Gooper Blooper: they're in the fridge
Borealis Harpy: why are you looking for socks in the fridge
Borealis Harpy: how did they even get there
RubyChao: because they're not on his foot
Gooper Blooper: "​A woman wants to start an affair​ Are you willing to sleep with a married cheater?"
Bree: sorry spamwriters, this dude isn't willing to sleep with random women at all
Bree: ("this dude" = Goop)
Borealis Harpy: GET NICE CUDDLES
Bree: I'd cuddle a married woman
Borealis Harpy: i am the cuddler
Gooper Blooper: are you willing to cuddle with a goopy
Borealis Harpy: I AM SO WILLING
Bree: *E4 dogpiles on Goops*
Borealis Harpy: Boreas is pleased


Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and chocolate. Chatzy chose: cereal
Borealis Harpy: goops
Borealis Harpy: have you heard of
Borealis Harpy: cocoa puffs
Borealis Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: yes
Borealis Harpy: eat the chocolate cereal
Draco: I daresay you may, in fact, be cookoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between cocoa puffs, captain crunch, cookie crisp, reeses puffs and oreo os. Chatzy chose: cocoa puffs
Borealis Harpy: chatzy knows


Gooper Blooper: dirk makes a gourmet pizza for sephine, HOW MUCH DOES SHE ENJOY IT
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between tasty, very tasty, super tasty, supremely addictingly tasty and better than sex. Chatzy chose: better than sex
Borealis Harpy: dirk gets rejected in the bed for pizza
Woden: That lad isn't getting any anymore. :U 2busy cooking.
Gooper Blooper: dirk's getting good at the art of feeding sephine
Woden: 2good 4 hisgud. :v
SteelKomodo joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: just in time SK
Woden: Bad news, Dirk. :V She loved it.
Woden: I mean... she... ​loved​... it.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Woden: Huh. According to internet lewdart, Josephine is covered when it comes to airtight space suits. Quarians have thoselegs. ;v
SteelKomodo: Dirk has no need to worry, then :U
Borealis Harpy: Gluttony wants to marry that Quarian
Borealis Harpy: "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iiiiiiiiiighhhhsss~"
Gooper Blooper: quarians are like
Gooper Blooper: the #butts of alien races, from what I've gathered


RubyChao: this has tenshi eating something AND prideful tenshi
Gooper Blooper: smug eating tenshi
Gooper Blooper: perfect


Draco: Crap...do I keep going with "Final Frontiers" for my STO character posts or should I think of better titles?
Jumpropeman: call them Final Fantasies
Draco: DONE.
Draco doesn't do that.
Jumpropeman: i have been tricked D:
Draco: Bwa ha ha.


RubyChao: tenshi what the fuck
SteelKomodo: tenshi why D:

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